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Showing posts with label Max Igan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Max Igan. Show all posts

Sep 24, 2016

Humanity is Under Attack - a Max Igan broadcast

Preferring to remain under the influence of my Protestant Christian belief system, my personal feeling is that, of course humanity is under attack by dark forces and those who think they manipulate them. But religion is the only area I know of where activist Max Igan and I differ when it comes to a love of humanity.

And as always, the hour grows late and there is much to inspire in the following broadcast from the Peruvian jungle by Max Igan:

Related: a Horoscope for Modern Humanity.

Sep 19, 2016

Big Pharma Terrified That Medical Marijuana Will Kill Their Deadly Opioid Business - clip

It isn't only opinion anymore since evidence has turned up concerning Big Pharma's knickers in a knot over medical pot legalization ruining their lucrative sales of synthetic cannabis, not to mention that our country's high levels of opioid dependency might decrease if a safer choice were available. Public health is no concern of Big Pharma!

Well, here's Farron Cousins on the controversial topic and you may also wish to check out coverage from The Intercept:

It seems to me that the American people should be well ready by now to demand an end to draconian oppression by a government that sentences citizens harshly for a crumb of marijuana while letting Big Bankers (translation: Big-Bank Robbers, money launderers, inside traders) walk free with no negative consequences after the global heist they perpetrated a few years ago. They know what they did.

Tragically, the level of criminality winked at by a nation is the level of the government that fails to protect its own people from such abuse, then commits it. So maybe that's it! Money grubbing abuse of power is the game for those who dare cross the line of honor and decency while pretending to be politicians and civil officials "serving" on behalf of "We the People". The old of-by-for is considered an antiquated relic of the past (along with nation-states and the US Constitution) by the futurist zealots and sociopath Utopians who imagine themselves as the powers that be.

For as Max Igan said recently, "the world is run by a bunch of lying criminals," and that in ten words pretty much sums up our collective condition and apathetic blindness, ya think?

Sep 17, 2016

Reclaim Your World - Max Igan episode 268

Sep 16, 2016 Max Igan Surviving the Matrix episode 268:

In this episode, "...the world is run by a bunch of lying criminals," says Max Igan. It's a simple fact. Can anyone disagree?


In case you missed it: It's Time for the Media to Push Back on Lies (video).

Aug 28, 2016

Max Igan - The Big Picture (Full Length Movie)

Sunday August 28, 2016 10:10 pm edt North Atlanta, GA

A new week has begun with Sunday being the first day of the week although most folk return to work on Mondays as if it's the first day of the week. The following Max Igan presentation is a tremendously powerful way to start this new week so I hope you gain from watching the film but mostly from hearing it:

Does it ever occur to you that if the people and organizations who control the majority of the money and treasure on this planet didn't want children to starve to death, we'd live in a world where children do not starve to death. Needed medicines, treatment, and therapy would be available for the ill and the injured, no matter the country, region, or politics.

Of course, this can be applied to all the good works we can think of as the greedy reptilian overlords exploit everything and everyone to their selfish advantage. They even have a 'master plan' to rule the entire globe written by their favorite demon spirit (who's already lost the contest!) Now we could say, how cute! to bolster their self-esteem but really it would be better to jettison them all from government--end the infestation of our institutions. Let bankers be bankers and financiers be financiers! Let politicians--well, there's little hope for the ones who think their job description includes surreptitious pocket-lining. Even so, this long term Utopian plan to depopulate the Earth and take control by creating havoc and fomenting chaos has gotta stop. You're embarrassing yourselves, dear little cabal heads.

Mon petit chou chou! Oh wait. That's little cabbage head. Oh well. Close enough.

Jul 13, 2016

Horoscope: US Moon Return on Election Day 2016

November 8, 2016: Synchronicity and Sadness

by Jude Cowell

Since basic notes are penned upon our November 8, 2016 Lunar Return horoscope (please enlarge to read), I'll simply add a few thoughts in the following text. This Return chart is based on America's July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA horoscope which many astrologers use as the US natal chart--the date, if not that precise moment.

On November 8, 2016 at 11:37:43 am EST, the critical degrees of 20Capricorn and 20Cancer are rising and setting which makes status quo authoritarian Saturn the chart-ruler. Saturn @15Sag 12 is in the 11th house of Groups and Associations and is within US natal 1st house having been plopped on our nation's Ascendant, crossing and recrossing, for some time during which we've seen Republican attempts to hold Hillary Clinton accountable. Some little effort has been made to hold Donald Trump accountable for his several financial irregularities as well, and of course, President Obama never completely escapes the moral high horse of the Republicans.

Yet Moon Return Saturn provides a bright note. See it, upper right on the chart for chart-ruler Saturn applies to a trine with Uranus in 3rd house, giving a lift to business and financial sectors, and possibly affecting student loans or other economic matters. (My nag in the race is eternally the American people, oppressed by a greedy ruling elite.)

Then there are the Democrats--those who fund them and those who tend to vote for them--who have also participated to varying degrees in the Hold Accountable Political Sweepstakes as transit Saturn has lurked about, ready to file lawsuits if they were deemed beneficial to the litigant. Tragically for the American people and our form of government, our degraded justice system has continued to perform in a less than stellar manner as our nation's formerly exalted-in-Libra Saturn now progressed and retrograde in betraying Scorpio can attest.

So is this a significant synchronicity we see with a US Lunar Return occurring on a very important Election Day? To me it seems so. Here the Moon (27AQ09) rises in the 1st house but only after contentious Mars, at a critical 29th degree, rises. Powerful, wealthy Pluto has just arisen @15Cap23, conjoined with the lovely fixed star, Vega, and a few hours earlier, the Sun arose with Vega (aka, Wega), a star with potentials for: luck in Politics, wealth through dealing with the government, but also fleeting fame and double dealing. Problems via mother also may apply (A. Louis).

And with Mars and Pluto (ruler and sub-ruler of Scorpio) rising, we have what may be a picture of force, violence, compulsion, war, and/or nuclear potential rising. The 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies may be involved since the Moon is ruler there with 20Cancer on the cusp and Twin stars Castor and Pollux spotlighted, the light and dark twins. Both stars denote creativity yet murder and other crimes and scandals are tucked away for future reference (via either the Clintons or Mr. Trump, if he's the GOP nom.)

Okay, there is much more to say about this curious horoscope with its synchronicity standing out like a you-know-what thumb but I won't just now--except for one question: is a Lunar Return on Election Day 2016 a symbol of the American people (Moon) re-turning to Hillary Clinton, also signified by the Moon (a woman)? The planets are in a Locomotive shape with political planet Jupiter in the lead and indicating a high-powered executive. The Scorpio Midheaven, Sun, and Mercury (just past Hillary's Mercury Return!) seem to whisper if not shout her name while wifely Juno (politics) @00Sag conjoins Hillary's natal Jupiter. Also @00Sag is the day's Sun-Saturn midpoint which hints at good fortune for an older person (Grandma Hillary?) and this pile-up spotlights the degree's Sabian Symbol: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Plus, Sun-Saturn links to karma and Mrs. Clinton apparently expects to garner the White House Oval Office for her past efforts towing the Global Government line (which must include the corporate coup, the TPP).

This militaristic word picture reminds me of Hillary Clinton as neocon with her warhawk-esque stance that the baton-passing on January 20, 2017 will give a nod to in Washington's quest for perpetual war and world domination. Was she anointed from the start to follow the 'new world order' script? In my opinion, yes, she was, and the overblown Political Theater which the Mainstream Media has pedaled 24/7 as "Campaign 2016" has done its best to disguise that very sad fact.

Now let's close with the one chart factor that may override all the others and 'run away with the chart' and the day's big event: Mars at a critical 29th degree is unaspected. Is this Donald Trump going it alone to the White House? Perhaps, or does Mars represent former President Bill Clinton who will be the very first First Gentleman we've ever had in the White House? It may even be the temperament of Hillary Clinton which the latest tell-all book says was explosive and nasty in her days as First Lady. Well, I'll add here what I understand about an unaspected Mars and let you decide his or her identity--or identities:

When Mars, the planet of motivation, energy, and action is not aspecting other planets (actors) in a chart it is able to express its traits in an undiluted, unrestrained fashion since limitations from other planets are nonexistent. This is a first-house Mars rising which emphasizes its Aries nature and its aggressive warrior tendencies. Here, Mars rules the 3rd house of Communications and the 10th house of Career and Public Status so these departments are where his unrestrained, boundless energies will express most visibly.

An unaspected Mars tends to be self-centered which may be seen as he acts in his own self-interest (this describes most politicians in general!). He prefers to be in constant motion, always on-the-go, or, he may operate in fits and spurts. A lack of compromise may also be evident along with an independent mindset that is compulsively one-pointed in its focus. Although components in his psyche are missing, boundless enthusiasm may be noted though the negative Martian traits such as aggression, anger, violence, a me-first attitude, and foolhardiness (where angels fear to tread, etc) are unmodulated by planetary influences for he listens very seldom to others and disdains advice. Bad tempered may be a mild description depending on how often things go his (or her) way.

Then if we add a Martican 'never admits to his mistakes' we can envision Hillary's fly in the ointment as Mr. Trump playing the spoiler role as the unaspected Mars who runs away with the Oval Office on November 8th. Plus, there's Mars' Sabian Symbol for '30Cap': "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs"...'EXECUTIVE POWER' (Rudhyar), a picture which speaks of an 'occult hierarchy' and a 'supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings.'

Hmm. That sounds like those who select presidents--those often described by Max Igan as, "the powers that think they be."

But then there is the feminine influence on US Presidential Elections of the 8-year Venus Cycle...


For more info on unaspected planets, see Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.

May 18, 2016

The Ways in Which We're All Living the "Truman Show" - video

Thom Hartmann has a few questions concerning The Truman Show sort of lives we've been taught to lead which reminds me of the many 'false reality' mentions in posts here on Stars Over Washington, plus, several of the broadcasts posted here and presented by Max Igan who has attempted to awaken We the Snoozers to reality.

Add the truth-tackling September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse with its realism themes of 'coming down to earth' and 'seeing an old situation for what it really is rather than what you thought it was' (in time to affect Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017) and it's plain to see that our nappy time is over. Unfortunately, the September eclipse also contains vibes of financial concerns along with the Shemitah prophecy of judgment upon America, the government of which led its people astray via lies, fraud, and ensnarement within a false reality:

Tap or click for an excerpt from a recommended Max Igan broadcast: Lies You Have Been Told! Wake Up! (with the awakener-dreamer pair, Uranus-Neptune, added).

Apr 30, 2016

When Will We Try to Make America Less Miserable? - video

Here Thom shares a post with us which relates to today's earlier SO'W post containing a Max Igan broadcast which concerns our current conditions in America:

One thing We the People can rely on: no candidate will address such issues during Campaign 2016 and America's Neptunian mainstream corporate media will not ask them such questions or hold them accountable for our misery.

Feb 13, 2016

The Storm Has Come - Max Igan episode 250

For those who are new to the broadcasts of Max Igan the following presentation of February 12, 2016 may not be the one to begin with. However, the hour is late, folks, so if you dare, check out the overview of world conditions provided by Max Igan including the fate of the Western and Eastern worlds and the power elite's shift from America:

Recommended: The Full Circle Project.

Jan 30, 2016

2016: a Solar Eclipse and a Message from Peru - audio

Here is a timely message from the jungles of Peru delivered by Max Igan who shares with us the need that we wake up and see the system for what it really is. This message resonates perfectly with the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Virgo with its themes of realism, coming down to earth and becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is, not what we thought (or were told!) it was. So from mid-August 2016 until at least the next Solar Eclipse (February 26, 2017), this will be an excellent time for tackling the truth (though for early responders to cosmic messages it can be from now until February 2017!)

And I'm certain that you're noticed the fact vs fiction quality of Campaign 2016 between the various candidates with Senator Bernie Sanders and corporate mogul Donald Trump drawing the largest crowds who come to hear their messages. Well, when it comes to hearing truth and seeing things the way they really are, I admit to favoring Bernie Sanders' messages for he has called out the greedy billionaire corporatists-oligarchs-plutocrats regularly and named them as the society-crashers, saboteurs, and gold-hoarders (my words) they truly are: Pluto's plutocrats.

Ignore the Plutocrats' Divide-and-Conquer Tactic Meant to Weaken We the People!

As you know, 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is calling for a *Political Revolution in America and if you agree that we as a nation and a society cannot go on like this, perhaps you may take 57 minutes to listen to the following supportive message from Max Igan, episode 248 of Surviving the Matrix...The Revolution Is Now.

Unfortunately, the Max Igan video is no longer available on YouTube so it's been deleted here. You may locate it on Max's Crowhouse website.


*After all, the American Revolution was a Political Revolution so it's in our DNA which on one level can be seen astrologically for those who favor use of late afternoon horoscopes for America's natal chart (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA). I've tried the various 'birth times' but have returned to using 5:09 pm LMT when the Aries Point crossed the IC, and this is where political, ideological Jupiter and radical, rebellious Uranus conjoined on June 8, 2010 (00Ari18), a World Point of Manifestation, Prominence, and Recognition. This denotes a global awakening (ex: Egypt!) - now if only We the People can stay awake and pay attention long enough to become active and respond to the real world threats that surround us and undermine our very freedom.

Please note that Solar Eclipse themes (19 North) are paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology. 19 North's initial manifestation occurred on July 5, 1331 @20Cancer, a critical or dangerous degree. Therefore, the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer is the security-minded lens through which we may view the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse in the Mercury-ruled sign of Virgo. Both signs are intimately associated with the founding of this nation and the architecture, symbols, and ritual ceremonies of "the Federal City," Washington DC.

A look ahead: The Great American Eclipse of August 2017 (horoscope shown), plus, a few similar topics for the curious.

Dec 15, 2015

Max Igan: Fear or Freedom (full show) August 14, 2015

Dec 15, 2015: tonight's Republican debate held in Las Vegas, Nevada could have shared the same title as the following Max Igan presentation: Fear or Freedom but with a decided emphasis on fear:

Dec 3, 2015

The 'X' Zone Radio Show w Rob McConnell - Guest: Leo Lyon Zagami - audio

Since the creation of Stars Over Washington ten years ago we have discussed such topics as the 'new world order', the push toward global government, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati. Here Rob McConnell interviews once again Leo Lyon Zagami on such topics:

Related are two broadcasts by Max Igan: Rebalancing the Matrix and Illuminati Mind Control, Spells, and Illusions.

And here is a modern natal horoscope of the New World Order based on the third of three Great Conjunctions in 1993 of Illuminati planets, Uranus and Neptune, @18Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Tragically, as transiting Pluto, planet of the Underworld, assassination, sabotage, and death, moves even closer to an exact conjunction with the 'NWO' degree of 18Cap, we will--and already are--seeing and experiencing an increased number of acts of violence, catastrophes, and disasters in and against the Collective--some events finagled by the power elite, some perpetrated by 'lone wolves' and 'domestic terrorists' with serious mental and emotional problems. And yet are some of the perpetrators fighting against the 'new world order' -- or for it?

Nov 14, 2015

Max Igan - PressTV's Special Coverage of Paris Terror Attacks - video

Max Igan's opinion is sought concerning last evening's brutal attacks in Paris. Speaking from Brisbane, Australia, Max comes into the discussion around the 8-minute mark:

Related: the natal Horoscope of France dated September 21, 1792 where among other factors you see the nation's 10th house (World Stage) Moon (the populace) at 4Sag06 where transiting Saturn now treads bringing depressive conditions, bereavement, restriction, hardship, and loss to the good people of France.

Nov 5, 2015

Eclipsed! Now We See America's Endless War Economy

If it weren't tragic it would be amusing how there is so much dancing around the facts by Obama administration officials and staffers concerning the re-deployment of US troops to war in the Middle East so why not Tell Us Why We're at War Again in Iraq, Mr. President?

These days, many Americans can see through the veils and propaganda to the plain truth--that the so-called 'Great Plan' for religions and races to wipe out one another has been the goal all along whether anyone calls it 'Armageddon', World War Three, or a 'clash of civilizations' whose time has simply come--not engineered at all. Don't look at us, says the White House, the CIA, NATO, the UN, the CFR, theocrats, satanic occultists, secret societies, supranational bankers, etc etc.

What many people now see is that the power elites' New-World-Order-Out-of-Chaos agenda is at stake and proceeding along and that such a draconian globalist goal makes its operatives and agents say anything--any lie or half truth--and do anything--any crime or malfeasance--to make certain they create chaos and 'win at any cost.'

Here are three related articles on these topics:

One of the more misguided among the devilish class was Albert Pike, a Confederate General and arch conspirator whose statue remains standing near Capitol Hill in Washington DC, for some unknown reason. A Scottish Rite Mason. Freaky.

Remember Secretary of State John Kerry's confirmation hearing in 2013 when he gave a major shout-out to a New World Order? (Video shown. He can't deny it.)

Oh and Roman Catholic Popes have quite a history of calling for a New World Order like an echo out of Hades.

An excellent presentation is Max Igan's Mind Control and the Power of Suggestion (a video-audio broadcast) from his Surviving the Matrix series and please visit The Crowhouse website for more.

A Full Circle Summation via a Certain Solar Eclipse

Then last, but most definitely not least is Leuren Moret's encompassing article that begins with The Historical Roots of the New World Order and its Permanent War Economy and doesn't let up until the atom is split, our weather is manipulated, the environment contaminated, and a variety of crooks and villains are noted. It's a great read especially now that Bush 41 is again in the news because of Jon Meacham's new book Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush (pre-order), a biography of Jeb's father.

Wonder if Mr. Meacham mentions GHWB's Operation Desert Storm, a US-led "UN Coalition" invasion as what Bush Senior trumpeted as a "triumph of the "New World Order"?

Perhaps Mr. Meacham notes that Operation Desert Storm launched on January 16, 1991 but it's doubtful that he mentions that this occurred one day after a Solar Eclipse @25 Capricorn--conjunct transit Saturn which conjoined US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx), a transit relating to power, loss of control over large issues, and a need to manipulate current conditions as a result of past disappointing behaviors. What seems quite curious about this Solar Eclipse in relation to our NWO topics is that it falls into the 11 North Saros Series and repeated--guess when??? Oh take a wild guess. 11 North repeated 6 days after Inauguration 2009 on January 26, 2009 @6AQ (conjunct US natal South Node of past behavior) and therefore is permanently imprinted upon the entire presidency of Barack Obama. And so is the 'New World Order' agenda. You expected his presidency to be different?

Oct 10, 2015

The Search For Truth - Max Igan

As you listen to this last-in-a-series message from Max you'll want to go full screen:

As you see, this 15-minute excerpt begins with a statement from socio-political activist and past presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs. You may find a few astro-notes concerning his Sun Scorpio-Moon Virgo personality blend descriptive of a man who sacrificed his all for the sake of his fellow human beings.


Here's a link to the full audio of The Search for Truth.

And The Full Circle Project.

Oct 3, 2015

October 13, 2015: The First Democratic Primary Debate Astro-Notes

Tuesday October 13: CNN Sponsors the 2016 Democratic Primary Debate

by Jude Cowell

To save you the mild angst of clicking or tapping in the SO'W sidebar, here is a handy link to the Campaign 2016 Democratic Debate page with a list of the Democratic Primary Debates Schedule such as it is known for now. Only the first of the six debates includes the names of the invited candidates and they are: Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, Webb, and Chafee. It has been announced that VP Joe Biden will not participate in the first debate. No promises on the remaining debates for the gaffe-prone CFR-Bilderberg vice president and self-avowed Zionist.

Edit Oct 15: recommended for coverage of issues is The District Sentinel.

Now if you're familiar with astrological principles (as I suspect you are), it is a maxim that how things begin is how they will end so we may wish to consider the astrological conditions in effect at (9:00 pm ET; 8:00 pm CT) 6:00 pm PT on October 13, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada to discover the blend of the earthly and cosmic atmospheres during this political event. As above, So below therefore we'll consider how things will proceed based on the chart-ruler's applying aspects, if any. Planets are the actors and in this case, politicians are the main actors on the world stage as they each attempt to impress the public and convince their supporters and the DNC that theirs is the winning presidential bid to vie successfully against whichever Republican candidate makes a run for the White House in November 2016. Who can sway the public most effectively? Well first, let's consider the ringmaster of the evening.

Astro-Notes: Moderator Anderson Cooper

Debate moderator Anderson Cooper has an interesting natal chart if you care to take a look and its Rodden Rating is B (source: bio/autobiography.) With his Mars @15Lib25 and Ascendant @19Lib04 precisely setting on the Descendant of the 6:00 pm PT debate chart (19Lib07) a close angular contact seems quite pertinent. Cooper's natal Moon @23Ari26 rises in the debate chart, good for publicity and favor, and his natal chart has recently experienced eclipse contacts of note which bode well for important events and conditions and indicate a busy year for him: the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse @29Pis27 precisely conjoined his natal Chiron @29Pis27 (conjunct the Aries Point of Fame, Fortune, Prominence, and Recognition), and the current Solar Eclipse @20Vir10 (September 13, 2015 with its themes of a high stress level and an overtaxing of strength) now sits upon his natal Uranus (20Vir17)--this is new or novel (Uranus) work (Virgo) for him. And we know that having natal Uranus in Mercury-ruled Virgo gives him good intellect and reformist tendencies but can also supply tactless frankness and misplaced criticism! (Ebertin.)

And so with October 13's transit Uranus @18Ari25 Rx rising at 6:00 pm PT in Las Vegas, we may expect Mr. Cooper to cope well with the debaters and with any unexpected occurrences that may crop up (Uranus rising) especially considering the disruptive tendencies of quirky Uranus on hand. However, his own Uranus degree and the current eclipse degree 20Vir10/17 are near a difficult star Denebola (to go against society, or, going against the mainstream) so it will be interesting to see if Anderson Cooper partakes of or receives this energy in some way especially since Denebola's "mainstream" reminds us of the "mainstream media" in which he plays a role. Will the proceedings be done differently?

As for the 1st Debate chart itself, the tiresomely ongoing Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto is angular because not only is Uranus rising, but power manipulator Pluto (13Cap03) conjoins the chart's and debate's Midheaven (MC), the WHY? Point of Aspirations and Goals. One of Pluto's roles when in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) is the dictator but I shall allow you to decide what the candidates desire as they make a bid for the Democratic nomination and the coveted Oval Office. If either of us make it through the evening's debate perhaps we'll hear a pitch for or against a foreign dictator, or from Bernie, a riff against wealthy plutocrats who gain by exploiting the masses. Plus, some of psychological Pluto's prime propaganda may be a goal of the night's agenda compliments of publishing moguls or corporate titans.

Now it's true that no planet in Cancer opposes debate Pluto except for US natal Sun (POTUS), however, the hidden IC's Sabian Symbol is "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" (12Cancer) which I've always considered an important symbol in US Politics--and also in US Finances. As you know, the IC is the Foundation or Basis of the Matter and denotes The Drain which suggests currency manipulation, trade deficits, and other thorny monetary issues.

Saturn Square Neptune: the Ill, the Elderly, the Weak, and the Poor

We may expect the Saturn-Neptune square to receive notice as working classes, social programs and possibly their funding, a living wage, and other societal ills are brought up for whatever discussion is allowed. Another monetary hint is restrictive Saturn @2Sag12 in the 8th house of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Legacies, Shared Resources, and Corporatism and I suspect we all know that America was long ago sold out to the highest bidder/s such as creditor China. And in Mundane Astrology, karmicSaturn can represent those with seniority and authority but also lawmakers, judges, lawyers, managers, and in Sagittarius may also denote emigrants, philosophers, and/or religiously motivated individuals. Actually, there are reasons this 8th house Saturn may on one level signify VP Biden but I won't go into the details just now.

Instead, let's discuss the chart-ruler's applying aspect and with Aries rising (at the Exaltation of the Sun degree, 19), Mars rules the chart and the debate and also rules the 8th house via its 24Sco26 cusp (okay--along with wealthy Pluto at MC.) Mars makes two closely applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects in the October 13 debate chart. First he (and I'm calling Mars for Bernie Sanders!) trines Pluto (1A16) indicating that actor Mars will be able to exercise all the control he needs as long as he uses this power subtly and with incisive accuracy. Intense energy surrounds Mars in this debate and if the trine energy is used wisely, a high level of success may be his. Other factors and actors may interfere, of course, but a Mars-Pluto trine is a very beneficial aspect between these two dynamic planets.

However, America's perpetual warmongering (Mars-Pluto) is a potential debate topic (as it should be) but the debate should turn out quite well for Mars posited in studious, detail-oriented Virgo and ruled by Mercury in Libra which is in mutual reception with Venus @4Vir31, ruler of fair minded Libra, sign of diplomacy and justice.

The other applying aspect of Mars is a conjunction (1A39) with Jupiter, planet of the politician, banker, guru, priest, and the General. Mars conjoining Jupiter describes one who has an exaggerated or expanded part to play in the proceedings so we may expect a male (Mars) to come forward during the debate (whether that's Senator Sanders or not) and meet with good fortune (Jupiter).

As for the house of Politics, Karma (reaping what was sown), Self-Undoing, and Secret Enemies (the 12th h) we have the rising Uranus (apex of a Fist of God or Thor's Hammer pattern with the restrictive square between Venus and Saturn (money issues concerning law enforcement?) at its base. This trio denotes someone using their charm but there are also potentials for rebellion, resentment, and separation. We also have deceptive Neptune Rx in its own shady sign of oceanic Pisces--curiously, a sign of war--and priestly Chiron at a critical degree (17 Pisces) and retrograde. 12th house is where backroom deals are made and Neptune is traveling in tandem with asteroid Circe (where we seek rescue).

A second planetary pattern is a T-Square between a Venus-Neptune opposition (visionaries and dreamers) pointing toward that restrictive 8th house Saturn and we find that someone is coming down to earth, exhibiting frigidity, and/or using an effective delusion. The trio brings in an interesting picture according to Michael Munkasey in his midpoint book...see what you think:

Venus-Neptune = Saturn: creating circumstances that appear to mirror reality which for me describes closely the false reality or matrix We the People (and the populations of the world) are ensnared within as *Max Igan has so often alerted us to! And of course, it also relates to the falsity of television and the appearance that American voters actually have a choice of candidates to choose from.

Because to paraphrase Josef Stalin concerning all elections including ours in November 2016, It's not the vote that counts, it's who counts the votes. How very sad but oh so true.

Yet in spite of it all, Venus may take all the chips in the game for what do you know! There's lady Venus @4Vir31 just entered the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits--and she's taking over the whole shebang as the lead planet of a Locomotive planetary pattern! This leading Venus must signify Hillary Clinton and her lead in the polls, don't you agree? For as leading engine of the Democrats' debate choo choo train, she's in a high powered executive position and is determined to solve a problem and/or complete an important task.

So as a Child of the Revolution (30 Cancer), I can only hope and pray for the sake of America's future generations that she isn't focused like a laser on one of those lousy 'new world order' tasks that suck so mightily.

*The Max Igan link leads you to one of his Surviving the Matrix video series in 4 parts: Finding Your Path Through the False Reality which comes highly recommended if you haven't watched it. Also check out The Crowhouse website for more broadcasts and interviews when you can. jc

Sep 3, 2015

Religious Right Is Keeping Ted Cruz’s Campaign Alive - video

Yes, the number of Americans who score themselves as 'religious' has fallen to an all-time low which must make international bankers and corporatists such as the Houses of Rothschild and Rockefeller and other World War III promoters such as Adam Weishaupt of Bavarian Illuminati fame (May 1, 1776), Confederate General Albert Pike (still with his statue standing at the foot of Capitol Hill!), Mazzini (colleague of Pike and creator of the organized Mafia), and modern Zionists (the ruling hierarchy, not the Jewish people) thrilled that their 'Great' Plan is proceeding so well and full implementation of a satanic 'new world order' is on the verge of fruition--or so they arrogantly assume.

Yet as Max Igan reminds us, The Price of Apathy Is to Be Ruled by Evil Men (audio-video) so apathy is our main problem. And if we're smart we'll "build unity in our communities"!

My question for today is: Do present conditions in the world remind you of the season finale of Mr. Robot last evening? Me, too!

Closely related: Who Is Albert Pike? (includes Astrology and an informative video); Ted Cruz Announces But Mercury Goes Nowhere; and the horoscope of the 'Illuminati Eclipse' of Nov 3, 2013, the year of Ted Cruz's hammy, rotten-egg Government Shutdown, a theatrical yet costly stunt that Republicans seem determined to engineer again before the end of 2015--based on a two-year Mars cycle of activism and ideological passion apparently. September 2015 is a crucial month, as you know, with two eclipses, solar and lunar.

And all this makes me wonder: Can Astrology Describe Ted Cruz?.