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Showing posts with label Canopus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canopus. Show all posts

Apr 23, 2024

Trump Trial Horoscope April 25, 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

On Thursday April 25, 2024 another go-round of the Trump Trial for Election Inteference (2016), aka, his Hush Money Trial, is scheduled for 9:30 am edt in Judge Juan Marchan's Manhattan courtroom. Here is the 9:30 am Horoscope of the legal proceedings:

My messy study notes are penned on and include: chart-ruler Moon applies twice: 1. trine Mars (making the best of things); and 2. trine Neptune (receptive/perceptive people which describes people in the environment and the public).

Planet of testimony, communication, and negotiation, Mercury @15Ari58 turns Direct at 8:54 am edt and, as you see, conjuncts the karmic Nodal Degree (15Ari34) in 11th house of Groups and Wishes. The Mercury-NN conjunction is apex of the midpoint between Sun and Mars. Potentials are notated in the center of the horoscope, and Sabian Symbols around the chart are interesting for those who have a chance to look them up.

Meanwhile, the Sun @5Tau49 applies to nothing (feeling isolated? overwhelmed?) and the Sun's ego-bruising square from powerful Pluto wanes yet one imagines that the sting remains.

As you see, the lucky break pair of Jupiter-Uranus @22Taurus conjuncts asteroid Pandora of unintended consequences (or little hope left?) but is not quite conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven (25Taurus), yet the pair may add a spark to his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine which has lifted him out of many jams through the years. We'll soon see if the trine remains operative for the old fella as legal proceedings grind on.

Then if David Pecker continues his testimony on Thursday, his first natal planet to rise at 9:30 am is his Uranus @13Can41 conjunct both Sirius the Scorcher (the mundane becomes sacred) and Canopus, the star of old age. So with radical Uranus rising, perhaps the unpredictable, or even shocking, may be expected, however, the ability to cope could also be on Mr. Pecker's menu.

Previously on SO'W: Trump Election Interference Trial Opens April 22, 2024 (horoscope shown).

Jul 23, 2022

Secret Service 1865 w/ July 2022 Planets

Astro-Notes: The Secret Service w/ Current Contacts

by Jude Cowell

The first Director of the US Secret Service William Patrick Wood was born March 11, 1820 in Alexandria, Virginia with a strong trio of Mercury-North-Node-Saturn @1Aries. He was tapped to lead the US Secret Service created by President Andrew Johnson's Executive Order after the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in April 1865, and the new agency was tasked with a mission to squelch counterfeit currency which was depleting the value of real currency. This was not a good look for America or for the American people already under much duress due to the cuss'ed Civil War and the hardship and misery that any war brings to a populace.

Formed under the wings of the US Treasury Department (itself created by Congress on September 1, 1789 and first helmed by the illustrious Alexander Hamilton), the Secret Service is now headed by Trump appointee James Murray who's in the news these days due to certain events of January 6, 2021, and the agency's deleted texts which may have been little more than personal messages, more private than compromising. But that's an ongoing scandal to be further belabored as the year goes on.

So for that and other reasons, I thought perhaps a Horoscope for the US Secret Service could be usefully displayed here on Stars Over Washington although only a 'noon' chart is in my files. In untimed cases like this, I tend to look at the planets from their earliest positions on that date to their latest, with a noon chart in between. You'll find the range of positions of Sun and Moon listed, below the chart.

So here's an image of the agency's noon horoscope, plus, the 24-hour scope of planetary positions ranging from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm on July 5, 1865 when the US Secret Service became operative in order to root out law-breaking counterfeiters, then eventually went on to become the multi-pronged organization it is today including the protection of the president:

July 5, 1865: Sun 13Can36 - 14Can04 (conjunct Sirius and Canopus - and US POTUS Sun); Moon 29Sco01 - 11Sag38.

And since mundane Saturn signifies responsibility, accountability, managerial ability, soberness, laws, legalities, government, and such (and is exalted in Libra), you may find the current three-fer dates of the Secret Service's Saturn Return/s of interest: 1. November 11, 2011; 2. May 12, 2012 (Rx); 3. July 28, 2012 (President Obama). Standing out is the 1865 Saturn-North-Node Conjunction which adds to the agency's imperatives for responsible teamwork, a silent demeanor, and contacts with authoritative individuals; plus, Saturnian boundaries and rules must be observed (or should be). Additionally, 1865 Saturn conjuncts asteroid Sisyphus suggesting a picture of a strong determination to complete difficult tasks which must be done over and over. For me, a lack of vacations for agents is one potential that comes to mind.

Note: Unfortunately for our country, the condition of US natal Mars, planet of weapons, assaults, and initiative, has symbolically turned retrograde by progression since around 2006 and this affects many areas of life in the US including men who use weapons, with Mars in general signifying adult males such as those who sign up as agents in the Secret Service while America's planet of energy, action, and motivation must strive harder than usual with its energies diverted inward instead of outward and forward as Mars prefers. Of course, our military and police forces are also affected.

Now we should note the agency's Prenatal Solar Eclipse's Saros Series ('PE'), the difficult 11 South, a Total Eclipse which manifested on April 25, 1865 @5Tau21 (in 7th house near the financial 8th cusp at noon). 11 South themes: 'old methods fail, new systems and reforms are needed to deal with events; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Obviously, this relates to the agency's anti-counterfeiting mission at its inception but I can't discard its significance through the years although you can ignore its themes if you like. Plus, recent hits from radical Uranus lurching through Taurus could have activated 11 South themes while also suggesting feelings of brotherhood.

Meanwhile, another Total 11 South Eclipse will repeat on August 2, 2027 @10Leo and will eclipse the natal Pluto and Mars-Saturn midpoint of Donald Trump with all the death, destructive fury, and higher power that the midpoint contains. However, considering that the heavyweight planet of power, hidden wealth, and stealth (Pluto) is involved, I don't care to speculate at this early date what the 2027 eclipsing of his Pluto and his 'death axis' midpoint can possibly foretell. Would you?

As for the 1865 Horoscope, outside the chart and highlighted in blue are penned the planets of the July 21, 2022 J6 Hearing which opened at 8:00 pm edt Cannon Office Building Washington DC. And inside the 1865 horoscope, you'll note that Mars @25Leo07 is basically the natal Mars position of one D. Trump, while 1865 Jupiter Rx @21Sag38 was conjoined in 1946 by his very needy natal Moon which always carries with it natal South Node of fluctuating popularity, out-of-sync timing, and mother issues. Of course, these are not the only cosmic links between them (1946 to 1865) but these two contacts (Mars-Mars and Jupiter-Moon) must have aided the orange insurrectionist as he recruited certain men of the US Secret Service as if they were his own palace guard.

Jun 14, 2020

America 2020: Twisting Between Eclipses

Riots Across America and a Summer of Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

In June 2019 we took a look at the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 (shown below) with its themes of 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken' and 'sudden endings of relationships or associations'. Few would disagree that changes since then have been traumatic and separative, and recently we're hearing more and more public figures speak of "transformation." Perhaps you've heard them say this, too.

DC Horoscope: 3 South Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap06:

Naturally, astrologers tend to think of astrological Pluto when it comes to concepts such as transformation by which nothing stays the same. These days we're having a more generous helping of intensity via a boost from the planet of shocks and sudden events: erratic, radical Uranus, now in money sign Taurus and stirring up chaotic conditions as he lurches along.

So considering the current protests, riots, unrest, disruption, violence, and general turmoil in society my suspicion is that the transiting midpoint of Uranus-Pluto in mid-Pisces, opposing the mid-degrees of Virgo where Uranus and Pluto conjoined three times in the mid-1960s, is responsible for some major 'stirring up' of such restless and revolutionary energies of civil unrest and revolt. You, dear reader, may disagree about their midpoint, but there it is.

Now with Pluto plodding through Capricorn, we see startling transformation within the Saturnian realms of government, law, business, and investment. Three conjunctions with Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, all through 2020 ups the significance and depth of Plutonian changes as Plutocracy (Jupiter-Pluto) makes a stand against massive pushback from We The People.

Then, warming up Summer 2020 are two Lunar Eclipses. One has already occurred on June 5th @15Sag34, in first house of late afternoon US Horoscopes (July 4, 1776) that show Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising. But soon comes a second Lunar Eclipse, a sort of 'birthday eclipse' for America for it perfects on July 5th @13Cap37 - an 'eclipse' of America's natal Sun (13Can19). This involves two fixed stars of note: Sirius, the scorcher, and Canopus, the star of old age.

But the most scorching heat of Summer 2020 may arise (between the two Lunar Eclipses) from the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series (chart shown). By degree this eclipse echoes the transformative 3 North Solar Eclipse of Summer Solstice 2001 @00Cancer, one of the four critical Cardinal Points of Manifestation upon which eclipses (those 'wild cards of the Universe') tend to spur some measure of global events. Yet since 00Cancer is known as 'the gate of life' degree, can we expect improved conditions running in the background of society under the influence of the Cancer Solar Eclipse as opposed to the difficult 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipse, both falling across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis? By theme, it's doubtful since 4 North themes include potentials for 'restraint, restriction, misjudgments, and illusions'.

That is, unless 4 North's 'restrictions, restraint, and misjudgments' should refer to, disrupt, and/or somehow transform the bad actors and rotten apples now disrupting the American barrel as they act under the illusion that our country should belong to authoritarian despots and criminals instead of to We The People!

For more on eclipse themes you may wish to see Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. In fact, I highly recommend it. jc

Aug 29, 2018

Sept 24, 2018 Paul Manafort Trial Washington DC

August 29, 2018: When last we discussed the second trial of convicted felon Paul Manafort set for September 17, 2018, I published an 8:00 am edt horoscope for the trial but expressed misgivings about whether the date would hold. Basically it didn't so later a post update was added to reflect that jury selection will proceed on September 17th but the attorneys' opening statements are postponed a week until September 24th. The following post is a meager attempt to update the second Manafort trial's planets but without displaying a second horoscope.

However, today my comments will be based on a chart set for September 24, 2018 '8:00 am edt' in Washington DC (aka the 'new trial') and hopefully the date will be the final re-set by Judge Jackson although other disruptions could occur (plea deals, illness, -?-). Authoritative Saturn @2Cap48 is in the 3rd house of Communications so a witness may be inhibited, prevented, or delayed from testifying, or perhaps a lawyer will come down with strep throat or be smooched by a dangerous kissing bug--who can say since this trial involves the unpredictable world of Donald Trump! Plus, kissing bugs never ask permission, they just smooch.

Now as we would expect, the fastest moving body from September 17th to the 24th is the Moon which reaches 24Pis14 conjunct fixed star Markab, the star of sorrow with themes of legal problems, emotional issues, tragedies to loved ones, and/or accidents (A. Louis). Luna's September 17th conjunction with Saturn Rx is left behind, plus, the Moon will have sailed beyond the net of deceptive Neptune (@14Pis37 and still in process of the Republican Party's first-ever Neptune Return/s with the the final of five conjunctions coming on December 29, 2018). Fixed star Achernar (risk of rapid endings; crisis at the end of the river) remains ensnared within Neptune's gauzy veils during this period of the GOP's identity and core values morphing into those of the bigoted 'Trump Party'. That transit Neptune now floats through its own watery realms of Pisces only makes things more confused, weakened, undermined, paranoid, fearful, and conspiratorial.

See 'The Conspiracy Party' and Its Neptune in Pisces (December 29, 2018 horoscope shown).

So the Sun @1Lib23 on September 24th has passed its Libra Ingress degree and topped the natal Midheaven (Goal Point) of the Sagittarius Rising natal chart of America (12Sag ASC; MC 00Lib47--a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation and Renown). This blend of conscious-unconscious energies provides a different cosmic weather for the day and trial: Sun Libra-Moon Pisces (Air-Water = ethereal, misty)--different from September 17th's earthy, pragmatic Sun Virgo-Moon Capricorn. Actually the new trial Moon @24Pis14 forms a Full Moon of sorts with the September 17th Sun (24Vir33) signifying a culmination or fulfillment of some sort.

The new trial's Sun Libra-Moon Pisces combination suggests actors, detectives, psychologists, and/or those with perceptive intellects and a potential for "vacillation at crucial crossroads." Hmm...could this describe Mr. Manafort (Sun) plus the jurors (Moon) on this day? Mercury @4Lib12 in 12th house is likely to signify those who testify and we should note that Mercury is no longer the oriental planet of the chart and trial (last to rise before the Sun)--now the oriental planet is way across the chart--quirky Uranus @1Tau41 Rx in 7th house. Curiously, Mr. Trump is a Uranus oriental figure leading the country in his disruptive, unpredictable, chaotic style.

Now a factor in an 8:00 am edt chart set for September 24th which was not true at 8:00 am edt on September 17th is that 13Lib05 rises which precisely brings up the natal Neptune Rx of Paul Manafort (13:52) along with fixed star Algorab with its Mars-Saturn influences and its difficult themes of loss, lies, greed, injury ('in' jury), accidents, and/or a potential for suicide (A. Louis). Manipulator Pluto @18Cap46 Rx stalks the IC, or Foundation of the chart and trial, while acting again as apex planet of the Mars-Saturn midpoint = 'rage, fury, brutality, intervention of a higher power, bodily injury or harm, murder, death of many people'--Ebertin). And as noted in previous posts, this particular midpoint picture belongs to the natal chart of Donald Trump so by transit it's a 'natal echo'. So it seems that Mr. Trump is at the basis of the matter although no one needs Astrology to confirm this for we hear his underworld 12th house Pluto threats every day (which are attended by his 12th house Mars).

At Midheaven (14Can57) are two major stars of the firmament: 'Dog Star' Sirius (ambition, fame, pride, occult interests, dog bites) which is aka, The Scorcher. Nearby in degrees is Canopus, the star of old age and signifying potentials for scandals, a quick temper, and violence (A. Louis). No longer is Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51) precisely on the 8:00 am Midheaven for all to see as it was on September 17th!

On September 24th 'The Tower Eclipse' of August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 remains the 'collapsing' Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the trial as on September 17th along with the same Syzygy Moon (last lunation) which is the New Moon of September 9th @17Virgo, ruled by Mercury, now moved into Venus-ruled Libra. This sign for communicating Mercury indicates a sense of justice, teamwork, and tactful mediation (Ebertin), plus, Mercury will have left its September 17th conjunction with fixed star Denebola (21Virgo; to go against society--and conjunct US natal Neptune).

The Jupiterian North Node @4Leo27 (public contact; future direction) is in the very public 10th house so of course media coverage will dominate to whatever extent it can yet its opposite, the Saturnian 'Tail of the Dragon' South Node @4AQ27 is closer to transit Mars than the week before for Mars is now posited @3AQ34 in 4th house which presents a picture of a loner who disregards the opinions of others when making decisions. Out of harmony with society, Mars-SN can also describe law enforcers and/or someone who tends to antagonize others by lashing out in anger or frustration. Wonder who Mars could be?

As for Jupiter, he'll have moved off '19Scorpio', the 'accursed degree of the accursed sign whose malefic influence never weakens' (A. Louis) and on to 20Sco53 in the trial's 2nd house of Money and Values. Next degree is '21Scorpio', a critical or crisis degree. Perhaps Jupiter's rounded-up SAbian Symbol is helpful here: "21Scorpio" = A Soldier Derelict in His Duty"...DEVIATION. Positive expression: "effective responsibility to the inner stirrings of self and a willingness to face the consequence of true self-assertion; negative: complete faithlessness to the common welfare" (Jones). Thing is, Venus in Scorpio is at a critical degree as well and both planets are 'money planets'.

Valuable Vengeful Venus @8Sco33 in 1st house Also Rules the Corporate 8th

Now I've saved for last chart-ruler Venus (same as on September 17th) which will apply once--to a pleasant trine aspect with deceptive if creative Neptune (6A04). This is the aspect of a master of disguise! A chameleon, as it were and one fond of charades and other game-playing which this trial could turn out to be--especially if Donald 'thespian' Trump dabbles in it. For after all, Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter-Neptune planets and their midpoint rise with his wounded Chiron in the 8:00 am chart on September 24th which suggests great hopes and speculation by one who lives in an unreal world and acts according to an emotionally rationalized agenda.

Okay, dear reader, that's it for me on the second trial of Paul Manafort. If the court schedule changes yet again or the trial is moved from DC, send me a link because it'll be your turn!

Recommended for further details: The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady, Horary Astrology Plain & Simple by Anthony Louis, Solar Arcs by Noel Tyl, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones, and Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey. The above Tarot card 'The Moon' is from Amy Zerner's The Enchanted Tarot deck. Perhaps you recall that we came across 'The Moon' card recently when we consulted the Tarot with a question regarding Mr. Trump and Mr. Mueller!

Apr 3, 2017

Oregon and South Carolina Horoscopes of The Great American Eclipse

A Cosmic Blink Directed Toward America!

Here are two horoscopes for the 'first touch on US soil' at Depoe Bay, Oregon, and what I've labeled the "buh-bye" chart where the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse--aka, The Great American Eclipse--last touches US soil at Cape Island, South Carolina.

Perhaps you can enlarge the image and read a few notes?

There wasn't a lot of space to add Mr. Trump's natal Mars Rising in late Leo (with Regulus) so you won't see that listed around either chart but you will see that transit Saturn is again hitting Trump's natal Moon and South Node (divorce? his approval rating trends even lower?) which denotes a difficult time unless mitigated by the good planning and hard work that have taken place. Uranus in Aries marks the spot where friends, colleagues, and/or groups may provide karmic resources (from 7th house in Oregon, from 5th house in S.C.) so that evolutionary progress can be made.

Hello, Depoe Bay, Oregon!

And as you see, the chart-ruler in Oregon is Venus (24Can41 near Trump's natal Venus and Saturn and conjunct US natal Mercury Rx = good news?) which makes only one applying aspect: a square to Uranus (is someone blocking those karmic resources?) so that awkward social events take place; however, conditions and situations can turn pleasant before they end. US natal Sun (13Can19) sits atop the Oregon chart at Midheaven (MC) along with two fixed stars, Sirius (The Scorcher) and Canopus (The Plumb Line) joining in by degree.

Fare Thee Well, Cape Island, South Carolina!

In South Carolina, chart-ruler Jupiter holds sway @20Lib11 in 10th house (and still in progress of completing Mr. Trump's three-fer Jupiter Return to 17Lib27). As you see, Jupiter applies only once to an opportunistic sextile to Saturn, an aspect suggesting that hard work and careful planning will pay off and that limitations must be accepted in order to avoid over-extending ourselves. Of course, this is also a transiting sextile to Mr. Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction and though his Saturnian SN involvement complicates matters, it hints that on some level, Donald Trump's dreams may come true--even with a Total Solar Eclipse hitting his natal Ascendant (physical body) and rising Mars in royal Leo! Plus, its last touch in S.C. puts US natal Neptune @22Vir25 at Midheaven (MC), the Goal Point of the chart. Neptune in Virgo identifies the many scientists and artists involved with this rare eclipse.

Now as you know, a Solar Eclipse in Leo spotlights the need to avoid Leo's more negative qualities such as pride, vainglory, bossiness, and pomposity. what do you think are the chances of that? Especially when "fixed stars work through eclipses" (D. Ovason) so that the caution of Regulus may be the primary take-away here: success if revenge is avoided (if not, then all that has been gained will be lost). And that's another 'what are the chances?' when it comes to Donald Trump, America's avenger-in-chief.

Still, I'm typing this on April 3, 2017 when Trump 'scandals' litter the news cycle like Russian fleas on Chinese pups. But will his crises in office be sufficiently damaging to his administration by August so that the Solar Eclipse reveals a 'stepping down' or impeachment situation for an eclipsed Mr. Trump? Or will he, his policies, colleagues, and enablers eclipse America as they seem inclined to do?

Final Notes: neither of the charts above show the Solar Eclipse perfected (28Leo52); according to my Solar Fire Gold v9+ software, perfection occurs on August 21, 2017 at 2:30:07 pm edt.

Like yours truly, Stars Over Washington is a work in progress so here's my original post concerning The Great American Eclipse showing a horoscope set for McClellanville, S. C.

Aug 14, 2016

Sep 16, 2016 Lunar Eclipse: The Mystery of the Three Days

Colorized Horoscope: September 16, 2016 3:05:02 pm edt White House Washington DC

Yes, the chart is messy with my scribbles and colorization! Hhere are a few basic details; please enlarge image to read more...

Hour of Venus; chart-ruler Saturn is Direct (good!) and not in 1st house (good!) but rising before Mars and into 11th house while turbulently traveling across warrior Antares. Not what we want to see: a malevolent and karmic planet like Saturn (righteous-feeling in Sagittarius) less than a month past his meeting with testy Mars directly on Antares. A rowdy trio it was on August 24th. And you see Pluto conjoined with Vega in 1st house indicating events that are too powerful or unwieldy to deal with on a personal level.

So here we have status quo, austerity demanding Saturn inhibiting, depressing, delaying who-knows-what-or-whom. Apparently, someone's ambitions will be delayed at best, not met if cards aren't played well. Yet no applying Ptolemaic aspects are made by chart-ruler Saturn so how things will proceed in this situation or for this event is more hidden in the chart than when chart-rulers apply to other planets (actors). When they do apply, some moderation can take place but here it does not. It seems that suspicious, violent, fiery, blind zealot Antares takes the all the cake on this banquet table.

And the T-Square between the Sun-Moon (Full Moon) opposition squaring warrior Mars @23Sag rising in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions (ex: hospitals, zoos, prisons), Self-Undoing, Secret Deals, and Karma (reaping what was sown) desires ideas to come to fruition, unions to form, and sports matches to result for the athletes among us. Of course, when Mars scorches through Sagittarius, sign of the Seeker, the Arrow, and the Quest, we find those who are determined to convince others of their ideas and plans...a lot like a political campaign (Mr. Trump = Mars rising w/ Regulus). However, if the rising sign of Hillary Clinton really is Scorpio, ruled by Mars (w/ tones of Pluto underneath), she is indicated here as well. One wonders in mid-August if either or both candidates will be disqualified by September or sometime prior to the November 8th election/s!

Perhaps we'll have a chance to appreciate the eclipse's Earth-Water blend of Sun Virgo-Moon Pisces for it is the relationship anchoring the energies of the day and is the main point, really. Virgo practicality is available to those who can deal with some truths sneaking into sober conversations as speedy yet retrograde Mercury at a critical degree of its own sign of Virgo (17:05) in the subconscious 8th house, draws near North Node and embraces Mizar, a fiery Mars-inspired star of calamities and turbulence which resonates with Antares and is supported by the Saturn-Neptune square affecting society's fears of loss, illness, weakness, and poverty.

Another opposition chimes in: valuable (or perhaps vengeful) Venus opposes disruptive Uranus, the radical, at the MC-IC angles of Home-Security vs Career-Public Status. Venus-Uranus contacts suggests potentials for extravagance, eccentricity, and/or much tension toward separation which supports the Solar Eclipse themes here being re-activated by Mercury Rx. In the center of the chart you see that Mercury has been ruffling our previous Solar Eclipse of March 9, 2016 with its themes of endings, partings, and separations (Brady).

Sun and Jupiter huddle close but are 7 degrees apart and in dissociate signs (Virgo/Libra..."The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh"?) with messenger Mercury ruling the Sun (Virgo) and Venus ruling Libra and thus, Jupiter. Salesmanship is going on. There are reviews of ideologies and pet theories, older ideas and criticisms though the Rx can also indicate repetition over and over (as they do in Politics). But maybe it's a case of Sales-womanship being more persuasive to the masses come November. Hillary has vulnerabilities, that's certain, but how much more out-there can Mr. Trump pretend to be? If selected president, he'll don W's cowboy hat and assert that he "has a mandate" to be as brash as he has whim to be. And the good he may do will soon be outweighed (see Canopus w/ Sirius in 7th house) by the bad.

But there's another reading of the Sun-Moon opposition: leadership (Sun) opposing the Moon (We the People) which is where the Sun-Moon blend comes in handy for this combo of energies tends toward compassion, refinement, and modesty (which can't be Trump though he was born under a Gem-Sag Full Moon). One mustn't become swamped by details even is the forgotten is remembered but continue to see as wide a picture as possible so that insights will have the broadest application wherever appropriate.

Altogether, difficulties and endings of various sorts are shown in the Lunar Eclipse along with the awareness and fulfillment vibes always described by Full Moons. This one happens to be a Lunar Eclipse and we see that unconscious and subconscious forces are rising to awareness and remembrance in order to grab their due. And I'm not certain that The Mystery of the Three Days (Saturn-NN) at Midheaven (the WHY? or Goal Point) will allow anyone enough time to sort it all out before October rolls around and leads the American people down another political primrose path toward filling the same old script-reader role in the Venusian Oval Office of the White House--whether it's a Madame President or a Mister.

jc 8.14.16 2:48 am edt Kennesaw Mountain area, Georgia USA

9.16.16 Update: is Hillary Clinton's natal Pisces Moon being affected by today's Lunar Eclipse? Perhaps pre-affected in the last week with her health concerns and pneumonia diagnosis? There were 3 days from her diagnosis on Friday Sept 9, 2016 and the 9/11 ceremony on September 11th when our power-through Scorpio candidate fainted or was wobbly kneed.