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Jan 19, 2018

Trump's Mar-a-Lago and 1 North Solar Eclipses 1927-2017

Donald Trump's private club Mar-a-Lago located in Palm Beach, Florida has more history behind it than I'd first imagined. Do you know the original construction of the grandiosity was completed in 1927? And that Mr. Trump finagled a lower price from the sellers via an element of trickery before he purchased the property? (Well, that one you could intuit, right? Sharp deal maker that he is and all.)

Curiously, year 1927 brought a manifestation of a Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series, the series we currently labor under since August 21, 2017. That occurrence of a 1 North is known as, 'The Great American Eclipse' and it 'eclipsed' Donald Trump's natal Ascendant @29Leo and occurred very near his rising Mars @26Leo. As you know, 1 North is called The Mother of All Eclipses because it is the first in the 18.6-year cycle of solar eclipses. In August 1999, a repetition of a 1 North acted as the 'Nostradamus Eclipse' prognosticated hundreds of years ago but more significantly the August 11, 1999 eclipse is mentioned in The Book of Revelation with its Fixed Grand Cross at mid-degrees of the Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius...the Oxen Point, Lion Point, Eagle Point, and Angel Point.

So I have to say that 1 North Solar Eclipses are a big deal. As you know, the 1999 version helped to usher in the New Millennium and, according to Scripture, marks the time that the angels 'let go the winds of war'. Have you felt a difference in the Collective tenor these last 19 years? Certainly, US Politics and most of its purveyors cannot be trusted to act on behalf of We The People any longer assuming that they ever could be completely trusted to do so (founding plutocrats, etc). Foreign manipulators rule the day and elected/selected officials take their Oaths and their orders from a higher power than We The People which seems obvious to me if not to either of you. Meanwhile, Pluto marches on toward America's first ever Pluto Return in 2022, destroying and transforming structures, systems, and traditions as he creeps along.

Now the 1 North Solar Eclipse that occurred in 1927 on June 29th @7Cancer fell among America's natal Venus (3 Cancer), Jupiter (6 Cancer), and Sun (13 Cancer) with Jupiter being exalted in Moon-ruled Cancer, a business sign on the Security axis opposite Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government and law. And of course it wasn't long before the Crash of 1929 wiped out the fortunes and lives of many people, investors and others alike.

So if you're curious, view the 3 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse that perfected in bullish Taurus on May 9, 1929 in the 3 North Saros Series and which will repeat (history rhymes, it doesn't repeat!) on July 2, 2019 @11Cancer with themes of: news that transforms a situation and possibly involves young people; worry, obsession, going overboard; large plans may be positive as long as people don't get carried away (Brady). 3 North, in its various manifestations through the years, is also the PE of John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, the CIA, and the attacks of 9/11/01.

Senator Cory Booker: Sun-Saturn and Jupiter-Uranus

Jan 19, 2018: Well, apparently Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) has been open about putting his birth data 'out there' and his natal horoscope may be viewed at Born Cory Anthony Booker on April 27, 1969 1:10 pm est Washington DC (RR: A), here are a few prominent career-supporting chart factors for Senator Cory Booker:

Ascendant 1AQ20 (which conjoins our national POTUS Sun 00AQ+); MC 22Sco55 (Scorpio = powerful career involving control and finances); Sun 6Tau48, Moon 4Vir17, Mercury 25Taurus (which conjoins the natal MC of Donald Trump). Mr. Booker apparently had a Mercury Return on or about the day of Donald Jr's sneaky Russian lawyer meeting in June 2016 which I remember because transit Mercury that day (planet of meetings and negotiations) was @24Taurus+ and sitting atop Trump Sr's natal Midheaven--so of course Donald Trump knew about the meeting--Don Jr was trying to impress Dad!

Given Senator Booker's double-Earth Sun and Moon we can expect him to be "well grounded in economic and physical reality" and his darkest fears as an Earth-Earth personality are "chaos and loss of control." A gracious amount of common sense is apparent with Sun Taurus-Moon Virgo folk though there may be an over-dependence on the rational side of life. A need and drive for material security may be noticeable as well.

Here is a video link to Senator Booker speaking politics this very morning on CNN (6 mins).

Having a Sun-Saturn conjunction supports Booker's role in the US Politics via the US natal Sun-Saturn square, so serious application of one's intellect, determination, and a strong work ethic aids in his political work. His Jupiter-Uranus conjunction assures good fortune and opportunities for travel, adventure, and discovery with a potential for scientific interests. Both his conjunctions are out-of-sign or dissociate which gives wider perspectives to those who are capable of learning from broad experience and can put their higher education to profitable use.

And here's helpful planetary factor toward political work--if we wish to add Booker's Pluto Rx in Virgo to the Jupiter-Uranus pair we may stretch toward a midpoint picture between the planetary trio which Cory Booker was born under - Uranus-Pluto = Jupiter: "achieving immense success" (Ebertin).

Now there's a fascinating variety of people who share Sun Taurus-Moon Virgo: Oliver Cromwell, Emperor Hirohito, Daniel Day Lewis, Jack Nicholson, Shirley Maclaine, Sir Lawrence Olivier, Mort Sahl, Candice Bergen, and Pete Townsend of The Who. Let's close with a famous Cromwell quote:

"The State, in choosing men to serve it, takes no notice of their opinions. If they be willing faithfully to serve it, that satisfies."

For more personality blend info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jan 17, 2018

Trump Money Laundering and Kazakhstan natal data

Wednesday January 17, 2018: by now you've heard of more money laundering accusations apparently being leveled against Donald Trump having to do with the Trump SoHo Hotel (now The Dominick) and kleptocracy Kazakhstan, plus, the fact that Trump welcomed the autocrat of Kazakhstan to the White House yesterday. Guess they had stuff to catch up on! (Or stories to get straight). Well, here's the country's foundation data for its declaration of independence from the Soviet Union in case you don't have it yet:

Kazakhstan December 16, 1991 14:00 GMT Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan; ASC 29Cap45; MC-IC 12:41 Aries-Libra (critical degrees); Sun 24Sag01 in 5th h; Moon 19Ari51 10th h; unaspected Pluto 21Sco35 5th h (foreign control); Prenatal Solar Eclipse (July 11, 1991) 11 South 18Can58.

11 South themes: old ideas/methods fail, new systems needed to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed (Brady). Set up specifically for money laundering ventures and other financial crimes, was it?

Last 11 South Eclipse: July 22, 2009 29Can26--conjunct Kazakhstan's natal Ascendant.

See the BBC Timeline of Kazakhstan history which includes four events in 2009 (check out the French action).

Is it curious that two descriptive asteroids are angular in the Kazakhstan independence chart? They are Nemesis Rx rising @29Cancer and Panacea at the critical-degreed Midheaven. Banking Jupiter (also plays The Politician) is in the 2nd house of Money and Values and traveling with asteroid Cupido which contains several archetypes within, any of which may apply: The Family (religious, criminal, or other type of large organization), Corporatism, the Criminal Underworld. Actually, the word 'mafia' comes to mind.

Interesting that all the transiting planets now in Saturn-ruled Capricorn are snugged within the chart's 6th house with the national North Node 9Cap57, Uranus 12Cap47, and Neptune 15Cap39, the 'Enlightenment Planets' shown as they were lining up for their three Great Conjunction/s in 1993 @18Capricorn: smug or strong-armed paternalism...POLITICAL POWER..."The Union Jack Flies from a British Destroyer." And with transit Pluto @18Capricorn off and on these days, the trio forms the stark midpoint picture: 'the big picture commands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise' (Noel Tyl).

And on this towering financial topic we then look to the upcoming Solar Eclipse due on August 11, 2018 @19Leo in the 2 New North Saros Series, the themes of which mimic the meaning of Tarot card #16, The Tower which collapses in a cloud of dust. Perhaps 2 New North eclipse energies refer to the global economic system on course for demolition and rebuilding in The Dragon's image, and/or, on another level, to Donald Trump's much touted, now weakened 'empire' of gilt and illusion. After all, some Trump buildings have been taking 'TRUMP' off their facades for a while now in vain attempts to hide past links to the man. And personally, I don't blame them. Do you?


For more info on the creation of Kazakhstan see Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes chart #175.

Jan 14, 2018

May 2018: Trump's New Moon, Manafort's Trial, Uranus into Taurus

Bi-Wheel Horoscopes: inner Donald Trump (June 14, 1946); outer Transit Uranus Enters Taurus May 15, 2018 at 11:17 am est; Washington DC USA. 'Trump's New Moon' perfects on May 15th as well but earlier (7:47 am est) @24Tau36 thereby conjoining Mr. Trump's Career-Public Status-Goal Point, his natal Midheaven (MC). As a pair of lights, astrological Sun and Moon relate to marriage (husband Sun, wife Moon), soul and spirit, conscious and unconscious minds, vitality and feeling, left and right eyes. At MC, the Sun-Moon midpoint most often brings harmony yet perhaps you agree that Mr. Trump can find a way to disrupt any and all harmony by only wiggling his Twitter finger a little (Ebertin). Saucy, offensive, and/or lewd rhetoric as distraction works for him, too, and for those for whom his antics provide 'cover'.

And so this lunation in the image you see before you represents the start of a new cycle of activity especially for those affected by lunar influences (Trump), as naturally suggested by a New Moon in money sign Taurus with, glory be, a major outlet for these Venusian lunar energies spilling out at Mr. Trump's globally visible MC. However, the three days prior to this New Moon of May 15, 2018 are the 'dark of the moon' phase when things go bump in the night and shady behavior can go unnoticed or be inconveniently revealed. (New and Full Moons may act in similar Uranian fashion as Solar and Lunar Eclipses if various factors make conditions ripe; therefore, 'secrets may be uncovered', 'cover-ups may no longer serve', 'something abruptly ends', and/or 'unexpected events cause changes of direction' just as with those 'wild cards of the Universe', eclipses.) Also note that Trump's MC is affected by a certain fated-karmic asteroid/archetype, Phaethon. He's a fated fellow and an 'eclipse baby', too.

Also in his natal chart, the asteroid of retaliation, Tisiphone, conjoins his problematic SN-Moon conjunction in Sagittarius conjunct Ras Alhague, a star which prefers a restoration of balance, or a healing. Apparently on a socio-cultural level, Mr. Trump thinks he's restoring balance but, to the distress of the rest of humanity, only knows how to achieve a balance of sorts through retaliating, by taking revenge.

Yet paradoxically, Trump's Mars rises in Leo with royal star Regulus, with a caution that says, success if revenge is avoided. If not, all that has been gained will be lost. It's a cosmic, heavenly command, a natural law! Even a man such as Trump, born with asteroid/archetype Apollo rising (the 'sun god'), must himself bow to natural law eventually if not sooner and will reap whatever in the world he has sown.

So Will the Month of May 2018 in America Be Merry Merry?

How does any of this cosmic stuff figure in to the legal situation with Special Counsel Robert Mueller asking for a May 14th trial date? I mean the trial of Trump associate Paul Manafort and the other guy, Gates. Well, the timing may seem 'off' by a day but cosmically speaking, May 14th is pretty darn close to the May 15th New Moon, and to tech-savvy Uranus entering Taurus--both events signifying new directions or activities--for Trump, Manafort, Gates, Mueller, and the rest of the players in this particular Political Theater drama, the outcome of which is sure to matter to millions of people whether they pay attention to the proceedings or not.

As for Donald Trump, we know that, based on his intuitive, quirky manner of behavior, Mr. Trump is very much led by his 'guiding planet' (oriental), his 10th house Uranus @17Gem53, which was conjoined by the 2004 Venus Transit' see the horoscope of its mate, the Venus Transit of 2012 which fell earlier in the Zodiac @15Gem44--and it was the last Venus Transit until year 2117! At the time we discussed in various posts on this very blog the Transit's resonance with 'strong-armed paternalism' which is what we now see from Trump'n'Company and cheered on by their bigoted alt-right supporters. You expected different from over-promising deal-maker and bankrupt king Trump who has called himself the King of Debt? Puh! Not you!

Meanwhile, based on the natural lunar cycle, can the Manafort Trial begin under the influence of (and be symbolized by) the Taurus New Moon conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven (Trump is the goal!)? Yes, but can the proceedings end with the next lunation, the Full Moon of May 29, 2018 @8Sag10? Probably not since two weeks will be too brief a time for such a trial to play out (assuming it occurs at all) and yet a Full Moon is the fulfillment-culmination-awareness phase that book-ends a New Moon so, perhaps. But in Washington DC there are players and operatives who must be seen to 'work' for their money even though bribes, favors, and pay-offs rule most transactions with blackmail and intimidation always lurking 'round the corner, trying hard to stay out of sight of the public eye.

