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Apr 3, 2024

Year 1934 Eclipses Repeat in 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

For clues about how past events may rhyme once again in our day, the Eclipses of 1934 repeat in 2024 with similar implications, influences, and potential events. These are Solar Eclipses in the 8 North and 8 South Saros Series. Below is a list of all Eclipses in 1934 and 2024 with Solar Eclipse themes included; note that the 8 North Eclipse of 1934 is the Eclipse that influenced Herr Adolf's horrific blood purge (see below), while the 8 South Eclipse of 2024 will influence the US General Election of November 5, 2024:

Apparently, mass murder in order to cement his power was Herr Adolf's "good idea," "new-found inspiration," and "vivid dream" that he picked up from the Total 8 North Eclipse themes of February 14, 1934 @24AQ38:41. This makes a measure of sense if we consider that the bizarre fellow was psychotic, bigoted, and wanted to rule the world.

Then with transit Uranus conjunct his natal Sun in 1934, Herr Adolf forever changed the course of Germany by committing a series of extrajudicial executions known as The Night of the Long Knives (June 30--July 2, 1934; aka, the blood purge) which spotlights the year 1934. Significantly, the Solar Eclipses of that year are repeating in 2024.

So yes, this is another in my series of Forewarned Is Forearmed SO'W posts. And you'll remember Trump's recent remarks about a "bloodbath," "poisoning the blood," plus, his Inaugural Address of 2017 in which he conjured an image of what he called, "American carnage". These, plus the deaths and injuries during his J6 attack on Congress, are unsavory topics, yes, but Herr T and his comrades-in-arms have returned barbarism to the front burner of our society with destruction, retaliation, and "retribution" firmly on their dystopian agenda, as revealed by the Project 2025 purging plan. The threat is real, and how hapless would you and I be not to pass this on?

For details concerning Herr Adolf's 3-day blood purge that opened the door wide to future N*zi horrors, there's a free documentary about the purge that boosted Hitler's Rise to Power Part One of Two. The Austrian megalomaniac had already finagled the chancellorship but the purge rid him of some of his oldest companions and advanced his N*zi dictatorship. Civil liberties, freedom of the press, and other restrictions had already been forced upon the good if deluded people of Germany due to Herr Adolf's blood lust, craving for power, and desire to settle old scores (a model for Herr Donald: the ravenous spirit walks the Earth again).

So this post is meant to answer the question: where are we in 2024 when it comes to cosmic time links that reflect the N*zi era? As you see listed, above, we're 90 years on and two solar/two lunar eclipses repeating, that's where.

And besides this, the blood lust 7 North Eclipse of February 1933 has already repeated in April 2023 as Herr Adolf's "birthday eclipse."

Now in closing: you know that sometimes New Moons affect earthly events in similar Uranian fashion as a Solar Eclipse, and disturbingly I must ascribe such influence to the predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024, primarily because the November 1, 2024 New Moon conjuncts the Inauguration 2017 Scorpio Moon which is basically a Lunar Return to Inauguration 2017. Personally, I do not care for this, dear reader, but there it is.

Apr 1, 2024

Total Eclipse 2024 w/ Total Eclipse 2044: Why?

An Ongoing Struggle for Control

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Details regarding the 8 North Total Eclipse coming up on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 are available at USA Today along with information concerning the next Total Solar Eclipse visible across Greenland, Canada, and the US occurring on August 22, 2044 @00Vir34:11 in the 10 South Saros Series. This will stir up themes from the August 21, 2017 Eclipse ("unexpected events; fatigue; information is distorted and possibly false" - B. Brady).

Now as previously discussed, the visionary 8 North of April 8, 2024 conjuncts Chiron, also @19Ari24 and near America's 1776 Chiron (@20Ari08), with 8 North visible across the center of the US from Texas to Maine. And as you know, it's the third Great American Eclipse of 2024 with the second one occurring on August 21, 2017 @29Leo (as noted, above) conjunct Regulus and Trump's natal Ascendant in the 1 North Series. Allegedly making America "great" then, and now, with Election 2024 on the horizon, making America "great" again - by way of a shady political slogan, that is. Of course, you know what the racists mean: making America white again.

And so the next visible Total Eclipse in the US will be the 10 South Solar Eclipse of August 22, 2044, and it will be opposed by Pluto Rx @1Pis35. This opposition from transformative Pluto indicates a choice between two courses: either the highest spiritual level is attained, or reversion into the basest animalism is the case. Yes, we're mired within such circumstances now, culminating with the 2024 Election to decide on either the relatively free society we're accustomed to vs a tyrannical gnatzie-style regime of strong-man barbarism profanely blended with holier-than-thou legislated theocracy. Most folks by now have heard of the draconian plan known as "Project 2025" set to explode on Inauguration Day 2025 if a fascist coups the White House in November.

Note: if you're unfamiliar with the SACR organization of Christian Nationalists and Christian Marriage promoters ("domination in the home" easily becomes S'n'M practices when mishandled - as they will be), check out The Guardian's coverage. I am informed that "SACR" is pronounced "sacker."

And yet a sextile from Mars @3Sco18 to the 2044 Eclipse helps moderate the baser energies although backsliding is possible, especially with lusty Mars in sexy Scorpio.

Not So Fast, 2044!

Yet we should mention that an additional 10 South Eclipse occurs between now and the Eclipse of August 22, 2044. Actually, it manifests quite soon on August 12, 2026 @20Leo01 and is featured in the dual image, shown below. In Leo, an eclipse spotlights the need for expressing the positive qualities of Leo rather than pompousness, self-glorification, boasting, and egocentricity which stymies positive karmic growth and problem solving.

One thinks of the toxic narcicissism in the spotlight today: politicians and CEOs so desperate for total control of the US government, US finances and resources, and societal standards while pushing regressive policies existing as far back as the 1800s (or even further as with Alito's repeal of Roe v Wade). But as everyone knows, "time travel" is not a thing so irrationality is a basic feature of their paternalistic ideologies, not a glitch.

Leo (Aquarius) Then Virgo (Pisces)

Now with an eclipse in modest Virgo as in 2044, qualities such as hard work, dedication, discernment, and perceptive analysis are required for best results, with criticism kept to a minimum. Plus, @00Virgo, the 2044 Eclipse conjuncts royal star Regulus with its caution: success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all gains will be taken away (as Regulus-rising Trump is fighting against now). As you know, an eclipse conjunct a fixed star strengthens both their influences.

For 10 South themes see Eclipses: 2024 Through 2026.

Set for Washington DC, above is a dual image of the 2026 and 2044 Horoscopes of 10 South Total Eclipses. The 2044 manifestation will be visible in Greenland, Canada, and the US with its path of Totality racing over Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The 2026 Eclipse will pass over the Arctic, Greenland, Iceland, the Atlantic Ocean, and Northern Spain. Naturally, one thinks of melting ice and other water events, but also the fire element can be involved with an Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo.

Cosmic time links exist between both these eclipses and with previous eclipses such as the "Nostradamus" Eclipse of August 11, 1999 in the 1 North Saros Series (repeated in August 2017) with 1999's rigid Fixed Grand Cross of planets. These time links may be topics of future posts.

Then for a broader view, the cosmic lens through which all subsequent manifestations of 10 South Eclipses may be viewed is the initial Eclipse in the Series, its sign, house and aspects. The first 10 South Eclipse occurred on March 10, 1179 (OS) @26Pis01 (transit Neptune's Zodiacal swimming pool in late Pisces). Then since Pisces is associated with cloudiness, I'd suggest Pisces as a spiritual lens along with Collective Unconscious implications since many of the events of 1179 involved The Crusades and other battles for control, both spiritual and temporal. And yet we know that with shady Pisces, secrecy, mystery, confusion, and/or crime cannot be ruled out.

So this is my overview of two Total Eclipses Over America: 8 North on April 8, 2024 and 10 South of August 22, 2044. If you find any value in this post, dear reader, please pass it along since few readers ever share my SO'W posts (discouraging!) yet it is much appreciated when a share occasionally happens.

A related post: The Very First Great American Eclipse of 1878.

Mar 30, 2024

Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

The opening of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge occurred March 23, 1977 with Mars @2Pis41 ("8:00 am"). When the cargo ship, the Dali (asteroid #2919; Daliya #3384) tragically crashed into the bridge on March 26, 2024 at 1:29:33 am edt causing the structure's total collapse, transit Mars @2Pis31 was in process of completing the bridge's Mars Return 2024.

This return signals a new two-year cycle of activity and projects so it's tempting to wonder if repair will take approximately two years to complete.

Image: A Petrified Forest

With Mars in Pisces: Was Someone Craving Alcohol?

As of yet, I've noticed no mention of inebriation as a factor, and the crash is being described as an accident. Then when we round up Mars' degree to "3 Pisces" we find an interesting Sabian Symbol: "A Petrified Forest" which speaks of a "warning against any reliance upon stabilities--" which can cause an "obstacle to progress" (Jones).

Well, considering how the tragedy will likely affect shipping, the US' and possibly other economies, plus, people's access to their jobs, we might both be forgiven for wondering if the catastrophe is a slap against the candidacy of President Biden. Nah! We wouldn't wonder about such a cut-throat operation being employed, would we?

But checking the collapse position of asteroid Dali we find a curious synchronicity: Dali @22Gem26 conjuncts the 10th house natal Sun of Mr. Trump (22:55), President Biden's 2024 opponent. This must be just a simple coincidence, obviously!

And yet the disaster does create obstacles, collectively and personally for all involved, including the loss of family members for which I am deeply saddened, as are you, dear reader.

As are you.

Mar 29, 2024

Matt Schlapp's Astrology Chart

An Astrologer 1867 versus A Political Operative 1967

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

If Republican operative and lobbyist Matt Schlapp, pictured above, weren't such an election denying fool for Herr Trump, it might be somewhat amusing that he shares his steamy Fire-Water Sun Sagittarius-Moon Cancer personality blend with legendary Scottish astrologer, writer, lecturer, and theosophist Isabelle Pagan (1867-1960).

Here they are now:

So as you see above, the two were born 100 years apart! Mystic visionary Pagan on December 12, 1867, and Mr. Schlapp on December 18, 1967. Naturally, there are similarities and differences between them shown by their planetary placements so my study notes are messily squished upon the dual images for the curious reader.

One stand-put factor is that their Jupiters oppose one another by sign with Pagan's Pisces Jupiter indicating altruism, while Schlapp's Virgo Jupiter suggests excessive ambition. Considering their vocational callings, this makes sense. One similarity is that both were born with Chiron in Pisces, the crisis over connecting with the God force placement (Hand-Clow), and having a crusading temperament "in pursuit of the Ring of Power" (R. Nolle).

Disagree as you wish, but my guess is that such a pursuit for an altruistic astrologer would be for spiritual power and depth of knowledge, while a man working with success-at-any-cost politics would reach for the worldly, materialistic kind of power and control over others. How interesting then that Schlapp's natal Venus in Scorpio opposes Pagan's natal Pluto Rx in Taurus - is this a cosmic time link hint that conjures images of power struggles, underhanded manipulation, and even cut-throat competition? Because it reminds me of mobbed-up Republican operatives doing the bidding of you-know-who, Mr. Materialism himself. And now he's sacriligiously hawking Bibles!

Well after all, the Taurus-Scorpio polarity concerns finances, jealousy, envy, and the need to develop self-control rather than bossing around other people. You know: like control freaks trying to force their religious, social, and political ideas onto an entire country - as if genuine morality can be forced externally.

Okay, I'll quit fussing and add this: if you're wondering are there any other famous personages born under the auspices of the Sun Sag-Moon Cancer blend? Well, I know of at least two folks you've probably heard of: mystic poet and master artist-engraver William Blake, and guitarist extraordinaire Jimi Hendrix whose famous rendition at Woodstock (1969) of The Star Spangled Banner seems particularly poignant right now.

Why? Because here are Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse Updates concerning this tragic disaster. My sincere condolences go to all involved.

Note: during the 24-hour periods of Pagan's and Schlapp's birth dates, the Moons and Suns of both natives remained in Cancer and Sagittarius so we know this is their personality blend even if their birth hours are inaccurate. For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad jc

Mar 28, 2024

First American vs Worst American

The Uniter and The Divider

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Earning his reputation as The First American due to his tireless campaigning for colonial unity, this post contains a comparison of The First American's natal planets with the natal planets of what a majority of current-day Americans consider to be The Worst American.

Naturally, you may guess their identities, yet names have been changed to protect both the honorable and the guilty, so please don't spread around any of this information. You see, one was a true patriot and Founding Father but is beyond knowing about this comparison, while the other, a faux patriot and serial bankrupt who sells America's secrets to the highest bidder, sports an extremely thin skin with "vengeance" as his middle name.

We could even say that when it comes to governing style and methods of leadership, these two individuals are polar opposites. The First American united us, The Worst American divides in order to conquer and control us.

Brief astro-notes follow concerning a difficult planetary contact between First and Worst; other planetary contacts are circled on the bi-wheel; an aspect grid of comparison is included in case you wish to follow up:

But these principles are opposed by The Worst American, who is backed by foreign and domestic anti-democracy enablers - and all are determined to force upon us a paternalistic dictatorship with The Worst's hefty bulk and a long list of his personal grudges skulking at the top. This is, as you know, the 1930s-1940s gnatzie model of dangerous government.

Now here is a planetary aspect grid between the natal charts of The First and The Worst

Mar 27, 2024

Horoscope: Hush Money Trial Apr 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Update: Going after Judge Marchan's daughter again may be what stalls the trial date as per Mercury Rx while an appeal is heard. Original post begins here:

Below you see two images of what is scheduled to be the Trump Hush Money Trial, aka, Election Interference Trial, Manhattan, NY, set by Judge Juan Marchan for Monday April 15, 2024. I'm using a start time for jury selection of 9:30 am edt which may or may not need adjusting. The first chart has my scribbled study notes messily penned on, the second horoscope is sans scribbles.

A few factors worth mentioning include:

In 11th house, chart-ruler Mercury is retrograde ('Rx') which suggests delays (yet Judge Marchan is against delays hence the April 15th trial date), and conjuncts the trial's Prenatal Solar Eclipse, the April 8th 8 North @19Ari24 of dreams and visions which falls within Trump's natal 8th house opposite his natal Jupiter stationary. This opposition identifies ethical lapses and immorality. Additionally, legal eagle planet Saturn @15Pis10 in 10th house conjuncts crisis star Achernar (risk of rapid endings) along with testy Mars and confused Neptune in late Pisces. Check Saturn as apex planet of a midpoint picture, highlighted in blue.

Then Mercury's Rx condition suggests review, revision, and testimonies perhaps previously heard; plus, in Aries Mercury may bring exaggeration and criticism into the courtroom.

How Things Will Proceed via Chart-ruler Mercury

Chart-and-Trial-Ruler Mercury applies to conjunction with Venus at a critical degree of Aries (will Stormy Daniels testify?); Mercury also conjoins Chiron, a good placement for business negotiations, and for disseminating information in general; obviously, news and reporting are suggested although Chiron may include a blindspot condition.

Then on or about April 25th, Mercury will station conjunct the Hush Money Trial's North Node of public contact so perhaps a decision and/or an announcement will occur soon after. If the April 15th date holds steady, that is. Given Trump's serial habit of delaying justice, we'll see if changes are made.

Meanwhile, the 25 Gemini Ascendant ruled by Mercury brings up Trump's "Prez Bid New Moon" of June 16, 2015 which is penned on the chart, while Pluto @2AQ02 in 7th house leads a BOWL shape of planets indicating advocacy of a cause or a mission. Then as you see, Astraea, asteroid of Justice, @15Can23 conjuncts the 2nd cusp of Money, Possessions, and Values, while Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation, rises at 9:30 am edt:

T-Square: Moon-Pluto = Sun: "far-reaching plans" (N. Tyl)

Significantly, powerful Pluto afflicts the Sun-Moon square, opposing Moon and squaring Sun. Potentials are for pursuit of unreasonable desires, retribution is sought, the domestic scene and family members are under threat or feeling threatened, strong emotions are expressed, someone is dealing with a loss of power and influence through an unstable power structure, and/or there are setbacks in ambitions through overblown ego problems (R. Ebertin). Now I wonder whose ego is the most overblown of all?

Chart #2: April 15, 2024 Horoscope unmarked:

In closing, here are a few details on the April 15th Hush Money Trial's steamy fire-water Sun Aries-Moon Cancer blend of conscious and unconscious energies: a volatile, self-centered, impulsive, clannish combination. Quickly sizing up situations is a talent as is smooth-talking, but handling personal criticism is very difficult. In fact, one of the blend's Images for Integration provided by the Harveys may manage to take the hush money trial by storm:

"A child in a fit of petulent fury runs away from home."

Now Trump does tend to storm out of courtrooms, this we know, but hopefully, this isn't a cosmic picture of a flight risk from justice!

Mar 22, 2024

The Eclipse That Brought Us D. Trump

Neptune: Veils, Lies, Illusion, Subterfuge, Fraud, Theft

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As you may remember, the June 16, 2015 "prez bid" announcement of Mr. Trump at Trump Tower NY occurred under the auspices of the Spring Equinox 2015 Eclipse @29Pisces27 in the 17 South Saros Series. This eclipse has been discussed here previously, yet I mention it today because transit Neptune will conjunct the eclipse five times in total, casting a gauzy veil of confusion and chaos over 17 South results (Trump!) unless those of a more realistic persuasion keep promoting the facts everywhere possible. The eyes on the prize is democracy and a decent country to live in rather than the gnatzie-style hel*scape envisioned by the vengeful orange narcissist.

Now a major part of "the facts" must involve Neptune conjunct the Eclipse with its "sheep following a leader into the abyss" vibe (he's their pied piper) and the cultish behavior still affecting any remaining dregs of Trump voters, bless their hearts. Meanwhile, 17 South themes include sudden success in group matters and relationships and good news (B. Brady), so obviously Trump benefited from thematic input when he "won" the 2016 Election with help from hidden foreign enablers and domestic fasc*sm-lovers, many of them corporatists.

Transit Neptune Reaches the 17 South Eclipse of 2015 on the following five dates, so the contagious death cult of personality must continue to be guarded against by all but the most depraved among us:

May 20, 2024; August 14, 2024; March 15, 2025; November 23, 2025; December 27, 2025.

Add to this the fact that the 29th degree of any sign is a critical point which possibly brings crisis conditions and/or rash actions, plus, 29 Pisces+ conjuncts the Cardinal World Point of 00Aries00 which can symbolize a timely reset in global society, or at the least, it heralds the start of our seasonal New Year at Spring Equinox, which this year, carries a Moon-Pluto Opposition signature showing that we're awash with expressions of deep feelings and emotional upsets floating about in the atmosphere along with potentials for violent actions, sorry to say. And so impressionable folk can pick up feelings swirling within their environments which are not actually theirs unless they know how to take steps to block them out. If they want to block them out, that is. And we must calmly assist them however we can.

So above is a dual view of two 17 South horoscopes for your consideration. Lower left is the initial 17 South of September 1, 1095 @14Vir19, and upper right is the Spring Equinox 17 South of March 20, 2015 @29Pis27 - conjunct the star of extreme misfortune, Scheat. So basically, this is what Trump in the White House brought the United States of America: the extreme misfortune of radical political operatives, and now he threatens a blo*dbath for the country and has already threatened "American carnage" back in January 2017.

Cosmic Time Links Knit Together Eclipses with History

These things tie in to what I believe Herr T thinks will be a carrying out of the 7 North themes of (blood-) "lust," the solar eclipse that manifested on April 20, 2023 @30Aries. This is the degree of warrior planet Mars during his J6 coup attempt - ongoing - and which conjoined the natal Sun of Herr Adolf (the Austrian psychopath's "birthday eclipse"), the serial murder*r who's Trump's mentor from the past, and whose plan for global domination agent orange hopes to fulfill as he and his comrades attempt to run roughshod over the American people, destroying and plundering as they go.

Significantly, 7 North is also the Eclipse Series which brought our country the Civil War conflagration of death and destruction. And it's quite a cosmic time link, I call it, and definitely a blo*dbath. This helps explain why on J6, a Confederate flag was carried into the Capitol Building, and, with the 7N eclipse conjunct the Sun in the American Revolution Horoscope, why we heard J6 insurrectionists and others mouthing words like "Civil War," "1776," and "American Revolution." It could be that someone uses astrological principles for timing purposes. After all, the Reagans did.

Now if you wish, check out the Horoscope of the upcoming 119th Congress with its karmic display of transit North Node conjunct the Aries Point. And if a massive, overwhelming Blue Tsunami of Voters fails to turn out this November 5th, we'll have only ourselves to blame for letting down future generations including our children and grandchildren.

Rounded up, 29Pis27 becomes "30 Pisces": "The Great Stone Face" in Sabian Symbols, and the final degree of the Zodiac. Here's my depiction of this symbol, Temple of the Great Stone Face: