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Showing posts with label Uranus-Pluto square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus-Pluto square. Show all posts

Sep 2, 2011

Labor Day 2011: National Prosperity must include Social Justice

Uranus and Pluto Tangle, Income Inequality a Major Weak Spot

by Jude Cowell

Economic Recovery? Well, recent articles here have concerned the societal pair of expansion v contraction, Jupiter and Saturn, but also the Uranus/Pluto Square (mid-1960s social issues and ills return for further development at frustration point in the cycle of Uranus and Pluto which met in Great Conjunction/s in mid-Virgo) so I am very glad to discover Mohamed A. El-Erian's insightful and progressive Workers' Malaise Foreshadows Wider Social Issues piece on Huffington Post today.

Times of squares in a cycle (which begins at conjunction, 0 degrees) may take on two hues or flavors which are denoted by whether the square between two planets (SQ = 90 degrees = blockages, obstacles, blindspots) is applying (waxing; strengthening; results not yet complete; future direction) to a 90-degree relationship, or, separating (waning; weakening; shows past action or event, and unconscious content.)

Uranus-Pluto Cycle Approximately 127 Years' Duration

Tropically speaking, in the current case of Uranus in early Aries (3:28 Rx) and Pluto Rx @ 4Cap56, their retrogradation condition must be taken into consideration. With Uranus the quicker moving of the two yet both planets retrograde, I shall agree with what SolarFire software tells me and say that they are separating/waxing. We may be tempted to think that the separating square's lessening of frustrating energies and the hyped-up nerves that Uranus/Pluto dynamics inspire are not as pronounced now due to the planets' intense natures which undergird current global events such as riots and protests for Human Rights--the issues du jour of the 1960s return, as stated above.

Applying aspects in the 4th harmonic such as a square refer to a crisis in action phase while separating aspects refer to a crisis in consciousness phase so the much-touted 'Awakening' from false reality--ostensibly slated for debut in 2012--tallies with consciousness raising, yes?

And I suspect that the current semi-lessening of Uranus/Pluto's rebellious intensity is real yet temporary, don't you? That's what I thought.

You may wish to read more on Income Inequality as a Human Rights issue while difficult concerns from mid-1960s, protests and sit-ins, and stand-offs between larger forces haunt mankind's moral conscience once again.

Aug 26, 2011

Horoscope: US Saturn Return 8.28.11, and Can people cause earthquakes? (video)

Now some people don't care for the ways of Alex Jones yet he's one of the few now speaking of such potentials as human activities causing earthquakes. And we know there exist in the world gangs of robbers in hiding and win-at-any-cost brigands (the political arm) and criminals (the enforcing arm) of a network who think it's all about them and scr*w the rest.

Then there are religious crazies who imagine they can speed up God's timetable and bring on Armageddon as if they would be somehow benefit from such a self-destructive plan! As if God someday would say, Thanks for the spur, religious zealots, I needed inspiration from you to act because I was wavering on The Plan I created before the Earth was formed. What would I do without your arrogant meddling? Puh!

Of course, ego inflation is one of the factors knitting the reptilian-brained together and love of money (the root of all evil) is a driving motivation for them all. Is murder self-loathing turned outward? Fixed Star Denebola (near US natal Neptune 22Vir25) tells such a tale: to go against society which, when the star is active, can affect all dimensions of life from financial fraud and greed to acts of violence in a community, with all manner of selfishness in between.

So now, in August 2011 with a New Moon 5Vir27 about to conjoin President Obama's natal Pluto 6Vir59 on the evening of August 28 (11:04 pm edt), we may wonder which side our politicians are on: is it going against society to wish our education system into history's waste bin? Is the immorality of forcing the elderly, hungry children, the impaired, and the ill onto American streets something the Republican Party wants to bring to our nation with their austerity cuts and cold hearted attitudes?

We know Washington--through the tyranny of the Federal Reserve Bank--holds our purse strings when it's time to aid Main Street while rewarding Wall Street criminals who freely stroll golden avenues. Are Americans being backed into corners in order to encourage protests in great numbers? It would seem so. Why else has the US government expectantly armed and trained soldiers and police if not to beat and arrest their fellow citizens?

(If you get out there to protest peacefully, Beware 'planted' looters who ramp up the action so that police forces dressed in draconian Darth Vader costumes can knock some heads. Seriously.)

Times of Turmoil: Uranus Square Pluto

The riotous mid-1960s saw the Great Conjunction/s of the revolutionary pair, Uranus and Pluto, which now have reached a square (90 degrees) in their orbits (360 degr) so that intense frustration is obvious yet blocked, societal problems resurface from the 60s era, but obstacles stand in the way of easy resolution. Social unrest and riots are sweeping across the globe and Americans are paying closer attention to sorry politicians than we have in a long time. Is it our turn to rise up?

Hurricane Postpones MLK Memorial Dedication

As you know, August 28, 2011 @ 11:00 am edt was set to begin the official ceremony dedicating the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial Statue on the Washington Mall, with Dr. King shown emerging from the stone, exalted by the very government that may have been culpable in his assassination. Marking the 48th anniversary of Dr. King's I Have a Dream Speech and the Memorial's Dedication will be postponed until September or October.

You may wish to read or listen to his speech @ American Rhetoric.