And this is one reason yours truly appreciates Astrology as a lens through which to investigate the dark squirmy critters hiding under Washington DC rocks (and beds) for we know that sunlight, via Solar Eclipses and often Lunar Eclipses, is, as they so often say, the best disinfectant.

But Did I Mention Donald Trump?

You know, this was never an auspicious time for Donald Trump to begin such a large project (whether he knew it was large, or not) of playing US POTUS while he labored under a Balsamic phase of the Moon via Secondary Progressions. Balsamic phases (which occur just prior to a Progressed New Moon) are periods of endings and partings and can be a rather difficult few years emotionally and otherwise. And no one can deny that Mr. Trump has experienced quite a few endings and partings since entering the White House as Uranian-in-Chief, chaos creator extraordinaire. But, let's try to be fair to this Libran Jupiter fellow--more or less trying to run the US government and an administration as if the whole shebang is part of a mafia organization cannot be easy no matter how many mob ties you have, foreign and domestic.

Note: besides manifesting near red star Antares (the Heart of the Scorpion; Watcher of the West), the May 29, 2018 Full Moon @8Sag10 shines brightly upon The Fed's New Moon of 1910. Publicity concerning the Fed may be noticed around that time along with other financial concerns and matters of war--not unusual but prominent. (Note in the New Moon of 1910 Horoscope a YOD crisis/crossroads/special task pattern pointing toward Jupiter-ruled Mercury, trader and deal maker (a YOD pattern, if we count ASC and NN sextile Neptune of the masses, the media, and criminality), and powerful gold-lover Pluto Rx in 2nd house of Money and the National Treasury at '28 Gemini', a degree of BANKRUPTCY in the Sabian Symbols). Yes, the banking and corporate elites had cleaned us out under cover of the Panic of 1907. A too familiar scam, no?

Now here's a famous quote concerning the Federal Reserve 'Bank', a scheme which was sneakily created by Act of Congress late afternoon on December 23, 1913 as members left Capitol Hill for Christmas holidays. Hurry! Scurry to get outta Dodge before your claw prints can turn up on the evidence!

"This {Federal Reserve} Act established the most gigantic trust on earth. When the president signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized. The people may not know it immediately but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed..." - Rep. Charles Lindburgh Sr, Dec 23, 1913

And, in case you missed it, here's a link to a previous post featuring one of Max Igan's informative presentations Government Is Racketeering.

Jan 12, 2018

There Is No Right or Wrong Political Ideology - Kevin Estes

There Is No Right Or Wrong Political Ideology

by Kevin Estes

In this blog (Kevin's Left Wing Astrology), it is proven that liberalism and conservatism are astrological complexes. Liberalism in the natal chart is indicated by aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house from Venus (economics) and the Moon (culture), and conservatism in the natal chart is indicated by aspects to the North Node, 4th house, and the signs of Taurus (economics) and Cancer (culture) from Venus (economics) and the Moon (culture). This means that people simply can't help but believe these ideologies are the truth.

So, why all the division?

To be fair, while most people know their Sun sign, they don't know anything else, and even then, most people with knowledge of astrology still don't know this. And it's pretty well documented that the main sources of division, the media, religion, and the government, are controlled by the "deep state", also known as the Illuminati. It's no coincidence that the culture wars have increased and the Democratic and Republican parties have gotten more extreme the last 10 years, when people have been waking up to the truth in droves. It's perfectly plausible that the Illuminati has instructed both parties to be more extreme in order to divide the population further, as there are way more of us than them.

The Israel/Jewish Connection

Every Congressional Candidate, in order to receive campaign funding, must sign a pledge to support Israel. How is this significant? Zionist Jews are at the top of the Illuminati pyramid. Judaism is the official religion of Israel. The Rothschild family are Zionist Jews. Could the culture wars be a result of this pledge to support Israel, in order to keep the masses from uniting as one? It's highly likely. If you don't support the Illuminati, no funding for you. In this blog, most of our elected officials have the "Aggressive Pallas" pattern, meaning Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node, as well as hard aspects to Jupiter. Aggressive Pallas aspects have a connection to corruption, racism, and forcing your views on others.

How to reverse this division? Simple. Realize that everyone is different. Also realize that political ideologies are in your birth chart, which makes it pointless for someone else to try and change it, and that liberalism and conservatism are neither right or wrong. For this to happen, astrology would have to be mainstream knowledge. In 2023, Pluto goes into Aquarius for the first time, and goes into Aquarius for good in 2024. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is said to rule astrology, so the mainstreaming of astrology is a big possibility in the Pluto in Aquarius era. The sooner we put aside our differences and unite as one against our oppressors, the easier it will be to reclaim our country.

