Without right-wing think tank The Heritage Foundation and journalist Stephen Colbert to define what being "poor" in America really means, what would our refrigerator-rich, microwave-oven-infused nation do?
Here's the latest rant from the Heritage Foundation
website against "liberals" who cause all of America's problems, didn't you know?! Good thing Bush-Cheney ignored them those 8 years and shoved their neocon-warhawk agenda upon the nation.
You know the Heritage Foundation was incorporated on February 16, 1973 as a reaction against Richard Nixon's 'liberal consensus' tendencies and it's been a neo-conservative thorn in our national side ever since. One of its founders, Paul Weyrich, is the one who said that large voter turn-outs don't help Republicans win elections.
Perhaps that's because a majority of the American people would never vote GOP--against their own best interests--if the truth were told during political campaigns rather than facts being spun and hidden. (Glaringly against our best interests is the 'trigger' mechanism inserted into the 'debt deal' on the Senate's table today. All the GOP has to do is not agree to the 'cuts' list and Americans crash.)
Now few of us would vote Republican
if everyone made it to US voting booths and were allowed to cast a ballot. The Weyrich ploy is behind the ongoing and current movement to disenfranchise certain groups of voters with photo ID requirements and other hoops now placed between American citizens and their right to vote for the political brigand of their choice (for even most of the 'good' politicians turn bad when mixed into the corrupt system such as we have.) Votes can, of course, be skewed by miscounts, funky voting machines, and other tiresome, previously un-American tactics employed by both parties but mainly by the success-at-all-costs Republlican Party.
Astro-note on the Senate's session today which began at 9:30 am edt: the trine between Jupiter and Pluto blesses the proceedings and the US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint was rising and signifying the global banking cartel, powerful religious leaders, US and global plutocrats now collapsing our nation, and
an extreme depletion of resources.
But not to fret! Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn are moving in and out of a privileged, futuristic
trine these days so we can chillax--for plutocrats aren't the ones who will suffer 'extreme depletion of resources' because that's reserved for those pesky refrigerator-buying, microwave-using "poor" folks of America that we hear so much against and whom Democrats and Republicans are in process of legislating in order to further wound. Population control!
And Pentagon cuts? The Pentagon budget will still be able to grow with inflation so it's part of the ruse, people!
Personally I prefer the ideas of Van Jones and his
Rebuild the Dream movement because I do not want neocons back in total control of Washington DC, much less running America off a cliff as they continue the Bush-Cheney trajectory along the path of a New World Order meant to dominate the entire globe.
(See sidebar video of Bush Sr's chilling threat of an enforced NWO. Check out those beady reptilian eyes.)
Well, the Senate's action at noon will occur with Senator Bernie Sanders voting 'no' because the bill is, as he says,
"grossly unfair". Agreed.
And what else was rising at 9:30 am edt on Capitol Hill today when the Senate went into their drama-riddled session? America's natal
Ceres @ '9 Pisces' (security needs and issues; food/grain supplies and supply chains, etc) which has, since July 4, 1776, had the plutocrats' Pluto/Chiron midpoint conjoining it with its tinges of 'primal violence (which Washington expects when the American people realize the full gist of what's been done against us and hit the streets--peacefully, please!), corporatism, fascism, racism, and other -
isms of oppression...basically the "Haves" in the Haves v Have-Nots equation.
Imho, the only planetary pair that describes the elitist US Senate better than Pluto/Chiron would have to be Jupiter/Pluto!
Yet throughout the debt-deal drama in DC, the words--or
threat--of Senator Barry Goldwater (Jan 1, 1909; Sun Cap-Moon Tau) keep running through my common-good noggin:
"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."Even refrigerators and microwaves, it seems--and the food that should go in them.
On these and other topics, you may wish to try
Thom Hartmann and Amy Goodman's
Democracy Now! for videos, articles, and interviews.