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Jun 21, 2007

Saturn-Neptune: Mideast Peace Summit

Egypt is wrangling up a Mideast Peace Summit on Monday--the day the Saturn/Neptune opposition is exact for the last time.

Interesting sense of timing they've got there.

Jun 20, 2007

Bush saves our morals

Feeling over the moral line? Don't fund that research, says George the paragon of virtue currently haunting the Oval Office. Bush vetos our moral line but I can't forget that when mere mortal girds himself in righteousness, check closely for crossed fingers while you're watching the other hand.

In this masquerade a clown is making grimaces and the dunce cap is being passed around...hope is indeed on the horizon while storm clouds gather and the earth trembles.

The previously-mentioned Saturn/Neptune opposition, exact this Friday, won't be the end of confusions, propagandas, quakes, storms...we'll be in the Full Moon or Culmination stage of the Sat/Nep Cycle with the light decreasing slowly.

Good googly moogly, but much has been written online and in books concerning the energies of these two antithethical 'actors'...Neptune of the underwater realm and Saturn (Cronos), Father Time, the Taskmaster and Lessonbringer, earth and soil, realism, authority, control--the restriction principle which balances Jupiter's billowing expansion principle.

In our Solar System, Jupiter and Saturn are called the Fly-Wheel of the Universe because of the tension between them which is perfectly described by the yin-yang principle, if you like.

But along comes Neptune:

Nebulous, gaseous, watery, veiling, illusory, and possibly deceptive planet of idealism, inspiration, and spirituality...Neptune is the vortex to the Divine.

Yet opposing is Saturn which represents the disciplinarian side of our Creator, while Jupiter is the generous side--the rod and the staff of the Lord's Prayer.

So expansion vs restriction = planets stay in their courses instead of spinning out all over the the perfect amount of balm and comfort to know Who's in Charge (and it ain't dubya.)

Neptune isn't the codified or organized religion you love to avoid, it's the spiritual church, the brotherhood of humankind who loves Life over death.

Yet from within our delusions we tend to pervert Neptune's gentle persuasions with negative escapisms, confusions, and sometimes with lies. Sacrifice is her game, loss may have to be her name as Neptune washes away the temporary to make way for the permanent--a typical Saturnian word!

This little ball of Earth is now locked between Saturn and Neptune which relates to 9/11/01 when Earth was ambushed by the Saturn/Pluto opposition with its hardship, cruelty, and war connotations.

And perhaps you've read my crumb about the off-and-on-forming aspect in effect for years to come Karma: Neptune septile Pluto or perhaps you haven't.

Either way, those Transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are bringing in and ushering out generations which overlap in a complex tapestry of time and experience...whether we want them to or not.

Michael Bloomberg

Well here's the coy financier's natal data: Feb 14, 1942; 3:40 pm EWT; Brighton, MA; (RR:AA) and you may wish to view his natal horoscope with Cancer rising.

This is the natal chart of an egotist, who's good with technology, and may have occult leanings, but let's talk amongst ourselves while Bloomberg's Sun AQ-Moon AQ personality blend says he is friendly but detached, independent and gregarious (Jupiter in Gemini loves to converse and has helped him with his early understanding and expansion of technological advancements in his businesses), is highly observant, clear-headed, and well-meaning. (Seems to be reasonably well-meaning for an egotist--we'll see.-jc)

Yes, Michael Bloomberg is a law-unto-himself who wants to do things his way. (A perfect description for you-know-who in the Oval Office circa 2017--?:law under to himself?-- another one worse than the first!-jc)

This pair's dark side has a tendency toward making blunt, insensitive remarks due to comparing people to closely-held ideals. Disliking restraints of any kind, this blend tends to "live in the head"--this is a highly inspirational combo and is supported by Bloomberg's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) which for him is 16 North, a gentle series having to do with 'unconscious material rising and bringing along with it great insights and good ideas which may be profitably acted upon' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.

