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Feb 19, 2008

Neptune or Pisces on Midheaven

Having dreamy Neptune, that planet of nebulous illusions, veils, and insecurities upon one's Midheaven (Mc--the Career/Public Status Point) or the sign Pisces at Mc (as does Hillary Clinton if you use 8:00 pm for her seemingly unverified time of birth) you get...well, let astrologer Elsa P of ElsaElsa fame tell you what it's like!

You know, this could nail down the 8:00 pm time for me as far as Sen. Clinton's natal chart is concerned even though I have questioned its validity before for her Pisces Mc could explain why people often say they don't really "know her."

Because with a Neptunian Mc, the most public point in any chart, it would be easier to catch hold of a squirming flounder flip flopping about the deck than to get a true bead on Hillary Clinton!

Let Elsa explain...

A man unmasked?

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 18,2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

'Dodgy dossier' was 'wrong', its author says Feb 17, 2008:

The government official who wrote the first draft of the "dodgy dossier" that helped propel Britain into war in Iraq today admits, "We were wrong." John Williams, a former Foreign Office aide, said last night that publication of his document would expose how members of Tony Blair's team were locked in a mindset that made military action inevitable.#

Perhaps this (oily) charade revealed is part of the influence of our current Unmasking Eclipse of Feb 6 when true motives are revealed...with more to come, no doubt.

Then there's the recent Saturn-South Node transit which may be underpinning Musharraf's separation from authority--and Castro's? The Saturn-SN conjunction perfected in October 2007 and now SN has moved into Aquarius, a sign associated with the collective.

The language of Mundane Astrology is a fascinating and helpful way of translating world events, isn't it?

Feb 18, 2008

George Washington Feb 22, 1732

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

So said the Father of Our Country, the only US president never to have lived (or slept) in the White House.

Here you see Washington's natal chart (Rodden Rating AA from family Bible) in honor of today's being Presidents Day which Congress created in 1971 as the 3rd Monday in February in order to blend Abe Lincoln into the celebration.

The chart you see is set for Feb 22 although GW was born on Feb 11 and so the chart says, "NS" for New Style/Gregorian which adds 10 days from the Julian calendar.

Translating GW's 18th century birth data correctly contains other quirkiness such as the fact that Britain didn't adopt Jan 1 as the start of the new year until 1752, so often you will see Washington's birth year written 1731/32, and if you do a straight conversion to LMT from the 18th century's LAT, you actually get 10:14 am as his time of birth.

The chart published here is from Rodden's with Solar Fire software, and it's the chart I've used for his Solar Return 2008 which occurs Feb 22, 2008 at 8:48:50 am LMT, Wakefield, VA.

And there again--the Wakefield area was known as Popels Creek when Numero Uno first saw the light of day.

As we infer from the above quote, Washington's associations, which included Freemasonry membership, were important for social acendancy all through his life. And if you click to enlarge the chart you'll see five midpoint pictures which include the associative/joining point of the North Node (NN.)

Please pardon my usual chicken scratch and tiresome tendency to schmoosh a bunch of details onto a chart--to make amends I'll type out the pictures for you from the Tyl and Ebertin directories:

Sun/NN = Mc: becoming prominent through associations; friendship based on soul kinship; a spiritual attitude to associations.

Mars/Mc = NN: leadership qualities; success potential; imposing one's will upon others.

Mars/NN = Uranus: stirring up others; events that affect a great many people; upsets; active cooperation; an organizing activity; sudden experiences shared with others.

Pluto/NN = Mars: demonstrating violence in the presence of others; tyranny; desire to control others; exhibition of personal power; the misfortune to be placed in someone else's hand or power. (Pluto/NN = powerful groups, Mars = activity; initiation.--jc)

Jupiter/NN opposite ASC: harmony; friendliness. (Jupiter/NN = wealthy groups conj DESC = partnerships; marriage; other people--jc)

There are two more natal pictures to be considered:

Mercury/Venus = Sun: conceit; vanity; recognition (yes, he's known for modesty but either it was faked, or only the 'recognition' part of this picture was activated--his choice. There's also such a thing as unconscious conceit, something most people suffer from--politicians in particular.)

And not all midpoint pictures are applicable in any chart--some never play out at all. My suspicion here is that this one did--plus, we-the-people have had GW's character spruced up through the years by idol-makers to make him appear larger than life. What do you think?

(Perhaps George Washington didn't so much sleep here as spend quite a few restless nights.)

Plus: Saturn/Uranus = Mercury: ability to hit back hard under provocation; organizing resistance; making great demands upon one's nervous energy; separating oneself from others; making necessary changes.

There are two interesting pictures when you add America's natal Saturn and Pluto--the one made by GW's natal Mars/Saturn with America's natal Pluto...

Mars/Saturn: Pluto: anger; death of a great many people; Higher Power; brutality; the need to take control.

And the one made by America's n Saturn with GW's n Jupiter/Pluto (Jupiter/Pluto = plutocrats)...

Jupiter/Pluto = Saturn: adjusting the big picture to meet with more convention; strategy becomes necessary; difficulties; separation.

Washington's natal (Water-Earth) Sun Pisces-Moon Capricorn blend is instructive as well for it is humane, charitable, cautious, and discreetly ambitious. There is high moral integrity here, and a dutiful nature with a deep sense of justice. (Would that America can find such a one again!)

This is the "pillar of strength" combo--reservedly romantic with a philosophical sense of humor. Dependable with a talent for strategy and blessed with shrewd perceptive capacity, Washington was both practical and mystical simultaneously.

Negatively, there is a moralistic and judgmental approach to relationships, a proneness toward worry and pessimism, timidity, defensiveness, and a leaning toward secretiveness.

The claylike Water-Earth combination's shadow side traits are a tendency to get stuck in the mud, 'swamped' by the sense of duty, and to hold a subjective and narrow viewpoint.

Images for Integration: An old freighter chugs towards the port, bringing in the goods...A famous actress leaves her estate to the Actors' Pension Fund. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And in Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, master astrologer Noel Tyl gives a slightly different flavor to the Sun Pisces-Moon Cap blend, and I quote so as not to miss a drop:

"In this blend, sensitivity seasons ambitious administration. We have the "feeling businessman," if you will. The abstract and the concrete, the ideal and the practical, the visionary and the actual are all blended together to put the personality forward."

Tellingly, we see that with the Placidus House System, the Sabian Symbol for GW's n Mc (Midheaven= Aspirations; Goals) is "30Cap"...

"Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference" and its opposite degree, "30Can", the Basis or Foundation of GW's natal chart is:

"Daughter of the American Revolution."

His n Mars/Uranus midpoint is at "1Sag", the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree (Jones.)

The blend of Martian and Uranian energies bestows a self-willed urge for freedom, much courage and fighting spirit, and contains, of course, a dynamic explosive quality so prevalent during violent revolutions.

Mars/Uranus describes revolutionaries and freedom fighters, in fact (Ebertin) and is operative in the US natal chart by a wide conjunction in Gemini.

Washington's Solar Return 2008 has the Mars/Chiron (sacred warrior archetype) precisely on the SR ASC 22Ari34 (orb of 31 minutes.)

Jupiter 14Cap15 is at Mc 13Cap01, making the SR Ic the repository for the US and Bush natal Suns, with asteroid Apollo there as well...Apollo, the hero. Apollo is linked with the Sun as the life purpose, aka the hero's journey.

This is another indication of this time and this presidential election being an important make-or-break situation.

Within the hour (it's 2:35 pm est) on my "other blog", Jude's Threshold I am posting on the only planetary pattern in Washington's 2008 Solar Return chart--a YOD, or Finger of God pattern, the special task or crisis configuration which contains much spirtual opportunity within.

This continues my usual tendency to use national figure charts, their progressions, and Returns as indicators of current events in America, so do drop by in a few, if you can. And I'll update this SO'W post by perfecting the link to the new post asap.

UPDATE: Jude's Threshold now has the "talent" pattern which creates a midpoint picture which I neglected to include bad.

And here's the link to my article on Washington's 2008 Solar Return with its YOD pattern which may be affecting the 2008 campaign (as well as the People), and the transit of Saturn opposing GW's natal Sun, a difficult period now in progress.

Feb 17, 2008

Obama an agent of change--or baton passing?

Okay, the uplifting rhetoric is all very inspiring, and Clinton's critiques are doing their herding job and all, but here's an article by Bruce Marshall laying out the kind of crud I've been dreading yet didn't know how to put into words.

Marshall has done so concerning vetted-by-Wall-Street-Obama as part of the agenda's process with the Sheeple once again playing the dupes, and "the elite" in on the joke(my italics = my own two cents. Got change?)

Barak Obama Fronts Wall Street's Infrastructure

Swindle - What Change Really Means

By Bruce Marshall

Since 9/11 America has certainly turned into a top-down police state, but true post-modern fascism requires a popular movement to usher it into power. Bush has created a dictatorship out of the Presidency, now the next step towards fascism is being marketed to exploit the desire for change.

Information Clearing House has the article.#

Did you honestly think anything would be changed about the Iraq Occupation after November 2006?

Change of direction for political thespians--whether Illuminati-inspired, Mason-enobled, or other__?__--only means a change of script baa-a-a-a...

...matinee tickets still available, Germany's 1930s model to be mimicked and "improved upon."

As my forward-looking Kalorama Road friends and I sitting round DC parlors in the 70s used to pontificate: it can happen here. Look around...can is NOW.

Please, America, pour your bottle of Ambien down the drain and snap to attention, for the real foe is not what they tell us--it is them.

Feb 15, 2008

Who doesn't like a good rigged election?

Pakistani official taped saying vote will be rigged

Feb 14, 2008: A prominent US-based human rights group [Human Rights Watch] Friday released what it said was a recording of Pakistan's attorney general acknowledging that next week's national elections would be "massively" rigged. [Why don't they comment on the 'massively' rigged *US* 'elections?!']#

Indeed! Who are WE kidding?

Feb 14, 2008

view the spy satellite before it views you

Actually the out-of-control piece of space junk can't see you now--it's said to have malfunctioned almost as soon as it big-brothered its way into orbit in Dec 2006.

Here's a rather cool alert from SpaceWeather:

Space Weather News for Feb 14, 2008

Malfunctioning spy satellite USA 193 has been in the news lately because of expectations that it will reenter Earth's atmosphere in March and turn into a spectacular fireball. Reentry has not yet begun, but sky watchers are already noticing the satellite as it zips over Europe and the United States shining as brightly as a first or second magnitude star.

Typical photos are shown on today's edition of

In fact, USA 193 may never reenter--at least not in one piece. Today, the Pentagon announced it will attempt to blast the satellite with a missile before its orbit decays. This would lessen the chances of dangerous satellite debris and fuel reaching the ground while increasing the population of space junk in low-Earth orbit.

Would you like to see USA 193 with your own eyes?

It is about to make a series of evening appearances over many US towns and cities, beginning this weekend and continuing until the Pentagon intervenes. Flyby timetables may be found at Heavens Above and you can also receive telephone and email alerts when the satellite is about to fly over your backyard by subscribing to SpaceWeather PHONE #

So what happens if the Pentagon misses? Besides the embarrassment, I mean! Just because you can (send more crapola into space) doesn't mean you should.

Enter the trigger happy Pentagon to the rescue: a missile is on the ready and Pentagon brass say that if the first attempt fails, they'll figure out something else. Cheney is a big spy satellite fan--perhaps ole Dead-Eye should be kept on stand by. Stoopider things have happened.

Bob Barr on "Real ID" Act

Remember Bill? Bill of Rights?

Real ID Act a Real Intrusion On Rights, Privacy

By Bob Barr

If, as proposed in the law, a person must have a Real ID Act-compliant card in order to access a federal building, access any regulated or interstate mode of transportation, or obtain any federal benefit, then we have surrendered to the federal government (that is, federal bureaucrats) the power to deny citizens all manner of activities guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

ICH has full article here.

Feb 13, 2008

Eclipse Series of the Bush presidency

On December 25, 2000, a Solar Eclipse occurred 4Cap14 in the 2 South Series making this the Series of the Bush presidency.

With the SCOTUS decision earlier in December, a vain attempt was made to bestow legitimacy to a doubtfully attained presidency, and this Solar Eclipse shows by its influence what Bush and friends had been up to--

great gains expected through new associations with unusual groups (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Prior to this was the Pre-natal Eclipse Series of George W. Bush (and Laura--2 New North) which had manifested on July 31 (8Leo11, conj Bush's natal ASC and Mercury.) The 2NN Series may be called The Tower Series, and if you're familiar with the Tarot deck, you'll recognize it as card #16.

Obviously this links archetypally to the attacks on the WTC (the Twin Towers) of 9/11/01 because the keyphrases for 2 New North are:

sudden collapse of lifetstyles or plans; confusion reigns but long-term effects are of rebuilding and transformation; after the dust settles, the consequences of this reshaping will have far-reaching effects; personal directions are changed through the sudden collapse of an existing structure.

Now it's tempting to say, poor George, newly installed in the White House and his presidency's plans got all rearranged...except that mystical George had to know of this Eclipse's influence from his past--it had occurred in 1964 (age 18) and in 1982 (age 36). Now how could anyone not notice a biggie like this? Mr. Skull'n'Bones!

The Bush-Cheney administration's legitimacy continued to be seriously questioned as the presidential oath of Jan 20, 2001 was taken (with fingers crossed behind his back, as it turned out) so I hope you can click-to-enlarge this Eclipse chart which heralds the beginning of the Bush-Cheney years.

As usual, I have squished too many notes upon the chart including some of Bush's natal placements and a couple from the Pentagon (Pentagon's natal ASC has tr NN pointing at it 15Can28--a murder-suicide degree--DeVore's Encyclopdia.)

The Sabian Symbol for "5Cap" is most instructive (Dr Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology ):

"Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a wardance"...MOBILIZATION...

pos: a capacity for aggressive leadership and an unusual effectiveness in sidetracking minor issues for the sake of major achievement;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unnecessary moods and tantrums.

This Symbol supports the theories of those who've always said that Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld and their compadres intended war from the start of this "administration." And it totally amazes me that anyone in 2008 could disagree on the issue for By their fruits you shall know them!

The opposite degree, the Illumination Point, an unconscious degree, is also instructive given what the world has suffered from this administration:

"5Can"..."An automobile wrecked by a train"...DISPERSION...

pos: a special genius for a creative reorganization of all experience;

neg/shadow side: an insensitive recklessness.

Now it's late in the boondoggle game, but most Americans finally agree that the US economy has been wrecked by a train--the presidency (or as I think of it, the residency) of George W.Bush bwo his reckless warring and drunken sailor "budget."

Highlighted in pink is a YOD (Finger of God) pattern which indicates a special task, with warring activist Mars 1Sco15, god of war, (conjunct the New World Order's natal Sun, forming the YOD's base with Mercury, Sun, and Moon.

All point to focal planet, Jupiter 2Gem45 Rx.

Jupiter as a YOD pattern's focal planet (Bil Tierney, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis) operates on a lofty mental level but may feel out of tune with social laws, belief systems, and moral codes which he is expected to abide by (or pretend to--Jupiter = the thespian--jc.)

He is open to new theories and probabilities, and has spent years pondering abstract matters. He now yearns for the personal freedom and uplifting inspiration to put his faith into something workable, yet Jupiter quincunxes (150 degrees) can prove disorganizing and impractical if not well-managed.

Details are not properly attended to and his expectations almost always fall short of their promised potential...overreaching and poor judgment are common. Inner faith in the ultimate fulfillment of goals is evident yet his approach towards the application of his faith needs correction.

Tolerance is required to take positive advantage of Jupiter as focal planet of a YOD.

Does the above sound anything like the pie-in-the-sky Oval Office resident we've come to know and abhor?

Jupiter's Sabian Symbol word picture brings war and revolution to the above sketch and may describe the elitist in the White House in more ways than one:

"3Gem"..."The Garden of the Tuileries"...LUXURY...

pos: creative stability which enables each individual to participate in the full gamut of satisfactions developed and cherished by his fellows as well as himself;

neg/shadow side: complete selfishness and a joy in lording it over others.

Bush will be missing that last one when it's gone!

Here's an article, A Day of Infamy, concerning the SCOTUS decision which handed the Oval Office to Bush and his oil drilling, war mongering cronies.

And you know the rest.