Yes, The Preacher (Jupiter) spoke too plainly, made too much sense, and threatened The Establishment (Saturn) by combining the issues of the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement, and a blossoming Workers Rights Movement into one huge collection for Americans who wanted their due--and non-violently, thanks. Yes, Dr. King was too popular and may have presented behind-the-scenes 'king-makers' with a challenge in the US presidential arena if allowed to expand his audience and sentiments. Our freedom documents were of no moment for the plutonians who had changed America's course before by assassination of Lincoln, JFK, and others who'd been more what we-the-people in the majority wanted--and continue to want--to lead our nation.

When Saturn Returns #3

Yet on August 28, 2011, no stormy weather can interfere with the third of three conjunctions from transiting Saturn to US natal Saturn, aka, a Saturn Return, with Saturn ruling, among other things, stone, rock, granite, monuments, and permanence. Why, our Saturn Return may include the bad weather!

In addition, accountability, responsibility, restriction, austerity, old age, and other such Saturnian themes remain on our menu as our Exalted in Libra (the Scales of Justice) Saturn returns to its natal spot and thereby repeats its square to US natal Sun (leader; leadership) from July 4, 1776.

A Sun/Saturn square contains dynamic energy which, in 1776, represented our nation's struggle to express and manifest authority in the way any entity would wish: freely and maturely. The limiting quality of Saturn (lawmakers, courts = two branches of government) placed 'checks and balances' upon a potentially runaway Executive branch (Sun)--or was originally meant to, in an attempt to prevent monarchism. (Turns out, US monarchism seems to be reserved primarily for Supreme Court justices since the Marbury v Madison decision of 1803--but that's another post!)

My point is that any US Saturn Return brings to the surface similar issues to be dealt with in the current era, and hopefully to be resolved (#3 hit of 3 as resolution phase) in a way that actually benefits the nation in the realm of staid Saturn's concerns. Paying one's debts comes to mind (Saturn = loss; default.)

Below is an image of the US Saturn Return horoscope for August 28, 2011 which becomes exact (partile) @ 5:14;19 am edt in the District of Columbia, with a few basic astro-notes included. And I note that Saturn's delaying function is on display with the MLK Memorial Dedication's postponement!

Balsamic Moon phase of Endings with a potential for sneaky behavior by the Dark of the Moon; Hour Jupiter, 10Tau21 at Midheaven (The Goal); ASC 18Leo11 with Mercury 18:50 rising; chart-ruler Sun 4Vir44 in 1st house and part of an Earth Grand Trine between Sun/Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto.

Transit Pluto continues blocking financial progress through Mr. Organized Crime's opposition to US natal planets in business-oriented Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, and soon, the Sun.

Also visible in the chart (click to enlarge) are two interlaced Fists of God configurations indicating difficult karmic conditions, and/or an overide by a Higher Power (such as a hurricane--one Fist has oceanic Neptune at apex.)

(On karma: a Saturnian astrologer here, so if I use the word 'karmic', it's a reference to the inevitability of reaping what was sown, not to I-Was-Marie-Antoinette pie-in-sky notions. Sorry, past-lifers but that's just how this Capricorn rolls astrologically--heredity and genetics, not reincarnation.)

One Fist of God pattern involves the Uranus/Pluto square of rebellion at its base and both Fists create midpoint pictures which we may wish to consider. The second Fist contains the Mars/Saturn square with both squares separating (waning) yet retaining some measure of power to affect the environment and imprint themselves upon US Saturn Return 2011--a celestial occurrence which is forever imprinted upon the presidency of Barack Obama.

Midpoint pictures: any, all, or none may apply:

Uranus/Pluto = Mercury: adept thinking leads to ideas made real; rational discussions about needs for reform or change; constant focus on new ideas/plans; restless minds; indefatigable workers; resourceful inventors.

Uranus/Pluto - ASC: an application of force; an accident; an unusual or restless environment (I believe the August 28th March on Washington is scheduled to be held in spite of the threatening weather conditions which may turn out to be of no consequence to the District after all.)

Mars/Saturn = watery Neptune 29AQ22 Rx (a 29th critical/crisis degree): a weakening of well-prepared plans (the memorial dedication postponed beyond the MLK speech's 48th anniversary marker? jc); pretenses or cover-ups about the state of preparedness (FEMA? jc); inefficient use of energy (power outages? jc) (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Chart-ruler Sun in fussy yet dedicated Virgo (which opposes the Progressed Sun 4Pis10 in America's Secondary Full Moon chart of December 2008, conjunct the Sec Moon 4Vir10--this spotlighting hints at Financial Collapse 2008 conditions) forms but two applying aspects in our Saturn Return chart of August 28, 2011. Four planets participate in an Earth Grand Trine, a closed circuit of energies.

Actors (planets) within a Grand Trine in Earth signs (Tau, Vir, Cap) prefer the status quo by which they feel supported, and may possess much practical inspiration toward building structures; an amazing amount of endurance is also involved due to the patient qualities of Earth signs.

Will credit begin to loosen up soon? Will banksters return the trillions in bailout money to the American people since corporations are reporting huge profits and our economy needs it back? Yet that pair of wastrels and speculators, Jupiter and Neptune, rule and co-rule the chart's 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Corporations, and Transformation through Pisces.

