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Jun 13, 2009

On auditing the Fed

Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited, Expert Says


With $45 billion in capital and $2.1 trillion in assets, the central bank would not withstand the scrutiny afforded other institutions. #

But wouldn't that be the fox auditing the henhouse's books? And how would they know which set is the real one? It's a big mess when thieves can no longer do business with thieves, isn't it?

Ahmadinejad 'wins': transits to Iran's natal chart

It's been pointed out that for Mr. Ahmadinejad to have won in Iran by such a wide margin, voters in Mr. Mousavi's heartland would have had to switch sides, apparently in honor of the gloriousness of Mr. Ahmadinejad's ruling style.

Actually, the ruler of Iran isn't the president, is it? They're just in cahoots.

And as I pointed out to our own win-at-all-costs duo, Bush and Cheney, in 2000 (and again in 2004), cheating isn't winning. It's stealing. thieves make good leaders since they have no mandate from the people? Nah. Look at the condition of the world since these jokers have held sway.

Taking a peek at Iran's natal chart of *April 1, 1979, 3:00 pm IRDT, Tehran, we see that Saturn 15Vir31 has been playing with natal North Node (NN), a combination indicating public contact (NN) with authority figures and control/restrictions (Saturn); rebellious Uranus 26Pisc29 has been in natal 8th house for some time and is now affecting Iran's natal Mercury/Mars conjunction (Mars 25Pisc37, Mercury 27:16.)

Thus Uranus to natal Mars indicates danger in the environment, rash actions which bring unexpected responses, and combativeness; physical actions are highly charged and unpredictable; new directions are desired.

Uranus to natal Mercury shows an urge to seek freedom for development of new ideas and opinions; minds are more open to new, original ideas; senses are keener but nerves more frazzled; restlessness keeps people on the move and travels are subject to disruption or mishaps.

With transiting Uranus now between natal Mars and Mercury we have a midpoint picture to consider...

Mercury/Mars = Uranus: tremendous excitability; thinking and planning on the run; losing self-control; rash actions; acting with lightening speed; frenzy; making a hasty decision during emotional upset; an exciting surprise; danger of a catastrophe.

With Iran's natal Saturn at 8Vir18 (1st house, Placidus, 2nd cusp = 10Vir19; ASC = 17Leo17; Mc = 10Tau33 with Secondary Progressed Sun now 10Tau39), we know that authority and control are being reaffirmed now with this presidential election. That the world is watching is confirmed by Sec Sun at natal Midheaven, the most public point in any chart.

Transiting Mars 8Tau50 (with Venus in tow 6Tau17) is conjunct natal Chiron 7Tau35, indicating a 'sacred warrior' or a 'sacred war' being waged on the world stage.

This Mars to Chiron transit suggests their active nuclear program but doesn't discount a connection with 2009's unclearly-decided presidential election in Iran, a country whose people I think very highly of, and I sincerely hope this election stand-off is settled on their behalf with a minimum of problems for the people.


*Iran's natal data from Celeste Teal's Eclipses and from historical record; Iran's natal 12th house Jupiter 29Can04 will be affected directly by the Solar Eclipse of July 22, 2009 at '29Can' in the 11 South Series which Brady's Predictive Astrology gives as: the need for sudden reforms; old ideas or methods fail and new systems are required to deal with events brought by the eclipse; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.

Are the massive protests in Tehran this weekend an early triggering of this tragic eclipse's influence?

An eclipse in this Series last occurred on July 11, 1991 '19Can' a violent degree, and of course any 29th degree is considered a critical or crisis degree.

With natal Mercury at '19Can', the 1991 eclipse heralded the murder of writer Danny Casolaro who was in process of working on a book about 'the octopus'...the world crime syndicate now embedded in every institution - politics, law, education, business, religion - which points to New World Order plans now so neatly in place. Bush Sr was US president, and ownership of PROMIS software and its progeny (to track you and your monetary transactions) was in dispute, as Casolaro's book would have revealed.

But Casolaro's assassination silenced all that (his papers/notes/research at the crime scene 'disappeared' of course) - and the weekend of his mysterious demise in a Martinsburg, WVA motel saw a New 17Leo00. I mention his case because we can't rule out such goings-on for the July 22, 2009 Solar Eclipse season - whether we want to or not. #

Senate Banking Committee members bailed out their own holdings!

