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Showing posts with label 1 North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1 North. Show all posts

Mar 13, 2018

Capricorn Mike Pompeo named new Secretary of State

March 13, 2018: CIA Director Mike Pompeo Nominated for Secretary of State, Tillerson ousted

An accurately timed natal horoscope of newly named Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo is available for viewing with a Rodden Rating of AA. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (March 23, 1952) has been fired by Donald Trump and goodness knows theirs was a rocky relationship all along. Mr. Pompeo may be an easier fit for quirky Uranian Trump but we'll see if Mr. Pompeo's Syzygy Moon @8Can01 conjoining Trump's natal Mercury allows for comfort between them or conflict as they pursue plans for fulfillment (Sun-Moon = Mercury) which may or may not be sympatico. Since Mr. Trump has a stated preference for conflict in all things White House their ability or inability to work together will become apparent as the months (weeks, days, hours) proceed.

Michael Richard Pompeo December 30, 1963 1:32 pm pst Orange, California

And when we look at the planets of the March 13, 2018 announcement we find multiple connections to Pompeo's natal planets. Examples in no particular order: authority planet Saturn to natal Sun (senior officials demand their due, responsibilities and/or rewards given, lack of ego-satisfaction); powerful Pluto to Pompeo's strongly opinionated Mercury-Mars conjunction in governmental Capricorn (greater personal power and control, karmic relationships especially with men; potential for sexual escapades; karmic conditions); Mercury to natal Jupiter (international concerns and more travel); Neptune opposite natal Pluto (power structures under threat, power is eroded); and Moon spotlights Pompeo's natal Venus @8AQ47 in natal 10th house of Career and Public Status (favorable publicity). Plus, transit Neptune has been within orb of opposing his natal Uranus for some time indicating a period when ideals conflict with freedom of thought and with societal institutions. Well, Pompeo (R-CA) bats for the Republican team after all.

Mike Pompeo's Earth-Air Sun Cap-Moon AQ blend identifies him as progressive yet conservative, thoughtful and skeptical, and a dedicated and purposeful idealist with a practical streak. Up front and friendly, yet a private person, Mr. Pompeo wants to reform the world which certainly includes every branch of the US government, and his independent mind and spirit may not be loyal enough to suit Donald Trump whose indiscretions and crimes demand loyalty from his underlings in order to stay covered up and keep the Trump Train chugging onward.

Born near a Full Moon, Pompeo's Moon-North Node conjunction and Sun-South Node conjunction across the Cancer-Capricorn axis is the nodal opposite of Trump's Gemini-Sagittarius condition with Sun-NN and Moon-SN. Cosmically this relationship involving the Nodal axis of both men can either aid or separate them as their relationship proceeds with Pompeo's personality blend of professionalism suggesting that he does not suffer fools gladly. So how easy can it be for Pompeo to work with Trump?!?

And it's interesting that Mike Pompeo's Prenatal Solar Eclipse manifested on July 20, 1963 @27Cancer (opposing US natal Pluto) in the 1 North Saros Series which repeated as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 with its themes of 'information is distorted and possibly false' (Brady). Yet perhaps I fret over the Pompeo-Trump relationship for nothing since Pompeo's natal Sun-Jupiter square doesn't mind bending the truth to achieve results and may bite off more than he can chew--both tendencies of Donald Trump. Today transit Venus, planet of diplomacy as in the State Department, squares Pompeo's natal Sun (8Cap28 in corporate 8th house) so modest reactions are advised if/when offered a higher position of authority, plus, some 'agree to disagree' necessities will be in order as Pompeo attempts to serve Donald Trump from within the all-important Department of State.

Jan 19, 2018

Trump's Mar-a-Lago and 1 North Solar Eclipses 1927-2017

Donald Trump's private club Mar-a-Lago located in Palm Beach, Florida has more history behind it than I'd first imagined. Do you know the original construction of the grandiosity was completed in 1927? And that Mr. Trump finagled a lower price from the sellers via an element of trickery before he purchased the property? (Well, that one you could intuit, right? Sharp deal maker that he is and all.)

Curiously, year 1927 brought a manifestation of a Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series, the series we currently labor under since August 21, 2017. That occurrence of a 1 North is known as, 'The Great American Eclipse' and it 'eclipsed' Donald Trump's natal Ascendant @29Leo and occurred very near his rising Mars @26Leo. As you know, 1 North is called The Mother of All Eclipses because it is the first in the 18.6-year cycle of solar eclipses. In August 1999, a repetition of a 1 North acted as the 'Nostradamus Eclipse' prognosticated hundreds of years ago but more significantly the August 11, 1999 eclipse is mentioned in The Book of Revelation with its Fixed Grand Cross at mid-degrees of the Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius...the Oxen Point, Lion Point, Eagle Point, and Angel Point.

So I have to say that 1 North Solar Eclipses are a big deal. As you know, the 1999 version helped to usher in the New Millennium and, according to Scripture, marks the time that the angels 'let go the winds of war'. Have you felt a difference in the Collective tenor these last 19 years? Certainly, US Politics and most of its purveyors cannot be trusted to act on behalf of We The People any longer assuming that they ever could be completely trusted to do so (founding plutocrats, etc). Foreign manipulators rule the day and elected/selected officials take their Oaths and their orders from a higher power than We The People which seems obvious to me if not to either of you. Meanwhile, Pluto marches on toward America's first ever Pluto Return in 2022, destroying and transforming structures, systems, and traditions as he creeps along.

Now the 1 North Solar Eclipse that occurred in 1927 on June 29th @7Cancer fell among America's natal Venus (3 Cancer), Jupiter (6 Cancer), and Sun (13 Cancer) with Jupiter being exalted in Moon-ruled Cancer, a business sign on the Security axis opposite Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government and law. And of course it wasn't long before the Crash of 1929 wiped out the fortunes and lives of many people, investors and others alike.

So if you're curious, view the 3 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse that perfected in bullish Taurus on May 9, 1929 in the 3 North Saros Series and which will repeat (history rhymes, it doesn't repeat!) on July 2, 2019 @11Cancer with themes of: news that transforms a situation and possibly involves young people; worry, obsession, going overboard; large plans may be positive as long as people don't get carried away (Brady). 3 North, in its various manifestations through the years, is also the PE of John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, the CIA, and the attacks of 9/11/01.

Jul 13, 2017

On an Eclipse Path to another Great Depression?

Eclipses Time Historical Events and Track Cycles in Society

by Jude Cowell

In Astrology eclipses may be used to track historical eras or periods and events by plotting 'trails' and patterns that share similar themes as seen by the saying (Russian, I believe) that History doesn't repeat but it may rhyme. As you know, every Solar Eclipse Saros Series reveals or suggests its own themes (1 North, 1 South, 2 North, etc., all the way to 19 North and 19 South, then over again with 1 North as on August 21, 2017). Thereby it is possible to discover clues concerning the prevailing cosmic climate of and in society during any given time period in question. Here, we look ahead on society's path into the financial realms in particular.

See 'We're flowing toward the path' similar to time before Great Depression, analyst says. It's Mark Yusko, CEO of Morgan Creek Capital, and he mentions President Hoover and the years 1928/29. Note that in Astrology 'flowing' = Neptune, gaseous planet of corruption, fraud, and falsehood. Transit Pluto in Capricorn now opposes 1929 Pluto in Cancer.

Repeating approximately every 18.6 years (based on the cycle of the Moon's Nodes), a particular series with its themes and related historical events may be tracked via repetitions to see what if anything 'rhymes' and therefore similar events can be at least somewhat expected if not predicted (generally eclipses tend to bring along the unpredictable or shocking event in a disruptive Uranian fashion acting as 'wild cards of the Universe', or 'cosmic blinks' from Above).

If falling upon a sensitive degree, an eclipse is emphasized and can really muscle in--even more so when the degree is that of a significant fixed star. On August 21, 2017, the impatient 29th degree of royal Leo is activated by eclipse and its energies are strong enough to combine with the next degree, 00Virgo, where royal Regulus now holds court and sway (Virgo by progression--but 29Leo is enough to corral Regulus into the proceedings which must involve Mr. Trump personally--natal Ascendant @29Leo--along with his Mars Rising @26Leo. Sensitive!

