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Dec 11, 2008

Rahm Emanuel former investment banker

Now this could be an interesting article...not that men and women in power reach the heights without mega-millions...

How Rahm Emanuel Made Mega-Millions and Bought His Way to Power

By Ben Protess

New details emerge of Emanuel's days as an investment banker.

Stiglitz on our 5 keys mistakes (Saturn to US Neptune)

Capitalist Fools

By Joseph E. Stiglitz

Behind the debate over remaking US financial policy will be a debate over who's to blame. It's crucial to get the history right, writes a Nobel-laureate economist, identifying five key mistakes-under Reagan, Clinton, and Bush II - and one national delusion.


Warning: the following astrological comments are serious - do not read if you're looking for pie in Neptune's sky!

Ah, yes, one 'national delusion.' In Astrology that would be, as you know, America's Neptune in Virgo, sign of the dedicated worker. Our collective Neptune is being visited heavily by transiting Saturn, planet of realism, within orb now but exact at the end of August into early September 2009.

This is the 'grim reality' transit so our national delusion is being made painfully clear with laser focus, or perhaps with a significant disillusioning event in Aug-Sept of 2009.

Saturn can bring loss along with regret for past mistakes (if there have been any - and there have), and Neptune has to do with living on credit - pretend money, money we don't actually have - and isn't that our illusory finances in an astrological nutshell?

The US 'Sibly' or Rudhyar charts have Neptune in 9th house which in Horary Astrology is the department (House) of foreigners, our world view, wisdom, and abstract thought. Saturn prefers the practical to the abstract, so Saturn is useful for talking Neptune down from the heights.

And foreigners are running from the US dollar in droves, plus they're part of the total buy-up of gold which has caused gold backwardation - as of Dec 2, 2008. See jude's threshold for a recent article on gold backwardation.

With Saturn-to-Neptune, there can also be confusion as to what or who is responsible for what, especially with money matters, and we are experiencing that now as well...see article above! We could say that Joseph Stiglitz (Saturn, a man of authority) is bringing Saturnian realism to our national delusion (Neptune), couldn't we?

Even the title, Capitalist (Saturn) Fools (Neptune) applies as Saturn 'descends' Neptune, but I have no drawing of that, only this one, 'Neptune Ascends' which could be seen as descending instead....

More realism on the way:

Saturn then goes on to US natal Midheaven (which we will have to consider later - it should mean being at the top of one's game professionally, but with all that's going wrong in America, it indicates to me more loss of standing in the world and restriction of our Libran ideals with possible legal system implications.)

Then it's the US Saturn Return to 10th house, which this time will be a three-fer due to Saturn's retrogradation...using the US 'Sibly' chart, here are the dates when Saturn returns to natal degree:

1. Dec 3, 2010
2. Mar 22, 2011
3. Aug 28, 2011

US n Saturn 14Lib48:20 is in 10th house, so our national return to realism stretches out into the next 2 to 3 years with the ongoing social dislocation of home and income loss attending.

Obviously, I will be posting more on our Saturn Return later on, and I wish could be more cheery about all this but that would only be more of the same rose-colored Neptunian glasses - and would vex Saturn who doesn't appreciate his lessons being dissed!

Dec 10, 2008

Declaration of Human Rights 60 years old today

Today is the 60th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights which was passed on Dec 10, 1948 at the United Nations, and sponsored by former first lady and UN ambassador, Eleanor Roosevelt.

Considering that the Declaration was meant to protect the world's rights to freedom from oppression of all kinds - including torture, Mrs. Roosevelt would be none too happy to see how world leaders trample upon it whenever it suits them. She would definitely take it amiss.

Dec 10, 1948 had Sun in Sagittarius (18:04 to 19:05), and Moon in Aries for the 24 hours, from 5Ari42 to 17Ari42...

Sun Sag-Moon Aries Images for Integration:

"He who would be king postpones the coronation for a trek through the Himalayas...A mature student discovers her political convictions and debating talents through confronting the corruption of academia." ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Academia, eh? I like for corruption to be confronted wherever it festers, but once again: Mrs. Roosevelt would be scandalized by the crooked sidewinders and kingly robbers we suffer from now.

But who will take America's place?

Der Spiegel has an article by Wolfgang Nowak which is either a clear-eyed assessment of the coming new order, financial and otherwise, or a fascinating bit of propaganda designed to place certain ideas into the collective unconsciousness for future activation when the time is right.

(There's been a lot of that going on already, and the February 2009 Digital TV 'Divide' will make their messages even more subliminal.)

The article contains a photograph of an American flag with the caption: 'Who will take America's place?' which is where I snagged the gist of a title for this post.

Who will be the decisive powers in this new world order?, Nowak asks.

What new world order?, ask I.

Among other things, Nowak is promoting the idea that the world must pull together (my words) to solve global problems...problems which were, I might add, created by many of the same people and groups that have worked in a long process to tear down social fabrics the world over and create the chaos they think is needed so that structures can be rebuilt to their liking.

You and I are only collateral damage.

Nowak's article cites journalist Charles Krauthammer as speaking of "the dawning of a new era, (in) which for decades to come, the United States would serve as epicenter of the world order."

And this pronouncement from Krauthammer-on-high (aka the Trilateral Commission membership list, a group which has been cornering the market on gold of late, says Patrick Wood at The August Review) was uttered "just 17 years ago" - which puts it at 1991, the era of Bush Senior's public calling for the New World Order - at the United Nations.

Well, Nowak is spokesman of the executive board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society, the international forum of Deutsche Bank, so we may be assured that he has no corporate fish to fry, right?

But perhaps I'm being too harsh. Sure, that's it. It's little gnattish blogger, me. I'm the problem.

So okay. You may wish to check out the Society's new Foresight project
ostensibly created to "analyze and compare the future visions of emerging and existing world powers" in this 'multipolar world' now bereft of American leadership.

And we have US neocons and their enablers both here and abroad to thank for that.

Dec 9, 2008

Strengthen the unions

Card Check

"You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains"

By Mike Whitney

Forget about the fake differences between the two political parties. There aren't any. The only hope for deep structural change is to strengthen the unions and give workers a place at the policy table. That's the only peaceful way to dismantle this parasitic financial regime and bring about a more equitable distribution of wealth.

US economy takeover: 1939 vs 2008

The parallels between what Bush has done taking over US banks and loan institutions such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are said by some to echo too closely Hitler's tactics in Germany in the 1930s. As you know, Adolf wanted to rule the world, and the misery and chaos of war was the price he was willing for others to pay.

If you're aware of these parallels between the time periods and tactics, never mind; but if not, please read the article concerning the US dictatorship which is now being enlarged, by Michael S. Rozeff, a retired Professor of Finance.

Apparently the Nazi memorabilia room at Yale's Skull and Bones, where Bush once played, is having a renaissance of sorts. Granddaddy B helped with Adolph's piggybank and now grandson is following a similar script.

But who's playing Hitler now?

Dec 8, 2008

Crooks take over, America the pariah

"We Let The Crooks Take Over": The plot to shift taxes from wealthy and on the wage earners

Guns and Butter Interview with Dr. Michael Hudson

The United States Has become a pariah in the world financial economy.


Yes, it's definite - the crooks have taken over. And I always appreciate Dr. Hudson's writings.

But the 'pariah' part doesn't work quite as well for me, esp considering annual G-8 summits, the annual Biderberg Group meetings, and other entities which meet in secret sessions (such as the WTO) to discuss what's coming up economically.

To say the US is a financial pariah indicates the possibility that the current financial meltdown isn't part of a script which many governments are following with world bankers and the Fed leading the bankrupt-America charge over the insolvency cliff as the power elite cheer them on.

That's why these entities meet - it isn't to discuss how wonderful America is.

The recent and popular video of Bush hanging his head when no world leader would shake his hand at the G-20 was a set-up, imho. It was too obvious by half, and very badly acted - plus, they knew they were being recorded, after all. Can presidents be impeached for bad thespianism?

"America is too rich to go bankrupt," a brag which some of my fellow Fraysters once taunted (silly) me with at Slate Magazine in their forum, The Fray, so I wonder what they're saying about America's financial propects now that 8 years of the Bush-Cheney cabal has had its way with US coffers.

Perhaps I shall pay a sentimental visit to The Fray, a readers' forum which helped me realize that I wanted to blog about Washington, DC and Politics through the lens of Astrology...but not to gloat, oh no.

Because this is one of those times you'd dearly love love love to be completely wrong.

As Orwell wrote...

"They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening." George Orwell

Well, are you sufficiently interested to notice?

Read about Orwell's natal chart details here, if you wish, where you'll find an Orwell-style description of mass media deception.

And here's an idea for the overseer which that other George, Bush by name, will be placing over the $15 million loan for GM and Chrysler: I hear Brownie may be available for doing heckuva jobs.

Sun Myung Moon revered on Capitol Hill

For some time I've meant to post this video which concerns *Sun Myung Moon's 'crowning' as the 'prince of peace' the US Capitol Building, which is a Masonic temple, if you look at it from the right angle.

Do we pay them for this? Is it really in God they trust?

The video is almost 23 minutes long so you may wish to skip ahead - and you may not believe your eyes, if they are American eyes.

Makes me wonder what craziness our elected 'representatives' get up to in their private sessions with their after-hours secret handshakes and oaths not to reveal - to the American people - what goes on.


*Alternate spellings of Moon's name appear here and there, if 'Moon' is his name at all. He's had alternate IDs over the years from what I can find.

Moon's huge Paraguay compound is said to be next door to the Bush family compound so apparently they'll be neighbors when a retired George kicks back on the porch.

I'll never forget living in DC years several 'moons' ago when thousands of Moon posters were suddenly plastered all over the city with his grinning mugshot freakishly staring out. And as you see above, our freaks honor him--or pretend to.

Little did I know then what I wish I didn't have to know now.

Sun Myung Moon: #CIAasset #weaponsmanufacturer and who knows what else? Born in North Korea on January 6, 1920. Update August 3, 2021: Rev. Moon: Cult Leader, CIA Asset, and Bush Family Friend is dead.

Dec 7, 2008

Colorado Fireball and Inauguration 2009

Space Weather News for Dec 6, 2008

COLORADO FIREBALL: Last night, a fireball one hundred times brighter than the full Moon lit up the sky near Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Astronomer Chris Peterson photographed the event using an all-sky video camera dedicated to meteor studies. "In seven years of operation, this is the brightest fireball I've ever recorded. I estimate the terminal explosion at magnitude -18."

Meteors this bright are called superbolides; they are caused by small (meter-class) asteroids and are likely to pepper the ground with meteorites when they explode.

Visit to watch the fireball video and contribute sighting reports that could help pinpoint any meteoritic debris.

TUMBLING TOOLBAG: The space station's famous sidekick, the ISS Toolbag, is circling Earth and reportedly producing flashes of light bright enough to record using off-the-shelf digital cameras.

The flashes, shown in a photo on today's edition of, could be a sign that the bag is tumbling. Both the Toolbag and the ISS will be making a series of evening passes over North America and Europe in the evenings ahead, so now is a good time to look.

Check the Simple Satellite Tracker for viewing times.

BONUS: The Dec 1st Great Conjunction Photo Gallery continues to grow with daily additions from around the world. Start browsing the gallery here.

Visit for photos, webcasts and more information.


Notice the number lately of reports of 'fireball' sightings?

Chunky visitors from orbits unknown?

Or perhaps 'Star Wars' remnants + satellites of surveillance + mind control + electromagnetic experiments + Pentagon beams + digital tv as of Feb 17, 2009...any or all are peeking through the veil of consciousness from the shadows of the collective unconscious.

You know the joke about 'drinking the Kool-Aid'? Don't scoff too quickly.

Actually, a "wholly epochal transition" has already occurred - Dec 2, 1942, 3:01 pm LMT, Chicago, Illinois, when the atom was "harnessed"...Saturn Rx conj Uranus Rx in early Gemini, in 1st house. Saturn (boundaries, form) harnessed Uranian energy...and enriched uranium has been sought ever since.

And yet astrologers know that Prometheus unbound has much deeper meaning to humankind than a difficult science problem successfully solved and brought from abstraction to fulfillment in the physical realm, invented for presidents to exercise America's 'awesome and ultimate power' - as if by God Himself.

That 2008 has been a year of Saturn's opposition to Uranus (Prometheus) is significant in the nuclear 'race' (Saturn conj Uranus = start of a cycle) or as some people say, the biggest stick with which to control the masses...nuke fear.

Rising at 3:01 pm in the Atomic Energy chart (as given by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones) is 13Tau30, an Ascendant degree that is less than 1 degree from the 'US Presidency' Ascendant on Jan 20 at noon in Washington, DC. The ASC is the WHAT? Point of any chart.

At the WHY? Point, or Midheaven (MC) is 25Capricorn, appr 1 degr from the Inaugural MC degree and this time (Jan 20, 2009) the highest point of the chart, the MC/Goal Point, will be the transiting midpoint of Pluto/Chiron, the isms duo of fascism, totalitarianism, racism, corporatism, disenfranchisement, primal violence, and other words, plutocracy.

And to pile on at MC on Jan 20, 2009, noon, is US natal Pluto, planet of plutonium and atomic power.

Now I'm tender hearted and don't appreciate typing this cr*p out for you to read; plus, you might be happier if you didn't read it. But if you've gotten this far, you may as well allow me to finish...

Man will not finish this Earth. God will decide when that's to be, and how. So we can forget the usual Hollywood movie scenarios, or classic or modern sci-fi stories or books. The idea that other worlds have creatures that arrive in Earth's vicinity bwo cigar-shaped hovercraft is ridiculous.

That there are other worlds and beings is a given, however.

"In My Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would've told you," Jesus answered his Disciples when asked if this were the only created world.

My studies indicate that if knowing there are other worlds (unfallen worlds) were necessary to our salvation, we would've been clued in about it big time. It's comforting to know, but it's not the key to Eternal Life.

So...please don't let the fireballs spook ya! They're either asteroid/meteor displays, space junk burning up in the atmosphere, or...the Pentagon or other groups playin' around with their hi-tech toys to the world's detriment. They're the ones we should all keep our eyes on.

And on a lighter note...

John Malkovich was funny on SNL earlier, and it was great to see Amy Poehler back at the salt mine and giving out da nooze. Amy's impersonation of Hillary tickles me. And she really laughs like that - rather creepily.

Dec 6, 2008

Astrology looks at the Week of Dec 8 - 15, 2008

For an excellent planetary synopsis of the upcoming week of Dec 8th - 15th read Julie Demboski's revealing article.

For years I've been a fan of Julie's astrology writings in Dell Horoscope Magazine, among others, and am happy to provide a link here to her comprehensive insights which you'll find include asteroids such as Pallas (the daughter), Ceres (the mother), Juno (the wife), and Vesta (the virgin, or, the dedicated worker), along with planetary transits and aspects which underpin the world's astrological and cultural weather.

Meanwhile, here at Stars Over Washington I tend to blog about dire subjects such as political thespians, the White House, Capitol Hill denizens, and the mayhem and miseries they create.

There's seldom an uplifting varmint in the class warfare bunch, so my posts can be heavier than we-the-people desire or deserve.

Therefore, I hereby recommend to you Julie's articles for an uplifting look at what's going on above in the cosmos while our noses are pointed toward the perplexing problems of our nation and in our personal lives.

Let Ms. Demboski advise you on the week concerning astrological symbols and energies, for:

As Above, So Below!


Image of paper collage, His American Majesty, by jude cowell 2008...for entertainment purposes only.

Scahill on Obama's foreign policy

Hopefully, you've already read Jeremy Scahill's article about Obama's foreign policy team and their hawkish leanings - most have Clintonite status.

Remember what Bill Clinton did almost as soon as he first took office? He bombed Baghdad. The Scahill article gives BHO's advisers and cabinet names with detials on their...associations, and the current and former positions each hold or held.

It is not comforting.

Why, it was only earlier this year that a campaigning Barack Obama said, "I don't just want to end the war, I want to end the mindset that got us into war."

That's a tall order to change people's minds, Barry.

And made quite impossible by appointing advisers who are part of the brigade that created the mindset in the first place under Clinton and Bush administrations, as Scahill more fully explains.

That an Obama presidency will bring real change to America and improvement to our imperialist foreign policy looks more sour each day as we near January 20, 2009.

Does the crisis 29th degree of the 2009 Inaugural Moon (Moon = the people; the public) indicate serious disillusionment with Barack Obama as he takes the (public) Oath of Office?

That it represents the many crises we are experiencing and which are being made worse by the engineered financial meltdown (Scorpio) seems a given to me, but a 29 degree Moon in a US Inaugural chart reflects what are, for now, unknown factors which may become apparent in January, if not in December 2008.

Things may not turn out as expected, but whatever the case by Jan 20, 2009, it will be imperative to deal with it.