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Showing posts with label Chiron in Pisces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chiron in Pisces. Show all posts

Jun 13, 2011

6.15.11 Lunar Eclipse reflects threats to Luna, New Mexico

Evening of June 13, 2011: NPR News has a report on fires natural (and perhaps otherwise?) which began on the Colorado-New Mexico border in May 2011, and now are under unstable control when at all in June 2011. Feeds of NPR's related stories are included.

Earlier today I posted a certain point of view using Mundane Astrology concerning the Wednesday June 15, 2011 Lunar Eclipse which by namesake resonates with the frequency of the town with the Moon-esque vibe: Luna, NM (there are two, one in Cadron Co., the other in Lincoln Co.) Paradoxically, its moniker was consciously given (perhaps by committee?) which for me conjures images of a Full Moon that can lift arm hairs when the topic of Lunar Eclipses comes up due to their often-documented and 'magical' ability to uncover things hidden or unconscious (see my previous post on Wednesday's eclipse, if you wish) and, in catastrophic cases out West, to also bring troubles apace to our homes and homeland (home = Cancer, the sign ruled by the astrological Moon.)

My thought is that the human race retains its collective memories and an eclipse of the Moon is by design a perfect cosmic vehicle and a trigger or timer for taking that unknown, unconscious, and possibly dangerous path where only the silver rays from a Moon Lantern lights us upon our journey. (Image of Tarot card #18, The Moon.)

>Thunder rumbles as I type and power surges have been off-on for a while now so I must mosey quickly, get my pc off the electricity. Meant to provide you with a link to include an article about Hamburg Iowa reported today to be under flood threat due to oncoming tides from a levee breach. (Storm's over, Tuesday edit: Hamburg Iowa under flood threat.)

Please pray for Luna, the surrounding environs, and Iowa - actually, toss in all of America and the planet if you care to, for watery yet smokey Neptune is active in the world and dissolving moorings of all kinds. (See today's earlier post about this Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag23.) Even the old "fog of war" from the Vietnam War era is in the news this week with release of unredacted Pentagon Papers! (Lunar Eclipse revelations - see previous post as advised - if you wish, of course!)

If the Vietnam War era were a mere moment in time it might be titled, Flower in Gun Barrel Moment of illusion and the sort of pretending that gets a large number of people killed. The cosmic identity of such a moment is similar to the wrongheaded Splitting of the Atom Moment and, on another level, resembles the truism that a Genie can never fit back into her bottle once released. (Genie = Uranus, bottle = Saturn, of course.

When the atom was split, a perfect form or model was broken by curious human beings who had no clue how to repair the effects of their misguided arrogance while the bossy ones who ordered the project done and possibly helped bankroll it to some smattering degree held no qualms about the unleashing of this abominable power. The power was, after all, to be directed wherever the lucky gened powers-that-be were not.)

Luna, New Mexico; Mystic Rectangle June 2011

So for focusing our positive thoughts and prayers on behalf of those of us facing trials much larger than we must ordinarily withstand, good news is that there's a perfect Mystic Rectangle pattern formed around us tomorrow by 9:32 am edt (between Saturn (Air) and Uranus (Fire) with Moon in fiery Sag and Venus in airy Gemini, Hour of Venus) when high waters may inundate parts of the region even as huge fires challenge fighters across wide swaths of burned property. (Some duplicity may be afoot with Neptune whose archetype now showers us with too grand a performance before re-entering colder Aquarius from oceanic Pisces. Yes, it's that mix of wounding yet shamanic Chiron and Neptune again.

(If only flood water could be piped over to fight wild fires, creating balance between the two elements that together tend to be steamy hot and whose catalytic action may well lead to much soul-searching after searing experiences.)

My hope for protection and safety is being sent cross-country to the good people of the Western US and for the firefighters who risk their all. I do believe that angels of mercy stand ready at your command.