Perhaps I should also mention here that 29Leo is also the position of Thomas Jefferson's natal Saturn, planet of authority, authenticity, control, the Establishment, and Astrology).

Various complexities are at play now within the parameters of the upcoming 1 North Series--set to repeat on August 21, 2017 as, The Great American Eclipse which will cast a Total and dark shadow across our country from Oregon to South Carolina. August 21st is 1 North's first repetition since its famous August 11, 1999 manifestation @18Leo with the rigid Fixed Grand Cross as described in The Book of Revelation--the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs Taurus (the oxen point), Leo (the lion point), Scorpio (the eagle point), and Aquarius (the angel point). Take it as you wish on a spiritual, cosmic, or inspirational plane but that is what happened. Seer-astrologer-doctor Nostradamus knew it centuries ago and so should you (though I quite imagine you already do).

Plus, the 1 North series has a nickname, The Mother of All Eclipses because 1N begins the 18.6-year cycle (the snake eating its own tail) all over again, an example of the uroboros archetype...

The 1 North August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse also helped usher in the New Millennium so this part of the process should be included in any study of The Great American Eclipse, its themes, and its aftermath along with the difficult natural events that may or may not be triggered around eclipse time. Active volcanoes are already in the news as you may have heard.

So in 2017, the idea that we may be on a path toward another Great Depression is in the air and is being 'run up the flagpole' as it were, yet astrologically the timing of such rhyming can be checked. Of course, there is the 'Black Tuesday' Solar Eclipse, the last eclipse to manifest prior to October 29, 1929, the date cited as a watershed moment for the dire financial events of the period. Are these energies heating up again and being readied for a boil-over?

Starting with 1 North, here is a list of the Solar Eclipses of 1927 through 1929 with their upcoming repetitions included for comparison's sake and our timing purposes which may reveal just where we are along the path; basic themes are listed along with their upcoming dates of manifestation; there are three eclipses in 2018 and three in 2019:

1 North: June 29, 1927 @7Cancer (unexpected events re: friends or groups which put pressure on relationships; issues loom large but avoid hasty decisions because info is distorted and/or false); next: August 21, 2017 @29Leo;

1 South: December 24, 1927 @1Capricorn (flooded with ideas or options which can lead to positive outcomes); next: February 15, 2018 @27AQ conjunct We The People's natal Moon;

2 Old North: May 19, 1928 @28Taurus (a difficult series concerning unfortunate news about relationships; separations, endings; schisms; this is the PE of Donald Trump, Prince William, and John Wilkes Booth); next: July 13, 2018 @21Cancer;

2 New North: June 17, 1928 @26Gemini (initial eclipse in this series) 'The Tower' Tarot card #16): old systems and structures collapse, long-term influences include rebuilding and transformation once the dust settles; reshaping has far-reaching effects; next: August 11, 2018 @19Leo (resonates with the August 11, 1999 1 North Eclipse by degree...'info distorted and/or false' as with the bogus Bush-Cheney Iraq War pretexts--and aided by mainstream media outlets ('fake news', aka, propaganda of the warmongering persuasion);

2 South: November 12, 1928 @20Scorpio (joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from such memberships); next: January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn;

3 North: May 9, 1929 @18Taurus (news that transforms a situation and/or involves young people; over-excessive energies, obsessions, worry; large plans or activities are wanted but don't get carried away); as noted, this is 'Black Tuesday's and 9/11's PE, and tragically, the Pentagon 'got carried away' and our treasures have been stolen in order to fund their masters' jingoistic misadventurism); next: July 2, 2019 @11Cancer;

3 South: November 1, 1929 @9Scorpio (traumatic transformations; deep emotions; sudden endings of associations or relationships; next: December 26, 2019 @4Capricorn opposing US natal Venus in Cancer (and Jupiter) which may or may not hold significance; a conjunction would be stronger.

