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May 27, 2009

Reaching deals with the WTO

If SO'W had a New World Order Watch feature, this article would probably be part of it.

As it is you're stuck with me.

May 26, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor (6.25.54) nom'd for SCOTUS 5.26.09

Update Wednesday 5.27.09: here's Robert Reich weighing in on the Republicans v Sotomayor question.

Original post starts here if you don't stop reading immediately:

NPR has live-blogged this morning's announcement by the president of his nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice. If confirmed, Sotomayor will be only the 3rd woman ever to serve and the 1st Hispanic on the SCOTUS bench.

When Pres. Obama began his announcement this morning (10:15 am edt), 4Leo50 was rising with his natal Sun '13Leo' in tow, and his natal Mercury just risen.

Moon 4Can31 (conj 12th cusp of the announcement) conjuncts Sotomayor's natal Sun, a small indicator of new beginnings, yet the Moon makes no applying aspects, however, in the announcement chart, and is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane (which may only signify that she currently is not in the circuit or on the SC bench as of yet.)

A quick Wiki tells us that she was born in the Bronx, NY, on June 25, 1954. The Moon was in Aries for most of the 24-hour period but moved into Taurus, sign of the values preserver. This tallies with her statement this morning about the US Constitution and the Founding Fathers, but we'll see. I'll supply the 'Images for Integration' for Sun Can-Moon Aries/Taurus and you may compare them if you like.

But going by today's nom announcement chart with messenger Mercury Rx 23Tau35 and Pluto 2Cap40 Rx opposing her natal Sun, I'm not certain the secret hand of manipulating Pluto will allow her confirmation, although personally I'm reasonably happy with the possibility of her serving on the SC bench.

As was noted afterwards by NPR's Nina Totenberg (see NPR coverage above), the Republicans will have difficulty opposing an Hispanic, and her judicial record is "not particularly controversial." Oh the tangled webs...

Plus: she's been called 'The Woman Who Saved Baseball' because she quickly ended the 1994/95 strike!

Yet I'm sure the GOP have their 'she's liberal and an activist' brushes out and are busy painting posters and funding ads galore to undermine, not just Sotomayor, but to gum up a successful, trouble-free SC nom from a Democratic president, his first but probably not his last. Politics put ahead of the nation's sake, hmm?

Sun Can-Moon Aries (Water-Fire): A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause...A quiet home-body becomes a sports champion.

Sun Can-Moon Tau (Water-Earth): A family photo album...A flourishing family business...A painter captures the taste and smell of a landscape. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Aries is the sign of the pioneer, of numero uno, which certainly fits her opportunity for SCOTUS.

But considering Pres. Obama's remarks about her this morning, about how she's "rooted in the real world" and has not forgotten where she came from, I'll vote for Sun Can-Moon Taurus, for now. And she gave her mother, who was in the audience, a big shout-out for making her who she is.

Yet if Sonia Sotomayor as SC Justice doesn't please those in charge of the whole ballgame, this post and my surmises on her Moon sign will turn out to be moot in the end.


Read more on tactics against Sotomayor's nomination: 'Enemy of the White Male'!

May 25, 2009

It's him not me, right? So it's off to war we go

Here are two quotes that concern enemies, outer and inner, one from Eric Fromm, one from Mohandas Gandhi. You may think they are diametrically opposed to my previous post's content below about Memorial Day and how we celebrate it...and you'd be right:

"Another nation is made out to be utterly depraved and fiendish, while one's own nation stands for everything that is good and noble. Every action of the enemy is judged by one standard - every action of oneself by another. Even good deeds by the enemy are considered a sign of particular devilishness, meant to deceive us and the world, while our bad deeds are necessary and justified by our noble goals, which they serve." Eric Fromm

(Fromm describes a basic tenet of propagandizing the people of a nation into accepting war through use of an emotionally rationalized agenda of double standards and the human trait of projecting onto others what we're desperate to deny within ourselves. ID the monsters!)

"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty and democracy?" Mohandas Gandhi.

(Indeed. It makes no difference whatsoever. jc)

May 24, 2009

forgotten: the cost of a free and undivided republic?

"Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic."

- General Logan, May 5, 1868

May 5, 1868: Sun conjunct Pluto 15 Taurus, the Oxen Point. At noon in DC (and operative for the day) the strongest midpoint picture I see is: Pluto/NN = Uranus: an intense need for recognition; crush the opposition. (Tyl.) Oh dear - sounds like Gen. Logan was taking a...dare I say it...political stand.

