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Jun 28, 2014

Aries Ingress 2014 and a GOP "stunt" to sue the President

Aries Ingress 2014, the Desperation of Sore Losers, and a "Stunt" Announced

by Jude Cowell

On February 4, 2014, the horoscope of Aries Ingress 2014 was published on this blog. As you know, it is an ancient Arabian practice to use an Aries Ingress that occurs prior to an important political event to signify the event itself but little did I suspect when I wrote about the horoscope that Speaker John Boehner would announce a plan to "sue" President Obama for his use/abuse of Executive Power. At least I think that's Boehner's point since he won't divulge what the threatened legal suit will allege. Meanwhile, President Obama has termed the GOP suit "a stunt."

Such a stunt attempts to ignore the fact that Mr. Obama has signed fewer Executive Orders than other presidents so obviously it's only another wasteful GOP attempt to de-legitimize a Democratic administration and many pundits are saying the ploy could backfire on Republicans in November as would another "stunt" revisited--a threatened GOP government shutdown which could occur only 5 weeks prior to the November Elections! Perhaps this will be when Democrats can say, "proceed, Mr. Boehner."

Here is the original post with horoscope shown if you wish a view that is set for Washington DC.

Related: brief notes on the Natal Chart of John Boehner, a piece published in September 2010.

Interestingly, the Aries Ingress horoscope may take precedence over the Autumn Ingress 2014 in September since it represents all of 2014 and thus describes Election 2014 in November though there is also a Solar Eclipse in October which will add its background influences on election results. However, the Aries Ingress 2014 chart shows Jupiter @10Can46 rising along with US natal Sun (the president) and the Saturn-Neptune midpoint, a significator for social welfare issues such as New Deal and Great Society programs that support our social fabric and provide aid to those not so well-off.

Mundane Moon = We the People, Saturn = Austerity Measures

For me the risings suggest that Jupiter's investment potential is uppermost here and perhaps the American people will turn out in droves to vote in November--for Democrats, in both state and national elections. Otherwise, Dick Cheney's scorn over spending money on the needs of the American people instead of funding more wars of conquest (and fattening the stock portfolios of wheeler-dealer warmongers like Cheney) will be victorious and our society will sink further into beggardom--right where the plutocrats and neocons want us. The Moon-Saturn conjunction in the March 2014 horoscope will then describe 'loss, oppression, and depression' more than the 'ambition, direction, and strategy' the duo in Scorpio could portend.

In case you missed it, here is author-broadcaster Thom Hartmann on "Why is John Boehner Suing President Obama?

Here we find one result of the ongoing Cardinal Grand Square as it forms a Grand Cross with US natal Saturn (14Lib48), that transiting Pluto, planet of hidden power, squares our national Saturn thus creating circumstances where 'abuse of authority' emerges and is blocked as the president's ambitions are severely criticized. Yet if Mr. Obama's goals are morally above reproach--which is what the American people ought to decide, not the president's political opponents who have made it clear that undermining or disrupting his presidency is their all-consuming desire--will his plans for domestic Jupiterian investment triumph over Republican opposition and their stunts of desperation. The simultaneous opposition by transit Uranus to US natal Saturn is similar in effect and adds to a 'threat to authority' vibe as opposing forces strive to impose "a new order"--in the US Congress and around the globe.

Jun 27, 2014

The First World War, Archduke Ferdinand and Sophie: a Wedding Anniversary 1914

With the outbreak of the First World War traditionally blamed upon the "spark" lighted by the June 28, 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and wife Sophie in Sarajevo, it is interesting to note that there are two planetary transits by conjunction to the Archduke's natal planets on this very day, the 100th anniversary of their double assassination.

