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Oct 23, 2008

Germany's Kristallnacht resolution stalls

German politicians divided over anti-Semitism as the German Parliament attempts to pass a unanimous resolution against anti-Semitism to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Night of Broken Glass.

Anti-Semitism is 'on the rise' in Germany, the article states and it seems that 70 years of perspective aren't enough.

Of course, it's much more complex an issue than my simplistic can't we all just get along mindset. But should it be?

Doesn't all hatred issue from mankind's primal lizard brain?

You'll find a previous post on Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, just below with a few notes on Kristallnacht's Chiron, the Wounded One, then in Cancer, sign of tradition, self-protection, and...the homeland.

Mood of the World 10.23.08 + Greenspan speaks

What's the world's mood for the day? At least for the western world which uses mainly the tropical zodiac! Actually, it begins with a Leo Moon and ends with Virgo...

You'll find a few Sun-Moon blend notes concerning today's Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo combination with Moon reaching Virgo at 3:40 pm EDT so I've included notes on the Sun Sco-Moon Virgo blend as well.

Then there's former Fed head and financial 'expert' *Alan Greenspan speaking on Capitol Hill today and saying that heavy demand for risky loans is at the base of the financial crisis but again he takes no responsibility for his own culpability in several years' worth of shell games and banditry while encouraging fraud.

So apparently people who couldn't afford the over-priced homes being offered - and who didn't have a crystal ball to see job loss in their immediate futures - said, please let me take out a squirrelly mortgage so my kids can end up on a street corner, pleeeeease! My fondest dream is to embarrass and humiliate my family as much as possible - now where do I sign?


*Yes, I do so like to call him Alan Greenspin and once again he does not disappoint...he spins tales about money, see?

Born in NYC on March 6, 1926, Greenspan has Moon in the final degrees of big business Scorpio if he was born at or just after midnight. But chances are his Moon is in Sagittarius, sign of the Seeker and the Quest.

With Sun in Pisces, his Images for Integration for each Moon sign possibility are as follows:

Sun Pisc-Moon Sco: Steinbeck's novel, 'The Grapes of Wrath'...Longfellow's poem, 'The Secret of the Sea.'

Sun Pisc-Moon Sag: 'Einstein's Theory of Relativity.'

Hmm-m-m...interesting choice: wrath and secrets - or theories and relativity!


Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey

Oct 22, 2008

The Fed and the pandemic rooster

"We have what is known as the Federal Reserve Bank System. That system is not owned by the Government. Many people think that it is because it says "Federal Reserve." It belongs to private banks, private corporations.

So we have farmed out to the Federal Reserve Banking System that which is owned exclusively, wholly, one hundred percent to the private banks - we have farmed out to them the privilege of issuing the Government's money!"

--Wright Patman [John William Wright Patman] (1893-1976) US Congressman (TX-D) Source: Congressional Record (Sep 29, 1941)

"No State shall...coin money; emit bills of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts...."

--US Constitution Source: Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1

"...first ascertain exactly the position of the various capitalists, then control them, influence them by restricting or enlarging, facilitating or hindering their credits, and finally they can entirely determine their fate."

--Vladimir Ilyich Lenin [Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov](1870 - 1924), First Leader of the Soviet Union


Quotes courtesy of Information Clearing House; broken financial system brought to you by the Bush-Cheney administration, the pocket-liners of Capitol Hill, the World Bank and IMF, the wizards of Wall Street, and the global corporate syndicate of criminals and thieves.

Did I leave out anyone besides the Vatican?

Ah yes! the secret actors of the high and mighty monarchical 'royal bloodline' persuasion who think they're so-o-o much better than the rest of us...and their minions who think they're 'in with the in crowd' because they know a secret handshake and a chant or two.

If those who think this way along with me are only half right about an invisible power network, things will be bad enough.

Driving out of town this evening, I saw a new billboard by the side of a major highway with words along the lines of: "Be prepared for pandemic flu." There was an artist's rendition of a rooster's head next to the words. Lovely. Thanks.

Makes me think that someone experimented with avian flu in Asia, got it just how they wanted it, and now a strain is on the way to our shores. It's like 1984 all over again.

If that's what they Want me to think, it worked like a charm on this citizen.

After all, the Sabian Symbol for America's natal Pluto, planet of fear and psychological control ('28Cap') is: "A Large Aviary." COMMUNITY...

pos: exceptional success in making all personal concerns a matter of common welfare;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: loss of all character in sheer officiousness. (MEJ.)

Now, mind you, this is the same highway that Homeland Security has under consideration for building an infectious lab facility to be placed in the same area as UGA animal laboratories and pastures. Sounds like a darn good idea if you don't mind a little hoof-and-mouth disease escaping amongst your cows' and sheep' hooves and mouths.

So what could possibly be wrong with this picture?

And yes, the local community has been fighting the lab's location here but the final decision will probably be made elsewhere in spite of the natives' wishes, as you might expect. We have 'input' as long as it doesn't interfere too much with their plans.

But back to the new pandemic rooster billboard:

It seems ironic to me how the scientific community never tires of crowing cock-a-doodle-doo about its marvelous accomplishments when it wants to sell you a new and more expensive med, but then it acts all wimpy and worried about preventing animal-to-human infections when the government orders a new wave of fear mongering to be unleashed upon the public.

One of my childhood favorites:

Foghorn Leghorn would've been ashamed of his cousin appearing on such a billboard in order to unnerve the American people. Foghorn Leghorn has more integrity than that.

And I can't imagine what good such a billboard can lead to...if you have any ideas, please let me know, because as it stands now, I'll be training myself to ignore the pandemic rooster billboard every day as I head to and from work...but who knows? Perhaps I shouldn't.

Sarah Palin-Media poll available

Is former beauty queen and Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin being treated badly by the media?

If you have a minute please navigate to Jude's Threshold and take my freahly published poll, Is the media bad to Palin?

Oct 21, 2008

Kristallnacht relics found from 1938

Artifacts of Kristallnacht (meaning 'Night of Broken Glass' - broken glass is signified by Saturn-Uranus which are now opposed) have been discovered near Berlin in the state of Brandenburg.

On the night of Nov 9, 1938, a pogrom against the Jews was carried out at Hitler's direction. Over 1,400 synagogues and other religious establishments and businesses across Germany and Austria were destroyed or damaged, dozens of Jews were killed, and thousands were arrested and sent to concentration camps.

In what is thought to have been a dump, journalist Yaron Svoray has discovered relics such as a glass bottle with a Star of David imprinted on it, among other things, and an investigation is in the works which include the efforts of Israel's Ghetto Fighters' Museum.

The world is nearing the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht, so I took a look at the chart for 8:53:15 pm CET, Berlin, Germany because the World Point, 00Aries00 was precisely at Midheaven at that moment in history:

ASC 27Can25, Pluto 1Leo30 Rx rising;
Saturn 12Ari17 Rx in 10th house;
Uranus 15Tau46 Rx in 11th house;

Here are the rest of the planets for the Night of Broken Glass, Kristallnacht, in hierarchical order including wounded Chiron:

Sun 16Sco46
Moon 11Gem51
Mercury 4Sag07
Venus 2Sag52 Rx
Mars 9Lib49
Jupiter 23AQ10 (now being transiting by Neptune)
Neptune 22Vir44 (basically this date was a Neptune Return for America with the Gemini Moon conj US n Desc)
Chiron 9Can45 Rx
North Node 17Sco47

As you see, Saturn and Uranus are appr 33 degrees apart and nearing their Great Conjunction of May 3, 1942 (29Tau20 - a 29th degree of crisis.) It may or may not be significant, but '33' is an important number in certain secret societies at least one of which Hitler may have been a member.

Cancer, sign of home and tradition (both of which were wounded that night) is a deeply sensitive placement for Chiron. Richard Nolle says that Chiron in Cancer is attuned to the past and may indicate a folk hero or an infamous legend.

Can we agree as to which figure Kristallnacht reminds us of?

Barbara Hand Clow gives Chiron in Cancer as: a crisis over cultural roots and/or a crisis of personal protection. Obviously, Kristallnacht was both rolled fiendishly into one.

Nolle, in his book, Chiron, goes on to say that "whether applauded or condemned by the judgment of time or their peers, these people believe deeply in whatever they do. Their actions, however controversial, stem from a deep conviction that what they are doing will somehow make this a better world, right a wrong of longstanding, or prepare the way for some brighter day.

Mentors of these people tend to be folklore idols, whose example inspire the native to preserve and promote some cultural ideal.

There is an element of populism...a certain appreciation for values which have their origin in the masses. They are proud of their roots, and yearn to make others appreciate traditional cultural legacies. Whether their lives are public or private, they leave their mark."

Like a Star of David on a glass bottle which turns up 70 years later - in a dump created by a madman on the loose in the Autumn of 1938.

Some natives with Chiron in Cancer include: Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Germaine Greer, Marc Edmund Jones, Ringo Starr, and Lee Harvey Oswald.

And here's a quote from author Fyodor Dostoevsky who shares the Sun Sco-Moon Gemini combo of Kristallnacht in his natal chart:

"If the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness."

And sometimes he wears a very silly looking moustache.

Oct 20, 2008

Obama leaves campaign trail temporarily

Candidate Barack Obama will leave the campaign trail later this week to visit his very ill grandmother in Hawaii for a couple of days.

This 85-year-old lady worked for the US war effort in WWII while her husband served with General Patton, and she's been nothing but supportive of her grandson who, though busy as anyone can be in this world, will be stepping off the campaign merry-go-round long enough to spend two days with his ailing grandmother who helped raise him.

This is undoubtedly a difficult time for Senator Obama and his family especially since Mrs. Dunham is the last of his parents-grandparents with his parents both gone, and his other grandparents gone, too.

So I hope their visit seals that deal over and above any other deals pending on Barack Obama's table.

Starbucks and recession?

Where there are Starbucks locations in abundance, there may be recession, writes Daniel Gross at Slate Magazine, and there may be something to his theory.

The inflationary Jupiterian words, overreach and overexpansion, come to this reluctant astrologer's mind with Jupiterian excess now being squeezed dry by Saturnian restriction.

Solar Eclipse for a new president 1.26.09

Heads-up, m'peops!

The promised Page with the 'New President' Solar Eclipse of Jan 26, 2009 is now published if you wish to view the chart and read some details.

Calling this Eclipse from the 11 North Series the 'New President' Eclipse is only a name I made up because it occurs barely 6 days into the new administration. You may disagree and call it something else, but there it is.

Actually, my tar'n'feather fund is still bubbling on the hob, if you'd care to stir, for all may depend on whether George Bush can be successfully shooed out of the White House by Jan 2009. Or maybe booed out will do the trick.

Or perhaps we can tease him out of office by offering him a fantastic vacation, preferrably an all-expenses-paid tour of some of the countries now threatening him, Cheney, and their pals with criminal prosecution for war crimes.

Why, I'd start watching CNN and C-Span again just to see that spectacle. Would you?

Oct 19, 2008

For 'The Undecideds' from The Daily Show

If you're still one of The Undecideds, watch this focus group brought to you by Jon Stewart and The Daily Show staff.

$3 trillion shopping spree video

Here's a video that asks, What would you do with $3 trillion?

My deepest wish is that the American people send a message on November 4 to all Republicans: we don't appreciate your Treasury-emptying budgetary ways, or your war profiteering at other people's expense.

And to their Democratic enablers? We may be stuck with them just to make point #1, but we'll be keeping a much closer watch on their ethics, budgets, and votes if they should be so favored as to win a majority on Capitol Hill come November - House, Senate, or both.

And since Pelosi and Reid sold us down the river with Paulson's banker-enriching 'Bailout plan' then the two of them are on probation for the duration until all fraudsters can be swept out the back door...and it'll be good riddance if that day ever comes.