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Jul 5, 2010

Uranus Rx Station 00Ari35 = new seeds and fated paths 7.5.10

Today at 12:48:28 pm edt, transiting Uranus changes direction and seems to stand still @ 00Ari35. In Washington DC, this occurs in 6th house (daily rounds, health, service, military and police forces) during an Hour of evaluating Venus 24Leo36 in 11th house.

Chart-ruler Venus applies to opposition with Neptune 28AQ23 Rx (5th house; 3A47) whose mystical, deceptive, illusory rays are still causing dissolution, disappointment, and a sense of rootlessness and loss to America's natal Moon (the people), and values are hard to define. Neptune is also involved in a YOD pattern (aka, a Finger of God indicating crises, special tasks, or a turning point) which will be discussed below.

Another applying aspect of chart-ruler Venus is a sesquisquare (3 interlaced semisquares of drive and determination) to North Node, perhaps a signature of a need for meetings, or, of a desire for contact with the public.

Venus applies (5A55) in opposition to Chiron as well, an aspect describing great openness and receptivity to others with perhaps the collective's fear of the unknown surfacing (in tandem with the SN-based July 11 Solar Eclipse bringing unconscious material to the surface - but with successful outcomes.) This may relate to the 2012 prophecies being uppermost in some people's minds this week, for planet Venus is said to be the culprit in an ancient-days catastrophe the likes of which some folk expect to recur in 2012 (or 2011.)

(Yes, there are 11:11s in this chart: the cusps of the 6/12 houses: 11Pis11 on 6th cusp, placing the 6/12 axis in Nodal Degree with NN 11Cap57; 'Nodal degree' indicates a fated or karmic condition, and there is another 'fated' factor within the YOD pattern, see below. Perhaps this describes the dire conditions for US troops in the Middle East and/or police actions in the US or on the suffering Gulf Coast, along with the limiting conditions being navigated by our nation's authority figures as mentioned below.)

ASC 6Lib59 shows that America's first natal planet to rise is Saturn 14Lib48 (n 10th house) so with Uranus now Rx, will radical reforms be put to simmer? Uranus is strongest today at Station and will be strong this week as it remains @ 00Ari35 but the Senate doesn't return to duty until next Monday, July 12.

Plus, today's chart shows Sun 13Can34 still on its US natal Sun degree, here in 10th house with Mercury 22Can02 preparing to return to its natal degree 24Can12 Rx in n 8th house (Sibly chart.) With US n Saturn rising, we get the baggage of our n Sun/Saturn square to deal with and the inferiority complex it implies.

Supporting those feelings (which with maturity should ripen into a sense of responsibility and accountability, traits or their lack soon on global display with US Saturn Return upcoming, after tr Saturn crosses US n Mc again) is the 10th house SN still within orb of US n Sun (the leader) which shows a karmic condition whereby past selfish actions interfere with the qualities of leadership; his willpower is thwarted by current conditions as past frauds and losses (SN) prevent President Obama from implementing that which he would implement.

Major circumstances in the environment deny him the opportunity and resources for expression of his solar-directed goals resulting in a loss of power potential as obstacles are thrown in his path, and what he does accomplish may be credited to others. Sun = the President, but also the nation itself, and the only thing to do until this transit of SN-to-Sun passes is to show mastery in the areas which he is able to command.

As noted, this karmic condition is at the top of today's chart for all the world to see which obviously includes the past wastefulness of the prior administration (SN = past behavior affecting the present.)

At Midheaven (Mc; the Goal or Aspiration Point) is 7Can57 which puts US natal Venus and Jupiter on the world stage; both planets have monetary implications, as you know. And SN at Mc indicates things are not going well in career matters or public status; SN is a Saturnian point of separation and loss as the Dragon's Tail (SN) swipes across the White House for all to see (Mc.)

Before I mention a few details on transit Uranus Rx, let's consider the YOD as mentioned with Saturn at apex. Adding to its fated quality is the fact that Saturn and Neptune are both @ 28 degrees of their signs, and Saturn is posited in the karmic 12th house of the Unconscious; Large Institutions such as hospitals and prisons are provinces of the 12th house, too, and Politics' behind-the-scenes quality works secretly in 12th house where backdoor deals are made.

First, the midpoint picture formed by the YOD's three planets using a blend of Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey...any, all, or none may apply:

Moon/Neptune = Saturn: prolonging indecisiveness increases disappointment; showing caution and reserve when beginning to neglect what you care for; hard work to restructure ambition; shaking off indolence; a sense of suffering under the yoke; being strongly influenced by prevailing yet temporary conditions which will pass; feeling inhibited, frustrated, or paralyzed; depression, despair, or pessimism.