Those Capitol Hill toffs, what cards they are!

As if no one would ever notice that members of the Senate Banking Committee that oversees TARP funds actually hold stocks in the government-assisted companies they bailed out - while bailing out their own investments. Skunks!

Here's an article from The Hill which highlights the Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee who have stocks in the corporate-welfared industry, whilst playing down the names of Republicans on the panel who also hold stocks or have quickly sold them, written with such qualifiers as:

"Few Republicans on the Committee have significant holdings in companies that have received federal bailout money." Tres subtle, but not subtle enough.

The article then lists senators like David Vitter (R-La), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX - "small amounts" including holdings in Zions Bancorporation of Salt Lake City), Mel Martinez (R-FL - he sold 3 dozen investments - wonder who bought them?), and Bob Corker (R-TN), and details companies/banks in which they're shareholders, and a few approximate valuations of some of their incomplete list, one assumes.

Click the link to read the Democrats' names which include the big fishes, Christopher Dodd and Chuck Schumer. Quelle surprise, eh?

It's a veritable Who's Who of Washington back-washers washing their own backs...with champagne, paid for by the American taxpayers they've so grievously scammed and let down.

And it's as good an example as any of what I've been calling 'bailout betrayal.'

Remember August 2008?

As Capitol Hill Theater Productions go, their Rescue-the-Republic mime was very badly acted as disingenuously, they all rushed back to Washington - McCain suspended his (sham of a) presidential campaign - to 'save the US financial system' - guffaw!

Or at least it would be amusing if it were a comedy.

Jun 12, 2009

Obama's US war escalation: assassins-r-us?

New US Commander in Afghanistan Assembles Team of Assassins

By Bill Van Auken

In its escalation of the US war in Afghanistan, and its increasing extension across the border into Pakistan, the Obama administration has chosen as its senior commander an officer who is among those most deeply implicated in the criminal operations carried out under Bush and Cheney. #

This Just in from SO'W's Sad To Say Department:

Despite Obama's lilting campaign promises, the prospect of America ending her imperialistic 'perpetual war' never stood a chance, m'peops. The war baton was passed on January 20, 2009, as I've groused previously. Label any US president as you wish - play their diversionary 'Ds vs Rs' game if you like, it makes no never mind in the high-stakes end-game they intend to win no matter who gets hurt.

Their escape hatches and bunkers are all in place and stocked in case of revolt or other disaster. (But the joke's on them, because if one day they're all that's left, they'll have only one another's sorriness to deal with hardy-har-har.)

Still, old Machiavelli would be so proud of our swampers on the Potomac.

Besides, it's more than a little late for America to fulfill her much-touted "Manifest Destiny" by becoming The Dove of Peace she's so often pretended to be, doncha think?

In fact, I don't believe the neo-con/neo-liberal warhawks of Washington DC would even know how to begin to allow peace to break out if the people of the world had their shared wish granted - to live in harmony!

Now what to do? Who needs replacing? 99% of them?

And when will The People's grievances be redressed in the halls of Capitol Hill as the Founders intended?

June 12--14, 2009: Weekend Planetary Forecast + a Pisces Moon

What does this weekend have in store? What energies As Above, So Below may be expected to lead or to rain on our parades?

Fortunately for us, Julie Demboski has her most fetching astrologer's cap in place and has published an enlightening Weekend Forecast as only Julie can explain: lucidly for astrologers and non-astrologers alike.

And some of us (moi!) may have a Lunar Return over the weekend affecting our daily lives, so I'm happy to find that Julie has done all the tough work to make this weekend's energies more understandable - I was beginning to wonder what was up given the way Friday is turning out so far, for I'm hearing thunder-boomers overhead now!

Now a small Moonligher from Western Australia has floated in to say Hi! to all the Pisces Moons among us...and the sign of the two fishes, Pisces, naturally relates to the big wide oceans...

Moonlighter, a drawing by Jude Cowell 2009+ imported from the Dreamyfish Art collection of botanical fish portraits.

Jun 11, 2009

US Senate finally no-nos tobacco

Senator Ted Kennedy thinks a miracle has finally occurred.

And what will President Obama do when he takes five now?

Gorbachev on a Second American Revolution

Although Mikhail Gorbachev speaks certain truths in this article, his touting still sounds like propaganda for the New World Economic Order to me - and just in time for the Solar Eclipse (29Can) in the 11 South Series of July 22, 2009 when 'systems and methods fail and new ideas are needed to deal with events brought by the Eclipse.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Read his words - he's all about it.