Yes, the Grand Trine's planetary combos of Sun/Jupiter, Sun/Pluto, Jupiter/Pluto relate to political, social, and religious leaders, plus to global bankers (Jup/Plu) such as the Federal Reserve Bank...those who advance large scale projects and schemes which entail great gains for the select few, yet limited benefits 'trickle down' to the masses (a trine's self-protective 'closed circuit of energies'.)

Sun in Virgo Applies...

Orator Mercury in showy Leo rises yet the Virgo Sun's applying aspects describe how things will proceed in relation to our Saturn Return, #3 of 3, the resolution phase for the next 28 years until Saturn comes back to 14Lib48 on Oct 5, 2040, during an Airy Jupiter/Saturn conjunction:

1. trine Pluto (0A15): leadership focuses on power and control issues, and may exhibit skill in handling financial matters; deductive reasoning, such as in detective work or research, may be highlighted; wheat is separated from chaff; scandals may be revealed or spotlighted.

2. trine Jupiter (5S37) indicates much solar creativity, optimism, and possibly a desire to leave 'the rat race'--will another presidential nomination candidate leave the race? Self-assurance, a sense of ease, a lack of incentive for taking action, and self-indulgence usually accompany a Sun/Jupiter trine. (Sun/Jupiter trine Mitt Romney springs instantly to mind!)

As you see, August 28th's protective Jupiter in Taurus sits precisely upon the MC of this chart, the Aspiration Point--next to that, I've penned Martin Luther King's natal Jupiter 1Tau10 and natal Chiron 5Tau25 near this MC indicating that his current Jupiter Return is in progress (a 3-fer: June 10, 2011, Dec 4, 2011 Rx, and Jan 16, 2012 which times his *birthday in Jan 2012 and which is meant to be Jupiter's Reward Cycle.) Some reward! Assassination of an inconvenient man leads to his being chiseled in stone and his memory regaled with the oration of ceremonial speeches some 48 years later by those who only attempt to rise to his oration standards.

Well, MLK's values are at the most visible point of the US Saturn Return chart which lifts up his natal Jupiter/Chiron combo denoting his natural preaching abilities, strong convictions which were communicated more fully as he matured, and his inner intensity of purpose. The conjunction describes him as a 'maverick with a superiority complex who listened very little to others' (Clow, Chiron.)

Now you may wish to explore more astro-factors in the Saturn Return 2011 horoscope for America (since the chart is 'good for' 28 years) and I hope you will. Then feel free to share your insights bwo an on-topic Comment here, as you wish!


*Birth data: Martin Luther King, Jr January 15, 1929 12:00 pm CST Atlanta, GA; Rodden Rating A; ASC 13Tau48 where transit Jupiter now pauses; MC 28Cap13--conjunct US natal Pluto, planet of saboteurs and assassins--and Sun 25Cap08 conjunct his m MC from the 9th house side of Religion, Philosophy, and Higher Education; Moon is @ 19Pis35 with Venus in 11th H; chart-ruler Venus is compassionate toward the downtrodden in mystical, psychic sponge Pisces.

His Earth-Water Sun Cap/Moon Pisces personality blend shows:

a pragmatic dreamer; a compassionate realist; tough and tender; dependable but private; solemn insights into mankind's plight; devoted and loyal; personal courage found in moral precepts; fear of the unknown; may bend fact to fit a thesis (handy for Politics! jc/)

And had he lived, his Uranus Return would be a topic of discussion and of-the-moment with natal Uranus 3Ari57 just inside his n 12th house of Politics and Karma; Uranus in the above chart is @ 3Ari40--Uranus in Aries = radical Utopians, says Ebertin.

Images for Integration: A child builds a sandcastle of reinforced concrete...A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate a success...Bilbo in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings...Bathers in a Landscape by Cezanne...Elvis Presley's Blue Suede Shoes. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

As you see, Tolkien, Cezanne, and Presley were born with this Sun-Moon blend.

To end, here's a quote from Elvis the King which seems apt for the enshrining of Dr. King in stone while America regresses on all the social issues and problems that mattered to him most during his lifetime--while certain political parties, their agents, and shills try very hard to bring back slavery!

"It's very hard to live up to an image."


No, images are not what's most important under current conditions and a statue can't hire a single worker, sign a paycheck, or construct a factory, can't it? So it must be time for we-the-people to Rebuild The Dream of America!

Aug 23, 2011

SEC Shredded Documents; Earthquake Hits DC! 8.23.11

Just a heads-up today about Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone article on the SEC (the American people's intrepid 'enforcer' against crime and fraud on Wall Street--puh!), shredding documents from their 'investigations' into Wall Street fraud and crime such as the Bernie Madoff case and others.

Also Mr. Taibbi is interviewed by Amy Goodman on today's broadcast of Democracy Now! concerning this matter, if you care for a listen.

An example from the Taibbi-Goodman interview? Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman-Sachs (its stock price drooping) has now retained high-powered legal representation, the same group that defended Enron! Why, you'd think they were in-cahoots pals or something.

Well, 'they' often say, Money Talks. And obviously, Money doesn't mind Lying.

The SEC was created from section 4 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 which was enacted on June 6, 1934. Click for details which include the names of current SEC members, a crew placed on the board in 2008, and with chairperson Mary Schapiro serving since January 27, 2009. It was time for the old Financial Collapse 2008 crowd to clear out after their collusion in The Big Fraud was done.

Two SEC Signature Planets of June 6, 1934

Looking at the transits for June 6, 1934 what pops out on a monetary level is a Venus/Uranus conjunction in early Taurus, a money sign with a negative side of greed and intolerance.

System buster Uranus is @ 00Tau00, in fact, the so-called 'Hitler degree' of violence (Adolf's natal Sun degree; looking back at that time we can see that he tended to act aggressively whenever his natal Sun (ego; hero's journey) was triggered (and other times, too, of course) so because we're talking about 1934, this is a transit of Uranus to Hitler's natal Sun, a time of sudden changes of direction toward a new identity (his rise to power and dictatorship.) There is also an inability to accept restriction or rejection with Uranus to n Sun, and he certainly resembles that remark.

So what of the Venus/Uranus imprint of 1934 upon the SEC's DNA, circa 2011?

Events of the 1930s era and their results attest to the following potentials for Venus/Uranus if one cares to remember or search them out, and certainly the hard aspect between the revolutionary pair, Uranus and Pluto, then as now, was very active (then as now.)

Under Politics and Business, here is a paraphrase of what Michael Munkasey says about the Venus/Uranus combination of planetary energies in his excellent book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets:

Thesis: a treasury showing unexpected rises and falls in its valuation; a strange appreciation for financial assets or planning; rulers who use unusual means to develop available plant or tree resources.

Antithesis: a ruling body unable to cope with sudden infusions or lacks of financial resources; distinctive settings are suddenly exploited for development; unpredictable vanity shown by leaders or executives.


Washington DC Quake Alert!

At 1:52 pm edt, during today's Thom Hartmann broadcast now on my TV, an earthquake shook the building. The White House and other buildings in the District are being evacuated, and Charlottesville, VA is cited as the quake's epicenter. Thom, whose program is based in Washington DC (and has remained on-air) in an old brick building, further states that he felt the building shake yesterday (8.22.11.)
Today, Thom's microphone and the set's background could be seen moving.

Charlottesville in near Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. Hmm.

Jul 12, 2011

Horoscope: Uranus Square Pluto on Aug 8, 2011

Image: August 8, 2011 8:13 am edt White House, Washington DC; click chart to enlarge:

In case you wish a view, here's a horoscope of the closest orb I'm finding between disruptive rebel Uranus 4Ari14 Rx 8th house, and powerful, subversive Pluto 5Cap15 Rx in 4th house with the chart set for the White House, and Moon 11Sag53 conjoining the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron (Pluto/Chiron = plutocrats) of December 30, 1999 which helped usher in the New Millennium and 21st Century.

Their orb is 1S02 (1 degree 2 minutes separating) which indicates a past event of a frustrating, blocking, or explosive nature; or, on psychological levels, it signifies unconscious eneries with similar 'obstacle' flavors.

As you see, out-of-bounds Mars 3Can25 (always touchy in Moon-ruled Cancer) sits upon US natal Venus, planet of relationships, attraction, and valuations. This transit indicates new alliances, partnerships, or cooperative relationships being formed which involve vigorous assistance being offered. Legal and diplomatic matters and social events go well or are at least the target of attention. This is not an especially strong aspect by transit but it will support stronger indicators if or when they are operative - if Pluto opposing Mars will allow it.

The fact that Mars-to-US-n-Venus occurs in 10th H of Public Standing and Career may indicate global importance, however, though tr South Node (SN), a separative, Saturnian point, tells us that things may not be going as well as we'd prefer in the Public Standing category (US credit rating on Moody's cutting board? The desertion of the dollar as reserve currency? But who can trust financial ratings or other 'watchdog' agencies after the purposeful financial carnage of 2008?)

Lesson-bringer Saturn himself (always The Adult in the Room - and this is an Hour of Saturn)) is posited in one of the money houses, the 2nd H of Earning Ability and Values. Only hard work will do! Plus, Sun/Moon = Saturn: addressing problems.

Chart-ruler Mercury, planet of communications, trade, and commerce, is at a critical 29th degree: 29Leo57 Rx in 12 H of the Unconscious/Politics/Self-Undoing/Karma/Behind-the-Scenes and makes two applying aspects in the chart which gives clues as to how things will proceed in relation to the Uranus-Pluto Square. Also, Mercury conjoins one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Regulus (00Vir00) with the keywords: success if revenge is avoided. With the Royal Stars linked to a chart, success is promised yet it can be taken away if the advice of what to avoid is ignored...similar in fashion to a test by old man Saturn.

One thinks of Rupert Murdoch's current embroilment with his papers' use of spying and hacking--and a publishing empire under threat of loss of reputation and business. Even a billionaire can have his credit rating affected by events, bad decisions, and illegal practices if they're egregious enough.

Mercury's first applying aspect is an opposition to nebulous purveyor of oil, gas, water, poison, scandals, and secrets - Neptune, also at a critical degree, 29AQ55 Rx in 6th H of Health, Work, Service including military and police.

