August 3, 2016: as he promised, here is UK astrologer Steve Judd delineating the presidential nomination chart of Hillary Clinton with its prominent Saturn-Neptune square:
Here's a previous post concerning the Saturn-Neptune square., pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
August 3, 2016: as he promised, here is UK astrologer Steve Judd delineating the presidential nomination chart of Hillary Clinton with its prominent Saturn-Neptune square:
Here's a previous post concerning the Saturn-Neptune square.
August 2, 2016: UK astrologer Steve Judd discusses today's (or tonight's in the UK) New Moon in Leo, its connection to the ongoing Saturn-Neptune square, and the entrance of transit Mars into Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius which will hopefully be more forthcoming in the truth department than Mars in intense, secretive Scorpio has been.
And tomorrow Steve hopes to have a look at the nomination of Hillary Clinton which promises to include interesting perspectives coming from abroad--especially since Mars @00Sag+ conjoins the natal Jupiter of Hillary Clinton and suggests her already improving poll numbers since the DNC!
Related: August 23, 2016: a Mars-Saturn-Antares Conjunction @9Sag52.
July 27, 2016: As I return from one week of no Internet service, moseying around YouTube and political sites today has been interesting to say the least. Did I miss last week's RNC and this week's DNC? No, because I had other means of following the proceedings, the speeches, the booing, the cheers, the videos, and the nominations.
But since Stars Over Washington for the last year or so has given considerable space to the campaign and the common-good, progressive ideas of Senator Bernie Sanders, and since Hillary Clinton snagged the Democratic nomination in part via the collusion of an allegedly neutral DNC, I searched for a broadcast related to the principled divide within the Democratic Party and what I found is a progressive broadcaster previously unknown to me. Her name is Randi Rhodes and she seems to be a live wire sort of lady (perhaps born under a Fire-Air personality blend!?) who comes to us from Florida and has quite a lot to say about political matters.
Here is Randi Rhodes on the 5 Stages of Grief for Berners, and a few other observations:
As you've heard, tonight's DNC spectacular from Philadelphia will include President Barack Obama speaking on behalf of Hillary Clinton who remains for him, one assumes, "likable enough."
On Friday July 15, 2016, Candidate Donald Trump Set to Announce His VP Pick
by Jude Cowell
Today is Thursday July 14th, the radio is on, and as I await Herman Cain's live call-in interview with Donald Trump at 11:00 am this morning, I peek at the horoscope for Trump's VP announcement said to be scheduled for tomorrow July 15th at 11:00 am (NYC). Hints suggest will be Indiana Governor Mike Pence because his name isn't on the RNC 2016 speakers list.
Update 1:00 pm edt: WSB Radio reports that Mike Pence is Trump's VP choice.
Later update: Trump canceled due to the attack in Nice, France and won't confirm Mike Pence as VP pick. Changeable Gemini.
Note: Trump and Cain (natal Saturn-Pluto = Mars, and Trump is nothing if he isn't Mars-and-Regulus-rising) spoke for about 13 minutes on what Trump will do for America, the Justice Ginsburg diss and apology, and the importance of nominating conservatives on the Supreme Court; he also mentioned tomorrow's VP announcement at 11:00 am.
Trump VP Announcement July 15, 2016 11:00 am edt NYC
For me, two chart factors stand out: 1. the trio of Mars (24Sco40), Moon (2Sag54), and Saturn (10Sag25 Rx) which create a difficult midpoint picture suggesting loss, moodiness, depression, and/or a weak will (Ebertin; Tyl), plus, '1Sag' is the "A Grand army of the Republic Campfire" degree.
If we turn to Michael Munkasey's midpoints, we find potentials for: anger over restrictions, fluctuations of energy levels, development of courage or strength, and/or an awareness of the need to restrain impulsive activity (my guess with a VP Pence) though who can say if Pence, Gingrich, or anyone as VP can moderate the actions, rash emotions, and indisretion of Mr. Trump. As you know, the Mars-Saturn duo indicates such things as: destructive energy, using force when restraint is required, taking what belongs to another, persistent wars, use of strife and struggle, demands to halt armaments, frustrations imposed by or upon criminal elements, plus, Mars-Saturn marks the death axis in a horoscope. Needless to say, any Moon is a very uncomfortable Moon when she's between Mars and Saturn, and a mundane Moon in American charts = We the People. This midpoint picture suggests the warring implications as mentioned, above, including the further militarization of police forces.
Chart factor 2. At Midheaven, the WHY? Point of any horoscope, on Friday July 15, 2016 at 11:00 am edt NYC is 25Gem18, the precise degree of Donald Trump's New Moon announcement of his presidential run on the morning of June 16, 2015. You'll remember that Mr. Trump used an agency to round up audience members and paid them each $50 to be there for his announcement and pretend to be in favor of it.
As Mr. Trump has said, he's only the messenger, and this assertion (which I've heard him say myself) is supported by the Gemini New Moon that began his campaign yet this necessarily begs the question: exactly whose message is he delivering? Perhaps we'll find out during the RNC and the RNC Full Moon of fulfillment and culmination which conjoins America's natal Pluto in Capricorn, significator of The Dictator who destroys so that he can rebuild anew upon the ruins.
Suitable for children, check out these Fun Facts about Governor Mike Pence born June 7, 1959 Columbus, IN, a Sun Gemini like Mr. Trump as is Newt Gingrich who also shares Trump's Sagittarian Moon--too much alike? Well, as for Mars and Saturn, Pence has them inconjunct which indicates that he's easy to intimidate, something Trump excels in and what Gingrich doesn't have. Plus, if Mr. Pence was born between 12:00 am and 12:44 pm CDT, his Moon is also in Gemini along with his Mercury--and all are grouped near Mr. Trump's natal Gemini placements. That's an abundance of wheeler-dealer Gemini, sign of The Messenger, which may provide excitement yet is unstable, changeable, and sometimes duplicitous.Pence, Gingrich--and perhaps I should add today's Crazy Rumor which surely will be dispelled when Trump speaks tomorrow at 11:00 am or so: Rush Limbaugh for VP! The White House as right wing radio show? Please don't stay home on November 8th. Please.
Related posts: We the People: Moon-Tracking RNC and DNC 2016 and Clinton vs Trump: the New and Full Moons of July 2016. Now if we get a Trump we also get a Melania so you may wish to check out a previous post concerning the Wedding Day Astrology of Donald and Melania Trump.
Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey; The Combination of Stellar Influences, by Reinhold Ebertin, and Solar Arcs, by Noel Tyl.
Anyone who pays attention to a combination of Politics and lunations has marked July 2016 as quite an interesting month with a New Moon for America's Solar Return on July 4th and the New Moon's culmination, a Full Moon @27Capricorn conjunct US natal Pluto that perfects during the Republican National Convention--on the RNC's 2nd day, July 19th, to be precise. Will Pluto add violence, transformation, power, sabotage, wealth--or some combination of each to the political events of July 2016? Can NeverTrumpers shut him out of the process? Will the GOP stop pretending Trump's bigotry isn't their own deep down inside?
Previously I had typed aloud whether the Gemini New Moon imprinted upon Mr. Trump's presidential bid announcement of June 16, 2015 would somehow crescendo, culminate, and/or fulfill at the RNC Full Moon of July a political sense, that is. Cosmically, the July 4th New Moon @12Cancer (conjunct US natal Sun, leadership) is the seeding stage for projects and activities that will come to fruition on July 19th during the RNC and it will be interesting to see how the Cancer-Capricorn energies of New and Full Moons play out for Donald Trump and for our nation. This is assuming that his candidacy isn't aborted prior to or during the convention. Apparently, security, domestic, business and career matters are on the agenda and, until about September 1st, we're still under the auspices of the March 9, 2016 Solar Eclipse with its themes of separations, partings, and endings (18Pis55; Brady).
Plus, as reported in the news, Hillary Clinton's approval ratings are said to be widening lately, inspired perhaps by candidate Trump's lack of professionalism, disdain for ads and staffing, sketchy campaign funds, issues that are interfering with his smoothly sailing into the Republican nomination in the way he had expected given his overbearing lead in the Republican field. Unless the whole scheme is a sham intended to elect a baggage laden lady president!