And you know that tomorrow, June 12, is America's TV Digital Divide switch-over but it remains to be seen whether cable and satellite service will remain what it is today. Hopefully the transition will be smooth but we'll have to see about that!


Mikhail Gorbachev, born March 2, 1931; 8:30 pm USZ3, but his birth hour is unverified/conflicting; Privolnoye, Stavropo, USSR; Sun in Pisces, Moon at 8:30 pm in mid-degrees of Leo...

Sun Pis-Moon Leo: 'Cinderella sits by the fire mending her ballgown and daydreams about her romantic evening of dance, glamour, and high drama.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

This Sun-Moon blend is shared natally by an interesting cast of characters:

Ralph Nader, Clare Booth Luce, Grover Cleveland, Lawrence Welk, Jimmy Swaggart, John Updike, and Antonio Vivaldi.

Jon Stewart vs Joe Scarborough: video

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Jon's Napoleonic Complex
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorNewt Gingrich Unedited Interview

Jon Stewart seems his current beef with Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough!

Opinion on the Denver Airport-2012-NWO video

After considering posting the following as a Comment under the Denver Airport-2012-NWO video (just below) I knew few would read it tucked there so I'm posting it here for better viewing/reading. It's from a long-time friend who thinks the video is a crock of nonsense - and I sincerely hope he's 100% correct!

"I hope you didn’t buy any of the stuff in that video. Christ, what a hodge podge of nonsense. I looked up the airport on Google Earth it is NOT shaped like a swastika….some of the ‘arms’ are pointed the wrong way. They kept talking about secret tunnels and then showing still photos of what were small, very crude tunnels with rr-type tracks…likely a 19th century mine.

And those other tunnels, the giant concrete ones…I have no idea where they were, but I somehow doubt they are under the Denver airport, if only because the perpetrators threw in those other tunnel pix, and not to mention that part about the buildings being “put underground because they had been built wrong and THEN had been put in the ground! Hello?

I don’t know anything about the murals…they seemed kind of “heavy” for an airport…but I really haven’t researched it.

And that “new world order” poster with the pix of George Bush (1 and 2) and a bunch of other people, including Queen Liz II and Pocahontas? I mean POCAHONTAS?

I think somebody had too much time on their hands, and very little intelligence." -TB

In July I will be meeting with a friend who frequently flies in and out of the Denver Airport and plan to ask her about the murals. If you're familiar with them, leave a comment and spill some info, if you please! -JC

Jun 10, 2009

US financial crisis? I knew it was You, Reagan

Paul Krugman's opd-ed of May 31, 2009 tells of Ronald Reagan's signing the Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982 which opened the door wide to the deregulation of the mortgage industry and the crisis, frauds, and heists of today.

Here's the horoscope and a few details on the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 in case you haven't seen it. The post was written before I found info on the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act and before I realized the significance of it as it leads directly today's heist. (Thanks, Alex!)

And check out the text of President Reagan's jolly remarks at the Garn-St. Germain Act's signing ceremony in the White House Rose Garden on Oct 15, 1982 - 11:03 am, as you'll see here.

"All in all, I think we hit the jackpot," said Reagan as noted by Paul Krugman in his op-ed linked above.

Spoken like a true ideologue with heister tendencies.

Artists to freshen Berlin Wall murals

As an artist myself, I think it's cool that the murals on the remaining stretch of the Berlin Wall will be freshened up!

But let's not build another one.

Jun 9, 2009

Mysteries of the Denver Airport, 2012, and the Australia Antigen: video

The mysteries of the Denver Airport is a video that concerns the first-built airport buildings which are now underground and in the shape of a nazi swastika, the futuristic murals on the walls of the Denver International Airport, 2012, the Australia Antigen, and conspiracies of New World Order whose aim is one-world governance - after the undesirables are weeded out.

This video is about 11 minutes of...well, I don't know how to describe it so check it out if you dare. You know, people make fun of this stuff to keep from dealing with it. And now that it's 2009 and America is on the verge of troops in the streets with the Constitution and Bill of Rights in tatters, it may be a little late to get concerned. Or is it?


Thanks go to hazelgreen1977 for giving me a heads-up on this video at my WordPress blog.