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Showing posts with label Alexander Hamilton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alexander Hamilton. Show all posts

Aug 1, 2018

On the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Alexander Hamilton

John Trumbull [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Because of the uncertainty of the birth data of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton I've never properly posted his natal horoscope or made much mention of him astrologically here on Stars Over Washington. However, there are multiple rectified versions of his natal chart for the curious if you wish to have a look at them or at his noon chart. His early childhood on the Island of Nevis has been subject to speculation through the years although more seems to be known these days. Here's his Wikipedia bio page if you're interested and a view of his 'noon' chart is available here. The version I tend to favor is a rectified chart (by Dr. "H") set for January 11, 1755 1:23:37 pm Charlestown, Nevis with ASC 19Tau53 and MC 9AQ20--and lots of Capricorn planets suitable for the man who championed America's national banking system, served as our first Secretary of the Treasury, and more.

The Age-Old Question: Who's Your Daddy?

In the natal chart I favor, Hamilton's natal Neptune @7Leo47 Rx, leader of a Locomotive shape of planets (toward success), conjoins his IC which describes Hamilton's mysterious beginnings or roots. Plus, rising is Taurus, a money sign (the Taurean 'Bull of bullish Wall Street') and an Aquarian Midheaven, the Aspiration and Career Point, brings in humanitarian or social work which resonates with his natal Uranus inconjunct Neptune aspect that identifies his generation as fighting social ills and becoming involved in political work. This aspect (150 degrees) between the two planets of The Enlightenment (and of the NWO, as their energies have since been directed) was also in effect from 1922 through 1928. And as you know, they last conjoined three times in 1993 @18Capricorn..."POLITICAL POWER...neg: smug or strong-armed paternalism" - Jones. Of course, paternalism is how America began by the Founding Fathers and what is now 'on steroids' under dictator-wannabe Trump.

Yet there are horoscopes relating to Alexander Hamilton which can be accurately timed without doubt. One is the chart of his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which perfected @22Lib35 on October 15, 1754 in the 9 New North Saros Series. This is a difficult series containing potentials for physical violence, accidents, and great physical effort (Brady). (A 9 New North last perfected in 2007 and will again in 2025.) His 1754 PE horoscope contains a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; crossroads; special task; spiritual opportunity) with Neptune sextile North Node (understanding of cultural trends but evading them) at its base pointing toward natal Uranus @7Pis49 Rx. As you know, astrological Uranus can be crisis-prone on its own so when rivals Hamilton and Burr met with pistols in 1804, transit Pluto Rx, god of Hades, had been in process of conjoining Hamilton's natal Uranus with Uranus-Pluto combinations always explosive and often daring and foolhardy.

Now the YOD in his natal PE chart may be read as a midpoint picture: Neptune-NN = Uranus: unrestrained self-will; upset over the anti-social conduct of others; a sudden undermining or destruction of relationships. Add transit Pluto to Uranus' place in the picture on July 11, 1804 7:00 am Weehawken, NJ and Hamilton encountered potentials for: exercising a bad influence upon associations between people and/or the breakdown of a relationship between people living together (Ebertin). Tragically, sudden death by duel or any other means can do that to a man and his family.

Bitter Rivals

As for the 1804 duel's PE, it manifested on February 11, 1804 @21AQ36 in the 4 North Saros Series with themes of: illusion, restraint, restriction, separation, events that block, and people who are prone to misjudge their strength or the situation. These themes sum up conditions and events around the Hamilton-Burr duel rather well, I think, especially since at 7:00 am LMT in Weehawken, vengeful Venus in proud Leo was rising and shooter Mars was at the critical-crisis 29th degree of Taurus.

A solar eclipse in the 4 North series last perfected in 2002 @20Gemini (conjunct US natal Mars and Trump's natal North Node) and will manifest next as the Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse of 2020.

Dec 8, 2016

Meet the Republican Elector Who Is Refusing to Vote for Trump - interview

When the Electoral College meets December 19, 2016 to decide whether (the unqualified) Mr. Trump is a demagogue and thus unfit to be US president, there is the possibility that 'faithless electors' may intervene and refuse to vote Trump which is precisely why Alexander Hamilton championed the Electoral College method--to deny demagogues the presidency in times when a gullible public is swayed.

