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Nov 5, 2008

Keep eyes on Bush and Cheney

Bush's Last 100 Days the Ones to Watch

By Jesse Jackson

Bush and Vice President Cheney represent a failed conservative era -- and they know it. As the administration moves into its last 100 days, thereseems to be a flurry of activity: regulations to forestall Obama's new era of accountability; a flood of contracts to reward friends and lock in commitments; a Wall Street bailout that is pumping money out the door.

Nov 4, 2008

Obama declared winner with natal Sun rising!

Here's just a quick posting of tonight's chart for 11:00 pm est, the time I heard ABC News announce that Barack Obama had won the presidential election of the United States of America. I'm using Obama's natal chart for 7:24 pm because this (possible) natal ASC for him (18AQ03) has recently had tr North Node pointing to it.

It's 12:04 am, Nov 5, and Obama is speaking in Chicago - the Obama daughters will be getting that puppy as promised.

Can you read this double chart? Pink highlights the announcement this evening, Hour of Mercury.

With Obama's natal Sun rising as you see, worryingly I must note that asteroid Nemesis is setting with the North Node 13AQ+, South Node Sun/SN = ASC. (Hmm. No comment.)

Transiting Saturn will soon conjunct his natal Mars in Virgo, Mercury 00Sco48 has crossed the announcement's IC and entering the Communications 3rd house, and an out-of-bounds Venus is achieving beyond the normal parameters of most people's lives - Barack Obama will be the 44th president of the US.

May he be kept safe from harm and be given cooperation from Washington's corridors of power as the American people are expecting and have a right to expect.

Obama is saying that America's strength comes from the 'enduring power of our ideals...' and I pray that our higher natures don't simply peek out for a day or two with this exciting new promise, but that it will be honored as an ongoing standard by the people to show the political establishment that they've been acting out-of- bounds of society and that such behavior will no longer will be tolerated or accepted as the moral or ethical standard of our nation.


Here's a link to the text of Obama's speech with this landslide's mandate in hand.

Is Obama really a socialist?

"McCain called me a socialist for wanting to roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans so we can finally give tax relief to the middle class." Senator and candidate, Barack Obama


Yes, 'socialism' is always the boogeyman word the GOP pulls out and dusts off when their elite base squalls at the threat of social involvement waiting in the wings. As if they'd feel the pinch!

But there's a huge number of Americans who could do with some New Deal initiatives thanks to the monied class' thievery...will the common Joe and Jill vote against themselves today while giving Rovian politics a thumbs-up?

That the unemployed haven't had it up to Here with upper class banditry is difficult for me to believe, but of course, the electoral college may be what's used most effectively against the people's best interests and druthers.

So it's Nov 4th at last, and it seems Virginia is having serious problems today. Come on, Virginia! Contingency plans would have been a great idea, and as an artist of the drawing persuasion, you can't beat a good pencil and paper especially when all else fails.

Only a landslide will do, so I'm off to vote now - meet ya later! jude

Nov 3, 2008

John Cusack on paying off the debt

No Currency Left to Buy the Big Lies

By John Cusack

No more money left to pay off the debt, the wreckage in the wake. The orgy of excess has drained every bottle, smashed the furniture and left the cupboards bare. All that's left is derivative debts -- bets between liars and lies. Trillions of dollars. It turned capitalism into a Ponzi scheme for trading worthless paper.



John Cusack was born in Evanston, Illinois on June 28, 1966 in the midst of the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo. In fact, Mr. Cusack first drew breath a mere two days prior to the third of three conjunctions...*June 30, 1966, 16Vir06.

Which makes him intensely electric and deeply catalytic like...rock'n'roll. And since the Moon remained in Scorpio for the full 24 hours of his birth date, we may wish to consider the personality blend of actor, social activist, and Huffington Post blogger, John Cusack.

Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio: perceptive; self-protective; secretive; investigative mind; romantic; sensual; compelling; resourceful; emotionally brooding; possessive; resourceful; tenacious and daring; sharply incisive vs sentimental.

Deeply fascinated by what makes others tick, this Water-Water blend has not an unkind cell in 'its' body. Preoccupied with hidden realities and the truth behind the facade, this blend is of use in an acting career and in blogging on politics.

Analytical powers are concentrated and uplifted by a reverential but determined attitude to get to the truth.

In relationships security and intrigue are desired - not easy to find in one relationship. Yet emotional strength and commitment to loved ones add charm; there's a shrewd business sense and courage in times of crisis; moodiness and defensiveness may cause problems occasionally (but wait 2 or 3 days and all should be well when the Moon changes signs.)

Images for Integration: When preparing his genealogical tree, a young man discovers the lost grave of his great-great-grandmother...Under a full Moon an exorcist performs a life-giving ritual: the possession fades away and a child's life is saved. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)


Uranus conj Pluto:

*1. Oct 9, 1965 17Vir10;
2. April 4, 1966 16Vir28;
3. June 30, 1966 16Vir06.

While the recent financial charades and heists were being announced and perpetrated, transit Saturn triggered this Conjunction, our current cycle of Uranus-Pluto, energies which together love to overturn the status quo and create brand spankin' new perspectives...then restrictive Saturn came along...

Uranus-Pluto = Saturn: tendency toward autocratic leadership (ya think?); egotism; 'my way is the best way'; pressure from others; toppled from position. (Tyl.)

So if you can't find Washington, Wall Street, world banks, Bush, Paulson, and the rest of the bandits lurking within that midpoint picture, I don't know what to do for ya.

Nov 1, 2008

Fake Sarkozy prank calls Palin

Today two Canadian comics prank-called Sarah Palin while pretending to be France's Nicolas Sarkozy.

