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May 6, 2008

IN and NC primaries today

Although I've been inexplicably reticent this week to publish anything much on today's record breaking turn out in the Indiana and North Carolina primaries, you'll find a bit of astrological info at Jude's Threshold, if you wish. It's a brief post so it won't take you long to check it out.

You know I don't call myself a reluctant astrologer for nuthin'!

May 5, 2008

Aquarid meteors, the Moon, and the Dem nominee

Oops! this alert is a day late, but timely for Tuesday--

Space Weather News for May 4, 2008

ETA AQUARID METEOR SHOWER: If you see a meteor flit across the sky tonight, it could be a piece of Halley's Comet. Earth is crossing a stream of dusty debris from Halley and this is causing the annual eta Aquarid meteor shower. Sky watchers in the tropics and southern hemisphere (where the shower is most intense) could see as many as 70 meteors per hour during the dark hours before dawn on Monday, May 5, and Tuesday, May 6.

The show is diminished at northern latitudes where rates may be 15 meteors per hour or less. Check for sky maps and more information.

MERCURY AND THE MOON: Innermost planet Mercury is emerging from the glare of the sun and putting on its best show of the year. A good time to look is Tuesday evening, May 6, just after sunset when the crescent Moon glides by Mercury in the darkening western sky.

A sky map and photos are available at SpaceWeather.#


With today's New Moon in Taurus (15:22) on the downside by Tuesday, a new cycle of activity is underway and will culminate with the Full Moon of May 19, 29Sco27.

And May 19's Full Moon is at the same degree as Jan 2009's Inaugural Moon, so perhaps Dem nominee results will be known or decided by then, although June has been mentioned in this regard.

Is it possible that someone will know the nom's identity in May, but not spill the beans until June? Timing really is everything, just ask Astrology.

Will Tuesday's 'Primary' Moon (a woman) "glide by" Mercury, the orator, inside the voting booths of Indiana and North Carolina's "darkened skies"?

Stay tuned "just after sunset" to find out--and look up, m'peops, look up!

May 3, 2008

Population Control by any other name

The Lords of Capital Decree Mass Death by Starvation

By Glen Ford

Having crushed the planet's peasants and converted food into just another commodity for global manipulation, the Lord's of Capital have unleashed upon humanity the threat--no, certainty--of mass starvation.

Information Clearing House has the full article. #

As astrologer Sybil Leek wrote, totalitarianism increases as the earth heats up.

And with the Bush administration's bolshevistic can-kicking ability these last 8 years, it's become a Let Them Eat Polar Bear World.

Barack Obama's Jupiter in Aquarius

Here's a post on Senator Obama's Jupiter in Aquarius which you may find of interest.

Shared by Albert Einstein and Walt Whitman, this is an intellectual and curious placement for expansive Jupiter and often draws its native toward working for the collective.

Plus, Obama's Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is helpful for those with political aspirations and seems to have been of benefit to him so far!

May 2, 2008

'DC Madam' an apparent suicide

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government May 1, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

Alleged Call Girl Professor Hanged Self Jan 30, 2007:

A former university professor accused of working as a call girl hanged herself over the weekend, police said Monday. Brandy Britton was found dead at her home Saturday by a family member. Britton, who was a sociology and anthropology professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, was charged a year ago with four counts of prostitution and was scheduled to go on trial next Monday.


Police: 'DC Madam' Palfrey Hanged Self in FL May 1, 2008:

Deborah Jeane Palfrey, convicted last month of running a high-end prostitution service in Washington, hanged herself in a shed outside her mother's mobile home in Florida today, officials said. Authorities were called today to the Sun Valley Estates Mobile Home Park in Tarpon Springs, Fla., by Blanche Palfrey, who found her daughter's body hanging by a nylon rope shortly before 11 a.m., Tarpon Springs police Capt. Jeffrey P. Young said at a news conference. He said Deborah Palfrey left at least two suicide notes, but he declined to discuss their contents. #


And just over a year later, too. She left AT LEAST TWO suicide notes? Do chatty suicide notes sound...fake?