On The Big Picture right now (on LINK TV for me) with Thom Hartmann, General Petraeus is apparently the latest Lunar Eclipse victim...peep-eye!

Seems Gen. Petraeus' reporting on Aghanistan has left much truth to be desired from within the neocon-Zionist-warhawk' stance of 'politics of the national security state' which now strangles our nation and commandeers the top rung of priorities (financial, political nd ideological) for corrupted Washington and the soulless, 5-pointed death star, the Pentagon.

Meanwhile the security state's hierarchy of knaves and thugs can never get enough citizens to send into hellish war ('war is peace')...the 'right' Casio watches notwithstanding. It's up to we-the-people to reign the brigands in, for as we know, "When governments fear the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Or words to that effect.

For more on such political topics you may wish, as tonight's Moon rushes to meet the Sun by Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse, to uncover and reveal The Digital Papers of Thomas Jefferson.


Blog Note: to generally answer an emailed Q about the current FaceBook 'facial recognition' controversy, it's my opinion that the top dogs at FB seems to consist of a bunch of sneaks. Yes, I left FB earlier this year and heard today that the number of FB deserters in the US is growing which is perfectly understandable, really. jc

Apr 27, 2011

Horoscope of Barack Obama w 4.27.11 transits

This morning I posted the NPR News Alert that the White House has released the birth certificate of President Barack Obama. This inspires me to publish a copy of President Obama's natal horoscope, something I had not done before on this blog although I have referred to its placements, of course. The released BC shows the birth time that most if not all astrologers have been using: 7:24 pm AHST, on August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Around the outside of the chart are today's transits since now we can be certain which houses the planets traverse. I also looked ahead to his Secondary Progressions: he's now in Gibbous phase with a Secondary Full Moon coming soon: November 6, 2011 @ 1Ari11 which falls in natal 2nd house.

As you know, a Sec Full Moon was attained by the US in December 2008 and timed our nation's financial collapse: that was as far as our nation could expand into the world and our national light now dims. Now I'm not predicting that the president's Sun-Moon phase beginning to 'lose light' after November 2011 will keep him from being re-elected in 2012 yet the thought does occur! Another thought is that since the powers-that-be will select whichever candidate to play US president that they want, it could be Mr. Obama regardless of his astro-portents - especially with his Sec Full Moon manifesting so near the Aries Point (00Ari00) of Fame and Recognition.

Here are a few chart details; as always, you're welcome to leave your own observations or opinions in a Comment:

Sun/Moon in 3rd quarter phase = crisis in consciousness; Hour Mars 22Vir35 in 7th H, conjunct asteroid Hopi (prejudice; ambush; sounds like "hope"); Mars conjoins US natal Neptune making it difficult for the masses to see his actions and motivations clearly; chart-ruler Saturn 25Cap20 Rx in its own sign in 12th H of Politics and Karma, conjunct Jupiter 00AQ52 Rx which conjoins US Inaugural Sun and on January 20, 2009, his n Jupiter conjoined Inaugural Mercury Rx. Jupiter/Saturn conjunction folks tend to have enormous success potential.

Co-ruler Uranus 25Leo16 in 7th H conjoins North Node (NN) and is apex planet of a powerful midpoint picture:

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; sudden obsession for more power and control.

The Uranus/NN pair is a signature of radical political groups, changes which come from attempts to alter the course of events, and revolution for the effecting of popular societal changes. ("Yes, We Can!)

Saturn inconjunct Uranus: Status Quo/Progress Adjustments

Chart-ruler and co-ruler Saturn and Uranus are inconjunct (150 degrees) one another which gives difficulty in establishing priorities within one's obligations, and intimidation from others may be forthcoming; change that threatens personal security is resisted (who wouldn't?) and flexibility must be developed in order to make progress and be successful. Some stress in relationship may ensue as the partner insists that talents be well-developed. Refining those talents and adopting new techniques produce success though a streak of cantankerousness may be noticed in the personality.

Mars trine Saturn

An Earthy (practical) Mars/Saturn trine helps tremendously by giving Mr. Obama the ability to use his energies wisely and productively; the temper is usually well under control, and he's an excellent teacher. Efficiency and conservation are important with a Mars/Saturn trine, an aspect which gifts him with great managerial skills that are valuable in any endeavor. He relates best to responsible, mature people, tends to be guardedly optimistic, and the satisfaction of a job well done is of primary importance to him.

Moon square Pluto

A problematic aspect is Mr. Obama's Moon/Pluto square. This aspect gives a loner's temperament and indicates trouble in parental relationships with a tendency to hold on to the past. (Perhaps writing his book where he addressed his parents' relationship and his early struggles helped with letting go. Saturn ruling ASC shows hardship in childhood though his parent's reputed involvement with the CIA may also be indicated here: Pluto = spying, surveillance, and secretive agencies.)

A Moon/Pluto SQ makes working with the public a must, and compromise helps with achieving one's goals; working in social service is indicated; regular breaks are necessary to unwind and recharge; delving into the occult is indicated yet care must be taken to keep confusion and lack of perspective at a minimum.

Jupiter/Chiron Midpoint = Ascendant; 1st House Chiron in Pisces

As you see (enlarge chart for easier viewing), the Jupiter/Chiron midpoint sits upon Mr. Obama's Ascendant so he is Jupiter/Chiron as well as having Chiron 5Pis19 Rx in 1st house of Self.

Chiron in mystical Pisces describes one whose life crisis is over connecting with the God force (Clow); he tends to hear Pan's flute on the wind (natal Pan 15Ari20 Rx in 2nd H of Values.) One of the power asteroids, Hidalgo, is Rx and conjoins n Chiron which is involved in a Water Grand Trine, as listed below.

Chiron in Pisces is the 'knight in shining armor' archetype where one is called on to perform heroic deeds at great personal risk - or to prevent them, as circumstances dictate. Quoting Richard Nolle: "Life...can be a mystical crusade in which mundane concerns have no place - a Quest for the Grail, perhaps, or a pursuit of the Ring of Power. Seeing in their mind's eye a better world, {those with Chiron in Pisces) take for granted values that may be totally alien from the perspective of prevailing social norms."

Like a New World Order and more 'free' trade agreements that destroy US jobs?

The personal belief system of Chiron in Pisces may create conditions of persecution and martyrdom for faith doesn't allow him the possibility of surrender; a mythical aura of The Hero may bring glory or tragedy for he is convinced that his mission is both necessary and worthwhile, a belief that is, I suspect, constantly renewed by the mentors who surround him. Unfortunately, his mentors seem to be of the one-world-government persuasion so prevalent within the realm of profiteering corporatism and Plutocracy.

His T-Square of Pluto/Chiron, the Plutocracy duo, points to natal Moon in Gemini indicating a reigning need (Moon) for communicating (Gemini) these powerful perspectives (Pluto/Chiron) which include all manner of -isms, primal violence (war, torture) and the disenfranchisement of the population.

Chiron square Moon

Adding emotional intensity, Chiron squares n Moon 3Gem21 in 4th H (1A58) describing more family injury to his psyche in early childhood from the matrilineal side: this aspect tends to create astrologers and analysts! Deep insight into human nature results from his early emotional experiences and deprivations with a Moon/Chiron square.

A Jupiter/Chiron vibe of The Seeker shows visibly with their midpoint upon natal Ascendant, as noted. (Jupiter and Chiron are 34 degrees apart, however, their midpoint is the president.) This combo of energies indicates faith and optimism, and an upwelling of hope with expectations channeled toward realizing the attainment of a transcendent objective (NWO?) The focus is on harmonizing his Quest (see Chiron in Pisces) with the prevailing socio-cultural environment. (Nolle.)

A Mystic Rectangle Affects Career Goals

Besides the Pluto/Chiron = Moon T-Square and the Water Grand Trine of Venus-Neptune-Chiron, you'll note a Mystic Rectangle between Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and MC. This is a planetary pattern of 'practical mysticism' (Tierney) and given other chart factors already mentioned, it's an interesting possibility that the president either knows and uses, or employs those who use, Astrology for timing purposes. An association with secret societies who use Sacred Geometry (Freemasonry, Illuminati-ism, Rosicrucianism, to name three) is a potential as well.

Planetary aspects within the Mystic Rectangle include:

Moon trine Jupiter gives him a radiant personality, ease in relating to all types of people, lots of creative imagination, and a sensitivity to outside influences with attempts to understand their true significance; solutions to problems are worked out as soon as possible and no bridge is crossed before it is come to.

Moon sextile Mercury (planet of oration in showy Leo) gives him a thoughtful disposition, a capacity for absorbing information readily with a high level of comprehension and recall ability; public relations is a good field for this sextile; tact and diplomacy skills are evident and may be admired even by opponents.

Mercury trine MC (note: Mercury also trines 2009's Inaugural Moon 29Sco45 since the Inaugural Moon - we-the-people - sits upon his natal MC, as noted on the chart) shows communicating talent used in career and an ability to get important people to listen; the profession and home life tend to be kept in balance.

Jupiter sextile MC gives career preferment, success,, and good fortune in matters of public status.

As you see, the Mystic Rectangle contains the Mercury/Jupiter opposition across the Leo/AQ and 6/12 axes which describes one who may go to extremes with their expectations; others may be alienated by a tendency to seem a 'know-it-all' and details may receive short attention when making decisions and this can lead to a need for revision in his positions later on.

Well, there's my thumbnail sketch of President Barack Obama, inspired by today's release of a copy of his birth certificate. If you get anything out of this post, I'm glad for it will soon be linked near the top of SO'W's sidebar for future reference and potential updating.

Further reading: the Wedding Day Astrology Report of the president's parents' marriage or that of Barack and Michelle Obama.


Midpoint pictures: Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey - any, all, or none may apply; some aspect info comes from Rob Pelletier's Planets in Aspect.

Mar 15, 2011

Japan's Ripped Apart Water Molecules, Mysterious Bird Deaths, & Neptune to Pisces

A Nuclear Proposal and a Water Molecule Explodes in Japan

by Jude Cowell

Seems to me that nuclear radiation leaks in the global nuclear arsenal and aging power plant systems could have been leaking long 'ere this and could be part of the poisoning of wildlife in various regions: mysteriously dead birds falling from the sky en masse; fish kills washing up on global shores. Reactors are now 40 - 50 years old with what is now known as sub-standard containment provisions.

What say you to this idea, Anonymous commenter?

As you know, the world is in meltdown: the Japan Meltdown is ongoing with leaked radiation now wafting across the Pacific Ocean toward the West Coast of the US. Astrologically, transiting Neptune (planet of poisons, gases, oils, water, oceans, the masses, media, propaganda, lies, fraud, deception, disillusion, illusion, entertainment, art-music-acting, disappointment, and loss - let's see...does that uncover most everything about Neptunian veils and masks except the positive side: spirituality and The Divine Source?)

Cuing Mr. Hades, god of the Underworld and Primal Power

Pluto's plutonium is one of the distressing factors in the deteriorating situation; the 60 people left behind are sacrificing their lives in order to fight the meltdowns at at least three power plants where there is nuclear waste on top of the reactors, says *Thom Hartmann. I can hardly type of it anymore right now (feeling a little ill here at the thought of Science's hubris - they can meddle with natural laws but they can't equally repair what they irreparably ruin.

In this case, General Electric designed the plants with the nuclear waste just sitting on top in pools. If the refuse burns (and it has; there's no remedy for nuclear waste disposal given its long 'shelf life' and anyone who says they want more of it brought into the world is a psychopathic control freak to the nth dimension. They mean no good toward society, may be practicing massive population control, and should be deterred on behalf of the world's common good.)

