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May 16, 2017

CNN: The Many Paths from Trump to Russia (plus, Uranus)

CNN, Donald Trump, Russia, China, and Astrology

by Jude Cowell

CNN has published an interactive feature The Many Paths from Trump to Russia yet there are two Sabian Symbols in Donald Trump's natal horoscope that point, not to Russia, but to China. Of course, it may be that these symbols can apply to any foreign governments and his dealings with them.

For plainly Mr. Trump is certainly shaking things up the world over and stirring up chaos in the US just as Uranus, oriental planet (last to rise before the Sun) likes to do. Mr. Trump's disruptive natal Uranus @18Gemini is posited in his public 10th house of Career...

Natal Uranus: '18Gemini' = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd"...DIFFERENCE: positive expression: the effective mobilization of self and others for life's more specialized objectives; negative (shadow side--jc): a thorough dissipation of selfhood through alien relationships."

Okay, so his chaos-creating Uranus, the radical eccentric, 'leads' the nation but it's his natal Moon (conjunct his South Node opposite natal Sun) that may turn out to be an even bigger issue:

Natal Moon: '22Sagittarius' = "A Chinese Laundry"...SECLUSION: positive: an unusual gift for maintaining poise and self-perspective in every unfamiliar or alien situation (really? jc); negative (shadow side): unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones). So he constantly needs approval to bolster his sense of inferiority which accounts for at least some of his over-the-top boasting. Ex: boasting about US intel to the two Russians he allowed into the Oval Office.

Now assuming that the American people make it through May, June, and July in one piece, we have steamy August and The Great American Eclipse to navigate as does Mr. Trump (the August 21st eclipse @29Leo hits his natal Ascendant and singes his warring and belligerent Mars) for the month of August 2017 will be Full of Karmic Returns for the occupant of the Oval Office--and thus, for the American people via Donald Trump, aka, the blabber-in-chief.

Related: 2017 Transit Neptune Veils US Progressed Sun in Pisces (US Sun = POTUS). And there's also a Lunar Eclipse @15AQ on August 7, 2017.

Peering Ahead: 2018: Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes. Also in 2018, the Midterm Elections are just in time for the US Constitution's Progressed New Moon...or is it the other way around?

Astro-Note: Russia's sovereignty horoscope data (June 12, 1990; 9:45 am GMT, ASC 26Vir11) is found in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes - which formed during the early stages of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, exact three times in 1993 (and totem pair of the 'new world order' that all the bankers' wars are meant to implement). The Russia sovereignty horoscope shows the Mercury-Pluto spying and surveillance pair in quindecile aspect (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) which identifies the cunning, persuasion, and manipulation in their use of communications and information. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves).

May 13, 2017

The US Constitution's Progressed New Moon 2018

Near the halfway point of the Trump presidential term the midterm elections in the US are scheduled for November 6, 2018. All House seats will be up for grabs and 34 of the Senate seats are to be contested as well as some state and territorial Governorships.

With current debates over whether or not the US is in a constitutional crisis created by Mr. Trump (and some say it is not, it's a political crisis) over his tweeted intimidation of FBI Director James Comey earlier this week, I noticed what to me seems an interesting if not curious synchronicity: that the Secondary Progressions (SP) of the US Constitution's foundation horoscope (September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) reveal an SP New Moon which perfects on November 5, 2018 @16Tau03 and seeds the beginning of a new cycle.

And when the 230-year-old US Constitution's 5 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of June 15, 1787 (chart shown, below) 'progresses' to the next Saros Series, it's the 6 North which in real time manifested on December 7, 1787 (day-for-a-year). Both 5 South and 6 North have appropriate themes for cyclical events that concern the US Constitution and thus for the US government. Curiously, the Trump presidential bid announcement in 2015 is also involved:

US Constitution's PE: 5 South June 15, 1787 @24Gem20, the exact degree of the New Moon on the morning of Mr. Trump's presidential campaign announcement. 5S themes:

Here is the horoscope of the US Constitution's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) @24Gem20 with Mercury @23Gem09 which was the initial eclipse in the 5 South Saros Series with themes of good news, a peak experience, and benefits (Brady):

The curious nature concerns the fact that this 1787 Gemini Solar Eclipse was conjoined or stimulated on June 16, 2015 by a New Moon @25Gem07 and transit Mars (Mr. Trump's rising planet) @24Gem35. The New Moon perfected that morning as Donald Trump lowered himself down the escalator of Trump Tower to announce his bid for the presidency of the United States to a paid audience hired through an actors' employment agency ($50 per head). And perhaps you're familiar with the Sabian Symbol for '25Gemini': "A Man Trimming Palms"!

