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Showing posts with label financial collapse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label financial collapse. Show all posts

Jul 23, 2009

Highway Robbery in California

From LACity:

'Sacramento's Dangerous Shell Game

by Antonio Villaraigosa
Mayor of the City of Los Angeles

July 22, 2009


This [budget] deal -- and the system that produced it -- reflects a clear abdication of our state's responsibility to provide critical services to its taxpayers.

The City of Los Angeles alone could stand to lose nearly $275 million in revenue and services this fiscal year. That includes up to $120 million in property taxes and $60 million in gas tax funds that the state is under no obligation to repay.

These cuts are simply unacceptable. They take aim at our City's purse strings while our local families get caught in the middle. They target our efforts to stimulate the economy, and gun down new investments in infrastructure, job creation, and the green economy.

We will not stand for highway robbery, and we are currently evaluating every legal option at our disposal to ensure that Los Angeles does not suffer from the misguided priorities of this budget proposal.'


A glaring part of the big plan to gut states, create a large centralized government, and meld America into a one world government. And they use World Peace as a cover! jc

Jul 1, 2009

Washington's Mortgage Reform fizzles like dud sparklers on the 4th of July

And How the American People Can Save Big Money in Washington

When the mortgage and sub-prime fiascoes began to hit the country in 2007 and into 2008, everyone agreed that reform would be on the menu and the sooner the better. The financial collapse which the housing market crash led to with its resulting unemployment, retail slumps, and slowdowns in all sectors of the economy and the life of the nation, made mortgage reform seem a given. Who could argue?

Well, not so fast - it's the US Congress on the case which means there are no guarantees of improvements or of corrections of the fraudulent, America.

Unlike the upcoming Fourth of July fireworks, no-brainer mortgage reform is now said to be fizzling on Capitol Hill and Senator Dodd says they have other things to do. Or did he say 'better' things to do?

Either way, thanks for nuthin' oh elitist ones.

So I've made up a timely yet brief list of To-Dos in case anyone wants the economy to work out better than Congress has planned for us:

Want mortgage reform?

Call your reps and senators on Capitol Hill and tell them what time you and your family of 3/4/5/6+++ will be turning up at their swanky digs for a long stay....just till you "find a place." They don't need kicks in the pants on Capitol Hill, they need moocher roommates and lots of them. Besides, thanks to years of outsourcing US jobs bwo Congress, you're broke because you lost your job, and there are None To Be Had. Except marching in the military or on Capitol Hill, if my further ideas are followed...

Want health care reform from Capitol Hill?

Demand that all House members' insurance companies triple the deductibles on their state-of-the-art insurance policies, and limit the number of surgeries allowed for the next few years; totally exclude cosmetic surgeries and treatments, of course, and forget free meds and exotic cruises. And while you're at it, have the premiums auto-drafted from their paychecks from now on.

Want ethics and accountability to return to our nation's capital?

Then we'll have to kick out 98% of the bums on Capitol Hill, their staffers, aides, and favorite lobbyists - and sign up to serve ourselves, citizens of America!

But Senator Al Franken can stay (until he proves his metal) since he hasn't sat down at the trough just yet. And maybe Dennis Kucinich. I can't decide about him. Ron Paul, maybe. Not sure but probably. And keep a few junior ones who have yet to underwhelm us with their craven truckling to party bosses and poor judgments.

Thing is, since it was Capitol Hill denizens who dumped us into the crises in which we're now stewing (in collusion with their Wall Street buds), what makes them think the nation can afford them with their exalted lifestyles and their expensive ways? If we're looking for places to 'cut back' in the national budget, how about firing every one of the political culprits who helped cause it?

Washington Loves Ceremonies

I have yet to get a cost estimate on enough tar and feathers for the lot of them, but it couldn't be any higher than congressional paychecks, sell-outs, give-aways, and heistings, now could it?

Oh, and again I shall wish you a Happy 233rd birthday, America!

All the gold in Fort Knox may be pilfered away, but you don't look a day past 200. (Botox not covered, as above.)

Jun 3, 2009

bond market ruckus

Bond Market Blowout

By Mike Whitney

Last week's ructions in the bond market, leave little doubt that the financial crisis has entered a new and more lethal phase.

Apr 15, 2009

US strangled by a financial oligarchy

Perhaps you caught Terry Gross' interview today with former chief economist of the IMF, Simon Johnson who says that breaking up America's financial oligarchy is the country's only hope of recovery. (Read or listen.)

Yet here's someone who only partially agrees with him.