Now during DNC 2016 a lunation perfects as well: on July 26th at 6:59 pm there's a Quarter Moon (Sun @4Leo square Moon @4Taurus), a Fire-Earth combo of Fixed energies with 'staying power' that curiously enough is the natal Sun-Moon blend of her husband, former President Bill Clinton, master Leonine showman. Guess his DNC 2016 speech will seem like old times to many of us! Yet he'll appear onstage with what some say may be a difficult job--to sell President Hillary Clinton to the American people.
Therefore, let's consider what could be two clues hidden within the Sun Leo-Moon Taurus blend during DNC 2016 for it contains a couple of interesting Images for Integration, according to Charles and Suzi Harvey in their excellent Sun Sign-Moon Sign book. Perhaps you'll agree that the word pictures apply to Bill's DNC 2016 task:
"Eliza Doolittle is transformed into a Duchess...A master potter turns dull clay into an exquisite vase."
Care for a Duchess Hillary in the Oval office, anyone? As opposed to real estate mogul Mr. Trump?
US elections are riddled with fraud and I wonder how apathetic the American people can possibly be concerning an issue that should form the basis of a democratic society. Farron Cousins and Lee Camp discuss:
Bernie's White House Meeting with Mercury Opposing Mars Rx
by Jude Cowell
Contacts between Mercury and Mars often have political implications and their opposition tomorrow, the day that Bernie Sanders meets with the President and Harry Reid at the White House, suggests differing opinions.
However, a curious double transit is in force for 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders whose accurate birth time has not been verified, last I heard. But even without an exact time, a quick peek at the White House meeting transits for June 9, 2016 confirm that for Senator Sanders, the day involves both a Sun to Jupiter and Jupiter to Sun double transit--Sun being ego and life purpose, and Jupiter playing many roles but here we'll don the Great Beneficent's political hat since it resonates with our current topic.
Expanded ego is one of the potentials for Sun-Jupiter contacts, as you know, but there are other implications in the situation the senator and the Democratic Party find themselves in at the moment with Hillary Clinton as the party's presidential nominee in spite of Bernie's mass appeal and his higher score when pitted against Mr. Trump--he has better favorables than Hillary.
Other transits are involved, of course, but Sun with Jupiter is a pretty big deal especially since it's quite rare that such a double transit occurs at all. Now his Virgo Sun and Virgo Jupiter are quite humble or at least they give a good rendition of it--and Jupiter is seldom humble. Even so, let's consider their White House meeting tomorrow, June 8th, as a Sun-Jupiter affair.
Sun to natal Jupiter (19Gemini) denotes a day or two of optimism and generosity during which positive outcomes may be expected even though difficulties may exist. Confidence is high and dramatic words and gestures may be in the picture. A judicial topic may be on the menu and President Obama and Minority Leader Harry Reid may offer the senator something he craves such as a top speaking spot at DNC 2016 in July. Considering that the Democratic Party won't want to alienate the millions of Sanders supporters, it's the least they can offer. Platform input is a potential goodie as well which falls under the 'Hillary shoved to the left' category, thanks to the Bernie Sanders campaign.
Yet like the hope of the American people on Inauguration Day 2009 for real change, anything corporate Democrats are likely to say or promise may be only fluff when actual governing occurs. After all, the public's Inauguration 2009 Moon @29Sco45 hinted at political duplicity by the ruling class via its revealing Sabian Symbol: "A Halloween Jester." (I blogged this trickery at ya then but ya weren't listening with both Jupiter and Neptune to US natal Moon!)
Naturally the longer lasting transit for Senator Sanders is the Jupiter to natal Sun which has been in effect for a while with Jupiter Rx, then Direct, and it marks a period when something--a project or endeavor--reaches culmination that was begun about 12 years ago and now must be either moved forward or discontinued. The issue is motivated by a need for ego satisfaction and we can safely acknowledge that everyone has an ego, even politicians who tend to become carried away with their own self importance on a daily basis. After all, their very careers depend upon large numbers of people voting for them in what is basically a constant supply of ego-puffing approval and applause which are put at their disposal (or, if cheaters, the illusion suffices) along with lucrative pocket-lining for those who partake.
Is Bernie Sanders puffed up or authentic? Perhaps unconsciously puffed at most! And full of strong convictions, one of which is that America belongs to We the People, not the billionaires.