And you see Ceres marked into the 7th H at 00Ari10 Rx, the Aries Point, where the asteroid makes her retrograde 'stand' or station, a strengthening of her energies for a specific period of time, on a World Point of Manifestation. Are more instances of starvation on the global agenda? Well, Ceres in Mundane Astrology represents grains, food supply, milk production, food security and insecurity, other security needs and issues, and nurturing conditions. GM foods may be emphasized here. And with the nurturing Moon, natural tenant of the 4th H, strong in the 4th H, Real Estate may be emphasized but with the Part of Fortune conjunct landlord Pluto.

NN 23Sag11, also in 4th H, describes a restless path toward philosophy, knowledge and understanding. This NN is trined by the Sun 15Leo38 in 12th H and near Venus 13Leo25. A Sun/NN trine indicates leadership talent, public favor and popularity - and it favors politicians.

One factor worth noting is that the difficult midpoint of Saturn-Neptune, duo of invisible or secret government, is now 'on the path' (NN) so I must tell you that...

Saturn/Neptune = NN: common or joint suffering; mourning.

As mentioned in previous posts, Uranus is in the sign of the pioneer or trailblazer, Aries, which denotes 'Utopians' (Ebertin.) Uranus remains at the apex of two planetary midpoints, one between the speculator-wastrel-inflationary-grand-spirit pair, Jupiter and Neptune, the second with forceful, zealous, military-minded Mars/Pluto. Created are two word pictures that show the synergies of the trios:

1. Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: experiencing the contrast of imagination v reality; the stage of coming down to earth with a bump (US default? jc); sudden recognition of a difficult situation; disruptions by events which have no explanation; basing decisions on unusual or supernatural theories or visions; unaccustomed confusion; impersonal treatment for those with drug dependencies.

2. Mars/Pluto = Uranus: use of whatever power or means available to reform, disrupt, stir up, or alter conditions (wonder who? jc; sudden calamities of great consequence (sorry, but you should be prepared, just in case - jc); violence, cruelty, brutality. Basically, this is an unwelcome echo of the off-on Cardinal T-Square's mdpt picture with the opposition between Saturn and Uranus pointing toward controlling, ruthless Pluto, The Spy.

Now Jupiter 9Tau34 is happy in his own 9th H of Philosophy, Religion, Foreign Lands, Higher Education, and the Legal System. His helpful trine from Pluto has passed but is still of some slight influence (4S19), and the two money planets (actually Pluto is a third), Jupiter and Venus, separate from their square (3S51) showing someone's recent splurge toward self-indulgence, luxury, and laziness! Financial difficulties, obstructive legal matters, or secret involvements are also potentials of a Venus/Jupiter square and we hear of these in the news each day.

Highlighted in red pencil is the T-SQ pattern just mentioned between Mars-Pluto-Uranus, with quirky Uranus conjunct the 8th cusp of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Big Business, Transformation, and such. The Part of Brethren conjoins usurping revolutionary Uranus in this particular chart and I leave to you to decide if this Part describes any group of actors in particular. (Uranus shows how people behave so here the behavior relates to Mars-ruled Aries and, I believe, to 'Utopians' as Ebertin suggests.)

Around the chart in green, America's natal planets are notated; no natal ASC or MC are added for the US since their positions depend on which natal horoscope you prefer. If you use the Sibly version (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA), then the Moon 11Sag53 conjoins US natal Ascendant.

This ASC 8Vir09 is part of a closed circuit of energies we like to call a 'Grand Trine' though here, at one point of the triangle (marked by a dotted line), no planet appears, only an outlet (ASC) for the planetary participants, Jupiter and Pluto. As a pair, Jupiter-Pluto describes: organizers of large projects, leaders of uprisings (and Uranus loves uprisings and squares saboteur Pluto), fanatics, and those who exploit the masses.

Betcha can't name just one!

Other potentials of Jupiter-Pluto are any, all, or none of these: squanderers, speculators, economic and law professors, conflicts with authority, a desire to lead the masses, those who desire or are determined upon instituting large social reforms, and spiritual or intellectual leaders. (Ebertin.)

Another mdpt picture may be of interest to our topic...

Mercury/Neptune = MC (The Goal; Aspirations): far-reaching plans and ideas (NWO? jc); self-deception; going the wrong way; to lie. (Ebertin.) Munkasy adds: psychic ability.

Now America's radical Uranus in Gemini is angular at Midheaven, yet the first US natal planet to rise in this horoscope is our national Neptune 22Vir25 which brings along President Obama's natal Mars at the same degree. Will we ever 'see' Mr. Obama's actions and motivations in a clear light? This I've tended to doubt. Yet possibly a sifting down of the current impasse concerning America's budgetary and debt ceiling matters will be needed before Mr. Obama's cards are placed on the table within full view of the public.,,and within full view of his opponents, the Republicans, with whom the current Democratic occupant of the White House plays high-stakes chess.


One annoying thing about writing in a blogging form is that in any given post, I must try to link or repeat myself such as with the current opposition from tr Pluto to US natal Venus and Jupiter, now affecting US finances adversely. Plus, to keep from repeating myself once again, I assume that you, dear reader, already know that the above discussed Uranus/Pluto square is a major phase in the cyclic dance between Uranus and Pluto. Their current cycle began when they 'met' in Great Conjunction/s on October 9, 1965 @ 17Vir10, April 4, 1966 @ 16Vir28, and June 30, 1966 @ 16Vir06, all at a critical degree, 17 Virgo.

An example from real life of these strong energies expressing in a not-so-destructive manner, is my own Uranus-Pluto experience during these mid-1960s conjunctions all of which occurred on an angle of my natal chart so that with their intense, powerful connection to Rock-n-Roll, I saw the one and only Beatles concert performed in Atlanta, GA. It was very very Uranus-Pluto! jc

Feb 21, 2011

Horoscope: Libya (w Feb 21, 2011 transits)

See CNN's timeline of the unrest in Libya, and here is this morning's coverage on NPR - have a listen if you missed it.

Last I heard (on Democracy Now!), over 300 Libyans have been killed in the last few days. Wonder how many are in prison as I type? Sad to say, perhaps not as many as in the US literally and by ratio. We've become a prison nation in the US, make no mistake. The neocon right wing cabal are in process of kicking us out of our own country, economically and every other way there is - then it's on to rule the world!

Well, since my ancestors 'settled' the place (and some were here to welcome early settlers) about as much as the next American, I fail to see why the United States of America suddenly pretends to have no responsibility toward her own citizens. Yet I speak primarily for those who suffer since my government doesn't bother with them much. Income taxes will go up for the working poor in 2011, btw. Not so brilliant, that. Regressive. And it's immoral to kick someone when he's down, imho.

Now when I say, the Underdogs of society, I mean the oppressed and disenfranchised sprinkled among us. Whether it's loss of a family home, pensioners robbed by Wall Street tycoons, those who've been secretly ripped off by greedy inside traders behaving like Enron energy-diverters (all gangs of thieves, like the Mafia), and other criminal elements within the environment and the environs of Washington DC, NYC, and Chicago. (But let's not talk about a Southwest being purposefully overrun by Mexican and other drug and sex trade criminals; one engineered result: weakening of a US border for easier eventual assimilation into a planned North American Union of Mexico, Canada, and the US.

Yes, the power elite may think the formation of an NAU is a cinch, yet the EU has cracks a mile long and fissures from financial fixations galore.

For just as in the US, the rich (and the monarchic) classes of Europe are fearful of being forced to 'pay' for the Underdogs' bowl of chow and of having to provide a pillow upon which the Fidos of the world may rest their weary heads (a case of attempted population control.) That wealth is now concentrated within 1% of the global population is the world's big trouble, not pensions and Social Security benefits being paid to people who will infuse the funds into local economies and make a real difference in our plight.

Eternal October Surprise!

Obviously, the GOP's laughable Trickle Down method of Economics doesn't work and the societal misery this has caused since the Reagan era is why President Obama's surrender to the GOP on extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich was unconscionable (and daft, if you're actually concerned about our nation's budget, economy, and our international credit rating.)

Yet anyone who knows the true identities of the shadowy string-pullers of the global crime syndicate or cabal (aka, the power elite) also knows that you cross them at your peril. Bribery and blackmail are their favored tactics to enforce compliance with their strong-armed script and to assure their victims must focus upon achievement of their group aims. Election-stealing is a given with this crowd. And yes, murder may be necessary.

So! On that unhappy note, let's switch gears and take a look at the 1951 natal horoscope of Libya with her society now in turmoil. My prayers are being sent out on behalf of the safety of the Libyan people: may your Guardian Angels draw near and guide you to your highest good.

Chart shown: Independence of Libya December 24, 1951 00:00 am CEDT (historical record); Hour Moon 29Lib04 in 2nd house in critical 29th degree; Sun 1Cap16 w Chiron 4Cap27 in 4th H; Mercury 16Sag59 Rx conjoins Ic 16:01.

Chart ruler/Midheaven ruler Mercury applies to a sextile w Mars (0A32) and a sextile w Saturn (2A53); Saturn-Pluto = Asc: assessing how to work with those who have power and influence; an environment that gives the impression of silent power or continuing influence; placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation; bereavement.

Marked on the horoscope, upper right, I've added an interesting double transit: tr NN (the public; encounters) to natal Sun (leadership), and tr Sun to natal NN; Sun/NN = 'the will of the leadership as expressed in speeches (ex: last evening's); creating bureaucratic structures; allies or associates who send added help or inspiration (an astro-peep-eye to Washington on Presidents Day 2011?); political associations that eventually do more harm than good; a loss of respect due to unfortunate treaties, alliances, or mergers. (Sun/NN: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Over the weekend, some protesters in Morocco have chanted against America and their government's willing collaboration with the US in its sloganistic "war of terror" which is meant as cover to justify all actions taken by the American Empire. I sadly imagine that the same sentiment exists in Libya and elsewhere across the region. They know it's about oil, other natural resources, ancient treasures, and the extension of US (NWO) power and domination over the globe. Why don't we?

Outside the chart highlighted in green are approximate positions of transits for today, Feb 21, 2011; you see Libya is in process of having a Saturn Return (as is America 14:48 - accountability has landed, if ignored things will only be worse later) and has just had its Jupiter Return on Feb 17, 2011. Jupiter in Aries can be hotheaded yet entrepreneurial; an opposition between the societal planets Jupiter and Saturn throws 'fear of failure' into the spotlight as Jupiter's expansion principle and Saturn's restriction function duke it out.

As the fever for democracy and fatigue with tyrants continues to spread across the Middle East (over the weekend, Morocco), Gaddafi's tough-talking son addressed the nation of Libya last evening promising to fight until "the last man, the last woman, the last bullet" - quite a bullheaded and stupid threat.

It Does Seem Another Regime Is Over...

With the nation's royal Jupiter in Mars-ruled Aries, the Libyan army must be vast in number yet a miscalculation may occur here as it did in Egypt so recently: many if not most of the soldiers in the Libyan armed forces are related to the protesters on the streets, share their grievances, and therefore, may not respond as forcefully as Gaddafi & Son command, if at all. (Gaddafi may have high-tailed it away already!)

The end of 1951 was a time when tr Uranus (freedom; independence; rebellion) approached a square (obstacle; blockages) with idealistic, dreamy Neptune in Libra indicating generational energies which are in constant conflict without knowing quite why (freedom-progress-hyper-awareness v dreams-ideals-illusions); rejecting social obligations under this square leads to the corrosive effects of political subversion and loss of support for the government.

The Uran/Nep square also implies that unconscious consent is given to living under leaders with an insatiable lust for power and who consider the people 'expendable'. Yet there is dynamic energy within the square (90 degr) which aids the populace to challenge those who abuse power with righteous demands that they be held accountable.

Future aims will be weakened or eroded if a laissez-faire attitude toward abusive government continues but the good people of Libya have seen the error of their past ways and are now in touch with their potentials for power and courage.

We may also see the current turmoil reflected in the nation's natal Mars-Saturn conjunction in fair-minded Libra (Air = mental energy.) Mars-Saturn is a frustrating, pent-up aspect for person or nation to have indicating hot-cold, stop-go issues (the UN natal chart has one, too.) In politics the planetary pair relates to military actions under political restrictions, an 'obligation' to use force when restraint is required, and enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle. (Munkasey.)

And the Mars-Neptune conjunction shows confused or deceptive motivations and misdirected energy and goals...and/or, inspired or sacrificial actions!

Some of the stimulating astrological reasons that Libya has caught the uprising epidemic at this particular time may be described by the fact that every time the nation has a Saturn Return (28-year cycle) as it has now, it involves a Saturn to n Mars transit bringing a general lack of energy, vulnerability, and complaints; organization and focus are needed as relationships are challenged or broken off altogether. Plus, a Saturn Returns brings Lessons of Accountability to the agenda with possible losses accruing - and apparently Gaddafi & Son are failing the course.

Then the Jupiter Return (12-year cycle) now repeats the natal promise of Libya's Jupiter-Saturn opposition; this is a Jupiter opposite n Saturn transit which brings a time when rules, regulations, and laws are in direct conflict with freedom so this blocks progress, success, and happiness - yet it's usually a period when it's best to hold on to what you've got, for the time being. If that's possible.

As you see in the chart, the hard, cruel Saturn-Pluto midpoint sits upon Libya's natal Ascendant 17Vir05, the position of the Great Conjunction/s of the duo of revolution, chaos, and old orders collapsing, Uranus and Pluto, in 1965/66 when their current cycle began. This indicates that the Uranus-Pluto square now moving into aspect with tr Uranus soon in Aries (and approaching Libya's natal Jupiter = taking a new and independent path!) is about to square power-wielding Pluto in governmental, controlling Capricorn which for Libya stimulates the sensitizing 1965/66 conjunction upon its natal ASC.

1965/66's Uranus-Pluto = n ASC: placed in unusual or restless circumstances; applications of force; accidents.

So with the closing square in any cycle being the 'crisis in consciousness' phase (echoing Libya's natal phase between Sun and Moon - as listed on the chart, click to enlarge), I believe the consciousness of the Libyan people has awakened to act upon and challenge the conditions set up in 1951 by the applying Uranus-Neptune square, as mentioned above, and by the effects of the cycle of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction which has permanently stimulated the national Ascendant (the country itself.)

(The planets' positions during the September 1969 coup that placed Colonel Gaddafi in charge of Libya are undoubtedly under stress, too. I mean, a rule of over forty-one years, people! And with a nepotic sprout waiting in the wings.)

Well, Bush, Cheney, their neocon/Zionist pals, and the rest of the global elite are getting what they allegedly want as the people's demands for democracy ignite the Middle East. Of course, based on the past actions of Washington and the Pentagon, I assume they prefer to keep things their way: with puppet leaders controlled by America still in charge.

But you know what they say about Best Laid Plans...


Libya's natal horoscope has been published upon a reader's request; further discussion of its features or your comments on this post are warmly invited and will be replied to if and as time permits.

Astro-Note: the world's annoying global chaos-creators are projecting their own adolescent needs for radical change - even if it means chaos - onto the rest of us in the external world, recognizing the potential and intense energy within certain planetary combinations and putting these energies to use in a commanding way to invent the future (Uranus-Chiron.)

This dynamic was born out to me yesterday while watching Alex Gibney's Casino Jack and the United States of Money
which shows the College Republican upstarts such as a very young Karl Rove, grimy Grover Norquist, and soon, Jack rain man Abramoff joining in the throng with politician Tom Delay, then the steel-hammer-wielding Godfather, formerly of Capitol Hill. Abramoff inspired them to greater depths with his Mafia-esque flair and dark connections.

