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Apr 19, 2011

Solar Eclipse of the Siege at Waco 1993

The US government-Branch Davidian stand-off which history calls the Siege at Waco began on February 28, 1993, ended on April 19, 1993, and was shown live on TV in the US around the clock, as I remember (or perhaps it only seemed that way. We were more easily shocked back then - and perhaps shocking the public was part of the motivation.)

The 50-day Waco stand-off happened within a certain Solar Eclipse Series, the 13 North, which actually manifested on December 24, 1992 @ '2 Capricorn' and repeated on January 4, 2011 - we're in the 13N now. Interestingly, something else portentous occurred during this Series: the first of the three Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune (#1 on February 2, 1993 @ 19Cap34), the Illuminati other words, Uranus and Neptune = the New World Order duo.

Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology, we have then and now a theme of groups and associations, large ambitious group projects, the breaking of an already existing bond (such as when joining a cult), separation then joint achievement. The next occurrence of 13N will be in the year 2029; for historical comparison, 13N also occurred in 1902, 1920, 1938, 1956, and 1974.

One assumes the 'joint acheivement' part was on the side of the FBI, Janet Reno, then-President Bill Clinton, and their globalist masters hidden in the shadows of our invisible government. (See sidebar near top for quotes from presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson on a very similar topic.)

Natally, 13N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of Rod Blagojevich (remember him and his hair?), Patsy Ramsey (mother of Jon Benet Ramsey), and poet Emily Dickinson (December 10, 1830.)

The initial eclipse in the Series occurred on August 14, 1776 and its horoscope contains quite a descriptive midpoint picture which may relate to the heavy-handed Siege at Waco; Mars was @ 18Can13, North Node @ 5Leo28 conjunct US natal NN, and power-mad Pluto Rx was @ 26Cap38 - less than one degree from US natal Pluto and the degree of the Midheaven (Aspirations) in all modern-day presidential inauguration charts:

Mars/NN = Pluto: the performance of record achievements; a violent or forced separation from a partnership or union; deterring the competition; increased need to be in control of groups and associations which wield influence in your professional areas of interest.

Here's part of what Dane Rudhyar (An Astrological Mandala) has to say about '2Cap' which includes reference to the disruptive consequences of war. See if you think '2Cap' applies to the Siege at Waco.

"Three Rose Windows in a Gothic Church, One Damaged by War."

Keynote: The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.

...The "capital" of group-energies is partially squandered in armaments and death. WASTE is the opposite of group-integration.

On a similar theme is the Massacre at Ruby Ridge. And 'ruby' is red and red is 'Rose' and it's possible that "Rose" in the Sabian Symbol for '2Cap' refers to Rosicrucianism and we're back to 'Swords vs Torches' once again.

Apr 17, 2011

Full Moon in Libra Horoscope Apr 17, 2011

Washington DC by the Light of a Libra Full Moon April 17, 2011

by Jude Cowell

The Air (mental) sign of Libra is all about relationships, balance, justice, and beauty. The opposite degree of the Full Moon's degree is the Illumination Point where unconscious info lurks if we care to take a peek, and it is naturally the degree of the Sun (27Ari44 in 5th house; see their Sabian Symbols below.)

On the chart you'll see mention of the Thales Point ('a saving grace') here occupied by Neptune in 3rd house and lending support to the Full Moon's oppositional energies for it trines the Moon and sextiles the Sun; Neptune 00Pis22 stimulates America's Pre-Natal Eclipse by degree (00Pis33 in 1776), the 12 South, which repeated on July 11, 2010 and aided the BP-Gulf Oil Blowout with its main theme: 'successful outcomes to long term worries or illness; draining concerns will at first seem worse then clear with successful outcomes' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

By emphasizing the positive side of spiritual, inspirational Neptune, god of the oceans - and planet of The Divine Source - we may be aided and lifted in our endeavors if the Thales Point holds true. Yet motives count!

You'll note that some of America's natal placements and those of President Obama are penned around the horoscope so you may wish to click to enlarge for easier viewing:

Horoscope shown: Full Moon in Libra 27:44, April 17, 2011 10:43:55 pm edt Washington DC falls across the 5/11 axis of Self-Will v Group Associations; Hour of Venus 26Pis18 in the emphasized 4th house of Real Esate, Domestic Scene, and Security; ASC 3Sag51 = Moon/Pluto midpoint = determined Sisyphus Rx; Hebe (co-dependency; goddess of youth, daughter of Zeus; a servant removed from duty due to indecent exposure; a cup-bearer; or, those of the Hebrew race) is setting on the Descendant as is President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini.