US Constitution's Secondary Progressed (SP) New Moon

Now progressing the US Constitution's chart to May 2017 shows its current soli-lunar phase to be balsamic, a dark-of-the-moon stage of transition, a seed state turned toward the future (Rudhyar) and with a prophetic feeling of finality. If Americans now feel "possessed by a social destiny" (or, victims of our often-touted 'Manifest Destiny' as the US military drains our coffers and conquers the world) this may describe one reason for it because what would our nation be without the US Constitution? Rudderless, I should think. And coup'd by plutonic forces which have always manipulated our government from abroad (US 1776 Pluto out of bounds).

Symbolically upcoming on November 5, 2018--one day prior to the 2018 Midterm Elections--is the SP New Moon of the US Constitution. In its chart, below, you see the SP New Moon @16Tau03, the US Inaugural Ascendant (14Taurus+ = Oath of Office) conjunct the 8th cusp, and dissolving Neptune Rx and rising:

Outside the chart are penned the approximate 2017 positions of transit Jupiter through Pluto plus, Chiron (in green); please enlarge to read. As a timing device, the SP North Node @17Sag11 conjoins the 6 North 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse with themes of: relationships to father figures, authority figures, or the need to take responsibility and control; time to accept commitments which may occur due to another person's illness or unreliability (Brady)--topics currently under discussion which concern the chaos in the Trump White House, his fitness for office, the potential for impeachment, and whether or not Trump's actions undermine the US Constitution.

US Constitution SP New Moon: '17Taurus' = "A Battle Between the Swords and the Torches" - RESOLUTION (Jones) which in my opinion relates to the longstanding battle between certain secret societies and their control of the US government. Dane Rudhyar adds: "Keynote: Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal 'Great War'...POLARIZATION OF VALUES."

May 12, 2017

The Official Portrait of Donald J. Trump

The official portrait of Donald J. Trump has a fake White House in the background. Fitting?

By United States Department of State [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

May 11, 2017

Comey Fired, Trump Feisty, and Mussolini Mooned

Astro-Notes: The James Comey Firing, Donald Trump, and the Natal Chart of Benito Mussolini

by Jude Cowell

A quick peek at the natal horoscope of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini (in power from 1922 to 1945) shows his Ascendant-Descendant axis to be 20Scor31/20Tau31. On May 10, 2017 a Full Moon occurred @20Sco24 on the very day that Mr. Trump fired FBI Director James Comey (with the Full Moon phase signifying a culmination of some kind). Since yesterday, calls for an independent prosecutor into the Republican administration's Trump-Russia connections have grown louder as would be expected due to the nontraditional use of such a strong-arm tactic. And since Full Moons (and New Moons) can affect, disrupt, and/or change direction of events in similar fashion to 'wild card' Uranian eclipses, it seems significant that a Full Moon @21Scorpio should trigger the natal chart of El Duce especially since some people have called Mr. Trump a dictator wannabe.

And here's a mildly nauseous stunner involving Mussolini's natal Mars @13Gem08: Mars is the aggressive planet of war and contention, and the combative planet that rises in Donald Trump's natal chart (along with royal Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided--otherwise all that's been gained will be lost--Brady). Mussolini's Mars Return occurred in tandem with the Full Moon of May 10, 2017 at 4:05 pm in his home town in Italy but perfected at 10:05 am edt May 10th when the Return chart is set for Washington DC--and would indicate a new cycle of activity if he were alive. As it is, perhaps he only sat up in his grave and applauded for Donald Trump.

Benny and Donny and Jimmy

Benito Mussolini July 29, 1883 2:00 pm Predappio, Italy; a Fire-Air Sun Leo-Moon Gemini blend with the conscious-unconscious energies of an ambitious opportunist who tends to rationalize and who can slip into cynicism and/or despondency like a rebellious child. Does this sound similar to Mr. Trump's personality? Well, his Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius blend is very similar--it's an Air-Fire combo!

James Comey December 14, 1960 "noon" Yonkers, New York; natal Sun 22Sag+ conjunct the separative Moon-SN conjunction of Donald Trump with its bad timing vibe (suspicion centers on the timing of Trump's Comey firing--why now? see link, below). Mr. Comey's natal Moon is possibly in Scorpio or late Libra (probably in Scorpio, sign of spies, surveillance, detection, and crime). Transit Pluto in Capricorn has been trodding upon Mr. Comey's natal Saturn (karmic planet of authority, control, accountability, directorship) indicating a period when past actions affect the present, structures and traditions may be altered or permanently transformed, and abuse of authority is engaged in--or encountered. Also the current Solar Eclipse of February 26, 2017 @8Pis12 conjoins Comey's natal South Node so that a break or some sort of separation in relationship has a rather loud karmic ring if those relationships are not strong enough to stand the strain. They were not.

Actually, we've already discussed karmic transits to Mr. Comey's natal planets and to the FBI natal chart way back on November 1, 2016 which is around the time of the November 8, 2016 Election when Mr. Trump apparently began to consider the firing of FBI Director James Comey. Why, it's almost as if Trump knew the fix was in.

Here's an MSNBC-Rachel Maddow segment: Comey Firing Raises Question: Why Now?

edit: I almost neglected to add the Sabian Symbol for 21Scorpio: "A Soldier Derelict in His Duty" which must refer to James Comey who wasn't 'doing his job' according to Donald Trump. Or, as Dane Rudhyar puts it, "Obeying His Conscience, a Soldier Resists Orders...Keynote: A readiness to face the results of a refusal to follow the authoritarian patterns of an aggressive society."

Donald Trump Is a Lunar Eclipse Baby!

Donald J. Trump: Followed by a 'Moon Shadow'

by Jude Cowell

Mr. Donald J. Trump was born on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am edt in Queens, New York. As the Cosmos would have it, a Lunar Eclipse perfected that very day at 2:41:36 pm edt @23Sag04 making him an 'eclipse baby'. As you see in the Lunar Eclipse horoscope, the Moon opposes the 24Gem04 Sun and represents a culmination phase to his Prenatal Solar Eclipse of May 30, 1946 @8Gem48 in the 2 Old North Saros Series (endings and separations--Brady) which conjoins America's natal Uranus (8:55).

Below, you see the Lunar Eclipse chart on the day of his birth; please enlarge to read some basic notes concerning Mr. Trump, an "eclipse baby" with unconscious, inherited habits and attitudes that are difficult (impossible, apparently) for him to recognize in himself which then makes it impossible for him to improve upon such habits--even the ones that are no longer practical in the here-and-now or that fail to lead to the results he wants:

Having quirky maverick Uranus in opposition to the eclipse Moon increases the chances of disruption in all things lunar: home, family, relationships, public relations, emotional security. As we've seen, the man is always ready for a fight (Mars rising) and likes to stir up trouble even where none exists. These qualities are in addition to his 2 Old North Solar Eclipse themes which already denote separations and the endings of unions. Then his Sagittarian Moon suggests a changeable nature that can be moody and superficial, and can fall suddenly into despondency when negatively triggered.

As you know, a Sag Moon can be egotistical, arrogant, narrow-minded, sectarian, and may think it's superior to everyone else. Identifying with certain social values for unconscious emotional reasons, Mr. Trump lacks objectivity when considering social issues and though he aspires to lofty goals, he lacks a realistic view of life.

Mommy issues at birth and later on are also suggested here with an out-of-bounds Moon (was Mum emotionally detached from little Donny? or perhaps ill or absent?) which conjoins the separative South Node (of the Moon). His Moon-SN also hints at bad timing and difficulty contacting his emotions. Thinking, dealing Mercury and manipulative power broker and Underworld figure Pluto, the saboteur, are also OOBs of the earthly plane and off doing who knows what with their qualities functioning quite unconsciously for Mr. Trump who is susceptible to his unconscious and needy lunar issues--so desperate for approval and respect.

Now as you see, the houses of his planets in the Lunar Eclipse chart differ from those of his natal horoscope and my suggestion is to read this chart 'as if' it's his natal chart (which it almost is--same day) to gain more insight for it is certainly of influence. Here the Moon rules his 10th house of Career and Public Status and the sign of one's Moon signifies the reigning need (Tyl) which, for Donald Trump, means Jupiter-ruled Sagittarian themes such as freedom, wanderlust, idealism, expansion, the broadening of vistas, and boundary crossing. So he deals with the difficult Gemini Solar Eclipse themes in his life through the lens of Sagittarius via the energies of this particular Lunar Eclipse. And since the Lunar Eclipse is in the 3rd house of Communications, we both know how keen he is on expressing himself without boundaries or restraints: in speeches and rallies, and in tweets to the world (no middle men).

Karmic planet Saturn now transits through Sagittarius and visits off and on this Lunar Eclipse degree. Simultaneously, Saturn contacts fixed stars Ras Alhague and Lesath which are triggered (22--24Sag) and made prominent by their conjunction with Trump's Prenatal Lunar Eclipse. Actually, we've discussed Mr. Trump's Moon-SN-Ras Alhague trio and Saturn's visitation previously but the keywords for Lesath (Upsilon Scorpii; sting of the scorpion's tail) should be noted: potential for accidents, catastrophes, or surgeries such as appendectomies or hemorrhoid removal (Ebertin-Hoffmann); acids, danger, desperation, immorality (deVore).

Now along with his out-of-bounds Mercury (what will he say or tweet next?), this Lunar Eclipse chart describes only a part of the complex psyche now residing (part time) in the White House but it can reveal some of the unconscious urges, habits, and attitudes that are 'in control' of our nation at the present time. Those born with major links to eclipses lead eventful and often public lives and I believe eclipse baby Trump's Lunar Eclipse chart tells of a broadcaster and promoter of Jupiterian proportions who does not, or is unable to, realize just how much unconscious information he shares with the world (gives away) each time he opens his mouth or tweets his thoughts at us. His deeper motivations are not as hidden as he believes, and to cap it all, Mr. Trump's fantasy-prone loose-lips/indiscretion tendencies are ably described by a problematic Mercury-Neptune square with its deceit, cunning, and mis-perceptions of a *sneaky mind.

*Mercury-Neptune square = The Sneaky Mind--Alan Oken. He adds that, "A conscious redirection on the part of the individual can result in a realignment of this or any other challenging aspect." Yet an ability for conscious redirection is what's difficult to impossible for Mr. Trump whose level of self-awareness at age 70 is seriously in doubt and must unfortunately affect our nation with what some say is his lunacy. Lunacy! Something that ramps up, say police departments, on a Full Moon!

However, there is a professional opinion that Trump Isn't Crazy so to be fair, there's that.

Still, it turns out that Strange Things Do Happen at a Full Moon...and on June 14, 1946, one of those strange things was the birth of the very intense Donald J. Trump, an inflated Jupiterian of vast proportions who jumps from the skillet into the fire at every opportunity which keeps the 24/7 news cycle on its toes.

Related: don't miss Julie Demboski's 2008 post on eclipse babies who "come into their life on Earth charged with the intensity, and perhaps shadowed by, eclipse energy." You may also wish to see Is Trump Suffering from Dementia? Or Is He Just a Clueless Narcissist? (video).

Or how about Cat Stevens' Moon Shadow from 1970?

May 8, 2017

Is Trump Suffering From Dementia? Or Is He Just a Clueless Narcissist?

From a May 2, 2017 segment of his broadcast, Thom Hartmann discusses the mental state of Donald Trump and Mr. Trump's newfound idolatry of slave owner President Andrew Jackson (Bannon-inspired, I've heard):


And here's a recent post on a related topic The Attempt on Andrew Jackson's Life: Does Trump Know?

Now how about some inspiring news? From activist-broadcaster Max Igan: The Power Is In the Hands Of The People. If we demand it back, that is. #Resist

May 7, 2017

August 2017 full of Mr. Trump's Karmic Returns

Image: The August 30, 2017 Lunar Return of Donald Trump set for the White House (although who stays in DC in any given August?) showing transit Saturn, a planet of karma (reaping what's been sown) hitting his natal Moon for the third and final time @21Sag12 in Return 2nd house of Money, Values, and Self-Worth; in Mundane Astrology 2nd house represents the National Treasury. Note also that Saturn is within range of conjoining his natal South Node, a separative point, and has opposed Mr. Trump's natal Sun (22Gem55) on July 7, 2017.

During this transit, Saturn has conjoined natal Moon twice before: December 30, 2016 and August 3, 2017. Considering Saturn's 28-30-year cycle, the last (previous) Saturn transit to natal Moon occurred once on November 25, 1987, a year when transit Jupiter opposed his natal Jupiter in Libra, a period of overblown enterprises and unflattering comparisons when resources may be lacking.

Rolling Stone's Timeline of Donald Trump's life and career replete with Saturnian events. Exs: 1987 publication The Art of the Deal via a ghost writer to do the actual work of putting Trump's ideas into Saturnian form; January 1989 - first appears on the cover of TIME--and Saturn rules Time; separation from wife Ivana in 1990, divorce (official ending of relationship) in 1992; also in 1990 - Trump is deleted from the Forbes 400 list; 1991 losses result in first bankruptcy filing; March 2000 The Simpsons airs 'Bart to the Future' in which Donald Trump takes on the job of US president (age 53), etc.

Now as you know, when transit Saturn hits natal Moon, it tends to bring feelings of loneliness, rejection, privation and denial of the usual comforts, and family/relationship issues so now that Mr. Trump is somewhat isolated in the White House with weightier responsibilities on his menu (and more open to hurtful criticism), such lowering feelings may be more difficult to handle to the point of his physical and/or mental health being affected (as some have noted--other astro-charts show an erosion of thought processes and disrupted communications but that's a brainy topic beyond the scope of this meager post). Plus, he is, after all, no spring chicken--and was a mere 41 years old in 1987, wasn't noticeably forgetful, and spoke more clearly in complete sentences.

But he just had to play president and thought it would be easier! (He expected the easy Jupiterian side of the White House, not the hard Saturnian side). So with curious synchronicity, the Universe sees fit to pile a Lunar Return onto his noggin on the same day that transit Saturn stomps upon that very Moon position--and in a calendar month when two Saturn-infused Lunar Returns occur (August 3rd and 30th). Will Saturn's imperative lessons of maturity, accountability, soberness, authenticity, honesty, concentration on tasks at hand, and serious efforts 'get through' to Mr. Trump in his role as leader of the 'free world'? Or will he continue to brood and chafe under the presidential work load that universal task master and lesson bringer, Saturn, demands?

Well, we know that he and the American people must make it through a long hot summer and navigate whatever comes via The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52, visible from West Coast to East. Its degree conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant, as we've discussed previously, and affects his natal Mars as well (26Leo46). In fact, on August 31, the day after this Lunar Return, Mr. Trump has a Mars Return, signifying the start of an energizing two-year cycle of new activities and projects. Yet even a Mars Return can have some negativity attached because fever, inflammation, infection, or even surgery may follow if other planetary and health factors agree.

And yet 2017 is, on some levels, a year of Jupiterian protection for Mr. Trump via the third of his current Jupiter Return, a three-fer which perfects for a final conjunction on August 4, 2017 (@17Lib27). But even this rewarding Return chart shows an ongoing difficulty in effect all year--transit Pluto squares natal Jupiter (0A04 on August 4th!) denoting a time when over exaggeration, bombast, and the overestimation of self-importance is unacceptable to the powers-behind-the-throne. Frustration mars politics, diplomacy, financial projects, and other Jupiterian expansion areas which must on some level include the granting of funds for the building of a Saturnian border wall.

May 6, 2017

The Attempt on Andrew Jackson's Life: Does Trump Know?

Since Mr. Trump purports to idolize President Andrew Jackson whose portrait now looms over Donald Trump as he sits at the desk shuffling papers in the Oval Office, here's an excerpt concerning the 1835 attempt on the life of President Jackson which some readers may find of interest:

1835: On January 30, an assassin tries to shoot President Jackson, but miraculously both of the assassin's pistols misfired. President Jackson would later claim that he knew the Rothschilds were responsible for that attempted assassination. He is not the only one, the assassin, Richard Lawrence, who was found not guilty by reason of insanity, later bragged that powerful people in Europe had hired him and promised to protect him if he were caught.

(Source: History of the House of Rothschild).

As Mr. Trump may or may not have been told, the assassination attempt against Jackson was in retaliation for his fight against the central banking system that now strangles the globe and struggles to take over remaining hold-outs such as Syria and North Korea. Through the decades, many people have become aware of the connection between the global banking system and the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy (and others?), as I imagine you have. After all, what's a presidential death or three among thieving knaves who follow a demonic success-at-all-costs political and financial agenda?

So as Politico has previously reported, January 30, 1835 marks the first-ever assassination attempt on the life of a US president so perhaps in accordance with Mr. Trump's way of ranking people, Andrew Jackson's successful escape makes him a winner. And this would be in spite of the bullet lodged in his body which pained him for the rest of his life.

Related posts include: a brief comparison between the natal planets of Misters Trump and Jackson and from 2009: Andrew Jackson 1829/1833: Banks Take Over US which contains a link to Mr. Jackson's first Inaugural Address, among other things.

2018 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes

Re: Cosmic Blinks! 'Wild Card' Eclipses Affect History

For better viewing, please enlarge the image of the 2018 list of Solar Eclipses (with themes) and Lunar Eclipses.

Occurring after what's being called The Great American Eclipse of August 2017 which 'splits' our nation from coast to coast, the 2018 Solar Eclipses fall into the 1 South, 2 (New) North, and 2 Old North Saros Series and, based on the Nodal cycle of 18.6 years, are repeats of the eclipses of year 2000 in the same signs (AQ, Cancer, Leo) but at different degrees. In addition, the year 2000 brought a fourth Solar Eclipse in the 2 South Series which manifested on Christmas Day @4Capricorn. This go-round, 2 South will repeat on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn with themes of suddenly finding a new group to join and expecting great gains from such group involvement (Brady).

Since history tends to rhyme if not repeat, deeper insights into the 2018 Solar Eclipses may be attained by considering the historical events that occurred in the years that their initial eclipses began:

1 South occurred @1Vir15 on August 24, 1729 (ends September 22, 2973); 2 (Old) North began @5Can49 on June 24, 792 (OS) (ends July 23, 2036); 2 New North began June 17, 1928 @26Gem21 (ends July 16, 3172) and not only relates to the NYSE and finances but through the influence of its theme of collapse is understandably called, The Tower. Of course, the WTC Twin Towers were already brought down on September 11, 2001 but we now have NYC's Trump Tower (and various other Trumpish structures across the globe) to concern us in more ways than one. Significantly, 2 Old North is the Prenatal Eclipse series of Mr. Donald Trump and in 1946, his year of birth, eclipsed America's natal Uranus @9Gemini--our totem planet of war and revolt.

However, please note that "The Tower" Solar Eclipse of July 31, 2000 (which repeats on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41) was actually not the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) of the 9/11 attacks as we might expect. The PE of 9/11/01 was the 3 North which manifested prominently at Summer Solstice 2001 (June 21) upon the Cardinal World Point of 00Cancer, the stargate degree. And with glaring synchronicity as humanity entered the New Millennium, the winds of war and strife had already been let loose as described by the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse in the 1 North series, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' that Nostradamus warned us about so many moons ago with its Fixed Grand Cross of Oxen-Lion-Eagle-Angel (mid-degrees of Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius) which may be found prophetically described in the Book of Revelation.

Related: Signs in the Sky: Opening the Stargate, an intriguing book by Adrian Gilbert.

And speaking of Mr. Trump, US Uranus, and wild cards, here's a related not-to-miss 10-minute video Anonymous: The Truth About Donald Trump for those who dare.

May 4, 2017

Trumpcare Passes House under Taurus-Virgo Vibes

May 4, 2017 saw the passage through the House of Trumpcare, the GOP health insurance plan that redistributes wealth to the wealthy while deleting medical insurance from thousands of Americans. As they voted, one of today's double-Earth Sun Taurus-Moon Virgo 'Images for Integration' (combining conscious + unconscious energies) seems completely appropriate to what GOP politicians perpetrated today upon the American people on behalf of Congress' corporate and Wall Street donors--and probably to boost congress members' own stock portfolios (which should be investigated). See if you agree:

"The treasurer for the Association for Social Reform invests proceeds of a jumble sale into gilt-edge securities."

Photo: Speaker of the House Paul 'Ron' Ryan (R-WI) Trumpcare promoter

Here's a view with a brief bio of Paul Ryan's natal chart, born January 29, 1970 at 2:37 am CST Janesville, Wisconsin (RR: AA; BC/BR in hand). You've probably noted before his exact conjunction of Neptune and Ascendant @00Sag which makes Jupiter (at 6Scorpio = "A Gold Rush") his chart-ruler with the moneybags planet's only aspect an inconjunct to Mars, strong in its own sign of Aries--and conjoining healing Chiron (0A01) at 3Aries (4th house). Mars-Chiron gives the Speaker an heroic quest or mission to aim for and it's filled with Martian fervor. For besides Trumpcare, we must not forget Ryan's previous budget plan of draconian measures, another GOP scheme of heisting proportions!

So Speaker Ryan is a crusader, we might say, and he's aided in his quest by an ambitious Locomotive shape that's lead by powerful, wealthy Pluto Rx in late Virgo, sign of Health, in his natal 10th house of Career and Public Status along with a most fortuitous placement for any politician's Moon--at 23Libra conjunct starry Spica and Arcturus. Spica in the original plan for the District's Federal Triangle represents the Washington Monument and thus, the presidency, while Arcturus signifies the White House (As Above, So Below).

How interesting since, as Speaker of the House, Mr. Ryan is third in the line of succession for the presidency should Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence somehow fall by the wayside.

Then we'd have ourselves a President Ron Ryan!


Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.