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Jan 23, 2010

Horoscope of the SOTU Address Jan 27, 2010

Update Jan 27, 2010 2:15 am est: in the first SOTU Address of his presidency, Pres. Obama will hold himself accountable for how things have gone in his first year in office, but will add that he is not solely to blame. Must be that Saturn Rx in diplomatic Libra, in 1st house and rising.

He takes responsibility, Y'all - sort of. For the most part.

And @ 9 pm, Mr. Obama's natal Mars is rising, you know, but it's America's Neptune, representing our ability to be hynotized and idealistic to our own detriment, that rises at the moment of mass media Neptune's stage entrance under the rosy glow of the TV cameras and spotlights.

Enjoy the performance.

Original post starts here with a SOTU chart image set for 9:00 pm est, Capitol Building, DC, the scheduled time, thus SOTU's 'birth time' (and symbolic chart, even if he begins a minute or so later):

Horoscope of the President's State of the Union Address, Jan 27, 2010, scheduled for 9:00 pm est, Capitol Building, Washington DC; Ascendant 22Vir06 with US natal Neptune rising along with President Obama's natal Mars; at Mc (The Goal Point) is US natal Mars in Gemini; Hour of the Moon; Moon 7Can21 out-of-bounds (OOBs) indicating the extreme emotional insecurity of the public (Moon.)

A Cancerian Moon (the people; the public) opposing Mercury (the speech; the orator) in Capricorn indicates that using the cold logic of a Cap Mercury to deliver his message (Mercury) will be offensive to the sensitive, home-and-security-minded public (Moon.) Our self-protective emotions may make it impossible to agree with what he says (Cancer is also a sign of business which I believe relates to massive job losses for the people thus bringing insecurity); reasoning goes against emotions and thinking/feeling are unbalanced with a Moon/Mercury opposition.

This opposition is significant since Mercury is chart-ruler (and Midheaven-ruler) and makes only two applying aspects in the chart: opposite Moon (5A58) and conjunct NN (7A46.)

America's natal Mars/Neptune square (with its confused, unconscious motivations and deceptive actions) is at ASC (What? Point = Neptune) and Mc (Why? Point = Mars); a Mars/Neptune square makes it difficult to accept reality and in the case of a self-protective society (and presidency) open actions are often lacking which makes it easy for subversive forces to take over (imo, they have); lowered standards attract negative or underworld types (imo, they definitely have. We and the rest of the world are in the clutches of a world crime syndicate.)

Mars/Neptune contacts often indicate associations with disease, infections, and medicine so mentions may be made of health insurance reform, flu vaccines, and/or the worsening health conditions in besmited Haiti, the latest pet project of Washington. (Send money to Haiti, yes, but please remember that local needs continue on along and worsen if neglected.)

Our nation's natal Sun/Saturn square (with n Saturn in 1st house/US n Sun in 10th house along with our Venus and Jupiter in Cancer) is highlighted as well and may bring mentions of defense, fear, and conservation. (Click the chart to enlarge - US natal planets are highlighted in pink.)

US natal Mercury Rx 24Can+ conjuncts SOTU's 11th cusp at 9:00 pm and n Mercury is being visited by SOTU 2010's Moon/Mars midpoint (all midpoint pictures from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey); any, all, or none may apply:

SOTU Moon/Mars = n Mercury: nervousness; irritability; worrisome preoccupations; uncertainties about the use of force; premature criticism.

US n Pluto opposes n Mercury so we may infer that:

SOTU Moon/Mars = n Pluto (or soon will): eliminating the anger that accompanies complaints; intensified defiance in periods of uncertainty; powerful opinionation; a demanding nature; one-sided outlook; fanaticism; moodiness.

The 'powerful connections'/'common destiny of large masses of people' midpoint, Pluto/NN, is influencing orating Mercury:

Pluto/NN = Mercury: taking advantage of shifts in power (is one example earthquakes?; conversing fluently with influential people; exercising a compelling and magnetically powerful influence upon the public; a desire to dominate others intellectually; thinking big; hearing the grass grow; reading others and judging their needs.

Sun 8AQ02 (the leader) and Moon 7Can21 (the people) are inconjunct (149 degr 19 mins) and in need of adjustment; Sun is trying to win approval from the Moon which we-the-people may feel is undeserved (so far - it's only been a year); fund-raising projects and welfare programs come to mind with Sun inconj Moon; appeals for working together may be mentioned. Ties to the good old days and to the emotional security we once enjoyed are misaligned with the way in which our leader (Sun) is expressing his will. We continue to feel we are not being listened to. (We're not.)

Tiresomely, Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator pair of grand schemers, are in 6th house of Work, Health, and Police/Military Forces -- and are now snugged around US natal Moon in Aquarius. This means that the Jupiter/Neptune = n Moon picture is still influencing the collective with its 'involved in speculations; little sense of reality (plus, they're always lying to us); losing oneself in plans; instability; wastefulness' vibes. As I said, tiresome.

Restrictive, controlling Saturn 4Lib28 Rx (delays) in 1st house is focal planet of a midpoint combo, too - Moon/Pluto, which relates to propaganda, broadcasting and public relations on a grand scale, drastic moods, people's opinions about crime, war, and internal secrecy, attempts to 'psyche out' the public...and popular promises to end war, waste, etc, in appeals to the public.

Guess we'll hear about those 2008 campaign promises, and perhaps they'll be updated for our current consumption, realism added with a thud to earth.

Moon/Pluto = Saturn: realism about handling gloomy events; depression; emotional suffering; constraint and loss; pressure to regroup forces and plan anew.

With Saturn signifying the Democratic Party, this seems in part a reference to Scott Brown's recent senatorial win in Massachusetts and to the Dems' possibly unstable prospects for the Nov 2010 elections.

Interestingly, US natal Saturn opposes SOTU's Sun/Mc midpoint 14Ari13 (7th house; The Hero's Goal; molding and shaping global politics; leaders who have lost popularity; a lessening of authority through losing contact with the people) which happens to conjoin SOTU's Moon/NN midpoint.

Moon/NN is, of course, the midpoint between the Moon's position and Luna's own Nodal position, certainly a 'contact with the public' indicator; in politics and business this mdpt indicates: measurements of productivity; foreign trade and channels or means for conducting trade; ports of entry; roadways, canals, or transit systems; agricultural blockages, or failures at ports of entry or exit ('underwear bomber' on Christmas Day 2009? Uninvited Salahis at the White House State Dinner? Food shortages on the way? Breakdowns in trade agreements? Bottlenecks?)

Moon/NN = n Saturn: older, wiser people giving advice about direction; working hard with others, sometimes having to go it alone; disadvantages or loss through associations; separations.

Sun/Mc = n Saturn: reserve; inhibitions; withdrawal or retirement (several politicians have announced their retirements; plus, we should withdraw from the Middle East, imo); the necessity to make sobering decisions; refinement of ambition; learning through apparent mistakes; addressing problems; restricted aims.

Well, President Obama has gracious plenty problems to address on the evening of January 27, 2010 in his first official SOTU Address, and much more info is contained in this chart than I'm typing here. A Moon Hour is a good time to address the public, too, so what I may do is forestall updating this post until the President completes his Address and I hear the political pundits and corporate shills tell us what we should think and what nuggets we should glean from it.

Pres. Obama's ending time will give us a significant chart, too. Then we can see which planets changed houses and if any new planetary patterns form. And if he speaks long enough, traditional Saturn will surely rise and progressive Uranus will certainly set.

Note: Upper right, I have made note that if you use the Dobbyns version of the US natal chart (July 4, 1776 @ 10:36 am LMT) the SOTU cusps at 9:00 pm est are the same cusps as the Dobbyns chart which puts US natal Mars (god of war) at natal Mc, and US n Neptune rising; the other planets in the SOTU 2010 chart are precisely where they now transit in the Dobbyns chart which gives this particular SOTU more gravitas than it might wield otherwise.

Therefore, Mars the warrior is at the Why? Point, mass media's Neptune, planet of deception and propaganda (and oil, perhaps to be found in Haiti along with uranium) are always rising and culminating in the US' Dobbyns chart.

In business and politics, Neptune/ASC = responding to the ideals of the people; deluding others about the current state of the economy, affairs, or scandals which are in the news; distortions of the facts; a need for additional glamor or glory; subversion by those who are trusted; internal decay or neglect of hospitals or health care systems (!! the Dobbyns chart sounds eerily accurate to me esp with military Mars at Mc, too); misleading news concerning intentions; overlooking the reality of what is happening and relying on what is believed the situation should be.

All are key weaknesses of this country, imo. Facing reality is not our strong suit. Making it up is more the tendency.

But let's not leave out Mars/Mc while we're discussing America's natal chart and the 2010 SOTU Address's chart which dovetail so perfectly:

Mars/Mc = developing military capability for both safety and defense; using created enemies of the state as targeted examples or focus objects for hate; fostering paranoia for political control of the people (sound familiar yet?); fear of foreign domination and preparation for same; legislative bodies that order arming as a means of protecting borders or rights.

Though I despise admitting it, the Dobbyns version of America's natal chart (10:36 am LMT) describes this nation better than any other version I've used so far. And Jan 27, 2010's transit of Mars-to-Mc shows our military aggression and promotion of our goals to the world as President Obama launches a campaign on behalf of what is perhaps a new and pioneering cause.

My 'SOTU hope' is that threats are not issued with Mars being Rx in Leo, fearful Saturn Rx rising, and America pretending not to be bankrupt when everyone knows she is - by way of too much warring and internal looting by those we should be able to trust.

Your comments and analyses are as always cordially invited; however, please be advised that discourteous remarks will not be published.

Terror, American Tyranny, and Divide-and-Conquer

American Gulag: Obama to Indefinitely Imprison Detainees Without Charges

By Glenn Greenwald

The administration is claiming the power to imprison whomever it wants without charges whenever it believes that -- even in the face of the horrendously broad "material support for terrorism" laws the Congress has enacted -- it cannot prove in any tribunal that the individual has actually done anything wrong. #

Now a few words from two of America's past experts on the subject:

"...freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected. These principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us, and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation." Thomas Jefferson

"The establishment of the writ of habeas corpus...are perhaps greater securities to liberty and republicanism than any it [the Constitution] contains....The practices of arbitrary imprisonments have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny. Alexander Hamilton

Article link and quotes compliments of Information Clearing House.

Given the turn of direction that America has taken in recent years - ramped up since the attacks of 9/11/01 - I fail to see how anyone can fail to see that we've been coup'd by those who will use tyranny against anyone they please. 'Protections' of American citizenship mean next to nothing under such imperialism.

And the tyrannist's baton was passed from Bush-Cheney to Obama-Biden on January 20, 2009, a baton stolen with help from SCOTUS (who shafted the American electorate once again last week) by Bush-Cheney in December 2000 mere months after after the August 11, 1999 King of Terror Eclipse predicted by Nostradamus.

Before 9/11, the Bush-Cheney administration was being spoken of as "illegitimate" but a bullhorn on rubble put a (supposed) end to the grousing and rumors and "brought us together" -- under Bush, along with the goose-steppers of Congress.

Historically, false flag ops have been shown to be highly effective for mobilizing whole populations, you know.

November 2010 Cometh...

"Democrats vs Republicans" - "libs vs cons" - "blue states vs red" -- all mindsets to keep we-the-people divided against ourselves and thus less potent than we really are. Toss off the shackles of these invented labels...please!

Not that the deck isn't stacked against us for there are few, if any, honest politicians to vote for in any state, and the day grows late...

Jan 22, 2010

Are Haiti quakes HAARP's 'weather warfare'?

Guess What? It Isn't Science Fiction Anymore

The US Air Force and Navy have been messing with Earth's ionosphere for some time now thanks to HAARP and its inventor Bernard Eastlund whose patent was kept sealed under a government secrecy order for one year. It's now public, and details about Eastlund's weather-altering transmitter of powerful radiation beams can do many amazing things which include interfering with Earth's magnetic fields thereby confusing migratory birds, marine animals, and other creatures.

The military-controlled apparatus is based in Alaska, so Sarah Palin's thought processes may have been scrambled 'ere this (which would explain a lot.)

And did I hear you say, beached whales and dolphins? The transmitter sits on the path of the Pacific Flyway, a bad decision which goes along with the rest, one supposes.

Upper Atmospheric Wind Patterns Can Be Altered

Use of this 'virtual mirror' of excessive, focused power can result in massive electrical outages and weather manipulations, while pilot communications and electronic instrumentation interferences are other possibilities, as well as possibly triggering health conditions and diseases such as cancer.

This sounds a lot like one of the myths of Atlantis' demise, you know the one: massive out-of-control power abuses blow everything to kingdom come and a large land mass sinks into the sea.

This part of the Atlantean myth must be why the asteroid Atlantis has for its key phrases: abuse of power; where we feel doomed. 'Atlantis' may also refer to the Atlantic Ocean, the shuttle Atlantis, and to America as the supposed "New Atlantis," a reference to Francis Bacon's utopian novel (published 1624 in Latin; 1627 in English) of "an ideal land" and "mythical island."

HAARP can raise internal body temperatures of "people nearby," admits the Navy and Air Force about this devilish program which may have been created for positive uses, yet as always with mankind's dualistic nature, it's the motivation behind the facade that tells the truer tale and brings the ultimate results.

But why would the US military want to destroy and depopulate Haiti and move several thousand troops in to "distribute aid and provide relief"? (Notice our military planes had dibs on landing there - and how little relief has actually been delivered to the Haitian people even a week+ after the initial event.)

Why? The rumor is that there may be oil and uranium there and we're said to be running out of both. And since when did imperial America fail to coup d'etat countries and take charge of their natural resources wherever our plutocratic Robber Baron oligarchs found them?


Update 1.23.10: perhaps HAARP is woven into science fiction, too, in the novel Dante's Equation.

Thanks for the heads-up, Alex!

Asteroid archetypes and the financial criminals they describe

Many astrologers combine asteroids and their mythological archetypes within their planetary work for delving more deeply into events and personalities, and the study of criminal personalities can be an intriguing branch of the ancient art.

One such master in this department is Mark Andrew Holmes whose Financial Criminals: Asteroid Analysis is now published at Modern Astrology. Chart details of financial culprits and crooks are provided and include asteroid analyses on Bernard Madoff, Jeffrey Skilling, and several others.

Asteroid meanings are a fine-tuned way of delineating a subject or event so check out Mark's article for further - and deeper - information on asteroid archtypes.

You may even discover that an asteroid archetype previously unknown to you can describe a facet of your own personality...on an up-and-up level, of course!

Jan 19, 2010 brought no 'Poe Toaster' to poet's grave

Well, how disappointing. Jan 19, 2010 came and went but no Poe Toaster turned up to honor the macabre poet and literary critic with cognac and roses as 'he' has done these decades long.

The mysterious visitor has been wafting to Poe's Baltimore graveside in the dead of night for 60 years - since Jan 19, 1949, in fact, but was a no-show this time, reports the Baltimore Sun. There was an apparent passing of the cognac glass a while back but the hoary Poe Toasting tradition now broken bodes ill for Mr. Poe still in repose.

However, no protest of a turning-over-in-his-grave nature has occurred, last I heard, and we may count this as a good thing in spite of our grave disappointment.

Previous posts concerning the life and death of Mr. Edgar Allan Poe are here and here and a big hearty Thank You goes to my friend Jilly Dybka, poet and poetry-news-gatherer, for tweeting this story from off her excellent and highly recommended Poetry Hut blog.

Good catch, Jilly! And hey, maybe there's been so much publicity directed at the Poe Toaster in recent years that a mysterious someone feared being unmasked, hmm?

Jan 21, 2010

For Americans nation-building begins elsewhere

Richard C. Cook has written an excellent if sobering article concerning the US economy and our nation's present condition, Nation-building should begin at home.

Unfortunately, at home we have nation-underminers with today's SCOTUS decision leading the wolf pack for the moment. And if we could just stop the Pentagon from breaking other nations perhaps we could concentrate on our own business.

Oh how simplistic am I!

Well, if you read Mr. Cook's article (or have read it already) I ask that you think longingly of America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon of December 24, 2008, a time when an entity or an individual has expanded as far as can be reasonably expected and it's time to reap rewards, not begin new projects. A culmination has been reached in a 28 - 30 year cycle and we see outcomes from the new starts and plans of 14 years earlier when seeds were planted.

(2008 minus 14 = 1994 which furrowed the Republican Party's 'Contract with America''s seeds, or as I think of it, Contract on America, which used some text from a Reagan speech to burnish it's hoped-for effect on we-the-people.

Now we see the Treasury-emptying financial results, and with Scott Brown's rout in Massachusetts, the GOP's hopes and plans for a replay of their congressional coup of 1994 is staring us brazenly in the face. Yet who can forget the interminable 8 years of fraud and torture under Bush-Cheney? Who?

Plus, you may wish to consider Ronald Reagan's signing of the Garn-St Germain Act: "I think we hit the jackpot," he beamed proudly - or as I tend to think of it: I knew it was you, Reagan. Fastfoward to Jan 2009 and it seems to me that Bush and crew 'hit the jackpot' as they skulked from the White House, our coffers decimated, financial system wrecked, bags of moola under their thieving arms.

Yes, a Secondary Full Moon is a time of harvest and can be a positive or negative period depending on what was planted - a peak has been achieved, the light is at its very brightest and must now soften slowly until the next New Moon begins the cycle again. Recognizing that this phase has arrived may be difficult at first to accept and the American personality ordinarily has much trouble in this department - we do like our new endeavors, don't we? Expansion, baby! We think we were born to expand, never contract. Now that would be an unnatural state of karma-avoidance.

Of course, Bush and his fellow thieves of Wall Street and Capitol Hill did enjoy the harvest planted in 1994, didn't they?

So I've been blogging (aka, fussing) at government for not seeming to recognize that our nation's peak has been reached - or at least, the plutocrats-in-charge have tried very hard not to clue us in on the true condition of things by pretending we can afford to escalate wars (even start new ones!) and by refusing to give up their practice of "capitalism as usual" in spite of all indications to the contrary. Lots of funny money has been printed by the Federal Reserve which is neither federal nor reserved.

However, the financial collapse of 2008 and the tsunami-like ripples it created have made the culminating peak of our Secondary Progressed Full Moon more difficult to hide even for our master propagandists. Even citizens who prefer to pretend that 'Politics' doesn't exist because they'd rather think of other things, have been forced to pay attention to the self-destructive road we tread when common sense says we should be 'regrouping to plan anew' (to paraphrase the venerable I Ching) rather than expanding against the 28/30-year natural cycle of our Secondary Full Moon. Stubborn will or irrational will? A bunch of both, I think.

And the fact that our Sec Full Moon occurred on the Virgo/Pisces victim/savior axis has only better described the current haves vs have-nots stand-off of obscenely huge executive pay bonuses, corporate welfare bailouts, big banks tossing people out on the streets to do what with yet another empty house, millions of people unemployed, and the general inequalities and ills within our society.


Tonight my heart was wrenched by a report on NPR about the US bail bond system and how most people in jail now are there because they can't make bond - even $50 or $100 bails. Some areas of the country are worse than others, but the system supports the incomes of bail bondsmen while taxpayers foot the bill for those who must sit inside for months or up to a year. And we're not talking violent criminals here...we may be talking about your or my neighbor whose life may now be ruined and whose job is now lost because he couldn't scare up $100. The toll on families is immeasurable: even the lowest wage earner is needed in the home!

So here's our formerly great America. Land of the spree, home of the grave?

Then an activist-court SCOTUS decides to supply more 'evidence' that corporations are people, too, and after hearing of their decision upturning the campaign finance law (inadequate though it was), I fret today even more than yesterday for the future of our handicapped-from-within America that was, is, and will continue to be, my only nag in the race.

Are some earthquakes man-made?

Here is an article I'm just now reading and am not certain you'd be interested in the subject but if you are, it concerns the possibility that earthquakes are not only natural disasters but can be manipulated man-made events.

Remember a few decades ago when 'cloud seeding' to bring rain was all the rage?

Baby steps.

Jan 19, 2010

View Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse photos

Space Weather News for Jan 19, 2010

FARSIDE SOLAR ACTIVITY: Over the past two days, NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft has detected two eruptions from an active region just behind the sun's eastern limb. The source of the blasts appears to be old sunspot 1039. The sun's rotation will begin turning the spot toward Earth this week, so there could be some Earth-directed solar activity in the offing.

Check SpaceWeather News for movies and updates.

ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE: On Jan 15th, the Moon passed directly in front of the sun, producing a "ring of fire" solar eclipse over the Indian Ocean and surrounding lands. The eclipse gallery contains many must-see images.

Start browsing here.

Naomi Klein warns on Haiti disaster capitalism

Update Jan 19: just published is the horoscope of Haiti's Declaration of Independence, Jan 1, 1804, with a few details. Powerful, manipulative Pluto is now conjunct Haiti's natal Mars/Chiron conjunction and tr Mars Rx is conjunct n SN!

Original post begins here:

Democracy Now has the Jan 13, 2010 interview text and video of author Naomi Klein concerning the Jan 12 earthquake disaster in Haiti and the threat of shock doctrine capitalism to this impoverished and on-its-knees nation.

In a comment on this blog yesterday I mentioned my lack of trust that the US government (and others) are being honest relief-bringers to the people of Haiti. Well, I wasn't searching for the above info but it turned up during a cyber-ramble for Haiti's date of independence.

Slave Uprising Leads to Independence

Haiti's revolutionaries declared independence from France on January 1, 1804, hour unknown, at Gonaives. Our slave owners President George Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson erred on the side of supporting France and Napoleon in the uprising.

'Erred' is only my modern word, but their historic mistake.

For as we see demonstrated before our eyes each day, rich plutocrats do like to stick together and they'll support or install any dictator who dances to their capitalist tune in order to make everything a one-sided win-win - but only for them.

Jan 18, 2010

Inauguration 2009's Solar Return 2010: Obama's 2nd year begins

Soon a year will have passed in the Presidency of Barack Obama which means it's time for the Solar Return 2010 to the Jan 20, 2009 Inauguration chart.

A Solar Return chart is 'good for' a year so the 2010 Return chart covers his presidency's 2nd year going forward. Click the link to view the 2010 Solar Return chart and read a few details. Leave polite comments to discuss the chart and our national propects for 2010, if you wish.