Yet on another level 'recognition' may refer to the day of recognition of the fallen. Midpoint pictures may work in an any, all, or none manner for manifestation often depends on being triggered by transits or progressions...or as transits themselves, they may stimulate an individual's, an entity's, or an event chart's placements.)

Yes, General Logan's sentiments are noble words for noble standards, portraying the lofty ideals which America, we've always been told, was founded upon.

My problem is that usurpers who coup our government, with their comperes - the possessors of concentrated wealth who have *always been in control and have manipulated our natural sense of patriotism against us, against those who serve - hide behind our patriotism as a cynical means of establishing their own personal armed forces.

A standing army is a bad idea for the health of the nation, said the Founders, but Capitol Hill tossed that idea out the White House window several decades ago in the interests of grasping and holding political power.

Like Lucifer's suave entry into the matrix of this world by way of a lie, to motivate us into war required a lying way of insinuation and jingoist hype to pull the wool over the sheeple's eyes. Propaganda? Yes, Memorial Day is progandistic to the extent that each citizen allows it to be used as such.

And there's no telling what subliminal messages they're preparing for us after we're triumphantly shoved across the 'Digital Divide' in June. For one thing, more political polarization, I assume, as in: 'Digitally Divide and Conquer.' The best slaves are unaware of their enslavement!

Yet families with fallen loved ones have feelings informed by experience, and if one goes back to all US wars, here and abroad, a larger percentage of our populace have fallen family members to remember on Memorial Day.

My great-great grandfather, Turner Simmons, is buried at **Goldsboro, NC, perhaps in the mass grave there, perhaps not. Either way his sacrifice remains valuable to my family and to the nation and was certainly a huge blow to my mother's side of the family and to the wife and children he sadly left behind.

My dad's side of the family lost at least two brothers that I know of, also in the 'Civil' War, and one of them was the eldest of the crew born in Oglethorpe County, GA, circa 1821+. I believe these ancestral losses and the grief associated with them are in my DNA...I have great interest in studying the Civil War but can only take so much at once before a sense of deep despair overcomes my empathetic heart, and I must end my delving for a time.

Since Hawaii's Senator Inouye first introduced a bill to restore Memorial Day to May 30 (March 17, 1989), Memorial Day as a tribute of gratitude to America's fallen has degenerated into vacation activities for most of us. I have no problem with the restoration of the May 30 date (of my childhood - I am a child of the Revolution as are many) but must wonder what Congress thought it was up to when it changed the date.

(My first intuition is that they were up to No Good, of course!)

So if you'd like a better presentation of these ideas than I can give you, I recommend David Merchant's website set up to argue persuasively for the restoration to May 30 as Memorial Day and as a higher mark of respect for America's fallen than a 3-day weekend of cook-outs and weiner roasts can ever be.


*(US Pluto in Capricorn out-of-bounds of the earthly plane - not party to the other actors except for a loosey goosey relationship with Mars in Gemini and Venus in Cancer, also OOBs in the July 4, 1776 chart.)

**Georgia's 3rd under Gen. Ambrose Wright, Gen. Burnside's NC Expedition engaged the 21st Massachusetts and 51st Pennsylvania forces, commander: Brig. Gen. Jesse Lee Reno; April 19 - 22, 1862, known as 'Camden County' or the Battle of South Mills. The Confederates were building ironclads at Norfolk and so the march to carnage was on.

May 23, 2009

Astrology of Assassination: Berlin, June 2, 1967

Update June 11, 2009: Der Spiegel has revealed more on the Benno Ohnesorg assassination case.

Original post begins here:

Somehow today I've gotten onto the track of an assassination in Berlin during student protests of the shah of Iran's brutal regime (June 2, 1967) and have posted some astrological details of the fatal evening's event on my new blog Two Hours You'll Never Get Back...but it won't take you anywhere near two hours to check it out, I promise!

Forensic Astrology is a fascinating branch of the venerable art, and I only wish I had more time (and dependable sources) to perpetrate more of it for elucidating purposes.

Orwell defines 'political language'

"Political designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."

George Orwell

"The evils of government are directly proportional to the tolerance of the people."

Frank Kent


Quotes compliments of the excellent news source Information Clearing House Newsletter: do subscribe now!

May 21, 2009

This 23-second Library of Congress video of an Edison Kinescopic Record of a Sneeze from Jan 7, 1894 intrigues me...I can't seem to get enough of watching a piece of relicky film history from JANUARY 7, 1894!

