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Jul 26, 2024

A Harris-Trump Debate? As if!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Our recent consideration of the Biden-Trump Debate included horoscopes of both the first (catastrophic) debate held on June 27, 2024, plus, the proposed debate of September 10, 2024. But conditions "on the ground" have changed, as you know, so now it's VP Kamala Harris who will likely be the Democratic presidential nominee rather than Joe Biden, our sitting president until Inauguration 2025.

Then you also know that the previously scheduled second debate in September has apparently been backed out of by Mr. Trump. Many folks assume that his reticence is due to fear of VP Kamala Harris and her debating skill, and naturally VP Harris will have to become the official presidential nominee for the Democratic Party by then - by August 7th, actually, last I heard.

Anyway, I thought it might interest some readers to have a stand-alone Debate Horoscope set for September 10, 2024 9:00 pm edt New York City, in case the Harris-Trump throwdown should actually occur. The planetary aspect grid is included with the chart which has my study notes messily penned on, and considering the Mutable Grand Cross present that evening, a Debate on September 10th was never a reliably scheduled event no matter who agreed to show up:

Mercury-Pluto Out-Of-Bounds vs Mercury-Pluto in Mutual Reception

For the sake of comparison, here's a bi-wheel with Trump natal (inner) and VP Kamala Harris natal (outer), plus, a few astro-notes are added. The Mercury-Pluto duo demands new perspectives and communicates them - more easily for VP Harris, but another interesting factor is that the old fella was born with the dark, destructive midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto, while VP Harris was born with the much lighter Mars-Saturn = Jupiter which improves her concentration toward reaching goals; and as you see, there are other contacts between them as well:

Gov. JB Pritzker was asked if Harris has contacted him to be VP nominee - clip

In this interview, JB Pritzker, Governor of Illinois since January 19, 2019, releases some basic truth about JD Vance, Trump's "Mini-Me" VP pick who, thanks to Vance's awkward rhetoric and harsh anti-abortion views, now seems to be considered a buyer's remorse selection - whose selection was insisted upon by financier Peter Thiel.

From the Wikipedia bio page of JB Pritzker we find that baby JB was born in Palo Alto, California on January 19, 1965, and that his family owns the Hyatt Hotel chain. As we see, 1965 was during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto, an inventive, tech-savvy, restless, even rebellious, combination.

The earliest that JB Pritzker's Sun and Moon positions clock in on his birthday (12:00 am PST) are Sun @29Cap02 where transit Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and regeneration, hangs about these days, and Moon @23Leo53. Their latest positions (11:59 pm PST) are Sun @00AQ03 conjunct US Inaugural Sun, and Moon @8Vir33. Within financial realms, Gov. Pritzker was born during a Jupiter-Neptune opposition phase across the financial Taurus-Scorpio axis which naturally resonates with his family's lucrative business empire.

Meanwhile, on a personal level, folks with a Jupiter-Neptune opposition in their natal charts and psyches often engage in social work of some kind (ex: politics) and can be rather absentminded. For best results handling the opposition, Gov. Pritzker may need to guard against a loss of objectivity.

Gov. Pritzker's Prenatal Solar Eclipse

Born into the 2 South Saros Series with its theme of joining an unusual group and gaining a great deal, a 2 South Eclipse repeated on January 5, 2019 @15Capricorn - a mere 9 days prior to his assuming the office of Illinois Governor on January 14th!

For more Eclipse details, see Brady's Predictive Astrology. #ad

Jul 24, 2024

VP Harris Courts Gen Z Voters

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Hey there! Would you say that Kamala Harris (is the) Gen Z meme queen? Her campaign's appeals to Gen Z members, aka, "Zoomers", are using more modern tactics in an attempt to reach them in their favorite social network lairs, and large numbers of young folks are responding and registering to vote in Election 2024 on November 5th! That merits a huge Hooray! around here.

Because if Democrats can add the Youth Vote to the Righteous Women vote, we'll create a Blue Tsunami on November 5th to drown the fascist Project 2025 agenda with its cruelty and barbarism.

Now as you know, The Gen Z age range is usually said to be those born between 1997 and 2010. This includes those old enough to vote for the very first time in the 2024 Election. This circumstance inspired a look at the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2006, the primary year in which 18-year-olds were born.

Significant is the fact that the two Solar Eclipses of 2006 are repeating in 2024, 18.6 years later! It's merely the eclipse cycle, and apart from the themes of the repeating eclipses, it's basically a timing issue because when a Solar Eclipse in a Saros Series that a person was born into repeats (first time for everyone, age 18), it tends to mark a very prominent and active year for that person, and may even signal a personal year to shine!

So below you see a quick (very messy) graphic that lists the Eclipses of 2006 and 2024 with their themes added which "run in the background of society" yet may not have any personal influence at all. One difference is that the 8 South of September 22, 2006 was basically an Autumn Equinox 2006 Eclipse, even though the Sun had not quite reached 00Lib00:00 - but lingered at the very end of Virgo at an impulsive, critical, under-strain 29th degree. (See the events, below, for a Virgoan-digestive health-related incident.)

However, in 2024, 8 South will fall @10Libra and influence both Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 within Libran and Arian (Aryan?) concerns such as relationships, conflicts, war, diplomacy - and, via the balance of the Libran Scales of Justice - our critical need for fairplay:

Now to put the Gen Z generation into historical context, we can check out US Events of 2006 which lists a variety of positive and negative occurrences. Stand-outs for me include the George W. Bush SOTU Address (his Axis of Evil speech) and the now-unpopular Samuel Alito being sworn in to pontificate on the Supreme Court bench and to subsequently repeal Roe v Wade (talk about loss!) both of which occurred on January 31, 2006.

Then on February 11, VP Dick Cheney accidentally shot his lawyer in the face while quail hunting in southern Texas; and on September 15, 2006, spinach contaminated with E. coli bacteria killed 2 and poisoned over 200 people -- a tragedy close enough to the 8 South Eclipse of 2006 to be affected by 8S themes of loss and separation.

To close, here's a related post since we know that for power-demanding Trumpians, The Cruelty Is the Point.

Jul 23, 2024

To Think of Jimmy Carter now

White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As the recent "death" scam against former President Jimmy Carter is now debunked, I'm thinking today of my distant cousin Jimmy Carter (we're both Georgia natives) and his remarkable achievements, not the least of which has been his years of work with Habitat for Humanity.

The former president's Wikipedia bio page gives much information for those who wish details, and here's a link to the natal horoscope of Jimmy (James) Carter in case a reader or two may find it helpful.

There you'll see that transit Saturn now hangs around with Mr. Carter's natal Uranus (@18Pisces) suggesting restriction of independence; natal Uranus also trines his Pluto (@13Can31 - where transit Hades now tarries) with the trine symbolizing his nuclear scientist work as a Naval officer. A Mercury-Uranus opposition provided him with flashes of ideas and lightening quick insights.

Finding a Decent Man in America

Well, I could go on about his natal chart but suffice to say that Jimmy Carter is often spoken of as a better president than he was thought to be during his one term in the White House and for a few years afterwards - and America's supply of honest, decent men will be one less once he departs.

May comfort, harmony, and his faith be with Mr. Carter all his days.

Gov Josh Shapiro June 20, 1973 (D-PA)

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As a new generation of US politicians bubbles happily along, we discussed earlier today two Democrats whose names have cycled up into public consciousness as potential VP picks for now-VP Kamala Harris. We looked at the Eclipses of Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky and Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona.

Another Name Simmering on The VP Hob

Now let's peek at Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro's Solar Eclipse Series with its themes running in the background of his life. As it happens, Baby Shapiro was born on June 20, 1973 - between two eclipses: 11 North on January 4, 1973, and 11 South on June 30, 1973.

As you see, Josh Shapiro was born just within the two-week window of influence prior to the 11 South Eclipse of 1973 so I'll list the themes of both eclipses for your consideration. When this cosmic happenstance occurs, a blending of eclipse themes may be in evidence in the person's life, or, as eclipses in the two Series repeats (every 19.6 years), its themes may take precedence - or alternate.

1973 Eclipses of Josh Shapiro

January 4, 1973 11 North @14Capricorn themes: Suddenly changing groups through ideas or travel; the implied separation can have positive outcomes as greater commitments are made. Last 11N: 2009; next 11N: 2027.

June 30, 1973 11 South @9Cancer themes: A sudden need for reforms as old methods or ideas fail and new systems are needed to deal with events and handle issues; any blocks could be tragically or violently removed. Last 11S: 2009; next 11S: 2027.

Well, there we have it. The eclipses affecting the life of Josh Shapiro are not as lightweight as those of Andy Beshear and Mike Kelly. And of course, it could be that VP Harris will choose someone entirely different from Beshear, Kelly, or Shapiro so when we find out who that brave person is, another post concerning the chosen running mate of Kamala Harris will be necessary to complete the 2024 VP picture.

Now here's the 11 South Solar Eclipse of 2027:

For more eclipse info see Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Astrology of 2 Presidents Stepping Down: 1796 and 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

First, you may wish to check out VP Kamala Harris' first remarks after Biden stepped down from the 2024 campaign.

And perhaps you've seen yesterday's horoscope of the Full Moon @29Capricorn under which President Biden ended his 2024 Campaign while retaining the presidency. And by now you've probably heard multiple comparisons being made between Presidents Biden and Washington - George Washington, The Father of Our Country, and our first executive leader who stepped down from the levers of power via a resignation letter dated September 19, 1796 (see the chart, below). The phrase "gave their all for their country" springs to mind for both men of character, serving until age caught up.

Washington's Farewell Address.

Then notably, George Washington at his first election refused monarchical titles which set the example for all future presidents. Well, if Tr*mp in 2016 got the memo, he must have chewed it up and swallowed it, and would do so again should he get the opportunity.

So here are four Horoscopes concerning these matters; three are in bi-wheel form, the last chart is singular; in order they are:

1. George Washington's natal (inner) surrounded by his resignation letter (September 19, 1796, set for noon):

2. Washington's natal (inner) surrounded by the July 21, 2024 Capricorn Full Moon conjunct Washington's natal Midheaven of Career and Public Status!;

3. VP Kamala Harris natal (inner) surrounded by Biden's Resignation Announced Chart (1:46 pm edt; symbolically set for Washington DC);

And finally:

4. The Biden Resignation Announced Horoscope with 1Sco41 ascending - conjunct the natal Mercury of VP Kamala Harris!

Eclipses of Gov Andy Beshear and Sen Mark Kelly

Office of Senator Kamala Harris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons; 2017

VP Harris' Important Decision

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

When Joe Biden stepped down from his 2024 Campaign, he catapulted America into a new generation of politicians thereby fulfilling his early promise to be a bridge between generations! This resonates with Biden's natal Saturn (old)/Uranus (new) conjunction in Gemini (sign of youth), and interestingly, Chiron (the rainbow bridge!) has been traveling all snugged between transit Saturn and Uranus: Chiron = Saturn-Uranus - as the centaur is today. You can't make this stuff up!

And wouldn't it be amazing if the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 conjunct Chiron (both @19Ari24, Aries: sign of the fearless pioneer), operative until the 8 South Eclipse manifests October 2nd @10libra, actually spotlighted for us this generational shift in US politics? For as you know, VP Kamala Harris and Grandpa Tr*mp are one generation apart which makes his nibs the oldest candidate in the race, if he can hang on until November. And why not? After all, the 2024 race has become a Prosecutor vs Perpetrator affair, so why would a lifelong fraudster want to miss that? Do you ever get the feeling that Kamala Harris has been Joe Biden's ace up his sleeve since Day One?

Meanwhile, two names of Kamala Harris' potential VP picks have floated to the top of a long list: Gov Andy Beshear (D-KY) and Sen Mark Kelly (D-AZ).

Governor Beshear speaks with what has been described as a comforting "Kentucky Blue Grass" accent and has created for himself an impressive resume of working for the people of his home state as their governor, while former astronaut Senator Kelly has a resume of service and heroism as long as anyone's arm.

Of course, these are not the only possible choices for 2024 candidate Harris' running mate but they've been mentioned and are worthy of consideration here. However, I'm actually working today to complete a different post with interruptions in my real world scheduled in a while, so let's base this brief consideration on the Solar Eclipse energies and themes that run in the background of Beshear's and Kelly's lives - the Eclipse Saros Series into which each fellow was born.

Andy Beshear November 29, 1977 Louisville, KY: 16 North October 12, 1977 @19Libra: This if the "illumination of ideas from the unconscious" eclipse inspired by the Uranus-Neptune trine of its initial elcipse. These ideas are beneficial and may be acted upon. Last 16N: 2013; next 16N: 2031.

Mark Kelly February 21, 1964 Orange, NJ: 1 South themes include being "flooded with ideas and options" that tend to have positive outcomes. Last 1S: 2018; next 1S: 2036.

And so this brief comparison between Beshear and Kelly based on their eclipses (with themes that resemble one another!) is neither for nor against either fellow as VP candidate and certainly is in no way conclusive but it does offer a small peek at Beshear and Kelly just for you, dear reader!

For more eclipse info see Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad