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Jul 28, 2007

Sep 11, 2007 Solar Eclipse

On Sept 11 there is a Partial Solar Eclipse 18Vir25--the same day as the US's Mars Return (a new cycle of activity; 2:55 pm, Mars in 6th house, Pluto rising, Moon moved on to 21Vir24, Sun and Moon in 9th house by then. Only applying aspect of Mars in Return chart: opposition Pluto, 4A56.)

So with Pluto conj ASC in the US Mars Return chart we have:

Pluto/ASC = Mars: ruthless energy deployment; courage; upset and change; foolhardiness and danger; injury; accident. A Mars Return is 'good' until the planet's next Return to natal degree--appr 2 years.

(With *midpoint pics, any, all, or any combo may, later, or possibly never.)

If you click to enlarge the Eclipse chart, you may be able to read all my shmooshed-up notes--if so, you see that Mars is apex (focal) planet of two Mutable T-square patterns formed with Sun, Moon, and Uranus.

Sun/Uranus = Mars: hasty physical actions; injury; accident; hitting a brick wall.

Moon/Uranus = Mars: lack of self-control; self-aggrandizement; injury; violence; danger of infection; craving for sensation; excessive ambition.

Apex Mars in Mutable T-square indicates one who is restless and tends to diffuse his energies in a disorganized fashion. There is a high-strung, nervous disposition with mental irritablity; he's distracted and possibly bored.

Stimulated to initiate a wide range of enterprising activities, he must focus and coordinate better to manage this energy well lest nervous exhaustion and incompetency take over.

This apex Mars also happens to be conjunct George Bush's n Uranus/NN conj:

Uranus/NN ("political reformers") = Mars: quarrels; disputes accompanied by violence; rashness; having an axe to grind and gaining support; tremendous energy and tension (the last supports nervy apex Mars, above.)

Factor in Bush's Secondary Progressed Ura/NN with Mars and we have:

Mars/Ura = NN: experiencing sudden events with others; execution of extraordinary and unusual enterprises; hyperexcitability.

Mars/NN = Uranus: organizing others; getting people worked up; sudden events that affect many people; active cooperation; upset within an organization or community.

Another thing about the US Mars Return--Mars is conj 9/11's Moon/Saturn midpoint...

Moon/Saturn = Mars: separation; illness; desire to overcome difficulties; sense of real problems; difficulty getting off the ground except by strategically planned exertion of energies.

Every couple of years, as Mars hits this degree, we may hear (but hopefully not re-experience) these issues from the 9/11 attacks. Yet we know that such disasters "keep on giving" for a long time.

Bush's natal planets rising:

Perhaps you can see a bunch of Bush's natal Libran planets rising in the Eclipse chart--Neptune, Chiron, Moon, and Jupiter, with tr Mercury 9Lib13 (conj Vindemiatrix, "loss of partner; depression; the occult.")

And with Mercury recently transited Bush's n Neptune he may have "misplaced" some communications, and has had difficulty in grasping the true meaning or accuracy of info received (Petraeus' "report" on Iraq? Purgegate emails? Other previously hidden sorriness?)

Plus, there are often mystic/occult connections when Mercury transits n Neptune--and contacts may involve charitable institutions, prisons, and hospitals (Walter Reid? Secret prisons? "Faith-based initiatives"?)

In the Eclipse chart MC 13Can09 brings Bush's and the US's n Suns to the most visible point of the chart--and as you know, things manifest at chart angles since they have an outlet for expression.

Another interesting occurrence which has been off and on of late is that tr Pluto has been in an obsessive-compulsive quindecile (QD) aspect with Bush/US natal Suns...

Sun QD Pluto = intense drive to break outdated concepts bwo innovative ideas; may disrupt governing systems and break rules through defiance of law and order (that pretty much describes the Bush administraiton in totality, doesn't it?)

Therefore, the Eclipse brings along a QD between MC and Pluto:

Pluto QD MC = driven by the need for ultimate power within career; reformers of societal perceptions; leaders of mass movements.

This Solar Eclipse is in the 9 New South Series which began July 19, 1917...not such a good year, imho...there was a Saturn/Neptune conjunction then and we're just finishing up another of their oppositions in 2007. (The US propped up the Shah in Iran during the 1952/53 conjunction. Their 1989 conj brought Bush Sr playing prez, and NYSE woes.)