So poor old Saturn is working behind-the-scenes and feeling stymied. But activist Mars 15Vir37 is there to keep him company although Mr. Action can feel frustrated in Virgo. (A 12th house Saturn in classifying, discriminating Virgo is often a sign of the scientist. Politically speaking and in the realm of business and law, he's the manager, and/or the Democrat.)

Well, apex Saturn makes for a karmic YOD pattern, as noted, and since Saturnian form is always a must for brilliant Uranus to pour his genius ideas into (and get them off the drawing board and into reality), impatient Uranus is being made to wait. This is one of the primary factors shown here with the retrograde phase of any planet signifying delay or review.

Apex Saturn shows that proper timing, patience, and inner maturity are the necessary ingredients to prepare for the turning point the YOD describes - without those qualities, the promised new direction will bring failure if it is unwisely forced.

Saturn's safety and preservation needs are preceded by current anxiety and uncertainty and will not abate until Uranus moves beyond its current position, with Uranus The Awakener now conjoining US natal Ic 00Ari53 (Home, Homeland, Domestic Scene, What We Need to Feel Psychologically Secure; Endings.)

Since tr Uranus is Rx as of today, this 'hit' will recur after Uranus turns Direct and re-crosses n Ic, which shows a Cosmos wanting to be sure we 'get it' with today's second 'hit' becoming internalized for further planning - yet ideas from the first 'hit' (June 2010 with expansive Jupiter in tow) will be brought to the surface of the Collective Unconscious during this transit.

Actually today's Rx Station is part of Uranus' testing phase of our lasting values, but here, the form that our brilliant ideas must have in order to be implemented are otherwise engaged in a crisis-ridden YOD, a pattern with inherent testings of its own.

Master astrologer Erin Sullivan says that Uranus' second pass in transit, if Rx, indicates that a new seed is being planted which matures into comfortable integration by Uranus' third pass (mid-March 2011 and after.) Erin further states that, 'Very frequently the events or inner experiences...during the retrograde transit are not fully developed until well after the degree is cleared." (Retrograde Planets, Sullivan.)

Now apex Saturn may be feeling like an unwanted outcast at the moment with self-defeating attitudes quite entrenched and reinforced by the harsh outer realities which we're all experiencing.

(And notice I'm not mentioning the ongoing Cardinal squares between Saturn/Uranus to Pluto, and Jupiter/Saturn to Pluto, for how many times can I type the same info? ;p Plus, toss your browser in any Google-y direction and you will find thousands of analyses of the conditions created by the Cardinal squares' and Cross' difficult energies which are similar to those during the Great Depression; also notice how often economists such as Robert Reich and various talking heads have mentioned the conditions of the 1930s and their possible recurrence. If you or a loved one have lost employment, the 'possibility' is now a reality.)

So what other factors ensue from an apex Saturn in YOD formation?

Well, the two quincunxes (aka, inconjuncts; 150 degrees) from Moon (the public; publicity) and Neptune (the masses; the media) indicate feelings of inadequacy and insignificance with painful awareness of economic or psychological deficiencies; yet due to the corrective nature of quincunxes and Saturn's natural determination to overcome difficulties and obstacles, we may expect this YOD to provide better organization of our energies which will bring greater efficiency and stability to situations.

This testing (a Saturn word) YOD can free us on some level from negativity and burdensome attitudes which hold us back. Social responsibility with purposeful activity results as steady focus and self-discipline make the difference toward the success or failure encountered along the new path shown by the YOD (and by Uranus to US n Ic.)

Our potential for commitment to stable Saturnian principles and our resolve to find workable solutions are called on here if fateful consequences are to be mitigated (for too much unaccountability, irresponsibility, dishonesty, and unrealistic expectations have been indulged in by those in charge and by some of the populace for dire outcomes to be wholly avoided - as already demonstrated by Financial Crisis 2008. Moon inconjunct Saturn shows we-the-people's deep sense of being exploited, and we should continue to question authority's actions; also, refuse to be an emotional patsy for anyone in your personal or public lives as they will try to guilt you into taking over what are really their responsibilities. I'm also looking at you, BP.)

And whatever we do, the applying trine (120 degr) to the Moon 26Ari00 from secret hand Pluto, with his deep connections to publishing, mass media, and the world's wealth, should not be allowed to lull us (trine) into accepting his public relations campaigns at face value.

For as my flower power generation was once so fond of saying: Question Authority!

And for 2010 I would add, Work (Saturn) to ferret out the true motivations (Pluto) behind the many masks worn by the plutonian power elite and share what you find with others!


Beyond the scope of this article (and mentioned in previous posts) is the historical marker for scientific breakthrough, Uranus to Aries Point. Plus, the June 8, 2010 Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus indicates 'new explorations and discoveries' as comprehensively detailed in Anne Whitaker's excellent book Jupiter Meets Uranus.

Jul 4, 2010

More on the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse in Cancer

If you're looking for more astro-details on the upcoming Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 Virgo Magic may have just what you're looking for, including info on the recent Lunar Eclipse 4Cap46 conjunct Pluto of June 26, 2010.

With Capricorn ruled by Saturn (fear) and Pluto's deep fear factor involved in the cosmic picture, the fear of loss (Cap) and how to cope with it (Pluto) is on every one's menu on into 2011, which will be The Year To Get Through as best we can!

The July 11 Solar Eclipse is in the 12 South Series which has a time link to its last manifestation so we may expect similar issues from that year to reappear - or, the exact same issues in various guises may re-rear their hoary heads for the world's reconsideration and, hopefully, for better solutions.

Last time, 12S manifested on June 30, 1992 @ '9Can' so Cancerian issues of security, safety, domestic concerns such as real estate, homelessness, refugeeism, food, grains, and milk - anything that nurtures and protects - were on our minds and in the headlines as they are again. Plus, nowadays we have genetic engineering of seeds and food supplies to worry about along with changing weather patterns interrupting growing seasons; famine cannot be ruled out.

And of course, 1992 is one of the years of the 90s decade that the New World Order was rearing its (ugly) head in a more public way than ever before with Bush Sr's mentions of it as a venture which will be successful. Then came 1993, studded with the Great Conjunctions of enlightening planets Uranus and Neptune, the pair which this reluctant astrologer considers to be a signature of the Illuminati and their plan for world domination. You may disagree, and that's okay.

In 1992, Uranus and Neptune were within orb but not as strong as they would be in 1993 when partile (exact.)

Yet it seems obvious to me that Bill Clinton's election to the presidency was part of the NWO agenda with NAFTA's 'free trade' pretending not to be code words for the dissolving of borders, nation states, currencies, and, yes, the United States of America. In the news now is the UN calling for dumping the US dollar.

Yes, 'thanks' must go to Bill NAFTA Clinton, as I call him.

Also, the first bombing of the World Trade Center took place under his watch as perhaps a sort of a dry run for 9/11 though I doubt any WTC attack victims of either year would appreciate my typing that. Still, both attacks are part of a process which is my point today on America's 234th birthday as the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse draws near - and occurs one week into our nation's Solar year.

A bright spot has to be 12S's astrological implications that 'things at first seem worse, then clear with successful outcomes' (Brady's Predictive Astrology) but if the Eclipse influence helps any of the dire conditions we face, the 'then clear' part could come in early 2011, or later this year since a Solar Eclipse's influence lasts from one to the next, approximately 6 months. (Though a strong one may take effect up to 2 weeks prior to its actual occurrence.)

So will BP's efforts to stop the Gulf Coast oil gusher bear fruit in mid-July as they've said it might, before their previous estimate of August? Well, Cancer the Crab does live in Gulf waters after all! Or should I say, lived?

A Few Historical Events of 1992

Britain's Queen Elizabeth dubbed 1992 her 'annus horribilis' with Windsor Castle damaged by fire (and eventually she had to foot some of the bill, poor thing!), plus the marriages of three out of her four children ended in divorce (Charles and Diana formally announcing their separation in December.)

Financial scandals were in the news as usual, and a loss-infused Saturn/Pluto square brought a bleak, heavy mood similar to what their 2010 square brings now (though their square didn't become exact until March 1993, prolonging its effects.)

The Serbs bombarded Sarajevo, heating up the Balkans conflict and the UN condemned 'ethnic cleansing' by the Serbs as a war crime. (War is a crime, imho.) More marriage troubles appeared as Nelson Mandela and his wife separated (like Al and Tipper Gore?); the venerable Lloyd's of London revealed massive losses; in New York, John Gotti was convicted of murder and racketeering.

(Gotti may be gone, but murder and racketeering remain.)