They are transit Mars in Libra to natal Saturn (16Lib40 conjunct natal Midheaven 16Lib24) which spotlights obstacles (Saturn) in career and public status (MC) and describes the need to hurry (their driver took a wrong turn and when told he stopped the car--only once--next to the successful assassin--a coincidence? Apparently so.) The other current transit to the Archduke's natal chart is transit Saturn in Scorpio conjunct natal Jupiter 17Sco50 which denotes that the path he was taking was blocked--well, yes, assassination can certainly be described as a blockage, can't it? It hints that the Archduke should have been giving back some of the gifts and good fortune but perhaps he was hoarding them--or, at least there were those in need in society who would understandably feel it to be so. Divergence from tradition could have been part of the discontent as well with this transit (which I'm reading in the here-and-now as if it casts a light on circumstances of 100 years ago.) Whether the discontent was on the part of bankers isn't clear as of this writing but it could be since Jupiter's realms include banking, corporations, cabals, knighthood, ideology, religion, politics, the military, and other controversial fields in life.

Sun + Moon = Marriage

That momentous day in 1914 happened to be Franz and Sophie's 14th wedding anniversary and though this blogger is generally no huge fan of monarchies of any stripe, I feel the historically important couple deserves an expression of sadness here because few if any human beings should suffer such horror on what ought to be a happy day, or on any other day for that matter, political disagreements or not.

Now let's consider the Sun (male principle; husband) and Moon (feminine principle; wife) positions on their wedding day, June 28, 1900 to gain a small bit of insight into their partnership so tragically cut short. Though the hour of their nuptials is unknown, we find that the Moon during the 24 hours of that date remained in her own sign of Cancer with the Sun in Moon-ruled Cancer (5/6) as well--just as they are for today's New Moon @5Can30.

Immediately we sense that a double Cancer signature to their relationship denotes a family-oriented partnership full of nurturing, needs met, and contentment as kind hearts blend with romance yet with a streak of shrewdness mixed with clannishness.

The Water-Water nature of their marriage indicates lots of feelings, emotions, and creative imagination, even theatricality which would aid them with royal pageantry. Plus, a tendency is denoted to go misty with tears while 'drinking in life experiences'. However, reasoned objectivity may be sorely lacking and one may wish to speculate (one hundred years later!) that the ruling style of the Archduke could have used a portion of it rather than a boatload of emotional subjectivity. As for their marriage, perhaps they were sympatico and saw eye-to-eye to the point of never disagreeing with one another--is that possible? Since water tends to 'go with the flow', perhaps it is possible especially when The Family is placed upon the pedestal of both hearts.

Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer signifies a 'psychic sponge' tendency as well and on June 28, 1914, as they visited Sarajevo, the crowds appeared happy and perhaps elated to see the couple, as Sophie had remarked, and although those happy feelings the pair soaked up from the environment were genuine enough it didn't include several would-be assassins along the route taken by their car. With the Moon in critical Virgo that day, at least one man in particular, Gavrillo Princip, didn't share such happy feelings at all, in fact, for it was he who pulled the trigger shooting first Sophie, then the Archduke. This murderous act was subsequently used as justification for the outbreak of the First World War (WWI) to "end all war" and "make the world safe for democracy."

Yet few people in 2014 could fail to note that the absurd jingoistic slogans were only flimsy propaganda meant to lie populations into fighting what turned out to be a world war that led to World War II which then brought innocent people all over the world the horror of the 'abomination of desolation'--nuclear bombs.

And all so that wealthy old bald men could scam even more riches while viciously grasping the reins of regional, then global power. Their devilish plot continues...


For more info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Birth Data from church archives: Franz Ferdinand Habsburg December 18, 1863 @7:15 am LMT; ASC 18Sag56 ('18Sag' is traditionally known as a 'degree of royalty'--N. DeVore); Sun 25Sag53, Moon 5Ari38 ('a lust for power'; conjoins natal Neptune); Mercury 4Cap58; Venus 9Sco19; Mars 00Sag54 (conjunct natal 12th cusp of politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Secret Enemies); Jupiter 17Sco50 (as chart-ruler Jupiter makes no major applying aspects in the chart); Saturn 16Lib40 (conjunct natal MC--fall from grace, or a downfall); Uranus 22Gem55 Rx (conjunct natal Descendant of Partnership--a shocking separation; also conjoins US natal Mars); Neptune 3Ari18; Pluto 10Tau36 Rx; North Node of Destiny 26Sco10; Chiron 6Pis39; MC 16Lib24. Click the link in the first paragraph to read a brief bio; a view of his natal horoscope is linked there as well along with Sophie's general natal data; Princip's details are included.

Note that a Moon-Neptune pairing tends to support the above mentioned psychic ability and suggests that crises in life may be brought on by overindulgence and indolence (Ebertin.)

Jun 24, 2014

June 27, 2014: New Moon in Cancer

June 27, 2014: Mercury, Pan, and a New Moon in Cancer

by Jude Cowell

As of Wednesday June 25, 2014, we'll enter the Dark of the Moon--the three days prior to a New Moon when things tend to go bump in the night and shady actions may be perpetrated by any, all, or none. The New Moon perfects at 5Can37 which, as many people know, conjoins the natal position of America's Jupiter (July 4, 1776.)

On June 27th, this Friday, the New Moon perfection occurs at 4:08:27 am edt and in Washington DC, 11Gem07 rises with extra body Pan (a mercurial trickster element hinting at Capricornian pursuits such as gilt-edged stocks and trading, and governmental activities perhaps better left hidden.) Chart-ruler Mercury @25Gem02 Rx is rising in 1st house but makes no major applying aspects in the horoscope denoting that Mercury's sign, degree, and house placement are all important with a New Moon phase signaling that a new cycle of activity has begun. The typical realms of Mercury may be affected by a new cycle such as transportation, travel, commerce, sales, journalism, etc., and Cancer hints at home, food, business, maritime, and/or security concerns.

Besides the chart itself, Mercury also rules the New Moon horoscope's 5th cusp (18Vir14, in DC), the house of Risk-Taking, Speculation, and Gambling. This is one of the chart factors hinting that this New Moon contains implications of financial goings-on with Fed head Janet Yellen possibly a prominent actor (over the next two weeks in particular with something--an event or relationship--culminating or coming to fruition around the next Full Moon in Capricorn on July 12th.) Curiously, the Fed's Secondary Progressed (SP) Moon will reach 5Can30 on June 27, 2014 and be conjoined and darkened by this New Moon. ('The Fed' natal chart I'm using is set for December 23, 1913 with Sun conjunct Midheaven @1Cap17, Capitol Hill--Senator Aldrich and the banksters waited until Congress left town for Christmas break before sneaking the bill through.)

The combination of Moon with Jupiter denotes such things as business dealings, female officials or civil servants (IRS? the Fed?), legal conflicts, large-scale enterprises, negligence, injustice, successful entrepreneurs, rebellion, inner conflict over religion or politics (I.S.I.S? the Republican Party's reputed inner conflict of Establishment v Tea Party?)

Other potentials are shown in the chart as well, of course. So with my blogging time almost gone I shall add only four more chart factors here though there are many worth sharing:

One is the midpoint picture of this lunation...Sun-Moon = US natal Jupiter which gives a flavor of 'joint success' and 'pursuit of wealth or possessions', and the same old Cardinal T-Square between the forceful Mars-Uranus opposition which continues to square manipulator Pluto @12Cap27 Rx (denoting high-powered executives with chips on their shoulders.) This dynamic energy has outlet in the 8th house of Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Corporatism, Transformation, Death, and/or the Occult.

Mars-Uranus = Pluto: violent intervention (US troops to Iraq? oil and other resources must be protected--just ask Shotgun Cheney); violence; a Higher Power. (Ebertin.)

The third chart factor is the ongoing midpoint picture we've discussed several times before...Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: 'denial of guilt from responsible parties'. And as previously noted, I'm certain that you can think of many such denials of guilt now being expressed by certain culprits about their bad decisions and shady behavior.

Now the fourth and last chart factor to mention is the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon's degree of '6 Cancer' which is, as stated, the same symbol (often mentioned on this blog) as for US natal Jupiter: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

Given the low opinion that Washington politicians and others (the Fed) have inspired within this blogger over the past few years (against my will for that is just what they want--for the American people to give up on the US government!) need I type more?

Jun 21, 2014

"Reality Is a Double Edged Sword" a Max Igan video (plus, Saturn-Neptune-Pluto)

From Maxwell Igan's Surviving the Matrix broadcasts:

Now Here's a Little Astrology

False (Neptune) reality (Saturn) is having its current midpoint (*Saturn-Neptune) transformed and deepened by transit Pluto which gives many activities in society certain vibes of 'denial of guilt from responsible parties.' Even the current "we broke Iraq but we can't fix it--the ISIS take over is not our fault" denials from the neocon warmongers of 2003 and from the Obama administration in 2014 fall very obviously under the influence of the Saturn-Neptune = Pluto picture--As Above, So Below.

And I'm quite convinced that you, dear reader, can easily think of several other situations and circumstances in the news and perhaps in your life where the above midpoint picture clearly applies.

*The midpoint picture shows that America's secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) is also being deeply affected by arch manipulator Pluto of Hidden Wealth fame and invisible helmet operations as Pluto (the saboteur and assassin) continues to oppose US natal planets in Cancer, most notably at this particular time, US natal Sun (leadership; the president) thus creating titanic contests of wills and 'power games with important consequences'. Additionally, the combination of austere Saturn (control) and insidious Neptune (contagion) also figures in with health care insurance meant to grab and control everyone's DNA (genetic manipulation), plus, Saturn-Neptune is known in Astrology as the 'illness axis' with Pluto also signifying surgery, toxins, and regeneration.

Jun 18, 2014

Brief Notes on Summer Solstice 2014 (Washington DC)

A Long, Hot, Steamy, Scorching Summer 2014

by Jude Cowell

On Saturday June 21, 2014 at 6:51 am edt the Summer Solstice perfects as Sun reaches 00Can00:00--in Washington DC with 13Can53 rising along with star Sirius, 'The Scorcher', and thus with America's natal Sun, 'the president'. Portentous? Undoubtedly, with global domination plans much more visible to the masses as the global government types' satanic goal is nearer than ever.

It's a Saturn Hour of consolidation and restriction with President Obama's last two years in office expected by many to be years of little action, lame and dull--and certainly of few improvements if certain trans-global entities continue to have their way about it. And of course, Saturn is also the planet of ancient religions and cultures such as are found in the Holy Land, Israel in particular.

Yes, the Summer Solstice 2014 horoscope contains worrisome aspects and planetary patterns as the As Above So Below adage bears out since Time began--a YOD, or Finger of God, for 'special task, crisis, crossroads, turning point' vibes appears (Venus, MC, North Node), overlaid by the yoke of the Cardinal Grand Cross the world has been groaning under off and on for months now--here between the usual culprits, Uranus (16Ari07 in 10th house), Pluto @12Cap36 Rx just barely setting in 6th house), Mars (14Lib52 in 4th house and conjunct US natal Saturn, a time of obstacles and rules that chafe yet possibly of better organization and careful planning.)

The Solstice chart's Ascendant makes the 4th point in the Cardinal Cross which of course denotes that US natal Sun is also the 4th point of the Cross. This highlights Pluto opposing US natal Sun as anarchist Uranus squares it, and the ASC is where these dynamic energies can easily express just as this Saturday morning rolls around and spotlights Summer 2014 as its primary season for whatever the difficult Cross brings.

Karmic = We Reap What Was Sown

Probably what the horoscope describes is 'more of same' yet the synchronicity of Summer Solstice 2014 with US Sun precisely rising may indicate a new element arriving on the scene, brought to us by Washington DC. In 1st house rises protective Jupiter--intent on expansion, investment, and exploration, yet is a hint of over doing things involved? Well, Jupiter @24Can33 conjoins US natal Mercury Rx, a time when new methods and experiences appear, travel and business ventures expand, and all Jupiterian realms are apt to blossom--in size if not in greatness. Development in communities and many local affairs may benefit from someone's generosity; banks and corporations of various kinds may merge or mergers may be announced (as if they're not too big already.) Perhaps a politician will 'switch sides' before November thinking it a better advantage, a tactic that's been tried before with what is usually temporary success.

Now the Solstice Sun is in 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Secret Deals, Karma, and Self-Undoing along with Mercury Rx @27Gem43--'28Gem' is a degree of BANKRUPTCY and is the degree of 9/11/01's void-of-course Moon, if that means anything.

Plus, as noted above, transit Pluto continues its power struggle and stand-offs with President Obama (US natal Sun), a titanic power game with important consequences. And of course the US Mercury-Pluto opposition of spying and total surveillance is at the heart of the plutonian mix as transit Jupiter moves into alignment opposite US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx), denoting a period when power and success are grossly mismanaged and 'a contest of wills' hardly describes the snit of miffdom everyone is in--and with Election 2014 looming in November. However, those contests will be influenced specifically by Autumn Equinox 2014 in September and the October 2014 Solar Eclipse.

Actually in the Summer Solstice 2014 horoscope, the primary chart factor to be considered above all is any applying major aspects of the chart-ruler--here, the Moon (Cancer ASC.) This provides clues to how things will proceed this summer and in this case it's Luna's square to Jupiter (3A27--from 10th house of Public Reputation and Career to the 1st house which signifies the Summer Solstice and season.) Remembering that the Moon represents The People, the Public, and the public mood in a Mundane chart (Mars-ruled Aries = active and angry!), a Moon-square-Jupiter condition supports the above indication of obstacles and blockages when gratification is delayed if not denied. (Moon in Aries = We ARE the People.) Impatience is out of proportion to frustrating delays or denials yet we still may stamp our feet at injustice. And yet once gained, we may not truly appreciate or properly use what was received. We may wish to beware extravagance!

Flowery or overblown emotional outbursts may seem entertaining this summer--and certainly will be in our ongoing and tiresome Political Theater performances--yet outbursts may waste energy more than they actually improve anyone's situation. And don't be surprised if it seems that 'nothing' falls into place as it should for the next few months but with the element of timing that Astrology brings to the table we always know that This Too Shall Pass.

Summer 2014's steamy Sun Can-Moon Aries blend of energies, a Water-Fire affair, has a politically infused 'Image for Integration' you might appreciate:

"A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause."

Hillary? Is that You, Hillary? More like Elizabeth Warren!

'Image' from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Jun 14, 2014

Iraq Has Multiple Natal Horoscopes

Historically there exists more than one natal horoscope for the region the West calls 'Iraq'. Here are a few that are listed in Nicholas Campion's The World Book of Horoscopes with a few current planetary transits added:

Iraq (Kingdom): August 23, 1921 6:00 BGT -3:00 Baghdad (proclamation ceremony); ASC 4Vir54; MC 2Gem22; Sun 29Leo26 conj chart-ruler Mercury 29:06; Jupiter-Saturn conj in Virgo in 1st house; 8th house Moon 19Ari04. Transits 2014: Mars opposite n Moon; Neptune to n Uranus 8Pis00 Rx in 7th house of War; tr Pluto in Capricorn opposite n Pluto, then opposite n Venus 19Can47 in 11th house; .

Iraq Independence: October 3, 1932 10:30 GMT Baghdad (British mandate terminated): ASC 16Cap41 (tr Pluto approaches); MC 6Sco09 (tr Saturn was there recently for what seemed like forever); 1st house Saturn 28Cap07 (conj US natal Pluto Rx); 9th house Sun 10Lib00 conj Mercury 13:06 (tr Mars and its Rx period has been vexing them recently); 8th house Jupiter/Neptune conj in Virgo; 3rd house Uranus 21Ari52 Rx will experience an upcoming Uranus Return; 10th house Moon 24Sco45 under transiting rays of restrictive loss-bringer Saturn.

Iraq Republic: July 14, 1958 4:00 GMT Baghdad; ASC 14Leo40 surrounded by Uranus 10Leo39 and Mercury 14:54; MC 8Tau19 (recently hit by April 29, 2014 Solar Eclipse still in effect until October 2014); 12th house Sun 21Can13; Moon 19Gem01 conj Venus 20:22 in 11th house--both opposing natal Saturn 20Sag21 Rx; 1st house Pluto 00Vir42 conj Royal Star of Persia, Regulus; 9th house Mars 25Vir25 opposing n Jupiter 22Lib41 where tr Mars approaches.

As for the aftermath of the US invasion of Iraq, there are two horoscopes which may be valuable concerning the current take-over by I.S.I.S., an organization consisting of of Sunnis, the ones the Bush-Cheney regime kicked out of government in order to install Shi'ites, grab oil and loot antiquities, and to further Bush Sr's "heralding of a new world order" which he brazenly had announced as the justification for waging his "Operation Desert Storm" on January 15, 1991 and using Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait as the trigger:

1. A temporary constitution was signed "by Iraqi representatives on the US appointed Governing Council in Baghdad at 1:35 pm on March 8, 2004."

2. "The formal transfer of sovereignty to Iraq took place at 10:26 am on June 28, 2004 in Baghdad, and this should be the basis of a new national chart." (Campion.)

Now we see the lousy results of the Global Government's design as Sunnis viciously fight against the 'new world order' which the West seeks to impose upon the Middle East while hidden entities cheer on the furthering of their longstanding plan that Christians and Muslims should kill one another and take all belief in religion itself down with them as violence and chaos take over.

Meanwhile, US news agencies, reporters, and political operatives 'on the payroll' attempt to keep the American people divided and conquered with stupid R v D strategies, neglect-of-veterans travesties, congressional political theater, constant lies about presidents and politicians, NSA scare tactics, propaganda meant to instill fear that ISIS will send its members to US soil to commit terrorist acts (which may actually be a set up for future false flag ops), and any other method to interfere with our awareness of what's really going on in the you-broke-it-you-own-it Middle East--a circumstance well described by the ongoing and active midpoint picture of:

Saturn/Neptune = Pluto: denial of guilt by those responsible.

#evil #devouringspirit

Jun 12, 2014

Elizabeth Warren Would Make A Much Better President Than Hillary Clinton

Elizabeth Warren Would Make A Much Better President Than Hillary Clinton

January 2, 2014. Manhattan. When Goldman Sachs invites you to a party, you go, especially if you have your sights set on a Presidential run in 2016. And that's exactly what Hillary Clinton did two weeks ago. Speaking to the exclusive crowd of millionaires and billionaires, the former Secretary of State let them know in no uncertain terms that another Clinton White House would once again be on Wall Street's side in America's culture war.

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Republican Congressman says he sold a vote for money and then they didn't pay him

Republican Congressman says he sold a vote for money ... and then they didn't pay him

"Kissing Congressman" Vance McAllister seems to be looking to make trouble for other Republicans on his way out. Last week he gave an audience an example of how, when he said, "money controls Washington":McAllister said he voted "no" on legislation related to the Bureau of Land Management though he did not identify the bill. McAllister said a colleague on the House floor told him that he would receive a $1,200 contribution from Heritage Foundation if he voted against the bill. He would not name his colleague since he "did not want to put their business out on the street." "I played dumb and asked him, 'How would you vote?'" McAllister said. "He told me, 'Vote no and you will get a $1,200 check from the Heritage Foundation. If you vote yes, you will get a $1,000 check from some environmental impact group.'" [...] "I voted no, and I didn't get a Heritage Foundation check but he did," ...

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Jun 11, 2014

"Snowden, The NSA, and a Crime of High Treason" video (4+ mins)

"Snowden, The NSA and a Crime of High Treason"

Video may also be viewed here:

Special Thanks to Alexandra Bruce at Forbidden Knowledge TV and to the StormCloudsGathering video channel.

Such a work out the #NSA gives America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition these days from its perch across the Security axis of Cancer-Capricorn in the US natal horoscope!