Also, I again send out my support to all Pro-Union protesters in their fight to keep the right of 1 comment:

Dec 23, 2010

On Bradley Manning's true condition and 2011

Seasonal Review and Deja-Vu of Common Good Topics: First They Come for Them, Then They Come for Us

by Jude Cowell

In case you've missed details of Bradley Manning's true condition while in prison these 7 months as the alleged WikiLeaks whistle blower, here's a link to hook you up concerning Manning's confinement, the details of which are being glossed over - no, misreported - no, lied about - in the press.

Now here's a wish for Christmas 2010: for the raptors of the US government (those factions that spy on us all and must rely heavily on secrecy to hide and avoid prosecution for their gangster behavior) to back off their fascist suppression, torture, and bombing of the world - for their deepest and ugliest motivations are showing.

Perhaps the much-touted New Millennial Great Awakening may turn out to be in favor of the peoples of the world as despots, world banksters, and their criminal pawns are held accountable for their death-dealing, antisocial actions as we approach the explosive and riot-instigating Uranus/Pluto square in action-oriented Cardinal signs.

Complicating things is that rebellious Uranus in Aries is ruled by warring Mars and Mars/Uranus is an explosive/gun-to-head combo of energies, totally unpredictable; yet inspired, creative, and original actions are potentials as well.

Pluto in Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the authority, with Saturn/Pluto recalling the two planets in opposition on 9/11/01 across America's natal ASC/DESC axis (and at other times in history) when hardships come, and victimization by those whose primary goal in life is to gain and retain power and control runs roughshod over the masses.

"Cornering the market" isn't good enough for these shrivel-hearted creeps for they feel they must corner the last farthing tucked under our mattresses!

And that in part describes the most recent takeover of the US government, with the Saturn/Pluto pair as one of the culprits, and the onrushing Uranus/Pluto square a major signpost on the way to a select few power elite's long-planned totalitarian domination on a global scale. Riots welcomed as population control is no fallacy, but add genetically modified foods to the mix and implicate Science's eugenics while you're at it. The attempts of Hitler's regime were mere peanuts compared to these guys.

Has Science run amok?

Or has the Royal Branch of Inquiry simply progressed through the decades at humanity's great expense? 'Causing damage to others without their being aware of it' has been at play on every level of society and GM engineering of food and the degradation of water bears much of the blame along with the plastics and chemical industries' hormone inhibitors that interfere with DNA at cellular (hidden) levels.

Now in December 2010, a transiting midpoint picture remains intact (within orb) between Jupiter and Saturn (our societal planets which describe the business cycle, too) and powerful, secretive wealth-hoarder and manipulator Pluto so it's still operative and causing many difficulties:

Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto: restriction; separation; violent changes; attaining one's aims slowly but surely, no matter the cost; transforming the future into today's reality (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

So Deck the Halls But Which Ones?

Today's post is not Christmas fare, granted, but it is important to note that 2011 arrives soon with a Solar Eclipse right out of the gate (Jan 4, 2011 13Cap38 opposing US natal Sun, the leader) with 2011 beginning the next phase of the plutocrats' plans to be implemented upon us, as more individuals, the guilty and the innocent, will be 'detained' ad infinitum and left with little or no Hope.

Our young Bradley Manning comes instantly to mind especially since I do not know what really happened or what he actually did, if anything. How could I? But I do know the 'official line' on WikiLeaks and on several other 'realities' and governmental scripts we're constantly being sold by the men lurking behind the propaganda curtain.

Meanwhile our 'R v D' parties collude and conspire against us. Plus, 2011 contains a 'Constitutional Crisis' Solar Eclipse later in the year which will be considered more fully as time permits (assuming that new Net Neutrality laws will allow this blog to be accessed and that I can continue to write and publish in the 'cyber commons' as Bill Moyers calls it.)

So as 2010 ends, this Sun/Mercury/Mars/Jupiter Capricorn says, Deck with greenery and red berries whatever halls you may have, m'peops, and invite others to join in your merriment! (Above image, Nandina which grows in holiday fashion around my yard.)

Wishing you all a Happy Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year in which more citizens' eyes than ever are trained upon the varmints, vermin, and brigands currently infesting our government - those whose ties and allegiances go 'higher' than to any oath of loyalty to the United States of America...and by US of A, I refer historically, intrinsically, and explicitly to We-The-People.

Remain true to ourselves!

Jul 29, 2010

Servicemen discuss local Police State activities (video)

Here's Part I of The Alex Jones Show concerning the activation and deployment of our police and military forces in local areas - of the United States. Wonder what they're expecting to happen? Got an idea what the US government is preparing for?

It's almost as if someone in government is aware of the Cardinal T-Squares and Grand Cross lining up, isn't it? Or more precisely, someone is aware that the soon-to-perfect square between the revolutionary pair, Uranus and Pluto, marks a peak in their cycle which began in the mid-1960s! Are they readying for riots, strikes, protests, and - popular movements by the people against a lying, strong-arming government?

Well, to view Part II click here.

Plus, I had picked up on a tiny story in May 2010 but have not seen mentioned again or explained: the sighting of a United Nations military convoy rolling through Pennsylvania.

Seems to be lots of military training going on in the German sounding 'homeland', m'peops. We should pay close attention while we still can before we suffer a military coup in the US. Oh wait! We already had the first phase: 9/11/01.