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Showing posts with label current events political astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label current events political astrology. Show all posts

Apr 11, 2008

9/11 a false flag op

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Apr 10, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

UN Official Calls for Study of Neocons' Role in 9/11 10 Apr 2008

A new UN Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel [Richard Falk, Milbank professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University] is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The narrative that the attacks from 2001 were a "false flag" operation is a recurring theme in the literature challenging the consensus conspiracy theory that 19 al-Qaeda hijackers flew commercial jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. False flag refers to espionage or covert actions taken by one government made to seem like the work of another.

The false flag thesis has it that the Bush administration is somehow responsible for the September 11 attacks as a pretext for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. [And so much more! See: CLG 9/11 Exposition Zone.]#


And this is what I posted two years ago on April 10, 2006 about Cheney's Secondary Progressed chart set for the morning of 9/11/01 (chart's image included): Pluto/Chiron = Mc, a sight which may be difficult to believe until you see it--

--that the duo of plutocracy, corporatism, racism including white supremacy, violence, oppression, and primal power and the abuse of it--the Pluto/Chiron midpoint--is smack dab at Midheaven for Mr. Cheney on that morning his airplane games were interfering with our military's ability to protect the American People.

Whether someone told someone else that NORAD would be unstable or unavailable that morning, or whether it was all planned to let through the airplanes as a "second Pearl Harbor" false flag op, it amounts to the same thing--crooks in the White House and Pentagon.

Needless to say, I was glad to see LegitGov's article on the UN official calling for an investigation (a lone voice?), but little practical improvements ever result from political 'probes' and they're often simply smokescreens for the evil-doers among us.

Secrets stay hidden and culprits go on acting against society's best interests and by holding "investigations" certain actors seem to be 'doing something' about the problem under discussion.

So in this sense, I agree with Hillary--talking isn't doing. It's WHAT she'll do to nurture the NWO seeds she helped plant into the New Millenium that concerns me, not that she can or can't 'do' the job on "day one" or on any other day.

Questions and Consequences

You know how it takes one to know one? You know how "by their fruits ye shall know them"? Well, if you know someone in the illusive, supposed 28% of Americans who continue to favor Bush and his neocon whiteshirts, beg them to have their specs updated and upgraded because what the 72% sees is neocons producing __loads of merde and woe for their "vision" of a one world government.

Anyway, my babbling aside, please take a quick peek at Cheney's Progressed chart for 9/11/01. You don't have to speak Astrologese to see what's residing at the Aspiration Point of his chart--the abusive control of Pluto/Chiron.

Mar 25, 2008

Pentagon mea culpa and nukes across America

The Pentagon's cone head is showing! as Defense Secretary Robert Gates admits to "The Mistake of the Taiwanese Cone Heads" or something like that.

Is he planning to write a mystery novel or get to the bottom of their supposed incompetence?

Actually Gates has called for an investigation (and we know where those tend to lead--down the garden path) into four containers of fuses shipped to Taiwan in "error"...a charade which must infuriate China, no doubt. Grumps me up no end and I'm only American.

Well, I guess Gates had to say something to, oops!

Is it me, or does the US seem to say oops to China quite often?

Anway, you'll see that I've included in the above-linked post the sunrise chart for the day that the Air Force (they're on OUR team, remember) "mistakenly" loaded a bunch of nuclear bombs onto some B-52s and flew them from ND to may want to check out the chart with asteroid Toro at Ic and conjunct the "A Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree.

Ole! Oops! and all that.

Feb 10, 2008

Technorati Ping Problems abound

In my 104 day mission to get Technorati to ping Stars Over Washington once again, I'm posting this entry with Technorati code to "get the ball rolling" as they suggested.

Actually, the SO'W ball has been rolling since Oct 2005 and used to be auto-pinged by Technorati with my frequent posts. Code's okay, etc, but no ping can be found in their directory--104 days--ridiculous, even though my posts get indexed there.

And my shout-out of several weeks ago to anyone who knows what's up w'dat garnered no info, so this post is a new, if not last, resort.

It's discouraging that my other blogs ping nicely, thanks, but the one I put most time and effort into--this one--is shunted out of the Technorati mix. So here's the code to get the ball rolling and I hope it works.

Technorati Profile

Dec 21, 2007

Spotlight on Mercury: John Edwards

John Edwards (June 10, 1953; 7:02 am est; Seneca, SC; rated A: astrodatabank) is proud possessor of an out-of-bounds Mercury in his natal chart.

Out-of-bounds (oobs) planets accept no limits and may indicate boundless success and creativity--in the case of John Edwards, Mercury's territories of communications, oration, intellectual pursuits, and commerce seem to have benefited him greatly when he was trying medical malpractice suits and making millions.

You see in his natal chart that Mercury had just risen as he was being born, yet the Moon is chart-ruler (ASC 12Can01--conjunct US n Sun = the leader in a national chart. He has already expressed this connection, of course, in the Senate and in running for president 2004.)

Moon is in Gemini near Jupiter and all in all there are many factors showing money-making ability, and links to medical issues (including wounded Chiron in 7th house of marriage partner and legal affairs (lawsuits.) And Edwards isn't the only Washington politician with a Moon-Jupiter conjunction...expansive emotional desires used in public relations...Dubya is one such...the glass is supposedly always half-full.)

Tonight I'm looking at Edwards' Mercury in Cancer, 12th house, yet perhaps should mention that also in 12th house are Sun (politician; unconscious arrogance); and Mars 27Gem33..."28Gem" = "A man declared bankrupt"--DELIVERANCE...

pos: an effective and overall effectiveness even in the worst of situations;

neg/shadow side: a willingness to dodge every responsibility and betray the very core of self. (This "Bankruptcy" degree refers to court cases and to "enter(ing) new paths of opportunity) (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Mercury in 12th house is very creative--as is the sign of Cancer, which is also connected to business and commerce) yet a 12th house Mercury, says Tracy Marks in her marvelous book, Your Secret Self, gives a constantly active mind, always seeking to organize vast amounts of stimulation and information; plus, a tendency toward nervousness.

Frequently there are negative messages from childhood which must be overcome--"don't be stupid" or "be quiet", etc. Then much can be achieved. 12th house Mercuries study many in-depth subjects behind the scenes--more than anyone knows.

In Washington, Sen Edwards was known to be a fast-talker, fast-walker, with little regard for protocol--Mercury in 12th house seldom develops an ability for small talk and makes compulsive lists of details for organizing and planning life.

An undervalued or overvalued intellect may result from having a 12th house Mercury and refuge may be sought in their intellectual capacities. Yet the Scarecrow's "If only I had a brain" mantra may sometimes prevail, esp during school days.

As you know, Edwards was first in his family to attend and graduate from college--AQ on 9th cusp of higher learning would've wanted that bwo Saturn's influence in 9th house. And Uranus' higher vibrations (AQ) would have wanted progress bwo higher education.

Basically this is a non-verbal thinker who perceives the world in terms of images, feelings, and sensations. His active Moon in combination with Mercury supports this, for Moon-Mercury is intuitive and thinks with the feelings (Tyl.) Moon is oobs, along with Mars and Mercury--and Edwards was born during a Moon hour--good for public dealings and publicity--an extraordinary amount of it thanks in part to an oobs Moon.

Although Gemini is the sign of a social butterfly, Moon-Mercury folks are usually very involved with their families. In fact, Edwards' Moon and Mercury are in mutual reception with one another, describing his family's strong support of his ideas and plans.

Mercury's only aspect is 'minor'...a semi-square with powerful Pluto. Semi-squares are in the octile family (8) and are weak but difficult; a separating semi-square = the release of self through creative interchange (The Astrology of Relationship, Michael R. Myer.) They show a tendency toward dynamic connections with others which manifest in either an exciting and constructive way or in a conflicting and difficult way.

And the combo of Mercury-Pluto = communicating or demanding new perspectives; persuasion ability (which attorneys need for success), and propaganda promotion--admittedly helpful in the political realm.

It may as well be for we sure are stuck with a gracious helping of it from every direction.

Mercury rules natal 4th (Virgo) and 12th (Gemini); Saturn is square Uranus--the two old vs new , tradition vs progress planets will be in opposition for the 2008 election and for Inauguration 2009. This re-contact may support his win along with this:

John Edwards--as you can see for yourself--has North Node (NN = connections with the public) conj his 8th cusp 3AQ13...and this is where tr Jupiter (3AQ32) will be at Inauguration Jan 20, 2009; noon; DC.

And while this one factor may not be enough to propel Edwards into the Oval Office, I've not found any other candidate with such an exact, or perhaps I should say, obvious--connection with Jupiter 2009, in 10th house of the Inauguration chart. Perhaps I will but haven't *as of yet.

*UPDATE 12.22: Barack Obama's natal Saturn 25Cap22 Rx and Jupiter 00AQ56 Rx are tucked next to the Inaugural 2009's MC (noon 26Cap11, conj US n Pluto) and Mercury 00AQ41Rx, and Sun 00AQ47. Obama-Edwards ticket?)

Yet Jupiter = Republican...though jolly Jupe is also the rich man (Edwards or Romney or---Bloomberg!), judge, preacher (Huckabee? don't even joke--more Bushesque Armageddon there; besides, church + state is unconstitutional), professor, guru...and attorney--which again could be...John Edwards and his out-of-bounds Mercury as prez or VP!

general notes on Mercury and the natal Mercury of Barack Obama here.

Nov 1, 2007

Sen. Whitehouse and the Spanish Inquisition

In the news: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's statement on Mukasey's nomination.

Read Whitehouse's official bio here.

Born Oct 20, 1955 into a diplomatic family in NYC, Junior Senator from Rhode Island, Sheldon Whitehouse (D) may have the perfect Washingtonian can hear it, I know: President Whitehouse in the Whitehouse. Sounds fine to me!

Now Senator Whitehouse's natal Sun Libra/Moon Sagittarius blend has two Images for Integration:

"An educationalist creates a Palace of Discovery to feed and stimulate young minds...Bob Geldof spins Band Aid out of thin air to help famine-stricken Africa."

Obviously, he shares this Sun-Moon blend with Geldof and also with: historian Bruce Catton, Sean Lennon, Dory Previn, Betty Boothroyd, and Art Buchwald who said, "I explained to him that I had simple tastes and didn't want anything ostentatious, no matter what it cost me.""

This is an idealistic combo, generous, adventurous, witty, and enthusiastic with missionary zeal...there are persuasive powers with philosophical interests and a desire to help others. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chasles and Suzi Harvey.)

A flair for public speaking is demonstrated as well as an ability to see the larger picture (Sag.) Negatively there can be a tendency to overstretch, over-estimate one's capacities, and/or to hide personal problems with workaholism (who doesn't?).

And yet a lack of introspection may cause blindness to one's true motives, an inability to "see" oneself realistically, and a certain detachment and aloofness may be noticed. Perhaps this results from hearing a celestial choir.

Yes, having a sensitive, receptive Sun-Neptune conjunction, it's not always easy to make one's mark although humanitarian work would be perfect for nebulous, idealistic Neptune's melding with one's essence and leadership qualities (Sun.) He seems to prefer working behind the scenes.

This creative combo usually results in a lack of confidence when expressing oneself, and there's a veiled outlook on life which may lead to disappointments and unpleasantness--plus, personal responsibilities may be difficult to manage. (Maturity can help mitigate such nebulous issues.)

Yet a career based on the public's benefit would be fine as long as a trusted advisor is around to help face the tougher issues, for realities can be abrasive to a Sun-Neptune individual.

Whitehouse's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series is problematic--the 11 South Series which last manifested July 11, 1991. This is the Series in which a few things have occurred through history such as:

1. the murder of writer Danny Casolaro which took place the weekend of Aug 9/10, 1991 as he closed in on the PROMIS gang and its octopus tendencies;

2. the assassination of Marat (July 13, 1793);

3. George Washington takes command of the army (July 3, 1775);

4. PE of Enrico Fermi.

Brady's Predictive Astrology lists the themes of this Series as:

Old ideas or methods will suddenly fail and new systems are required to deal with events brought on by the Eclipse; there is a need for sudden reforms and new ways of handling issues; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed.

Well, Danny Casalaro, his investigation, and his in-progress book about 'The Octopus' certainly were removed.

The 11S Series next occurs: July 22, 2009 (29Can27--"30Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" degree.)

Well, there's a small cameo of the Senator from Rhode Island who seems to have been inspired this week to speak up on America's behalf. I only wish more of the varmints of Washington DC would do it--and mean it.

Aug 29, 2007

GOP: idiocy and evil and George Bush

Please read:

More Shame, More Sorrow

By Paul Craig Roberts

In the administration of George W. Bush, the Republican Party has achieved the greatest combination of idiocy and evil in human history.

Information Clearing House

Well, I took a peek at various progressed charts of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT--when their platform was adopted--Jackson, MI) and there's only one midpoint picture formed now in the Minor Progressions (the mental or causal plane):

Jupiter/ASC = Neptune: speculation; hoping for luck; projecting the niceness of things, not wanting to admit the adverse; disappointments; losses.

With natal ASC 9Sag47, the recent Jupiter Direct Station occurred there expanding their little Jupiter Mantra selves, and although I have no time to do it justice, there are indications in the Secondary Prog'd chart (physical plane) that they are in expectation of an upheaval or shock.

Okay, well here's one:

Sun/Uranus = Mc: restless people with far-reaching plans; reformers, technicians, inventors; experiencing the impact of sudden events or emotional upheavals; major events in support of big plans; hopeful triumph for the ego.

When there's time I'll check in on the Dem Party charts and see what they've got up their sorceror's sleeves. And I'll also be posting asap on the Inaugural 2009 chart--but you won't like it overmuch...their lousy tinkering under the hood of the Constitution continues with alacrity and verve.

Nov 1, 2006

Meet More Dems: Obama, Harman, Conyers

This is probably the last I post of the Dems before the midterm elections unless you, Lone Reader, suggest a name or two worthy of a look. I dare ya, given the infestation in Washington.

Here is some general info using sunrise charts for day of birth in order to glean a bit on the personalities of Barack Obama, Jane Harman, and John Conyers.

Barack Obama, born August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii, has Sun Leo/Moon Taurus, or, if born after 1:04 pm, Sun Leo/Moon Gemini. See which sounds like the Barack you know:

Sun Leo/Moon Tau: here is a love of grandeur, generosity, and personal magnetism. There may be an egocentricity which seeks the powerful position with its regal bearing and administrative abilities. Dependable and pragmatic, here is a showman ("politician") who is capable and loyal.

This blend can be withholding and selfish if offended, scathing in speech, but is unflappable in emergencies with a strong sense of responsibility.

Images for Integration: Old King Cole was a merrie olde soul...Pymalion, My Fair Lady...A master potter turns dull clay into an exquisite vase.

If born with a later Moon...

Sun Leo/Moon Gemini:

Friendly, humorous, intuitive and analytical, this blend has organizing ability, a youthful spirit, and is clever and resourceful. He's a cool-headed charmer who can always come up with just the right phrase, but is a big-hearted kid on the inside.

There is a liking for popularity ("politician") and a tendency to rationalize and be emotionally fickle. An opportunist in the most positive sense ("politician" but positive), this personality shines in any work which requires quick-thinking, communicating, and travel.

Images for Integration: On a bright summer's day a butterfly turns into a radiant being...Children singing "Happy Birthday to you" at a celebrity birthday party.#

Jane Harman, born June 28, 1945, Queens, NY, has Sun Cancer/Moon AQ (Moon in AQ for the 24-hour period):

This is the thinking vs feeling combo, with a great sense of humanitarianism, generosity, and with a "nurturing the world" flavor. Past (Can) and Future (AQ) are constant themes in this life, and the visionary, mentally acute traits are obvious.

A shrewd protector of the under-dog, this is a sociable, whole-hearted and direct personality which can be as old-fashioned and crabby as any other Cancer (think, George Bush on the crabby part.)

This is the poet/mathematician and artist/scientist combo which loves to analyze the problems of the world.

Images for Integration: A mother and child skip down the street, arm in arm, to attend the Vision for World Peace charity fete at the park...A science museum inside a restored medeval castle...Carl Orff's Carmena Burana...The world as family.

(This is one of the possible blends for Carl Levin, as previously posted.)

And now, John Conyers, born May 16, 1929, Detroit, Michigan:

Sun Tau/Moon Leo, if born between midnight and 1:33 am:

Artistic and regal, this blend has a practical imagination, and is a leader with very fixed opinions who has strong vaues but can be quite materialistic. Ther eis a snobbish and ambitious streak ("politician"?) which can be a show off who leaves no one in doubt where he stands on issues that seem worthy of his attention (that's regal, proud Leo.)

Odds are Conyers was born within the other 22 1/2 hours of his day of birth, but just in case, here are the Images for Integration for Sun Tau/Moon Leo:

Keeping up with the Joneses...On a perfect summer's night, a performance of A Midsummer's Night's Dream is held in the palace garden. here's the Sun Tau/Moon Virgo blend which sounds more reasonable to me:

Responsible, ethical, poised and stable, this blend is a lucid, graceful hard worker. This is a dutiful blend--something of an epicurean--and has a liking for practical tasks, and enjoys being both a good teacher and student.

Capable and blessed with loads of earthy charm, this personality is a workaholic who can be counted on, and aspires to a life of simplicity, usefulness, and rational harmony (unusual for a "politician", isn't it?) This blend can tend to get in a rut, but has the common sense necessary to get himself out. There is a need to create something concrete and enduring--this earth-earth blend is an artisan, in fact.

Images for Integration: The treasurer for the Association for Social Reform invests the proceeds of a jumble sale into gilt-edged securities...In her sumptuous garden, the music teacher entertains her now accomplished past pupils.

And one extra note on John Conyers: he was born into the same Eclipse Series as that of the attacks of 9/11/01, 3North, an over-excessive series which brings news concerning young people and/or news that transforms a situation. Large plans are made but should not be overdone. (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady.)

Well, that's Meet More Dems for now, unless there's another personality we should discover together...let me know. There's a SO'W email link on this page--probably at bottom if you're using screening is in play, so request admission.

November 7: Be sure to VOTE, if you haven't already! And call that Bat-Line Phone Number which should be posted at your local polling booth if you have any problems with your ballot, or the voters list, ok?

We turned our backs for too long, trusted them and they went all squirrelly on us--we've got to pay better attention to the termites...aka "politicians" from now on.

11.1.06 8:13 pm est


Personality blend info: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles & Suzi Harvey
may be found at if you wish.