Astrology of 2008 - 2010: Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto

A favorite astrologer of mine, John Townley, has written an excellent column on the Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto energies affecting our economy and society since 2008. John's article guides us effortly into 2010 with tips on the meaning of retrograde periods where we rest along the way, for Rxs are pause times suitable for preparation before the next wave rolls in!

May 20, 2009

Obama calls Space Shuttle Atlantis 5.20.09: audio link

Today at 5:45 pm edt, President Obama called the crew of the Space Shuttle Atlantis and I can hook you up with the audio of the call here if you like.

At 5:45 pm edt in Washington, DC, Hour of Saturn (14Vir55; in 11th house), 00Sco26 was Rising.

Rounding up to '1 Scorpio' the ASC conjuncts the natal Sun's degree of the New World Order (Oct 24, 1993; determined by the Uranus/Neptune Conjunction #3); Sun 00Gem00 is in 8th house, and Moon 12Ari17 is in 6th house with attracting Venus 15Ari16, asteroid Atlantis 19Ari40, and desirous Mars 21Ari44.

Atlantis '19 Aries' is, of course, conjunct the Sun's exaltation degree.

A YOD (Finger of God pattern), indicator of a special task or a crisis, is formed with ASC sextile Pluto 2Cap47 Rx (Pluto in 3rd house of Communications); the sextile points toward the Sun ('the leader' in a national chart); thus a midpoint picture may be read as:

Pluto/ASC = Sun: seeing a whole new avenue for development and success; full steam ahead; attaining esteem and respect through physical prowess and strength; a ruthless conduct toward people in one's environment.
(all mdpt pics: Tyl; Ebertin.)

Pres. Obama's natal Neptune is in 1st house and is being 'stomped upon' by the transiting midpoint of Saturn/Pluto 8Sco51, so we have:

Tr Saturn/Pluto = n Neptune: the desire to harm others secretly; lies, fraud, falsehoods; not being seen for who one is; being doubted; unstable life situation because of the inexplicable, because of fear.

(Yet the Saturn/Pluto combination of energies can be: the adept; the magician - neither of which are out of Neptune's realm of mysticism. It's all about motive and how we choose to use our chart factors, isn't it?)

Pres. Obama's Progressions for this date and hour show an ongoing Secondary Progressed midpoint picture which may be of concern for his presidency and for the nation...

Saturn/NN = Neptune: deception, fraud, lies; confusing others about one's personal stand; confusion in one's environment.

I mention this now because these pics fall in the 1st house of this 'BHO calls Atlantis crew' chart and relates to his presidency (Saturn/NN = the sponsorship of more experienced persons) and to Neptunian veils, deceptions, and illusions which are so very undermining to us all. Being a US president is a risky tightrope to walk especially with so many people attempting to undermine (Neptune) you at every turn.

The 5:45 pm edt Midheaven 5Leo31 (MC = the goal) has America's natal NN (North Node) upon it along with Obama's natal Cupido 6Leo36 as well (corporatism; The Family), and the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune trio, now all at '27AQ' conjunct US natal Moon, is in 4th house, the Basis of the Matter.

NN 2AQ22 has crossed the IC into 3rd house (Communications) which puts South Node 2Leo22 and Obama's natal Mercury 2Leo20 (communications) at MC but in 9th house of Long Distance Travel.

The 'Images for Integration' Air-Fire blend of Sun Gemini/Moon Aries are:

'A nimble-footed street fighter dodges his way to victory above all comers...The eternal freshness of a Constable landscape.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey; this is John Constable's natal Sun-Moon blend.)

For this and other reasons shown in this chart, I tend to suspect that the stated purposes for the Space Shuttle Atlantis' *current mission may not be all that meets our eyes, but surveillance of the planet may meet the power elite's peepers - along with America's ongoing 'eternal' desire to best other nations in the race to dominate from space.

*Atlantis mission: repairing the Hubble Telescope which was successful, they say, so we'll be viewing more lovely cosmic photos!

Wealth and the US Constitution

Corruption in high places was a concern of President Abraham Lincoln. Too bad for the common good of the nation that his prescience was all too correct and now "Triumphant Plutocracy" is what we've got, m'peops.

Here's a Quote Round-Up compliments of the excellent Information Clearing House:

"The convention which framed the Constitution of the United States was composed of fifty-five members. A majority were lawyers - not one farmer, mechanic or laborer. Forty owned Revolutionary Scrip. Fourteen were land speculators. Twenty-four were money-lenders. Eleven were merchants. Fifteen were slave-holders. They made a Constitution to protect the rights of property and not the rights of man."

