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Showing posts with label Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus. Show all posts

Apr 7, 2008

Diana and Dodi: suspicions allayed?

In honor of today's London inquest whose verdict is meant to finally alay rumors and suspicions that the royal family had a hand in the assassination plot against the Western princess and the Mideastern paramour, I have published the chart of the time of their fatal crash in Paris.

Romance and socializing are all over the chart but other things show as well.

And with Lord Justice Scott Baker's instruction to the inquest jury that there was no evidence to support claims that the couple were victims of a plot by Prince Philip and others, and that it was carried out by Brit secret agents--I'm not sure how laid-to-rest these suspicions can possibly be.

Brit secret agents are not necessarily at the top of my list for culpability, and others have benefited mightily from Princess Diana's death--no more high-profile campaigns against minefield sweeps for instance. Diana had an ability to sway the masses--an ability shared somewhat with others such as MLK, know it.

Some say Diana knew too much and had threatened to spill the royal beans which gives me one of those Duh Moments we all have from time to time. That Dodi's Egyptian heritage was involved in their deaths is a distinct possibility when you consider how things have gone on since 1997. Uranus is conjunct the Medina degree in the chart, as you will see.

Anyway, please visit Jude's Threshold and you'll find the chart's image with a few notes located in the blog's sidebar of Pages listed as: Diana and Dodi killed: Aug 31, 1997 where I will be updating the article as time permits.

Aug 24, 2007

Gigantic Jets in Oklahoma!

Space Weather News for August 23, 2007


On Aug. 20th, an amateur astronomer in Oklahoma scanned the sky for meteors using a low-light video camera--but instead of meteors, he recorded a bizarre upside-down form of lightning called "Gigantic Jets." Discovered in 2001, Gigantic Jets are enormous discharges that leap upward 50 miles high from the tops of thunderclouds. They are related to better known sprites and elves, but are larger and more dramatic. The Oklahoma Jets are the first ever photographed over the continental United States and they may provide key data to researchers working to understand the phenomenon.

Visit to view a movie of the Jets and to learn how you might be able to catch them yourself.

Jul 20, 2007

Quake welcomes Beckhams to CA

An Oakland quake hitting "shortly after" 4:40 am pdt jolted people awake this morning.

Here you see the chart showing the usual culprits--angular planets, esp Uranus, planet of sudden occurences and disruption, in water sign, Pisces.

Mercury in Cancer (water sign) is angular and rising, and several of the midpoints relate to separation and to attraction...just the tension needed for an earthquake to occur. There's also a "Finger of God" formation (which I neglected to mark on the chart) the base of which is the Moon/Mercury square pointing accusingly at Neptune.

With the third and final exact opposition between Saturn (earth; continental plates; form) and Neptune (dissolution; ocean; water; rifts) separating but still within orb, the Sabian Symbol for Mars' degree (and this was a Mars Hour, btw) may be instructive:

"19Tau": "A new continent rises out of the ocean."

The brutal, forceful Mars/Pluto midpoint has been pointing to NN (North Node) in recent days as we've watched the tiffs and rifts in Washington continue to play out...

Mars/Pluto = NN: extreme force; superhuman power.

And since we obviously have no superheroes in Washington, superhuman power better describes an earthquake--or perhaps David Beckham's prowess with a soccer ball and the super (major!) paycheck that goes with it.

But after watching Victoria's "major" TV show last evening and her reaction to the possibility of California earthquakes, Posh may be packing now!

Mar 19, 2007

Gemini North Node: George W. Bush

There's a handy book by Jan Spiller, Astrology for the Soul, which is useful for Nodal info--even though I confess to being a Saturnian astrologer which means I see heredity and genealogy where Uranians seem to see "past lives" or reincarnation.

And through Scriptural studies I have a different understanding of the word soul believing it to be what we each are, not a thing that we have: "...and man became a living soul" (Genesis.)

Still, I find Ms. Spiller's book useful for Nodal information--I just translate the info into a more Saturnian view and it works dandily.

One of the many interesting debates within Astrology is whether--for example--having North Node (NN) in Gemini is same as having NN in 3rd house--if your Gem NN is not actually posited in 3rd house. Some astrologers are determined that it is not the same. I agree, yet there do seem to be correspondences afoot.

Let's consider the natal NN of George Bush and see if Spiller's Nodal info rings true for his natal placement of Gemini NN in 11th house (AQ's natural house)--then we'll look at "NN in Aquarius" also esp since Bush's NN is conjunct Uranus, associated with the sign Aquarius (I don't use outer planets as rulers, just higher frequencies--but Uranus/NN = associations with unusual or reformist groups.)

