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Aug 27, 2007

Aug 28 Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Space Weather News for Aug. 27, 2007

LUNAR ECLIPSE--FULL COVERAGE: On Tuesday, Aug. 28th, the full Moon will enter Earth's shadow for a 90-minute total eclipse. People on the Pacific side of Earth will have the best view as the Moon turns a dreamy shade of sunset red. Favored areas include the Americas (especially western North America), Hawaii, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, east Asia and Antarctica. The show begins Tuesday morning around 2 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (0900 UT).

Although the dominant color of a lunar eclipse is red, sometimes another hue appears--turquoise. Earth's shadow has a turquoise-colored fringe caused by our planet's ozone layer, and this can be seen for a few beautiful moments at the onset of totality. Today's edition of shows you what the turquoise fringe looks like and explains how to catch it.

Also, amateur astronomers are encouraged to assist NASA during the eclipse by scanning the darkened Moon for explosions caused by Helion meteoroid impacts. Typical flashes reach 6th magnitude--easy targets for mid-sized backyard telescopes equipped with digital video cameras. The eclipse is a great time to look for these "lunar meteors."

Observing tips and more information are available at along with full coverage of the eclipse, including maps, animations, timetables, and links to live webcasts, begins now on

deja-vuing Alberto Gonzales

Here are some of the highlights from SO'W of past Gonzo posts for a look-back upon the already-been-seens:

Gonzo's high noon 7.31.07

midpoints affecting Al Gonzales

Gonzales: Bowling for Freedom with Saturn

Scroll just below for the latest entry on this morning's resignation. And check out my post A leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power over at Jude's Threshold if you're interested in the Sabian Symbol for America's Mercury--active today when Gonzales made his diverting morning announcement of dramatic importance.

But where is Gonzales going?

As you know by now, Atty Gen Alberto Gonzales announced his resignation this morning at 10:32 am edt, an hour of Mars. The announcement took 2 minutes with no questions answered so we were spared the usual Washington tripe: to spend more time with my family.

Last day is to be Sep 17--4 days after the Sep 11 Solar Eclipse. Today's announcement comes the day before the Lunar Eclipse 4Pis47 which is a Full Moon or the culmination stage of things begun at the New Moon, in this case, Aug 12, at "20Leo"--where Venus is today.

I confess to a smidge of controlled joy as I set up the 10:32 am chart yet my accustomed suspicious nature soon took over...there's a YOD (Finger of God; special purpose or task, crisis) pointing to MC 24Can30 which is the position of the US natal Mercury...and MC is the Career/Public Status/Aspirations Point. Mercury rules announcements and communications.

So we have Moon/Pluto which together indicate fanatical striving for objectives or zeal which has no regard for other people; exaggerated new plans; offended vanity or conceit, and/or an extreme expression of feelings.
Moon/Pluto = Mc: remaining alone and never acting in accord; ego-consciousness prevails; one-sided emotional intensity.

At least one of TV's talking heads remarked that AG seemed calm...Sun/Jupiter midpoint was rising at 10:32 am...

Sun/Jupiter = ASC: shared success; devoting one's life to social aspirations; great enthusiam; successful teamwork.

Does this sound to you like his "resignation" is a pitiful thing?

Gonzo's n Neptune is rising...the actor or his identity dissolving...or both. His worst day serving the country (actually serving Bush), he said, was better than his father's best day. A sentimental touch for the peanut gallery. Are you buying?

But it is most interesting is to read the YOD with the US Mercury in place...

Moon/Pluto = Mercury: strategizing; planning; far-reaching plans; pursuit of comprehensive ideas with great zeal; the power of persuasion; wielding a powerful infuence upon the public.

Mars, whose hour it is, is at the midpoint of Mercury/Uranus...

Mercury/Uranus = Mars: summing up a situation quickly and acting accordingly; determination and courage; a sudden success and advancement in life; assaults; nervous drive finds the mark and usually pays off; the instincts of a fighter hitting home.

Perhaps the far-reaching plans refer to the NWO regime marching on and the sacrifice of Gonzo has become necessary to save the gorgon's head...Bush with his second head, Cheney. Then Gonzo can put up his hooves on a Texas porch next to Karl's while they await the commander-in-thief they helped create. Pass the beer and peanuts.

Or maybe they should consider kicking back instead on the Bush family compound's porch in Paraguay.

Aug 25, 2007

Marching to War: Jingoes the Brave

Wars don't happen overnight, they takes years to plan and stage.

As you may know, the US has been at it since 1991: The March to War: Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean tells much of the sorry tale, and of the involvement of NATO, Israel, and Canada.

'Tis tres sad for you, Sparkie, that if you're reading these words you have a rhyme in store--a rhyme which lighted heavily upon my Bic this morning--written in honor of those now-silent war supporters who'd rather not be bothered even though their learless feader, George Bush, needs them so. But perhaps it's just desserts that Pres. AWOL has earned their non-support!

Come all you little jingoes supporting the war
it's time to be drafted and show them what for
while waving striped flags you were quick to invade
don't say your fight-spirit is starting to fade.

For America the Brave needs more jingoes like you
with smart bombs to drop and more killing to do
as enemies pouf into tunnel and cave
your brothers are serving our as*es to save.

So get yours on down to the draft-lover's line
and step up for war--now it's your turn to shine.

(c) jude cowell 2007

Jingoism: aggressive or warlike patriotism.

See World Wide Words: Jingoism.

And in case you missed it from Nov 8, 2003: Talk of a draft grows despite denials by White House which reminds us of the bruhaha that broke out when the Defense Department placed a notice on its website under Defend America which asked for "men and women in the community who might be willing to serve as members on a local draft board...Positions are available in many communities across the Nation."

Are they now?

A tempting offer, yet most jingoes between the ages of 18 and 24--and their parents--were apparently underwhelmed and the notice was deleted from the website by Nov 7, 2003.

Seems the 'draft flag' was run up the flagpole to see who would salute and only Sen Rangel (NY) and Rep Hollings (SC) bothered by proposing legislation for the first draft since 1973 which so far has gone nowhere...hence my encouraging poem for all those who thought the Bush-Cheney war was a good idea. Where are you now? Busy? But still idealistic for war?

"Idealism increases in direct proportion to one's distance from the problem."

-John Galsworthy, whose Sun Leo/Moon Aquarius personality blend has these Images for Integration:

The chairman of the board raises his glass to his able colleagues...The king of a large, prosperous empire invites everyone to his wedding.

(Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

One's distance from the problem is the problem for the Pentagon and they'd like it to be solved by more troops please...idealism preferred but not required.

So if your draft notice eventually comes in the mail you can say a wedding invitation would have been more welcome. But in the globalist NWO empire, perhaps they're one in the same.

Aug 24, 2007

Churchill's thoughts on Iraq

"When Iraq becomes strong enough in our opinion to stand alone, we shall be in a position to state that our task has been fulfilled, and that Iraq is an independent sovereign state. But this cannot be said while we are forced year after year to spend very large sums of money on helping the Iraqi government to defend itself and maintain order." --Winston Churchill, 1922

"Forced" to spend very large sums of money?

After reading this quote from Sir Winston, I took a peek at his current Minor Progressions which describe the mental plane, for as you know, our natal charts continue to be impacted long after we're gone.

Sir Winston Churchill, born Nov 30, 1874, 1:30 am GMT, Woodstock England; chart progressed to Aug 25, 2007, midnight. Here are his Minor midpoint pictures which may or may not apply to anything under the sun, but as a consumate politician, perhaps they--and his sort of thinking--do:

Moon/Pluto = Neptune: sensitivity; lack of willpower; sentimentality; depression; fear of the unknown; feeling weakened somehow.

Moon/Saturn = Mc (Minor Mc = "4 Gem", near tr Midas 2006/07): sense of duty; feeling deserted; self-control; feeling ill or sad. (This Mc has Minor Pluto/Chiron, the plutocratic duo, upon it as well. Why does this not surprise me? And Moon/Saturn as a pair = ambition; strategy; direction. Hmph.)

Sun/Saturn = Jupiter: good fortune of an old or ill person; break-up of a value system for eventual recovery; cloud with a silver lining (that'd be nice.)

Mercury/Saturn = Jupiter: industriousness; philosophical thinking; success with irksome work; a fortunate separation.

