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Showing posts with label Boris Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boris Johnson. Show all posts

Jun 30, 2020

Agent Trump Wants Pal Putin's Russia Back in the G-7

June 30, 2020: For unknown reasons, I saved the following post as a draft but never completed or published it. So with the current news about Trump knowing for months that Putin had put bounties on the heads of US soldiers in Afghanistan but did and said nothing about it while continuing to tout Russia's re-entry into the G7 Group of nations I'm posting it today for whatever info it may add. Even US voters who somehow, beyond reason, prefer Trump in November cannot possibly be okay with this.

Original post begins here sans edits:

Collage: 'His American Majesty' by Jude Cowell

May 31, 2020: Citing current G7 members, economic royalist Trump has asserted that, "It's a very outdated group of countries" which makes yours truly wonder how "outdated" his nibs considers America to be 'under his watch.' That's not exactly what he meant, of course. He meant, Let's invite my comrade and favorite co-conspirator Putin to the party! He proposed including Australia and a couple of other countries to make things appear more legitimate as they talk behind China's back about the future of China, their alleged G7 intention.

Say, remember when Canada flatly rejected Trump's idea of allowing Russia back in? As you know, Russia was tossed out of the elite group of social tinkerers in 2014 for annexing Crimea, an ongoing tragedy as I type. See a related post Trump-Putin Alliance Threatens Current World Order. This is the entire globe's ongoing tragedy and I don't mean to imply that I consider China an outsider to "The big picture (that) commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise" (Tyl) which was timed for greater implementation all through 2017 into 2018 by transit Pluto conjunct 1993's Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the 'new world order' planets (18--20Cap). Perhaps those who could not 'see it' in 2017 are seeing draconian conditions starkly enforced in front of their faces in 2020 if they haven't before. And as you know, the current position of the Moon's South Node, aka, the tail of the dragon, is 29Sag13, a critical-crisis 29th degree (Sabian Symbol for '30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" as I'm certain he does; '30Sag' = negative expression: "inordinate love of self-display and surrender to a lust for power" (Jones).

Back to Trump's 'Movable Feast' G7 2020

Now so far I've discovered no definite date for a G7 meeting in September 2020 for it may not have been set yet, so we can't Moon-track the event today as we did in 2019 when Trump knocked noodles 'on the sidelines' with UK PM Boris Johnson. Apparently Trump prefers shadowy sidelines for his private whispers. Like ya do when you have many secrets and crimes to hide.

So as you know, sources are reporting that Trump's G7 2020 'plan' is to postpone G7 2020 'until at least September' from the original June 10, 2020 date and location at secure Camp David where barely a conspiratorial word can be whispered without a mic or camera picking it up - another reason for Trump and Putin to rock the G7 boat, yes?

With no definite date for G7 2020 (if you find one Please let me know!) we can at the least check the September 2020 Lunations (New and Full Moons) where we find that the month begins with a Full Moon @10Pis12 (September 2), an interesting cosmic occurrence since deceptive Neptune was @10Pisces opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse that functioned as the Prenatal Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. Will new information be uncovered or leaked in September or late August concerning those significant events and/or the Trump-Putin love match? For Full Moons can reveal hidden things much as Lunar Eclipses, and New Moons can act in similar fashion to Solar Eclipses (Ovason). So you know what I always say around eclipse and lunation times? Peep-Eye!

Tragically, a Related Post: America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime. Also related: if Election 2020 is held at all, the Electoral College Is Set to Vote on December 14, 2020, an auspicious day of a difficult Solar Eclipse. Plus, here's a previous post concerning the learless feader: SOTU 2020 and Trump's SOTUs since 2017 and for health indicators you may wish to see The YOD in America's Solar Return 2020, a horoscope that functions for one year until July 2021.

All on-topic comments and shares are much appreciated! And please note that a 'new' page under 'Judith' Cowell is now created since my original FB account 'Jude Cowell" remains in lock down. jc

Dec 11, 2019

Dec 12, 2019 UK Elections: Astrology and Tarot agree!