Here's a link to the audio of the call...enjoy!

The stormy week of November 3, 2008

With US elections about to heat up from who-knows-what problems and the Saturn-Uranus opposition perfecting with nebulous Neptune turning Direct, we may wish for a little calming advice from Astrology.

To our rescue comes expert astrologer, Julie Demboski, who provides just that bwo natal Sun sign wisdom for times when Saturn's stability is not available to the collective.

Stability and tradition are on the shaky side now with revolutionary Uranus opposing old man Saturn, in their dance which began with three conjunctions of 1988 at 27-30 Sagittarius, Pluto's recent path as 'the boss of Hades' enters Capricorn for good.

And we know that Pluto's triggering of the 1988 conjunction/s degrees creates a midpoint picture we've been seeing expressed mightily:

Saturn-Uranus = Pluto: tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; rebellion; brutality; the desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; harm through force majeure. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Remember what was going on in 1988? Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune met near the end of Capricorn, funnily enough. And astrologer Marjorie Orr, in her book The Astrological History of the World notes that this triple conjunction hadn't occurred since the 15th century - and that Saturn-Uranus as economic indicators always bring "sharp swings" before settling on a "new track."

(This description may be applied to the presidential election and a new presidential term as well, imo...since the elections are occurring during the perfection of the Saturn-Uranus opposition, the culmination of the cycle begun in 1988. There are many financial implications to this cycle's fulfillment in 2008 but I have no time to compose it.)

A little political something that occurred in 1988 was John McCain's sandbagging of Rose Mofford's testimony to Congress which may be read about in a previous post, To know him is to loathe him: John McCain in Arizona.

Well, in our private lives we could use some balance on the week ahead and these difficult issues and you'll find that Julie's article,Nov 3rd - 10th: Shelter From The Storm, gives comforting advice to the shaken and stirred among us as our 2008 election season mercifully ends with ease or, perhaps more likely, with upheaval before settling down on a new track.

Traditional Saturn isn't fond of being challenged - especially by out-of-the-blue Uranian lightening bolts, you know!

America Battered by Bush

America Bruised and Battered is an article which takes an in-depth look at the presidency of George W. Bush. It's a surprisingly easy read unless you have blood pressure issues!

The article contains 5 parts and it's interesting reading with a different outlook on our '19% approved' president whose days in office are, we may hope, numbered.

Any of these may be read as stand-alone articles, but all are informative for a shell-shocked American people:

Part I: America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors
Part II: A Gambler Who Bet Everything on Iraq
Part III: It Wasn't Just the President Alone
Part IV: Bush on Trial?
Part V: The Job Ahead

You'll also find photo galleries of the Bush presidency including an album of "Funny Moments" of the scowler-in-chief including his bike-topple with right palm and face showing wounds - good for palmists to a take a peek at Bush's clawprint; plus, one link in the photo gallery section takes you to "Interactive Graphic: Obama and Biden vs McCain: The Candidates in Profile."

There's also an interview I find especially informative with neoconservative scholar Robert Kagan - he who early on counseled 'regime change' for Iraq (published Oct 27.) Of course, Kagan justifies his position and advice by decrying the way the war was mishandled.

This I don't buy from him or from any of the others because chaos is a major part of their world domination plans, antisocial as it is. To them our misery is "worth it." Naomi Klein chronicles this brilliantly with her explanation of Shock Doctrine to which the world is being subjected by a world crime syndicate. (I added world crime syndicate here - I'm not sure that Klein uses these exact words. But I do.)

Not that ineptitude wasn't shown in the Bush-Cheney invasion/occupation, but unintended consequences were simply sucked into the 'big picture which must be followed - very little option to do otherwise' as Astrology describes this sort of highhanded behavior from the holier-than-thou crowd.

You know - any mistakes they make can't be mistakes because they made them - and all is right with the world (on their say-so.)

So do you know my first thought when I saw the article's Part I topic: "America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors"?

The Sabian Symbol for George Bush's natal Mars, the planet of action, energy, desire nature, and the god of war..."10Virgo"..."Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows" (reminds you of Cheney's 'Dark Side' doesn't it? Just two bubblethink noodleheads goin' to war based on lies with obscene profits on their to-do lists. And Rummy, Cheney's pal, intimately involved, of course. Such profitable chicken hawk fun!)

Here's Dane Rudhyar's take on "10Virgo"..."Keynote: The growth of true understanding, born out of the transcendence of duality even while immersed in the world of duality." SELF-TRANSCENDING ACTIVITY OF THE MIND." (An Astrological Mandala.) Bush Bubblethink?

But perhaps even more to the point concerning George Bush's Martian energy, action, desire nature, and war-promoting is Rudhyar's details for '9Virgo..."An Expressionist Painter at Work"...Keynote: The urge to express one's individualized sense of value regardless of tradition. ORIGINALITY.

...what is expressed is usually the reflection of a deep catharsis with emotionally charged and often tragic overtones."

My italics, and yes, tragic overtones are the basis of the Bush presidency as millions of Iraqis flee for parts unknown and Americans are tossed out of their homes and (if certain partisans have their way) their voting rights taken away...because they're now homeless.

'Twas a grand plan, si? Make millions off 'em then toss 'em out on the sidewalk with their most basic American right pilfered so as to skew the 2008 election/s...because every little bit helps the GOP when it's steal election time in America.

So if the other George ~Orwell~ isn't skirming in his grave, I'll be an out-of-control cheeky monkey on a bicycle.

As TV's Craig Ferguson says,"Re-miiiiinnnnd you of anyone?"