A Solar Eclipse occurred in the 16 North series in 1995 @00Scorpio, again in 2013 @11Scorpio; next 16 North eclipse occurs @22Scorpio on November 14, 2031.

Bloomberg's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series:

For Mr. Bloomberg a 16 North eclipse occurred prior to birth (his 'PE') at "28Virgo": "A bald-headed man dominates a gathering of national figures"...Keyword: DOMINANCE--

positive expression: accomplishment through a completeness of self-mastery and a rigid control of others; negative/shadow side: a sadistic sophistication.

Note that a cosmic time link was formed by a Solar Eclipse conjunct the same degree (29Virgo) on September 22, 2006, in the 8 South Series with themes of 'separation, loss; to be finished, sad partings' (Brady).

Well there's a peek at Bloomberg with more to come--he doesn't have to declare his presidential aspirations until May 2008 so the twists and turns of fate and his own nature--plus, the chaos principle--will intervene in unforeseen ways. (Update 11/08/19: as you know, his 2008 campaign didn't last long. Now in 2019 Bloomberg is belatedly toying once again with a presidential run which is why I have today updated this post.

UPDATE 4:44 pm edt: neglected to give Bloomberg's Sun-Moon Image for Integration:

"The Jolly Green Giant."

Second Update 'today' November 8, 2019 by jc.

For more personality details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzy Harvey

Jun 19, 2007

Bush's mojo haunts Philadelphia mint

mint releases more "godless" dollars so you know he's had a thumb in the pie.

May 17...just after the New Moon of May 16 = double Taurus (money) flavor.

Art is still prevailing, sorry to all my excellent starry friends. Back to SO'W before you know it but for now I'm hangin' out at Cosmic Persona Designs, Secret Moon Art, and my Lulu Storefront with Downloadable Art Goodness just oozin' from layer to layer...

June 25...Saturn opposes Neptune...exactly (partile) so smoosh your hats down around your ears, m'peops...the reality vs illusion game is really in the air now and all summer--with new art in the wings, propaganda flying thick, and more leaders and authority figures being undermined everywhere you turn.

Jun 18, 2007

Europe in the Skies with Venus

Space Weather News for June 17, 2007

European sky watchers should be alert on Monday, June 18th, for a mid-afternoon eclipse of Venus by the crescent Moon. Hanging high in the sky, Venus will appear as a pinprick of light beside the Moon, visible to the naked eye in broad daylight until the edge of the Moon covers the planet. (Technically, this is called a "lunar occultation.") Binoculars will improve visibility, but be careful not to point them at the sun.

Elsewhere, in the Middle East, India and Pakistan, the eclipse can be seen around sunset and after dark. From those places, a clear view of the western horizon is essential because the Moon and Venus will be setting, but the sight should be spectacular. Except for a small region around the Canadian maritime provinces, this event will be completely invisible from North America.

Visit for more details.

Jun 17, 2007

Summer Solstice 2007

Sometimes the bad poetry muse lands upon my shoulder before taking off for parts unknown--and there are folk who assert that she leaves more than verse as she goes.

Be that as it may, in studying the 2007 chart for the moment that the Sun 'reaches' 00Cancer00, this political Solstice rhyme appeared uninvited:

It's Summer Solstice on the way
George Bush will fight another day
we hear Dick Cheney often say
it's Summer Solstice on the way.

With plans proceeding nicely now
they gain the world but lose the plough
their fates in stone for habits tell
of power-grabs we know so well

no conscience forming larger views
it's theirs to win and ours to lose.

jude cowell (c) June 17, 2007

Please click Chart to enlarge where you'll find that Rx Mercury in Cancer crosses the MC while the Sun remains at 00Can00, a World Point.

Mercury-ruled things such as re-viewing, re-turning, re-doing concerning safety or nurturing issues are prominent in the chart as are the *Images for Integration for this Solstice's Sun Can/Moon Virgo blend.