Are you convinced?

May 1, 2008

Space Station joins Jupiter in May!

Space Weather News for May 1, 2008

FLYBY ALERT: This is a good month for spaceship spotting. On May 1st, the International Space Station (ISS) begins a 4-week series of bright flybys over North America and Europe. In early May, the ISS joins Jupiter and the stars of the Summer Triangle in a glittering pre-dawn sky. Later in the month, increasingly-frequent flybys shift to evening hours and the ISS will be crossing paths with Saturn, the Moon and Mars.

US and Canadian readers, check our Simple Satellite Flybys tool to find out when to look. (European readers, an international version of the flybys tool will be available in the near future--stay tuned.)

EXPLORE THE IONOSPHERE: The ionosphere is our planet's "final frontier." A realm of dancing auroras, radio-bending plasma bubbles and dangerous ultraviolet rays, it is the last wisp of Earth's atmosphere that astronauts leave behind when they enter space. Now you can explore the ionosphere from the safety of your own home.

Yesterday, NASA-supported researchers unveiled a "4D" computer model for the general public. Download a few files and presto--you're flying through the ionosphere. The model shows the ionosphere as it is right now; it's a real-time display based on current solar activity and atmospheric conditions.

Visit to get started.

Apr 30, 2008

European Man, Ferguson + Solar Flares

Space Weather News for April 27, 2008

All items:

STRANGE SOLAR FLARE: No sunspots? No problem. Yesterday the blank sun unleashed a solar flare without the usual aid of a sunspot.

At 1408 UT on April 26th, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a surge of X-rays registering B3.8 on the "Richter scale" of solar flares. That's a relatively minor flare; nevertheless, the blast sent a "solar tsunami" shock wave rippling through the sun's atmosphere and also launched a coronal mass ejection. The CME is expected to reach Earth late on April 28th or April 29th, possibly sparking high latitude auroras when it arrives. Visit SpaceWeather to view images, movies and updates.

Would you like to be alerted when geomagnetic storms erupt? Sign up for Spaceweather PHONE: SpaceWeather Phone #


And with my tiresome tendency to see As above, so below correlations, I'd say somebody is feelin' his oats this week.

Is someone flaring only to flame out? Is Obama's "Star falling" as is being blogged all over.

Or is this unusual flare descriptive of TV's Craig Ferguson livin' large in America while perpetrating his American Dream along with the best imitation of Prince Charles ever devised by man? It's spot on! And horses horses horses do like their oats, don't they?

And then there's...

The "A Man Unmasked" degree of the current season of Solar Eclipses, the one from early February, 2008, keeps on giving.

We've seen a few varmints unmasked, all right, but we hardly care--we've become as they planned--besotted and benumbed from constant exposure to their perfidies and scandals, and fretting over the troubles under our own noses. Snot to the oppressor!

Such is America. But that's not all she is. And I'm grateful for that.

Oh! and Craig...I speak for many when I say that we didn't want you to host the White House Correspondents' Dinner so you could make 'friends in Washington.' Was a line crossed that night?

You seem to have slept with the enemy and pronounced her good. S'up? Payback for fast-tracked Am-citizenship?

Don't care, I'm just asking. And I'm glad you're here actually. For you do so amuse.

Apr 29, 2008

Time Links: 1781 with Jan 20, 2009

Just a quick heads-up on a Page published today on some links between the charts of Cornwallis' Surrender of Oct 19, 1781, and the planetary positions of America's Inauguration Day 2009, noon est, Capitol Building, Washington, DC.

The 1781 chart, aka the Yorktown Surrender chart, is yet another of several versions known of America's birth or natal chart.

Well, sheesh and more sheesh! it's as if our Masonic, Sacred Geometry-versed Founders were trying to hide our beginning, rather than reveal it!

Do you ever get that creepy feeling from those cheeky monkeys of old?

But that's where the Yorktown Surrender chart comes in--the ceremony's hour was chosen by Gen Washington himself, and voila!

America is Free!

And see? there's a Lady at the 29th 2009 as in 1781.

I Knowww!

