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Oct 2, 2009

Harvest Moon 10.4.09: gather crops

Space Weather News for Oct 2, 2009

HARVEST MOON: This weekend's full Moon has a special name--the Harvest Moon. It's the full moon closest to the northern autumnal equinox (Sept 22). In years past, farmers depended on the light of the Harvest Moon to gather ripening crops late into the night. Now we appreciate it mainly for its beauty. Go outside this weekend and enjoy the moonlight.

SOLAR MINIMUM RETURNS: Two sunspots, which appeared on the autumnal equinox to break several months of extreme solar quiet, have faded away, leaving the sun blank once again. The deepest solar minimum in nearly a hundred years appears poised to continue.

NASA spacecraft are now reporting a surge in cosmic rays around Earth caused, somewhat ironically, by this low solar activity. The full story may be found at

Jon Stewart on how the Dem majority is doing - video

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Democratic Super Majority
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

This video posting looks a bit squirrelly in draft form but I'm posting it any way in case you missed Jon's coverage of the Democrat majority's work on health insurance reform and the much-needed public option that Capitol Hillers are finagling so hard to leave out of the legislation.

And it doesn't sound to me as if health care co-ops are anything more than a bait and switch tactic, Senator Conrad, and an all-around lame proposal according to those with co-op experience.

So the tiresome political theater continues as Washington politicians, their staff, and Hill employees get the best 'public option' health care than anyone in the nation - financed primarily by US tax payers.

That they continue to support. You and me? Not so much.

Oct 1, 2009

America's 'Fall of Rome' in the news again

US debt will lead to a "Fall of Rome" scenario, as reported in Bloomberg News. This concept is also covered ably in Chalmers Johnson's revelatory book, The Sorrows of Empire, which I've mentioned here before. Mr. Chalmers states that "the final sorrow of empire (is) financial ruin" - and I say that this is what our 'leaders' have done for us in the last decades - through fraud, Ponzi schemes, greed for wealth and world domination, and the 'military industrial complex' that is now squeezing President Obama for more troops, more billions, and endless war. And we-the-people's intuitions, desires, and needs fall unheeded by US imperialism's wayside. So thanks, Capitol Hill, the Pentagon, and Wall Street. America wasn't knocked down from without but from within. Our founders would call that treason.

Sep 30, 2009

Sibel Edmonds' deposition video - part 1 of 5

Sibel Edmonds Deposition, 8/8/09: PART 1 of 5 from Velvet Revolution on Vimeo.

It's been many moons since I lived in Washington, DC (during Watergate) so when I hear whistleblower Sibel Edmonds discussing bribery, blackmail, and infiltration in the halls of Congress, it sounds like the DC I once knew - a beautiful, deeply flawed city!

The video is part 1 of 5, and is time-stamped "Aug 8, 2009 10:38:53" with 8Lib01 Ascending - so today the Sun 7Lib+ is conjunct and shining a spotlight on her deposition (ASC) - Moon 25AQ51 (a woman; the public) conjs deposition's Neptune as she reflects deception including in the media (Neptune) - and today's Mercury 21Vir43 (which turned Direct yesterday) conjs deposition's Saturn 20Vir10...'serious meetings and discussions.'

On August 8, 2009, deposition's Sun 16Leo11 was conjoined with asteroid Kassandra, keywords:a prophetess telling the truth no one believes; well perhaps not believed by the mainstream, but some of us have believed Ms. Edmonds all along.

The chart of the deposition contains a Mutable T-Square between a Moon/Saturn opposition pointing to apex Mars 18Gem51 (Mars nearing a US Mars Return) in 9th house of Foreign Lands; paraphrasing Bil Tierney in his excellent book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, apex Mars in a Mutable T-Square indicates a Mars-type person who must focus to direct diffuse energies; if well-managed, apex Mars (in Mutable T-SQ) is a pioneer who can assemble dynamic energies with practical versatility; good planning assures effective, contructive outcomes, and acting straightforwardly either invigorates others or repels them.

Properly managed, Mars' impulse to act is balanced with an awareness of the consequences of (his/her) actions, and new beginnings are possible.

Moon/Saturn indicates the restricted and/or lonely woman, but also ambition and strategy for seeking recognition; with Mars: self-control to the point of torment, and the desire (Mars) to overcome difficulties the restriction causes.

Well, after being gagged in 2002 by a US government trying to cover its warmongering New World Order promoting patootie, Ms. Edmonds deserves a new beginning, imo.

Yet America may be too far gone and brazenly sold out to have more than sad regrets suffered by a scammed populace whose apathy is one of its few justifications for allowing Congress to become the scandalous cesspool it's become.

But please don't let my grousings about my favorite city I've ever lived in stop you from watching the deposition video - pass it on where and to whom you can, for if you're anything like me, America is, as always, your only nag in the race.

Thank you, Sibel Edmonds.

Sep 29, 2009

Baucus vs Rockefeller - Sun Lib/Moon AQ 9.29.09

Now locked in a matinee performance (allegedly!): Max Baucus and Jay Rockefeller, with blogging gnat me (and you?) waiting to see if Congress will do anything at all for our ailing health insurance system and the public option in process of being undermined by the big fat insurance industry and its Washington payrollees.

Well, Max Baucus made his statement just a while ago (see article above) so I took a quick peek at a horoscope for 2:55 pm EDT (Washington, DC) for a few planetary positions, and to find the Sabian Symbols for them - see if you think any of the symbols apply to our Health Insurance Reform situation for today:

Sun "7Lib": "A Woman Feeding Chickens and Protecting Them from the Hawks";

Moon "16AQ": "A Big Businessman at His Desk";

Mercury "22Vir" (Station Direct TODAY with NASA's Messenger spacecraft snapping photos of planet Mercury today for the third and final time; Messenger will go into orbit around the speedy planet in March 2011): "A Royal Coat of Arms";

Mars "22Can": "A Woman Awaiting a Sailboat" (maybe that describes me awaiting Congress to actually do something good for cash-strapped Americans. Interesting that Baucus cites 'pragmatism' as his reason for not supporting a public option, the only provision that may make the system of practical use to all Americans.)

The Mercury/Mars sextile is the base of a YOD pattern of 'adjustment, crisis, and/or special tasks' and is pointing at health-concerned Chiron @ '22AQ': "A Rug Placed on the Floor for Children to Play" (the House floor? Is this to be a basic overhaul that doesn't go too far that it riles the insurance industry? Obviously, we-the-people are considered to be the 'children'.)

One more astrological factor to mention in the collective is the soon-perfecting square (90 degrees) between Saturn and Pluto.

Expert astrologer Alan Oken describes the square aspect between authoritarian, controlling Saturn and coping, powerful, transforming Pluto (associated with surgeries and recuperative powers after illness) as:

'Consolidation vs Regeneration' and he adds: harshness, cruelty, destruction to the established order, dissatisfaction and a deep desire to annihilate existing forms.'

Well, yes, it sounds harsh all right, but it seems to this particular populist that the 'destruction' turns out to be on the part of the middle and lower classes with the wealthy super-rich in the catbird seat of plutocratic oligarchy. Forces fight above our heads, while we-the-people (and the rest of the world) suffer the 'trickle down' on our own, and now that the banking and political classes have dive-bombed the US financial system, we have fewer than ever resources with which to bounce back.

Planet of the Democrats, Saturn, is today @ 26Vir29, with Pluto 00Cap45; both heavyweights are in Direct motion, so the full effects of their square-off will be stronger as Saturn reaches 00Libra and beyond, and thus forms his partile (exact) square with power-behind-the-throne Pluto. Falling upon 00 Cardinal degrees - World Points - indicates events that affect the masses.

My feeling is that Mercury's "A Royal Coat of Arms" (of today's announcement by Baucus) is more intimately involved in the current health care stand-off than meets the common man's eye. Is the US government making decisions on its own? Hmm.

Or does the symbol merely refer to the ruling class' sense of 'nobility' and entitlement? Mercury turns direct today and pronouncements are made in Washington! We'll see if Max Baucus' sentiments 'turn' out to be the icingless cake of reform when it all shakes down.

Plus, today's rational, laissez faire *Sun Lib/Moon AQ blend with its prominent social conscience has these Images for Integration:

'A group of literary radicals stage a love-in to protest against military policy...In an elegant opera house, a trendy jazz musician performs rag time with a symphony orchestra.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

What do you think? Do you have feelings about a public option and the 'job' Congress is 'doing' toward 'improving' our health care problems?


*The Sun Lib/Moon AQ combo of energies is shared natally by John Lennon, George Gershwin, John Le Carre, Timothy Leary, and psychiatrist R. D. Laing...and perhaps by someone you know, lone reader!

Sep 27, 2009

Aldous Huxley's letter to George Orwell - Oct 21, 1949

"...Within the next generation I believe that the world's leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience. In other words, I feel that the nightmare of Nineteen Eighty-Four is destined to modulate into the nightmare of a world having more resemblance to that which I imagined in Brave New World."

From a letter to George Orwell, dated 21 October 1949; from Letters of Aldous Huxley, ed. Grover Smith; Harper & Row, 1969. (My italics. jc)


Makes me think about avoiding the H1N1 vaccine, amongst all the popular narcotic and other drugs the FDA makes readily available to an unwary public. Do you trust your government to inoculate and medicate you? Have they safeguarded things so well that you feel the US government is trustworthy? If so, might I interest you in a deal on some lovely swampland in Florida?

On an Astrology note: on Oct 21, 1949 at 10:22:47 pm UT in London, England there occurred a New Moon 28Lib09; the Sabian Symbol for '29Lib' is "Humanity Seeking to Bridge the Span of Knowledge."

And back in 1949, that bridge was often crossed by sending a letter. Psychological discoveries and new methods may also be indicated by this symbol, and I feel that perhaps the 'collection' of knowledge (information; 'truth' serums?) and/or scientific trials and experiments may be indicated on other levels as well.

Of course, Huxley's letter could have been written earlier that day during the Balsamic phase of the Moon prior to the evening's New Moon, which would put in within the prophetic phase, the dark of the Moon.

Plus, the Pre-Natal Eclipse of this letter's date is the 5 North Series which manifested @ '8Taurus' on Apr 28, 1949...paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology: an unusual Saros Series involving sudden flashes of ideas that have a psychic or unconscious flavor; hunches, visions, and propehtic dreams as its essence; a very creative Series.


Update 9.28.09: a watchful reader has thoughtfully sent along a link to the Assassination Archives and Research Center where a variety of links lead to many discoveries about the America we think we know, including CIA covert missions and use of tactics that sound suspiciously similar to what Aldous Huxley envisioned as written above.

Among many other subjects in the Archives, you'll find Bush Sr's critique of "conspiracy theorists" concerning the JFK assassination (when Poppy Bush himself was 'on protection duty' as CIA director) while he spoke at the funeral services of Gerald Ford. Yuh, that's what you would say, NWO promoter.

For as they say in Washington, You lie. They just don't say it to each other often enough because then they'd for once be telling the truth.

NPR BREAKING NEWS: William Safire Dead At 79

The New York Times is reporting that William Safire, political columnist and speechwriter for President Nixon, has died.

Read more at NPR.

Sep 26, 2009

Does Iran have a Saturnian destiny?

Starry kudos to Nick Dagan Best whose article on Iran's Saturn in Libra Destiny covers the high points of Iranian history through the lens of Saturn in Libra transits.

As you know, Saturn rules Capricorn, sign of politics, law, and business, and is the planet of authority and control through its restriction principle. Saturn is exalted in the sign of the Scales of Justice, Libra.

Nick says that Saturn transits through Virgo into Libra have "coincided with some curious turning points in Iranian political history," and, "the nation's political pulse seems to be tied closely to (Saturn's) cycle," so I hope you'll check out his informative astro-analysis before President Ahmadinejad speaks on the world stage again.