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Jan 29, 2008

Romney McCained--and 2008's Eclipses

Yes, Romney has been cained by John McCain in Florida and I've been writing and posting a Page at Jude's Threshold--inspired by the fact that 2008 is hopefully the last year of Bush's residency in the White House, and a hankering fell over me to see where in his natal chart the four Eclipses of 2008 fall.

You may wish to see for yourself here:

2008's Solar and Lunar Eclipses which also has info on George and Laura Bush's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series; plus, some details on how to read your own Illumination Points if you don't already know how.

For as Astrology's servant, I post for you, m'peops! I post for you...and for the sake of America's higher path.

And for World Peace. I really want World Peace.

Jan 28, 2008

State of the Union address 1.28.08

Here's the horoscope of George Bush's final SOTU address tonight 9:00 pm EST, with US natal Neptune (planet of idealism, illusions, surveillance, deception, and 'nets') rising--and *US n Mars at MC, the WHY? Point/Goal/Aspiration angle of the chart and of the speech itself.

WHAT? = the Ascendant 22Vir28 (US n Neptune 22Vir25--a close conjunction signifying an acting job infused with deception, and the US n Mars/Neptune square being angular suggests that our nation's tendency toward secret actions and confused motivations is about to be touted and exploited. Secret surveillance, bloggers?)

Plus, transiting asteroid Arachne, linked with the internet, webs, and entanglements--and thus spying, esp online--is conj US n Saturn, planet of control and authority. This conj is in first house and will rise as Bush speaks.

So? the extension of the surveillance act which is set to expire Friday, Feb 1, is a major part of Bush's propaganda catapultin' tonight--major in spite of whether or not he emphasizes it--and he certainly won't mention its real purposes.

But we know that terroism and fear will be on the menu, of course, for Saturn is a planet of restriction--and fear.

If you click to enlarge the SOTU chart, you'll notice a few scribbled midpoints--the usual heavy-hitting suspects like Pluto/Chiron, Saturn/Uranus, etc. Ignore these if you wish, but notice the high flying KITE pattern which has Rx Mars as the tail and keeping it afloat at the MC of Goals and Aspirations.

Pluto 00Cap06 is the front of the KITE--where's it's going; NN 27AQ53 (conj US n Moon, the people or the public --Sibly chart) and the SOTU's Moon 26Lib13 is in 2nd house of Money/Values indicating our fluctuating (Moon) financial condition (2nd house.) Moon and NN relate to PR and publicity, too, so he'll be promoting the financial band-aid he's proposing rather stingily.

Bush's natal Uranus/NN conjunction is just past MC at 9:00 pm (a few of his natal placements are marked in green, US' are marked in red.)

Uranus/NN = radical political groups; reformers. Yeah, we see where that's led America--to overextension financially and militarily, bankrupcty, fraud, and homelessness. Thanks, neocons and your globalist compadres.

The self-controlled or depressive Moon/Saturn midpoint is conj US n MC and rising--and will be at SOTU's MC by 9:45 pm tonight, the approximate time Bush's last SOTU mercifully ends.

Moon/Saturn = MC: structuring ambition; making things happen carefully; a sense of duty and prudence (Poppy's word); feeling deserted, abandoned, sad.

When Moon/Saturn rises in the SOTU chart, shortly after he begins talking, we have:

Moon/Saturn = ASC: a reserved self-presentation.

And with tr Moon conj tr asteroid Demeter (spiritual nurturance in avocational work) don't be surprised if Bush uses his theatrically reverent tone and gives some shout-outs (code words) to the evangelical community.

Chart-ruler Mercury is Rx, so a good an outcome may not be expected for Mercury's communicating abilities with this, Bush's "Last SOTU Standing." Shall he leave no SOTU behind?

Now for chart-ruler Mercury's applying aspects in order of closest orb (to see how tonight's Catapult from the White House will be received):

1. inconjunct ASC/US n Neptune (1A24): reasoning not in keeping with the facts.

Maybe we should listen for a whopper in the first two minutes!Plus, an inconj (150 degrees) between Mercury and Neptune also indicates misunderstandings and disappointments.

