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Feb 28, 2023

DC Horoscopes: March 2023 Lunations

Manic Force, Nazis, Aries Point, Spies, and Pluto

by Jude Cowell

As Thom Hartmann always says, despair is not an option! Besides, forewarnings of coming difficulties, cosmic warnings or otherwise, can be successfully heeded for better, if not best, results!

Below you see a marked-up dual chart image of the March 2023 Full and New Moons, aka, lunations, with charts set for Washington DC. Study notes are messily penned on and include interesting planetary factors such as the current Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series (6 South; 'PE' @2Scorpio) through which society and the March 2023 lunations must navigate with its manic, forceful, Nazi-like themes and influences, plus, a few midpoint pictures are listed for a fuller cosmic picture. Not shown are additional midpoint pictures which you may wish to consider.

Gemini Mars: Versatile, Quarrelsome, Ready for Action

Also added is the current US Mars Return, a three-fer with #3 occurring March 6, 2023 prior to the Full Moon, with Sun and Neptune squaring US 1776 Mars listed in the lower left corner. The squares to US Mars suggest a combination of potentials for anger, frustration, challenges, competition, undermined efforts, confusion, misguided actions, head injuries or fever - any, all, or none may apply. And of course, astrological Mars signifies males in general, pioneers, military folk, transport drivers, activists, and those who use weapons such as warriors and vigilantes (aka, 'warriors' in their own minds). You can think of more actors that Mars can represent, I'm certain.

Now for me, the squares' potentials pretty much sum up current events in the US as perpetrated by far-reich MAGAts and other bad actors and the foreign handlers who pay them for their extremist views and actions through which they seek to undermine and collapse our nation. For as noted, activated in the Mars Return chart of March 6, 2023 is America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of clouds, fog, paranoia, and contagion with subverted energies that remain an albatross around our country's neck - except for the times that the aspect's higher inspiration via divine Neptune is followed by positive actors on behalf of the common good:

And as mentioned multiple times in previous SO'W posts, New Moons can affect or disrupt events on Earth in similar Uranian fashion to Solar Eclipses while Full Moons can behave much as Lunar Eclipses that uncover or leak inconvenient facts, secrets, or scandals. Either 'cosmic blink'-style lunation may trigger startling, even shocking, effects, as you know. Significantly, zealous Uranus @16Tau18 in the New Moon Horoscope nears its anarchist conjunction with the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse (@17Taurus: "swords vs torches", a Nazi reference, as is the 6 South Eclipse). See 2022 Midterms Eclipse a Mars-Pluto Affair for additional details on such topics.

Of course, a major cosmic event every March is the Aries Ingress which times the beginning of each Spring Season. See the Spring Equinox 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power Horoscope in which the Sun's entry into tropical Aries occurs on March 20th this year when the Sun spotlights the Cardinal Aries Point of World Events and Recognition (5:24:48 pm edt Washington DC).

Then another chart factor worth mentioning in both March 2023 lunation charts, above, is power planet Pluto at a critical 29th degree, poised to enter progressive Aquarius and, on March 7th, leading a ruthless Locomotive pattern of extreme determination and executive ability; then on March 21st Pluto leads a BOWL shape as an advocate for a cause or a mission.

Significantly in 2022, America reached for the first time ever, her Pluto Return (27Cap33). Meanwhile, no matter his sign, astrological Pluto manipulates, even assassinates, from afar while hiding untold amounts of wealth and gold in hidden places - when 'he' isn't busy spying on everyone or hiring entities who will.

Toxic Pluto Coming to Your Town?

Another possibility at the March 2023 Full Moon is that Pluto as the engine of a Locomotive represents on one level, railroad executives responsible for train derailments that result in the toxic ruination of communities and the environmental damage expected to spread to other locations.

Please pardon my scribbles! Study notes are added for the curious reader but no one is required to read or appreciate them; please enlarge or print the image for easier viewing, as you wish. Or not. Your choice. jc

Feb 27, 2023

Did Free Market Experiments Make YOU Poor? Feat. Charles Sauer - clip, Plus Venus-Jupiter

March 2, 2023: a New Venus-Jupiter Cycle Begins in Pioneering Aries

by Jude Cowell

In honor of the March 2, 2023 12:36 am ET Venus-Jupiter Conjunction @12Ari49, a critical or crisis degree, and since both planets are considered money planets (Venus smaller amounts, Jupiter larger, plus, Corporatism), here's a recent segment from Thom Hartmann speaking with Charles Sauer. Now as you know, in July 1776, Venus and Jupiter were happily conjunct in the business-oriented sign of Cancer.

Actually, this is the first such conjunction of the money duo since April 1904, the year that President Theodore Roosevelt was re-elected for a second term in November (the Progressive Era), and on April 30, 1904, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition World's Fair had opened in St. Louis, Missouri and included the debut of the delicious ice cream cone which suggests the planetary pair's association with sugar, overindulgence, hormone imbalances, and other health conditions.

Meanwhile, the Venus-Jupiter planetary pair influences not only our financial concerns but also issues of religion, politics, and legalities, so here's a more specific analysis of the duo from Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad) provided in Hegelian Dialectic form:

Thesis: Periods of prosperity and growth; expansion in the economic and general outlook; increased processing of legal cases (my bold!); many new laws; attraction of foreigners to an enterprise; foreign capital investments.

Antithesis: Expansion of religions and their interference into the justice system (exs: Christian Nationalists, Republicans; SCOTUS); an expansion of social culture which affects all aspects of life; foreign raids on the treasury; an inability to defend values or symbols of enterprise.

A Few Examples of Venus-Jupiter People and Events:

George Washington's Inauguration; Alaskan Earthquake; Bolsheviks Seize Power; Ramstein Air Show Collision; First Atomic Bomb Explosion.

Feb 24, 2023

How to Find Your Guiding Planet!

by Jude Cowell

With so many dire news reports and events assailing society these days, both domestically and abroad, today's Friday post is somewhat of a departure from the usual SO'W fare, yet hopefully, a reader or two will gain something positive from a shout-out of this cosmic information!

To find your guiding planet, or, oriental planet, you must have or know the planets' positions on your day of birth, or have access to an emphemeris. Of course, possessing a copy of your natal chart is optimal, but through any method you can ascertain which of your planets arose just prior to the Sun on that day (or night). One great resource for such information is found at Khaldea dot com where you may select and read about guiding planets, mine being a 4th house Jupiter @12Capricorn which rises just before my Capricorn Sun. One feature of this placement is a preference for spontaneity in the workplace!

Naturally, to glean more details you'll wish to factor in the rounded-up degree of the Sabian Symbol of your guiding planet since it will reveal information about your innate skills or skill set in the form of a word picture.

As for US politics, one man's oriental planet previously discussed here on SO'W is that of the potus-playing Donald Trump whose guiding planet is his 10th house Uranus @18Gemini ("Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd" - exs include his bank accounts in China and foreign guests at Mar-a-Lago). Now as you know, erratic Uranus is the disruptive, separative, anarchistic, unpredictable planet of chaos, his method of choice when it comes to mis-running and misruling organizations.

So perhaps by now, most folks would agree that chaos is Herr T's most basic skill as we've seen and continue to see issuing from what I tend to call the orange albatross hanging around America's neck. For as history shows, days of chaos are the best times for bad faith actors to force new reforms and dystopian regimes upon an unwilling nation. So yes, we're navigating perilous times for democracy as brutal tyranny knocks at America's door - a door opened by the maga-infested Republican Party, but do remember:

A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before and must do so again! Can you help against the barbarians?

NASA photo above: Jupiter.

Feb 22, 2023

Putin's War Turns One as His October New Moon Approaches

The Dark-of-the-Moon Phase When Things Go Bump in the Night

by Jude Cowell

Please note: With the accuracy of Putin's birth data being suspect, the following progressions may be off by a few days or months. This is often the case with the dates of progressions but doesn't change the fact that progressed lunations do occur. Original post begins here:

On February 25, 2022, the day after Putin invaded Ukraine and began his war of brutality, he had Russian troops recklessly take over the Chernobyl Reactor. Now the one-year anniversary of Putin's war arrives this Friday and bad vlad has been hinting once again at the use of nuclear weapons in a bid to force his authoritarian way and add Ukraine to Russian territory. No such thing as 'Ukraine,' he stubbornly asserts.

Well, in the following Secondary New Moon ('SP') Horoscope which issues from his natal horoscope shown, lower left (but with only speculative birth data so it's rated DD for dirty data), we find a man now enmeshed within a Moon-Pluto = ASC midpoint influence of 'inner ideals vs reality' and I suspect that reality is on the losing end with bad vlad, determined to have his way no matter how many people have to die. You'll note that two other SP midpoints conjunct his SP Ascendant, and are highlighted on the chart.

For example: SP Saturn-Neptune = ASC which is conjoined by transit South Node (see upper right) @24Lib52: 'use of drugs'? Perhaps Putin is more isolated and acting alone than we know since the South Node suggests neurotic behavior but also separation and a potential for unpopularity. Plus, there've been assertions of illness of some kind which is born out in the chart with Saturn-Neptune the 'illness axis' (R. Ebertin). It's even possible that his resolve may have weakened (SP Sun-Pluto = Neptune) as impediments have caused him much more trouble than expected (this war is not his dream of a three-day take-over after all!).

Yet we should add to this, that his SP planets hint that the Russian dictator may feel it's his 'destiny to enjoy reckless activities' (SP Venus-Mars = SP North Node) along with SP New Moon @25Sag05 perfecting upon his natal Mars, warrior planet of aggression, violence, and martial arts. As a midpoint picture, we find Sun-Moon = Mars: 'the urge to bring to fruition ideals and wishes (R. Ebertin).

But you know what 'they' say: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

So! Below is a dual image with Putin's generally accepted natal horoscope (lower left) along with his Secondary Progressed New Moon Horoscope of October 30, 2023 (upper right). Not shown is a transit chart for the exact date, hour, and place of his SP New Moon but I can tell you that the day's transit Moon @2Gem43 is a significant timing device in relation to our topic for its rounded-up Sabian Symbol = "The Garden of the Tuileries", a reference to the brutal violence of the French Revolution; plus, the critical degree of "3 Gemini" also suggests nuclear potential which is how we began this post with the 1986 Chernobyl Meltdown and Putin's reckless February 25, 2022 take-over of the dangerous site:

If you wish, please enlarge the image to read a few study notes scribbled thereon for I'm certain you can locate several other interesting planetary factors.

Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2023-2025, plus, President Carter

Note that eclipse themes are listed for each Solar Eclipse, and the prominent one for America, and thus for the world, within this time frame is the prophetic, visionary Total 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024, a presidential election year, perfecting @19Ari24:01 conjunct wounded healer Chiron which is approximately 1:24 degrees shy of America's 1776 Chiron (20:08).

Now one of Chiron's archetypal roles is priestly, so it seems that our nation's spiritual lacks, moral degradations, and missteps are coming home to roost with the chickens, dear reader, and have always been made more difficult to navigate and correct due to political interference of the corrupt kind. Now it's crisis time, and We the People are made targets of America's enemies in a variety of ways. When you turn on 'the news', I know you see this being played out - on TV to cause as much despair within the populace as possible.

The "blow back" is understandable since Washington has always made a big deal out of US politicians as "representatives of the people" as if all of the ruling class act and behave as a majority of us would have them do. Yes, the elected class should represent their constituents and their needs, and should work to solve our country's problems, yet no matter how anyone looks at the issue, the karma of bad leadership now lands upon all our doorsteps.

All Eclipses Are Karmic, aka, Cosmic Blinks From Above

President Jimmy Carter Oct 1, 1924 7:00 am CST Plains, Georgia: Pluto conjunct Sirius

Meanwhile, you've heard the sad news that President Jimmy Carter has now entered hospice care, so there goes one of America's most decent leaders. How different America might have been without Reagan cheating Mr. Carter out of a second term. It boggles the mind!

So here's a question: do you consider it synchronistic that Jimmy Carter was inaugurated in 1977, the very year that Chiron was discovered? Was Christ Consciousness on display at the Inauguration of Jimmy Carter and all through his life?

As his natal horoscope reveals, the natal Chiron of Jimmy Carter falls @23Ari31 and if you're wondering about his Chiron Return, his was a three-fer: May 29, 1974, September 27, 1974, and March 29, 1975, at 50 to 51 years old. Obviously, the presidential election of 1976 soon followed.

Now to me it seems significant that Mr. Carter's next Lunar Return (13Sco47), chart set for Plains, Georgia, perfects on March 11, 2023 (8:47:35 pm est) with transit Uranus opposing his natal Moon (as the sky god has for a while now). His March 2023 Return Moon is in 1st house of Physical Body and leads a Locomotive shape during a Saturn Hour. The Uranus-oppo-natal-Moon transit is a health indicator, and suggests domestic scene changes or disruptions as his entering hospice care at home attests. And as you know, karmic Uranus is a planet of separation.

So in closing, have a peek at President Carter's 1977 Inauguration Horoscope if you wish, with its Fixed T-Square and a 12th house Chiron @27Ari23, sign of the pioneer. And please note that the unedited post was written way back in 2010 on a day when I must've been awfully fussy.

Feb 18, 2023

Horoscope: Discovery of Pluto 1930

Below is a Horoscope of the Nicholas Campion version of the Discovery of Pluto @17Can45 Rx in 12th house of The Unconscious with Pluto the psychiatrist on the couch. Secretive behind the scenes activities are naturally implicated as well with 12th house involvement so invisible Pluto's surveillance and spying interests are suggested.

On the chart, multiple notes are penned thereupon for the curious, and if you look, lower left, you'll see a notation that President Jimmy Carter, a nuclear scientist in his day, was born October 1, 1924 with Moon @13Sco37 - conjunct Pluto's Discovery Moon.

So having heard today that the nearly 99-year-old Mr. Carter has now entered hospice care, I thought as a fellow Georgian that I'd mention his lunar synchronicity with the discovery of the planet that resonates with atomic energy, plutonium, and - well, you know the rest:

Feb 16, 2023

19 North Eclipse 2016 and Valkyrie 1944

Eclipses: Cosmic Time Links in History

by Jude Cowell

Made famous in our day by a film starring Tom Cruise, Operation Valkyrie was a real event, one of over 40 assassination attempts against Adolf Hitler, and the most well-known attempt by Germany's high-ranking military officers of aristocratic descent. Many of them had also committed crimes, but to their credit, the plotters wanted to end the war and bring down the brutal, murderous, racist, psychopathic Hitler regime. However, as you know, the briefcase bomb exploded during the meeting at Hitler's Wolf's Lair headquarters, but the damage didn't reach Herr H himself, more's the pity.

The failed assassination attempt took place in what is now Poland on July 20, 1944, the very day of a Solar Eclipse @27Cancer in the 19 North Saros Series. Of significance to current US events of a fascist-nazi nature, is the fact that 19 North is the series in which our 2016 Presidential Election took place as well as the 2017 Inauguration of foreign agent orange (horoscope linked, below).

As a cosmic time link, we can note that the 19 North Eclipse of 1944 manifested in opposition to America's 1776 Pluto which suggests "a critical point in karmic development" when arrives a choice between "striving for higher attainments on the spiritual plane" - or, "reverting to animalism" (R. Lineman). It's no stretch to see the connection between America's turn from the animalism during the Hitler era and World War II, and its tragic embrace by a mobster-like figurehead and his rabid followers in our day as the struggle of a pro-democacy America against fascism (which opens the door to nazism) continues toward Election 2024 and beyond.

We might even say that in America circa 2016, a big bad wolf crashed into the henhouse, and on January 20, 2017, the thieving wolf was allowed to take over the egg-shaped Oval Office, vowing to "end" American carnage, yet we now see its flowering via his 'failed insurrection coup 2021', and violent events perpetrated all around our nation against children and others with weapons sales promoted by the NRA - and most crimes having obvious links between "white power" then and now.

DC Horoscope: 19 North Eclipse @9Vir21 September 1, 2016 5:03:06 am EDT:

'Big Lie' Beliefs Float Upon Fluffy Clouds of Neptune

With approximately one third of US voters swayed by the rhetoric of Herr Trump, the September 1, 2016 repetition of a 19 North Eclipse was unfortunately opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces, a cosmic implication of falsehoods, fraud, deception, delusion, dissolution, illusion, and gaslighting if there ever was one. 2016 Neptune was used by enemies of America to create a cosmic counterbalance to the fact-based themes of 19 North:

"Realism; coming down to earth and seeing an old situation for what it really is; a good time for tackling the truth" (paraphrasing B. Brady). Disappointingly, Neptune in Pisces clouded every issue within the public discourse and continues to do so, including within the Neptunian realms of mass media and the masses, aka, the Collective.

Aspects to the above Eclipse contain potentials of rebellion, belligerent use of force (square Mars), immature people taking the easy way out and denying reality (square Saturn), reality vs fantasy, chaos, confusion, self-delusion (opposite Neptune), and people who can see beneath superficial layers of reality (trine Pluto, with Pluto conjunct US 'Powell' Moon of July 1, 1776 notated on the horoscope as turmoil, emotional trauma, upsets, strong emotions).

Then for political involvement in 2023, we have only to consider which party was founded under the nebulous rays of Neptune in Pisces: the Republican Party of 1854. The party's recent Neptune Return spotlights the planet's dissolving and undermining functions as absurd conspiracies and false ideals lead their 'maga' agenda into superficial pursuits designed to neglect the country's real issues and concerns which need serious attention on Capitol Hill. Yet as authoritarian Republicans know, an America collapsed into chaos is a good time to attempt to establish a new form of government, as history shows, be it fascist as it may be.

So my fuss for today is that the "old situation" that every voter in 2016 should have seen for what it really was and is describes the brutal animalism of fascism and nazism, and the choice Americans had - and still have - to choose a higher course for our country going forward as Election 2024 nears.