So that's the Solar Eclipse list 1927 through 1929, and when we consider the actual Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series that describes the background elements of the infamous Wall Street Crash of 1929 (aka, 'Black Tuesday') and take that Series as a signpost on the path, we then look to the 3 North Saros Series with its last manifestation occurring on Summer Solstice (June 21), 2001 @00Cancer (a World Point of global proportions) which is what makes 3N the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series (PE) of the catastrophic WTC Attacks on September 11, 2001.

And as you remember, mega amounts of gold, money, stocks and what-have-you disappeared from the scene in September 2001 similar to thefts and losses in October 1929. Perhaps you agree that finances were a primary target of the purposefully directed chaos (ex: 9/11/01 Moon, the public, @28Gemini a degree of "BANKRUPTCY" in the Sabian Symbols, and pouf! trillions of dollars were wafted out of the US economy, people's bank accounts and pensions). Weird stock trades were made in a suspiciously timed way as well and fortunes were created or bolstered for 9/11/01 was a planned 'shock doctrine' event, no doubt (as Naomi Klein might say) with the 9/11/01 Moon void-of-course which suggests that no one could interfere once the plan began to unfold.

So! Is society now flowing down 'the path to another Great Depression'? Do you feel that History now repeats too closely for comfort? Well, there are always extenuating and/or mitigating circumstances and positive environmental influences at work that are not yet seen!

'12Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message"...Q: is the Baby's message, your loans are coming due? Mr. Trump probably knows the answer and is privy to the money laundering secrets of the wealthy class of crooks currently minding financial and political hen houses across the globe.

Well, I don't know about you, but for years now it seems that when rounded up to 12Cancer, the foreign woman stretches so close to US natal Sun (13/14 degr = POTUS), and then there's the US banking-corporatist Jupiter (5/6 degr: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" as politicians do), a certain financial picture appears particularly since the ever-colonizing US government did The Stupid Thing that the Founders warned against by repeatedly borrowing masses of money from foreign banking houses and countries, ones that America 'might' one day fight a war with or against (as Washington is prone to waging). There's a collapse-in-waiting, right there. A set up!

So what do you think? Should such politicians now infesting US Politics be counted as incompetent, amateurish, self-serving numbskulls? Or as traitors?

Either way, trans-global bankers and their agents have long ago enlisted astrological Pluto, The Dragon of ancient days, with the 24/7 task of guarding all their mountains and mountains of gold and treasure.

Now here's something of a different take concerning '12Cancer', " A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message."


Please note that eclipse themes listed are paraphrases of Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Jun 23, 2017

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2017 (Libra Ingress)

Autumn Equinox 2017 September 22, 2017 4:02 pm edt White House Washington DC with Capricorn, transit Pluto, asteroid Nemesis, and US natal Pluto rising (and US natal Mercury Rx setting). The chart and season are ruled by the 11th house Saturn @21Sag49 (alliances with senior and/or mature people) which again conjoins the natal Moon and South Node of Mr. Donald Trump, as we've discussed previously. The star of the show, the Sun 00Lib00:00 is in the 8th house of Corporatism, Insurance, Debt, Credit, Shared Resources, Legacies, the Occult, and Transformation (including Death).

Obviously, early on such issues as control, surveillance, coping, government systems, government, legal, and business concerns, plus, other Capricornian things will need dealing with during the autumn season along with issues of violence and war.

Saturn as chart-ruler makes only one applying Ptolemaic aspect, a trine with quirky anarchist Uranus, the leading and oriental planet of Donald Trump. This trine has been in effect for some time and here hints at how things will proceed from Autumn to Winter Solstice 2017. And there's an important factor that occurs prior to Autumn 2017 which is The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series which last manifested on August 11, 1999 @18Leo and is the famous 'King of Terror' Eclipse (aka, the Mother of All Eclipses) seemingly predicted by Nostradamus. This is why I penned "A 'new war on terror'?" on the chart for such propaganda is already being heard in the public discourse, thanks to pundits and reporters who shill for the Deep State and other corporate masters, international banking cartels, and crime syndicates. Perpetual war is their game.

Now as you see, The Moon (We the People) has left her conjunction with planet Jupiter (26Lib15) who can play roles such as The General, the politician, the banker, the broadcaster, the CEO, the religious leader, the thespian, guru, professor, and wears many other faces. Their conjunction is posited in the 9th house of Philosophy, Legal Affairs, Foreign Lands, and Travel (Jupiter's home territory) while asteroid Eros (the piercing) conjoins the Moon @1Sco24 which is the Sun's position in the Oct 24, 1993 'new world order' natal chart. Is such a piffling synchronicity a factor in light of the current Trump vs Deep State and other battles occurring during the first year of a Trump White House?

Most crystal balls would probably say, it's too soon to tell.

But besides a Lunar Eclipse on August 7th and the America-splitting Total Solar Eclipse noted above, there are various other cosmic events manifesting in August 2017 which must be navigated by the American people, Washington DC, and by Mr. Trump whose third of three Jupiter Return/s completes on August 4, 2017 (@17Lib27--conjunct US Progressed Mars Rx = militarized police, expanded gun carry laws, criminality, wounded veterans, etc) and whose next Mars Return (@26Leo and rising just before royal Regulus) begins a new (2-year) cycle of activity on August 31, 2017. All of Mr. Trump's Mars Returns are made more prominent due to his contentious Mars-the-warrior rising in dramatic, egocentric, often pompous Leo.

Related posts include: The 'Cosmic Blinks' of Donald Trump and Trump Tower (eclipses); Donald Trump is an Eclipse Baby!; and Eclipse Notes on Trump's Current Saturn Return (Saturn, planet of realism, truth, authenticity, accountability, and honesty!)

May 28, 2017

Safe Glasses for watching August 2017's 1 North Solar Eclipse @29Leo

Safe Eclipse Glasses and the August 2017 Eclipse of Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

Retailer Amazon offers NASA-recommended safety glasses for watching August 21, 2017's The Great American Eclipse, a Total eclipse which cuts a swat across the US beginning in Oregon and leaving landfall in South Carolina.

Also offered is a handy guide (e-book) How to View the Total Solar Eclipse, plus, a view of two horoscopes of the eclipse set for Oregon and South Carolina.

Astro-Notes: Rounding up its degree, this Total eclipse of August perfects upon a critical 29th degree of Leo in the 1 North Saros Series and will conjoin the natal Ascendant of Mr. Donald Trump. A planet or point at a 29th degree of any sign is impatient, unstable, and denotes risky business, or possibly a crisis that must be resolved. Plus, it indicates a 'change of state' (A. Louis) as it struggles toward the next sign (here, Virgo, and royal Regulus, the king or kingmaker: success if revenge is avoided). Fixed stars 'work' through critical or sensitive degrees and eclipses (solar or lunar) and History is affected--but the working is via individuals' charts--such as Donald Trump, in this case. Will his desire to be taken more seriously be satisfied by Mercury-ruled Virgo, a sign more serious, humble, and studious than entertaining Leo, sign of ego and pride? Mr. Trump will be 71 years old in June so I for one remain fairly dubious of much improvement.

Astrological signs point to significant events in August 2017 which must be expected in relation to Mr. Trump and, by extension, affecting the United States of America (assuming the White House doesn't crash down around his ears in June or July). Eclipses are often called 'wild cards of the Universe' due to their Uranian unpredictability so weather and other natural events may be triggered along with other disruptions in society. And as you know, 1 North last manifested on August 11, 1999 @19Leo and is the infamous 'Nostradamus Eclipse', aka, the King of Alarm (or, Terror) Eclipse that imprinted its turmoil upon the New Millennium including the attacks of 9/11.

The Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: '29Leo' = A Mermaid

Keyword: IMPORTUNITY...positive expression: a completeness of quickening to early instincts of the being and a real willingness to trust them; negative (shadow side--jc) expression: a lack of discrimination and an awkward sensitivity (Jones).

