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Jul 23, 2007

Britain's Thames on the rise

If only Harry Potter could help the besogged people in the UK:

Britain's flooding worst in 60 years as the Thames continues to rise.

Here's today's post, Water, Eclipses, and a March for Impeachment from my Jude's Threshold blog.

You know that centuries ago seer and astrologer Nostradamus predicted a Britain underwater. 2007 isn't looking good for the Isle at the moment but I truly hope things will dry out asap for all my Brit friends.

March for Impeachment

Evening UPDATE:

Sheehan Arrested while in John Conyers' office--and she's going to run against Nancy Pelosi, she says, for not impeaching Bush and Cheney. Guess Pelosi doesn't want the buck for the Iraq mess any closer to her desk than it already is.#

The March for Impeachment began at Arlington Cemetery today at 10:00 am and headed toward the office of John Conyers.

With chart-ruler Mercury (march!) making no applying aspects whatsoever in the March's chart which you see here, the outcome doesn't look promising and won't have the desired effect other than some publicity (Water Grand Trine with Moon, Mercury, and NN...Water Grand Trines seek peace.)

There is a Mystic Rectangle between the Moon (the People; publicity: a woman), marching Mercury, Mars (the military; police; the male population; instigators and activists), and the Ascendant, which represents the March itself.

In Bil Tierney's book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, we find that the
Mystic Rectangle pattern describes a practical mysticism which involves two potentially awareness-revealing, illuminating oppositions (and here the Moon is conjunct Inaugural Descendant (setting), and Mars has recently passed his conj to Inaugural Ascendant (Jan 20) representing the presidency or the president himself.)

Disruptive, rebellious Uranus is conj Desc/opposite the March's Ascendant.

Thanks to the Mystic Rectangle, oppositions are not as prone toward paralysis and stalemate for the pattern adds helpful sextiles and trines (see chart: the pattern is marked in pink.)

Through inspired use, the Mystic Rectangle can reach fruition of its ideals--which may eventually lead to the desired results now denied by today's lack of applying aspects of chart-ruler Mercury.

In this chart I believe Mars = George Bush, the self-styled "war president" with the Moon (the public; a woman such as Cindy Sheehan who is leading this effort) opposite as we see Sheehan opposing Bush once again.

With Mars as apex planet in a difficult, rigid Fixed T-square pattern between Saturn oppo Neptune (possibly a hold-over from Bush' colon surgery Saturday, results not yet revealed):

Sat/Neptune = Mars: listlessness; lack of zest; inactivity through emotional depression or sickness; preoccupations that can't be explained. (Occupation in Iraq isn't so well-explained either.-jc)

Apex Mars in a Fixed T-square is the headstrong individual who can endure outer hardships and obstacles while plodding along toward his personal goals.

Regardless of how challenging opposing forces are, he doggedly persists and seldom accepts modification of his plan of action from external pressure. This bulldozer pushes anything or anyone out of his path as they attempt to block him from his goals. With a one-track mind and strength of conviction, he consolidates his will and refuses to give in and compromise. (Tierney.)

But you don't need an astrology chart to tell you that about George W. Bush, do you?

Jul 21, 2007

UK cash-for-honours probe a dud

After 16 months, one million pounds, and 6,300 documents insufficient evidence is the finding in Britain's cash-for-honours investigation which has come to a sorry halt. As one Scotsman reader commented, it's "a perfect example of getting off Scott-free."

Seems there's a lot of that going on in America as well. And everyone is happy but the (disenfranchised) People.

Jul 20, 2007

Harry Potter: London 12:01 am

If you weren't celebrating at a Mugglefest somewhere you'd be looking at this chart for London, July 21, 12:01 am BST--when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was officially and first released.

Click to enlarge and you'll see my chicken-scratch of author J.K. Rowling's natal placements (July 31, 1965; speculative time: 3:20 pm BST; Chipping Sodbury, U.K., from The Mountain Astrologer, April-May 2002 issue, article by Neal Meredith.)

