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Jul 8, 2008

Obama's plane landing and Nemesis

Today is the first day of my new isp so this week's plan is to play catch up here and at Jude's Threshold so please stay tuned for some posts, charts, and blurbings about Politics and its political thespians bwo Astrological comments!

You know I was chomping to write up Barack Obama's emergency plane landing in St. Louis yesterday but was prevented by tech troubles.

And with Uranus (air travel) 22Pis37 Rx opposing Obama's natal Mars, there is danger in the environment, as previously stated, sudden unexpected danger.

Well, we know that's a given considering, and 'Uranus opposite Mars' is the astrological picture or description--Mars is the energy or action principle. Was yesterday's airplane mechanical problem a message to Obama?

Now Jupiter 17Cap43 Rx is conjunct the New World Order degree (18Cap = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...which Rudhyar gives the keynote as: "The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER.)

18Cap is where the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune took place. (Conjunction #3: Oct 24, 1993.)

But I digress...or do I?

So with Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, still conjoined transiting North Node, a path of conflict is opened now which we will witness as the 2008 campaign continues, and I'll be blogging about several such issues now that my pc is quicker and more spritely.

Jun 30, 2008

David Albright's ISIS

From Information Clearing House:

The Nuclear Expert Who Never Was

By Scott Ritter

David Albright has a history of being used by those who seek to gain media attention for their respective claims. In addition to the Hamza and Obeidi fiascos, Albright and his organization, ISIS, have served as the conduit for other agencies gaining publicity about the alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program, the alleged Syrian nuclear reactor, and most recently the alleged Swiss computer containing sensitive nuclear design information.

~~Ritter's article~~

ISIS? Unless someone in Washington is worshipping Egyptian goddesses (which wouldn't surprise me) let's see what Astrology has to say about the asteroid of the same name...

Isis: *42nd asteroid discovered, orbital period 3.8.years; named after the Egyptian goddess; initially a fertility divinity but in later mystery religions Isis became a goddess of wisdom (maybe she had learned a thing or two by then); her primary myth concerns the dismemberment of her husband Osiris, whom she reconstructed.

According to Lang-Wescott, Isis represents sibling relationships, and efforts to put people or things back together again from fragmented or scattered locations (perhaps Humpty Dumpty should've hired her.)

Keyword: collate. Which helps when you're acting as a conduit--and your privatized government is supposedly engaged in reconstruction of the country it broke tore up.

Lehman gives Isis and Osiris as relating to the balance of masc-fem and left brain-right brain hemispheres. Thus, androgyny is one of Isis' issues.

The heliocentric North Node of Isis is appr 25 Gemini, conjunct the Discovery Degree of radical rebel Uranus, btw.

But basically, we know Isis as the Egyptian goddess of the Moon. And Washington, London, and Cairo are linked bwo Egyptian mystery schools and teachings--there's DC's Masonic temple and other architectural evidence of Sacred Geometry--and at least 9 Founding Fathers are known to have been Masons, and/or Rosicrucians, and perhaps...the dreaded Illuminati.

So maybe Isis does have an honored seat at the table in Washington. Maybe I wasn't kidding.

Yet sadly Isis can't or won't wave her magic wand and put Bush-Cheney's Iraq back together again. Besides, according to them, success is busting out all over Iraq (a la Cheney), and as I've complained here before--for their purposes, all is swell.

(If you've never Googled Goat of Mendes, you're in for a DC treat. Perhaps an appreciation of Bush's reading material during the attacks of 9/11 will then infuse your being.)

So when your script follows the New World Order agenda, you have to bust everything up into chaos before you collate the fragmentation...which sounds brittle like the soon-to-perfect Saturn/Uranus opposition, doesn't it?

*Isis info: Astrology Encyclopedia, James R. Lewis

Bush signs war funding bill with Moon in Gemini

With Congress on holiday break this week, the lights at the Capitol Hill Theater were dim today as George Bush signed the $162 billion war funding bill.

Though Bush struggled against America's umemployed as not worthy of an extra 13 weeks of benefits in a worsening job market, and even as he whined about giving our soldiers an increase in GI Bill funding for receiving a better education after risking their lives for Bush-Cheney war profits, George signed his scrawl this morning as the Gemini Moon was nearing asteroid, Midas, that lover of gold of mythical proportions.

Not much of an audience for a limelight-loving Leonine performer, but it had to do for the lame quacker.

Here are the Sun/Moon Images for Integration for the morning of June 30, 2008:

"A performance of a puppetshow at an infant school Christmas play...A family plays a game of charades...Young children enacting a play wedding in the garden." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, Santa is surreptiously filling his bag with lots of goodies, to be sure, but the emphasis on puppets and charades doesn't sound very dependable for people with real needs, does it?

Perhaps the charade is that there are billions left to be spent!

Yet I happily send along Congrats all the Senator Jim Webb who insisted on the GI Bill how about a post for Senator Webb in a new Democratic cabinet?

Jun 29, 2008

A lavender sun and ISS flybys

Space Weather News for June 29, 2008


Ignited by lightning, hundreds of wildfires are burning in California, smothering the northern half of the state with thick plumes of smoke. The unusually widespread haze is causing a rare atmospheric optics phenomenon--the lavender sun. Many Californians report seeing the sun, when viewed through the smoke, turn a bright shade of purple.

Today's edition of the SpaceWeather News features pictures of the phenomenon and an explanation.


A new batch of ISS flybys is underway. For the next two weeks, Europeans and North Americans can see the International Space Station flying overhead just before dawn.

Recent additions to the station have made it bigger and brighter than ever and if you haven't seen the ISS in a while, you might be surprised by its increased luminosity. Some sky watchers have spotted it in broad daylight.

Check our Simple Flybys page to find out when to look. #


For those who may be interested in Hollywood more than in Politics, see Jude's Threshold for today's new CelebChart: Angelina Jolie.

Jun 28, 2008

The crystal ball of Underdog McCain

Just want to be certain you heard that John "Underdog" McCain seems to have a secret about the November presidential election:

McCain predicts he'll overtake Obama 48 hours before the election so he must know something we don't know.

Sounds to me like Underdog, as he's calling himself, has received an assurance from Karl Rove.

Well, November 4 is a Lunar Return for John McCain, his natal Moon conjuncts US natal Pluto (power; the secret hand), and thus Underdog's n Pluto opposes US n Pluto--sheesh! you say, that's a shotload of Moon-Pluto energy...what does it mean?

Moon-Pluto is a primal combination of emotions and rage with his natal opposition giving him an extremely touchy temperament, as colleagues in the Senate can attest when they offend McCain's vanity, however slightly.

By comparison, Bush's Cancerian sensitivity is nothing in comparison to this joker's emotional issues and need for control. Natal moon in Capricorn = reigning need for control and authority, which only bolsters his Moon-Pluto issues such as:

McCain's tolerance for emotional pain is very low and his bitterness is deep toward those who would attempt to control him--they're wasting their time if they try. He'll be doin' the controlling around here, and donchu forget it.

There's a natural defiance of authority with a Moon-Pluto opposition, so having this primal, maniacal rage within White House walls with this particular finger on The Button are frightening thoughts.

Public relations is a usual interest with this aspect yet there will be trouble in dealing with the public. His Crankiness may be on display from the Oval Office on a regular basis with a president named McCain, whose natal Moon-with-US-Pluto will be on display at Midheaven on Jan 20, 2009, noon, Capitol Building...The Goal.

If we think George Bush has turned a deaf ear to the American people during his interminable tenure, push Underdog through the backdoor and don't expect any hint of a president "representing" the common good--or of his upholding, protecting, or defending, the US Constitution.

With a McCain presidency, a show will be made initially, of course--they all do for the illusive honeymoon period, but really--shouldn't the Oath of Office be morphed to reflect a globalist shill's true elitist intent toward America?

So the natal aspect which may help catapult McCain into the White House may turn out to be the fly in the bad president ointment "at the end of the day" as Moon (the public; publicity)-Pluto (propaganda; manipulation; control; coping ability) give Underdog the necessary primal energy to continue the fascist subjugation of the American people and the destruction and transformation of our nation's most hallowed dreams, systems, and infrastructures.

With Moon-Pluto, Underdog possesses the massive Ego needed for the job of top propaganda-catapulter (as Bush so richly termed himself...sometimes a hint of honesty accidentially--aka unconsciously--peeks through their political masks. Kind of like the above announcement where McCain--oops!--spills a smidge of The November Plan!)

And with McCain as prez, the political fly paper has Dick Cheney's wings pinned to our destiny as before and the New World Order marches on totally oblivious and uncaring for the misery it causes the innocent.

About 48 hours before Nov 4, eh? Moon will conjunct McCain's natal Jupiter in mid-Sagittarius during that time bringing happy feelings and a fleeting sense of well-being!

False flag op, bin Laden tape release, an Obama secret revealed, a new trick up Rove's magician's sleeve? The possibilities are truly endless when you live by the ends-justify-the-means creed of Washington players and the blackmailers who enable them.

Jun 27, 2008

Dems' Unity Tour kick-off today

For some off-the-cuff astrological remarks on today's Unity Tour kick-off rally in Unity, New Hampshire, please see Barack and Hillary rally in Unity.

It's unity in Unity for the Democratic Party along with campaign debt relief for the suspended Clinton campaign--but it's political thespian Barack Obama appearing as Mr. Excitement that makes the day for the rallying crowd!

Jun 26, 2008

Bush Doctrine 9.17.02

At last I've published the natal chart of the Bush Doctrine of Sept 17, 2002 at Jude's Threshold using Sun to Midheaven to represent its unfurling.

No time to blurb on details this morning but since the chart is published as a Page, it will be easy to return later and add more info concerning this horror...scope.

However, if you enlarge the image, you'll find a few details in my usual scribble including the Prenatal Eclipse Series in which this...entity...was forced upon a deer-in-headlights-after-9/11America.

~:~ note: there are a couple of typos in my last post and some recent reader's comments I'd like to reply to but Blogger is not cooperating on opening comment windows and revealing my Edit list...apologies, Y'all, and I will keep trying as time permits.

But as Jilly noted in Blogger's code verification: ahfuq-- a good description of my ongoing tech battles here on pokey Turtle Lane!

Jun 24, 2008

Thoughts of Bill Clinton 6.24.08

It's been quite a while since I posted on anyone's Minor Progressions which indicate the Mental/Causal plane of thoughts which are striving to be integrated into consciousness.

And since I've blurbed about Minors here before, I'll skip the long explanation (see astrologer Robert Blaschke's excellent work on Progressions) and give the midpoint pictures for Bill Clinton's Minor Progressed chart, set for this afternoon.

All, none, or some combination of these pictures may be in play for Mr. Clinton who now embraces the candidacy of his wife's victorious opponent, Barack Obama, so see if any seem to apply.

Remember the Minors are the '27' in the ratio: 27:13:1, with '13' being the Tertiary Progressions (Intuitive-Emotional-Spiritual plane), and '1' as Secondary Progressions (Physical plane.)

Now let's 'peek under the hood' of Bill Clinton, shall we?

Sun/Saturn = Uranus: unusual circumstances; relationships crises; a clash between new ways of doing things and long-established ways; the fight for individuality.

Sun/MC ('the goal') = NN: picking one's associates carefully; forming relationships.

Moon/Mars = Sun: solidarity between husband and wife especially felt by the latter; the power to establish oneself in the world; prosperity through harmonious cooperation.

Mercury/Jupiter = Sun: success with the intellect; creative ideas are born; solutions are illuminated.

Moon/Venus = Mars: living passionately; potential overindulgence.

Moon/NN = Jupiter: confidence; good fortune through interactions with others.

Mars/MC = Jupiter: promotion in professional status; great success; energy and opportunity; a good organizer; prudence; far-sightedness; clear consciousness of objectives; a happy attachment.

And the only really difficult in the bunch which is actually between generational planets and thus in effect for people born around the same time as Bill...

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: the desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary efforts; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure; brutality; upheaval to protect assets; tremendous fear of loss.

Well, there they are, the current Mental/Causal plane's midpoint pictures of former President Bill Clinton. Whether one chooses to act upon thoughts that swim up from the unconscious or not is, of course, up to the driver--obsessions and compulsions notwithstanding!