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Oct 6, 2009

Bill 'NAFTA' Clinton speaks on Jobs! video 10.5.09

Is this a joke? No, it's only Bill Clinton, the president who ushered in NAFTA and US jobs out the door, speaking Oct 5 on...wait for!

To be fair, Bill Clinton isn't solely to blame for outsourcing US jobs, closing manufacturing plants, and so forth. Corporate America's 'go cheap and sell out America' agenda had been underway for some time prior to Clinton's first term in the White House. But not only did President Clinton not stop the hemorrhaging, he sped up the flow with NAFTA - and, following Washington politics' usual 'call things the opposite of that they are and fool the fools' ploy - they called it and continue to call it - 'free' trade!

And I still say the US government has our armed forces waiting in the wings for chronically out-of- work Americans to sign up for perpetual war service. Now wouldn't that be a version of a 'jobless recovery' to die for?

WellPoint sues Maine, Evan and Susan Bayh richer

Susan Bayh, who is on the board of Wellpoint and is also the wife of public option naysayer, Senator Evan Bayh (D), can explain what's going on at the company that has made her a very rich woman.

WellPoint sued an ENTIRE STATE to increase profits.

Netting $2.5 billion in profits last year wasn't enough for WellPoint, the nation's largest insurance company.

Now, WellPoint's affiliate, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, is suing the state of Maine for refusing to guarantee it a profit margin in the midst of a painful recession.

As if Mainers didn't have enough to worry about just struggling to put food on the table, WellPoint is intent on forcing them to cough up 18.5% higher premiums on their insurance policies.

While WellPoint lobbies against granting Americans the right to affordable coverage, it's claiming that it has the right to a guaranteed profit margin, paid for by struggling working families. Mainers are outraged, and they're fighting back.


Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Films team

Read more:

If Insurance Companies Win - You Lose

This heads-up from Alex at Modern Astrology.


Make ya mad yet?


Oct 5, 2009

Astrology of Edgar Allan Poe's life and death Oct 7, 1849

Having just published an article on the Astrology of the life and death of Edgar Allan Poe, I'm giving you here a heads-up in time for Halloween 2009.

My 'Poe post' was begun in August and saved as a draft which keeps it in line of my August posts, thus this alert for you.

Pictured you will see Poe's death chart for October 7, 1849 making Oct 7, 2009 the 160th anniversary of his sad death in a Baltimore hospital after being found delirious on the streets - perhaps from falling off the wagon in a big way, and/or perhaps from political 'couping' - read and see what you think.

Through the years much controversy has attended the poet's demise (and life), and perhaps you've heard of the mysterious Poe Toaster who faithfully visits Poe's gravesite each year.

Well, all this Poe posting may get you in the mood for Halloween, may it not? And the article contains quite a few links to info about Edgar Allan Poe's life and death, so check it out when you have a few moments to...chill.

NWO, Spirit, and Jupiter's Direct Station 10.13.09

A blog that is new to me and has distinct possibilities as a resource on Spirit and the NWO is authored by Jim - no surname, just Jim.

Check out his 2 or 3 articles, particularly the one on Ken Wilbur and the NWO where it is stated that Bill Clinton and All Gore are frontmen for the New World Order. Now that's the sort of thing stated on this blog for years so it's nice to see it written elsewhere in an essay that adds to the debate. In fact, I prefer to point at all US presidents of the last several decades as NWO frontmen, or shills...each operates as a "propaganda catapulter" as George Bush called himself, in a moment of glaring presidential truth before cameras and microphones.

Plus, we have Jupiter's Direct Station coming on Oct 13, 2009 @ 17AQ10 = '18AQ': "A Man Unmasked." You will note that the 10N 'Unmasking Eclipse' manifested on that degree Feb 7, 2008; paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology the flavor of the 10 North Series is: 'frustrating events come along having to do with paperwork (missing White House emails, leaked memos?), news, or young people; emphasis on communications; one feels tired and drained.' The actual degree of the Solar Eclipse of 2.7.08 was 17AQ45.

Perhaps Bush-Cheney-Rove administration issues may resurface for further consideration (if indeed they ever leave us at all) but will it be 'Jupiter the Judge' or Jupiter's protection for the culprits? Plus, financial pursuits can be forwarded once Jupiter moves ahead in the zodiac - yet on the other hand, 17AQ is said to be the 'end of progress' degree, isn't it?

Jupiter's Direct Station occurs at 12:34:18 am edt in Washington, DC, with Jupiter just into 7th house (from the 8th house of Debt, Insurance, Credit, Shared Resources, Legacies, Transformation, etc - 8th cusp 19AQ20); Mars 28Can15 is rising, ASC 28Can45 with South Node, a separative point and Saturnian Tail of the Dragon (SN 26Can26.)

Mars conj SN indicates a loner who makes his own decisions without listening to others (which would surprise me if this Mars/SN signifies a US president who isn't as powerful as they pretend to be due to other forces pulling strings - but he is a loner outstanding in his field, and Mr. Obama may not listen to his generals - moneybags Jupiter is also 'the general' or 'the guru.')

Mars/SN may also indicate one who questions the militaristic values and actions of his society (isn't there a March on Washington scheduled for Oct 12?), and can describe one whose actions and desires are out of harmony with societal standards. He (Mars) may act at the wrong time and place (SN) in an angry, frustrated manner. (Sakoian and Acker's The Astrologer's Handbook.)

SN conjunc ASC = strong individualism, lack of popularity, inhibited actions. Well, this does sound like the president concerning sending more troops to Afghanistan - as if America can afford it! Mars/SN has a 'violence and war' component, too.

The ASC 28Can45 brings up the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse (11S) @ 29Can27 as well, and the 11S Ecl is being triggered by transiting Mars. Look for some systems to fail, with new ideas and methods needed to deal with events (Brady, as cited above.) Mars may operate on a physical level as instigator of the Eclipse's influence (so do be cautious, m'peops.)

In the chart, Mars rules 10th house of Career and Public Status (Mc 14Ari34) and 5th h of Risk-Taking and Creative Projects (5th cusp 20Sco54.)

So from the looks of the Jupiter Direct Station chart set for Washington, the 11S Eclipse's influence will be of immediate (ASC) consideration on the president's desk (and already is, but now with Jupiter direct. Will war monies be appropriated?)

Sun 19Lib59 (4th house) and Moon 13Leo54 (1st h and conjunct President Obama's natal Sun) make for a theatrical, high-minded, diplomatic Sun Lib/Moon Leo blend whose Images for Integration are:

'A performance of The Importance of Being Earnest...The managing director throws a birthday party...A political idealist is crowned leader by his adoring followers.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

The only birthday I can think of just now is of the White House itself (Oct 13, 1792; natal Moon 24/25Vir, a degree area where the transiting Venus, Saturn, Mercury trio has been visiting of late; Virgo, sign of Health, Work, and Service.)

You can tell from the first image that the Sun Lib/Moon Leo combo of energies is shared natally by the play's author, Oscar Wilde, who instructively said, "It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."

Yet in Washington, DC, dividing people - Ds vs Rs, liberals vs conservatives, lower vs upper classes - is the only way politicians can conquer and stay at the top of the pyramid of power, for if we-the-people fully realized the power in numbers that we hold, the NWO train could be stopped in its tracks and Congress could return to serving the needs of the American people.


Update 10.5.09 - this just in - as if we didn't know: the Treasury and the Fed lied (under Bush) to the American people last Fall about the health of banks! Call Myrtle in from the barn, she'll want to hear about this...

For more reading see this on the 13-step pyramid of power, Lehman Brothers, the IMF, and related subjects.

And if you haven't, please answer the 'Obama/NWO shill' poll at the bottom of this page. Thanks! Jude

Oct 4, 2009

Iran-Contra videos + Solar Eclipse of constitutional crisis 2011

This link to 8 videos shows participants and players of the time (1988) speaking on the Iran-Contra Affair - including Ronald Reagan himself. Not having had time to watch all 8 videos yet, I wanted to publish the videos' link here for you and for my own easy-locating convenience.

If you're too young to have been around for, or aware of, the Reagan administration's Iran-Contra Scandal, it is highly recommended that you play catch-up before America's shadow government bombs nuclear facilities in Iran - especially if you care whether the US Constitution is followed and honored in Washington DC.

For even if such acts of war were ever warranted anywhere in the world, how could bombing facilities containing nuclear material EVER be a sane idea?

(See previous post on Zionism for hints on who might be just insane enough.)

Well, there is one Saros Series of Solar Eclipses that has a 'constitutional crisis' flavor - the 13 South Series, which will manifest in timely fashion on June 1, 2011 @ '11Gemini' conjunct US natal *Descendant, the Angle of Partnerships, Legal Affairs including pacts and agreements, and Open Enemies.

With our Constitution under serious attack for years now, will its 'pact' with the American people be irrevocably broken as timed by the 13 South Eclipse? This would indicate much danger to our system of government - already a factor - during the second half of 2011 in particular.

That this bodes ill for America and for the Obama administration, I have few doubts, especially with 2009's worrisome void-of-course Inaugural Moon at crisis degree, an indication that little about Barack Obama's presidency will turn out as expected, if it turns out at all. Whether that means only the peoples' expectations being unsatisfied or the administration's plans going awry remains to be seen...perhaps both on various levels if special interest lobbyists and Mr. Obama's opponents have anything to do with it.

Of course, another reading of a VOC Moon is that things proceed without interference, as did the attacks of 9/11 and the VOC Moon at '28Gemini,' a degree of bankruptcy. I'd say that VOC Moon has yielded much fruit for the wealthiest classes, wouldn't you?

So after watching SNL's opening skit last evening with 'Barack Obama' checking off a list of promised 'to-dos' that he hasn't accomplished in his 9 months in the Oval Office, I could feel that 29Sco45 Inaugural Moon hanging over America - in place of the Aries Harvest Moon. An Inaugural chart is good for as long as the presidential term it describes lasts.

Now you may remember that Michael Tsarion makes several points about the true nature of the US Constitution and the Founders' intentions at TarotScopes in case you missed it (I gave you his article's link back in May, lone reader; it's worth reviewing if only to cause thinking to occur, even without complete agreement with Mr. Tsarion's alternate views.)

Yet I, an Independent, must speak up for a Democratic president just as I did when Bill Clinton first took office: even if he (they) actually want to do positive things on behalf of the American people and the working class, there are those in Washington DC who will do anything to interfere however they can.

Does it seem to you that as far as the Obama adminstration is concerned, this is precisely what is happening once again to the people's business as the issues of the common good fall by the partisan, Zionist, NWO, world domination wayside?


*Descendant in the US 'Sibly' natal chart is 12Gem13; 13S Solar Eclipse info from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Four DC landmarks spotlighted in 'The Lost Symbol'

Since the original focus of Stars Over Washington has been our Founding Fathers as Freemasons, the White Lodge we call the 'White House', and the Masonic Temple that is the Capitol Building, it seemed incumbent upon me as this blog's author to find a web site featuring the four Washington DC landmarks that form the setting of Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol, a book which isn't garnering the best of praise in many Amazon book reviews.

One review made a basic point about The Lost Symbol that I found particularly salient: that The DaVinci Code was an impossible act to follow. Now this was a novel that I appreciated quite well, but found the film more than a little disappointing - it seemed to 'peter out' near the end and amount to very little, imo. Aka, a let-down.

(A let-down similar to congressional sausage-making on Capitol Hill, but that's another plot line of more dire proportions for the American people.)

So are you up for intrigue set in DC from the pen of author Brown?

How about a real world tour of the four landmarks featured in the novel? Well, the above linked site has historical details, hours of operation, and addresses of the four which include The Library of Congress, the Washington Monument (a monument to phallic symbols everywhere), the US Capitol Building, and the Smithsonian, with its 19 museums, 9 research centers, and zoo.

There's even a link provided to DC's Metro for train schedules, the best way to visit DC landmarks...whether you've read the book, or seen the movie or not.

Oct 3, 2009

Julie Demboski on Weekend Planetary Trends: 10/3/09

Better Posted Late Than Never!

Expert astrologer Julie Demboski's current Weekend Forecast is where she clearly explains the impulsive spark you may be feeling just now.

And those who appreciate Julie's excellent work with asteroids may receive an extra boost of understanding from their archetypal realm which is one of her many specialties, so check out her analysis before it's too late.

Or, you may choose to drop by after the fact...say that Ms. Demboski can help you figure out what just happened!

The Fed hawks + Michael Moore's Sun Virgo-Moon Taurus

Well, everyone is linking to an article by Tim Duy on the Fed's hawkishness vs the doves' embracing of 'green shoots' so I will, too. Duy's Fed Watch is an excellent resource for financial info.

Speaking of financial crashes, yesterday I actually attended a movie theater (unusual due to its overly loud volume - do they think we're deaf?) to see Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story, which I thought was excellent, and left the theater revved up for action while wiping tears from these American eyes.

Take some Puffs with you if you go because watching bank foreclosures on 'real people' is difficult to bear unless you're a bank officer or CEO - the ones who should be required to see the film before they're allowed to put another child out on the street.

And here are three chilling words from the film that come as close to the GOP's oft-touted "death panels" as one might ever imagine: dead peasant insurance.

Plus, if you missed it, dear peasants, here's the Sept 25, 2009 interview between Naomi Klein and Michael Moore on his film about the history of capitalism, the system's inherent evils, and how the (manufactured) financial collapse is impacting American families as it ultimately leads America to the 'new world economic order' that's been in the making for decades (or some say, since America's founding. Yet our founding plutocrats foresaw these problems and warned against them - modern-day plutocrats don't have to be evil, they choose to be that way. Money isn't the root of all evil but the love of it is. And as the film accurately points out: Jesus wasn't a capitalist.)

So what can we make of this Michael Moore and his AA-rated (accurate) birth chart?

Born in Bakersfield, California on Sept 11, 1949 @ 2:15 am pst, MM has 6Leo21 rising (with US natal North Node, a point of public contact with a Jupiterian flavor.) A lucky duck!

At Midheaven ('Mc' = Career and Public Status) is 26Ari46 with a 10th house Moon 1Tau53, and NN 16Ari49 in 9th house. Moon/NN = Mc: cultivation of soul unions; ego-involvement intensified in relationship (Tyl; Ebertin.) Naturally, Moon/NN relates to public outreach, publicity, and fame - and being Angular his fame is worldwide.

Chart-ruler Sun 18Vir20 (in 2nd house with responsible Saturn 10Vir42) makes only one applying aspect: a trine with hierophant, priestly Jupiter 22Cap25 Rx in the humble 6th house, which plays in to his stated childhood desire to be a Catholic priest.

Powerful Pluto 17Leo10 is in 1st house of Self, and what interests me in his natal chart considering his documentary film career is a sextile (60 degr) between 1st house Pluto and Mercury 14Lib53 (3rd h), the planet - and house - of Communication.

Mercury conjuncts Neptune 13Lib56 which gives much creativity and writing ability; Venus is in 3rd house as well, conj Ic 26Lib46, all indicators of a communicator for the masses (Neptune) concerning practical subjects (3rd house.)

Checking Alan Epstein's wonderful Understanding Aspects series for The Sextile (out of print), this fortunate aspect between Mercury and Pluto indicates a propagandist with a penetrating analytical mind, one who delves into facts and forms his own independent conclusions - great traits and inspiration for an 'independent filmmaker' to have.

Some folks with this aspect tend to control the scope or direction of investigations or are involved with people who do. Moore has been criticized for doing just that, and he has certainly interacted with people who are reluctant to share all the facts, especially the negative ones. I'd say he's made a career of it, wouldn't you?

And it's not as if a tendency to 'control the scope or direction' isn't useful to a film 'director' - you'd have a garbled mishmash of a movie if you had no control or editing talent!

The Mercury/Pluto sextile is a fighter for the free exchange of ideas and is unshakable in his opinions - sometimes to the point of refusing to consider alternative ideas. Ignoring or hiding info that could lead to doubt ('controlling the scope') is possible - which I thought was a problem with Fahrenheit 911 when he didn't address possible Israeli involvement in the attacks (or if he did, I missed it entirely.)

This aspect is very useful for investigators, researchers, scientists, and psychologists, and those who seek to probe the past; expressing ideas with certainty and a desire to challenge misleading information is helpful in the field of journalism.

Wrapping crime scene tape around NY's AIG building and demanding our money back isn't all Moore is up to in his new film. I recommend seeing it for its overview of the capitalist system, the Greenspan/Clinton/Rubin/Bush/Paulson/Bernanke/Geithner heistings, and for a closer look at what central bankers - such as Bank Robbers of America and CitiGroup - are doing to our over-scammed, bankrupted-by-experts nation.

Now here are the practical Earth-Earth Sun Virgo-Moon Taurus blend's Images for Integration:

'A nun finishes washing up in the refectory, and then takes the keys to the Bentley and drives off to see the new art exhibition...A sculpture of still life.' (Sun Sign-Moon, by Chas and Suzi Harvey.)

I shall leave the Images as they may pertain to Mr. Moore to your very vivid imagination...