Professor Johnson (MIT's Sloan School of Management) was at the IMF in 2007 and 2008(seems to me he was in the quick money shuffle, but what do I know?), yet he makes a lot of sense: the US government should nationalize banks so they could wipe out bank shareholders, replace failed managers, clean up the balance sheets, and then sell the banks back to the private sector.

Now I'm definitely no economist and my brain is chocked full of antihistamines at the moment, but isn't this much of what FDR did a few decades ago?

Financial oligarchy: government officials and elite members of the financial sector that run the country like a profit-seeking company.

This gives, he points out, the financial sector veto power over public policy.

And we don't have to read about it, we experience and suffer by it every day.

Sounds like an apt description of America's birth chart with Pluto in Capricorn - in the second house of Money and Earning Ability...meaning that we-the-people have had public policy and the common good overridden by the ruling elite since day one. Johnson speaks of 'balance' yet there is no balance in such an arrangement unless good faith and common decency are part of the picture.

One difference now is that 98% of them care not a wit for the common good which they consider expendable to their world domination plans. In fact, it's an obstacle to fulfilling their long-held vision.

And I notice that Prof. Johnson makes no mention of a new world economic order which, if in the works, must be an agenda he is very well acquainted with.

Well I'd have to say that 'financial oligarchy' is what we're saddled with all right - for several years, years which include Simon Johnson's time at the IMF. And I've not yet found mention of just which private persons or entities would be the lucky ducks to buy back the scrubbed banks.

But perhaps Russia could advise us on that.

Mar 24, 2009

Stiglitz disses Geithner Plan - Obama on TV 3.24.09

Geithner Plan Will Rob US Taxpayers

By Reuters

The US government plan to rid banks of toxic assets will rob American taxpayers by exposing them to too much risk and is unlikely to work as long as the economy remains weak, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said on Tuesday.


And the Geithner Plan is only one of the latest things to rob American taxpayers. Financial collapse is the name and the aim of their game, folks. So as you can tell, things are going quite swimmingly in their exalted bubble world.

But you know I'll be setting up SolarFire's real-time animated chart feature in a few minutes to catch each planet as it crosses an angle, enters a new house, or makes a new aspect while Pres. Obama speaks tonight, 8:00 pm edt.

Then I take notes and keep a time stamp on the TV screen as it records so I can go back and double-check what planetary action was happening as a particular subject or comment came up.

Yes, it's quite a bit of trouble but it's invaluable for figuring out what the As Above Is So Belowing in real time. Or vice versa.

Did I hear correctly on MarketPlace just now? That Geithner and the US Fed are endorsing the idea of an international currency today in line with China's wishes? If so, I guess the amero or something akin to it isn't just a fairy tale after all.

Check out The August Review for info on the amero and other anti-sovereign subjects.

Mar 21, 2009

Got 'resolution authority'?

Pres. Obama and his team have an idea for stepping in with large financial institutions ahead of crises.

It's being labeled 'resolution authority' which has, we may suspect, an Orwellian flavor which might show its true colors at any moment if the increased governmental authority goes through as planned.

Seems to me it shouldn't be too difficult to intervene ahead of financial crises - especially when they're designed, manufactured, and delivered by the power elite - which will make 'resolution authority' a win-win for the rich and powerful once again.

Yet perhaps the masses will gather a few crumbs from Midas' table just to 'keep hope alive.'

Guess the plutocratic duo of wounded, disenfranchised Chiron and powerful, secretive Pluto - or more specifically their midpoint, an oppressive blending of their energies - at the Goal/Aspiration Point of the Inauguration 2009 chart (Midheaven) is working its 'magic' as more and more control is given to the Fed and to other elected and non-elected entities.

Yes, America's natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) is currently being stimulated by the transiting Chiron-Pluto midpoint which makes the timing of the much-touted economic collapse even more suspect to this reluctant astrologer.

So because US natal Pluto is retrograde, I got to wondering when America had her early Pluto Return to 27Cap33 and found that July 4, 1776 was actually the second pass Pluto made to that exact degree - the Rx pass.

The first time Pluto reached that degree was Feb 25, 1776 (*NS); July 4, 1776 makes #2; the third time qualifies in my book as a Pluto Return: Jan 1, 1777.

These additional dates may mean more to history buffs than to anyone else, but there's more Astrology to consider...

Our nation's Pluto Return of Jan 1, 1777 falls into the 13 North Solar Eclipse Series which was, in fact, the Initial Eclipse in the 13N Series at '23Leo' (conjunct Venus.) This Series will next manifest at '14Cap' opposite US natal Sun on Jan 4, 2011.

Sun opposite Sun is a time when priorities and plans should be reviewed and revamped, if necessary, to be certain that goals are being targeted correctly.

On this blog or on Jude's Threshold I have previously commented that the 13N Series seems to describe the founding of America better than the actual Series into which 'July 4, 1776' falls, the **12 South - and the Declaration of Independence was missing some signatures until August, 1776. Eclipses are 'wild cards' and may influence events for two weeks prior or after their actual date of occurrence.)

See if this sound like the birth of America to you:

13N's flavor is one of large, ambitious group enterprises that require the breaking of an existing bond; separation then joint achievement (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

'Existing bond'? England. 'Joint achievement'? America and the New World of Sir Francis Bacon's and Adam Weishaupt's illuminated dreams.

So as America looks ahead to her Pluto Return in 2021-22, we may want to look back and consider that technically it will not be our nation's first Pluto Return at all for plodding Pluto has been there, done that before - way back in 1777.


*NS = New Style which refers to the Gregorian Calendar - minus 10 days from the OS, or Julian Calendar.

**USA's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series 12South: successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; draining issues will at first seem worse then clear (Brady, as above.) Next 12S Eclipse: '19Can' on July 11, 2010.

Mar 17, 2009

Ben Bernanke: firefighter or arsonist?

Economic propaganda is on the loose and distorting realities of the 'financial crisis' for the consumption of the American voter.


On a somewhat lighter note, a new limerick has been published in honor of the Jack Bauer character on 24: That Kitten Named Bauer - plus, you'll inadvertently view a photo of Princess Grace the Cat if you click the link to Lim's Limericks.

Sep 11, 2008

Black Tuesday Oct 29, 1929: the chart

'Black Tuesday' Oct 29, 1929 marks the massive stock market crash and this is the horoscope for Sun-to-Midheaven on that day.

Appropriately enough, the Sabian Symbol for the Sun/Midheaven degree, '6 Scorpio' is: "A Gold Rush."

We can be certain - just as in 2007/08, that the folks with 'real money' did not and are not losing their shirts, and to my way of thinking, are behind the shell games they play with other people's lives and fortunes.

That other forces are in league with - and opposing - them complicates the picture but suffice it to say, it's not you, me, the baker, or candlestick maker who are at fault. It's the 'experts.'

Some interesting midpoint pictures are repeating now in 2008 and I've marked them on the chart (click to enlarge):

Chiron and North Node (the public; the path or destiny) are conjunct then as of late (but in AQ) and the midpoint of Jupiter/Uranus is upon them.

Who are the Jupiter/Uranus crowd? Fortune-hunters; adventurers; inventors; organizers (Ebertin.)

Another interesting correlation between the meltdown of 1929 and today is that moneybags Jupiter (15Gem26 and Rx here) has two midpoints of power and wealth upon him - Pluto/NN and Pluto/Chiron.

Pluto/NN represents large masses of people and their common destiny; large business concerns; mass meetings; and exercising influence upon the public. I would add, powerful connections and associations.

Transit Jupiter will 'catch up' with Pluto/NN in Dec 2008, so we have then as now...

Pluto/NN = Jupiter: the desire to obtain position and power by force through the help of other people; the attainment of great gains through others; forcing oneself into a power position; self-promotion; attaining success through others (November elections esp the presidential election?)

And you know the Pluto/Chiron midpoint signifies plutocracy, oppression; corporatism; fascism, racism, primal violence, etc.

Time grows short and I must mosey...hope to complete this post later on...

Apr 12, 2008

your money is no good here

Any events or series of events issue from myriad causes combined--a tenet which has stood me in good stead as I've studied and learned to appreciate bringing loose ends together into various astrological tapestries of cause and effect.

Which is why no one man, entity, or organization may be blamed for the world's current financial meltdown which has been on the backburner since the attacks of 9/11--and I have written here and elsewhere that 9/11's ripples are behind much of the current market woes.

"Go shopping" indeed--and let the "experts" take care of things. Now we see how they've taken "care."

And so I present James Cumes' article to you if you're up for it. These financial woes are what fraud and greed can accomplish in the world if there are enough participants with their eyes on the main chance--while the real wheeler-dealers are making bets on how things will turn out for their pawns.

They've got theirs--what do YOU have?

The Black Death of Financial Collapse

By James Cumes

The financial and economic crisis now upon us is by far the most menacing of the past century--even more so than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It is not just a "subprime" crisis; it is systemic--affecting the entire financial system.

Read article from Information Clearing House.