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Showing posts with label Election 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2024. Show all posts

Jul 21, 2021

2021-2025 an 'As Above So Below' Post Round-Up

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday July 21, 2021: If the former guy can be believed (!#!): Flight Risk to Run for POTUS in 2024! And if his wealthy enablers and white "supremacist" voters have their regressive way, he'll win by hook or crook, which is the only way a Republican can win these days with the general population due to the GOP's rubbish policies that harm We The People and delete millions of American voters from participation in US elections (as Rs intend).

Now you realize these remarks are being typed by a common-good American citizen, yes? So if this common-good post ruffles your political feathers, you must be reading in the wrong place! A quick skedaddling is very much recommended.

As for today, I'm providing a round-up of previous SO'W posts, in chronological order, concerning such political topics in case a casual or a purposeful reader may find them useful or informative in an As Above So Below sort of way:

American Civil War's Sun Aries-Moon Taurus blend

Horoscopes: July 27th's First 1/6 Hearing with Trump Mob Attack

A "Ku Klux Kaucus" with Trump the Grand Dragon!

December 2021's Solar Eclipse: Benefits!

Election Day 2024: What Does the Venus Cycle Say?

Inauguration 2025 Horoscope: Cowboys and Tyranny.

Agreed, this is not a jolly list of topics at all but reality must be faced, else we're behaving just as fantacist Tr*mp living inside his dream world where the rest of us are merely pawns in his game and screens upon which to project himself.

Jul 13, 2021

Flight Risk to Run for POTUS in 2024!

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 13, 2021: If you've watched, heard, or read any of the news concerning CPAC 2021 in Dallas Texas, you know that Tr*mp did appear as expected and spoke for a very long time in his disjointed crazy-quilt fashion much to the delight of his die-hard fans in the audience. Apparently, for the audience it was a satisfying helping of their favorite rants 'n' chants and most, if not all, were (are) in on the joke - that their idol's 'Big Lie' of a stolen election - allegedly with 'fraud' by Democrats as the only reason former guy could have possibly lost the November 2020 election - will catapult him back into a white (supremacist) White House. For this delusion and its trick to work one must ignore the fact that a majority of voters in November 2020 did not want the grudge holding white-supremacist-slash-fascist back at the helm for another four years along with the further damage he could perpetrate upon our society. The blighter!

Mass Complicity!

For all the Tr*mp-ish actors secretly agree that his Goebbels-inspired 'Big Lie' is a mass-produced mystery play that he and his supporters are engaged in like one big happy neo-nazi family, whether consciously or unconsciously. My suspicion is that a percentage of his supporters think his desperation is all about regrasping authoritarian power and control so that they can "own the libs" they've been propagandized to hate, and thereby conquer their favorite wedge issues such as repealing Roe v Wade.

And yet a majority of Americans (liberal and otherwise) know that Tr*mp wants to scramble back to the Oval office with its legal protections so that he can avoid prosecution! Oh, and 'winning' in 2024 would please his overlords, both foreign and domestic, and added value: he could continue to plump up his dwindling bank accounts, wherever they may hide. Besides, he wouldn't want his thugs and goons to one day come after him!

So for cosmic support, you'll note that in the CPAC 2021 New Moon Horoscope of July 9th, the deceptive Neptune-MC midpoint rises which reveals the event's "acting and pretending" "mystery play" flavors, with the New Moon (18Can01) phase itself suggesting that demagogue Tr*mp has begun a new cycle of activity within his political endeavors, all geared toward running in the 2024 Presidential Election. And of course, Moon-ruled Cancer is the sign of tribalism, nationalism, and patriotism (whether feigned or authentic) where his watery Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, and authenticity, resides. As you know, Saturn in Cancer loves its independence but tends to be discontented and aggravated by family ties (R. Ebertin). Indictments, perhaps?

Further cosmic evidence of Tr*mp's power-grasping intentions can be found in the CPAC 2021 New Moon Horoscope, linked above, at its Goal-and-Aspiration Point, the Midheaven ('MC") @2Scorpio, the degree of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 (just prior to Midterms 2022 on November 8th, the day of a Lunar Eclipse) for the October eclipse is a repetition of the 6 South eclipse which manifested in 1932 as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse (two charts set for Berlin and DC; this is my label for the 1932 eclipse, but if you disagree, look at events of 1932 when Nazis were the largest party in the Prussian parliament and Herr H was on his way to grasping full control of the German government in early 1933).

Take Heed: the GOP now the American Fascist Party

So besides the abundant earthly signs of what the fascist-leaning GOP has planned for America (for which my common good sensibilities and Revolutionary ancestors totally reject), the Cosmos is reflecting similar implications for those with watchful eyes and open ears to hear - and be forewarned and ready.

An additional astro-note concerning yesterday's walk-out of Democratic legislators in Texas and their flight to Washington DC to highlight their fight against voter suppression legislation being forced by the Texas GOP. A peek at the Republic of Texas proclamation horoscope of March 2, 1836 reveals quirky Uranus @1Pis11, one degree from the very zodiacal spot (2:11) where transit Jupiter, now Rx, made his standstill on June 20, 2021! A Jupiter-to-Uranus transit suggests involvement in group causes, and gaining more awareness of physical and mental freedom, both good descriptions of current events because Americans' Right to Vote is embedded within the US Constitution, and rescuing the Right to Vote is a worthy cause to believe in.

Above image: my drawing 'Fork'd Way' meant to symbolize the existential path America now trods: Republic vs neo-nazi regime, democracy vs fascism. Democracy needs refreshing! Can you help?

May 12, 2021

Liz Cheney Ousted as Trump's Mercury Rises

Rep. Liz Cheney 116th Congress Official Portrait {public domain}

May 12, 2021 Wednesday: At 9:00 am edt this morning on Capitol Hill in a meeting lasting "about 20 minutes," congressional Republicans voice-voted to oust Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming from her leadership position in the Republican Party. A voice vote means that no member had to be publicly embarrassed by their weasel vote.

Curiously, the natal Mercury of Donald Tr*mp (8Can51) was rising at exactly 9:00 am (ASC 8Can01) - or perhaps not so curiously since the 'ouster of revenge' was done at his command. Voting Mercury exalted in Gemini, and contentious Mars in Cancer and rising in 1st house, were both out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane suggesting the former guy taking his revenge on Liz Cheney from his desk way down in Mar(s)-a-Lago.

The fluctuating Moon @00Gemini, ruler of the Ascendant and thus of the proceedings, conjuncts fixed star Alcyone, keyphrase: something to cry about, but I'm guessing that ultimately the tears won't belong to Liz Cheney if the proposed formation of a new political party is successful, a third party ('29AQ': "A Third Wing on the Right Side of a Butterfly" - Jones; with the vote's 9th house Jupiter @29AQ, a critical-crisis degree).

For if a third political party with conservative, anti-Tr*mp leanings is successfully formed, it's possible that Cheney's bid for the presidency, perhaps in 2024, will make the right kind of waves that her father will be proud of. If you will, as VP Dick always said.

Closing Note: Checking out Carelli's astro-portrait of the Natal Mercury of Donald Tr*mp can provide a Mercurial image of the orange gossip-monger.

May 3, 2021

The Eclipse that Affects All US Presidential Elections

Solar Eclipses and US Presidential Elections

by Jude Cowell

Dear Reader: please note that the following post is yet another in my series of 'forewarned is forearmed' efforts which, understandably, the overly sensitive reader may wish to skip:

The first official US Presidential Election over a month's period from late 1788 into 1789 was a breeze with our hugely popular Revolutionary War hero, George Washington, scoring a unanimous 69 electoral votes from ten states. Only ten states because New York had not yet put forward its electors, and North Carolina and Rhode Island had yet to ratify the US Constitution.

So considering the current contentiousness of the former guy's 'Big Lie' that he continues to boast from Election 2020, it may be of interest to consider the Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') in which America's first archetypal Presidential Election fell, for as a cosmic time link, its influence continues as a background factor in US Presidential Elections and the resulting presidencies throughout the years.

Annular in 1789 (actually manifesting on November 27, 1788 @6Sag15), the first official presidential election's PE occurred within the 7 North family which will repeat via a hybrid Solar Eclipse @29Ari50 on April 20, 2023, a critical 29th degree - and April 20th is Herr Adolf's birthday. Obviously, this eclipse falls firmly within the Campaign 2023 time frame prior to Election 2024 since campaigns begin early these days. And if you're daring enough at this point in time, you may wish to look ahead to the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope (hopefully we'll have one the majority can believe in yet dark forces work against democracy and peril does exist).

Meanwhile, besides the former guy's sore loser schemes and machinations, and the desperate actions of the election-rigging GOP, another skunk at the presidential celebration is that 7 North is the Saros Series which manifested on February 24, 1933 @5Pis28 as the 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse. Follow the link for more info on 7 North themes which sound somewhat mild, I agree, but it isn't always eclipse themes that matter most to historical events and conditions, it's the fact that a disruptive, revealing eclipse occurs at all (aka, a 'cosmic blink' or a 'Universal wild card'). And it's an eclipse's sign, degree, and the house in which it manifests in a given horoscope that affects events and participants in a disruptive Uranian manner with inconvenient secrets uncovered and scandals created.

Then as you know, an eclipse's Sabian Symbol (the word picture for each degree of the Zodiac) is informative as is its Illumination Point, the opposite degree which reveals hidden or unconscious information. So rounding up the 7 North Eclipse degree to "30Aries" we have: "A Duck Pond and Its Brood" (the degree of warrior planet Mars during the MAGA Mob Attack of January 6, 2021), and opposite = "30Libra": "Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head" (which I always relate to Bacon, Locke, and Newton whose portraits were hung in tribute by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello - and suggestive of America's founding principles of The Enlightment).

And so, the 7 North Eclipse symbolism represents yet another cosmic indicator of America's current existential struggle for survival: fascism vs democracy.

Our only hope? Vote Blue in 2022 and 2024. In a massive turn out!

A Closely Related Post: Election 2024's Predictive New Moon Prior.


Note: above image of an eclipse has no attributing details that I can find but if it did, I would gladly add them to the multiple times I have displayed thos evocative image with eclipse posts. jc

Nov 27, 2020

DC Horoscope: New Moon Prior to Election 2024

November 27, 2020: Although it's too soon to write a bunch about the following New Moon Prior Horoscope, predictive of Election 2024, I'm posting the chart here for your consideration if or when you can get around to it. Chart-ruler and co-ruler with Scorpio rising? Beware the Mars-Pluto opposition at critical 29th degrees! Conflict ahead:

Image: November 1, 2024 8:46:54 am edt Washington DC; ASC 22Sco45; MC 4Vir06; New Moon @9Sco35 in 12th house of Large Institutions (ex: US Congress); PE (Prenatal Eclipse) @10Lib03, 11th house, in the 8 South Saros Series (loss; a sad completion; overstrain; possible injury - B. Brady); last 8S: September 2006 @29Virgo. Only applying aspect of chart-ruler Mars is an opposition to Scorpio's co-ruler Pluto - their Sabian Symbols: "A Daughter of the American Revolution" (Mars) vs "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference." (Pluto). It's 'win at any cost' with a New Moon that could very well influence events much as a disruptive, 'wild card' Solar Eclipse can do.

Note: Election Day 2024 is scheduled for November 5th.

UPDATE March 22, 2022:

'New Moon Prior to Elections' most often reveal information about the popular vote and, as we see here, when the Ascendant sign's ruler is higher in the chart, it more often occurs that the challenger is the victor. So if we take Mars as ruler of Scorpio, Mars is higher. Meanwhile, malevolent Mars is also opposed by Scorpio's co-ruler, Pluto at IC. Their opposition reveals the violence which may attend activities before, during, and after Election Day 2024 - and, now in 2022, is already being used by armed Tr*mpers menacing voters in certain states previous to Midterms 2022. Strong-armed Nazi-style tactics, or fascist-style, if you prefer a Mussolini tinge.

Then there's radical Uranus conjunct enraged star Algol (at Herr Tr*mp's natal Midheaven) at Descendant with its 'piled up corpses' caution and this to me seems more in favor of an authoritarian, reactionary GOP candidate though you may disagree. If you can find positive factors for democracy in this New Moon chart, please leave an on-topic name-tagged comment with this post! jc