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Sep 24, 2008

Capitol Hill and The Bold Ones

“I believe if the credit markets are not functioning, that jobs will be lost, that our credit rate will rise, more houses will be foreclosed upon, GDP will contract, that the economy will just not be able to recover in a normal, healthy way.”

That was Ben Bernanke, the Fed's chairman on Tuesday, in an attempt to strong-arm Congress into handing over the keys to Fort Knox, in a manner of speaking.

What pops out at me in all their dire warnings, his and Paulson's and anyone else's ammunition they pull out of their holsters is that such predictions may be taken another threats and promises.

He speaks of "normal and healthy"? Like that's how it was before this emergency was recognized? So this means that a return to the creed of greed that Wall Street has always operated under will tell us when things are hunkey dorey normal again?

Years ago I used to watch The Bold and the Beautiful, in hopes that one day I'd figure out who was bold and who was beautiful. Never did, no matter how many episodes I watched, so I gave up in despair.

The question haunts me to this day.

Now, the day is late, and if I've got to figure out who's normal and who's healthy on Wall Street, well, like David Letterman says, it just gives me a headache.

Yet one thing I do know after the Paulson-Bernanke tag team got done scaring the pants off our Washington puppets like cats arguing with tiny little's really the banking crowd who are the bold ones.

How will McCain vote on Wall Street's bailout?

McCain "won't be a problem"...sounds like George and Jeb's assurance in 2000: "It's in the bag."

And it was.

Sep 23, 2008

Paulson and Capitol Hill Theater 9.23.08

Have you watched or heard the performances on Capitol Hill today?

The financial wizards are playing their woeful parts, with congressional actors as the slow-downers but the results will tell whether this is a crime of theatrics or whether Congress holds onto what's left of its oversight responsibilities.

Without oversight, American tax payers (apparently the lenders of last resort) will have no confidence that a fair price is being paid. We were vulnerable to Wall Street fraud before and now we're supposed to trust them to solve their own pickle by using our money!

Well, at 9:30 am edt this morning on Capitol Hill, the rising degree was 00Sco44 bringing the natal Sun of the New World Order into the House.

(The great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune marks the official NWO chart I use - all through 1993 they met...I use the third and final conj of Oct 24, 1993, 1:11 pm EDT, Wash DC, as the entity's natal chart.)

In the NWO's natal chart, Asc = 12Cap52, so right away we see that the current position of Jupiter 12Cap55, sits fortuitously upon NWO's natal Asc. In fact, the weekend of Sept 7, when moneybags Jupiter performed his Direct Station 12Cap32, he held round-the-clock meetings as the bailout charade began.

Today's Libra stellium of Mercury, Mars, and a 29 degr Venus (which had just arisen at 9:30 am) is nestled near NWO's natal Jupiter 26Lib25, which is, of course, near n Sun 1Sco19. In its natal chart, Midheaven is at 6Sco08.

With the NWO's Uran/Neptune conj rising in its natal chart at 18Cap33, we know that tr Jupiter will be triggering the conj mightily in mid-November...

Ura/Nep = Jupiter: relying on others; joy of hope or of expectations; a strange luck or good fortune; accepting gifts without thinking about it; gaining new courage to face life again; good luck coming out of nowhere; rejuvenation of the spirit.

How jolly for them.

At 9:30 am in Washington today, the Sun 00Lib53 conjs US natal Mc in the Sibly chart and transiting asteroid Hebe is there, too. Hebe = how one enables the egocentricity and emotional immaturity of others; co-dependency; serving. Hebe does have a 'Hebrew' connotation as well.

At 2:22 pm today, Mars leaves Venus' degree behind and reaches 23Lib+ (about to cross George Bush's natal Ic) and culminates at Mc over DC - so Mars' Sabian Symbol changes to: "A third wing on the left side of a butterfly." I believe the "third wing" relates to Paulson's overly expansive new powers. We're going to be sorry about this.