Another sad factor here is highly combustible uranium, namesake of planet Uranus (Ouronos.) And as astrologers understand the myth, Ouronos the Sky God, represents creative genius and in the realm of nuclear and atomic energy, it's genius gone wild.

With our Frankensteinian, Uranian 'mad scientists' at work for decades (which implicates energies of the zodiacal sign Aquarius where Neptune now lingers at AQ's last degree, the crisis-critical degree of 29AQ), we see dire effects manifested of a Neptune gone wild and wafting its harmful way across the sea, aided by lab tech Uranus.

If nuclear meltdown and radiation poisoning, results of ripping water molecules apart, are the key event/s of the long-dreaded year 2011 (leading into the even more dreaded-for-mysterious-occurrences-2012), it's a hard lesson which the Mutual Reception between Uranus and Neptune has been teaching. My prayers go out for all mankind as we reap what the nuclear industry has sown (with our willing compliance through diversionary tactics), and it seems in Japan to point - for much if not all of the catastrophe's culpability - directly toward General Electric (along with Japan's national power company) in whichever of the corporation's guises apply. For like the Atomic Split which also broke a natural law, there's a no-turning-back-now tone to the whole sorry affair.

Then, with Weather as Weapon issues of 'natural' disaster proportions lurking around the edges of a concerned public consciousness (awareness = our "Great Awakening"?), we must respond kindly to the dire needs of the Japanese people who seem to be unfortunately ensnared within Science's seemingly limitless nuclear laboratory. (Please see sidebar, right, for a How to Help Japan link. And yes, I've seen TV ads for a new film, Limitless, a Pluto-inspired movie on all levels.)

For good info on the disturbing topic of weather manipulation and more, a must-see is the writing of independent scientist working on radiation issues, Leuren Moret who connects the dots across the globe in a scientific yet humane manner. The people of the world have a need to know so please pass along any Leuren Moren links you have without delay.

So is there perhaps a good reason why radiation carnage is happening once again in Japan where the doom-filled first atomic bombs were unleashed upon an innocent Japanese population by US President Harry Truman? It wasn't simply a way to 'end' WWII, as touted, oh no. It was a declaration of the over-arching power of America over the entire globe, even then. Imperial America has only grown in stature through the decades since, yet now the nation's mojo has been hijacked by global usurpers of the crime syndicate strain of lowlife amoeba, (aka, financial usury-rate-gougers/plutocrats. Yes, Pluto expressing himself through Saturnian Capricorn has become excessively busy, has he not? And now Mr. Hades lurks so near a ruthless Fixed Star, Facies @ 8Cap18, a star connected with earthquakes, as is cave-tunneling Pluto.)

Well, on March 11, 2011, a Fist of God planetary pattern formed between the Moon - adrift among the raging energies of nasty Fixed Stars Capulus and Algol - @ 28Tau43 (noon JST 3.11.11) - square crisis-degreed Neptune 29AQ12; the Moon/Neptune SQ points toward manager-scientist-governmental-official Saturn 15Lib39 Rx, which implicates American involvement (General Electric? It's surely a multi-national corporation by now but one supposes it considers itself American still. In the normal scheme of things, corporations are meant to have built-in expiry dates - society needs to re-establish that helpful rule.)

A midpoint picture is formed by the Fist of God trio as well:

Moon/Neptune = Saturn: caution about neglecting important societal concerns (nuclear waste, an aging collection of reactors ill-designed and maintained); being strongly influenced by the prevailing yet temporary circumstances (temporary? hurrah! if only); a sense of suffering under the yoke; pessimism or despair; feeling frustrated or paralyzed; the suffering of the soul; hard work to restructure ambition. (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

(It's safe to say we may all feel the horror which takes 'the starch' out of anyone yet the good people of Japan feel it most keenly and are most directly in harm's way. My intuition, such as it is, says that these conditions may culminate around May 20, 2012 with the arrival of a Solar Eclipse @ 00Gem conjoining Fixed Star Alcyone, keywords: something to cry about. More eclipse stuff later...)