December 11, 2019: This morning while sitting here in Raleigh, North Carolina (a former British colony), I searched the interwebs for prognostications concerning tomorrow's UK Elections in Britain (Conservative Party's Boris Johnson vs Labour Party's Jeremy Corbyn) and found two excellent resources: one based on Astrology, the other via Tarot.

And curiously in both readings, horoscope and cards agree!

For Astrology here is a link to a reading by London astrologer Julian Venables and for Tarot here's Mary Ann of Revealing Light Tarot adding insight into hidden conditions.

For like the Republican Party in the US, Britain's Conservative Party has been in process of consuming itself in recent years, plus, the populace doesn't trust Boris, real change is needed, and the youth vote matters. So if neither party wins bigly in the UK then a coalition government may very well need to be formed by the victor no matter which party he represents (or purports to represent, typed the suspicious American!)

And so today I send out Best Wishes to the good people of Britain and my sincere hope for beneficial improvements in government on behalf of their families! jc


Sep 13, 2019

Update: Boris Johnson's Horoscope - Brexit and Britain 2019 and 2020

ORIGINAL TITLE: Boris Johnson's Horoscope - Brexit and Britain in 2019 and 2020

by James Lynn Page

This is an update of Boris Johnson’s Horoscope (written September 9th) to the original article of July 30th.

Boris Johnson’s Horoscope – Updated Sept. 9th 2019

As we might expect signs of confusion, blockage and severe impasse (unless a real breakthrough compromise is made) are all there in the prediction charts involving the UK, Brexit and British Politics. The original 1066 chart for England (from the time of William the Conqueror) has transiting Neptune opposite Saturn throughout October - the conflict between high ideals and hard-nosed reality. This can so easily mean self delusion or stasis – the inability to move forward. On this chart, too (for 25th Nov.) there is transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Uranus - the best time for the UK election if only because it symbolises an optimistic, forward-looking fresh start and the need for real progression. The best time for who, though?

Boris Johnson's Natal Horoscope June 19, 1964 2:00 pm EDT NYC:

We'll get this very soon, but also, on the 1801 chart (for the Union of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland) there are aggressive Mars squares between the 7th and 19th of October. This means, whether or not Parliament sits, the backbiting and political conflicts and name calling is going to get even dirtier - especially on the 18th. This is also reflected on Boris Johnson’s Horoscope with severe squares involving Mars on 17th Sept., and 1, 2 and 3 October, which see him more warlike and belligerent than ever in his comments and actions, especially by the 21st when the red planet crosses his ascendant (personality). By the 24th, Mars is square to his Midheaven (his career) when the challenges (from outside) increase and so does the intensity - now the gloves are off, and it may not be pretty! Oddly, the 25th-27th may be good for him personally, with Jupiter opposing the sun. Perhaps something now goes right for him, or the tension simply abates!

So what about the forthcoming Election? Matters are too complex and febrile to start predicting who is certain to win it, or when it takes place, precisely. However, the best astrological time for Labour is early November, provided that Johnson has sought the extension required of him with the EU. At this time, Jupiter crosses the Descendant (partners) on Labour’s birth chart - some kind of pact with the Liberals would be an excellent move. Early December is not good for the Tories to call an election, as Saturn is crossing the ascendant. Plus, on the Brexit chart - the referendum chart showing the progress of Brexit in the UK (below) – the old taskmaster Saturn has a long conjunction to the ascendant on 29th Sept. until 24th Oct. This is not a good augur for the Brexiteers since Saturn represents blockages, delays and limitations. (Didn’t Boris Johnson say he just wants to get on with things?)

Brexit Horoscope June 23, 2016 10:00 pm:

Later on (Nov. 9th to 20th) there is a Saturn conjunction to Pluto - this is not good for the Brexiteers, either, as it suggests some kind of immovable object in the path of Brexit itself. Interestingly, in the Article 50 birth chart - the chart for the negotiations involving the EU (below) - any talks over Brexit are likely to break down in rancour in mid-December, though things do look brighter on the negotiating front around 12th Jan, 2020, as transiting Jupiter moves into the fourth house (home). Even with a no deal Brexit, Britain still has to negotiate some kind of trading arrangement with Europe (and commentators have pointed out that this will be more difficult when we’re not members).

Article 50 Horoscope March 29, 2017 13:20 pm Brussels, Belgium:

Saturn crossing the Tory party’s ascendant early December signifies a new phase in their development, one (as we can see already) which is yet more hardline and authoritarian. But as nothing is ever set in stone, if the Tories were to remove Boris Johnson the new Saturn effect might mean something different - a return to a more traditional, centrist party where the likes of Ken Clarke are welcome again. On balance, Labour look to have the best chance in an election (around either the 6th or 25th of November) but only if Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party fails to support Johnson.

Thank You for the update, James! Hope you'll keep us posted on how things are going in the UK, Jude

Aug 23, 2019

Moon-Tracking the G7 Summit August 24--26, 2019

August 22, 2019: From August 24 to August 26, 2019, the 45th annual G7 Summit will be held in Biarritz, France and hosted by France's Emmanuel Macron.

As The Hill reports, Trump and UK's Boris Johnson to meet on sidelines of G-7 Summit for breakfast Sunday morning. Problem child Trump is also said to be meeting with other leaders while there assuming he doesn't wander off in a daze or insult his way out the door before this year's summit sans Russia ends. Besides playing G7 host this year, France's Emmanuel Macron may be the one to take the reins of global leadership at least until America's former top spot is permanently filled--or perhaps until a new competent US president with a less-addled brain and beliefs in government and civilization takes over the Oval Office on January 20, 2021. We can dream, right?

G7 Summit 2019's Cosmic Weather: Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini then Cancer

Looking at a horoscope set for Biarritz, France August 24, 2019 (8:00 am CEDT) we find Mercury-ruled Virgo rising with a full 12th house of Behind-the-Scenes activities including Politics and Secret Deals. Regulus is spotlighted by the Sun 00Vir48 suggesting that the caution of royal Regulus is present: success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that has been gained will be taken away. Sun also conjoins asteroid Juno which is associated with politics and with nation-states (which may contain a nationalist flavor if negatively utilized). Also in the 12th house group are Venus and Mars both at 4 Virgo and rounded up for a Sabian Symbol we find, "A Colored Child Playing with White Children." Now I don't pretend to know if this picture refers to a particular attendee or attendees but I do know it's the degree and symbol of Trump's Secondary Progressed ('SP') New Moon which perfects on September 16, 2019.

So the summit opens with Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini, a rational, productive Earth-Air combo of energies suggesting those who are reasonable, refined, shrewd, logical, and lovers of words. Plus, some may be pranksters with great mental dexterity and a flair for communication. This blend is shared by John Buchan, aka, Lord Tweedsmuir, who has famously informed us that, "An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support." So what do we know of Lord Tweedsmuir? For one thing, he authored *The Thirty-Nine Steps! Do you suppose there any atheists at G7 2019? No surprise, if so. And certainly counterespionage, spying, or similar themes may be present especially since sabotaging America seems to be an ongoing activity these days for meddlers both foreign and domestic.

Now let's also consider what chart-ruler Mercury, planet of meetings, summits, reports, negotiations, and planning, is up to on August 24--an inconjunct with powerful Pluto. This hints that adjustments are needed obviously and someone is obsessed with their thoughts and plans--thoughts that may be outmoded and/or dogmatic. Under this aspect, communications tend to be oppressive and intimidating toward others and intellectual insecurity can cause problems in communications of the persuasive variety. A compulsive talker or two demands to be heard and propaganda must be broadly spread to the group. Pluto's extreme wealth and underworld connections add heaviness, even a creepiness, to the uncompromising atmosphere of August 24 as the G7 Summit proceeds.

