America July 2021 to July 2022: Career, Reputation, Illness, Home Care
by Jude Cowell
February 25, 2021: Based on a 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA horoscope, on July 4, 2021, the Sun returns to its position on July 4, 1776 @13Can19. Obviously, various founding horoscopes will give different results but this data is what I'm using for this particular Solar Return 2021 post. And as you see, using the MC (Midheaven = Career, Public Reputation, and/or Goal Point) allows two YOD patterns (dotted lines) to emerge for the year suggesting potentials for crises (which we already know we're in), turning points (or crossroads), and/or karmic opportunities for making evolutionary progress (or not, if solar energies are mishandled).
We should also consider that YODS can denote health issues but for the purposes of this post, let's allow 'home care' and 'nurturing' concerns to represent the balance of such potentials as the pandemic and vaccinations proceed.

Note: For background influences of the titanic conflicts between Saturn and Uranus this year, check out Mary Plumb's TMA article on the earlier Saturn and Uranus squares which includes links to other astrologers' posts. The last exact square perfects on December 23, 2021, and as you know, these squares issue from the 45-year Saturn-Uranus Cycle which began with their three conjunctions in late Sagittarius all through 1988 (along with Saturn Conjunct bubbly Neptune 3 times in 1989; 1988/89: major, sharp financial shifts). And now, with the squares, everyone is feeling their old order vs new order vibes while 'overcoming perilous conditions' is required and Democrats try to push through their Covid Relief Bill against Republican obstructionism. Do you see the GOP represented by restrictive Saturn blocking the progress proposed by Uranus via the Democrats? Then we agree.
Related: George Will's The Gifts of Greed (1992).
So for karmic progress on political, societal, and economic levels, it seems time for society to 'get over' the debilitating 'trickle down' economic policies of Ronald Reagan and his greedy ilk, so that America can advance by actually solving the societal problems of We the People. And I think the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope with its YODs and 'karmic opportunities for progress' agrees.
Because when a YOD points toward the Sun (leadership) as apex planet, the pressure is on to alter the way power and authority are utilized so that abuse of power is avoided. Ego-deflation may occur due to the quincunxes to the Sun (ego) yet if solar energies are properly channeled after years of preparation, one's full attention and inner strength will inform actions with the YOD/s acting as timing devices for the year described in the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope. Additionally, with powerful Pluto leading a Locomotive shape in the SR 2021 chart, a certain measure of ruthless determination will be necessary as our Ship of State chugs toward success. After all, the 'former guy' plans to continue his retaliation against Democrats, and, I would suggest, against the American people - see US natal Moon rising in the horoscope still (as always) opposed by Tr*mp's natal Mars in royal Leo!
(Note: in the US Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776, there are no YOD patterns in the US SR 2021 chart that I can find.)
Now one erratic factor in the chart that may or may not be worrying is that SR 2021 Uranus @13Tau56 conjuncts Inauguration Ascendant 2021 which can indicate disruption, sudden reforms, upsets, unexpected events, and/or a change of leadership with major new start potential which may echo the YOD's 'turning point' implication. However, it's possible that Uranus-to-ASC simply suggests coping ability.
And considering the difficult issues facing my fellow Americans, plus, the fact that We The People need a major break from disruption and upsets (although reforms are needed), I'll be hoping for coping ability supported by the insightful, visionary solutions inspired by the 5 North Solar Eclipse in versatile Gemini, North Node conjunct IC and Aldebaran ('success through integrity'), thinking/planning Mercury the Messenger nearby in its own sign and conjunct starry Capella, Phact, and Bellatrix, plus, Cupido, asteroid of Corporatism, The Syndicate, and The Family.