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May 24, 2007

karma of the 12th house

Okay so I've been meaning to blurb out a bit about one of the more interesting houses in a chart, the 'hidden' 12th house of the Unconscious, Self-Undoing; Karma, and more. 12th house is a Psychological house along with the 4th and 8th...deep, very deep.

Having a planet there natally myself, I've always found it to be a fascinating part of any chart...even if it does relate to politicians who so often have 12th house planets (natally Bush has a 12th house Sun--unconscious arrogance, among other things.)

One of the most useful astrology books I discovered early in my reading was Tracy Marks' Your Secret Self: Illuminating the Mysteries of the Twelth House. It's available on I know because I reviewed it there years ago. My advice is to procure one if you can--if you don't already have a copy.

But if you're wanting to get some 12th house info right now you'll want to read Robert Wilkinson's article the 12th house on his excellent Global Astrology blog Aquarius Papers.

Now that would be my best advice!

UPDATE Saturday: Philip Brown is shining a light on the deep dark recesses of the karmic 12th house as well. Check out AstroFutureTrends: Astrology of the 12th house where you'll find Philip's analysis plus 12th house quotes from Dane Rudhyar, Howard Sasportas, and more. Great work, Philip!

war drums will go on and on

AP: House approves war-funding bill by a vote of 280-142 so here's this from the SO'W What's Wrong With This Picture (if anything) Department:

From US taxpayers it's:

$93 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan--until Sep 30 (that's 4 short months) vs a 70- cent-per-hour increase for working Americans who are struggling to keep food in their children's tummies and a roof over their heads. God help them if they should get a tummy ache from inferior food which the FDA--also tax-payer funded--lets through so their pals and relatives can make more moola bwo outsourcing ingredients to the cheapest bidder.

Esp since their local Emergency Room (assuming it hasn't been closed down) is overflowing.

FDR tests our progress.

soup lines across America?

Monica regrets...

Oh yeah--it's a SO'W Gold Star for Robert J. Elisberg's article
The Revenge of the Monicas: the Sequel on HuffPost...if you haven't read this one, you really must.

That's why it gets a Gold Star! And you won't have a single "mistake" to regret...

And here's more GoodlingGate Goodness:

Monica coordinated the response to the firings.

May 23, 2007

Kucinich at 11 am

US Theft of Iraq's Oil: On House Floor Wednesday Morning

WASHINGTON DC - WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 2007 - At approximately 11:00 a.m. today, Congressman Dennis Kucinich will invoke a rarely used procedure to offer a privileged motion claiming one hour of time to speak on the floor of the House of Representatives about current legislative plans to privatize Iraq's oil. This will be the first time in Congress that there has been a full discussion of the covert efforts to accomplish privatization of Iraq's oil through the supplemental spending bill. As with all House sessions, this speech will be televised on C-Span.

a Goodling day

With Mercury and Venus out-of-bounds it seems that one of them represents Monica Goodling and her immunity from prosecution for testifying about purgegate.

Will she fall on her sword for Rove and Bush? The granting of prosecutorial immunity seems to indicate otherwise. But she's a woman protecting her chickens from hawks!

And naturally the Moon indicates a woman and is important in seeing how a day will proceed based on the Moon's applying aspects:

The Moon's only applying aspect (looking at 9:30 am edt) is her square to the Sun (3A34) and this square will be perfected at 5:02 pm. (The fault-finding Sun Gem-Moon Virgo combo is shared natally by Pres John F. Kennedy and Robert McNamara.)

Other factors at 5:02 pm edt:

IC "28Cap"..."A large aviary"...conjunct the powerful natal Pluto of the USA. This relates to the Pentagon and a certain association of generals (AVIARY.)

Oppressive Pluto/Chiron midpoint will have just crossed the IC, the Foundation of the chart.

Rising will be 23Lib49 with Fixed Stars Arcturus ("a different approach") and Spica ("potential for brilliance"), both Stars connected natally to the founding of America.

However, the current position of the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint (the two planets in opposition on 9/11/01, and which always bring misery, cruelty, violence, and war when in hard aspect) is 23Lib44. The blending of their energies in midpoint isn't so jolly either.