Plus, resonating with tr Saturn, apex planet of the Moon/Neptune square, is the ongoing three-fer process of another US Saturn Return (@ 14Lib48, and a 28-year-cycle) which in 2011 adds to our governmental, legal, and commercial culpability for the nuclear events at hand. (The helm of America was coup'd decades ago by world class meddlers.)

And Saturn's current and apt Sabian Symbol? '16Lib' = "A Boat Landing Washed Away."

Feelin' d'Guinea Pig Blues Deep Down, Y'all

There's a Fixed Star in the belly of constellation Cetus, The Whale (Menkar, victim of the Unconscious) which echoes the story of Jonah who was swallowed by a great Whale (aka, the Great Collective Unconscious of Humanity, or Humanity's Ark; Leviathan) for three days until he got with God's common good program and warned the people as he was meant to do. And I can't seem to shake an impression that the recent conjunction of Pluto in Capricorn (ruled by harsh Saturn) with tr North Node (NN, of the Moon) timed a 'mass destiny of a large number of people' vibe of shared fate which we now experience through the channel of the horrid Japan Meltdown, a catastrophe affecting the entire planet and our global environment. Pluto/NN also describes, powerful connections or encounters.

In response to all these plutonian considerations, here's a Wiki on the Anti-Nuclear cause if you wish to investigate alternate actions to sitting like a lump typing at a pc keyboard - oh, wait! That's me.

Remember Chernobyl 1986 for its fallout still haunts us and adversely affects the DNA of each individual and the very matrix, the mitochondrial DNA, of Mother Earth herself.

Image: Celestial Path and Beyond, imported from Secret Moon Art.


Recommended: Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron and its chapter on Chiron and the Bomb. If this research, pioneered by Bruce Cathe, is correct, there is a specific reason Why Japan Again? in 2011 and it concerns the fact that, to quote,

"--atomic war is a virtual impossibility on this planet because of the unbreakable laws of mathematics and geometry."

Now specifically that's bomb talk and in Japan now it's a slightly different tale of unfortunate disruption yet the catalytic actions are similar in their super-nature as natural laws go unheeded for the alleged sake of progress and new technologies. Besides, knowledge is power. And power is Pluto.

Check out the potential parameters of nuclear reactions occurring 'successfully', if you have the book (yes, there's a Kindle version for $9.99) which may indicate that Japan in March 2011 remains one of the particular spots on Earth where nuclear reaction can indeed take place. This need for timing in a precise location may show that human - shall we call it - "agency" - is more consciously at fault in Japan's catastrophe (earthquake at nuclear plants' locations causing tsunami conditions and death) than is clearly being seen with invisible Pluto, planet of fear and coping, pulling his usual strings of manipulation and control and sending ruinous particulates into our global atmosphere and water for soil, fowl, and fish to snarf up and pass on to us.

*Click the Thom Hartmann Show's link (aired March 15, 2011, above) to read or view his report on the Bush-appointed John Roberts Court and its increase of SCOTUS decisions which have sided with Big Corporations (asteroid Cupido in a mundane chart = Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate) against US citizens' best interests; the numbers are wa-a-y up since Roberts took over The Big Gavel.

Today Thom also plugged Senator Al Franklin's introduction of a bill for protecting Net Neutrality. We-the-people and the peoples of the world need this bill to pass, m'peops! Now I signed the petition. Will you?


In addition, my apology for not mentioning in this column Japan Meltdown's effect on global financial markets which was not my focus today even though world markets are currently wobbling or plummeting over such 'fears'. Supply-Demand routes will be interrupted as well yet we may assume from experience that wealthy Pluto will find himself in the best win-win situation from it all than any of the rest of us pawns and dupes.