Now since generosity is part of his current Sun-Jupiter circumstances, my hope is that the senator will make a promise or two of his own. Perhaps he will agree to support down-ticket Democrats in their races by contributing money from his campaign chest, something he has previously neglected to do. Failing that, perhaps he'll act like the crusty codger some pundits are painting him to be and continue fighting on for the presidency ('tilting at windmills', as they say). Yet it's good to have a spare in case the Clinton 'mystique' wears thin by November (and please don't offer Bilderberger-CFR guy, Joe Biden!) Bernie's DC Rally on June 14th should be interesting.
So will Thursday's White House meeting persuade Bernie to join The Team in an attempt to keep a Trump fiasco from befalling our country in November?
Well, with transit Jupiter in Virgo conjoining his natal Sun, ego inflation isn't actually necessary for it's time that Senator Sanders receive the honor and recognition due him without having to make demands (though he won't want to let down his followers by quitting too soon.) However, I hope his followers realize that it's growing late--and it's all about timing. And We the Voters must accept flawed nominee Hillary Clinton over the gaping maw that awaits us if we allow the Mars-rising, kingly Mr. Trump to perpetrate his version of a circus barking, snake oil selling presidency.
Because things really are that bad.
Horoscopes: RNC and DNC July 2016
by Jude Cowell, your Common Good political astrologer
As always, my only nag in the race is America and as you know, in Mundane Astrology the Moon represents The Public whose favor and approval can fluctuate in the blink of an eye. So with the fast approaching Republican and Democratic National Conventions in July 2016, let's track the Moon through her zodiacal signs during the party nomination processes searching for lunar clues concerning public mood, sentiment, and popular trends in relation to Campaign 2016 and the presidential nominees who, here in late May, seem to be pre-selected.
For both events you see expansive Jupiter conjoining fixed star Denebola (21Virgo) with key words: out of the mainstream; to go against society which shows 'the outsider' quality of this election, a requirement of Venus as Evening Star, and one which can be satisfied by a victory for Hillary Clinton (a female), Bernie Sanders (a Democratic Socialist and Independent), or Donald Trump (a self-declared non-politician).
First up are the Republicans: RNC July 18--21, 2016 (Cleveland, Ohio). (For the DNC July 25--28, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, see below). Besides the Capricorn Full Moon of Tuesday July 19th, a few other lunar events and aspects will be briefly mentioned as we sail through the signs with Luna, the astrological significator of emotions, feelings, needs, trends, publicity, and popularity. For the time frame, we're symbolically using the first day of each convention at 12:00 am until the last day of each convention at 11:59 pm--to represent each event in its entirety and to cover all possible signs of the Moon from start to finish. The 'last day' 11:00 pm charts are shown, below.
Note that the Sun remains in Cancer during the RNC and in Leo during the DNC, with Cancer ruled by the Moon, Leo ruled by the Sun; brief notes on the changing Sun-Moon blends are included as well as the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse (18 South) which influences both conventions with 'separations, endings, partings' vibes.
RNC 2016: Monday July 18th 12:00 am: the Moon begins @4Cap28 (Sun 25Can57) giving the public at home and in the audience a serious tone of ambition and practicality with duties taken seriously (Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business; tribal Cancer denotes home but also business); a Moon-Saturn tone indicates that some frigidity of feeling may be in evidence, if not onstage or in the audience, then behind the curtain. Monday July 18th also contains a Moon-Pluto flavor as the Moon conjoins transit Pluto at 9:24 pm (15Cap56). In Politics, a Moon-Pluto signature describes potentials for the misuse of resources in business and/or political activities, and/or campaign promises concerning the use of the military and/or police, plus, underworld criminal elements such as mobsters, fraud, waste, women's issues, and/or hidden wealth (Munkasey); (Cowell).
Actually, across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis, a doubling of Moon-Pluto vibes occurs on July 19th for a Full Moon @27Cap40 perfects and conjoins US natal Pluto (27Cap33) suggesting potentials for military and/or police involvement during the convention (or rhetoric about such topics), violence and/or criminal behavior, terrorism, paid protesters disrupting events, intense emotions such as rage or jealousy, hurled insults, hidden string-pulling, mass media and a very large amount of publicity. (Moon-Pluto = public relations; mass propaganda; a need for power.) Plus, with Moon-Pluto, a 'demanding tyrant' may be on the scene. This is supported by transit Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn which can express as The Dictator (Ebertin).