Bush: another Let's Blame Congress press conference

Criticism must be getting through the White House bubble!

Bush is on TV now in his second Press Conference of 2008, and contentious Mars 24Can36 is rising, plus, there's a full 8th house of Shared Resources, 10:31 am edt, White House. Rain is on the way.

Just before Bush began, Tim Russert said Bush has to try to get out in front of the issues, and I guess he is - whining at Congress whose fault he says it is that his administration hasn't done more for the American people who are having trouble affording food and fuel prices.

Mars is now in bounds of the earthly plane and conjunct America's natal Mercury today at the "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" degree which has an abuse of power flavor when negatively used (Lynda Hill, 360 Degrees of Wisdom.)

Lynda also mentions this degree as relating to having the weight of the world on one's shoulders (white-haired Bush's performance this morning is an angry temper tantrum, imo) and there's a sense of "can do no wrong" (it's not me, it's Congress, see!) with "25Can."

Visit with Lynda at her excellent Sabian Symbols site.

Sun 9Tau38 is conj asteroid Hygeia and the Part of the Mother which makes me wonder about Bar's health or simply Bush drinking again (his n Sun in emotionally touchy, self-protective Cancer), and Mercury (whose Hour it is) is at 24Tau10 and conj nasty Capulus, keywords: turbulence, blindness, strong feelings; male sexual energy; penetrating and focused action. )Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

The last Solar Eclipse 17AQ45, the Unmasking Eclipse, is within 8th house as he began speaking along with Chiron, Moon 21AQ30, nebulous Neptune 24AQ03, and North Node (NN), a public contact point.

Moon is chart-ruler and will square Mercury, then conj Neptune which is lumbering inexorably toward the US natal Moon (the people) at 25 - 28 AQ, depending on which USA chart you prefer. To me this indicates (as related to the reception of this press conference) that Bush's announcement/words (Mercury) will block (square) the people (Moon), then culminate in fraud and falsehood (Neptune)toward the people...or a quicker way to put it: deception and illusions to the people.

But then, all US presidents have thought they had to lie to us...not for our protection as much as to keep themselves in office, out of court or jail, and to get themselves re-elected, if possible. It's the self-serving model rather than the people-serving template.

So Mars is now beyond opposition with moneybags Jupiter 22Cap13, and Venus 28Ari49 (values, money, relationship) in 10th house at 10:31 am, is conj the Part of Fortune (Pars Fortuna.) Bush is now exalting John McCain as his successor because he understands the "war of terror."

This full 8th house reminds me of Bush's first Inauguration chart of Jan 20, 2001, when he began his tenure of running America into the ground and over the cliff. (There were many such presidents before him. Manipulating the unwashed masses is quite a process, or as Dubya might term it, it's hard werk.)

11:00 am, Bush, "I believe they (Congress) are letting the American people down" in relation to FISA..."this economy, it's a sour time," free trade agreement with Columbia - it's all about complaining at Congress for not rubberstamping his plans to sell us out even faster - kicking the Columbian can down the road and deflecting criticism from his administration.

So Bush "has to try to get out in front" by glopping passage of fascist FISA with the dubiously helpful Columbian free trade pact and he's the poor little president in the middle who's trying So Hard to help out the "average" American.

Just say yes to Anwar, people! And your fuel problems will disappear a la George.

George Bush: catapultin' the propaganda nationally since 2000.

And our food prices? Guess it'll be very thin Bush Soup in every pot. It's smelling ripe now - he's been stirring it with both oven mitts since Jan 20, 2001, noon, Washington, DC.

Apr 27, 2008

Wedding Day Astrology: Jenna Bush and Henry Hager

Have you heard?

Jenna Bush and Henry Hager will tie the nuptial knot on May 10 at the Bush Family's Crawford, Texas ranchero, aka White House2. (I made that up having no idea if anyone calls it that or not, but we all know the family prefers to be there.)

Yes, Taurus the Bull will marry Leo the Lion!

So if you haven't had a chance to consider the starry, romantic evening's planetary placements, you're cordially invited to do so by clicking on the link above.