Rowling's Sun in Leo (sign of children, and the entertainer) plus her Moon in long-winded writer and dedicated worker, Virgo, give this Image for Integration:

After the ball, Cinderella polishes the floor until its shiny surface reflects her happy, contented face. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chas. and Suzy Harvey.)

You'd be 'happy and contented' after your drudgery as well if you were the world's only billionaire author, now wouldn't you? ;o)

Rowling's natal chart shows what an unaspected planet can do when perfectly expressed--Mercury is unaspected and has run away with success out of all expectations in the Scribe and Communication departments, I'd about outstanding in her field!

And Mercury's 00Vir01 position is very near Fixed Star, Regulus, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, keyphrase: success if revenge is avoided. There is a tremendous amount of success promised by Regulus and Harry's character seems to know that revenge brings no true, lasting success but only more retaliation and grief. Today's world could learn from Harry, couldn't it?

July 21, 2007; 12:01 am BST; London:

The Sun Cancer/Moon Libra combo for Vol. VII applies well:

Mother Goose recites a poem, surrounded by adoring fairytale creatures.

This word picture sounds similar to the author and her book/s in general--especially since she gave a reading for 500 fortunate children in honor of this book's release!

If you, Mugglefested as you may be, wanted to use Mercury, the Youth, as a significator for Harry himself, you might want to consider Mercury's Sabian Symbol for "7 Cancer":

"Two fairies on a moonlit night"...ASCENDANCY...nature's illimitable potentialities on the side of the release she offers man from his physical or psychological involvement, and of the necessity that he achieve some measure of lightness in self-expression as a balance for the strain of everyday existence.

Here is an exaltation of fancy as a dynamic factor in all self-realization, and of the quiet moments of experience as a real opportunity for self-orientation.

The magic of selfhood lies in its ability to rise above whatever may threaten its well-being.

pos: a transforming sensitivity or a healing imagination.

neg: a senseless retreat to make-believe." (Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)#

"Lightness in self-expression"? yet I've heard that this installment is the dark, heavy book. Hmm-m-m-m....

Sassily, I usually wait for the film when it comes to Potter tales and I do enjoy them since I have no rugrats about the place to fret over the 'magic' influence (as if children don't know the difference!) of the books, so it will be awhile before I know whether the above words match the book's plot or not.

That is, unless some kind Muggle personage decides to enlighten me!

Bad Poetry Heads-Up:

Did you know that Mr.A.Cat has added a kitten named Potter to the Lim's Limericks collection of rhymes? I thought not. But I knew you'd want to be warned all the same. to stop data retention

Ask to stop data retention and for those with privacy concerns this is good news.

want Gore to run?

This from

Express yourself if you want to see a Gore presidential run!

The Honorable Al Gore
2100 West End Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

Here's a previous post with a smidge of info on Al Gore's natal chart (more details to come, I'm sure.)

You can certainly see Gore's 1st house Saturn/Pluto conjunction in his eagle-looking stare over a large nose--just as you see Bush's natal Leo Ascendant in those slightly crossed Leonine eyes...and Tony Blair has Leo-the-Lion eyes as well!)

Quake welcomes Beckhams to CA

An Oakland quake hitting "shortly after" 4:40 am pdt jolted people awake this morning.

Here you see the chart showing the usual culprits--angular planets, esp Uranus, planet of sudden occurences and disruption, in water sign, Pisces.

Mercury in Cancer (water sign) is angular and rising, and several of the midpoints relate to separation and to attraction...just the tension needed for an earthquake to occur. There's also a "Finger of God" formation (which I neglected to mark on the chart) the base of which is the Moon/Mercury square pointing accusingly at Neptune.

With the third and final exact opposition between Saturn (earth; continental plates; form) and Neptune (dissolution; ocean; water; rifts) separating but still within orb, the Sabian Symbol for Mars' degree (and this was a Mars Hour, btw) may be instructive:

"19Tau": "A new continent rises out of the ocean."

The brutal, forceful Mars/Pluto midpoint has been pointing to NN (North Node) in recent days as we've watched the tiffs and rifts in Washington continue to play out...

Mars/Pluto = NN: extreme force; superhuman power.

And since we obviously have no superheroes in Washington, superhuman power better describes an earthquake--or perhaps David Beckham's prowess with a soccer ball and the super (major!) paycheck that goes with it.

But after watching Victoria's "major" TV show last evening and her reaction to the possibility of California earthquakes, Posh may be packing now!

Jul 19, 2007

Dissatisfied in Iowa

Iowa polling suggests more candidates please!

Plame's Lawsuit Dismissed--doh!

Doug Mataconis at Below the Beltway has the totally unsurprising news: Plame's Lawsuit against the Bush administration dismissed.

But Scooter's livin' it up.

shadows of shadows? Breaking News

Senior Qaeda figure in Iraq did not exist: U.S. military 18 Jul 2007:

A senior operative for al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] in Iraq who was caught this month has told his U.S. military interrogators a prominent al Qaeda-led group is just a front and its leader fictitious, a military spokesman said on Wednesday. Brigadier-General Kevin Bergner told a news conference that Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, leader of the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq, which was purportedly set up last year, did not exist.#

What to believe? It's sad but predictable when deceivers are so easily and regularly deceived.

Jul 18, 2007

Vonnegut: power-drunk chimpanzees

A heads-up quote from Kurt Vonnegut via Information Clearing House:

"But I know now that there is not a chance in hell of America becoming humane and reasonable. Because power corrupts us, and absolute power corrupts us absolutely. Human beings are chimpanzees who get crazy drunk on power. By saying that our leaders are power-drunk chimpanzees, am I in danger of wrecking the morale of our soldiers fighting and dying in the Middle East? Their morale, like so many lifeless bodies, is already shot to pieces. They are being treated, as I never was, like toys a rich kid got for Christmas.": Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Author.#

Here's a previous post concerning Vonnegut's natal chart for you.

Jul 17, 2007

Senate Circus: all night long!

Tonight's Dem filibuster to bust Bush's chops on his Iraq occupation is the first since 2003 during the R's judicial nominee "up or down" performance.

The Dems will need more than Hagel, Smith, and Snowe to pull off the finale but it was interesting to read Maine Senator Olympia Snowe's quote:

"We are at the crossroads (Mercury/Hermes) of hope (Neptune) and reality (Saturn) and the time (Saturn) has come to address (Mercury) reality" (Saturn.)

As you know, June 25 this year was their last tango of exactitude...Snowe is under the influence of our recently-peaked Saturn/Neptune opposition:

truth/reality/accountability/responsibility vs fiction/myth/lies/deception/idealism.

All through the night the Moon will be in Virgo, sign of the dedicated worker so I hope all the hub bub helps our troops, our nation, and the people of Iraq. We don't get many breaks anymore since George W. was installed.

July 17 Begins:

Glancing at the chart for this morning, 9:30 am edt, Capitol Building, we see the separative SN rising, conjunct Bush's natal Mars, and with asteroid Minerva along for the party.

Minerva = to be accomplished. I always think of the Hegel Society's Journal, Minerva, when I see this asteroid--can't seem to help myself.

Also rising: asteroid Orpheus in his grief and sadness, his partner lost.

And then there's determined asteroid, Sisyphus--conjunct Saturn, the significator for the Democratic Party. All Night Long, they said...bring your favorite PJs! (No photo ops, please--I couldn't stand that, stripedy or not.)

And what's conjunct Jupiter which represents the R Party? Fixed Star, Antares, keyphrase: 'obsessed with success'--and often involved in war situations. Guess that means at home and abroad.