And on another topic (or is it?), a re-airing of the excellent Orwell Rolls in His Grave will be shown on LINK TV beginning March 24, 2011, just so ya know. If the page still says there are 'no air dates' scheduled, ignore. Because they announced March 24 a little while ago. jc

Apr 18, 2010

Reaching for Chiron in Pisces

Reaching and actually grasping anything in Pisces is a tall order, if not an impossibility, and all through last week I made notes on Chiron in Pisces and related subjects in the political realm only to face this weekend's Mercury Rx (conjunct my natal 9th cusp - ouch!) which seems to undergird a freeze on actually writing or posting anything from my notes about Chiron traversing the deepest, most compassionate zodiac sign around.

Then today I find that astrologer Mandi Lockley has had much the same experience recently (one of Chiron's words, experiential) yet she has come through with flying colors and helpfully published Chiron in Pisces: Water Over Rocks, an article I highly recommend to you.

Mandi includes Chiron's schedule of retrogrades as The Centaur returns to Aquarius, then zooms back into Pisces in a few months, so do check out the shamanic Wounded Healer's whereabouts and what Mandi has to say about Chiron in Pisces, a placement that gives those who have it natally a crisis over connecting with the God force, the universal oneness, as noted in Barbara Hand Clow's invaluable book Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets (revised edition 2002.)

Seems to me that the collective is experiencing just such a crisis due to the harrowing events of the New Millennium: 9/11, a pre-emptive, illegal invasion based on lies and its resultant nation-bankrupting occupation (our bankruptcy as the US plays 'global cop'), and the power-elite-planned Financial Collapse of 2008.

Plus, since Chiron's orbit lies between Saturn and Uranus, the planets associated with the Middle East (particularly with Israel-Palestine), we may hopefully expect the Rainbow Bridge effect to lead us somewhere pragmatic yet compassionate while Chiron travels through Pisces. Hopefully (and prayerfully), the much-discussed World War III is not on Chiron's Piscean agenda for our era.

And while on the subject of Chiron, it would be remiss of me not to add a link to Julie Demboski's excellent book Chiron in the Natal Chart, also highly recommended reading for understanding more about one of Astrology's most interesting catalysts in our natal charts and psyches.

As for my own Chironic blogging schedule, the Politics of the thing must willingly wait until I get around to blogging about it because, in spite of Washington DC's gross mismanagement of our nation in recent decades, Politics isn't going away any time soon. Pity.

At least, that's been my experience of it.


Were you born when Chiron was in Pisces? Yes, if born within these dates, give or take a few hours:

3/20/1910 - 8/29/1910
1/16/1911 - 3/31/1918
10/23/1918 - 1/28/1919

3/27/1960 - 8/19/1960
1/21/1961 - 3/31/1968
10/19/1968 - 1/30/1969


Mar 18, 2008

Obama's speech on race March 18, 2008

The Obama campaign has released a transcript of the Senator's speech on race which he gave earlier today in Philadelphia in an attempt to diffuse the furor over his relationship with Pastor Wright, an American citizen who has a right to express his own views.

And here's my post from this morning on Obama's natal Chiron in mystical Pisces which applies to the issues of religion, race, and serving the political gods as he is want to do.

The Virgo/Pisces axis is the victim/savior axis, as you know, and tr Saturn Rx has been within orb of opposing his natal Chiron this year--a time when parental issues come to the surface and humanitarian causes are on the front burner. A presidential candidate mindful of humanitarian issues--is this for real?

Healthcare, the economy, and the war in Iraq were his themes as he asked for America to come together on these issues which are begging for Washington's attention rather than diverting ourselves with (or allowing the media to multiply) the red herrings of presidential rhetoric in avoidance of our dire and real problems.

I have to agree with him there...the divide and conquer tactics of our pretend-two-party system have proven too successful for the People's common good...but it sure keeps the same old fatcat crusties wielding power in Washington, doesn't it?