Senator Richard Pettigrew in his book, Triumphant Plutocracy (1922)

(2009 is the year of the speculator pair, Jupiter and Neptune with their three conjunctions from May to December - the first is soon upon us on May 27. And 'money-lenders' are covered by inflationary, excessively liquid Jupiter/Neptune, as you know. The Fed is busy printing more money as I type, even though CONGRESS is supposed to be responsible for the task - but they vacated that seat years ago.)

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed. I feel, at this moment, more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."

Pres. Lincoln in a letter to Col. William F. Elkins on November 21, 1864

(And so do I and many other Americans but it doesn't seem to be doing the nation much good to fret. The squirrelly 'financial collapse of 2007/08' is part of their script as was the coup of the Oval Office in 2000, with Trilateralist Al Gore assisting.)

"This great and powerful force - the accumulated wealth of the United States has taken over all the functions of Government, Congress, the issue of money, and banking and the army and navy in order to have a band of mercenaries to do their bidding and protect their stolen property."

Senator Richard Pettigrew in Triumphant Plutocracy (Published January 1, 1922.)

(Yes, that's one thing about stolen property - you have to work really hard to protect what shouldn't be in your possession at all.)

"It is not the fact of liberty but the way in which liberty is exercised that ultimately determines whether liberty itself survives."

Dorothy Thompson (1894-1961) in Ladies Home Journal, May 1958

(Hmm. In 1958 even Ladies Home Journal understood what the US government's usurpers have conveniently forgotten. And they used their propagandistic 'war on terror' and the attacks of 9/11/01 as cover for strangling our liberties in hopes that we will forget, too. But as long as I have a memory, I will not forget. Will you? jc)


Here's what I posted a few months ago concerning 2009's Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune on Jude's Threshold with their dates of exactitude, degrees, and midpoint pictures of note - and a few pithy remarks, of course. Can't blog without pithy remarks. jc

May 19, 2009

Maureen Dowd and the plagiarism of Pluto/Chiron

So far my favorite article on the subject of Maureen Dowd and her current plagiarism misstep is written by Jack Shaffer on Slate Magazine where I hung out a bunch in my pre-blogging days.

In fact, I've added the Press Box Correx feed in the sidebar for my own convenience, but you're welcome to check it out if you like.

Tiresome, isn't it? That the 'oppression duo' Pluto/Chiron has yet another -ism on its long list of disenfranchisements...the -ism they call plagiarism, a very sneaky form of thievery. Until someone notices and the sneak factor is seriously impaired.

Speaking of sneakiness and its disadvantages, there's always the fun new children's book Sneaky Weasel for kids or for the crooks of Washington and Wall Street to profit by!

And say...did anyone notice that those highly touted 'ethics seminars' Capitol Hillers were to morally benefit from a couple of years ago only led directly into the financial crash of 2008 which was, of course, oncoming for years?

Guess the concept of financial stewardship wasn't included in the 'ethics' courses our 'reps' took to cure the corruption that ails them and threatens to undermine our national sovereignty while decimating our private lives.

Why are old Republicans the happiest people in America? asks David Letterman on my TV just now. A: Because they'll soon be dead and we'll be left with the problems caused by old Republicans.

But since the R v D thing is an illusion to keep the masses divided and weak, I have to add: Don't leave out the old Democrats. It's simply their turn just now to play leader, that's all.

The worm will turn. The worm will turn.

May 18, 2009

Cheney may not be responsible for Bhutto assassination

Someone wants it to look as if Dick Cheney's reputed death squads are responsible for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto - if he's being framed (I tell ya), they know that it's seductively easy to consider if not half-believe about the former VP, isn't it?

Appropriately Cheney's reputation as a puppy kicker shadows him where 'ere he skulks, and archetypal villain Oilcan Harry couldn't be prouder of Mr. Curses' career of intimidation and who-knows-what other Pluto/Chiron pathologies and oppressions.

Cheney's 'panic room' under the VP residency is being skewered by TV's David Letterman as I type...funny Dave! VP Biden let the cat out with the news that he knows where Cheney was when in his 'undisclosed location'...a bunker under the VP's house. One wishes to assume a coffin wasn't part of Dick's vampirish practices.)

On a not-so-different note, you may wish to check out an article from Pakistan especially the list of names at the end for any future reference needs you may find yourself to have, astrological or political, relating to South Asia.