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Mar 31, 2007

when killers speak of killers

"The best way to protect this country is to defeat the enemy overseas so we don't have to face them here at home. And for the long-term peace and security of this country, we must advance an ideology that stands in stark contrast to the ideology of the killers. The best way to secure this homeland is to stay on the offense, and in the meantime, encourage the spread of liberty as an alternative to tyranny."

George W. Bush--using same old tired rhetoric with no apparent recognition of the hypocrisy of his sentiments. Guess takes one to know one has seldom been so obviously shown to so many on behalf of so few.

Bush's catapultin' rolls on. Do you accept killing as a "viable" solution to the world's problems? I don't.

Is there a nation on the planet who longs for the same (sham) liberty the Bush-Cheney team has brought to Iraq?

Only their brother dictators could for their own self-serving reasons and for help in controlling their own unwashed masses...their dream? to be part of the world-domination league, the biggest crime syndicate the world has ever known.

The Roman Empire is considered a close second, I suppose, but greedy globalists are taking the world cake.

Now as a US citizen and Child of the Revolution with a dash of noble Cherokee blood, I love America for many reasons--rephrasing...I love the ideal of America which has been espoused since her inception about the time the Angel Gabriel is said to have given George Washington America's natal chart for July 4, 1776 (Sibly's imaginative version of how it happened--even though the signing of the D of I continued past July, some say.)

But it's tres difficult to be proud of my government these days assuming I ever could, so I may as well remind myself of the Sabian Symbol for our nation's natal Jupiter 5Can+:

"6 Cancer": "Game birds feathering their nests"...METICULOUSNESS:

"This is a symbol of the unlimited degree to which the spirit of man may develop and preserve its initiative by utilizing the natural course of things in the world at large, and of the satisfaction anyone may know through his conscious participation in a group destiny. Individuality flourishes whenever it is able to establish its personal rights over some desirable segment of reality, and thereupon justify its own being by fulfilling the expectation of others.

pos: high intelligence for the service of self;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unnecessary concern over everyday security." (Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)#

It's our concern for security that's undermining us and liberty taking the hindmost.

But if you prefer "5Can" for our national Jupiter you get: "An automobile wrecked by a train"...DISPERSION:

pos: a special genius for a creative reorganization of all experience;

neg: an insensitive recklessness."

Either way, the gamebirds have themselves well-covered while shoving the rest of us into chaos and despair. Just as they envisioned...the war in Iraq is going so well, says top gamebird Dick Cheney.

By their fruits you shall know them.

Harold Pinter on George Bush

Why George Bush is Insane
By Harold Pinter

The US is at this moment developing advanced systems of "weapons of mass destruction" and is prepared to use them where it sees fit. It has more of them than the rest of the world put together. It has walked away from international agreements on biological and chemical weapons, refusing to allow inspection of its own factories. The hypocrisy behind its public declarations and its own actions is almost a joke.

In Bush's Weakly Radio Address today he made a foony while bragging about his upcoming veto to Dems' shakey attempt to bring our troops home--that he likes peanuts as much as the next guy.

See? He's nutty.

Read my earlier post on the recall expanded to DRY cat food at Lim's Limericks...globalism kills pets.

Mar 30, 2007

more on the Mar 19 2007 Eclipse

This evening it's time to catch up a little with one of my favorite Astrology blogs'n'bloggers, Kathryn at Collaborate with Fate where you'll find her excellent analysis of the March 19 Solar Eclipse (including Japan's earthquakes--see map), Bush, Blair, and the Iran-Brit hostages stand-off, details on John Howard's Uranus-to-Midheaven transit and his chances for a career change, and much more.

Easy and informative reading is available for you at Collaborate with Fate--why fight when you can collaborate?

Bush's Propaganda Catapultin'


Breaking: Top General Tried to Warn Bush on Tillman --General Sought to Warn Bush Not to Say Tillman Died in an Enemy Ambush 30 Mar 2007 Just seven days after Pat Tillman's death, a top general warned there were strong indications that it was friendly fire and President [sic] Bush might embarrass himself if he said the NFL star-turned-soldier died in an ambush, according to a memo obtained by The Associated Press. It was not until a month afterward that the Pentagon told the public and grieving family members the truth that Tillman was mistakenly killed in Afghanistan by his comrades. The memo reinforces suspicions that the Pentagon was more concerned with sparing officials from embarrassment than with leveling with Tillman's family.

New World Order proceeds

Here's the chart for the NWO with a few notes scratched around the chart.
Read my Nov 2005 notes on this devil's spawn here and here you'll find a March 2006 post with natal chart for The Illuminati if you wish.
My friend Alex D'Atria sent me a link to an excellent article by Leuren Moret, Planet Earth As Weapon and Target which spells out so many things, I cannot tell you.
Examples: NWO, 9/11, weather modification including Hurricane Katrina, GWEN towers, HoSec, FEMA, mind control, NASA, Skull'n'Bones, Illuminati + Adam Weishaupt, Hegelian philosophy, the Bilderberg Group/Trilateral Commission/CFR, Brzezinski, space warfare, ethnic-specific bioweapons, US's permanent war economy,"wars on terror, drugs+", Valerie Plame and the pan-Islamic bomb, CIA's true purposes, and much more.
You'll need some time to read, m'peops, for we may as well gaze into our self-styled "masters' eyes." Any neo-cons of the unwashed masses still out there? Boy have you been duped--and taken the rest of us along for the sorry ride.

Mar 29, 2007

Capitol Hill: Mar 29, 2007

Looking at sunrise this morning on Capitol Hill and at 9:30 am, it looks like as an interesting day as Kyle Sampson, former chief of staff to Alberto Gonzales, testifies on the prosecutor purge.

It's a fiery day with Sun 8Aries+ and Moon 21Leo+, Moon to 22Leo+ by 9:30 am.

This Sun-Moon blend has a few weaknesses such as a tendency to insist on childishly seeing things its own way, and going for the biggest and best before tidying up the debris from past projects. There's a leaning toward letting ego needs for affirmation and applause blind any true self perception.

The debris of this situation won't be tidied up in one day...not to mention the other issues under consideration on the Hill today.

Here's the Image for Sun Aries-Moon Leo:

After slaying the black dragon of sloth and greed, the young warrior is knighted by the one true king, marries the maiden of purity, and they live happily ever after.

(I'll save my snarky remarks and suppositions for your imagination...besides, you may have the same opinion of these Washington players as I do.)

Today tr Uranus is closing the conjunction with tr North Node, Uran/NN = reformist political associations (Ebertin) and at sunrise we see these pictures as the Ura/NN conj meets these tr midpoints:

Sun/Mars = Uranus: premature action; changes of vocation; militarism; impulsive behavior; doing one's work in a state of excitement; forceful adjustment to new circumstances; sudden events. With NN: confederation and association in fighting for the same objectives.

Mars/Asc = Uranus: testiness; picking a fight; argumentation; intimidation; self-aggrandizement. With NN: excellent teamwork; the guidance of others.

9:30 am, the Sun/Mars pictures remain, add:

Saturn/Uranus = Asc: being placed in difficult circumstances; standing alone in the world; the loner's position is established; suffering difficulties caused by others; indecision; mourning.

Saturn/NN = Asc: appearing alone; pulling back; going away.

Moon/Mercury = Asc: sharing one's opinions.

Sun/Mc ("the goal") = Neptune: pursuit of the wrong objectives; apathy and indifference; the wrong attitude to life; confusion or lack of clarity; disappointments; insecurity.

Asc/Mc = Neptune: feeling ill at ease; the necessity to hide one's true nature by feigning, simulating or pretending (well, they are in Washington!);

Pluto/Asc = Uranus: unusual events fan flames further; success at all costs (Machiavelli just wiggled in his grave--I think Karl Rove poked him with a stick); anxiety.

Pluto/Asc = NN: identification of the ego with the larger group; sharing the same destiny with other people; tendency to enter into unusual associations.

Well, it's quite a day in Washington with the Capitol Hill Theater aggrandizing its egos and someone standing alone to take heat that belongs as much elsewhere as anywhere else.

Wish I could keep my eye on the performance but I'll have to check in on it later--around suppertime, after the dust has settled a bit...if it ever will.

Be sure to read the Comment after my last post by an eloquent reader who has some inspiring things to say about America!

Mar 28, 2007

jumpin' Testy Testosterone!

Can we snicker in the dire face of Testy Testosterone's freakiness?

Doubt it, but you may want to try at where Mr.A. Cat, our noble spy kitty once in service to his nation (and rumored to be retired from the agency) has induced me to type and publish his newest rhyme based on the latest episode of 24!

Today's news has been getting me down so I needed a small 'bout you?

Cassini sees Hexagon on Saturn

Space Weather News for March 28, 2007

A HEXAGON ON SATURN: The Cassini spacecraft has photographed a bizarre geometrical figure encircling Saturn's north pole: a hexagon. NASA scientists say they've never seen anything like it on any other planet. Images are posted on

The formation of the giant hexagon is a mystery you can ponder tonight under the stars. After sunset on March 28th, Saturn rises in the east beautifully close to the Moon. This makes Saturn easy to find and enjoy. Even a small telescope will reveal the planet's broad rings and largest moons. Take a look!

ASTEROID FLYBY: Asteroid 2006 VV2 is due to fly past Earth on March 30th and 31st. The 2 km-wide space rock will streak through the constellation Leo only 2 million miles away glowing like a 9th-to-10th magnitude star. Backyard telescopes equipped with CCD cameras should have no trouble filming the asteroid in flight. Visit for ephemerides and more information.#