That the Full Moon's Sun opposes US natal Pluto @27Cap33 (and US SP Pluto @29Cap, a critical degree) hints at what we know to be the case: major power plays are in progress. The July 19th Full Moon may potentially reveal secrets much as a Lunar Eclipse can do and may involve the Pentagon and/or may place plutocrats (Pluto) in the public spotlight, and highlight misogyny, point to abortion issues, and/or uncover past abuses of women. Simultaneously, transit Pluto squares US natal Saturn (14Lib48), a time when motives must be aboveboard, and restriction and criticism occur due to our government's ruthless abuse of power and authority.
RNC 2016: Two Sun-Moon Blends
So RNC 2016 opens with a pragmatic, muddy Water-Earth Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of the progressive traditionalist who knows how to appeal to the masses and can drive a hard bargain. Shrewd in business, smoothing the way for others is one this blend's aims along with following established protocol while looking toward the future. That Donald Trump can fit into such 'established protocol' remains to be seen but he has assured us that he can morph into something 'presidential'--spoken like a true thespian of the shape-shifting Gemini persuasion, one who is full of Mars-Rising self-confidence (on the outside, at least.)
Once the Moon enters Aquarius on July 19th (11:10 pm edt), convention vibes morph into a misty Water-Air blend of Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius, a more visionary combination of energies. Yet heart and head may be at odds with this blend along with an urge to 'upset the apple cart', as they say. Yet there is warmth of feeling here along with interests in home, family, and ancestral heritage, plus, an ability to practice Politics by what can be described as "a people person" (Harveys). Reaching out to the public and the forceful communication of ideas with passion and conviction are notable. Gregarious yet private, this blend allows a continual redefining of the personality and integrity along with a talent for creating magic for or upon the public.
By July 21st, the last night of RNC 2016, the Sun reaches the critical 29th degree of Cancer (+45m) spotlighting its interesting Sabian Symbol (when rounded up to '30Cancer'): "A Daughter of the American Revolution" = GLORIFICATION OF THE PAST (Rudhyar). The Republican Party certainly is determined on that even though it's an irrational head-against-brick-wall effort since the Great Cosmic Clock cannot be turned back to the 1850s or the 1950s! However, Mr. Trump's slogan, Make America Great Again, implies a link to our country's past and fits this symbol quite well. Of course, I assume that the RNC will not 'steal' the nomination from him by July!
Additionally on the evening of July 21st, America experiences a Lunar Return @27AQ at 11:36:19 pm edt which underscores our natal lunar aspects of July 4, 1776 (past history!) and the Thor's Hammer pattern (aka, a Fist of God) in our natal chart (I use 5:09 pm LMT with 12Sag rising, Jupiter ruling) with the Sun-Saturn square at its base (Cancer to Libra) pointing toward our natal Moon (We the People). My reading is that the Sun-Saturn square represents the three branches of government: Sun = the president, Saturn = lawmakers (Congress) and law interpreters (SCOTUS) with the power of the executive branch restricted (square = blockage) by the other branches--and vice versa. That's our founding checks'n'balances tradition, at least, before anti-government infiltrators meddled and the White House under Bush-Cheney wrongly engaged in preemptive war, among other unlawful things. In some cases, President Obama may have overstepped his bounds, too.
So! RNC 2016 is cosmically emphasized by a Capricorn Full Moon and a US Lunar Return, its dates possibly chosen for these planetary reasons. And it seems significant that Donald Trump announced his presidential bid on June 16, 2015 under the auspices of a New Moon @25Gemini07 (a new cycle of activity for him) and his political endeavor may culminate or pay off under the RNC Full Moon in Capricorn with the RNC's intense Moon-Pluto flavors of passion and possibly of violence. Now the Gemini-to-Capricorn lunations may be only a quixotic notion of his (or of mine!) but his 'Announcement New Moon' of The Messenger, Gemini (sign of his natal Sun, North Node, and Uranus), certainly seems about to bear Oval Office fruit--or at least provide the Big Opportunity for Mr. Trump's enlarged ego to pick a ripe one with his very own tiny little hands.
History of The Republican Party.
Here are both last-night horoscopes set for 11:00 pm edt (around the time when nominees' names are usually announced--or they've given their acceptance speeches): lower left = RNC Thursday July 21, 2016 11:00 pm edt; upper right = DNC Thursday July 28, 2016 11:00 pm edt; as you see, the current Solar Eclipse @18Pis55 rises in the RNC chart and is intercepted in the 12th house of Politics in the DNC chart which suggests the possibility of some sort of fated separation or parting taking place behind closed doors:
Now we mosey to Philadelphia where DNC 2016 begins Monday July 25th (12:00 am edt through Thursday July 28th 11:59 pm edt) with the Sun in early Leo (conjunct President Obama's natal Mercury--he will speak at DNC, of course) and the ever-changing Moon @9Aries02. Note that Aries is Bernie Sanders' natal Moon sign though it could possibly be Hillary Clinton's Moon sign, too, if her birth time is later than advertised. Interesting that the Moon will soon contact '11 Aries' which in Sabian Symbols is, "The Ruler of a Nation" (Rudhyar) or "The President of the Country" (Jones). For public sentiment, Moon in Mars-ruled Aries indicates an eager mood of impulsive or stirred up emotions and excited women. And we may hear Hillary bring up the "I am one of you with my modest beginnings" assertion though to me it sounds more sincere coming from Brooklyn-ite Bernie Sanders.
Tuesday July 26th: at 11:37 am, the Moon leaves Aries and enters Venus-ruled Taurus, its sign of exaltation, then on Wednesday July 27th at 9:55 pm, Luna will return to natal degree of former President Bill Clinton (20Tau18), a Lunar Return--with Jupiter trining his Moon along with Pluto so that a practical Earth Grand Trine is formed indicating a comforting power of attraction. This trine is a closed circuit of energies and hints at 'powerful builders' on the material plane, those who can consolidate vast resources until solid gains are made (Tierney).
Yet the course of the Moon (reigning need - Tyl) has obstacles in its path via two squares from Mercury @25Leo44 (5A26) and Venus @10Leo28 (0A49) indicating conflicting opinions (Mercury) and a need to adopt another's perspectives (Venus) which I read as Hillary's adoption (in her rhetoric, at least) of the more progressive views of Senator Bernie Sanders.
To hear very clearly another candidate's perspectives which political pundits say are causing Hillary to lean Left, check out the rousing speech of Bernie Sanders at his Bakersfield, California rally on May 28, 2016.
And of course, Mercury represents young people (such as Millennial voters who prefer Senator Sanders in great numbers) and/or students of student loan fame. Lady Venus on one level may represent women or people involved in professions such as entertainment or the beauty industry, or who work in financial and/or teaching fields. 'If' Hillary is the nominee, she'll need to make some adjustments in her campaign promises which is supported or triggered by the chart's Moon phase of 3rd quarter, the crisis in consciousness phase.
Now here are brief notes on the three Sun-Moon blends that form during DNC 2016:
Monday July 25th: Sun Leo-Moon Aries (Fire-Fire): passionate, ambitious, dictatorial, a social conscience yet self-centered; adventurous, extroverted, a daring gambler, wants to improve things and takes charge. Cautions are to avoid grandiosity, rashness, and recklessness. (This blend may describe the environment on the first day and/or someone who takes charge of the proceedings, possibly DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz).Tuesday July 26th -- Wednesday July 27th: Sun Leo-Moon Taurus (Fire-Earth): a showman, regal, dictatorial, loyal yet self-seeking, magnetic, generous, powerseeking, a good administrator, intensely stubborn, self-confident with a "splashy personality," reliable, sincere and courageous, shrewdly commercial, a big thinker. Cautions are vanity, inflexibility, subjectivity, and a lack of cooperation.
Thursday July 28th: Sun Leo-Moon Gemini (Fire-Air): humorous, analytical, restless, sociable, organizing skills, youthful, purposeful yet playful, ambitious, adaptable, a quick learner, intuitive, friendly, quick witted, perennial student, persuasive communicator with a social conscience, an optimistic opportunist. Cautions are restlessness, emotional fickleness, and a tendency to over-rationalize.
Mask off! For Sun Leo-Moon Gemini is the natal personality blend of Barack Obama! And he has a Moon Return (3Gemini) during the last day of DNC 2016.
