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Feb 19, 2007

Bush to override local law enforcement

From the SO'W Be-Very-Afraid Dept:

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government19 February 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

Making Martial Law Easier (The New York Times) 19 Feb 2007 ...[I]t was with a provision quietly tucked into the enormous defense budget bill at the Bush administration’s behest that makes it easier for a president to override local control of law enforcement and declare martial law... Beyond cases of actual insurrection, the president may now use military troops as a domestic police force in response to a natural disaster, a disease outbreak, terrorist attack or to any "other condition." #

Dick-tator Cheney must've been in on this.

Art Note: I've just posted a new drawing entitled, Crying to the Hills
at Secret Moon Art which you may wish to view. Let me know what you think, okay?

Feb 15, 2007

New Moon 2.17.07

You'll find many interpretations online of the New Moon of Feb 17, 2007, so I want to type out for you from Adriano Carelli's, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, with its antiquated and colorful ways of expression.

There's a real traffic jam at the top o'the chart, the Mc/Aspiration Point, the WHY of the chart, where you see tr Chiron nestled. Several planetary midpoints add to the picture, and as you see, the chart is specific to the White House, or to Capitol Hill not so very far away.

But first let's consider the midpoint which is rising, Saturn/North Node, a duo which together indicate isolation and inhibitions in unions or associations (Ebertin.)

Sat/NN = ASC: a inhibited person with a desire for seclusion; separation; suffering under difficulties with others. Sounds like Bush and his Iraq ball'n'chain...and he forged it himself.

Midpoints at Mc include:

Sun/Mars = Mc: efficiency; ready to fight for one's principles; accepting responsibility gladly; the character of a fighter; attaining success; marriage or union (the Part of Marriage is at Mc also);

Moon/Mars = Mc: a woman with strong principles; upright behavior; a forceful and purposeful nature; getting married (who's getting married? Anyone?)

Venus/Pluto = Mc: love; karmic union.

Now delusional, if idealistic, Neptune is being highlighted by a few midpoints as well, and they are:

Sun/Mc (the goal) = Nep: pursuit of the wrong objectives (how tiresome); apathy; indifference; confusion or a lack of clarity (Washington likes it that way for the most part--you weren't doing anything with that understanding, were you?); disappointments (they've been disappointing me for years); insecurity (they promote that--Homeland Insecurity); something threatens ego definition (a lack of ego in Washington? Impossible!)

Mars/NN = Nep: demonstration of anti-social conduct in associations; falsehood; undermining of associations; disappointments (again); self-absorption within the group--charismatic or off-putting (consider me off-put.)

There are two midpoints pointing at the New Moon itself...

Mercury/Neptune = Sun: possibly allowing oneself to be deceived; intellectual creativity; impressionability;

Merc/Nep = Moon: a misguided imagination; pictures from the subconscious; a deceived or deceptive woman.

NN/Mc = Sun: maintaining associations through shared interests; unions based on the physical; easy social ascendancy; the importance of friends and contacts for success;

NN/Mc = Moon: sharing emotions with others presents a challenge; a cozy atmosphere; an emotional character.

Neptune/Pluto, the Robber Baron duo, is conj Mars: being used a tool for other people's interests (there are many tools in Washington, as you know); a lack of resisitance, stamina, or energy.

Now quoting from Carelli's interpretation of the MC/Chiron traffic jam (Carelli recommends using the degree without rounding up)..."11AQ": Symbol: "A headless man, whose body is in full battle harness":

Warlike, rushing and forcible, outwardly splendid and innerly noble (there seems to be) no bearings and no aim. Reckless--nay, altogether blind--(he) will be destitute of any authority; his victories and his possible popularity will be short-lived. If a winner, he will not know how to exploit his victories and will leave his shoulders undefended for his opponents to hit back; if a loser, he will wander about as luck would have it. In a material sense, there is a real danger of wounds, mutilations, or death sentence.

Want Carelli's Symbol for the New Moon? Perhaps you don't, but here it is anyway:

"28AQ": "A man guzzling from a flask":

The assets will be merriness, an absolute naturalness of manner, a direct insight into reality. This degree's besetting sin is a tendency to ply the rummer. There will not be bad manners; there will be no manners at all.

Possible vices are alcoholism, idleness, fondness of gambling, dissoluteness, a tendency to loathe both poverty and the means to keep it at arm's length. Any reflection upon the consequences is superfluous.

With the New Moon the beginning of a cycle, and the Full Moon in two weeks being the culmination of something begun now, Washington sounds like its usual big honkin' barrel of monkeys, doesn't it? Guess it's what we've come to expect...aimlessness and recklessly warring, drunkeness (with power and greed along with the rum), idle, and long as it's other people's money, that is.

Now what are the chances the flask is in Bush's back pocket?

White House Oct 13, 1792

After Bush mentioned the beautiful White House yesterday, it seemed time to get off my duff and post the natal chart for the White House.

Put on your peepers and click to enlarge chart for the Feb 16, 2007 transits, sunrise, scribbled around the outside.

You'll find controlling, restricting Saturn stomping upon natal Uranus, the reformer and rebel, tr Venus conj n South Node--a separation point, tr Mars, the testy instigator, nearing Ic, the Foundation of the chart (although this is only the sunrise chart, 'tis true.)

There's a full 5th house of Speculation and Risky Ventures including tr Sun conj the 5th cusp, plus you'll notice that natal Mars 11Sag17 is in the same degree as the plutocratic Chiron/Pluto conj of Dec 30, 1999. Chiron/Pluto were parallel in mid-August, tr Pluto/Chiron = n Mars (Mars = energy, action, initiative, and in a national chart, the military. US imperialism shines forth.)

Astrologically speaking, it seems there is much to what some people said and wrote early on in the Bush regime--that plans for war were pre-laid from the start...with which SO'W must concur.

The natal chart of the White House has 3, count'em, 3 planets at the crisis-ridden 29th degree--and two of them are Saturn opposite Neptune under which the world suffers now by transit...true or false, reality vs illusion, accountability vs slackness, traditional religion vs mystical pursuits and esoterism.

There's also an explosive opposition between Uranus and Pluto, and tr Saturn is now opposing n Pluto, the generational transit which was in effect on 9/11/01. The White House probably was a target on 9/11.

There's a lot of karmic stuff is goin' on, m'peops, but there's no time today to type out more notes. Please refer to your own noggin for more details, if you speak astrolgese.

Feb 14, 2007

Bush hearts Press Conference 2.14.07

Yes, I was watching Bush's press Conference this morning and didn't have time to post.

It ended at noon and there was a certain planet conjunct Mc, the Aspiration Point--the WHY Point of the chart--and the planet was....illusive, deceptive, self-deluded Neptune, the thespian, prevaricator, and confuser.

The degree of Neptune/Mc is same as the USA's sec progressed New Moon of Oct 14, 1994 (Sibley chart 7.4.1776). A New Moon is the beginning of a 28-year cycle. The degree is:

"20AQ": "A big white dove, a message-bearer"...*CONVICTION:

pos: a facility for ordering all personal desires in a cosmic framework and a gift for knowing when to act and what to do;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: sanctimonious self-deception.

We can also use the progr'd New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon) with Neptune for this midpoint picture:

Sun/Moon = Neptune: inner discontent; easily upset; illusions or deceptions; the undermining of associations; misunderstandings; shared suffering.

So which was Bush exhibiting today? Or perhaps a better question would be: which has the US been exhibiting for last 12+ years? All of them?

You be the decider this time. Just don't gaze into Putin's eyes while deciding.

*Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones

Feb 13, 2007

when Ireland ain't Iran

Iraq bombs from 'Iran' were created by UK security services --Terror devices used by the IRA in a vicious murder campaign in Ulster blew up British servicemen as the world blamed Iran 16 Oct 2005 Eight British soldiers killed during ambushes in Iraq were the victims of a highly sophisticated bomb first used by the IRA, The Independent on Sunday can reveal. The soldiers, who were targeted by 'insurgents' as they travelled through the country, died after being attacked with bombs triggered by infra-red beams. The bombs were developed by the IRA using technology passed on by the security services in a botched "sting" operation more than a decade ago. This contradicts the British government's claims that Iran's Revolutionary Guard is helping Shia insurgents to make the devices. The Independent on Sunday can also reveal that the bombs and the firing devices used to kill the soldiers, as well as two private security guards, were initially created by the UK security services as part of a counter-terrorism strategy at the height of the troubles in the early 1990s.

Congress 2.13.07 1:00 pm

Seems the big debate on the Bush-Cheney war escalation is 'in the House' as of appr 1:00 pm est today...and what Sabian Symbol is rising? you ask.

"28Gem": "A man declared bankrupt" = DELIVERANCE...

pos: an effective and overall resourcefulness in even the worst of situations;

neg/shadow side: a willingness to dodge every responsibility and betray the very core of self.

And Bush continues to bankrupt the nation with the enabling of Congress who yap non-bindingly.

Images for today's Sun AQ-Moon Capricorn blend seem particularly enlightening yet familiar:

A revolutionary is elected president...An alien civilization comes to Earth to rescue man from imminent destruction. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas. and Suzy Harvey.)

I'm not a UFO kinda gal, but I'll flag them in myself if they'll show up for the task.

And yes, the YOD from Monday is still in effect...still pointing at lonely Saturn, our learless feader--and with Mars at critical degree, "20Cap": "A hidden choir singing" (celestial or global puppeteers?)...WORSHIP:

pos: a unique gift for establishing a common interest and making it a power for the good of all (my ideal of America);

neg: personal aloofness and lukewarm loyalties.

Ha ha....lukewarm loyalties...does this describe any politicians YOU know? Lukewarm about the American people's interests, that's for sure.

Personally I appreciate the aptly-named Bill Press' take on the recent shutting down of war debate by Senate Republicans (the Senate--our "deliberative" body!): from the punditry section of The Hill..."The newspaper for and about the U.S. Congress."

Let's sue them ALL, Mr. Press. Okay, I always except 1% of the varmints in case there might be one or two newbies who haven't been spoiled or scarred yet. Call me a 1%-er of the other kind.

So would al-Qaeda think ill of the US is she left Iraq? Yes, say would say we didn't have the stomach for the fight.

Or...would they be disappointed that we'd wised up to their long-range plan to bankrupt America in every way--a plan which is succeeding perfectly, thanks to Bush and the war profiteers?

In Jan 2006, I posted on FDR and Bush's...attitudes.

So whether you like corn chowder, tomato, or sole-of-shoe, you may wish to read it concerning our nation's fiscal situation and the office-of-the-president's relationship to it.

And be sure to sign up with (if you haven't) where Patrick Wood has his finger on the pulse of the fiscal beast and his knee on the Trilateral Commission's throat.

Great work, Patrick, keep it up!

Feb 12, 2007

Howard K. Stern 11.29.68

This evening I have two reasons to be miffed--Congress begins debating the escalation of Bush/Cheney's war Tuesday, not today as reported and posted upon below--and there've been too many requests for Stern's natal chart to ignore.

This is Stars Over Washington, not Stars Over Hollywood...Howard's not a politician, and he isn't Starr Jones--but he is a lawyer.

Please click chart to enlarge where you'll see some notes on this Jupiterian fellow...Jupiter relating to the Law, of course, and also to the guru...and to the extent that he could be with such a "my way" kinda gal as Anna Nicole, one might call him a guru if not a svengali of sorts.

Scribbled on his chart (solar/sunrise--no birth time known) you'll see a very strong midpoint picture which remains the same no matter his birth time...Mars/Pluto = Uranus:

chip on one's shoulder; fight first, talk later; dangerous sense of attack; tremendous energy--that's from Noel Tyl's Solar Arc Directory. Ebertin gives the combo a nasty twist: cruelty; violence; brutality; sudden disasters or calamities of great consequence.

Stern's Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE) is listed on the chart as well: 6South: forceful, taking power; manic force esp in relationships. Degree? 29Vir30, the Moon's degree at their motel check-in, Feb 5, 8:00 pm, Hollywood, FL...Moon 29Vir23, with "29" being a critical or crisis degree.

Now I'm not saying he did anything against her--other than that someone should've gotten her better help for her debilitating depression over loss of her son, Daniel--but Stern has other indications of violence in his natal chart (ex: Mars conj Uranus--plus Mars/Uranus = South Node), yet it's possible that Mr. Stern was attempting to take control of that very thing--and get her to rein herself in.

But with Anna, that was seldom if ever possible, and the brutality of the Mars/Uranus duo is known as the most violent pair around--conj South Node he may have tended to fall back on Mars/Uranus when under stress. And Mars-Uranus is often quirky sexual tendencies as well.

The 'check-in' chart of Feb 5, 8:00 pm, Hollywood, FL, shows a seeking of new contacts or stimuli, and a possible love union of short duration. One inconvenient thing about astrology charts though is that they rarely tell you on whose part, but describe the atmosphere or environment...leaving the people in that environment to act as their free will allows.

The check-in chart also has a telling asteroid rising to the degree...Persephone 12Vir29Rx...keywords: separation anxiety; attitudes toward transitions which take one away from familiar people or circumstances. Persephone may also be where one is an innocent yet willing victim. Poor Anna.

After taking a second look at Anna's natal chart (scroll below) there may have been--or eventually would have been--health factors showing liver or gall bladder problems. Her rapid and excessive weight loss may have improved her health--or not, as it seems. If she was on Phen-Phen to keep her weight down, a heart attack (with vomiting) could have been on the miserable agenda as well.

Anna's well-known speech-slurring--which she had put down to her Texas accent--is another reminder of Marilyn Monroe, who was being prescribed a certain Rx which was actually for epilepsy--and gave her that sleeplessness, and the soft speech she was known for. Was she epileptic? Hmm.m.m...

Did Anna check-in with plans to check herself on out? Possibly.

But Back to Mr. Stern:

Howard's fiery, big-talking *Sun Sag-Moon Aries personality blend gives a kinder picture of him than the above comments might indicate...a plain-speaking, independent, warm-hearted extrovert with a childlike faith in himself which may make him seem more competitive than he really is. But even in competition, he has respect for his opponent.

As a natural egotist, he doesn't like to acknowledge things that are unflattering, and he walks a fine line between altruism and blatant self-interest. People trust him yet his own interests are never far from his mind. But intimate liasons are not his forte...he's romantic enough but isn't patient or willing to listen fully to other people's needs...details are not his strong suit.

He likes the freedom to 'do his own thing' as well, and can lapse into black moods when things go wrong...and life with Anna had been going very wrong, hadn't it? It couldn't have been easy for any of them.

Images for Integration:

He who would be king postpones the coronation for a trek through the Himalayas...A mature student discovers her political convictions and debating talents through confronting the corruption of academia (maybe he is a politician!)

Well, that's all I'd like to say about Howard K. Stern at this time--and hopefully there'll be no more to say as this sad investigation goes on.

*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas and Suzy Harvey

Cheney Pushing for Iran Attack, they say

Cheney Pushing for Iran Attack, Report Says 11 Feb 2007 Several senior members of the Bush administration are pushing for the United States to attack Iran, the British Guardian newspaper reported over the weekend. The report said that Bush had not yet decided on whether to move forward with the attack, but that Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney, among others, was strongly advocating such an attack in order to halt Iran's nuclear weapons development program.#

Here's my headline: Psycho-Freak Inspires Silly Limerick:

Beware of a cat name of Cheney
who wanted to bomb in Iraney
promoter of dread
he's lacking in cred
could anyone be more insaney?