There's a lot more to say but my time grows short. However, I think it's important to re-type here the Symbol for the NWO's signature degree of the Ura/Nep conj, esp since Britain's finances are also intricately involved in this charade...using a mixture of Rudhyar's details with Marc Edmund Jones' negative/shadow side factor...

"18Cap"..."The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...

POLITICAL POWER...keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order.

"Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Where this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence - or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage." (Rudhyar.)

neg: smug or strong-armed paternalism. (Jones.)

So what do you think?

Will Congress provide protection against this naked power grab on behalf of the American people?


Update Oct 7: No surprise - it didn't.

Here's the natal solar (sunrise) chart of Hank Paulson if you'd care to nab a view.

Sep 22, 2008

America in the Soupline

Plopped into the stew by the Bush-Cheney regime, my fellow Americans are trading - not futures on Wall Street (Wall Street took care of the common folks' futures) - but trading soup recipes with the scruffy bum on the corner who once was a neighbor or colleague. He really has a way with Ramen.

Yes, it's Souplines Across America, she wrote, and many scoffed. All three readers of this blog said, wahhhh? She's lost it now.

But in 2008 more is lost in this country than my few marbles, and the programs of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal are simultaneously the neocons' target yet are the sort of thing we'll be craving more of in a little while thanks to the wrong-headed policies and big plans of George Bush and his fellow bandits.

Why, this blog was dedicated from its start to those who infest Washington, varmints, bandits, and all!

Scandalously, the US Congress will soon pass its shredded authority and oversight duties over to the dustbin of history, perhaps by Friday, but at least your Aunt Granny Fanny has a cauldron of Fishbone Soup bubbling on the stove for your dinner.

Yes, FDR is trembling in his grave, and a new light-emitting species of comb jellies has been discovered near the Great Barrier Reef. Cheney must not have heard about them yet or he'd be having jellies for din din with his moose burger.

Remembering Reagan

Ronald Reagan wrote in his diary about his first days in office and how his budget was to meant "undo LBJ's Great Society"...just like our current crop of "all through your life you made choices" bunch that set about doing same in order to rent the social fabric of this nation and hoard more wealth and power for themselves.

And that's what Congress should say to the Paulson bailout charade brigade and to Wall Street wheeler-dealers: all through your life you made you're on your own, dog.

Homelessness Rising: Bush vs FDR is a rant from 2007 along these same lines...souplines.

Across America.

Still I hope and pray that Congress doesn't let the American people down. But what are the odds? Wall Street donations to their campaign coffers ('kickbacks') will be flowing like water along with the cheap liquidity the Fed is further undermining the US dollar with...washing it and the nation down the drain.

But crazily enough, everyone sees what they're up to. It's all over the web and elsewhere, too. But I suppose our only recourse is to make our "representatives" miserable if they dare set hooves in their constituents' vicinity as the beltway denizens flock to their districts like a gaggle of chickens on vacation.

Now normally chickens don't travel in gaggles, I know. But these particular chickens may need safety in numbers to keep their patooties out of your Aunt Granny Fanny's cauldron. Fishbone Soup doesn't stick to your ribs for long, but poultry might.

More Memories:

Reaganomics led the nation into serious economic trouble, big deficits, homelessness - and even 'true believers' were wavering over Reagan's trickle down/supply side crap as the 80s souplines formed in every city.

Poppy Bush called it 'voo doo economics' in order to get elected to the presidency (he resorted to telling the truth.)

That the American people have such short memories was the sad part in 2000 and'd think they could've thought of this downturn tendency when Bush knocked on their doors with his Ownership Society leaflets which preceeded the eviction notices by a couple of years - just long enough for the kids to get settled in school before finding themselves out on the curb.

Well, I'll hush for now. The microwave just beeped me that my Campbells is heated through.


If you wish, read my notes on the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 where you'll see that this Eclipse's degree is conjunct none other than George W. Bush's natal Ascendant, his nibs himself, making him a perfect conduit for the continuation of ruinous economic policies of the so-called free market.