Gemini NN's Attributes to Develop:

asking questions to learn how others think; healthy curiosity; seeing both sides of a situation; tact; logic; using a non-threatening approach when expressing ideas; listening; openess to new ideas and experiences; seeking factual information before making decisions.

Gem NN's Tendencies to Leave Behind:

aloofness; self-righteousness; needing to be right; thinking one knows what others are thinking without actually listening; assuming others know 'where they're at'; espousing "Truth" without taking others' views into consideration; careless spontaneity; taking shortcuts; acting on intuition without checking facts; resisting ideas that are foreign to one's belief system; prejudging present situations based on past experience.

Don't know about you but all the above resembles his nibs from my observations.

Now for AQ NN:

Attributes to Develop:

making decisions for the group's best interests; active participation in groups; awareness of equality; creating win/win situations; desire for friendship; recognizing how others are special; willingness to champion humanitarian causes; objectivity--seeing the "total picture"; sharing unconventional ideas.

Tendencies to Leave Behind:

insistence on getting one's way; attachment to risk-taking; making changes just to exercise authority; need for approval; melodramatic tendencies; willfulness and stubbornness; unawareness of others' importance; prideful responses based on fear; unbridled passion--going to extremes; knowing what "ought" to be.

Well, there's Shrub for ya. Does any of this sound familiar?

At this morning's speech which Bush gave from the Roosevelt Room (guess he thought some FDR cooties might rub off attractively) the Sun and Moon were both in fiery Aries.

Here's the bold Sun Aries/Moon Aries combo for today from Sun Sign, Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzy Harvey:

quick-thinking; innovative; passionate; blunt; self-centered; intuitive; adventurous; touchy ego; maverick with a crusading temperament; progressive; bossy; hasty; a one-track mind that can miss important nuances and invite antagonism rather than cooperation.

Image for Integration:

An invincible Hercules, propelled by a primeval power, bursts into the dark castle, unties the fair maiden, and together they ride off into the sunset.

Is the 'dark castle' Iraq--or is Iraq the 'fair maiden'?? Perhaps it describes Bush trying to "get ahead" as they say of the negative headlines of late. Either way, I'll hold his horse's bridle while he mounts up and rides off to anywhere but here.

Shrub as Hercules? He only wishes. has both astrology books mentioned above.

Mar 13, 2007

Happy 226th Birthday Uranus!

Shown in the above horoscope, the planet Uranus was discovered on March 13, 1781 by German-born astronomer William Herschel. Uranus is now the second-farthest planet from the Sun, leaving Neptune the farthest away after Pluto was last year downgraded to a dwarf planet (now restored!). Follow the latest news and features on science & technology at The Scotsman.#

In the discovery chart of Uranus, formerly Ouranus, the Sky God, ruler of lightening bolts, uprisings, revolutions, originality, awareness...the creative spark.

The Sabian Symbol for Uranus, The Witness, whose discovery expanded the known universe from its former limit, Saturn, is:

"25Gem": "A man trimming palms"...ENHANCEMENT:

pos: an exceptional gift for bringing all things to an effective service in some over-all achievement;

neg: an empty display of trivial excellencies.

You'll notice that Pluto has been opposite Uranus of late, and plowing through the Mars/Saturn conjunction.

Mars/Saturn = tr Pluto: forcing an issue; taking control; strong anger.

Refer to the Discovery chart to see Chiron at his own discovery degree, and today's transits snugged around the chart in my usual chicken-scratch fashion. As you know, centaur Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus.

Today's Mars/Saturn midpoint conjuncts Uranus' Moon 15Sco04...

Mars/Sat = Moon: feelings about losing something; moodiness; depression.

You see the 29Leo MC (Aspiration Point) which is conj Fixed Star Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided. Also at MC at discovery is the asteroid Morya. Morya nowadays hangs out ominously with Pluto. You notice that natal Pluto is at the "Medina degree."

Chart-ruler, Venus, not a nice lady when scorned, is conj IC, the HOW Point, the Foundation of the chart...and in nebulous Pisces. The US secondary progressed Sun is thereabouts resulting in a nebulous and murky view of America--internally and externally.

At discovery, perhaps Venus represents Herschel's sister who did more than hold his ladder but never got the credit she deserved (Pisces.)

Sec Sun in Pisces may relate to the rumors of globalist desires to morph America into the North American Union with Canada and Mexico...and perhaps South America, George? They sure don't like ya down there, but you can stay in your Paraguay compound if you like, I wouldn't miss ya.

Well, with no more time to celebrate the 226th Birthday of Uranus just now (yes, I say: yur ahn' nus) I wish the best of the day to this quirky planet so active in the US chart, so disruptive on the world stage.