Also in 1992, race riots erupted in Los Angeles after Rodney King's video-taped beating by police was shown ad infinitum on TV, Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida and the Bahamas, and women priests were allowed to minister in the Church of England after much wrangling and controversy.

On January 8, 1992 while visiting Japan, President George Herbert Walker Bush was poisoned (my theory) at a state dinner, vomited into the lap of Japan's Prime Minister, then promptly fainted. Influenza was said to be the cause. Perhaps. But if I'd felt that ill before dinner, I would have begged off and had a tray sent up!

Oh, and did I mention that Bill NAFTA Clinton was elected US President? Bet Poppy B threw up again when he heard that.


A more complete list of the events of 1992 by month may be found here.

Moon Phases, a drawing from my Secret Moon Art collection of cosmic images with an occasional bit of Astrology blended in.

Jul 3, 2010

Chemtrails Over Washington

In honor of America's Independence Day 2010, here's a sadly enlightening video report concerning geoengineering and barium-laced chemtrails over America with my post title suggesting that the blame falls over Washington where the pentagram-shaped Pentagon slithers (and the brass insists the blame isn't theirs.)

From blocked sunlight to raised blood pressures, immune system damage, and other distressing health problems, barium seems to be the primary ingredient in the soup creating fake clouds known as 'chemtrails' so check out the brief video above which I found within a wide-ranging article containing much more info on the clouds that scientists are finally admitting are being caused by chemtrails.

You've seen them in your area of the sky, haven't you? The article shows a photo of a sky full, if you need to positively ID them. Human culprits are harder to find.

Yeah. Well, Happy Fourth of July 2010 to us knowing that Washington continues experimenting with new and exciting ways to commit covert and overt population control, part of the New World Order agenda to garner all resources for the use of a select few of the power elite, a group I would today call (in my current state of grumpiness after reading the article) - psychopathic inbreds.

It's through that much-bally-hooed and over bred (though well-spread) Merovingian bloodline and even further back into the mists of Time from whence our modern-day troubles issue.

You may also be interested in visiting The Dark History of the Vatican while we're on the subject of criminal behavior and ritual murders (ex: Princess Diana was assassinated inside the Pont d'Alma tunnel - 'bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess' Diana - a goddess which satanists of the bloodline are said to worship even now. Diana echoes the Egyptian goddess Isis), and pedophilic obsessions and sacrifices of Catholic Church priests and bishops with its rumored Jesuit (Illuminati) connection. ('Mary' is an Isis stand-in for some people!)

One thing that interests me is all the famous leaders, emperors, pharaohs, princes, kings, and queens involved in the Merovingian bloodline (and before) with one notable queen whose natal chart I recently located: Cleopatra (Jan 13, 69 BC, 2:08 am LMT, Alexandria.) Follow the link to see Noel Tyl's rectified natal chart of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra who dubbed herself "the new Isis."

Placing Cleopatra's chart in my Solar Fire program, I find that she was born with Isis 4Lib40 Rx conjoined with Osiris 4Lib09 Rx - the mythic significance of the two I will allow you to discover for yourself if you aren't familiar with them.

Plus, Isis and Osiris conjunct Cleopatra's Pre-Natal Eclipse 3Lib53 yet Solar Fire isn't showing this Solar Eclipse on its Series list so I can't match it up with its modern-day time link (it isn't listed in my older version of the program. And no, I don't want any more bells and whistles, thanks! 'Nuff to do as it is.)

Born during a Great Conjunction of Uranus and Pluto (in late Taurus), 'the new Isis' was certainly a fascinating personality, a force active in her environment so perhaps I shall get around to posting more fully on the natal chart and life of Queen Cleopatra whose genes are apparently affecting today's events...maybe through the descendants of the twins she bore Marc Antony (who had his own connections to the bloodline) with her natal Moon 28Can53 giving us a Babylonian symbol to consider from the Sabian Symbol for '29Can'...

"A Greek Muse Weighs in Golden Scales Just Born Twins."


And her Sun @ critical degree 20Cap18? Her Sun arose with Fixed Star, Schedar (Alpha Cassiopeia), keyphrase: female sovereignity which Brady's Fixed Stars says gives 'the archetypal concept of the queen' along with 'a natural ability to command respect, endowed with wisdom, embodying a leadership style based on the feminine model that incorporates intuition and mysticism.'

Ms. Brady also notes that Britain's Princess Diana was born with Schedar culminating at natal Mc while her royal Jupiter set which magnified the influence of the star.