Here Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, interviews Christopher Suprun of Texas who penned an op-ed in The New York Times on Monday describing his reasons for turning into a 'Hamilton Elector':

For a few astrological influences on December 19th which will affect the natal planets of Donald Trump, check out the day's Cosmic Conditions, a post for which I have had some Republican push back. Yes, 37 electors changing their votes and refusing Mr. Trump is a long shot but that's all it would take!

Related links:

Why the Electoral College?

Brief astrology notes on John Kasich, mentioned in the Suprun interview as a potential write-in candidate on December 19th.

Dec 7, 2016

The February 2017 Eclipse, Alexander Hamilton, and Aaron Burr

Recently The Mountain Astrologer published an excellent article by Kate Plumb concerning the (rectified) natal and progressed charts of Sun Capricorn Alexander Hamilton along with the Opening Night horoscope of the very popular Broadway show Hamilton. With Hamilton's natal chart progressed to Opening Night (August 6, 2015), we see modern influences upon a posthumous chart where its long deceased owner's life and reputation are now cast in the very bright spotlight of a Broadway stage. Fascinating!

Note: these notes concern the 'rectified by Regulus' natal chart though conflict remains since Hamilton may have been been born, not in 1755, but 1757, according to some historians. There are brief notes on the conflict and a view of his bio and natal chart (X-rated; no time) at astrodatabank.

In the rectified version of Hamilton's natal chart set for January 11, 1755 1:23:37 am LMT Charlestown, Saint Kitts-Nevis, one immediately notices the several placements including Sun and Moon, in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of business, law, government, and gilt-edged stocks and bonds. In fact, the Harveys, in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign give the Sun Cap-Moon Cap combination of energies a very Saturnian Image for Integration: "A hoary old grandfather sits in his chair with his grandson on his knee. He gives him a gift for his seventh birthday - a first edition of The Pilgrim's Progress." (Note: the boy's seventh birthday resonates with old man Saturn's 28-30 year cycle through the Zodiac and the first square occurring around seven, the typical age when baby teeth begin to fall out!)

As for modern planetary transits to Alexander Hamilton's 1755 natal chart, I refer to these:

Transit Neptune now conjoins natal Uranus 8Pis41 (changes in society cause confusion, disorientation, unrealistic expectations), transit Jupiter will soon conjoin and spotlight his Prenatal Eclipse degree (22Lib35) in the New North Saros Series, and the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12 will 'hit' his natal Uranus with its Uranian 'cosmic blink' vibes which may have either positive or negative influence--or a mixture of both--for his reputation and perhaps for his namesake Broadway show. And of course, transit Pluto's ongoing plod through Tropical Capricorn has and will lend power and the gift of transformation to his many Capricorn planets: Mercury 1:42, (Chiron 3:27), Moon 11:12, and on to Saturn 20:01 (a critical degree), Sun 21:17, and Venus 25:50 Rx. This Capricorn line-up is preceded in his horoscope by natal Pluto 15Sag03 and Mars 29Sag06, another critical degree (being the 29th--and anxious to enter Capricorn).

Hamilton's Prenatal Eclipse Series (PE), the 9 New North, initially manifested on August 21, 1664 @28Leo50 with warrior Mars 20Lib54 conjunct the explosive, revolutionary Uranus-Pluto midpoint which suggests potentials for fanaticism, violence, and a tendency to force ideas upon others. Hamilton was, as you know, an officer in the American Revolution, an aide to General Washington, if memory serves, and America's first Treasury Secretary. So it is through a solar Leo lens that his Libra PE may be viewed and thus involves cautions against egoism, pride, arrogance, and vainglory. And considering the themes of 9 New North, I must wonder if his fatal duel with Aaron Burr is on some level a part of the Sun-Venus eclipse influence because 9 New North themes are: violence, accidents, great physical effort, and a sudden physical event.

Naturally, there are several accounts of the Hamilton-Burr duel of August 11, 1804 and its sad aftermath and Eye Witness to History has one of them. And perhaps you may agree that the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the duel, the 4 North @21AQ36 which perfected on February 11, 1804, contains sadly appropriate themes: separation, restraint, inhibition, restriction, illusions, events that seem to block the individual which causes a tendency to misjudge strength or the situation (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Now here are some brief notes on five transits of the July 11, 1804 duel which greatly affected the 1755 natal planets of Alexander Hamilton and noting that squares (90 degrees) = blockages and obstacles, and inconjuncts (150 degrees) can indicate health crises--in this case, via bullet:

1. 1804 Jupiter square natal Venus: confused values and priorities, a victim of shameless social climbing, alliances and joint ventures suffer snags and difficulties.

2. 1804 Venus inconjunct natal Saturn: criticism, resentment, overreaction, envy, intolerance, retaliation.

3. 1804 Saturn square natal Mars: impatience over rules and regulations, thwarted physical actions, quarrels about who is right and who is wrong, anger, very unpleasant situations, authority figures resent aggressive actions, physical injuries.

4. 1804 Pluto conjunct natal Uranus: a generational challenge between power and anarchic forces and indicating extreme violence and destruction.

5. 1804 Mars inconjunct natal Mars (29Tau to 29Sag): a picture of the duel itself with fighting Mars off-kilter from Hamilton's natal Mars which hints at his decision to fire but miss his opponent; a negative health indicator.

So that is my brief astrological assessment of Hamilton, Burr, and their tragic duel, with certain Solar Eclipses added. Yet since we know there must be more to the story that so favors the victim, Alexander Hamilton, let's close with a revealing quote from Jefferson's Vice President Burr himself from the controversial biography Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg:

"In a Day or two will be published another pamphlet in which you...are to {be} proven part{y} to certain imaginary intrigues of mine. This knot of knaves cannot long hold together--they begin already to call each other lyars--the only truth they have uttered." Aaron Burr to Pierpont Edwards, 1802.

A 'knot of knaves'! And soon, in New York City's one Republican newspaper and elsewhere, the "sleazy insinuations and crude insults" followed and eventually the goal of his enemies was achieved--to destroy the political career of Aaron Burr. Hmmm...sounds a lot like the crude, vulgar, insulting 2016 Campaign, doesn't it?

Apr 21, 2016

Where US Politics Came From: Crash Course US History #9 - video

Do you wonder why Campaign 2016 is such a hot mess? Are you dreading or perhaps hankering for July to arrive when both political parties will convene at their national conventions in order to nominate their 2016 Republican and Democratic presidential candidates? Need inspiration?

Well, to get in the mood there's a whole bunch of American History stuffed into the following Crash Course video with actors and topics such as Hamilton, Jefferson, Adams, political parties, the electoral college, tariffs, women's equality, and more!

And why not check out Crash Course on Facebook.

Mar 19, 2016

March 2016: Venus conjunction Neptune in Pisces - Steve Judd

March 19, 2016: here's a freshly posted video from Bermuda by master astrologer Steve Judd concerning the current Venus-Neptune conjunction. Steve also touches on Spring Equinox 2016 which in the Eastern Time Zone perfects Sunday March 20, 2016 at 12:30 am; Venus conjoins Neptune in Pisces on March 20th at 1:45 pm EDT:

In Politics and Business, the Venus-Neptune pair provides potentials for an inflated treasury which may be used to manipulate growth, scandals involving the National Treasury, appeals to the ideals of the people (during Campaign 2016), wealth that is derived from the fossil fuel industry, misstatements about internal resources (Trump's tax returns?), monetary fraud, subversives gaining access to finances, spies infiltrating financial branches, and/or art deception (Munkasey). To these I would add the Vatican for its adoration of Mary as feminine goddess, prayers directed at statuary, and graven images.

The current debate over replacing Alexander Hamilton's portrait on the 10-dollar bill vs Andrew Jackson's portrait on the 20-dollar bill with a woman's image may also come under the influence of Venus-Neptune which often includes flattering photographs.

Feb 23, 2013

Ben Franklin on "a prime cause of the Revolution"

"The refusal of King George III to allow the Colonies to operate an honest money system which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the Revolution."

Benjamin Franklin

And with the early establishment of an English financial system of banks in America, Thomas Jefferson thought that Alexander Hamilton "cooked the books."

So other than book-cooking from the start, things have remained the same--murky--through the ensuing decades, haven't they? In fact, the US government is a corporation, not a government! If they had to prove themselves a government, they couldn't do so.

Here's a 43-minute video presentation, All Wars Are Bankers' Wars:


Then you may wish to check out a previous post on Andrew Jackson and his efforts to beat back his era's central banksters ("vipers.") The post includes a link to President Jackson's First Inaugural Address which sadly remains quite pertinent to the purposefully manufactured financial crises of our day.

Jul 24, 2007

Alexander Hamilton on war

"Can any reasonable man be well disposed toward a government which makes war and carnage the only means of supporting itself?"

Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804) Source: at the US Constitutional Convention

This quote was received from Information Clearing House