2. trine MC/US n Mars and SOTU Mars Rx: lots of mental energy and endurance but restless; dramatic, forceful speech (for sure, but with a content of flufferies and veils); good for reporters and commentators; seeking to mold public opinion (the State of the Union is...strong? Well, what else can he say? economically it may not help to be honest tonight yet foreign markets are already on to him, Paulson, and Bernanke.)

Mercury trine Mars is also good at promoting causes, but with both planets Rx (Mars until Jan 30) the outcome will be delayed even though Bush will be admonishing the Senate not to delay the (inadequate) financial rebate proposal or load up the legislation with additions that would actually help those who need them most.

Yet their Rx conditions indicate critical issues, and perhaps after Mars goes Direct--and Stationing Direct is a very strong position--we shall see some movement in the Senate or otherwise. (Mukasey is set to testify about the erased CIA torture tapes, the Hatch Act, etc, on the 30th as well.)

Back to Mercury's applying aspects:

3. conj Neptune: thinking about what to feel; feeling what to think; special awareness; mysticism; dreaming; deception; illusions; good for creative literary pursuits. How will the media spin this SOTU? Or for that matter, how will the Dems and the GOP spin it? Like Arachne, one imagines--it will need it.

This address is to be "forward-looking" you know--after all, how could he look back at his trainwreck of a presidency? With a straight face and in public, I mean.

And "forward-looking" goes along with idealistic Neptune rising--Bush's natal Neptune 5Lib56 is his first natal planet to rise once he begins pontificating--another indication of Neptunian things already mentioned. Bush's thespian abilities will be heavily relied upon tonight.

Also rising: n Chiron (the wound), Moon, and Jupiter 18Lib09--Jupiter conj US sec progressed Mars--will rise bringing the 9 pm 2nd cusp of Money/Values with them, but don't be listening for a mea culpa on overspending on the war causing hardships back home. Ahh, the war--Cheney's and Bush's cash cow--that US taxpayers pay for obscenely so that warhawks may profit.

4. The last aspect for Mercury is its conjunction with Chiron 15AQ16, which is just past "14AQ"..."A train entering a tunnel"...neg: uninspired conformity to limitation. This makes me think that the Senate, which has been warned by Bush not to "delay or derail" the legislation for paltry rebates--and which ignores the poorer among us--may add more helpful salves to the legislation after all. We'll see in a few days--Senate may do this as early as this Wednesday.

So--if you've enlarged this chart, you've seen mention of Sen Ted Kennedy and of JFK's daughter, Caroline, near Jupiter 9Cap17 and asteroid Nemesis (the unbeatable foe.) Sen Kennedy endorsed Sen Obama this very day, and Caroline has seen how her father affected the American people in his speeches bwo Barack Obama's uplifting message.

The "10Cap" region of the zodiac is Ted Kennedy's natal Ascendant (his physical self, so he's having a Jupiter-to-ASC transit now... = harmony) and is also conj Caroline's n Sun/Moon midpoint--10Cap29.

Jupiter does love to inspire, but with Nemesis there, this could be an indication of the Kennedy endorsements beating the Rs for the White House--or of something more sinister in the other direction. I'll have to keep a squinty eye on the combination in future months while hoping that there will be no need to.

And I do want to add the Sabian Symbol for the IC--the HOW? Point of the chart/ will Bush's proposals become reality in his bubble-filled world?

"22Sag"..."A Chinese laundry."

Yeah, borrowing more laundered millions from China--that's just what I thought.

*our current US Mars Return occurred on Sept 11, 2007, day of the Solar Eclipse in the 9 New South Series--responsibilities with paperwork or communications come home to roost; long term worries are brought to the surface about these in "deleted or mysteriously missing White House emails" and taped over back-up tapes for key time periods relating to the Bush-Cheney war. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

>You may read the 2008 SOTU's Sun AQ-Moon Libra blend's Image for Integration at Jude's Threshold if you wish.

Jan 27, 2008

articles on Bush adm's disastrous policies

You may be up to the gills with such news but is busy tonight providing us with informative articles and essays worth noting:

An Unstable Marriage

By Jonathan Steele

Defeat in Iraq? The paradox of Baghdad is that a fundamentally anti-western government is umbilically linked to US occupation.

Read Jonathan Steele's article here.


Iraq: The Forever Treaty

By Seattle PI Editorial

With the clock ticking on our "commitments" in Iraq - the international mandate expires in less than a year - the Bush administration is left in an interesting position. It could create a plan for a troop withdrawal; instead, the plan being negotiated with the Iraqi government focuses on reasons to stay there.

Read the rest here.


Why Bush Wants to Legalize the Nuke Trade with Turkey

Exonerating Neocon Criminals

By Joshua Frank

According to FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds there is a vast black market for nukes, and certain U.S. officials have been supplying sensitive nuclear technology information to Turkish and Israeli interests through its conduits.

You gotta read this one.


The Profile of a Third World Country

How Bush Destroyed the Dollar

By Paul Craig Roberts

It is difficult to know where Bush has accomplished the most destruction, the Iraqi economy or the US economy.

Roberts' article helps us figure it out--and they're parasitically linked, aren't they?

Well, I still say all the catastrophic machinations perpetrated from Washington in the last several years have been not blunders so much as ill-managed but purposeful chaos which is trotting along quite nicely, thanks, forked tail and all. Here's its commander-in-thief (shout-out to Thom York who called it early on):

UPDATE Monday 1.28: today I've been surfing the web more than usual after completing the above post on tonight's SOTU address which has quite wumped me out and I re-found a site I had forgotten to put on the SO'W Links List and so had not visited for months: Real Clear Politics where you probably find news links every day. I like the organisation of them and the variety presented.

Then there's David K. Fuller's article 20 Reasons not to vote for Juan McAmnesty which has illuminating info and links concerning John McCain--in case you're on the verge of voting for him please read this first. Thanks, David!

Losing Religion in favor of Politics?

If so, you may want to reconsider mixing spirtual with political before the IRS gets onto ya and takes your church's tax exempt status away.

Read my post at Jude's Treshold on Election Year: Politics in the Pulpit for a list of some of the prohibitions on 'voter guides', political endorsements, etc, and there's a more info link provided, plus some 'wedge issue' views of my own which may ruffle feathers here or there, I don't know.

Last SOTU: Send Bush to Brattleboro

Alert from

"If Hitler were still alive and walked through Brattleboro, I think the local police would arrest him for war crimes."

Brattleboro to vote on arresting Bush, Cheney 26 Jan 2008:

Brattleboro residents will vote at town meeting on whether President [sic] George Bush and Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney should be indicted and arrested for war crimes, perjury or obstruction of justice if they ever step foot in Vermont.

The Brattleboro Select Board voted 3-2 Friday to put the controversial item on the Town Meeting Day warning. According to Town Clerk Annette Cappy said residents will get to vote on the matter by paper balloting March 4. [Good! Hopefully, their treason trials will get started shortly thereafter, with all possible penalties for treason on the plate.]#


One more SOTU from Bush the war president...Monday night will be the last chance Bush gets to have such a large audience with an albeit spotty attention span--unless he has a little sumpin sumpin planned for later in the year to pull a Putin...

I will be posting on the SOTU address and updating in real time Monday evening so stay, as they say, tuned!

The animated real clock feature of my astrology software, Solar Fire, is extremely applicable during speeches for observing what planets are crossing which angles at the moment of which lie (or momentous issue mentioned.)

Will Bush whack some moles of Iraq war dissent? Will his natal Ascendant's Sabian Symbol ("8Leo": "A bolshevik propagandist") shout from the bully pulpit even more shrilly than before? Even if he endorsed a successor would anyone care?

McCain is spouting on Meet the Press at this moment and he said again that the Rs lost in 2006 because they didn't restrain spending. He's tone deaf on the Iraq occupation as is Bush--what else can he say?

In 2004, McCain was against making the rich class tax cut permanent--now the economy is different so he's FOR making them permanent, seeing no connection between the current state of the economy and the Bush-Cheney tax cuts! Did corporations invest the billions Congress handed them on a golden platter--in American jobs or American infrastructure?

No, and they won't be doing so. The 'action' is somewhere else and the average US worker is out of the loop. John Edwards tells it but the media ignores his inconvenient message...inconvenient for corporate media's neocon brethren and the agenda.

Will duh moments never cease? Not if America is herded (or hacked) into voting for a Republican warhawk again. A vote for McCain is like a vote for his pal Trent Lott.

War Enabled by Politics--the "S" word:

Surrender doesn't have to be the argument's "frame" anyway. There is nothing dishonorable about regrouping forces to plan (and fight) anew.

If the I Ching has known this for centuries, why can't Washington accept and benefit by the concept? Because war profiteers find it a successful tactic to use as a political wedge against the American people whose children are needed as cannon fodder for decades to come.

Yes, "patriotism" is a useful political ploy to persuade and manipulate your tools who serve your own best interests while sacrificing their own interests and the very lives of their children and grandchilren. (Over the top war costs prevent social improvements...duh.)

So while young, not-so-young, and yet-to-be parents of America consider self-promoting Bush's SOTU conclusions Monday night (and the rest of the week if Bush can stay in the news long enough for busy parents to notice and with this raging campaign heating up...btw: congrats to Senator Obama!)...they'll eventually get a chance in Nov 2008 to voice their disfavor with makin' neocon cannon fodder babies for generations to come.

The subject of Bush's last SOTU to be cont'd...

Jan 26, 2008

Dems' Stars over South Carolina 1.26.08

UPDATE 1.28.98: Hmmm...well, Hillary was egg-faced and po'd as predicted (not in those exact words, but with a smidge of scrolling you can read the original post to see what I mean) and John Edwards won the majority of the 'white vote' as I heard.

Barack Obama's mixed portents as noted below in this post may have been at least partially due to having no exact birth time for him. Wish he'd let his birth data be known--or at least hire an astrologer if he's going to talk about Reagan who knew that more danger than usual was afoot the day he (barely) escaped the assassin's bullets.

But I know there is one possible afternoon time for Obama's birth floating around online, although I used sunrise, aka as a Solar chart--good for ego-related issues and being US prez is certainly that. Still his uplifting speeches have been telling the tale, haven't they? And conjuring the spirit of JFK's inspirational ability as noticed by daughter Caroline, too!

Original post begins here:

Having spent all today studying various charts such as the natal charts of the Dem juggernaut--Edwards, Obama, Clinton--and the sunrise and 8:00 pm charts for Columbia, SC, I decided to use a shorthand method to taste the flavor of each candidate's chances of success.

(And I would have had this posted two or three hours ago but for pesky tech crashes--please pardon typos for I'm in a hurry to publish if Blogger will cooperate.)

To do this, I've averaged together each candidate's natal chart (using sunrise for Obama's uncertain birth hour which is okay by me since I'm blending it with sunrise in Columbia and comparing/contrasting the resulting composite charts with an 8 pm composite/natal--C/N--as well to see if any midpoints are added) and it looks best for John Edwards, very good for Barack Obama, and not so good for Hillary Clinton.

Will this sassy shorthanded method hold out against reality? Will the NAACP monitors make a difference with balloting honesty? Will Hillary explode out of frustration?

For brevity I'll be using only Noel Tyl's midpoint directory.

These midpoint pics are the major ones for each candidate: first Hillary, then Barack, then's sunrise in Columbia, SC (7:28:39 am EST) blended with Hillary Clinton's natal chart = C/N midpoints...

Saturn/Neptune = Pluto: feeling downtrodden; tremendous awareness of potential for loss; fear; strong depression (this one applies at sunrise and 8 pm and has been in effect while tr Saturn is in the 5-9 Virgo range of the zodiac--and will be later after Saturn goes Direct);

8 pm + Hillary: Grand Trine between Moon, Saturn, and Uranus...

Moon/Saturn = Uranus: exploding out of frustration;

Moon/Uranus = Saturn: striving for independence in order to solve things; traditional vs avant-garde; changes in emotional expression (didn't she try that already?);

Saturn/Uranus = Moon: changes for freedom; emotional courage emerges under duress.

The positive pics seem to involve her husband...

Moon/Venus = Sun: love in a marriage; Jupiter: feeling loved; good feelings; good luck.

With Uranus (technology/computers; disruptions; upsets; rebellion) unaspected in today's transit chart (acting alone) and mid-Pisces (Neptune = 'net') it may have to be tech shenanigans to finagle Hillary into first--or even second--place in S.C. You may disagree, but that's my take on it. And the interference could be coming from Cheney's office--or from abroad, such as those who prefer the US to keep fighting. (Perhaps I should ask McCain about that.)

Okay now for Barack Obama's C/N midpoints which have some mixture of positive and negative, mostly positive though...sunrise first...

Mars/MC = Mercury: acting with vigor according to plan; important news or strategically helpful information;

Mercury/Pluto = Mars: quick grasp of a situation's meaning right or wrong and taking confident action; attacking an issue without reservation;

Venus/Neptune = MC: creativity; losing oneself in illusion;

Venus/Mars = Uranus: passion; dangerous liasons;

Venus/ASC = Jupiter: enthusiam galore;

Sun/Venus = Jupiter: success and happiness;

and the clunker...

Saturn/Pluto = Sun: threat of loss; hard work; enforced change; sadness.

Combining Obama's sunrise chart with 8:00 pm gives two additioanl midpoint pics...

Sun/Uranus = ASC: appearing at one's best; sudden events'; high excitability.

Uranus/MC = NN: climbing over others to fulfil one's need for ego recognition. (Actually it's called, politics. )

Now for John Edwards who has quite a plethora of them starting with a strong T-square involving Mercury/Pluto, the persuasive speech duo...

Mercury/Pluto = Moon: emotional communication power;

Moon/MC = Pluto: rejuvenation; tremendous thrust forward; the biggest picture;

Pluto/ASC = MC: power and authority; success; ego ascendancy;

Jupiter/Saturn = Mars: ambition emerges out of discontent; feeling unrewarded and making a change; not wanting to toe the line;

Mars/Neptune = Jupiter: enjoying the cloud's silver lining; a break in the nick of time.

And at 8:00 pm EST...add:

Mercury/Jupiter = Sun: auccess with the intellect; solutions are illuminated;

Sun/Uranus = Mercury: quick minded; seeing things too analytically for comfort; the spark of understanding;

Moon/Uranus = Mars: self-aggrandizement; lack of self-control;

Mercury/NN = Jupiter: communications; teaching; philosophizing; partnerships;

Sun/Venus = Jupiter: success; happiness;

and last but not least...

Pluto/NN = Neptune: win at any cost; deception as a tool; power of the half-truth.

That last picture shows up in other politician's charts these days as well and is, after all, a good description of the mindset of most any politician you'd care to name--or vote for--and one has it natally. But I'll leave that for another day.

Jan 25, 2008

America's natal "hidden square"

Have you ever considered using America's Scorpio Rising chart with mid-Leo at Midheaven?

No matter which natal chart you prefer for America, slow movers Uranus and Neptune were in a "hidden square" aspect (256 degrees) on July 4, 1776, and you may find that reading this aspect as a square (90 degr) describes our national character as well as any factor you care to identify...and some of our current social and political problems as well.

Secret Means are necessary: eavesdropping

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government Jan 25,2008

Breaking News

Like FBI, CIA Has Used Secret 'Letters' Jan 25, 2008: Newly released documents shed light on the use of national security letters by the CIA. The spy agency has employed them to obtain financial information about US residents and does so under extraordinary secrecy, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, which obtained copies of CIA letters under the Freedom of Information Act.

The CIA's requests for financial records come with "gag orders" on the recipients, said ACLU lawyer Melissa Goodman. In many cases, she said, the recipient is not allowed to keep a copy of the letter or even take notes about the information turned over to the CIA.

Phone Firms' Bid for Immunity in Wiretaps Gains Ground Jan 25, 2008: The Senate signaled in a key vote yesterday that it supports giving some of the nation's largest telephone companies immunity from dozens of privacy lawsuits related to a federal domestic eavesdropping program initiated after the Sept 11, 2001, attacks.

In a 60 to 36 vote--with 12 DemocRATs joining Republicans in the majority--the Senate rejected a version of the proposed legislation sponsored by Democrats on the Judiciary Committee. That bill omitted immunity for the telecommunications firms involved in warrantless eavesdropping. [From Glenn Greenwald's blog: As usual, just enough Democrats--roughly 12--voted in favor in order to ensure that the Motion passed while enabling Democrats generally to pretend that they opposed it. All GOP Senators voted in favor. The pro-immunity, pro-warrantless eavesdropping Democrats: Rockefeller, Pryor, Inouye, McCaskill, Landrieu, Salazar, Nelson (FL), Nelson (NE), Mikulski, Carper, Bayh, and Johnson. Neither Clinton nor Obama bothered to show up for any of this.]

Judge wants answers on CIA videotapes Jan 24, 2008: A federal judge said Thursday that CIA interrogation videotapes may have been relevant to his court case, and he gave the Bush regime three weeks to explain why they were destroyed in 2005 and say whether other evidence was destroyed. The decision is a legal setback for the Bush regime, which has urged courts not to get involved.#

Legal setback, eh? Yet somehow the Bush administration gets around courts and uses the highest in the land to carry its water when convenient.

This information with its "secret letter" mentions spurred me to look at the Sabian Symbol for "A man gaining secret knowledge from a paper he is reading" (Jones) to see what secrets might be divulged.

"29Virgo" is the degree of this Symbol and the degree of a Solar Eclipse in the 8 South Series which occurred Sep 22, 2006.

Brady's Predictive Astrology tells us that this Series' flavor is about separations, losses, and partings and feeling sad at their completion; physical injury is possible through overstraining one's strength.

I say spying on the American people IS an overstraining of strength.

The original Eclipse in the Series was on April 1, 1718 at "11Aries", the "A president of the country" degree, and the more recent dates of its manifestation are: 1916, 1934, 1952, 1970, 1988, (2006), and the next: 2024.

Interestingly this Series is the Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE) of:

Patrick Henry (May 29, 1736 NS), the NASDAQ (Feb 2, 1971), George Tenet (Jan 5, 1953), and neocon Bill Kristol (Dec 23, 1953)--quite a crowd. I'll keep the first one, y'all can keep the rest!

So what are the details for "29Vir"?


pos: imagination brought to its full powers through conscious effort;

neg/unconcious/shadow side: loss of common sense in pure supposition.

Yes, the Democrats enable this secret witch hunt which has purpose after all, and few in Washington seem to be willing (or able, for Washington runs on blackmail from and toward both sides) to admit that the Bush-Cheney spying pursuits are about much more than 'catching' foreign terroists.

It's a major duh: politicians have been spied on from within Cheney's secret net, too!

Yet we've seen how successful the Bushies have been prosecuting the few terroists and would-bes they've trumped up on charges, although I can't deny that ruining America's judicial system is part of the undermining of our sovereignty--a goal which is proceeding quite nicely along with financial instabilities (which will make neocon/globalist control even more "necessary.") Control is the power, and 'waterboy' John Roberts will be helping with that.

They're so intent on red herrings--are they ineptly letting the piranhas slip by? It's the tesion of the control vs freedom argument which the upcoming Saturn-Uranus opposition so ably describes.

What fries my potato is their talent for subverting the American people's will so that the majority think they "see" why certain controls are necessary, all the while suffering under the yoke of bill paying and struggling to fund the basic necessities of life, leaving little time to keep an eye on the eyes of spies.

Congress and a free press are supposed to be helping us with that "oversight." Yuh.

It was Adlai Stevenson who uttered, A hungry man is not a free man and it's possible that truer words have seldom been mouthed out loud by a politician.

And their meaning is more clear as time goes on--and more a marker of politicos' dark intent for those who wish to open the secret letter and read.