For Schedar, Vivian Robson mentions 'sorrows in love' and 'demonic power' and we know that Princess Diana experienced the first, as did Cleopatra. We might say that for both love led to death if you agree that Diana's relationship with Dodi had something to do with their murders.

And one may assume (given the bloodline/satanic info given above for your consideration) that 'the new Isis', the Queen of the Nile, probably possessed the latter.


Update 10:19 pm: just found a fascinating post on Quantum Spirit published July 3 as well. It concerns the possibility that the death of Cleopatra may have been a result of lethal poison rather than snake bite.

Jul 2, 2010

Suspicions grow over Dr David Kelly's 2003 "suicide"

It's been a while since I studied the mysterious death chart of nuclear weapons expert Dr. David Kelly, but this is news I've been waiting for:

Doubts Grow In Whistle-blower "Suicide"

By Alex Newman

New revelations in the suspicious "suicide" death of whistle-blower Dr. David Kelly point even more strongly to the possibility of murder and a subsequent cover-up. #

And here's a link to an earlier article about how Dr. Kelly's post mortem results are to be kept secret for 70 years. Wonder how that's going seven years on?

7 down, 63 more to go?

Well, perhaps in spite of his inexplicable tendency to garner 'peace' awards unto himself, Tony Blair, and the rest of the Hussein-toppling crew, will eventually find their shadows being stepped upon by the Truth catching up with them. And that goes for Bush, Cheney, and Lord Hutton, too.

Oh, and let's not forget the mystery-lady American journalist that Dr. Kelly was in touch with just before he took his fatal walk and supposedly managed to suicide himself in a very suspicious, seemingly impossible, manner.

Sharron Angle's Leo, Leo, Leo - and Pluto in Leo!

Get ready for a plethora of dramatic Leonine energy if you're going to consider the planetary placements in the birth chart of Nevada's political thespian making waves for November 2010, GOP nominee for a US Senate seat, Sharron Angle.

Now I don't have an illustration of a lion in my art quiver, but here's an orange tiger of a decidely Leo persuasion...

Predator at Dusk by Jude Cowell.

July 4, 2010: Presidential scholars rank Bush 5th worst in US history

Happy Independence Day, America! Here's the Sibly version of our birth chart:

Yes, it's year #234 and barely counting, considering what politicians and bankers have done with the place - their private cash cow apparently.

Well, just in time for 2010's July 4th festivities, some bad news not wholly unexpected has arrived concerning the recent 8-year era of US expansionist and war speculator, George Bush: he's been ranked by presidential scholars as the 5th worst president in US history, with President Obama ranked 15th from the top of this year's list.

Yes, war hawk Bush is ranked in the bottom five as is Franklin Pierce with whom Dubya shares family lineage. And Poppy Bush doesn't fair very well either which gives me some small hope that hoards of discerning Americans will nix any future presidential hopes of candidates from this particular gene pool.

That's about as gently as I can put it so early in the day while listening to the second reading of the morning on NPR of the Declaration of Independence. The horoscope above marks the day with expanding Jupiter as chart-ruler during a Venus Hour, both planets relating on one level to money and its pursuit.

Now to be fair, President Pierce did have the unfortunate distinction of losing his 11-year-old son in a horrible train accident just two months before inauguration which had to be a nightmarish-beyond-belief way to begin a term in the White House.

That Pierce won with the Democrats' slogan, "We Polked you in 1844; we shall Pierce you in 1852!" is a marvel or a miracle, I'm not certain which (that said with a 2010 perspective, however.)

And perhaps the person writing on Wikipedia concerning the presidency of Franklin Pierce had Dubya in the back of his/her mind when he/she typed:

"having publicly committed himself to an ill-considered position, he maintained it steadfastly, but at tremendous cost to his reputation."

With Bush, it seems that nature and nurture supported one another during his disastrous presidency with "At least we know where he stands" the popular sentiment with the end of the sentence being, "even though he's wrong."

Well, if history turns out to be 'kind' to George W. Bush as John Ashcroft once panderingly intoned, its pages will have to be very creatively rewritten down to the last period if it hopes to disguise the misery, loss, and teeth-grinding inspired across the globe by the stubborn-willed presidency of you-know-who (with the enabling of his elite backers, his "base" as he called them.)

May this be the final time I publish a photo of this man who had to cheat to 'win' the presidency of the United States of America, with the end of the sentence being, "cheating isn't winning, it's stealing."