Sat/Pluto = ASC: cumbersome and difficult circumstances; mourning and bereavement; sadness. Sat/Pluto is conjunct Bush's natal IC also which affects MC, the Career and Public Status Point:

Sat/Pluto = MC: hard, hard work to arise from difficulties; major separation as a last resort; flight; severity; one-sidedness; application of tenacity and endurance.

The YOD pointing at Venus indicates a special purpose or task for a lady, and she's at "17Can" = "The germ grows into knowledge and life"...but Venus is applying to a helpful trine with reformist Uranus, whose Symbol is:

"19Pis": "A master instructing his pupil"...ELUCIDATION...

pos: high executive ability through patient investigation and genuine psychological insight;

neg/shadow side: a desire to live by rule and a conceit of empty knowledge.

(update Thursday: Gonzo may be said to have "instructed" her about his recollections according to her testimony!)

If Uranus is instructing Monica Goodling's testimony today, I hope his name doesn't start with Karl Rove or George Bush or that's what we'll end up with--empty knowledge.

May 22, 2007

Litvinenko in news again

London seems to have setteled on Andrei Lugovoi as being Litvinenko's heinous poisoner but Russia says Lugovoi is not available for extradition as Ex-KGB Agent Accused in Litvinenko's Death.

Kovtun and Scaramella are not mentioned in the current accusation--nor is the mystery man who also attended the Nov 1 2006 meeting at the Millenium Hotel where the poison was delivered.

You know, the star Alphard in the constellation Hydra is associated with poisons and according to astrologer Bernadette Brady, Alphard is active in the charts of three European leaders who have left or are about to leave office by stepping down or by death: Blair, Chiraq, and Yeltsin.

Alphard is also connected to Bill Clinton's natal chart, btw. Perhaps I will post more on Alphard later.

Here are my previous posts on Litvinenko's poisoning and the subsequent, seemingly impotent investigation beginning with Nov 24, 2006:

Putin and the poisoned spy;

excerpt from Litvinenko's statement;

Neptune's rare and exotic mist;

testing Scaramella;

from Russia with love?;

radioactive red herrings?;

Alexander Litvinenko details with link to natal chart;

update 12.3.06;


Kovtun in Hamburg

update 12.15.06;

Scaramella arrested in Italy;

supposed poisoner caught on video (the so-called mystery man.)

The UK and Russia are supposedly on a different page concerning Andrei Lugovoi's extradition for this crime. Supposedly.

Recess appointment ploy endangered

Washington Whispers by Paul Bedard has the amusing tale of how Bush's Summer Hires Targeted by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who is said to be planning to call the Senate in session just long enough for appointees to fight for their confirmations in the chamber.

The Washington Swamp is extremely hot, steamy, and turgid in August--aka the month of unvetted recess appointments--and it may turn out to be a very interesting month indeed esp given Bush's usual inappropriate, incompetent buddy knightings...these Bush hacks apparently can't find decent jobs on their own so they must purchase them.

Hope the Dems don't cave to Bush on this one.

May 21, 2007

want your political theater pure?

Dems Cave to Bush on Iraq War and you didn't think this "pure political theater" would work out any other way, did you?

Here's a SO'W recap of posts related to the Capitol Hill Theater (matinee tickets still available if you don't mind sitting behind the eight ball):

Dems' empty rhetoric and slogans as Bush's bush burns?

Washington as Shining Example

Mercury Transit and RX for Midterm Elections

Leo Strauss and neoconservatism

Stars of Nov 8 2006

meet Pilosi, Levin, and Feingold

meet Obama, Harman, and Conyers

Jim Webb

Congress swears

Congress 1994--2006

and last but not least, it's the ever popular burning bush of Bush: 8 Leo where we find our self-styled and self-mis-directed war president barrelling on and sailing above in spite of all common sense, common good, or conscience toward his fellow man.

Heads-Up on a lighter note--Art Balances Politics: Jude's Threshold has now gone Live for all sorts of stuff including two spiffy SlideShow Collages of drawings from my Dreamyfish Art ,Secret Moon Art, and Cosmic Persona Designs Galleries.

And you'll find downloadable drawings at my Lulu Storefront with more images on the way as time permits. Plus, if you know of a drawing you'd like to find available for downloading, contact me if you wish and I will comply if possible!

judecowell @ gmail dot com

mouthy in Jamestown

This is old propaganda but since Earthlink mailboxes have been squirrelly of late I'm just now accessing this White House Newsletter:

Bush pontificates in Jamestown

Here's an excerpt from the elitist-in-chief as he milks the 400-year-old J-Town cow:

Sunday, May 13, 2007

President and Mrs. Bush visited Jamestown to celebrate the 400th Anniversary.

"America is proud to promote the expansion of democracy, and we must continue to stand with all those struggling to claim their freedom. The advance of freedom is the great story of our time, and new chapters are being written every day, from Georgia and Ukraine, to Kyrgyzstan and Lebanon, to Afghanistan and Iraq. From our own history, we know the path to democracy is long, and it's hard. There are many challenges, and there are setbacks along the way. Yet we can have confidence in the outcome, because we've seen freedom's power to transform societies before."

Now when I read the above, I read: America is proud to promote...the propaganda that is the expansion of democracy. Yes, we've seen how Bush transforms societies--before and after, haven't we?

This Week in Washington 5.21.07

Since this week in Washington is critical you'd expect that the crisis flavor would show in the chart representing the week, wouldn't you?

Well, it does.

And even though the head varmint-in-chief has cleared out and hightailed it on down to his "ranch" in Texas, there is much hoo ha a-gwyin' on back at political headquarters in his sorry wake.

And no UN boss for dinner can hide the fact that the ornery cuss has a mess on his paws when he returns to the White House--it may even follow his tracks down to Crawford.

Monday's sunrise:

Can the Sun be at any more critical degree? 29Tau59..straining to be at 00Gem00..not a good place in the zodiac due to Fixed Star, Alcyone, keywords: rash or harsh judgements and narrow-minded to the point of being blind to the obvious. They say this varmint has a tin ear, too--and the Sun is in the "something to cry about" neighborhood.

It's almost 3:00 am edt right 3:00 am in DC, the Moon will be at critical degree 29Can+ and forming a YOD (Finger of God) pattern with Sun and Pluto ("29Can" is the "Daughter of the American Revolution" degree, btw.)

Apex Pluto in YOD formation has a need to psychologically accept a direction in momentous situations that he'd rather not, thanks. This Pluto represents someone who's in a high-level authority position but something from past behaviors and attitudes must be changed before a new direction can be undertaken.

Apex Pluto in a YOD pattern has karmic, long-time-coming implications with objectivity lacking and a total engrossment in an extreme perspective that is out-of-focus with surroundings.

The midpoint picture for this YOD is:

Sun/Moon = Pluto: critical time of development; separation to start anew; biased attitude; changed circunstances; a soul torn by inner conflict.

Then we see a Mutable T-square between Mercury/Jupiter = Uranus: curiosity; quickness in repartee or on the uptake; ability to give good answers when challenged; successful propaganda activity; a resourceful orator; effective advertising; sudden inspiration.

And apex Uranus in a Mutable T-square? Oh that's where it gets good and descriptive:

This (Uranus)is the radical thinker who defies tradition and is so erratic he's considered a social crank whose subversive ideas threaten society. His ideas may be too lofty to be practically utilized, and his idiosyncracies indicate a high-strung temperament which may operate willfully as a social catalyst.

The urge to break down and shatter what impedes his aspirations and ideals drives him to instigate sudden reforms that disrupt the status quo.

This is the social misfit who is willfully out-of-tune with the established order of his environment. The pressure being exerted upon him causes explosive--or even violent--outbursts for he is a law-unto-himself who defensively detaches his will from all outer pressures.

Hence his mosey down to Crawford!

There's more in the chart, of course, but the sandman is calling my name. Perhaps I can add to this post during the week...stay tuned, pardners...a bumpy ride pretty well describes this week in Washington.

(Apex info from: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; midpoint pics from the usual: Ebertin and Tyl.)