(Speaking of awkwardness, cringe along with Trump's Most Awkward Moments on His First Foreign Tour.)

This Is the The Mother of All Eclipses

1 North solar eclipses have occurred in the years 1909 (26Gemini), 1927 (7Cancer), 1945 (17Cancer), 1963 (27Cancer), 1981 (8Leo), and 1999, as noted. Its initial eclipse occurred on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48--opposite US natal Sun @13Can19 (this time links the 1 North to the American presidency and government) so there is a Capricorn lens through which to view the Leo eclipse--not a good fit of energies (Saturn-Sun; 'conceit increases with age'!) which may trigger our US natal Sun-Saturn square, the base of a Fist of God (or Thor's Hammer) pattern that points to US natal Moon (We The People) in our nation's late-afternoon natal charts on July 4, 1776. (See Sun-Saturn info, below)

History and Themes of the 1 North Series

Aside from recent events of the New Millennium, for previous historical events influenced by 1 North eclipses we look first to the years 1945 and 1963. 1N is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) Series of President Truman's dropping of the first Atomic Bomb, and is PE of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the swearing-in of LBJ (27Cancer opposes US natal Pluto Rx, planet of plutonium and destruction). 1 North themes include: great pressure on relationships looms large due to unexpected events involving groups or friends (or sons-in-law? jc); it's unwise to make hasty decisions since information is distorted and possibly false (ex: "fake news"? jc); tiredness or health problems are also potentials (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady).

Tiredness and health problems? Is that like in Sicily yesterday when Mr. Trump opted to ride in a golf cart while the other G7 leaders walked a mere 700 hundred yards? One of my guesses is that his 70-year-old knees aren't what they used to be! Or perhaps Mr. Trump chose to putter along in a golf cart because of his Victorian-era view that Exercise Will Kill You?!

Astrology and Astronomy

Now naturally a majority of astronomers discount the astrological implications of The Great American Eclipse lest Science suffer by association. And if all the warnings of astrologers turn out to be fallacious or misdirected, we shall all be very much relieved. But considering how the amateurish Trump administration has been behaving so far and the constant undermining of his reputation by Deep State actors and others, no one needs astrological portents to forecast a very long hot summer for Donald J. Trump and his White house denizens, and what may be a lasting imprint of crisis and change that are due in August 2017, compliments of The Cosmos.

Note that there is also a Lunar Eclipse on August 7, 2017 @15AQ (horoscope set for Washington DC) with the sign's Aquarian Saturn-Uranus vibes. Lunar eclipses give insight into how people instinctively react to the karmic situations and conditions brought by the accompanying solar eclipse and since a lunar eclipse obviously involves the Moon, past behaviors and reactions, plus, inherited traits and other unconscious factors are at play. Notable is that the August 7th Lunar Eclipse is in the sign of US natal Moon (We The People) and Leo-Aquarius is the 5/11 Self-Will polarity of Risky Speculation/Creative Pursuits and Groups/Associations; with 11th house involvement some type of 'social escape' may occur (Rudhyar) for Mr. Trump--perhaps more golfing?

Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey):

Thesis: the will of the people as defined in the principle founding documents; the checks and balances within enterprises as implemented by various administrations; form and definition in an enterprise.

Antithesis: pessimism and gloom as a center focus of policy; older and more distanced leaders; unreasonable centralization of authority in one location; a leadership preoccupied with the various forms of law enforcement.

Add We The People's Moon to the Sun-Saturn 'Hammer' pattern and we have potentials for: fear, feelings of inferiority, personal needs under wraps (that's in large part the fault of a purposefully dysfunctional Congress whose members are hired to 'do the people's business' jc), hurt feelings, and a sense of loneliness (Ebertin; Tyl).

May 8, 2016

The Thales Eclipse and a Peacock of Venus

By E. Weiß - E. Weiß: "Bilderatlas der Sternenwelt", Public Domain,

Both Solar and Lunar Eclipses have storied histories as omens and heralds of change similar to that of comets which enter Earth's neighborhood and thus humanity's consciousness. Eclipses are often described in Astrology as 'wild cards of the Universe' for the unpredictable disruptions they seem to bring which result in chaotic conditions. In this they have resonance with astrological Uranus, also a 'wild card' and planet of electricity, lightening, eccentricity, disruption, innovation, revolt, and that 'bolt from the blue' that no one was expecting. Also described as cosmic blinks, eclipses tend to uncover secrets especially when applied to mundane horoscopes and conditions of the Collective; plus, Uranus is often seen as a mark of genius and originality...and/or contrariness.

As you know, there are famous eclipses down through history such as those that were used to prove Einstein's Theory of Relativity: 1919's 11 South when proof efforts were disrupted by World War I, and 1922's more successful 15 North. But perhaps the granddad of eclipses--if we can count on The Histories of Herodotus--is the first-ever reliably predicted eclipse by Thales of Miletus, of Thales Planet fame. Now I know there is debate on whether Thales was predicting a solar or a lunar eclipse but I'm going with a solar eclipse until there's more evidence for a lunar one. However, since it manifested so long ago, more evidence may never come to light so let's consider the date of May 28, 585 BC.

To view the eclipse path and for more details, see Wikipedia.

How Thales was able to predict the eclipse back when human kind was allegedly stupid may be debated but reasonable theories do exist. Also see Historical Astrology for debunking of the theory that Thales somehow used the Saros Series for prediction.

So here's a bit on the Thales Eclipse as given by my Solar Fire v9 software and including its Sabian Symbol:

Solar Eclipse May 28, 0585 BC; Sun-Moon 29Taurus43:46 Saros #57; 29Taurus43 rounded up gives '30Taurus' = "A Peacock Parading on the Terrace of an Old Castle...Keynote: The personal display of inherited gifts...As a great occultist once wrote: Adepts are the flowering of their races and cultures".

*Rudhyar continues: "The peacock is the bird consecrated to Venus; in occult tradition the Promethean Spirits who gave to animal mankind the divine gift of self-conscious intelligence had come from 'Venus'--which may or may not refer to the physical planets we can observe in the sky. {} This peacock symbol indeed confirms the social status of the ancestral state. It indicates a CONSUMMATION of individual efforts; and it suggests that such a consummation is hardly possible except when a line of 'ancestors'--biological or spiritual--forms its base."

Interesting that "self-conscious intelligence" is mentioned since cosmic blink eclipses tend to bring hidden information into the Collective's conscious awareness, and for politicians this usually indicates the ill-timed uncovering of inconvenient truths.

But let's ignore Politics and close with a tribute to Venus and her favorite bird: Princess of India (2007) from my drawing collection Secret Moon Art--can you spot the peacock?

To view a horoscope containing a Thales Planet you may wish to see the June 1, 2015 Progressed Full Moon of George Washington with authoritative Saturn playing Thales Planet @11Aries, the "President of the Country" Sabian Symbol. As such, SP Saturn sextiles his SP Moon and trines his SP Sun!

And did you know that there's a Thales Academy with an online publication, The Thales Times--tap or click for an article about the potential discovery of A New Ninth Planet.

Note: type 'Eclipses' into the SO'W Search field in the sidebar and you'll find a plethora of posts, some displaying horoscopes that are most often set for Washington DC. But in case you miss it, here's a post concerning the upcoming Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series which is the first repetition of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse (DC horoscope shown), aka, Nostradamus' 'King of Terror' or 'Alarm' Eclipse or, The Mother of All Eclipses. And yes, this is the eclipse described in Scriptures for its Fixed Grand Cross involving the Oxen, Lion, Eagle, and Angel Points at the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs. History doesn't repeat, it rhymes, so some repetition of 1999 events may express in similar fashion in 2017 and relate specifically to the United States of America and to the US presidency. (Edit 2023: obviously, the chaotic, disruptive first year of Donald Trump in the White House is what happened in 2017 - and the 1 North Eclipse @29Leo directly landed upon his natal Ascendant with Mars rising - he was America's eclipse, a cosmic blink from Above.)

*'30Taurus' and '11Aries' Sabian Symbols from An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar.