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Sep 27, 2010

US being molded into a police state

Well, we're back from our weekend in Atlanta and the excellent Dali exhibition at the High Museum of Art. So what do I find as I return to politics and the blogosphere?

It's official: America is a police state, says Dr. Paul Craig Roberts with whom I heartily agree for I believe that the attacks of 9/11/01 have been a signpost along the way.

Look at the engineered Financial Crisis 2008: bankruptcy rates have greatly increased ever since with more home foreclosures lining up in the wings. And what is the Sabian Symbol for the Moon (the people) on the morning of 9/11/01?

'28 Gemini' = "BANKRUPTCY" with the astrological Moon describing a reigning need.

How much clearer could it be that these events are part of an over-arching process to weaken this nation financially and socially and cause we-the-people to plead for a new world order (aka, one-world-government) to 'rescue' us? Some rescue!

The current move to include 'home grown terrorism' on the US government's target and enforcement lists is part of the process toward totalitarianism and world government. Alas, some of us expected and dreaded it when neocon Zionist warhawks usurped the White House in December 2000 (not that Al Gore isn't one of the social engineers, too - perhaps a member of a different faction than Cheney and his ilk.)

And the government proceeds as if everyone trusts that terrorist acts are committed by culprits identified by the US government! Bosh!

So now in 2010, America's becoming a police state should be no surprise to anyone. Our resources have been, after all, used for decades to fund an international police force for the entire world with hundreds of global US military bases at-the-ready.

Besides, you weren't going to use that Social Security check, were you?

Sep 23, 2010

The true US poverty rate being disguised

As it turns out, the US Census Bureau, official counter of poverty stricken Americans everywwhere, uses an outdated method to determine poverty rates which dates back to 1955!

Well, that's one of the many good ways to skew the numbers - use criteria from 55 years ago for 2010 issues. As if anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain couldn't tell. The US government fudges numbers - doh!

Did you know that in the 1930s, a congressman filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of the Treasury and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Banks for fraud and treason, among other crimes? I believe the lawsuit still stands. He called them "predatory lenders".

Refreshing to think that there are some folk with enough moral courage to step up and call out a gaggle of crooks when they find one, isn't it?


Here's something on the Secondary Progressions of the Republican Party which reached its Sec Full Moon phase since 2005 when its light/power 'peaked'. Perhaps this culminating progressed phase describes a backround symptom of the party's split shown by the rise of the Tea Party. And their touted-in-time-for-midterms 'Pledge to America' announced this week is laughable!

Blog Note: we're off for the weekend at Stars Over Washington and headed to Atlanta to browse the Salvadore Dali exhibition at the High Museum of Art. See you soon, jc

Are you waffling on Net Neutrality?

Much waffling may be going on along with many back door dealings, but don't let the waffling be yours! Join Save the Internet and speak up for protecting democracy across the internet and the at-will surfing you depend upon.

Gerald Celente on the Gary Null Show (video)

Video: Gerald Celente speaking on September 20, 2010.

Yes, I'd say that as Bush and Cheney left town, they and Hank Paulson cleaned out the US Treasury quite well but apparently a few farthings were left behind for President Obama to use as chump change, with massive borrowing from China and elswhere continuing apace.

But you know me: they're all in this together and it's ruling class vs we-the-people. Besides, 'bad apples' aren't always found near the bottom of the barrel, you know. Sometimes they ferment on the top of the lot which ruins the rest of us.

Sep 22, 2010

DHS targets activists in PA; Mercury/Uranus busy

Magenta Alert! This HoSec-related article with video arrived in my mailbox from and I thought you might wish to know about some squirreliness going on in the excellent state of Pennsylvania:

In this edition of the Reality Report, Gary Franchi blows the lid off the Pennsylvania DHS list targeting activists. He also sits down with Arizona State Senate Libertarian Candidate Andrea Garcia to talk about her race for the Senate seat. Obama gets schooled during his own Town Hall meeting on CNBC, and we have the video. Nina breaks down the headlines including who is funding the Ground Zero Mosque and how the US is in bigger debt than the Government is letting on.

She also plays the controversial video of the middle school students praying at a Mosque during a field trip and reports on a new tax concept being proposed in the UK. The viewers brand a new “Enemy of the State” and the mailbag is sifted. #


View a basic image of Department of Homelnad Security's
2002 natal horoscope
where you'll notice its North Node in Gemini conjoins US natal Uranus opposite HoSec's Mercury at South Node. The Nodal axis, as you know, signifies the path or future direction with US natal Uranus, planet of revolution and rebellion, at NN.

Uranus/NN blends of energy represent political groups advocating radical reforms and new efforts to alter the course of events. The attacks of 9/11/01, the purported justificaton for setting up DHS, have certainly played an integral part in the altering of our nation and at the time, gave an alleged legitimacy to the disputed SCOTUS installment of Bush-Cheney administration.

(Note: HoSec's birth horoscope was published in 2005 before I developed the bad habit of scribbling my notes all over the charts I publish; the text does include a few details all the same.)

The Nodal contact lends a Mercury/Uranus flavor to the enterprise and has a 'propaganda used during emergencies' quality along with advanced technological (Uranus) surveillance (Mercury) and a potential for riots, rebellion, or protests which begin because information on HoSec's goals is not well explained.

My feeling is that there would be many more such riotous outbursts from we-the-people if the true info on neocon goals of HoSec were well explained.

Sep 21, 2010

A Harvest Moon @ Aries Point 9.23.10

If you're familiar with the Sibly version of America's natal chart (7.4.1776 5:10 pm LMT) you know that the September 23, 2010 Full Moon @ 00Aries, the Aries Point of World Manifestation, Fame, and Prominence conjoins US natal Ic, the Home and Domestic Scene point of any horoscope.

Aries is the sign of the pioneer and those who begin things, yet Ic is a point of Endings. This signifies a new element coming into our country, perhaps immigrants moving in or Americans on the move or protesting. This Moon is made more significant because it perfects so soon after Autumn Equinox 2010. Click to view the Equinox chart with Luna approaching the Jupiter/Uranus duo in late degrees of Pisces; some midpoint pictures are noted as well.

One thing about it: Aries is ruled by Mars, planet of fire, so keep your tender dry!

And allow Auntie Moon to clue you in on what promises to be an eventful Harvest Moon 2010!

Sep 20, 2010

Earth meets Jupiter (aligned w Uranus) 9.20/21.10

Midnight. Be There!

Space Weather News for Sept. 20, 2010

JUPITER AT ITS BEST: Tonight, Sept 20-21, Earth and Jupiter converge for their closest encounter in decades. The giant planet will soar across the sky at midnight, outshining everything except the Moon itself. Although big, bright Jupiter will remain close to Earth for weeks to come, tonight is the closest of all.

Check for images and more information.

SPACE STATION RADAR ECHO: Over the weekend, the International Space Station flew through the radar beam of the US Air Force Space Surveillance System in Texas. The echo was strong enough to be heard by amateur radio operators across the southern USA. A sample echo is highlighted on today's edition of SPACE WEATHER ALERTS. (My bolds and italics; their news - jc.)

With the coming of northern autumn, aurora season is underway. Would you like a call when geomagnetic storms erupt at your latitude? Sign up for Space Weather Phone: Space Weather Phone. #

You realize what this means, right? The current emphasis on Jupiter by the astronomical community simultaneously spotlights its 'conjoined' companion, Uranus, thus lifting up the Jupiter/Uranus pair of planets, their energies working synergistically. Their Great Conjunction (appr a 14-year cycle from conj to conj) is a planetary signature of 2010 on into 2011 since their third and final tango occurs on January 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02 (timed with my personal Solar Return 2011 - thanks, Universe! jc)

Astrologically, the above alert speaks of Sun 28Vir23 opposite Jupiter 28Pis23 Rx (conjunct Uranus 28Pis37 Rx) which is physically why the Earth-Jupiter encounter will be such a spectacle! From 'A Man Gaining Knowledge from an Ancient Scroll' to 'A Prism', this should be an interesting evening....really, all week has celestial events occurring, in fact. Such as Autumn EQ 2010 on Wednesday a and Full Moon on the Cardninal axis 00Aries/Libra00, a World Point of Manifestation. This makes for a very strong and eventful Autumn Equinox horoscope.

(Wish more could be added here but my article is simmering on the hob, awaiting a final go-round toward fini-dom...)

So! In your happiest Jupiter/Uranus fashion, discover more on the amazing things that happen when Jupiter Meets Uranus from the amazing-herself astrologer of the Scottish persuasion (and if I were better at tracking my ancestry, we might turn out to be cousins, who knows?)...Anne Whitaker!

Governments that torment the people of Haiti

Suffocating the Poor: A Modern Parable

By Johann Hari

I want to tell you the story of how our governments have been torturing and tormenting an island in the Caribbean - but it is a much bigger story than that. It's a parable explaining one of the main reasons how and why, across the world, the poor are kept poor, so the rich can be kept rich. #

Possessing natural resources dooms regions of the world once the greedy raptor's eye is cast upon them. The good people of Haiti have suffered for years under the 'protective' tenets of the Monroe Doctrine. Here's the Haiti Independence Chart of January 1, 1804, in case you missed it. Brief chart details are included. Your insights are welcome.