9 New South Series:

In her very useful book, Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady gives the following info for this Series:

Long-term worries about loved ones, health, or paperwork/communication issues are brought to the surface. There could be a worrisome piece of news about a loved one--or responsibilities with paperwork could come home to roost. Any news received will have a sense of destiny or fatedness about it.

The last manifestation of this Series was in August, 1989...and with this Eclipse occurring in natal 1st house (physical body; self) for Poppa Bush, will his health and/or past presidential actions be brought to the surface in some way?

And will the stock market react in similar fashion as in 1989?

The next Solar Eclipse will be on Feb 7, 2008, at the "Unmasking" degree when someone's true motives are exposed--Peep Eye! But more on that later.

*midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin; The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.

Jul 27, 2007

severe dust storm on Mars

Space Weather News for July 27, 2007:

DUST STORM UPDATE: A severe dust storm on Mars, which has been darkening skies and causing a solar energy crisis for NASA's Mars rovers, refuses to die down. Clouds of dust are now visible in backyard telescopes and Mars is beginning to resemble a orange billiard ball as all of its underlying surface markings are hidden from view. The storm is already a month old and no one knows when it will subside.

Visit for photos and status reports.#

Testy, quarrelly Mars is causing a dust-up here on earth, too. Now in Taurus (tropically) the red planet was in Pisces in 2003 as he hung over NYC during the power outage. The god of war, they call him. Reminds me of Nostradamus' prediction about the Aug 11, 1999 eclipse which mentions Mars...hmmmm...more on that later.

Jul 25, 2007

progressed midpoints of JFK: 7.26.07

"....if by a liberal they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people--their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, their civil liberties...if that is what they mean by a "liberal" then I am proud to be a liberal." John F. Kennedy

As you know, our natal charts continue to be impacted by transits and also continue progressing after we've passed into history.

Today I'm looking at the current Progressed charts--Secondary (sec = physical plane), Minor (minor = mental plane), and Tertiary (tert = emotional-intuitive plane) for John F. Kennedy, and their **midpoint pictures now formed ('thumnail' views, you could say--in English for the astrologese-impaired) for they may be instructive concerning the current state of the nation to which he was sacrificed.

If you're tender, you may want to skip this post entirely. Any, all, or some combination/s may apply.


Merc/Sat = Mars: quarrels; unrest; tendency to treat others badly; bringing about enforced separations; circumstances cause separations; incompatibility; risking everything to make a point; turning drive into tyranny.

Pluto/NN = ASC: the desire or need to gain influence over the public; mind control.

Ven/Jup = Mercury: love of entertainment; mirth; optimism; communicating with grace; writing beautifully.

NN/ASC = Neptune: forming relationships through shared interests such as the paranormal; impressionability; wrong impressions or perceptions; weakening of associations through lies and deceit.


Moon/MC = NN: adaptability; sympathy; professional contacts.

Merc/Jup = Saturn: breaking off negotiations; uncertainty during negotiations; sober decisions; withdrawing from disputes to avoid a fight; rational thought; the lonely stand.

*Merc/Sat = Sun...also appears in Secondaries, see below.

Ven/Sat = Mercury: sober thinking; the visualization of stark reality; preoccupation; searching for the ideal.

Mars/Pluto = Sun: violent measures; the ability to work until collapse; intervention of the big shock; upset; passionate attack to achieve an objective; upset of plans that is unredeemable.

Jup/ASC = MC: contacts with others who support one's personal success; successful contacts.

Sat/MC = Venus: dryness in relationships; improvement in job situation.

Sat/Pluto = Neptune: being doubted; not being seen for who one really is; unstable life situation because of the inexplicable--because of fear; fraud, lies, falsehoods; the desire to harm others secretly; immorality; danger through water, gas, poison; shattered nerves (exs: gas explosions, flooding, Litvinenko poisoning in the news.-jc)


Moon/Sat: MC: structuring ambition; making things happen carefully; feeling lonely or deserted; the state of being sick or sad.

Merc/Nep: Sun: impressionability; being deceived; sensitivity; creativity.

Merc/Jup = Neptune: lack of realism; inspiration; beguiling fantasy; losing focus os an issue; magnetism.

*Merc/Sat = Sun: changes; separations; getting down to work; discipline pays off; knowing what's got to be done (also appears in Terts.)