Now you see in the DNC chart a 'YOD pattern' as long as we're willing to count the Midheaven (MC, the Goal/Career Point @6Cap27) as the place where the Sun-Moon sextile (60 degr) at its base can express (in Career). At the Sun-Moon midpoint conjunct the IC, I wrote, "Sun-Moon = Hill and Bill?" because I think it does represent them and their marriage, a partnership of power. Also at IC is US natal Jupiter @6Cancer with its telling Sabian Symbol, "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests", a word picture from 1776 speaks for itself, agreed? Say what you will about the Clintons returning to the White House with all their tiresome baggage (that the GOP will never shut up about), since leaving the White House in January 2001, their speaking careers and the Clinton Foundation have been very lucrative for them and their family.
Now on the right side of the chart you see my scribbles of "YOD: Sun-Moon = MC: husband and wife, and Sun-Moon = US natal Jupiter: joint success" (Ebertin), with a YOD denoting 'a special task, turning point, or crossroads' within this midpoint picture. Return of the Power Couple is apparently the Clintons' goal. The question of a crime syndicate coming along with them is beyond the scope of this post--besides the US is infested with criminal syndicates already. However, I consider the two political parties as factions of a ruling elite with each group determined to control the American branch of Global Government, and it will probably make little if any difference to the fate of the American people whether a Republican or a Democrat is selected by higher-ups to steer our sinking ship, the military arm of said Government.
As for the upcoming transfer of power, a clue is found via the transiting Saturn-Neptune midpoint (26Cap+) now conjoining US natal Pluto which sits atop the Inauguration 2017 horoscope with potentials for feeling downtrodden (Tyl), and denials of guilt from responsible parties (Munkasey).
Now there are two societal conditions that need serious addressing but will the new boss be same as the old? Yes, unless it's President Bernie Sanders. But how many sold-out politicians do you think would cooperate with him?
In closing, I want to say that whoever moves into the Venusian Oval Office on January 20, 2017, the opposite party should consider one thing--that all their sore-loser criticisms and undermining of the presidency simultaneously undermines the United States of America. So as was not done during the presidency of Barack Obama, please think thrice before you determine upon our national failure because your treason is showing.
History of The Democratic Party.
Related posts: a few brief astro-notes concerning RNC Chairman Reince Priebus; Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper; The Venus Cycle and US Presidential Election 2016; and 19 North Solar Eclipse Affects Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017.
Note: you may wish to check back later for this post may be updated with timely info as July approaches! jc
With both the RNC and the DNC stalking us in July, 2016, isn't it comforting to know who funds and thereby benefits financially from these massive Political Theater stage shows? No, they aren't demonstrations of 'democracy at work', they're more signs of Corporatism and political propaganda of The Establishment at work, balloons and all. And who can resist festive balloons?
In case you missed it, have a look at the horoscope of the Full Moon conjunct US natal Pluto in governmental Capricorn which perfects on July 19th during RNC 2016. The RNC Full Moon could be the fulfillment of the Gemini New Moon that occurred on June 16, 2015, the day that Donald Trump announced his 2016 bid for the GOP nomination and it will probably merit the RNC with greater publicity than the DNC will receive.
So will Mr. Trump's new cycle of political activity (New Moon) be fulfilled or culminate at the July Full Moon? Actually, Quicken Loans may know something about the possibility of a Trump nomination in Cleveland, while Wells Fargo goes on to toast the Democratic nominee in Philadelphia. We'll suffer the same old corporate fraud and mismanagement either way unless Bernie Sanders is the nominee.
But sorry to say, how a President Sanders could manage to turn America away from its corporate Global Government course that has simmered so long in the Utopian visionary cauldron is any citizen's fervent dream...assuming that that is what he wants to achieve.
Do you wonder why Campaign 2016 is such a hot mess? Are you dreading or perhaps hankering for July to arrive when both political parties will convene at their national conventions in order to nominate their 2016 Republican and Democratic presidential candidates? Need inspiration?
Well, to get in the mood there's a whole bunch of American History stuffed into the following Crash Course video with actors and topics such as Hamilton, Jefferson, Adams, political parties, the electoral college, tariffs, women's equality, and more!
And why not check out Crash Course on Facebook.
Jan 11, 2016: yes, I heard about this on an Atlanta area radio news cast this morning and am glad that Thom is replying to the critics (who must be fretting that Bernie Sanders could be the 2016 Democratic nominee--wonder who?):