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Showing posts with label Newt Gingrich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newt Gingrich. Show all posts

May 11, 2011

Is Newt Gingrich a "national candidate" yet? 5.11.11

May 11, 2011: Has Newt Gingrich announced his run for US president yet?

He's supposed to be doing so today and weeks ago the story was that his prez bid announcement would be made from Philadelphia's *Independence Hall. My assumption is that announcing from such a location would be a shout-out to Tea Partisans and a bid for hyper-patriotism.

Well, here's Mr. Gingrich's birth data (hour unknown) with a few notes on his natal chart in case he sticks around the campaign trail long enough, successfully stores his past morality baggage of malfeasance and adultery in a dark enough closet, and finally manages to finagle the presidency of the United States.

Personally, I prefer someone who doesn't want the job so obsessively!

And isn't it interesting to note that today is when the planet of announcements, oration, reporting, negotiations, and communications of all kinds - Mercury - leaves its shadow, the degree of its last retrograde station, and begins to move forward into the light?

That degree is '25 Aries' and its Sabian Symbol is:

"A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meaning" which Marc Edmund Jones gives as: SENSIBILITY.

positive expression: a facility of adjustment by which everything in a given situation may be brought into the fullest co-operation with everything else.

negative/unconscious/shadow side: compromising insincerity and a lean to chicanery in all human relationships.

A two-faced degree! Yet it's almost as if Mr. Gingerich makes use of Astrology for its timing function, isn't it?


Update 11:30 am edt: just found bwo Twitter, The Nation's list of the eleven craziest things Newt ever said...only eleven?

*post contains an image one of the many versions of America's natal chart, the Scorpio Rising horoscope, which may be used for spying agencies, surveillance concerns, or even for Big Business, if not as a natal chart for our nation.

Mar 10, 2011

Will Newt announce prez bid from Independence Hall?

In an attempt to create gravitas for the political aspirations the high talker may or may not have, Newt Gingrich is leaning toward announcing his presidential bid from Independence Hall, Philadelphia, in late May.

Perhaps Mr. Gingrich is subtly trying to link himself to Founder Benjamin Franklin whose portrait on the older 100 dollar bill shows Independence Hall clock at 2:22 (a sly clue from trickster Franklin as to the real birth time of America?.)

Whether his enigmatic smile toward Independence Hall clock indicates 2:22 am or pm, I do not know.

But if America's birth is timed by the Declaration of Independence's first copy coming off the press at such an early hour as that (as I've read it did, with Thomas Jefferson overseeing its printing with Mr. Dunlap), we may have a Scorpio Rising nation. I have stated in the past that this chart 'works' for spying agency issues and events and for Big Business (Scorpio, 8th house) concerns.

Here I shall post an image of the Scorpio Rising chart as a speculative natal horoscope for the United States of America (2:22 pm) so you can see the Scorpio Ascendant which makes Mars (square Neptune) the chart-ruler; this matches our surveillance and warring tendencies with sub-ruler Pluto adding zeal, spying obsessions, great wealth, and a secret, distant (Pluto is out-of-bounds) and ultimate 'boss' or cabal leading our national brew. (My guess is England since Pluto is in Capricorn, sign of the Old Country and sign of the UK's natal Sun, Jan 1, 1801.)

Several factors change with this natal chart, of course: house positions and rulers, cusps, Osiris at Midheaven, and more. If you're familiar with the most-often used Sibly version, the differences are easy to spot. Transiting Midas 8Gem+ currently sits upon our natal Uranus in any version of the US natal chart; this chart shows Midas conjoining the 8th cusp of High Finance and Debt.

Naturally, the degree of the Moon (we-the-people) changes. At 25AQ29 we have a different Sabian Symbol than in the Sibly version (5:10 pm LMT) with its 27AQ10 Moon.

'26AQ' = "A Garage Man Testing a Car's Battery with a Hydrometer"...MENTAL EFFICIENCY.

Keynote: Skill in applying knowledge of natural laws to the solution of everyday problems resulting from life in our technological society. (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.)

Natal Sun remains at '14Cancer' = "A Very Old Man Facing a Vast Dark Space to the Northeast"...PERMANENCE IN TRUTH.

Keynote: Fulfillment in transcending and changeless wisdom. (DR.)

(My suspicion is that the Sun's Sabian Symbol refers in part to the US Constitution being based on that of the Iroquois Nation of tribes which were spread across the northeast.)

So you may wish to click the chart image to enlarge for a few more notes; you'll see that I neglected to add our pesky Sun/Saturn square (lower left, the fatal flaw in our Libran Judicial System); interestingly, you'll see (upper right) that a new midpoint picture is formed with the Sun (the leader; leadership) which is different from other versions of the US natal chart and, imho, ably describes the way the leadership of this nation goes about doing things.


An Additional Astro-Note: as you may know, the '9Sco' ASC in the US horoscope pictured above conjoins the natal Neptune of President Barack Obama (August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii) with Neptune/ASC indicating potentials for: compassion and understanding, acting ability, a lack of resistance, acting as a willing tool for others' selfish purposes (Wall Street? the Bilderberg Group? the Health Insurance Industry? All of the them?), illusions and deceptions, cheating or seducing others, insincerity, disappointment and disillusion, an inability to retain one's place in the world, and/or abuse or betrayal of confidence (Ebertin.) I leave it to you to decide if any of the potentials apply to the relationship between President Obama and the place we're accustomed to calling America.

Blog Note: starting Friday it's another weekend spree for me, this time in the Atlanta area (where Gingrich will set up his campaign headquarters if needed); I will be blogging here again by Monday! And you know my heart remains in Madison, Wisconsin. Recall the Republicans! Wishing a good weekend to all, jc

Mar 4, 2011

2012? The prez-runniness of Newt Gingrich

Update 9:42 pm est: With Gingrich's IRS filing completed, you may now donate as you wish.

Original post begins here:

Will the erstwhile fellow toss his hat into the White House ring or won't he?

Apparently a certain political maverick of dinosaur proportions will run for president in 2012 but Newt Gingrich has a lot of past baggage to shift around and repack before he even begins trudging the campaign trail.

With neither marriage fidelity nor political ethics his strong suits, Mr. Gingrich must depend on typically stirring rhetoric and his record on Capitol Hill to boost any minute chance he might have of winning the Republican nomination in spite of his weak spots. Besides, would Karl Rove approve of a Gingrich presidency in 2013?

Well, here are a few brief notes I made on the natal placements of Newt Gingrich way back in 2007 prior to Campaign 2008 really heating up. See what you think and get back to me if possible.

Would you vote to catapult a Newt into the White House? Really?

Jan 24, 2011

CA Treasurer denounces State Bankruptcy as "baloney"

An open statement has arrived in my Inbox from Sacramento, CA:


January 21, 2011
Contact: Tom Dresslar/916.653.2995

Treasurer Lockyer Criticizes Effort to Let States File for Bankruptcy PDF

State Treasurer Bill Lockyer today issued the following statement regarding reports about a possible move in Congress to let states declare bankruptcy:

"To the folks in Congress cooking this baloney: Don’t bother. States didn’t ask for it. We don’t want it. We don’t need it. Bankruptcy would devastate states’ ability to recover from the recession and make the infrastructure investments that create good jobs. It would inflict severe injury on taxpayers. Advocates of this preposterous idea want one thing above all – to see government go up in flames and, with it, the lives of a certain class of working people they don’t like.

"The people making this dangerous suggestion – and those who lend it credibility it doesn’t deserve – confuse states’ near-term budget deficits with long-term funding obligations. The latter, including pension obligations, are serious problems. We are dealing with them by reducing benefits and increasing employees’ contributions, among other moves.

With respect to our budget shortfalls, we have the tools to fix them without taking a wrecking ball to our economies and taxpayers. Thanks, but we’ll pass on the Gingrich Kool-Aid."


Ha! "Gingrich Kool-Aid"!

Sep 6, 2010

Newt Gingrich then and now: (im) peaches and tea

Newt Gingrich last won political office so long ago the chads have whiskers.

And though he's up to something GOP-ish with the big corporation Koch Brothers funded Tea Party movement, this article comparing him in his political heyday (think 'impeach Clinton') to his current machinations leaves me sputteringly speechless. Almost.

As I like to remind people whenever necessary: Mr. Gingrich is not from Georgia. I am from Georgia. He is not. And yes, there be many home-grown jackasses from Georgia and I may very well be one of them.

But Gingrich is from elsewhere.

So if you must, here's Newt back in 2009 accusing President Obama of 'coddling terrorists' while visions of Joseph McCarthy danced in his head.

You know, if it weren't so tragic for the entire world, I'd say, Crazy Washington! You impeached the duly elected president the American people liked while ignoring our calls to impeach the usurper, the One Who Should Have Been Impeached along with his side-winding sidekick who speaks out of the side of his mouth.

May 10, 2009

GOP lets out its inner Newt

In its desperate attempts to regain cred with its base and sucker the gullible into the fold, the GOP let Newt Gingrich amaze us with wild accusations on FOX - where else?

Meet the Press must have already been booked.

Newt's voice: what the Republican Party on-the-ropes sounds like - when Cheney isn't screeching.

Apr 22, 2009

GOP's Faces: Cheney, Rove, and Gingrich - and a suicide

The DNC is now running ads to brand Cheney, Rove, and Gingrich as the faces of the Republican Party.

Quite a stellar trio of visages, at least two of which qualify as mugshots on an FBI wall, imo.

You may be interested in checking out a previous post which contains a link to a very interesting article by Mark Crispin-Miller, titled Bloody Karl which lists the piles of lifeless bodies that surround Mr. Turdblossom, a list which includes Senator Paul Wellstone, Enron's Cliff Baxter (Rove was one of Enron's biggest shareholders, remember), Mike Connell, 'DC Madam' Deborah Jeane Palfrey (whose death came just before she was to reveal her client list), and more.

Perhaps there's even a link to the 'suicide' revealed this very morning, David B. Kellerman, CFO of Freddie Mac, who was found hung to death in his home's basement. I haven't had a lot of time to study the Astrology chart of the sad event as of yet, but Palfrey's 'suicide by hanging' and Kellerman's both occurred during a Balsamic phase of the Moon ('dark of the Moon' just prior to a New Moon, a time when shady things go on - or there may be emotional depression, it's true.)

Also, Moon and Uranus were conjunct in mysterious Pisces in both charts - more on that later. And you know that Venus and Mars were conjunct this morning at 29 Pisces, a critical or crisis degree...lots of pressure there.

Ms. Palfrey's 'suicide' was definitely convenient for many Washington politicians, and we'll have to see how Mr. Kellerman's situation plays out especially with federal investigations ongoing into Freddie Mac's books, etc. Kellerman was employed in various accounting positions at Freddie Mac for years - one source says 'since 1992' and one gives '1993.'

So! Cheney's, Rove's and Gingrich's snoots are the Faces of the GOP? Sounds precisely correct to me.

Well, if they're going to be around a while longer, you may wish to find out what Leo Strauss and Dick Cheney share astrologically (hint: it concerns neoconservatism), and here's a SO'W post from 2007 which asks what makes Dick tick? Yes, Cheney is a square kind of guy as you'll see.

Gingrich's chart I'm working on now and will post a blurb on him asap - but please don't say he's "from Georgia."

Nov 23, 2008

Candace Gingrich's letter to Newt

Now this letter from Candace to her political dinosaur of a brother Newt is priceless. Ordinarily I don't read other people's mail but she did publish it so I suspect it's okay to peruse.

(Who would name a tiny, defenseless infant 'Newt' anyway? Zeeks!)

Through the years, every time I heard Newt Gingrich spout that he was "from Georgia" I cringed. Some of my ancestors arrived in early Georgia from Virginia prior to the Revolution, others just after, and a few of them were already here, thank you.

"From Georgia"? Puh-leease! This native Georgian doesn't claim him.

And ethically challenged Gingrich has never apologized for his 'Contract With America' which has turned out to be more of a Contract On America, as many people have remarked.

If you think the last 20+ years have been about the Gingrich promise of 'transparency' in government you undoubtedly need a stronger pair of spectacles, Sparkie!

One of Candace's points is that the world has passed her brother by and that even geezers are on to his brand of political tactics. Well, if America has a dreg of good fortune left to her at all, it shall be so.

Therefore, I heartily thank Candace Gingrich for sharing her sentiments for all to read! Wonder if Newt has read it yet?

Apr 22, 2007

a starry eye on Newt

Today Newt Gingrich was on tv spouting his usual rational sounding political maneuverings. Since his birth info is in dispute with birth time unverified, no chart for you. But some details are still possible such as his Sun/Moon personality blend.

Born June 17, 1943 in Harrisburg, PA, the Moon was in Sagittarius the whole 24-hour period so let's look at the Images for Sun Gemini/Moon Sag:

The Pied Piper leads his merry band of youths to the amphitheater on the hill for an afternoon of music lessons, philosophical teachings, and baseball...A young man goes abroad to attend university and becomes a foreign correspondent. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

The italics are mine...the Hill? It sounds like the staged patriotic songfest on the Capitol steps when they coup'd the House. Perhaps that measley performance for the cameras was Newt's idea. A bunch of singin' whiffenpoufs?

This Air-Fire Gem/Sag combo has several things to recommend it and tells of a flamboyant communicator who is an intellectual with a reverence for ancient learning (secret old manuscripts, anyone?)

There is an emotional immaturity which is, at least, spontaneous for this eternal scholar who is outspoken, loves traveling (restless), and is friendly but impatient.

He possesses a vivid imagination with huge heapings of optimism and quick wit. There is a tendency to talk too much and often indiscreetly (perhaps he isn't close-mouthed enough for White House intrigues!) and there is a need to know it all--and may seem to be a know-it-all.

Newt's (WHO would saddle an innocent infant with the name, Newt???) Sun/Moon blend is shared natally with such notables as: actor Douglas Faribanks, political activist Rennie Davis, Judy Garland, Barry Manilow, Guy Lombardo, Beverly Sills, and Prince Rainier of Monaco. It's also shared with philosopher/poet, Katherine Raine who wrote:

As a child I became a confirmed believer in the ancient gods simply because as between the reality of fact and the reality of myth, I chose myth...myth is the truth of fact, not fact the truth of myth.

Gingrich has stated that as a child he discovered books and "became big words." (I won't mention the big words I think he became if you won't.)

So if the GOP can figure out a way to make an end-run around Newt's romantic tangles and infidelities, do you think they'll run this nag in 2008?

He seems to break off relationships appr every 18-19 years which is in line with his Nodal Returns--or Half-Returns...which is not surprising to astrologers.

North Node = joining; associations, while South Node = separations; partings (if relationships are already weak, the Half-Return will usually time a break-up.)

His Prenatal Eclipse Series (PE), 17South, is one of "sudden success in group endeavors and relationships; good news" (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady.)

A Solar Eclipse last occurred in this Series on March 9, 1997 at "19Pisces."

Gingrich's natal Venus and Pluto in Leo (as has George Bush--both in Leo--ooh la la!) are connected to his PE as you might expect with all his lady loves and wives scattered about the place (I exaggerate--or do I?)

If you can take more of the Newt, you may want to read Mr.A.Cat's opinion at Lim's Limericks where you'll find a photo of a GOP kittycat pondering Newt's romantic intrigues which may albatrossedly plague him as he pushes forward--and turns up on our tvs--into 2008.