But as the Cosmos would have it, during the proceedings Luna leaves Gemini on August 25 at 11:05 pm and floats into her own sign of Cancer which shifts the atmosphere of the summit to a more pragmatic, creative Earth-Water blend of Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer. This shift could be significant particularly since 00Cancer00 is a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, plus, the heavy-weight duo of Saturn and Pluto sit atop the Midheaven (The Goal Point; Aspirations) at that exact minute (11:05 pm) in that location with a line-up most folks would wish to avoid: Pluto Rx at critical degree (20Cap), Midheaven, South-Node (the Saturnian, separative 'tail of the dragon'), and Saturn Rx. Triple karma! Is there something here about dealing with the effects of these harsh, limiting, constraining energies rearing their heads as they do periodically--or, is it about using them to restrict and oppress others? We must be on guard!

Yet in addition, with Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer a more domestic vibe may be felt along with intuition and a tendency toward self-reflection. Quick wit and charisma are in evidence, plus, practicality via Virgo and a deep concern for others via Cancer although a streak of suspicion may turn up at some point. This is a sociable blend of energies with which to end the summit (martini in hand?) and it is also found in the natal chart of outlaw Jesse James (who stole to fund the secret Golden Circle of white supremacists of his day) and, more positively, is the natal blend of author, muckraker, and Pulitzer Prize winner Upton Sinclair so let's close with one of Sinclair's more famous quotes--a question really,

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history, a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"

Tragically in 2019, the answer must be that when trouble-maker/muckraker Donald Trump is involved, hatred, turmoil, and waste of life are always on his menu--somewhere between the big bucket of fried chicken and the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake you've ever seen.

*Pssst! If you have an hour and a half to spare and appreciate classic films, you might watch The Thirty-Nine Steps (1935) directed by Sun Leo-Moon Scorpio native Alfred Hitchcock! And in case you missed it, check out Brit astrologer James Lynn Page's latest analysis of Boris Johnson's Horoscope, Brexit, and Britain in 2019 and 2020.

And for more Sun-Moon details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Aug 19, 2019

Boris Johnson's Horoscope: Brexit and Britain in 2019 and 2020

With a view from abroad here's a featured post by Britain's James Lynn Page:

Below is Boris Johnson’s horoscope, as we look at what kind of Brexit we’ll be getting. Left-leaning journalists have been beside themselves lately over the prospect of Johnson as P.M. of the United Kingdom. I have discussed the new Prime Minister 'elsewhere', but in this article I look at what kind of Brexit Boris Johnson will preside over (and the indications from his birth chart). The main questions right now are: will we leave without a deal on October 31st? And, more generally: just how easy will he find it as PM? “Dude, we’re going to energise the country!,” he proclaimed on his victory. Some commentators are not so sure, like the Guardian’s Andrew Rawnsley who wrote, 'Boris John's braggadocio will soon come back to haunt him at Number 10':

‘The schoolboy who wanted to be “world king” has spent many years lusting after the job, but that is entirely different to doing it … Whitehall is preparing for the Johnson premiership by adopting the brace position. Is this because he is infamously cavalier about detail, bored by complexity, known to react peevishly and sometimes with a ferocious temper when frustrated or contradicted, and has a notoriously casual relationship with the truth?’

At first I did a double take at this quote – Rawnsley could just as easily have been talking about Donald Trump. The astrological parallels with Trump are significant, too, and I don’t just mean the fact that both leaders are populist, outspoken sun Geminians. I have written elsewhere on this site that Trump’s continued weathering of political storms in Washington is down to progressed Jupiter on his ascendant. Jupiter has a supportive, protective quality that often ensures one’s luck holds good – whilst its astrological influence is operative, of course. Later we will find this Jupiter aspect significant on Boris Johnson’s horoscope, too.

First, let’s look at the astrological context for why we have, along with the USA, shifted to the right of the political spectrum. The transit of Pluto through Capricorn has ended up with the UK in a political and constitutional crisis. Pluto is the Great Destroyer, it is Death and Rebirth for entities that have outlived their purpose; Capricorn (in mundane astrology) is the Establishment, the System, the powers that be. No wonder that in the UK we’re going through what one commentator described as a ‘political nervous breakdown’.

In short, politicians have lost the trust of the electorate, as naked capitalism is allowed to run rampant, what with private (profit-based) companies overseeing the distribution of benefits, public education spending cut whilst private education fees are increased, and where even homelessness can be considered a crime. This is why we’re in the age of the demagogue, the populist who fills the vacuum when we’ve lost faith in mainstream political parties. But we’re a divided country because of it.

Saturn will also make an exact conjunction with Pluto in January 2020. We’re likely to see a further hardening and increase in authoritarian control as the powers that be lash out. (What the US astrologer and philosopher Richard Tarnas discreetly called ‘conservative empowerment’.) The cold unforgiving hand of Authority is already with us, take the example of the recent shameful arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. If, in the UK, it seems we’ve reached crisis point in our daily politics, you haven’t seen nothing yet; I believe the authoritarianism we’re seeing will increase in 2020.

To get a flavour of what happens worldwide when Saturn makes a hard angle to Pluto, consider these two events from recent world history. Often there is some some kind of power grab by politically motivated opportunists, such as on September 11th 1973, when an exact Saturn-Pluto square manifested in the coup d’etat in Chile, and the murderous dictator Augusto Pinochet began his reign of terror. Or ten years later, in August 1983 during a Saturn-Pluto conjunction, when Manuela Noriega rose to power. He was ‘one of the Central Intelligence Agency’s most valued intelligence sources, as well as one of the primary conduits for illicit weapons, military equipment and cash destined for U.S.-backed counter-insurgency forces throughout Latin America.’ (Wikipedia)

During any creeping shift to the right, well meaning liberals continue to warn us that true democracy is a precious thing and we should not let authoritarian leaders undermine it. In the case Boris Johnson, Guardian journalists have already noted how he has actually hardened his stance on Brexit, asking if he could close down shut down (prorogue) Parliament to stop it legislating against No Deal:

‘The legal default position is that if there is no deal, and the UK has not asked to revoke article 50 or been granted a further extension, then we leave on 31 October with no deal. But MPs of all parties have already flexed their muscles to prevent the prorogation of parliament to get no deal. Earlier this month they passed an amendment to a Northern Ireland bill by a majority of 41 to make prorogation more difficult; 315 MPs backed it and 274 were opposed. The anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller is also planning legal action to prevent prorogation.’

Boris Johnson’s Horoscope

Let’s get an idea of the man himself – above is Boris Johnson’s horoscope, and with the sun (conjunct Venus) in Gemini and Libra rising, he has that charismatic, easy-going appeal to the public, that plain-speaking, ‘blokey’ sense of humour. In short, the Libran ascendant provides charm, and Gemini the light touch. Of course, it isn’t quite as simple as this: he also has vociferous Mars in Gemini, providing fuel for his outspoken, attention-seeking quips. Johnson’s fan club like him for this perceived directness and honesty; his detractors point out that such quips are often racist, like describing Muslim women wearing a full veil as “letterboxes”.

But these situations stem from deeper, more serious elements. For one, on Boris Johnson’s horoscope we see Mercury square Pluto. Not only are there strong opinions to voice, but a range of entrenched, stubborn ideas. “You’re not going to change him,” commented one senior Tory aide. Then there is Mars square Saturn, which can mean difficulty expressing anger: Mars-Saturn bottles up reserves of aggressive ego, whether its reacting to annoying regulations, annoying people, or just the slow pace of everyday, mortal life. One wonders how much he’s suppressed over the years and how much he’ll want to get his own back on those who stood in his way. His moon is in subtle, tight lipped, opportunistic, manipulative Scorpio, after all. Here is someone motivated by the need for power. Not only that, he has the passion and determination to see his plans through to the bitter end. Now he’s Leader he’ll want to show just who is in charge.

Johnson’s much mentioned ‘buffoonish’ image is simply a part of a grand strategy: to appear funny, likeable and most of all ‘ordinary’. Who can resist someone that makes them laugh? But even the verbal gaffes are mostly deliberate – there’s little suggestion from the birth chart that he’s unaware of what he’s saying, or is unconscious of the offence he causes. His appearance on the BBC’s Have I Got News For You panel show was gold dust for this carefully contrived ‘clownish’ image. But Johnson is no fool – he knows that the accident prone, bumbling, tongue-tied, public schoolboy is a smokescreen, whilst he slowly and surely gets closer to fulfilling his ambitions and manoeuvres himself into a position of power. Job done!

An anecdote from BBC presenter Jeremy Vine reminds us that much of this buffoonery is carefully stage managed. Vine was set to do an interview as Johnson arrived, reaching for a pen to hastily scribble something on a piece of paper. So Vine was treated to the likeable, ill-organised class clown on that occasion – hair askew, falling over his own feet and then his own words. But about a year after, as Vine recalled, it was during another interview that Johnson went through the exact same repertoire, using the exact same lines: ‘as if had been scripted’.

Brexit – the Astrological Outlook

The UK Chart

Let’s have a look at the predictive material: first the national charts and then for Boris personally. First, the progressions to the United Kingdom chart (set for 1801 January 1st) on Oct 31, 2019 provide the background scenery for British politics. Here, there’s a heavy concentration of planets in the 4th house which, on a mundane chart, is about our heritage, our ‘patriotism’, our collective identity as a country, or at least a version of it. Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are all present here – an emphasis on roots, the past and tradition. This suggests the scene is set for strong nationalistic fervour at this time in our history, one where the familiar, knee-jerk stereotypes of ‘what it means to be British’ (or English) are invoked.

The Brexit Chart

The chart set for the exit poll on referendum day (10.00 pm, June 23rd, 2016) can be progressed to show the Midheaven (‘career’/public image) within one degree of a conjunction with Mars (in late 2018 and early 2019) This right away suggests the ongoing rifts, short fuses and in-fighting surrounding all aspects of Brexit. In brief – divisiveness. With obstructive Saturn in the 11th house we might well expect that lack of resolution/agreement in Parliament, too. (This house on a mundane chart is the ‘Parliament’ of a country’s birth chart, in the case of the UK, not merely the government but the entire House of Commons.)

Also, transits to the Brexit chart show Neptune opposite natal Jupiter (exactly to the minute) on October 29th, 2019, only two days before the supposed time we exit the EU. On a birth chart this opposition means impractical, over-idealistic and ballooning expectations. Any type of concrete limitation or systemic problem is the enemy. This represents the Brexit voters’ attitude to the EU – the material reality is inconvenient. Stop standing in our way!

The Article 50 Chart

This is set for 13.20 p.m. March 29th, 2017 in Brussels, when the EU’s Article 50 for leaving the union was activated. This brings into play the European Union and is a chart about the negotiations – as such, it is somewhat different. Though Venus is on the M.C., a Mercury/moon/Uranus conjunction is prominent in the 10th (rules and authorities). This stellium is one of instability: ‘emotional’ and erratic behaviour, wilfulness and sudden whim hold sway. If both sides take this approach you can guess at the result! The urge for self-interest and trying to get one’s own way (and the determination to do this) is shown by the Pluto square to Uranus. The only conciliatory factor is Venus on the M.C. – we did at least get an extension when Theresa May was in power, and there was talk of an even longer one if required. But it’s a chart which bodes ill for harmonious negotiations and talks.

So far we have a combination of aggressive ‘I want’ and a strongly idealistic, nationalistic attitude that just may be self-deluding. But how is Johnson likely to cope? The Guardian’s Andrew Rawnsley wrote that:

‘the best educated guess about where he will get to in the autumn [of 2019] is this. There will be no better deal with the EU and parliament will prevent him from leaving without one. There would then be three avenues forward. One: he could seek another extension to the deadline for withdrawal. This would be a humiliating betrayal of his solemn pledge to his party that Britain is leaving “come what may” on Halloween … Two: he could seek to resolve the deadlock by calling a fresh referendum [or Three] he could call an election.’

The Solar return chart for Boris Johnson’s horoscope – from 20 June 2019 – has Saturn/Pluto conjunct in the 1st house. This forms an opposition to Mars and Mercury in the 7th (relationships), suggesting he’s assumed the office of Prime Minister with enemies already waiting in the wings. It’s indicative of major disagreement, but will ‘they’ be powerful enough to stop a no-deal Brexit? (The Saturn-Pluto conjunction also is widely conjunct the moon, suggesting Johnson has some emotional commitment to all of this.) It certainly suggests little in the way of compromise – and as we have seen lately, the signs are already there. Johnson will be moving heaven and earth to get Britain out of the EU by Halloween – we’re going to see more of his true Moon in Scorpio colours!

When we look at Oct 31, 2019, the progressed M.C. (‘career’) on Boris Johnson’s horoscope is exactly conjunct to natal Uranus. This is another indication of the potential tension and challenge we’ve already seen – it signifies a kind of angry revolt against stuffy authority, for this is how Johnson will see (and does see) the EU’s officials and negotiators. He’s cast himself in the role of the freedom fighter; they are the intransigent oppressors. But when it comes to enemies, ‘they’ may also be Parliament, another bunch of potential oppressors who seek to prevent a no deal Brexit. So, he has plenty of conflict to look forward to. The question is: will he get his own way?

Remember Trump’s fortunate placing of progressed Jupiter on his ascendant? Boris has this same protective phenomenon on his progressed chart for 2019, as Jupiter is in close conjunction to the descendant, and whose astrological meaning is not so different from a conjunction with the rising degree. This suggests there are powerful friends looking out for him, that he’s well placed to receive support and assistance from important sources. One of those will be Trump himself, but I think that without progressed Jupiter in close conjunction to the descendant, Johnson would be sunk by Parliament or would lose in a General Election in September. However, look at how many people wrote off Trump’s chances of even being the Republican candidate in 2016, let alone winning the election. And now look.

Don’t make the same mistake with Boris Johnson. I’ll deal with whether or not all of this leads to a General Election in another look at Boris Johnson’s horoscope, but remember, he may well be in No 10 for quite a while. Remainers, brace yourself! Like Trump, he has lucky Jupiter protecting him for now. The astrological picture for the next few months show he may weather the storm, beat his opponents and come good in any conflict. And conflict there will be! Just wait until it all kicks off in early 2020.

Image: Beyond Brexit: A Global Britain (Foreign and Commonwealth Office)/License: Creative Commons

James Lynn Page is a consultant astrologer, tarot analyst, teacher, lecturer, and author of Mind-Body-Spirit titles, who received the Faculty of Astrological Studies’ Certificate in 1984. His first astrology book, Jungian Birth Charts, was published by Aquarian Press in 1988 under the pen name Arthur Dione, and was called “one of the better popular astrology books to see print in this decade,” by Horoscope Magazine. Prediction in the UK labelled it “one of the best books to date to bring added depth to the art of horoscope interpretation.” Soon after going to work for W. Foulsham Publishing, James co-authored their annual 12-volume Old Moore’s Horoscope and Astral Diaries, and is now one of the chief astrological consultants to Foulsham’s annual Old Moore’s Almanac. He has authored the monthly astrology newsletter for Raphael’s Ephemeris. His website is Astrology, Magic and the Conscious Universe.

A previous post by James Lynn Page appeared on SO'W earlier this year as, Donald Trump in 2019 and 2020. All content used by author's express permission.