Dubya was 35 years old when the Reaganomics Eclipse occurred but was probably too high to notice at the time. I'm imagining his daffy response though..."who turned out the lights?"

With Solar Eclipses occurring in an 18.6-year cycle, the 1981 Eclipse is from the same Series as the Mother of All Eclipses of Aug 11, 1999 which ushered in the New Millennium and was predicted by Nostradamus many moons's his famous 'King of Terror' Eclipse, in fact. Or 'King of Alarm' if you prefer.

Either name you label it, innocents are in the crosshairs with the devil taking the hindmost.

And the current Eclipse season (Solar Ecl August 1, 2008; 9Leo32) is in Leo like 1999's Eclipse; plus, this is the Pre-natal Ecl Series of John McCain - and of the NYSE.

A Page is dedicated to this momentous Eclipse so follow the link and you'll see the August 11,1999 Eclipse at the top of my Pages List in the sidebar at Jude's Threshold.

Is this Cheney's mushroom cloud?

Mushroom Cloud over Wall Street "All Hail Caesar!" The days of the republic are over.

By Mike Whitney

The bill gives Paulson the ability to nationalize unlimited amount of private debt and force you and your children to pay for it.


Enslavement of the masses has always been a dream of Bush and Cheney, but you knew that, right?

New Sunspot for Fall Equinox 2008

Space Weather News for Sept 22, 2008

NEW SUNSPOT: For the first time in months, a significant sunspot is emerging on the sun. It is a fast-growing active region with two dark cores, each larger than Earth. The magnetic polarity of the sunspot identifies it as a member of new Sunspot Cycle 24.

Because the year 2008 has brought so many blank suns, some observers have wondered if we are ever going to climb out of the ongoing deep solar minimum. Today's new sunspot is an encouraging sign that the 11-year solar cycle is indeed progressing, albeit slowly.

Visit for sunspot photos and updates.

SEPTEMBER EQUINOX: Seasons on Earth change much faster than they do on the sun. Today, autumn begins in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere when the sun crosses the celestial equator. The crossing, called the "equinox," takes place at 1544 UT (11:44 EDT) on Monday, Sept 22nd. Happy equinox!


Now that's Astronomically. Astrologically you may wish to view Autumn Equinox 2008 over Washington DC with chart image plus details to begin your 2008 Fall season!

more notes on the first debate of 9.26.08

Taurus is rising at 8:00 pm CDT on the campus of Ole Miss, Sept 26, Friday, when Barack Obama and John McCain hold the first of three presidential debates.

And there are three difficult aspects for the evening which I'd like to discuss with you here: a hidden square, and two obsessive-compulsive quindeciles (165 degr.)

Saturn (government; traditions) and Pluto (power; the secret hand; coping ability) are 104 degrees apart with Saturn 14Vir47 and Pluto direct at 28Sag35. In the 'opposite' direction, which may be taken as having an unconscious influence, this puts the angle between the two heavyweights at 256 degrees, sometimes called a hidden square, so it may behoove us to read the aspect as a square.

Saturn SQ Pluto: this is the 'sore loser' aspect who doesn't play if he can't win - he prefers his supremacy to be guaranteed; the generosity to admit that others may be more qualified is lacking, value judgments are unrealistic, and there's a deep emotional insecurity.

Social responsibilities are viewed as obstacles rather than as opportunities; acceptance comes through a willingness to serve; grasping power is not viewed well from superiors; impatience and resentment are present when efforts to reach the top are frustrated.

Advisors are needed to assess capabilities and to determine goals; desires are unrealistic in view of resources; status and security are life's priorities, and bitter resentment makes others feel threatened.(Pelletier, 'Planets in Aspect.')

Sun QD Uranus: driven by a need for constant excitement; living 'on the edge'; independence and individuality are prominent; may feel that 'the rules don't apply to me'; may have sense of mission in needing to be different; may take up a humanitarian cause on behalf of humankind.

Moon QD Neptune: escapism, addictions, fantasies are prominent; lost in one's own world; idealism leads to sacrifice of personal needs; emotional balance through spiritual insight; extremely creative. ('Quindecile' by Ricki Reeves.)

~note: because the Sept 26 debate's Moon is conjunct McCain's natal Sun, we see that Neptune is and has been in quindecile relationship to his Sun (vitality; sense of identity.)

Sun QD Neptune = strong intuition and insight; may live in a world of fantasy, illusion, and deception; sense of identity and self-confidence are weak; may see self as victim and/or martyr; feelings of powerlessness, addictions and indulgences may be prominent.

Now here are a few details on the debate's Sun Libra-Moon Virgo blend which is shared natally by comedian Lenny Bruce who said:

"The 'what should be' never did exist but people keep trying to live up to it. There is no 'what should be', there is only what is."

This Air-Earth blend is a productive, rational, efficient and innovative pairing; abstract thought mixes with practicality for a clear-headed, logical approach.

Sun Lib-Moon Vir is eminently civilized with a fine intellect and a pholosophical, judicial mind. An elegant composure adds to the refined simplicity, and results in a stylish peacemaker.

This is the blend of the social theoretician who is kind-hearted and helpful, articulate, modest, graceful, and socially concerned and purposeful. This combo is witty yet careful about where and in whom trust is placed; there is a matter-of-fact air concerning most things, and a tactful, diplomatic way of delivering criticisms.

Hypocrisy is not appreciated or engaged in; an independent mind analyzes until the practical principle underlying matters is found.
Reasoning abilities are profound, yet there are deep emotions which are kept carefully under control.

If there are negatives, it's a tendency to over-analyze things, and to intellectualize feelings; a 'holier-than-thou' attitude may be seen until maturity is achieved.

Image for Integration: "With minute precision, a sculptor chisels the finishing touches to his work of art for the 99th time, and then sweeps up before leaving for his art-therapy group." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

Well, don't know about you, lone reader, but this Sun-Moon picture sounds a lot like Barack Obama rather than the emotionally explosive John McCain.

So will Obama 'sweep up' in the debate? If so, he may sweep the floor with you-know-who!


You are cordially invited to read the rest of my notes on the Sept 26 presidential debate, and view its horoscope simply by clicking on the above link!

Merkel says No to Paulson Bailout Plan

Over in Europe they're being treated to an America campaign to follow suit on Paulson's bailout plan for saddling US taxpayers with Wall Street's debts but "bareknuckled criticism" has so far been Europe's response.

German Chancellor Andrea Merkel has accused the US government of failure to regulate and I know of no one here or abroad who could possibly disagree on these deregulating bandits and crooks.

Short end of the stick hardly describes what our Goldman Sachs "Secretary of the Treasury" has in mind for the American people with his 'hurry up and screw yourselves' legislation which Congress had better not pass so quickly, if at all.

If this sounds like the Bush-Cheney build-up to war with its 'hurry up' quality, it's not our ears gone bad. It's Terror Promotion at its finest as spearheaded by Hank Paulson.

Sep 21, 2008

110th Congress in final days

In a spate of nostalgia, I looked for my first post about the current 110th Congress for which so many held such grand hopes - that they would end the Iraq occupation above all.

Well, the first minimum wage increase in Ten Years was passed with Republicans kicking and screaming, gas mileage standards were raised (were they? you tell me), ethics reform to rein in sorry politicians was passed (although they may have papered the break room with it - but after all, you can't legislate morality - my mama coulda told 'em that), plus, hundreds of hearings were held at taxpayers' expense, of course.

Which means that much stalling, diverting, and talking was done by all, with questions left unanswered and challenges neutralized.

And the Iraq war? The House, thanks to the Democrats, went 'on record' and out on a short limb as disapproving of the Bush-Cheney war. Well, me too - and my opinion's free.

So now, because the 110th Congress is coming to a close in a while, I have sentimentally (with a salty tear in my eye) reached back into 2006's blog bowels to find my very first post about the victorious 110th, titled, Dawn of a New Day: Nov 8, 2006, a hopeful if semi-realized shout-out to the Bush enablers of Capitol Hill.

You'll find a few Sabian Symbols of the day but with no updates in the post. Even so, I cordially invite you to take a brief stroll down memory lane with me, if you wish, because the Temple on Capitol Hill awaits.

Limericking the Fed

Did you know that A Kitten Was Lost at the Fed?

So says Mr.A.Cat, our limericker-in-chief!

Low marks for Paulson's bail out plan

Everywhere I look today, Hank Paulson's power grab, er...I mean 'bail out plan' is getting low marks.

Even his performances this morning on Meet the Press, Face the Nation (how could he? oh but he did!), and This Week with George Stephanopoulos, haven't swayed the doubters or calmed the "bail out foreign investors?!!" crowd. Confidence is showing itself to be hard to come by as taxpayers are expected to rescue Wall Street gentry who made "bad choices."

Yep, that's what compassionate conservatives once loved to say to anyone down on their luck: all through life, you made choices. Now the biggest of bad choices are nestled on the secret ledgers locked in the hidden drawers of bank executives' desks.

Then there's columnist Paul Krugman who says no deal to the Fed's massive bail out of Wall Street culprits.

Little Did I Know

You know back on Aug 26, 2006, when I was looking at Paulson's natal chart and publishing it here, I wrote that given Mr. Paulson's genius, he could probably run the White House himself.

Seems now he's making a power play for the opportunity to run the country.

Experts in finance and government once told us ad nauseum that if government "got out of the way," life would be peachy and all boats would rise.

It should be quite a while before we listen to those crocks again.

~:~ a further note on Paulson's chart:

the current Solar Eclipse Series (10 South) which manifested on August 1 (9Leo32) conjuncts/triggers Hank Paulson's natal Pluto, planet of power, transformation, and coping ability. And 9Leo+ is also conj the natal Mercuries of George Bush and the Republican Party.

Keyphrases for 10 South:

breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen for more options; a worry will suddenly clear - the cosmos shows the solution which must be taken up without too much delay. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Annnnd...this is the Pre-natal Eclipse Series of candidate John McCain.

Sep 20, 2008

Pat Buchanan on the financial crisis

As he blames the credit habits of the baby boomer generation for the current economic crisis, Pat Buchanan names names on Capitol Hill, in the White House, and complains of the speculators of Wall Street and the Fed.

You know, the credit card was invented in the 1950s, when most of us boomers were tykes if we were yet born. While the fluffy credit economy was hyped and sold as we gahh-gahhed in front of our television sets (also invented by a previous generation), we grew up to comply with credit card living as our way of life after much media-based mind control had been used against our better natures.

In fact, those who shied away from using credit cards and ratings were given little leeway for establishing themselves, as I remember. Years ago my young family was denied gas service because we didn't have a credit rating - we owed no one, and that was considered a no-no!

We didn't condone it, we simply suffered from it and learned to play the game Mr. Buchanan now blames us for.

That the piper has to be paid eventually has been a well-worn mantra on the web for years, and it's good to see that the pre-baby-boomer Mr. Buchanan has caught on.

Not all us have ascribed to George Bush's "go shopping" mindlessness. Nor have we condoned much else that Washington DC has palmed off on the American people during the last decades of graft and greed.

I never voted for Mr. Buchanan, didn't vote for Reagan or for George H.W. Bush. To me, his son, (Bush43, for whom I also did not vote) is little more than a Rovian dirty trick sneaked into the backdoor of the White House, and my opinion of him has only lowered since 1999. That it could sink lower is an impossibility.

Gelding of America?

Still, I do find the above-linked article to be of some value or I wouldn't bother with its link here.

And perhaps it's too bad that Pat Buchanan didn't make his economic brilliance more well-known before the stallion$ left the horse trader's barn.

That Buchanan could single-handedly stop the worldwide economic meltdown, the precursor to a one-world-government, is another impossibility; that he is unaware of what's been going on behind closed doors for decades is completely impossible to believe.