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Sep 17, 2015

Why Are The Republicans Still Using Reagan’s Washed Up Ideas? - video

September 17, 2015: after last night's Republican debate/s, their lack of ideas may seem obvious to many of us and as usual, policy discussions were not their strong point. However, I tend to see them as having plenty of ideas and definite about their policies. It's just that revealing draconian Republican ideas and policies of heartless austerity and anti-democratic legislation before an election would be a sure avenue to defeats so massive that even their gerrymandering, voter suppression, and ballot tampering couldn't justify alleged GOP victories!

For your consideration:

Note: by my remarks above I don't mean to suggest that Democrats never cheat during elections. They too are politicians so this automatically should go without saying, unfortunately for the voting public. After all:

"It's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes." Josef Stalin

The Biggest Winner Of The CNN Republican Debate Was Bernie Sanders

From Politicus USA: The Biggest Winner Of The CNN Republican Debate Was Bernie Sanders.

Related video: Bernie Sanders' Populism Is Catching.... And with his birth time unknown, see a few astro-notes on Bernie Sanders' Sun Virgo-Moon Aries personality blend.

Sep 16, 2015

Abraham Lincoln's Greatest Speech: The 2nd Inaugural Address (2002 video)

Have you 58 minutes to devote to a presentation of Abraham Lincoln's second Inauguration Address delivered on March 4, 1965? The president's future assassin and the co-conspirators were in the throng that day and listening to his lofty words but being bent on revenge, nursing grudges due to Union war atrocities, and holding a deep hatred toward him for signing the Emancipation Proclamation, the men were ill disposed to appreciate the message in Lincoln's sentiments upon that historic day:

#SoreLosers #1865 #CivilWar

In case the above video mysteriously disappears from SO'W at some point, here's its YouTube link.

For further reading why not try Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Horoscope with details.

Will Republicans Force Another Govt Shutdown? - Ed Schultz (+ Mercury Rx)

With Federal Reserve officials meeting today and announcing their interest rate decision tomorrow (the day of announcing Mercury's Rx Station on US natal Saturn in mid-Libra!), here is Ed Schultz on the threat of another expensive government shutdown in the Republicans' misguided attempt to de-fund (Mercury Rx?) Planned Parenthood over the abortion/fetal tissue issue even though abortion via Planned Parenthood is by law not funded by taxpayer money:

Go Ed!

And for comparison, here from August 2013 is the Heritage Foundation's Jim Demint (former SC senator) discussing the previous Republican government shutdown over defunding Obamacare with the usual flawed logic. If anti-government Senator Ted Cruz manages to lead another shutdown in 2015 or 2016, the Republicans will say it's President Obama shutting down the government which will--again--fool few if any of the American public:

Guess Republicans feel they must use the 'the devil made me do it' strategy against the president! But will Ted Cruz treat us to another overly dramatically reading of a Dr. Seuss book? You remember the ironic thing about his choice of reading material, right? Green Eggs and Ham (he's the ham) is a tale about trying something new (like Obamacare) that you assume you don't like and finding out that you do--not quite the message Cruz's government shutdown was intended to convey.

Here's Amazon's page/s of Dr. Seuss books for Cruz to choose from though of course, he may decide to avoid some of the ridicule and skip reading a children's book this go-round. However, on the list of books is the ever appropriate for US politics One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish with its murky, up or down Piscean flavors!

Now for all you Pisces folks out there, here is my modest illustration of the Two Fish with a few astro-details concerning this Mutable sign published at Dreamyfish Art some time ago.

Pisces: Two Fish a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell (c).

Ronald Reagan Debate Lines That'd Get Him Booed Off the Stage Today - video

September 16, 2015 Update: Ronald Reagan's sons discuss their dad, Donald Trump, and the 2016 Campaign.

Original post starts here:

Kudos to Rolling Stone for this brilliant compilation! Every 2016 Republican candidate who now cowers under the Reagan Mantle should receive a copy of this video montage:

Sep 14, 2015

Lies You Have Been Told! Wake Up! - Max Igan (w/ Uranus-Neptune)

Somehow I managed to miss this excellent broadcast posted in May 2015 by Max Igan so here is a 16-minute excerpt which opens with a quote from H. L. Mencken:

Visit Max Igan's website The Crowhouse for more.

Sept 14, 2015: tonight during the Rachel Maddow hour on MSNBC (with Ari Melber sitting in for Rachel) clips of Australian PM Tony Abbott were featured showing him eating raw onions (ew) and making some of his stupid remarks. Naturally I was reminded of the many times Max has revealed Abbott as a psychopath and a criminal, an assessment with which I must agree for he and other 'world leaders' behave as though they are psychotically divorced from reality.

Maybe all the shiny vehicles they're whisked around in should sport wistful bumper stickers that read, I'd Rather Be Cavorting in the Nude at Bohemian Grove.

Now if we can just wake up en masse from this state of collective hypnosis so many of us slumber under which in large part has been induced during our school daze and deepened by such things as degrading entertainment, brain numbing drugs, propaganda of all sorts, a false reality environment drenched in hormone inhibiting pharmaceuticals and heavy metals, and the fear tactics governments use to control populations like stupid sheeple and mesmerized lemmings--while convincing many of us that things have to be this way. They don't.

Astrologically, it seems curious to me that the Uranus-Neptune pair of planets (Uranus The Awakener; Neptune the Sleeping Dreamer) combine energies to provide us with potentials for inner vision, insight, intuition, and enlightenment yet can alternately express as the elimination of waking consciousness! (Ebertin.)

Then there are other roles for the Uranus-Neptune duo to play in society such as under girding The Enlightenment-Age of Reason (during which time they met in Great Conjunction thus combining their powers at a Science vs Faith crossroads) and again three times in 1993 at 18 Capricorn, the POLITICAL POWER degree in the Sabian Symbols (Jones) which in my estimation provides Political Astrology with a modern natal horoscope for the new world order/global government that we now can easily recognize being implemented right under our drowsy noses while we busy ourselves changing the batteries in our remote controls.

Related: a James Corbett video detailing a New World Order reading list and more about Uranus-Neptune including a view of what I prefer to use for a modern New World Order natal chart (enlarge the image to read basic chart details.)