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Jun 26, 2009

See 3d photo from space of Russian volcano erupting

With transiting Saturn now returned to '17 Virgo' I wasn't surprised that a rerun of Krakatoa was shown this week on PBS but now this amazing must-see photo has been taken from the ISS:

Space Weather News for June 26, 2009

VOLCANIC VISTAS: On June 12th, astronauts onboard the International Space Station watched in amazement as Russia's Sarychev Peak volcano erupted directly beneath their spacecraft. The rare photo they took is a must-see.

An enormous sulfur dioxide plume from the eruption is now circumnavigating the globe at northern latitudes, producing spectacular sunsets for international air travelers.

Today's edition of SpaceWeather News features 3D photos of the eruption from space, satellite movies of the sulfur dioxide plume, and a Mars-like view of the volcanic cloud over the Canadian Arctic. #

Krakatoa's 2nd eruption came on August 27, 1883, and 1/3 of the earth's inhabitants heard it! The tsunami it caused you don't want to know about as most of the Indonesian island disappeared under the waves.

Saturn on August 27, 1883 was at '10 Gemini' along with Pluto (1:13) and Chiron (3:32); in Virgo were Sun (3Vir+), Uranus, and Mercury. Watery Neptune was Rx at '22 Taurus', an earth sign, and Mars 2Can+ was conjoined by the Moon.

So as far as '17 Virgo' goes, Mercury and Uranus would have been the last planetary culprits to trigger the "Volcano in Eruption" degree of the Sabian Symbols. This is certainly not conclusive for timing volcanic explosions by Astrology, I'm just noting the '17 Virgo' degree's volcanic symbolism along with Saturn's representation of Earth, soil, tectonic plates, rocks, and other geological factors.

"A Volcano in Eruption"...EXPLOSION...

positive: creative passion as a rejection of superficiality and a genius for ordering of self;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: petulance and tantrums. (Marc Edmund Jones,The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Dane Rudhyar in his An Astrological Mandala gives the Keynote of this degree as:

The explosive energy of long-repressed contents of the subconscious.

Jun 25, 2009

Bernanke testifies 6.25.09 and Astrology takes note

With Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testifying on Capitol Hill today, I've taken a meander down SO'W's Memory Lane for Bernanke posts and found 11 of them.

Here are two which will remind you, among other things, of the August 1, 2008 Solar Eclipse (10 South) which is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the New York Stock Exhange (into which the NYSE was born 1792) and thus is very telling for how things have proceeded within the US financial system since the current manufactured collapse:

NYSE and its Solar Eclipse Series 2008 was written before the financial collapse of summer 2008 and contains many details of a financial nature which Astrology describes quite well (I may not, but Astrology does.)

So if you're tempted to think that astrological cycles have nothing to do with financial cycles, perhaps it's time to change your mind!

Then there's Hylan, Bernanke, and the Fed which quotes past NY Mayor John Hylan concerning the "small group of banking houses" being the head of the "invisible government which like a giant octopus" has invaded local and federal governments of the US of A. Only in the New Millennium - more completely, as planned.

So check out these posts if you get a moment, and if you see Ben tell him this blogging gnat of an American said, hello there, we'd like our America back, please.

Jun 24, 2009

Astrology revisits Bush Sr at the 1988 RNC

In his acceptance address at the 1988 Republican National Convention, George H. W. Bush called for a lot and promised a lot.

On the evening of August 18, 1988 at the Superdome in New Orleans, LA, we were ostensibly brightened by his "thousand points of light" and enthused by his promise that though Congress would push him again and again - and again - he would say, "Read my lips: no new taxes."

(I remember the wild applause that little ditty elicited!) Click link for the text of Bush's address along with audio players available, if you'd rather hear him intone.

Other grand remarks were made in his 1988 address, other firm statements were proffered in order to assure the American people of his patriotism and his "respect for common sense" to which he added that "...I have no great love for the imaginings of social planners. I like what's been tested and found to be true."

Whaa-a-a? No love for social planners like the global power elite and their chaos-promoting financial crises and shock doctrines? How about their wars, genocides as population control, and resource plunderings that decimate whole communities and races?

Do your global domination plans not qualify as 'social planning'?

Seems Mr. Bush Sr was prevaricating especially considering that shortly after 1988 he was calling for a New World Order!

This video is but 33 seconds' long and you'll find longer versions on YouTube quite easily. But I figured 33 secs were quite long enough to make a point, or a thousand of them, if you prefer.

Bush states his determination toward success in the his 1988 address he ambiguously stated, "I will keep America moving forward, always forward -- for a better America, for an endless enduring dream and a thousand points of light.

This is my mission. And I will complete it."

And now others carry forward the agend of the NWO.

Did you notice? America is a bank-owned state

Samah El-Shahat has written an informative series of columns on Why America is a Bank-owned State which quotes Nouriel Roubini concerning the Geithner (non-) stress tests.

As I blogged during the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama would not have been a presidential candidate at all if he hadn't gotten in with the power bankers and agreed to do their bidding. He won for promising to dance to their tune and because 'the electorate' liked his pitch the best...makes the medicine go down more easily with such obvious oration abilities.

But is he dancing fast enough? Perhaps, because already the American people, our economy, and our futures are trussed up like turkeys on a spit, so I'll look forward to El-Shahat's next article in the series.

And since no banking or government officials are honest with us, Obama's 'failure' may be pre-written in their script while he's secretly being richly rewarded for a job well done - assuming he doesn't end as their sacrificial lamb!

Jun 23, 2009

Mousavi a terrorist PM back in the day

Spy Talk is talking about Mousavi who is now being celebrated for instigating protests against Ahmadinejad's suspicious victory in Iran's June 12 election, but back in the day - the 80s - Mousavi was Iran's Prime Minister and had a hand in the terrorism that attacked the US embassy and killed US Marines in Beirut.

Seems President Reagan's Secretary of Defense, Caspar Weinberger, derailed plans to disrupt the terroist cells that were causing US deaths. Wonder why the GOP's anointed 'saint' Reagan would want to do that?

Perhaps President Obama's current reluctance to say much about the protests in Iran is based on a lot more intell and tangled circumstances than we know. And it's peculiar that it's GOPers who are shouting the loudest for a Dem president to step his foot in it. They were lurking behind the door as Reagan made deals with the regime.

So as the president said at the White House presser today, the Iranian people aren't concerned with what's being said on Capitol Hill. Indeed.

DC train crash 6.22.09: effects of July 22's Solar Eclipse?

The stars over Washington DC were disasterous yesterday as a Metrorail train plowed into a standing train around 5:00 pm, June 22, 2009. At least seven people were killed and several are hospitalized as investigators attempt to figure out why the old train slammed into the new one.

At 5:00 pm edt in DC, Scorpio was rising and a pattern of energies called a Hard Rectangle had formed between Moon, Sun, ASC, Venus, Mars, and Pluto.

Occurring just after the New Moon 1Can30, the Moon had thus joined the difficult T-Square between Sun/Pluto and apex Uranus, the disruptor, which adds a new midpoint picture for evening rush hour in DC yesterday...

Moon/Pluto = Uranus: nervous crisis through excesses; sudden upset; fantacism.

However, another part of the picture is the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction (Nep 26AQ19, Jup 26:56, both Rx) angular at Ic, the Foundation of the chart, the End of the Matter, the HOW? Point.

Jupiter/Neptune opposing Midheaven = harm or damage through thoughtlessness.

So with Jupiter (excess) conjunct Neptune (possible drug use including alcohol) we may never know for sure if daydreaming or perhaps substance abuse was at the base of the disaster. It will be interesting to see what turns up in the investigation, and once again, I send out condolences to the families and friends of the victims and a prayer for speedy recoveries to those in hospital.

Yes, the city of DC, my favorite former abode, should have listened to the warnings in 2006 about phasing out the old trains for no matter how finances played into the slack decision-making process then, the city of 2009 now faces a $340 million deficit over the next two years.

Makes me wonder who took the money through the years and it bodes ill for victims' lawsuits against the city and/or the Metrorail Transit System.

And yesterday's horrific crash may even be a case of an early manifestation of the upcoming July 22 Solar Eclipse with its "systems fail" flavor. If so, this 29th degree Eclipse may be a doozy, m'peops, as weaker systems will be the first to crash.

White House presser 6.23.09: a little Astrology

As reported on TV's Nightline, President Obama will hold a press conference in the Rose Garden Tuesday (6.23) at 12:30 pm edt with America's natal Neptune in Virgo rising, and the transiting Sun/Mercury midpoint at Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration Point of the chart.

Sun/Mercury = Mc: standing by one's convictions and speaking up for oneself; an intellectual worker; a businessman.

This will also place Mr. Obama's natal Mars rising since it is conjunct US natal Neptune...

Mars/Neptune = ASC: instability; weakness; termination of associations or unions; sharing sorrows with others. (Iranian protesters? DC Metrorail crash victims and their families? jc)

The presser will be held during a Saturn Hour though Saturn 16Vir06 (Democratic Party) has risen and is in the behind-the-scenes 12th house.

ASC 23Vir54, so chart-ruler Mercury (pressers; announcements; speeches; reporters; communications; trade and commerce, etc) is in 9th house at 12Gem01, conjunct the Descendant in the US natal 'Sibly' chart (5:10 pm lmt, you know the date); Mercury makes only one applying aspect in the chart which clues us in to how the presser will proceed...a square to Saturn (4A05.)

This indicates some difficulty in communicating one's authority and control of matters, yet Mercury has natural abilities being positioned in one of its own signs, Gemini, the communicator's sign.

The dissociate T-Square is still within orb to Uranus 26Pisc36 which is setting (Desc 23Pisc54), so again we may consider the midpoint picture formed as the Sun/Pluto opposition points to apex Uranus, the reformer...

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: sudden changes; rebellion; reform; carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; sudden adjustment to new circumstance; arrest. (all midpt pics: Tyl; Ebertin.)

There are a few other midpoint pics of interest, one of which affects 2009's US Inaugural Sun (the president) and Mercury 00AQ+ - it's the plutocracy; the desire for power; desire to exploit the masses; pursuit of fanatical aims; qualities of leadership; wastefulness team of Jupiter and Pluto:

Jupiter/Pluto = Sun: using extraordinary physical or mental powers; the creation of magical effects; use of strong personality power; keeping things within one's own grasp; doing well with all resources.

Jup/Plu = Mercury: promotion of a cause; influence and persuasion; the gift of oration; a propaganda campaign (seemingly the role of any US presidency.)

Jup/Plu = transiting North Node (public contacts): working with others for success; joint aspirations; political activity; relationship to the masses; far-reaching associations.

Pluto/Mc = Uranus: sudden attainment of aims with irresistible power; publicity; sudden changes or shifts of position; prudence; endurance; organizing ability; nervousness; impatience (the American people have become impatient and nervous. jc)

And there is another T-Square in the chart for 6.23.09 at 12:30 pm edt...

Uranus/ASC = Mc: a restless character changing his/her objectives in life; making changes; cooperation in the technological and/or industrial sphere; major change potential in job status.

Well, I don't know what the US Chamber of Commerce (and what are characterized as other Obama opponents) would say about this chart or post, but I for one wish they'd butt out of the White House's efforts to improve the lot of the average American. Share a little of the wealth, greedy plutocrats! We don't crave your fancy cakes, but nutritious bread for our children would be only fair and humane.

Yet I say this assuming, of course, that reforms are being honestly pursued in good faith, for the players of Capitol Hill Theater seldom get around to legislating practical changes and laws that result in real improvements for we-the-people while America's plutocrats always fare ever so well.


As always, midpoint pictures may operate in an any, all, or none manner.