Mars/NN = Sun: good cooperation; excellent teamwork.

You may have noticed the strong-armed paternalism in the above quote.

NWO's Uranus/Neptune Conjunction degree of 1892 (the robber barons and their spawn are riding still) is "18Cap": "The Union Jack flies from a British destroyer"...SUPERVISION.

pos: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches (like the 'mark of the beast'??);

neg/shadow/unconscious side: smug or strong-armed paternalism.

And the know-it-all Western occupiers are still trying to tell Iraq what to do.

New World Order chart and details are linked here.

Gigantic Jets in Oklahoma!

Space Weather News for August 23, 2007


On Aug. 20th, an amateur astronomer in Oklahoma scanned the sky for meteors using a low-light video camera--but instead of meteors, he recorded a bizarre upside-down form of lightning called "Gigantic Jets." Discovered in 2001, Gigantic Jets are enormous discharges that leap upward 50 miles high from the tops of thunderclouds. They are related to better known sprites and elves, but are larger and more dramatic. The Oklahoma Jets are the first ever photographed over the continental United States and they may provide key data to researchers working to understand the phenomenon.

Visit to view a movie of the Jets and to learn how you might be able to catch them yourself.

Aug 21, 2007

those Jews and Freemasons!

Masonic Traveler has the text of an interview about that suspicious secret whatchamacallit where you'll find that Jews and Freemasons are said to be behind...well, check it out for yourself.

Sun conjunct Saturn 28 Leo 32

On Capitol Hill this evening at 7:28 pm edt, serious Saturn is joined overhead by the Sun, 28Leo32 (an Astrology degree! "29" of any sign is a crisis/critical degree
as well, and conjs Fixed Star, Regulus. The Royal Stars of Pesia are all over this chart, in fact.)

If you allow the use of the NN, a joining associative point, there is a Mutable Grand Cross as well, with Neptune rising simultaneously. Neptune conj ASC is often the actor or the deceiver.

MC is part of the Grand Cross and thus releases some of its erratic, nervous energies through the career. There's an alertness yet much stress between the opposing planets (Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.)

The top of the chart, the Midheaven (Mc), which is the WHY?/Aspiration Point of any chart, has Moon 9Sag26 conj Jupiter 10Sag16. Moneybags Jupiter, significator of the GOP, is still hanging out at the "A golden-haired goddess of opportunity" degree, yet is in process of heading for "11Sag": "The lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple."

"11Sag" is an interesting degree for it is where the Pluto/Chiron conjunction occurred on Dec 30, 1999, the oppressive, class warfare pairing which ushered in our New Millenium.

Moon is conj Fixed Star Antares where Jupiter's Direct Station recently occurred, Mars is opposite at the Foundation of the chart, along with Fixed Star Aldebaran and asteroid, Midas.

There is much going on in this chart--and much going on tonight in Washington it seems--but I have other things to do at the moment and am planning to return to complete this post later this afternoon. If so, the new details will begin HERE...

Returning later than expected, the Sun/Saturn conj is 28 mins away from exactitude, so I'll only add the degree symbolism for what seems to apply most for today given the Chinese dissident's release from prison in China and his speech in Congress today, and also Bush's meeting with other leaders at the Montebello Summit...using Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac for "28Leo":

...industriousness profits from this influence. It will make (natives) into honest, fair, humane people whom everyone will find attractive and easy to deal with. They will promote--or contribute to--the setting up of cooperatives, cultural societies, social foundations, etc. the absence of any marks of finacial luck, this idealist might bring about his own ruin.

Do you think the NAU--which Bush termed "comical"--counts as a cooperative?

(oh yeah--and Fedman Ben Bernanke met with Sen. Chris Dodd today too!)

a few astro-notes on Barack Obama

In answer to a reader's query, no! I have not done a full post on the natal chart of Barack Obama. Without a birth time it didn't seem prudent. If I find an accurate time for him I would be pleased to expand.

But here are the few notes done so far on his possible Sun-Moon blend/s depending on which of two signs the Moon was in during the 24 hours of his birth date.

The Great Equalizer = 24 hours in a day. That's all anyone has no matter how 'they' fiddle with time zones or monkey with calendars!