Iraq-War-Debate Theater opens Monday

Why use 9:56 am, you ask? None of the House members--Rs or Ds--want to speak too early esp the West Coasters whose constituents may be snug abed without C-SPAN turned on, and the East Coasters don't want to fight with Letterman who will undoubtedly be justifiably spoofing them by 11:30 pm.

9:56 am seemed appropriate with two significators of the New World Order angular--the WHY or Aspiration Point (Mc) "18Cap" is actually the NWO's Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune of the early 90s, and natal Sun of the NWO is conj this Descendant and therefore setting in this chart.

Another tidbit of interest is that tr Chiron/Pluto midpoint is now at the same spot in the zodiac--synchronicity? Or global agenda proceeding?

As you know, the Chiron/Pluto is the oppression/exploitation of the masses a word, plutocracy.

There's a big, honkin' YOD, or Finger of God, formation pointing to lonely Saturn--a planet which on one level is the isolated leader--but on another level represents the Democratic Party.
With Jupiter (Rs) in 8th house of high finance--and residing at "16Sag": "Sea gulls watching a ship" reminds me of Finding Nemo--"mine mine" of the sea gulls...looking for any opportunity to get theirs (back, in this case. The Rs are running this as a "mini-political campaign.")

Given how things are meant to proceed this week in this "debate" with its "non-binding resolution" and the members "jockeying for primetime" and the Rs said to be "girding for broad defections" from their side, it's the same old PR crap, m'peops...same old thespianisms.

But there is an air of renunciation stinkin' up the place, and a YOD can indicate a Special Task--and if you read it as Saturn = Ds, the Special Task may be all theirs with Mars (males) and Venus (females) uniting to sock it to Saturn, the apex planet of the YOD--and Dem Party leaders.

Or are the Rs wearing the socks? We'll know more as the week's performances play out. But let's remember--there's always naughtiness (like trumped up intell on Iran) they're diverting attention from when they study their belly buttons so profoundly and dramatically! Innies and outies report to stage door in 5 minutes.

And what does Bil Tierney say in his Dynamics of Aspect Analysis about an apex Saturn in a YOD pattern?

Karmically fated--with "proper timing" (juniors get 5 mins to speak in between the Big Dogs' monologues) and "inner maturity" being crucial regarding their approach to this turning point, this fork-in-the-road--for a YOD is a turning point, and Saturn has fate written all over him.

Yet the task will fail miserably if unwise attempts are made to force this new direction before all necessary qualities have ripened.

Well I hope they ripen by Friday when the vote is expected--people continue to die while these jokers debate and auto-deposit fat paychecks into their accounts as they're yappin'.

More on the Iraq-War-Debate Theater as the week drags its ball and chain on by us...

(Click on chart to read my chicken scratch notes. You'll see that the *Sun-Moon blend for Monday (and so for the week) has a perfect Image for Integration:

Alice in Wonderland. Guess the jihadists aren't the only ones popping down the rabbithole.)

*Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Chas. and Suzy Harvey, available at

Feb 10, 2007

what Daniel Ellsburg said in 1970

"When the President starts lying he begins to need evidence to back up his lies because in this democracy he is questioned on his statements. It then percolates down through the bureaucracy that you are helping the Boss if you come up with evidence that is supportive of our public position and you are distinctly unhelpful if you commit to paper statements that might leak to the wrong people.

The effect of that is to poison the flow of information to the President himself and to create a situation where a President can be almost, to use a metaphor, psychotically divorced from the realities in which he is acting...." : Daniel Ellsburg to the US Senate on Foreign Relations, May 13, 1970

And he certainly knew what he was talkin' about...esp the psychotically divorced part.