Nep/Pluto = Mars: lack of energy or stamina; misfortune to be used as a tool for other people's interests; tendency to succumb to external powers; great personal magnetism to set things right or rejection of actions due to misunderstandings.

Plu/ASC = Mercury: the thrust of intellect; domination of other people's minds; suggestion; hypnosis (see 'Plu/NN = ASC' in minors.)

JFK's Sec Mercury is currently at ooLib46, conj US natal MC (Goals; Aspirations; Public Status) and so I'd like to add the Sabian Symbol for "1Lib" using the rounding-up method:

"A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it"--ARTICULATION...

pos: man's awakening to the need for some more whole-souled focus on character;

neg/shadow side/unconcious: the loss of all true selfhood by a needless surrender to the world and conformity to its ways.

On 9/11/01, this Symbol aquired a deeper meaning--remember how many people spoke of turning to spiritual things and how materialism wasn't the answer? There is deeper meaning behind these attacks, folks said.

Why, for days, weeks, and egad! even months afterward, TV commercials changed and became more 'sensitive' and less 'greed-infused' but it seems obvious that this momentum has slowed to a crawl. We're up to our old ways as if the dart had never pierced the heart of this nation (a 'butterfly' flitting about to the next new thing.)

And so I pray for America to find a better road in a better way--and I'm sending a heartfelt shout-out to all who love her rather than use her cynically for their own interests. You know who you are.

And although I don't idolize JFK, it does seem that he cared more for this nation than those who currently infest the White House (and most of the varmints serving (themselves) on Capitol Hill. Of course, my liberal slant may be to me a people person, if you's all right by me.

NPR announced today that Karl Rove has been subpoenaed so let's see what good another apparently toothless subpoena will do, shall we, as the drama continues to unfold...matinee discounts available.

**midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin; Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

Jul 24, 2007

midpoints affecting Al Gonzales

Will a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate Atty Gen. Alberto Gonzales?

Can't Congress and Senate do anything about his lies and perfidies without the extra time (running out the clock, are we?) and expense to the taxpayers? Are they in league with his and Bush's agenda no matter what theater they put on to impress and make it look as if they're actually doing something about our broke-tore-up Justice Dept?

Perhaps you recall my previous post from Feb '06 about
Saturn and Gonzo and how Saturn was plowing through his Leo line-up of planets.

Well, it's still going on now as Saturn 25Leo06 currently visits his natal Pluto 26Leo46 Rx. And powerful Pluto is well within orb of natal NN (encounters; associations; meetings) and will Station Direct appr Sept 7...on natal NN...ouch!

Heavy-weight Pluto's behind-the-scenes power trumps Saturn's power and authority so someone's keeping AG around--and we all know whom (or think we know.)

So can transiting midpoints have anything to do with the well-deserved oppression he's now experiencing? Have the unlawful chickens come home to roost?

If you click to enlarge the chart, you'll find I've added some of AG's natal midpoints and planets which I will now type out for you using midpoint directories from Tyl and from Ebertin:

At 9:30 am, Capitol Hill, the rising degree 12Vir34 brings up his natal Uranus/Neptune so we have...

Uran/Nep = ASC: wearing anxieties on one's sleeve; needing sympathy; instability; hypersensitivity; being depressed with others.

In 12th house there's Saturn recently moved beyond his Mars/Pluto midpoint...

Mars/Pluto = Saturn: desire to overcome difficulties at all costs; leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task (even if they're groggy from surgery apparently-jc.)

Saturn stomping on n Pluto as mentioned: threat of loss; very hard work; struggling to control current behaviors and motivations resulting from the past; loss of control in a situation that is simply too large to handle.

Transit Sun/Moon midpoint--a balance point in any chart and which concerns relationships--is conj n Saturn/Pluto midpoint, a cruel and laborious pair.

Neglectfully I did not write in Wednesday's Saturn/Pluto midpoint which is now at 25Libra56 (still hanging about Bush's n IC as previously mentioned in another post) and this difficult midpoint is now conj Gonzales' n Pluto/NN midpoint--AND his n Neptune.

It's important for understanding this little fellow so I'll type out again the picture for n Pluto/NN = Neptune (Plu/NN is the urge to become a public figure, and associations with the powerful)...

Plu/NN = Neptune: attaining success by use of lies and fraud; losses and disadvantages; the power of the half truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost.

Our ongoing Saturn/Neptune opposition has been affecting AG's Pluto--and his natal Moon as well if n Moon is within orb of opposing n Pluto, and since everyone knows the trouble he's seen recently, his Moon may just be opposite Pluto. This aspect would give him a cranky, hard-to-get-along-with personality and a tendency to buck authority.

Ironic considering how desperate he is to keep his own!

This post began with the question, "will a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate Gonzales?"

And while I have little confidence in a Congress-in-cahoots (that body of Bush enablers), the midpoints and planetary transits to Al Gonzales' natal placements would cower all but the strongest.

Can this sniveler outlast the barrage?

Alexander Hamilton on war

"Can any reasonable man be well disposed toward a government which makes war and carnage the only means of supporting itself?"

Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804) Source: at the US Constitutional Convention

This quote was received from Information Clearing House

Ron Paul Aug 20, 1935

Using the Solar (sunrise) chart we may find much information on Libertarian Ron Paul even without a known birth time. And since the Moon was in Taurus through the 24 hours of Aug 20, 1935, we may use Sun Leo/Moon Taurus for his personality blend--a good place to start.

One of the greatest strengths of Sun Leo/Moon Taurus is having an emotional and moral commitment to goals and ideals. There is staying power with this combo and a capacity for hard work, plus an ability to think big. (His Jupiter/Neptune sextile supports his 'thinking big' ability, but adds sensitivity to criticism and a need for recognition.)

There is generosity, egocentricity, stubbornness, and a love of grandeur...but also great administrative talent which is admirably echoed by Mars trine Saturn.

He is an essentially positive and dependable person, and unflappable in a crisis--excellent traits for doctor or politician.

Greatest weaknesses would be an intense, biased subjectivity, and a tendency to be overly proud, inflexible, and selfish when offended. He may at times speak out scathingly when diplomacy would have been the better course. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

Paul's Sun-Moon phase is Disseminating--he's a great teacher who loves to share what he's learned, and he communicates well. This is the crusader for a cause who may drift toward fanaticism.

In the Solar chart shown, Moon has not yet squared the Sun, but she will before Aug 20 ends and if so, we have a Sun/Moon square here.

Sun square Moon is the will blocked by the desires resulting in defensiveness and emotional insecurity. Yet much may be accomplished if the ego can be set aside...maturity aids in this.

A square between the luminaries tends toward a fighting spirit for there's a misalignment between what's wanted and what one is willing to do to get it. A lack of compromising ability may be in evidence yet I'm not convinced this is the case with Ron Paul whose moral integrity is mentioned above with Moon in stubborn Taurus and Sun in approval-seeking, royally-entitled Leo.

And if Moon is opposite Mars, the personality is outgoing but may be quite aggressive with a tendency for the tongue to speak out before the brain is engaged. Criticism is deeply resented with Moon opposite Mars...touchy feelings!

So is Paul a stubborn cuss? Probably so. He is a politician seeking recognition, after all, and staying power is the upside of stubborness.

If his Sun and Moon are squared, he may be constantly at odds with important people--now that sounds about right considering his voting record!

"Dr. No" has voted against anything that he believes violates the US Constitution (so I'm guessin' he didn't vote for George Bush!)

Paul has never voted to raise taxes or congressional pay, and refuses to participate in Congress' cushy pension plan. He would like the federal government out of education (agreed--just look at how that's turned out), and he doesn't take "junkets" on the taxpayers' dime. He also thinks that Roe v Wade should be overturned. Being a doctor, Paul obviously has informed views on this subject from a medical standpoint.

Very impressive, although I'm not sure about overturning Roe v. Wade--my deepest feelings have always been that Congress doesn't belong in a doctor's examination room--and that abortion used as birth control is the real problem. But enough about me--let's see what else we can see about Ron Paul...

How about Pluto conjunct South Node (SN)?

This interesting aspect gives a will that is out of step with prevailing social trends (his voting record and Libertarianism), and may indicate that he initiates things at the wrong time and place which causes resentment and misunderstanding from others. Yet it also gives great resourcefulness and self-reliance along with the capacity to weather many hardships when necessary.

The doctor has Chiron in Gemini:

As a doctor with Chiron, the Healer, in Gemini, this placement gives him an ability to feel where the electrical energy is flowing in the body, and makes him highly attuned to mass consciousness. The keyword for Chiron in Gemini is: awareness.

Paul has much nervous energy and must take regular rest breaks if he is not to burn out, hard worker though he is. Chiron in Gemini intrinsically understands that how we think creates the reality in which we live--and that this can be changed. (Chiron, B. H. Clow.) Born during Nazism and atomic experimentation, Paul has an imperative to communicate many truths concerning his parents' generation.

Recently, transiting Mars opposed Paul's n Mars (the head-against-a-brick-wall transit) and also opposed his n Jupiter--when we tend to let others make inflated assumptions about us.

Grandstanding and bravura (which Leo loves anyway!) may have been the order of the day, but with a natal Mars/Jupiter conj, he is fearless in the face of danger, and enjoys direct confrontations. Paul never doubts he will succeed--we saw this aspect in action when he was interviewed recently by George Stephanopolous who basically told him he couldn't win the nomination. Paul was not impressed by the diss--and yet there may have been a flicker of hurt feelings.)

Mars conj Jupiter gives physical stamina which helps with all that nervous energy tiring him out (mentioned above.) This aspect is shared natally by some famous people. Exs: Hugh Hefner (Mr. Stamina?), Yoko Ono, John F. Kennedy (who kept going even with major back pain), Ray Charles, and Wayne Newton.

You may notice that transit Saturn will conj natal Sun during the first half of August which can bring an increase in responsibilities and authority as one's maturity and wisdom are being tested. Yet there may be resentment toward those who restrict or deny one's progress--or more recognition for longterm efforts.

Bush has been having this transit for while now (due to Saturn's retrogradation) and this may have affected his health (ex: last Saturday's colonoscopy)--so Paul may have to slow down himself or his vitality (Sun) may suffer.

To close, here are the Sun/Moon personality blend 'word pictures' aka Images for Integration:

Old King Cole was a merry old soul...Pygmalion/My Fair Lady...A master potter turns dull clay into an exquisite vase.

The dull clay that America has become in recent years could use some turning, and if we want real change (while still upholding our Constitution) Ron Paul may be just the ticket...if he can get on the ticket.

Jul 23, 2007

Britain's Thames on the rise

If only Harry Potter could help the besogged people in the UK:

Britain's flooding worst in 60 years as the Thames continues to rise.

Here's today's post, Water, Eclipses, and a March for Impeachment from my Jude's Threshold blog.

You know that centuries ago seer and astrologer Nostradamus predicted a Britain underwater. 2007 isn't looking good for the Isle at the moment but I truly hope things will dry out asap for all my Brit friends.

March for Impeachment

Evening UPDATE:

Sheehan Arrested while in John Conyers' office--and she's going to run against Nancy Pelosi, she says, for not impeaching Bush and Cheney. Guess Pelosi doesn't want the buck for the Iraq mess any closer to her desk than it already is.#

The March for Impeachment began at Arlington Cemetery today at 10:00 am and headed toward the office of John Conyers.

With chart-ruler Mercury (march!) making no applying aspects whatsoever in the March's chart which you see here, the outcome doesn't look promising and won't have the desired effect other than some publicity (Water Grand Trine with Moon, Mercury, and NN...Water Grand Trines seek peace.)

There is a Mystic Rectangle between the Moon (the People; publicity: a woman), marching Mercury, Mars (the military; police; the male population; instigators and activists), and the Ascendant, which represents the March itself.

In Bil Tierney's book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, we find that the
Mystic Rectangle pattern describes a practical mysticism which involves two potentially awareness-revealing, illuminating oppositions (and here the Moon is conjunct Inaugural Descendant (setting), and Mars has recently passed his conj to Inaugural Ascendant (Jan 20) representing the presidency or the president himself.)

Disruptive, rebellious Uranus is conj Desc/opposite the March's Ascendant.

Thanks to the Mystic Rectangle, oppositions are not as prone toward paralysis and stalemate for the pattern adds helpful sextiles and trines (see chart: the pattern is marked in pink.)

Through inspired use, the Mystic Rectangle can reach fruition of its ideals--which may eventually lead to the desired results now denied by today's lack of applying aspects of chart-ruler Mercury.

In this chart I believe Mars = George Bush, the self-styled "war president" with the Moon (the public; a woman such as Cindy Sheehan who is leading this effort) opposite as we see Sheehan opposing Bush once again.

With Mars as apex planet in a difficult, rigid Fixed T-square pattern between Saturn oppo Neptune (possibly a hold-over from Bush' colon surgery Saturday, results not yet revealed):

Sat/Neptune = Mars: listlessness; lack of zest; inactivity through emotional depression or sickness; preoccupations that can't be explained. (Occupation in Iraq isn't so well-explained either.-jc)

Apex Mars in a Fixed T-square is the headstrong individual who can endure outer hardships and obstacles while plodding along toward his personal goals.

Regardless of how challenging opposing forces are, he doggedly persists and seldom accepts modification of his plan of action from external pressure. This bulldozer pushes anything or anyone out of his path as they attempt to block him from his goals. With a one-track mind and strength of conviction, he consolidates his will and refuses to give in and compromise. (Tierney.)

But you don't need an astrology chart to tell you that about George W. Bush, do you?

Jul 21, 2007

UK cash-for-honours probe a dud

After 16 months, one million pounds, and 6,300 documents insufficient evidence is the finding in Britain's cash-for-honours investigation which has come to a sorry halt. As one Scotsman reader commented, it's "a perfect example of getting off Scott-free."

Seems there's a lot of that going on in America as well. And everyone is happy but the (disenfranchised) People.

Jul 20, 2007

Harry Potter: London 12:01 am

If you weren't celebrating at a Mugglefest somewhere you'd be looking at this chart for London, July 21, 12:01 am BST--when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was officially and first released.

Click to enlarge and you'll see my chicken-scratch of author J.K. Rowling's natal placements (July 31, 1965; speculative time: 3:20 pm BST; Chipping Sodbury, U.K., from The Mountain Astrologer, April-May 2002 issue, article by Neal Meredith.)

Rowling's Sun in Leo (sign of children, and the entertainer) plus her Moon in long-winded writer and dedicated worker, Virgo, give this Image for Integration:

After the ball, Cinderella polishes the floor until its shiny surface reflects her happy, contented face. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chas. and Suzy Harvey.)

You'd be 'happy and contented' after your drudgery as well if you were the world's only billionaire author, now wouldn't you? ;o)

Rowling's natal chart shows what an unaspected planet can do when perfectly expressed--Mercury is unaspected and has run away with success out of all expectations in the Scribe and Communication departments, I'd about outstanding in her field!

And Mercury's 00Vir01 position is very near Fixed Star, Regulus, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, keyphrase: success if revenge is avoided. There is a tremendous amount of success promised by Regulus and Harry's character seems to know that revenge brings no true, lasting success but only more retaliation and grief. Today's world could learn from Harry, couldn't it?

July 21, 2007; 12:01 am BST; London:

The Sun Cancer/Moon Libra combo for Vol. VII applies well:

Mother Goose recites a poem, surrounded by adoring fairytale creatures.

This word picture sounds similar to the author and her book/s in general--especially since she gave a reading for 500 fortunate children in honor of this book's release!

If you, Mugglefested as you may be, wanted to use Mercury, the Youth, as a significator for Harry himself, you might want to consider Mercury's Sabian Symbol for "7 Cancer":

"Two fairies on a moonlit night"...ASCENDANCY...nature's illimitable potentialities on the side of the release she offers man from his physical or psychological involvement, and of the necessity that he achieve some measure of lightness in self-expression as a balance for the strain of everyday existence.

Here is an exaltation of fancy as a dynamic factor in all self-realization, and of the quiet moments of experience as a real opportunity for self-orientation.

The magic of selfhood lies in its ability to rise above whatever may threaten its well-being.

pos: a transforming sensitivity or a healing imagination.

neg: a senseless retreat to make-believe." (Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)#

"Lightness in self-expression"? yet I've heard that this installment is the dark, heavy book. Hmm-m-m-m....

Sassily, I usually wait for the film when it comes to Potter tales and I do enjoy them since I have no rugrats about the place to fret over the 'magic' influence (as if children don't know the difference!) of the books, so it will be awhile before I know whether the above words match the book's plot or not.

That is, unless some kind Muggle personage decides to enlighten me!

Bad Poetry Heads-Up:

Did you know that Mr.A.Cat has added a kitten named Potter to the Lim's Limericks collection of rhymes? I thought not. But I knew you'd want to be warned all the same.