Link to the Israel pledge revealing: Cynthia McKinney Drops Bombshell...

Thanks for your millennial insights, Kevin!

Now here's one of Kevin's previous, related posts--a favorite of mine which concerns Left Brain-Right Brain Politics. And here is Kevin's astro-political analysis of freshly minted Senator Tina Smith who replaced Minnesota Senator Al Franken last week on Capitol Hill.

Visit Kevin's Left Wing Astrology for a variety of posts and political analyses written from his millennial point of view.

Jan 8, 2018

DC Horoscope: January 16, 2018 Capricorn New Moon

Image: New Moon @26Cap54 January 16, 2018 9:17:10 pm est Washington DC; Hour of the Sun; New Moon conjoins US natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33 and US Inauguration MC. This lunation recalls the RNC 2016 Full Moon @27Cap40 of July 19, Cleveland, Ohio which seemed particularly significant due to its conjunction with America's natal Pluto and the POTUS Inauguration MC, the Goal Point. Pluto in Capricorn there denotes that the goal is dictatorship (Ebertin).

Penned upon the chart are basic details (please enlarge) along with the RNC July 19, 2016 planets that are here conjoined (2018 to 2016) as if in a Return chart or very near it: Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and centaur Chiron, with Uranus and Chiron (as a pair, the chaos creators) on their exact July 2016 degrees. This suggests a sort of time link with history rhyming, folks, as the Trump regime and the GOP control of the three branches of government continue, at least until the November Midterms.

Also significant during this time of confusion, falsehood, unreliability, paranoia, propaganda, fear, disappointment, delusion, dissolution, and contagion is the fact that the American people are mired within a five-fer Neptune Return of the Republican Party (14Pis01) which began in 2017 and lasts through the end of 2018 into 2019.

So as you see, Jupiter leads a BOWL shape of the New Moon planets but from what is traditionally known as an 'evil degree' (19Scorpio) which Nicholas Devore has called "the crucial point in the war between the Ego and the Supreme Will." And I have little doubt that since it's expansive Jupiter there, issues of banking, financing, funding, budgets, debt, military spending and troop movements (Jupiter the General), and guns vs butter are some of the things described here with funding stalemates in Congress and a potential government shutdown looming (as I type on January 8th) at midnight on January 19th. Will ego be the prime consideration in these important matters in Washington DC 2018? Can politicians get out of their own ways long enough to 'do the people's business'?

For clues, perhaps we should note the T-Square with apex Jupiter penned, lower right. It says: Pluto-ASC = Jupiter: a large gain; a fortunate turn; an imposing personality (Ebertin) which these days tends to signify Mr. Trump. Another midpoint picture is Neptune-ASC = MC: acting under the influence of others. Well, hello! Lobbyists, big donors, and/or ALEC bill writers, perhaps? Trump's influence over Republican lawmakers? Well, most Americans agree that a majority of 'our' congress members are compromised by such influences and seldom if ever vote their consciences. Or what's left of them for the ones who had consciences to begin with. Gutting social welfare programs would seem to indicate a dearth of Christian charity operating in DC, imho.

So! What new beginning is suggested by the January 2018 New Moon conjunct US natal Pluto and the Inaugural Midheaven? Is it merely a cosmic signature of a new year starting or is there more to it? What seeds are being planted now that will sprout under the eerie light of the January 31, 2018 Leo Lunar Eclipse?

Well, we know that with manipulative yet coping Pluto in the lunar spotlight this month we can expect issues of power, control, and great wealth to be on the menu with Jupiter in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, spying, and betrayal, leading the march--and speculator Donald Trump's Neptune in Libra is first of his natal planets to rise in the New Moon chart and bringing his Chiron and Jupiter to the party. Can warmongering and profiteering be far behind? Are certain foreign agents such as Putin involved in the lunar-plutonian picture? Is Pluto's nuclear button safe from Trump's twitchy little finger?

And yet the 2016-2018 time link suggests that there are fresh potentials for new leaks, scandals, and/or secrets concerning Mr. Trump's campaign 2016, his GOP nomination, and his subsequent selection to play president perking within the darkness of the January New Moon and may be revealed by the light of the January 31 Lunar Eclipse @11Leo37 which manifests so near Mr. Trump's natal Pluto!

Jan 7, 2018

Is Donald Trump America's Psychopomp?

Where Doth Our Path Lead Now?

by Jude Cowell

Considering the major shift of direction now in progress in and for the United States of America under the chaotic, amateurish, near-whimsical leadership of maverick-in-chief Donald J. Trump and his GOP minions, I must ask you a question: is Trump fulfilling a role as America's collective psychopomp? Perhaps an answer for those who adhere to astrological principles and practices may be found in a consideration of Mr. Trump's natal Uranus, which is oriental @17Gemini in his 10th house of Public Status, for Mr. Quirky the disruptive 'Sky God' is Trump's last planet to rise before natal Sun (22Gemini), and as such is considered his guiding planet leading the pack.

Now as you know, a psychopomp's Mercurial themes suggest transition to an afterlife yet a psychopomp may also act as a guide into a new phase of life, opening a passage or doorway into a novel, unusual, or different way of living. The regressive policies of the Republican Party under Trump and Trump's aggressive rhetoric are, in a sense, opening many doors as 2018 begins. Yet most of these are shadowy doors better left shut and this is what yours truly has continually fretted about: that Trump's and the GOP's idea of a 'new way of living' is much more authoritarian than most Americans who value democracy and freedom prefer or could possibly prefer--and more draconian than they knew they were voting for in November 2016.

But as noted, it's 2018 and too late to easily undo the initial harm His Quirkiness is perpetrating upon our laws, freedoms, and institutions. Yes, perhaps our #resistance to Trump is only shouting into a storm, a very negative storm as it turns out. But can Mr. Trump's style of 'leadership' somehow be for the best? Do our country's regressive wounds need opening for resolution? To me this seems doubtful at this time yet reaching the other side of whatever Higher Forces have in mind for our nation and the rest of the globe must occur in some form or fashion, with or without Mr. Trump as guide. Plus, without him, the theocrat VP Pence will step into the guiding role (or perhaps he already has from behind the wizard's curtain) so with either man, you know what old slogan must come tragically to mind now, don't you?

'Tis the blind leading the blind.

An Updated Horoscope of the US Presidency

Jan 8, 2018 Update: thanks to Kate Plumb it has come to my attention that the updated horoscope set for 1:00 pm, below, does not reflect an accurate time that George Washington took the Oath of Office so here I post yet another updated horoscope set for the hour the Mount Vernon website Timeline gives for our first presidential Oath--2:00 pm LMT, which gives a natal Horoscope of the US Presidency. Hopefully this will be the final updated chart!

As we would expect, an hour's change results in a few differences between the horoscopes. Exs: the Hour belongs to Jupiter now instead of crusty old Saturn. South Node of the Moon (the tail of the dragon) no longer swipes the MC from the 10th house side for it has crossed the MC into the 9th house. Mercury and Venus are posited now in the 8th house rather than the 9th and the MC is now in Gemini instead of later Taurus and so is ruled by Mercury, chart-ruler of the Ascendant (now 13Vir27, not 1Vir37). This removes the interception of Gemini and Sagittarius across the 4/10 axis. The 3/9 cusps are in Taurus-Scorpio rather than Aries-Libra.

I leave the 1:00 pm chart, below, for comparison's sake, and simply add the updated 2:00 pm chart to the post. Naturally, the festivities in NYC began earlier that morning for it was basically an all-day event which makes the 1:00 pm chart viable. (Follow the link, above to check out the full Timeline). Most of the 1:00 pm chart's details remain the same such as chart-ruler Mercury applying only once, a conjunction with Venus, powerful Pluto in Aquarius leading a Locomotive shape, and the 7 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the event (and the Presidency) is in the 3rd house of Communications rather than the roots-oriented 4th. You may spot other changes as well.

Now here's the 2:00 pm LMT Oath of Office horoscope of the US Presidency which is titled, Inauguration 1789 to distinguish it in my files from the 1:00 pm chart:

Original post begins here:

April 30, 1789 1:00 pm LMT NYC:

A number of years ago I had found '12:45 pm LMT' as the timing of the first inauguration of George Washington (April 30, 1789 Wall Street, NYC) and 'went with it' for setting up a horoscope of the US Presidency. This was the time George Washington and his escorts arrived for the ceremony and the source I had used is no longer with me for it was stored on a pc that crashed years ago.

So today I'm finally getting around to publishing an updated version set for 1:00 pm LMT which is closer to the time the Father of Our Country took the very first Oath of Office on a Masonic Lodge Bible and (nervously) began delivering his Inaugural Address.

Note that in the '12:45 pm' chart, 29Leo arose which received the cosmic blink of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 and which conjoined precisely the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump. Please enlarge to read chart notes for little text concerning the Inauguration Horoscope of 1789 (the Natal Chart of the US Presidency) will be added here today. Yet we should note that President Washington's first natal planet to rise in this chart is Jupiter Rx @8Lib37 followed by his natal Pluto Rx @17Lib41, the natal degree of Donald Trump's 2nd house Jupiter Stationary Direct. (Jupiter-Pluto = plutocrats and large-scale projects.)

Additionally, for those who find value in Secondary Progressions for 'updating' a horoscope concerning its natal promise, the US Presidency is currently laboring within a Balsamic Lunar Phase (the 'dark of the moon' = endings, partings, separations) which, based on the horoscope you see here, began on October 7, 2015 with SP Moon @6Sco41. The US Presidency will experience the symbolic 'new beginnings' of an SP New Moon @25Sag16 on April 11, 2019 which was perhaps cosmically foreshadowed by the December 18, 2017 New Moon @26Sag31, a time of seeding, that was fulfilled by the New Year's Day Full Moon of January 1, 2018 @11Can37--falling as it did between US natal Jupiter (5:56) and Sun (13:19).

And although the natal horoscope of 1789, as you see, shows a Locomotive shape of the 'high-powered executive' demanding success (POTUS!) with out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Pluto as the engine (see chart notes on the 6th house Pluto in Aquarius), the SP New Moon horoscope of April 2019 shows Uranus Rx @9Leo06--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Pluto 10:02--in SP 5th house of Speculation and Gambling--the maverick who now quirkily leads our national Locomotive to and fro for his own and his family's personal gain. And of course, Donald Trump's natal 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his oriental planet which guides his odd behavior via chaos and eccentricity as he disrupts America's traditional leadership roles domestically and across the globe.

Thus the rebellious blend of Uranus with Pluto suggests reforms and a subsequent 'new order' so apparently it is time for one to supplant the 'new world order' which began in 1776 with the rise of America as the New Atlantis. And as you see, the midpoint of the old order vs new order pair of Saturn and Uranus sits atop the Goal Point (MC) of the US Presidency's natal horoscope and forms a midpoint picture that Noel Tyl gives as: break away from the old, and/or, loss of self to the grip of controls - in 1776. Yet nowadays, Mr. Trump continues in his attempts to unravel the US Presidency, the US Constitution, our traditional checks and balances, the typical roles of the three branches of government, the US Justice System, our rights and freedoms, the National Treasury, our foreign alliances, and more. Yes, with Trump, US reliability is tossed out the White House window! And like abusers everywhere, his tactic is an attempt to separate our nation from all who could aid us against his overbearing authority! For the proposed border wall, a money pit, would shut us in more than shut others out.

But as I've noted in a previous post, perhaps we'll know more of what's in store for Mr. Trump and his chaotic leadership style around the time (or up to two weeks prior) that his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer in the 2 Old North Series with its difficult themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'endings and partings' (Brady). For with a majority of Americans and others heartily unimpressed by Trump's 'styling' of the US Presidency, perhaps his 2 Old North PE be the trumpet call of a sad good-bye.

On the cuss'ed topic of Mr. Trump's 2 Old North PE, let's close with this from a previous post:

'{Manifesting} on July 13, 2018 {is} a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer in the 2 Old North series which is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) series of quixotic Donald J. Trump, swamp-drainer extraordinaire (not!) His 2 Old North PE occurred on June May 30, 1946 @8Gemini conjunct US natal Uranus which suggest potentials for revolution, resistance, protests, unrest of the people due to his actions and rhetoric, upsets in the nation, a break for freedom, and/or violence.' Will the break for freedom be his own escape from the White House? A gal can dream, can't she?

Related Posts include: In Tribute to Master Mason George Washington and Coming Soon! In February 2018 is what I'm calling the 'We The People' Solar Eclipse hitting by degree the US natal Moon.