On the chart image I failed to note that along with Venus and Mars, our Pluto in Capricorn is also out-of-bounds.

Jul 1, 2010

Senator Byrd in repose: a Mystic Rectangle forms

Today as Senator Robert Byrd lies in repose on the Senate floor for his last appearance there, Sun is in Cancer, Moon in grieving Pisces, two water signs which gently trine one another.

A pattern called a Mystic Rectangle (practical mysticism) forms today at 1:16 pm between Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and NN and the senator will be visited by the public until mid-afternoon. This is a singular honor to lie in repose on the Senate floor rather than under the Capitol rotunda of our Masonic Capitol Building, and critique him as we may, I think Senator Byrd is one of the few Washington politicians who can still be said to deserve such an honor.

Senator Joseph McCarthy was the last to lie in repose there.

Today an out-of-bounds Mercury 13Can18 conjoins US natal Sun as well which indicates on one level the public viewing (Mercury) of a US leader (Sun.) The melancholy midpoint of Saturn/Neptune 13Sag34 continues its visitation to US natal Ascendant:

Sat/Nep = ASC: emotional suffering; oppressive environment (funeral, etc); sense of being 'out of the group'; mourning and bereavement.

Will there be more US funerals with the current January eclipse conjunct US natal Pluto? Well, there's not much time for it with the next Solar Eclipse occurring on July 11 @ '20Can' in a Series with quite a different flavor.

The current Solar Eclipse season (Jan 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01) has indicated loss of leadership in relation to Capricorn's interests: government, law, business; royal weddings are indicated by this eclipse as well, and those have been in the news. (Did Prince William really elope? I've had no time to follow up on the rumor!)

Born in North Wilkersboro, NC on November 20, 1917, Senator Byrd's Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aquarius (for the 24-hour period; birth hour unknown) gave him a radically independent viewpoint, a self-reflective temperament, a magnetic effect on others, and the powerful intellect he was well known for in Washington. This will, no doubt, be eulogized.

To quote one who shares the senator's Sun Scor/Moon AQ blend, "Integrity is in no need of rules." - Albert Camus.

Yet I would add, 'but man is - especially when set loose in the halls of power.'

Today's 'cagey crab fish' Sun Can/Moon Pisc blend gives the following word pictures, or Images for Integration, which set a 'slippery and secretive' tone for this day of the senator's last appearance in the US Senate:

A lone sailboat offshore at sunset...Ol' man river, he keeps on rollin' along.

Mr. Byrd has served West Virginia well through the decades, bringin' home the pork for a state that could well use it, so it isn't up to me to hold that against him. And it's doubtful that the American people will see his likes again on Capitol Hill for who else will stand up on the Senate floor to speak against a misadventure like Bush-Cheney's Iraq invasion?

Please click if you wish to read the senator's March 2003 speech
Today, I weep for my country with which he attempted to clue in the war hawks of their folly, war hawks who still quixotically helm our nation against all common sense.

So today it's our turn to weep, if only for a moment out of our busy lives, for Senator Byrd who lies in repose, his work assignment on earth now done.

Senator Robert Byrd
1917 - 2010
R. I. P.


(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzy Harvey.)

Jun 30, 2010

Homeless Vets Bill? Republicans are against that, too (video)

Just when I thought there was nothing else supportive of the American people that the Republican Party could fight against, a Homeless Veterans Bill isn't passing muster with the GOP who'd rather spend the money we don't have (after 8 years of Bush-Cheney) on war rather than on the needs of those they sent to fight it for them.

It seems astounding to me that any American of any stripe or tea flavor could possibly consider voting for Republican Party candidates in November, when Rs were and are the primary promoters of endless war for which the dire needs of our homeless vets and the unemployed are to be sacrificed so that war hawks of both parties can continue to profit from US imperialism.

Guess America's natal Saturn in 10th house with the 'fall from grace if Saturn's lessons and principles of responsibility and accountability are not followed' Saturn-in-10th-house caution is having its results now with perfect timing: transit Saturn is about to cross US natal Midheaven again (00Lib53, Sibly chart) where the Task Master will return to his natal position in 10th house three times (while opposing Jupiter at natal Ic.)

Our nation's Saturn Return 14Libra48 this time is a three-fer which draws out the lessons and any solutions, if indeed they can be found without self-serving Politics taking over the presentation:

1. December 3, 2010
2. March 22, 2011 Rx
3. August 28, 2011.

So to paraphrase film star Betty Davis, Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.