And speaking of America as plutocracy:

"Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy." - John Pierpont Morgan

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." - Thomas Jefferson

So plutocracy is vulgar and defiant - a badly intentioned combination. No wonder we've landed in such deep hot water. It's knowing which shadowy figures to hold accountable that's our puzzlement - just as the power elite bandits intended. jc

Jun 22, 2009

Astrology of Neda, Iran's 'Joan of Arc'

Update Tuesday 6.23.09: Raw Story has some biographical details on the life of Neda Agha-Soltan along with a photo of her lovely, kind face.

Original post begins here:

By now you've heard that a young Iranian woman, Neda, was shot in the heart and killed by a government militia sharpshooter during Saturday's protests in Tehran, a heinous act meant to control the masses by example, one supposes.

A camera phone nearby caught the results of the Iranian government's crackdown and Neda is being called Iran's Joan of Arc with the footage of her death shown round the world bwo Twitter and Facebook.

If you read the above-linked Der Spiegel report you see that the *piercing of Neda's heart occurred local time at 7:05 pm with '14Sag' rising - "The Pyramids and the Sphinx" (Lynda Hill's Cautions for '14Sag': aloofness through perceived superiority; anonymity of the masses); at Midheaven, the Goal Point of any chart is '30Vir' - "Having an Urgent Task to Complete, A Man Doesn't Look to Any Distractions' (actual degree is a 29th degree of crisis; this may refer on one level to the sharpshooter's concentration.)

Also at 29Vir+ is Cupido, which I often complain of for being connected to corporations, The Family, syndicates including crime syndicates, and, in this case, with Cupid, who shoots his arrows into hearts (see Eros mentioned below.)

The How? Point (Ic) then has '30Pisces' - "The Great Stone Face (Being the Projection of the Ideal)", which Dane Rudhyar's Keyword gives as ARCHETYPALIZATION ('Joan of Arc' and 'symbol of the opposition' as Neda has quickly become); Jones says the degree "is self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events."

DESC, the WHERE TO? Point, has '14Gem' upon it, Sabian Symbol "Two People, Living Far Apart, in Telepathic Communication" which relates, I believe, to Twitter and Facebook communications out of Iran to the wider world.

Occurring during a Sun Hour, the Sun, shining brightly bwo the camera phone's flash, is at a crisis degree as well: 29Gem24...'30Gem' - "A Parade of Bathing Beauties Before Large Beach Crowds" which seems to be insignificant other than the reference to large crowds, and the fact that the Sun in a mundane chart signifies the leadership.

But checking with Lynda Hill's book, 360 Degrees of Wisdom, we find that the Cautions Lynda gives for '30Gem' are: using superficialities to win support; giving importance to the issues of appearance; lusting after the unattainable; feeling like merchandise; making superficial judgments, any of which may apply to this cowardly deed - on any or all sides.

In the 6th house of Health is Mercury, planet of young people and communicators like Neda; Mercury is conjunct Midas in the chart of Neda's assassination at '8Gem' - "An Industrial Strike" which Marc Edmund Jones gives as: PROTEST; and by way of explanation, he states that...

"There is here the dignity of a personality which may be exalted but never exploited."

And so, my condolences go out to Neda's family and friends along with a wish that her death be not exploited, yet not be in vain on behalf of the Iranian People who deserve better and fairer treatment from their authoritarian government.

*piercing relates, on one level, to asteroid Eros 15Pis28, opposing authoritative Saturn 15Vir55, and conjunct Fixed Star Achernar, keywords: crisis; end of the river. I have noticed that Eros' (life force) as a piercing of some kind - such as a bullet - is often active in charts of violence; asteroid Pallas, the daughter, is in 8th house of death 8Leo29, and Leo's bodily province is the heart and spine; Neda's father is said to be one of the men in the sad video.

Note on my use of Sabian Symbols for this post: our Western versions, known as the Sabian Symbols - are said to be intuited from ancient Babylonian symbols so I thought it was appropriate to use them here esp since old Persia is modern Iran. Hope this doesn't grump up or ruffle the feathers of any of my online astrological critics, but if it does, I guess that's the way it goes. jc