This Mercury jumping over the MC into 9th house could re-fer to young soldiers returning home although Mars has something to say about it--a Mercury/Mars combo.

Mars actors (appr 25-35 or 36 years old) in a chart are somewhat older than Mercury-types who are "the youth." But thanks to being overextended by this administration, the US armed forces now contain old man Saturnians as well--all ages (or criminal records) need apply--please apply.

Years ago I wrote somewhere--probably in The Fray on Slate Magazine--that the GOP wants illegals to enter the US so they'll have future soldiers. Well, what did I know?

I also said that al-Qaeda's long-range plan was to bait us into the Middle East then use up all our resources--financially, militarily, and emotionally; and to ruin our shaky standing in the world. What did I know and when did I know it?

Back to the Summer Solstice of June 21, 2007, 1:54 to 2:18 pm edt over the White House:

This Sun-Moon personality combo is natally shared by Emmeline Pankhurst who revealed:

"It was becoming clear to my mind that men regarded women as a servant class in the community, and that women were going to remain in the servant class until they lifted themselves out of it."

Pluto/Chiron's disenfranchised speak out! It's going to be a hot summer, isn't it?

*Images for Integration from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzy Harvey.

Jun 14, 2007

New Moon in Gemini June 14

With art-related projects taking over around here this week, my astro-politicking time has been limited but I want to mention the New Moon 23Gem41 occurring tonight at 11:13:06 pm edt (Capitol Hill.)

New Moons are new beginnings, Gemini is the sign of Communications, and this New Moon perfects in the 5th house for Washington DC. 5th house: risk-taking, creative pursuits, new ventures...and the 5/11 house polarity is aka The Will Axis.

And with Mercury's Rx station Friday--in possessive, self-protective, side-windin' Cancer--emails may not be revealed until after Mercury goes Direct on July 9.

Pluto's power opposes this New Moon yet so does the midpoint between Rx Jupiter and Pluto...

Jup/Pluto = Sun: keeping things within one's own grip; successful use of strong personality power; the creation of magical effects;

Jup/Pluto = Moon: desire to bring about social improvements; establishing one's position with gut feelings; emotional conviction guides a new start (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are in a highly idealistic, visionary Fire Grand Trine pattern of closed energies which may become stagnant and inert as all such patterns may do without a kick in the patootie.

With a Grand Trine in Fire, there is emphasis on egotism, personal power, and heightened self-pride. The right to do as one pleases tends to be overused which suggests a sense of special privilege so common in governmetal types.

Washington's stalemating stand-off continues with more info (Gemini) to be revealed in the light of June 30's ambitious Capricorn Full Moon.

Tonight's New Moon degree, "23Gem":

"Three fledglings high in a tree"...keyword: ELEVATION...

pos: an unconditioned creativity exalted to the point of complete freedom from any immediate involvement;

neg/shadow side: psychological witlessness and a false sense of release from responsibility (MEJ.)

This degree concerns issues of immaturity which passes the buck on down the food chain and the New Moon chart has 6AQ01 rising which is the US natal South Node (SN conj ASC: separation, seriousness, strong individualism, but no popularity.)

6AQ+ is also the Medina degree--Neptune's position when Mohammed entered Medina (the foundation of Islam)--and you know that the attacks of 9/11 on America were a Neptune Return to this degree, don't you?

Cross-Pollination Heads-Up: Lim's Limericks has just published new verses on the kitten from Miers and a feline named get your meow-meow up and have a peek!

Or...check out how Bush prefers Enron thieves over its victims as if you could be surprised that thieves stick together.

Jun 11, 2007

one more time with feeling: The Chaos Blues

Unpack your favorite music hall refrain Maude so you can sing along to the Chaos Blues because it may do us good to sing it one more time before
the man rides the ass on Tuesday (Bush to Capitol Hill, Moon's degree: "16Tau" according to Adriano Carelli's book, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.)