Guantanamo to Main St USA

Rape By Any Other Name

Guantanamo Comes to Main Street USA

By Mark A. Goldman

~~Warning: This Article Contains Very Disturbing Video~~

They say that the difference between how democracy in Europe has evolved compared to that of the United States is that in Europe the government is afraid of the People whereas in the United States the People are afraid of the government. That's a dangerous state of affairs and it looks like it's going to get worse.

Informatiom Clearing House has Goldman's article and video here.

Feb 12, 2008

GM posts highest losses EVER

Generation of Materialism, New Moon 8Tau15; April 28, 1881:

Here's the chart I use to represent the robber baron class which directly influences and undergirds the current warfare the elite class wages against America's Middle Class.

(Chart found in E. Alan Meece's Horoscope for the New Millinneum.)

This New Moon in money sign Taurus, whose shadow side contains greed, possessiveness, and intolerance, occurred just after Jupiter-Saturn's Great Conjunction in conservative Taurus on April 18, 1881.

As you know, Jupiter and Saturn began a new cycle on May 28, 2000, 22Tau+, just in time to help usher in the New (sucky) Millennium.

Jupiter and Saturn are the societal planets and are said to define the 20-year Tecumseh's Curse cycle of US presidential assassinations and attempts at it.

And yes, it was Bush43's turn at the plate, and may lurk behind Gore's throwing the race to Bush, practically handing "victory" to him on a silver platter--the collective "knows" Gore actually won, but threat was held over his head. Okay, it's a long shot (bad choice of word) but there, I've said it.

Back to April 28, 1881:

Corrosion and dissolution are the "earmarks" of this chart which times the start of governmental regulations which were demanded after the awful depression of 1873-74 as nebulous Neptune entered earthy, practical Taurus.

Around 1880 the "liberal center" of US politics began declining and the extremes of "left" and "right" took over politics. Joy. It's a ploy that's worked well to divide and conquer the People ever since.

Even Britain swung toward conservatism after the death of Tory PM Benjamin Disraeli in 1881. In Russia, liberal tsar Alexander II, aka the great reformer, was assassinated, and cruel repression followed which included massacres of Jews, wouldn'tcha know.

Yet when it served them, the "right" sometimes cooperated with the "left" in an alliance against the liberal center which might actually have wanted to do something decent for the common good by rebalancing wealth on their behalf...a dynamic successfully in use today.

Just another legacy of the Generation of Materialism, a pile of royals, near-royals, and their wannabes who never gave the American worker anything it didn't have to, and the spawn of which have spent the last several years taking it away.

So here's my question concerning all the corporations whining about their millions and billions in losses they're admitting to in this recessive climate which their fraud and greed have designed, these current 'grandspawn' of the 1880s pilferers:

Beginning a few years ago, American corporations could hardly downsize (lay off) and outsource American workers' jobs enough to satisfy their excessive quick-profiting greed in honor of whatever higher devil's plan they have in mind for our nation's dissolution, so are they surprised in 2008 at how dire the economic picture looks for their slave, the consumer?

When you (they) dissolve jobs and job security from under the feet of millions of loyal workers year after year, get (buy) Congress to allow usury interest rates on credit card and other loans while legislating for corporations and monopolies as if they have the legal rights of an individual, how many new cars can GM expect a hungry man to buy?

And if you've ever closely read a new car contract you know you're stepping into merde as you sign on the dotted line. Commerce and trade make the world turn round but our conscienceless corporations--made legally "persons" by "our" representatives on Capitol Hill years ago--aren't worth the label, American.

Made in America has become a mocking phrase at the hands of these Midasses (not a typo) who, if their chagrin at posting such losses now are genuine, deserve to act sheepishly and hang their heads in shame at how they've shafted the American worker who is more noble that his/her bosses, more honorable by far than his "government" who lines its pockets at the public trough every chance it gets.

Sometimes he who shafts others shafts himself even more deeply--it may just take a while to know the full extent of the damage.

And as far as my unfinished post of this morning on the Potomac Primaries (chart below), I'm renegging and confessing to being overly fatigued with Clinton and McCain and the woes of campaigning and its attendant propaganda.

(Barack Obama is being projected as the winner in VA and DC, 8:00 pm est. Okay then.)

However, I did agree today to publish a new political limerick by Mr.A.Cat in the Lim's Limericks collection of rhymery:

Cat votes for McCain...guess I've still got a political meow left in me after all.