Moon/Pluto = ASC: ideals contrasted against the world's reality; upsets caused within the environment through one's behavior; many upsets; a violent reaction to environmental influences.

Add to this the energies of the Uranus/Pluto square -5A25- now bringing replays of social upheaval and protests as in the 1960s when the two met in Great Conjunction near the MC of the Libra Full Moon chart shown here; the Saturn/Pluto square -5A19- echoes their Great Conjunction of Nov 8, 1982 at...wait for it...27Lib36, so this Full Moon signifies a double transit to Saturn/Pluto's past degree and triggers their current cycle by blockage and frustration (the square.) Not good. Reagan's policies of the 1980s still affect our nation, fraudulent Neptune's trickle down theory included, and they continue to turn up in the news.

Therefore, we may say that:

Uranus/Pluto = MC: aspirations for reforms; mobility; an instant grasp and exploitation of every situation; restlessness; prudence; grand vision; an opportunity to rise to leadership.

Saturn/Pluto = Sun: sparing no pains in one's work; privation (and/or privatizing social safety net programs which would only add to the privation Republicans seem to want for us?); renunciation; physical separation; toil and over-exertion.

Saturn/Pluto = Moon: inconsistencies in records, work, or achievements; melancholy; tragedy; cold feelings.

Of course, any mention of Saturn/Pluto reminds us of the attacks of 9/11/01 when the two karmic planets were in oppposition across the ASC/DESC axis of the US natal chart (Sibly version = 5:10 pm LMT.)

(Yes, I know - this is my usual jolly post but you know what's going on in the world, right? So if you prefer jolliness there are plenty of Astrology blogs and sites upon which to frolic!)

Full Moons Culminate and Flower the Seeds of the Prior New Moon

First let's follow the trail of dispositorship to see where things lead and it begins with chart-ruler Jupiter 19Ari14 (the Exaltation of the Sun degree giving an ego-expansion theme) in 5th H of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits with Jupiter ruled by Mars 12Ari20 (at critical or crisis degree as is Saturn 12Lib48 Rx in 10th H of Public Status) in 4th H of Domestic Scene. To me this indicates more protests, activism, and perhaps riots with the number of arrests increasing in the US, Land of the Free.

Also in 4th H are evaluating Venus as noted (foreclosures ongoing), rebellious upheavaler Uranus 2Ari05, and Mercury Rx 14Ari04. Mercury opposes Saturn as does Mars but not as closely so one T-Square is formed with a second not as intense but becoming so as Mercury retrogrades into position.

Here are both midpoint pictures from the T-SQs for your consideration; the usual suspect, subversive Pluto in 2nd H of Earnings and Worth, is apex planet in both pictures - the first one you've heard before because it's been in effect for a while now:

Mars/Saturn = Pluto: brutality; rage and fury; intervening of a Higher Power (US and NATO air strikes in Libya?); bodily harm, injury; murder; the death of many people.

Mercury/Saturn = Pluto: toiling or grappling with unusual and special problems; brooding over one's destiny; plans determine one's fate.

Pluto as apex planet in a Cardinal T-Square pattern indicates intensely driven individuals who don't integrate easily with others - and don't wish to; control and power are jealously guarded; hidden strengths help them confront and overwhelm opposition in a ruthless manner; power reserves are applied toward crisis situations; may have a chip-on-shoulder; signifies high-powered executive positions that demand penetrating insights into crucial phases of all operations; explosive endings make for fresh starts as a new phase is entered; others readily pick up on this dynamic vibration yet it's difficult to ferret out Pluto's true identity.

Yet we know the plutonians and plutocrats by what they produce in the world, don't we? This includes the grossly wealthy, and nuclear waste and disaster such we see in Japan as radiation spreads across the entire globe.

Now the former T-SQ with Saturn/Uranus = Pluto has separated as you see yet their midpoint picture still influences events by way of: violence and rebellion; a desire to overcome difficult situations through extraordinary effort (not, it seems, a positive these days yet it depends on people's true motives); intervention of a Higher Power; harm through force majeure; war.

Here are the Full Moon's other midpoint pictures; house positions of the apex planets tell where the energies have outlet for manifestation:

Sun/Mars = Jupiter: optimism; striving for power; the Civil Servant; success; taking possession. (My bold.)

Sun/Uranus = Mercury: a young reformer (DC contains many of those but Mr. Obama and Mr. Ryan come instantly to mind); making arrangements; quick and prudent actions.

Sun/Venus = Mars: creative power. (The Sun/Venus combo seems innocuous enough on the surface with its connection to The Arts yet Michael Munkasey under his Business and Politics category gives its potentials as: a society which is estranged from its leadership; using national or business wealth to sustain authority; how a society shapes the direction of its growth (budget, deficit, and credit limit battles?); the nature of reserves, resources, and the role they play in development. Also indicated by Sun/Venus: thyroid, kidneys, and infections that affect smell, taste (such as the metallic taste from radiation poisoning?), and other senses.

Circled on the chart is an inconjunct (or, quincunx, an aspect showing adjustments are direly needed) between Jupiter and Midheaven. With Jupiter in pioneering Aries and in 4th H of Real Estate and Security, we may expect Jupiter with his money connotation and Republican Party signification to need more adjusting or bargaining on issues such as war costs (Jupiter the General), home foreclosures and other Real Estate concerns (4th H), Career and Public Staus (10th H), and issues relating back to 9/11/01 (9/11's Sun at MC, as marked on chart.)

A Sun/Jupiter quincunx shows that someone's talents are not being fairly rewarded so there is discontent at not being appreciated or fairly treated, self-confidence may be lacking (which affects stock markets), physical exhaustion can set in due to workers' production levels being too high already (one reason our unemployment rate is way too high), plus, over-reactions to criticism may be prevalent within all of Jupiter's usual 9th H realms.

The prior lunation (Syzygy Moon) of this Full Moon is the New Moon 13Ari30 of April 3, 2011; tonight's Mercury Rx triggers and recalls the April 3rd New Moon and its degree:

'14Ari' = "A Serpent Coiling Near a Man and a Woman" which may be sinister and has a health connotation (radiation, or perhaps Mr. Obama's health insurance legislation? And since this degree's Keyword is REVELATION, tonight's Full Moon in Libra may be helpful in revealing a secret or two.

Now if we use this Moon to represent we-the-people and Sun to indicate leadership, a brief look at their Sabian Symbols may be as good a way as any to end this post, remembering that a Full Moon is an opposition relating to relationships, balance, and, to awareness:

Moon '28Lib' = "A Man in Deep Gloom. Unnoticed, Angels Come to His Aid" (my best advice: always notice your guardian angels, m'peops, and give thanks for their kind protection! ;p)

Sun '28Ari' = "A Large and Disappointed Audience" (perfect for politicians who do not work on behalf of we-the-people but for the special interests who line their pockets: as you see in the horoscope, America's natal Jupiter 5Can56 sits upon the 8th cusp of the chart when set for Washington DC...US natal Jupiter '6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" - yet you'd think they'd be overly feathered by now.)

The PE of this Full Moon (last Solar Eclipse) is the 13N from *January 4, 2011 - it began our year with its vibes of 'large, ambitious group projects that require a separation, then joint achievement' (Brady); it falls in 2nd H along with Pluto and an interesting midpoint picture that forms with transiting Neptune/NN now landing upon US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx: exercising a bad influence upon associations; the breakdown of relationships through living together (uh oh! Under a Full Moon, too: trouble in the Obama household due to the stress of living in the White House fishbowl? His natal Moon - mother, family, a woman, reigning need - is setting, as mentioned above. Well, living under such critical scrutiny would bother me, too. Yet this may indicate a break within a political partnership.)

Well, this chart and Full Moon contain strong Cardinal-Fire (Aries) energies of initiative so things will certainly get done and actions wilol be taken though with Mercury Rx, plans and schedules may not work out as one could wish.

All politics aside (don't we wish!), may you enjoy a beautiful evening tonight bathed attractively by the light of a gorgeous Full Moon in lovely Libra!


Speaking of the Sun, here's a thumbnail of a drawing I once did hoping to fancifully illustrate '28Aries' and originally published in one of my art gallery blogs, Secret Moon Art:

Books used but left unharmed in the creation of this post: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Tierney; for midpoint pictures any, all, or none may apply and are subject to stimulation by transits and progressions.

Chart data used: Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; America July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; yet other versions of the US natal horoscope may be equally useful including one timed by the Solar Eclipse of August 14, 1776 @ 21Leo52, the initial eclipse in the 13 North Series which repeated on *Jan 4, 2011 @ '14Cap'. jc

Apr 16, 2011

Bretton Woods dreams meet dark economic clouds as Pluto plods on

The Bretton Woods economic conference just ended sees a dark outlook for America and the global economy and these top leaders should know since I believe they've been in on the engineering of Financial Collapse all along in order to establish the kind of economic system they want.

Their goal of global financial and governmental collapse is proceeding nicely for the Chaos Creators and has become quite evident even to those who prefer not to pay attention to what movers and shakers are up to in secret places and ivory towers. All institutions are now infiltrated with agents who are actually duped into believing they will be part of the Luciferian hierarchy of favored subjects when all is in place and the world is ruled from Jerusalem or elsewhere...basically, they desire an earthly kingdom as if that will stave off God's ultimate judgment and the End of Days. It will not.

(And here's some news for the world's chaos-creating minions: Satan would just as soon destroy as look at you for he has no loyalties. His aim is to take as many souls down with him as he goes for he knows his days are numbered - his efforts will be ramped up and technological tricks using light and sound will become more fantastic than ever. In 2011, we feel the political and economic forces' hurry-up-NOW energies and attitudes being demonstrated in Washington DC and elsewhere as the Cosmic Clock runs down. My best advice is for everyone to make their spiritual base secure for the challenges ahead - and participate in democracy!)

Perhaps you read a recent Guest Blogger post presented by New World Order 2012 concerning such topics as 2012, the Illuminati, and the NWO with more articles and info promised.

Well, this morning Georgia awoke to damage from another massive storm system overnight with perhaps more to come. 'Sunshine after a storm' hasn't happened yet but the air is cool, the wind blows lightly, and the trees and foliage still standing look green as can be. Thunderstorms are not on par with nuclear meltdown, of course, but not to fret because in Georgia we have our own nuclear plants to worry about for potential future disasters.

So! On this green morning I type at you from my rain-drenched cave about horrific topics and financial woes that are being engineered by some of the same scoundrels mentioned in the first article linked above.

That regulations and wisdom from the Bretton Woods Treaty are under fire from those who want to build a totally different system, or order of things, cannot be ignored any longer, and I apologize for passing along today their dark-clouds propaganda.

Yet the extent of the damage they have and will cause may be mitigated by how closely we pay attention to what they're up to so that its true nature may be revealed, and the decisive actions taken to push back against the NWO tide. My hope is that entire populations will band together for the good of civilization itself - and say a resounding NO! to the devilish forces now throttling the global throat.

In the US, the success of the ruling elite in keeping us divided against one other and alienated from our own best interests must be faced down as the 2012 presidential campaign heats up. Yes, this will be a monumental task and a major test of maturity, especially with partisan politics purposefully stirred up as they are. In America we are known for our trend-loving immaturity and Geminian energies of never wanting to hear or face the bad news of others' dire intentions - this is a tendency our national psyche must move beyond if America is to survive.

Plus, the old debate of Democrat Party v Republic Party in America is a mere iceberg's tip compared to what's at stake and all that is being done by operatives underneath the surface of our daily lives. The ancient battle of Swords v Torches goes on yet only represents dreadful factions jockeying for position at the helm of a satanic hierarchy intended to dominate the world. (See 112th Congress = Swords vs Torches.)

For it is the next US president (s)elected in 2012 who will preside over our evolving global future as he or she builds upon a string of past presidents' efforts on behalf of an over-arching (over-reaching!) agenda to set up a worldly kingdom which will then lead the unwary into misery, not improvement. Few, if any, church hierarchies have answers (other than to succumb to the NWO, the sell-outs!) and most have participated in the ruse against decent people who want to live their lives, raise their families, and treat others with respect and dignity while working for adequate incomes with which to manage these noble things.

Astrology Spins a Plutonian Tale

Pluto's current traverse of Capricorn, sign of law, government, and business, is taking its toll on us with restrictive Saturn's background influence as ruler of Capricorn. In a mere 11 years from now, we will experience our first Pluto Return in American history on:

1. February 20, 2022; Pluto in 8th house of the Return chart along with a Venus/Mars conjunction @ 20Cap (a crisis degree); plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint = communism/socialism/invisible government's Saturn/Neptune midpoint; the return falls within the 5 New South Solar Eclipse Series: benefits and peak experiences; eclipse @ 12Sag22 conjoins US natal ASC of the US Sibly chart...something's brewing and will be in view; in the US Sibly natal chart, Pluto is Rx @ 27Cap33 and in 2nd house of Earnings and Self-Worth.

In modern times, 5 New South occurred in the years 1913, 1931, 1949, 1967, 1985, and 2003.

2. July 11, 2011; Pluto Rx in return's 1st H and re-creating its former sextile with transiting Neptune in late Pisces, and opposing Sun 20Cap (a crisis degree); activist Mars 5Tau is in 5th H and unaspected, or working on his own; this return falls within the 6 North Solar Eclipse Series which involves issues of relationships to father/authority figures, the need to take responsibility and control, and acceptance of commitments due to the unreliability of others; eclipse @ 10Tau29.

6N manifested in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004.

3. December 28, 2022; Pluto in return's 1st H with a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Capricorn; Jupiter returns to Aries Point, a World Point of Manifestation; this return falls within the 6 South Solar Eclipse Series which conjoins the return chart's MC (The Goal; Aspirations) with issues of a manic nature such as being forceful and taking power, great strength in relationships, sudden events, and huge efforts exerted in group endeavors; eclipse @ 2Sco01.

6S occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004, same years as 6N. (Years correspond to WWI, WWII and the rise of Fascism, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Challenger explosion-US bombs Tripoli-and Iran-Contra details come out, and the Bush-Cheney wars in the Middle East now escalated by Barack Obama.)

Since our nation has never experienced a Pluto Return before, no one can predict precisely what it will mean yet the historical events of those years listed give hints of similar issues which will again be on the world's menu as the 5 New South, 6 North, and 6 South eclipses repeat during the watershed year 2022 of America's Pluto Return.

But first we must navigate 2011, 2012, and 2013.


Solar Eclipse details are gleaned from Brady's Predictive Astrology and you may wish to check out Amazon's Bernadette Brady Page..

Blog Note: my plan to publish this week on Summer Solstice 2011 has had to be moved into next week due to power outages and household responsibilities; it's quite an involved picture with many astro-details needing inclusion in order to gain for ourselves the larger view which the lens of Astrology readily supplies. jc

Apr 15, 2011

Spinning Asteroids Flashing! (and IRS) 4.15.11

A spinning space rock for Tax Day 2011! Well, sort of Tax Day since today is a holiday in the District of Columbia. Therefore, taxes are due by midnight on Monday April 18, 2011. Meanwhile, over our noggins, train your telescope on the "strobe light" twirling above!

Space Weather News for April 15, 2011

SPINNING ASTEROID FLYBY: A 50-meter asteroid is flying past the Earth-Moon system on April 15th. There's no danger of a collision, but the 50-meter space rock is remarkable. It is elongated and spinning, which causes the asteroid to flash like a strobe light in amateur telescopes.

Video and observing tips are highlighted on today's edition of SpaceWeatther News.

GET YOUR OWN SPACE ROCK: Would you like to own your own piece of an asteroid? Authentic fragments of space rocks are available from the SpaceWeather Store.

Apr 14, 2011

Breaking News: House Passes 2011 Spending-Cut Deal

NPR BREAKING NEWS: House Passes 2011 Spending-Cut Deal

House passes spending measure cutting $38 billion, funding government through September. More at NPR.

Update: the Senate passed it, too so 'the deal' is headed for President Obama's desk for signing.

Don't we wish we could feel thrilled at what a good job our alleged representatives have done?

Radiation Cloud a Risk to US (video link) and Japan's natal chart data

NewsMax is reporting that a radiation cloud wafting across the sea from Japan's nuclear meltdown at *Fukushima would indeed pose health risks to the US West Coast and Hawaii, says Dr. Russell Blaylock.

My feeling is that the contamination wouldn't end on the West Coast especially with radiation already showing up in the water of several US cities including Philadelphia. And last time I looked, Philadelphia was located on the East Coast.

Click to read and view the video report.

Also recommended there: you'll see a link to Fluoride's Deadly Secret with more videos from Dr. Blaylock concerning the topic. That poisoning makes me glad I was raised drinking artesian well water!


*There is a personal name asteroid 'Fukushima' so I checked its position for the date/time of the earthquake in Japan (March 11, 2011 2:46 pm JST Sendai) and found that Fukushima (#3915) was setting (on Descendant to the degree and minute: 16AQ27) when the earthquake occurred and the world's nuclear nightmare began. **Japan's natal Saturn 16Leo27 Rx from the 1889 natal chart was rising...precisely.

My thanks to Tracy at the excellent for the asteroid ephemeris info, as always.


**There are at least two natal charts for Japan:

February 11, 1889 NS
12:00 pm LMT
Tokyo; ASC 9Gem50, MC 18AQ56; Sun 23AQ-Moon 28Gem

(Source: Campion's Book of World Horoscopes)

April 28, 1952
1:30 pm GMT
Tokyo; ASC 00Cap31, MC 20Lib 17: Sun 9Tau-Moon 29Gem

(Source: Orr's The Astrological History of the World - I assume from historical record.)

Apr 13, 2011

White House Visitors Logs Full of Gaps (video)

The promised transparency of the Obama White House seems...Swiss-cheese-like with a Cheney tinge when it comes to who met with the president on key issues at key times within the environs of the people's White House, and the "junior aide" ploy seems a ruse meant to confuse.

Can anyone be surprised?

Apr 12, 2011

Civil War Apr 12,1861: Midpt Pictures and Hidden Hands

Were Hidden Hands Behind the American Civil War?

by Jude Cowell

The horoscope for the start of the American Civil War, its birth chart, is set for the first shot fired, April 12, 1861 4:30 am LMT Charleston, South Carolina at Fort Sumter.

Rising is 27Pis05 with Mercury 24:56 and Neptune 29Pis57; a 12th house Chiron 00Pis56 is being transited by Neptune as I type; MC (The Goal) 28Sag14; at IC, the HOW? Point of the chart is '28Gem' = BANKRUPTCY. It's an Hour of Mars, perfect for fighting a war; contentious Mars 6Gem02 and rebellious Uranus 9Gem21 are snugged around and triggering US natal Uranus 8Gem55 (which is now being transited by asteroid Midas, perfect for a post on a "Civil" War which was financed on both sides by the House of Rothschild for their own power-grabbing on.)

The closest you'll get to this sort of info in the Civil War's Wikpedia page is by scrolling to the section on Blocking International Intervention but if the Rothschild name is mentioned there, I've yet to find it.

In his centuries-encompassing book The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger states that the Rothschilds sent an agent, August Belmont, in 1837 (one year after the second Bank of the US had collapsed) to run a bank in New York, buy government bonds, and establish his credentials by advising President Andrew Jackson.

The objective was to create an incident that would establish an American central bank, and a war would require the US government to borrow from the Rothschilds in order to pay for it, thought they (it had worked for them elsewhere.) England and France were too far away; Mexico and Canada weren't strong enough so the House of Rothschild could easily take the reins and direct events from behind the scenes, much as they do now.

According to Mr. Hagger's research, the Priory of Sion wanted America back from the Templars so the Rothschilds planned an American civil war with the North a Sionist British colony, annexed to Canada and controlled by Lionel Rothschild, and the Templar South to be given to Napoleon III of France and controlled by James Rothschild.

To persuade the South to secede from the union, Illuminized Sionist-Rosicrucian Freemasons used the Knights of the Golden Circle (member: John Wilkes Booth) which had been formed in 1854 by George Bickley with the objective of spreading racial tension; its military arm was the Ku Klux Klan. Meanwhile, Jesse James stole gold from banks and buried it to fund the war (nearly $7 billion!)

The states that seceded would be united in the Confederate States of America with each eventually becoming like an independent country. Abraham Lincoln (inaugurated March 4, 1861) told the American people that, "combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary machinery of peacetime government had assumed control of various southern states."

House of Rothschild Financed Both Sides

The Rothschilds financed the North through Belmont, Jay Cooke, Seligman brothers, and Speyer & Co.; the South was financed through their agent Judah Benjamin, who became Secretary of State for the Confederacy in 1862, and whose daughter was married to Frankfurt's Baron D'Erlanger, a relative and agent of the Rothschilds. Benjamin's law partner, John Sidell, was Confederate envoy to France; Sidell borrowed money on behalf of the South to finance the Confederacy.

In 1861, England sent 8,000 soldiers into Canada; in 1862, English, Spanish, and French troops landed in Mexico to collect debts; in 1863, France took over Mexico City with 30,000 troops.

Confederate Army General Albert Pike was a pro-French Templar Scottish Rite Mason and at the time, the most powerful Freemason in the world. Most of the political and military leaders of the Confederacy were Masons under Pike's secret command. The Confederates offered Louisiana and Texas to Napoleon III if he would send troops against the North. Lincoln, following the example of Tsar Alexander II who freed Russia's serfs, issued an order to free all slaves in 1863. Eventually, the Tsar sent the Russian fleet to support Mr. Lincoln.

The US Congress approved Lincoln's plan to borrow $450 million in return for bonds of states - greenbacks (created by the First Legal Tender Act of Feb 25, 1862) - to pay for the Civil War thus placing a big glitch in the Rothschilds' central bank plan for the US. This made international bankers' money unnecessary and as German statesman Otto von Bismarck said,

"The foreign financiers...understood at once, that the United States would escape their grip. The death of Lincoln was resolved upon."

You may wish to view an older post (sans edits) on Lincoln's natal and assassination charts, dual horoscopes included.

As we see from events since the beginning of the New Millennium, the international financiers' "grip" bwo the Federal Reserve Bank of America has turned out to be successful for them and has brought their dreamed-of collapse for America. As noted above, the horoscope of the Civil War has 28Sag14 at Midheaven where transiting Pluto has recently crossed. In 10th house is North Node of Destiny @ 17Cap24, and '18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies From a British Destroyer" which is the primary degree of the Illuminati pair's Great Conjunction/s of 1993, Uranus and Neptune...the New World Order. This degree's negative/shadow side expression = smug or strong-armed paternalism. (MEJ.)

We hear echoes from the 1860s in Washington when we hear of state v federal government, an old argument sporting gray whiskers.

Midpoint Pictures Tell a Tale of April 12, 1861

Okay, I'll hush for now on the topic of the Secret Hand behind the American Civil War and type out for you the midpoint pictures of influence as the first shot was fired 150 years ago today.

Tyl and Ebertin are my midpoint sources with any, all, or none being applicable and subject to transits and progressions; you'll note fraudulent, misguided Neptune on the rise at a 29th critical-crisis degree which has contributed to the controversy to this day of Why the war was fought. As usual with secret machinations involved, a correct grasp of motivation and cause is quite impossible without knowledge of the fuller picture:

Mercury/Neptune = ASC: potential overreaction to others; being exploited, harmed, or deceived.

Mars/NN = ASC: comradeship; energetic cooperation; family ties.

Sun/Uranus = Moon 15Tau36: rashness; emotional excitability; impulsiveness; a demand for need fulfillment.

Moon/Neptune = Sun 22Ari28: illusions and deceptions; receptive power.

Mercury/Jupiter = Mars: the execution of plans; energetic opinion is well-accepted; making one's point effectively.

Jupiter/Neptune (the speculators and fraudsters) = Uranus, the revolutionary: liking the shades; experiencing the contrast between imagination and reality; the stage of coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation.

And such a difficult situation has spread across the globe through the auspices of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the global central banking system, and the monied ruling class of plutocrats who control the US money supply and thus the destiny of our nation.

For further reading try the Civil War's Sun Aries-Moon Taurus blend which links back to this post.


May my several ancestors who fought in the Civil War R.I.P.

Apr 11, 2011

Cosmic Conflict: Orwell's '1984' still a top seller

With George Orwell's book 1984 retaining a spot on Amazon's Best Sellers list, we may safely assume that the masses are paying attention to his warnings more than ever before.

Orwell's Doublespeak abounds as government programs are named the opposite of what they actually do (Clean Air Act; No Child Left Behind), radiation from the nuclear meltdown in Japan is 'good' for us (and not harmful at all, silly gooses!), and perpetual war is "humanitarian intervention."

Apparently bombs are 'good' for us, too, as the ruling elite - the powers-that-be - continue implementation of a one-world-government and the draconian population control measures they're psychotically putting in place.

Can we read such intentions carved in stone? Yes, upon the Georgia Guidestones near Elberton, Georgia. The first 'guide', 'message', or 'commandment' is:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Obviously, to maintain such a number, the
world's population
would have to be weeded out first and it's difficult not to see current wars, radiation leaks, contagions, natural disasters which may not be totally natural at all, mutations caused by chemicals including those in plastics, genetically altered foods, and other health-impairing and death-dealing tactics as being part of an overarching agenda - more of Earth's dwindling resources for those who are left, you see.

Plus, President Obama's constant capitulation to the far right's austerity cuts
which will decimate further America's middle and lower classes may unfortunately be part of this agenda. Hate to type it for I voted for him, too. We were given no viable choice otherwise, were we?

(Note on the Guidestones: pretending to rewrite God's Ten Commandments doesn't wash with Protestant me.)

If you wish to read the other nine 'guides' on the Guidestones, and the little that is known of their secretive creation and purpose, try Radio Liberty.

The few clues about who is responsible for designing the standing stones and having them erected seem to point toward the Rosicrucians but if any reader has a better informed idea, please let me know in a Comment or by contacting me at judecowell at gmail dot com.

Apparently there are those who won't allow humankind to shake off the Utopian vision and tiresome shackles of the 18th century's Age of Reason where we'll all run around in loincloths. (Remember Bush-Cheney-mainstream media touting that Osama bin Laden wanted to send us back to the Stone Age? Guess that sandal is actually on the other foot - and it's a boot.)

Well, Age of Enlightenment my patootie! Much of what we've gotten so far from 1993's Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune has been the negative/shadow side of '18Cap'...smug or strong-armed paternalism! That doesn't sound enlightened to me, only business as usual from those in power who wish to stay in power.

As you know, in a Mundane Astrology horoscope, Uranus and Neptune volunteer to bring us good and new ideas for society. Their partnership was in the spotlight all through 1993 at their Great Conjunction/s in the 18 to 20 degree range of Capricorn. And yes, transiting Pluto will eventually plod through those degrees since Mr. Hades now lurks in the first decanate of the sign of government, law, and business - Saturn-ruled Cap.

Then as Pluto approaches the duo's Great Conjunction degrees, he begins to form what will be midpoint pictures between the three outer, generational, transformational planets in our solar system:

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: remaining at the mercy of external circumstances without attempting a firm stand; abandoning resistance; a necessity to give in; great losses; calamities and catastrophes; the Big Picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed - very little option to do

Uranus/Pluto = Neptune: deep study of a specialized subject; delving into supernatural realms; unfulfilled wishes; fatigue; neuroses; sympathy.

Neptune/Pluto = Uranus: adventurous, mystical, and supernatural experiences; peculiar discoveries.

(Ebertin; Tyl; any, all, or none may apply.)

Age of Enlightenment my patootie! Much of what we've gotten from 1993's Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune so far has been the negative/shadow side of '18Cap'...smug or strong-armed paternalism! That doesn't sound enlightened to me, only business as usual from those in power who wish to stay in power and don't care what they have to do or kill in order to keep it.

Well, it's all unsettling and depressing, I agree, and makes following a spiritual path of faith the only viable answer for keeping one's sanity. Bible reading and prayer are always great ideas, of course, or how about a Bible-based, modestly-priced book I reviewed on Amazon called Cosmic Conflict?

Because that is the higher realm underneath which we now labor on Planet Earth, the Lesson Book of the Universe. Unfallen beings on unfallen worlds are watching Earth with great and compassionate interest: how will you act under the Cosmic Microscope?


Further reading: The Ben Franklin solution for the coming age of scarcity.

Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! has just reported than 27 demonstrators were arrested Sunday (4.10.11) in front of the White House. They were asking that the death-dealing School of the Americas be shut down.


Stay tuned, for this week the Summer Solstice 2011 Horoscope set for the White House will be published here on Stars Over Washington on a need-to-know basis! jca>

NPR: Ivory Coast's Gbagbo captured

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Forces Arrest Ivory Coast's Gbagbo

The French Embassy in the Ivory Coast tells the Associated Press that strongman Laurent Gbagbo has been captured by forces of democratically elected leader Alassane Ouattara.

More at NPR.#

Strongman, yes, but Gbagbo's resistance against the New World Order seems to be ended. If only tottering governments could resist coups by the WTO and the IMF as they continue establishing their global New Economic Order.