Master Carelli says this degree describes someone who is "groundlessly cocksure" (which may be an oxymoron about a moron of mayhem, imho.)

He further adds that "foolish self-assurance" will result in misfortunes later in life. "Neither exile nor forceful segregation can be ruled out. Marriage may be lucky."

Tuesday June 12 Bush has lunch with his enablers (guess all of them employ Royal Taste-Testers):

At apex point in a Fixed T-Square, the Moon acts as catalyst (and on a level may so obviously represent a lady on the Hill) and so we find a stalemate situation--and stalemates seem to follow the irrationally and stubbornly-willed George Bush everywhere he goes--on Tuesday to speak to the Hill politicians ostensibly about the recent non-passage of the oft-trumpeted Immigration Bill so hastily and sloppily cobbled together.

Pluto/Chiron issues continue: racism, class warfare, oppression, women's issues, plutocracy...the pilagers and hoodlums with gangsterism rotting their hearts--against society.

Didn't Tony Soprano teach them anything? Seems not.

On Tuesday: over the Capitol Building, there is formed a Fixed T-Square indicating a rigid situation in which there will be explosive venting of emotions that rise from a habitual determination to re-energize conditions which no longer exist.

There's a deep urge to retain what is possessed (the Rich Man's back-monkey?)

Adaptability and detachment are lacking and past methodical planning may no longer hold sway as it once did. An aversion to change is petulantly on display.

Yes, it's a Battle of Wills on Tuesday and the chamber walls may shake--even with violence. Bush's demanding and obsessive needs completely block the needs of others and this may tell the tale of the Republican Party's inner conflicts at the very thought of hangin' with Bush as the 2008 Election nears.

{The alternate script: a surprise will make Bush's continuance in the role of "president" supposedly necessary--while Putin does what must be done to keep his throttling grasp on power's throat in Russia.}

Not that our votes count for anything in the US...our "inauguration" is a coronation from on-high--the ruling 'elite' lavishes the spoils to the "victor" who will do their bidding with few known facts on hand before making decisions (as one is directed. The big piture must be followed: very little option to do otherwise.)

With Bush's strong-arm visit to Congress this week, his grand irrationality will be in evidence as the brickwall is shaken with the ferocity of a bull who keeps bashing his horns until they're bloodied and he's comatose. He is the bull and he is the matador ole!

This creature has a low character (Saturn/Neptune = Moon: low character; emotional immaturity; pessimism; emotional drain.) This relates to the animal nature--and Taurus the Bull is an able carrier of the archetype, isn't he?

And wouldn't you know? Asteroid, Sisyphus is rising in the chart for 9:30 am edt!

Plus, we remember that these days the tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint is triggering Bush's natal IC, the Endings/Partings Point, the HOW? of the chart, the Basis or Foundation/one's Roots. Gangsterism!

In Bush's chart, n IC's degree (HOW?) is:

"23Libra"..."Chanticleer": keyword: FERVOR...

pos: a fearless self-affirmation which gains a sympathetic attention and wins immediate allegiance from the hearts and minds of everybody (sound familiar, Sparkie?);

neg/unconscious or shadow side: ill-starred conceit and ineffectual bombast.

It's quite possible that quacker George Bush has only bombast left in his bag of tricks although he thinks to engage in power plays for personal advancement.

Yet if Congress bows again to the belittled and belittling dictator, we'll know they really are as in-cahoots with the Bush regime as many people were afraid they were.

Now we have to rid ourselves of that pile of termites, too.

June 12's Sun "21Gem+" may be found in May's post on Lincoln's Minor chart...look for info on George Bush's n Uranus/NN conjunction ('reformist political groups') and there you'll find this Tuesday's degree of the Sun as well.

And Bush's Uranus/NN conjunction being highlighted by the Sun? high tension; a group taking action; excitement; violence at the slightest provocation (Ebertin; Tyl.)