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Sep 13, 2008

Sep 12 video: Obama on Tax Relief

Did you catch what Barack Obama said on Sept 12 about tax relief for the middle class? He'd better hurry while we still have shreds of one!

Of course all presidential candidates say glowing things while campaigning, but John McCain's idea to tax health care benefits/premiums is aglow with out-of-touch craziness.

Still, if McCain intends to include paying taxes on his and his colleagues' state-of-the-art health insurance benefits, his proffered plan might be worth some big dough to the US Treasury (aka neocon war coffers.)

Full Harvest Moon of Sep 15, 2008

Having just updated the Page concerning the Full Harvest Moon of Sep 15 by adding details on Pluto as apex planet in a *Mutable T-square (created by the Full Moon), plus, Adriano Carelli's symbol info for the Moon (23Pisces), I thought you might want a peek.

Carelli's book, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, contains ancient references often of a political nature, although not every degree has a word symbol.

Follow the link for the Moon's symbol (23Pis), but perhaps I should give Carelli's symbol for the Sun, '23Virgo'...

"A man on a sailing ship in the middle of the ocean."

"There is an irrepressible need of evasion in time and space. A nature ablaze with enthusiasm and fantasy, which will chafe if fenced in its birthplace and the mentality prevailing there.

By itself this influence will not supply the energy needed to prevail on such mentality and reform it; hence the need of escape. Disregarding the other astrological factors, it can be safely said that...success depends on real journey and migration. Any evasion into daydreaming will result in failure, since thirst for new experience is the only real thing life can offer but may lead (one) dangerously astray.

Passion for the sea is a natural consequence."

Carelli goes on to note that '23Vir' is the degree of Thomas Campanella's natal Sun. He continues:

"While a prisoner of the Spanish Inquisition in 1602, Campanella (1568-1639) wrote a book entitled The City of the Sun, wherein he advocates ideal social and political conditions on a utopian background. It is interesting to note that Campanella based his description of the legendary city on an imaginary skipper's tale."

The City of the Sun tells of a wanderer who comes to 'Taprobane' "under the equator."

This 17th century, 32-page book has this as a subtitle:

"A Poetical Dialogue between a Grandmaster of the Knights Hospitallers and a Genoese Sea Captain, his guest." ~

Interesting. Utopians, following such idealists as Thomas More and Francis Bacon, have bedeviled society for centuries as their intellectualisms fueled political activists toward revolution and encouraged tinkerings with society's natural inclinations toward peace.

Will September 15's Full Moon bring enlightenment concerning their well-practiced string-pulling or some sort of culmination of their plans? World domination is on their list and is nearer the top than ever before.

Now to close, September 15's Full Moon T-square pattern with Pluto creates a *midpoint picture:

Sun/Moon = Pluto: biased attitudes or changed circumstances lead to critical phases of development in life or to separation from others in order to start anew; potential new perspectives in relationships. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Sun Myung Moon crowned in US Senate

Oh yeah. They did it. Morons crowning morons.

American Schizophrenia?

" ... the United States, for generations, has sustained two parallel but opposed states of mind about military atrocities and human rights: one of US benevolence, generally held by the public, and the other of ends-justify-the-means brutality sponsored by counter insurgency specialists. Normally the specialists carry out their actions in remote locations with little notice in the national press.

That allows the public to sustain its faith in a just America, while hard-nosed security and economic interests are still protected in secret."

Robert Parry, investigative reporter and author

Quote snagged from the Information Clearing House Newsletter.

End of August/early Sep 2009 brings the Saturn conjunction to US natal Neptune, planet of ideals and illusions (the 'facing grim reality' transit) which may bring revelations of atrocities which the American people will be shocked to discover as leaden Saturn brings accountability to stomp on our delusional dreams. Just a thought, and not a very nice one.

Sep 12, 2008

NYSE, Eclipses, and Danny Casolaro

Have you ever read the tale of the founding of the NYSE as told by astrologer Ed Kohout?

Under the buttonwood tree on the morning of May 17, 1792, the stock exchange began with Pluto at 23AQ31...where dissolving Neptune is drifting now.

Neptune to Pluto is a period of time when power (Pluto) is dissolved and undermined (Neptune) but not necessarily by anarchy - it can be done by treachery or poison. The current ruler or system of power and control is removed or perhaps, in today's lexicon, outsourced or...downsized and given Neptune's link to webs and nets, I'd say computer hacking and other tech shenanigans may be involved along with Neptune's deceptive and fraudulent qualities.

Yes, progeny of the super-powerful PROMIS tracking software could be part of what's going on with Wall Street's ups and downs these days; plus, a Solar Eclipse in the same 11 South Series as the Eclipse of *July 11, 1991 (at '19Can' - a degree that keeps turning up in several of the charts I study relating to violence) will occur again on July 22, 2009, this time at '29Can' which is considered a critical or crisis degree.

The 11 South Series is concerned with:

the need to make sudden reforms; old methods and ideas fail and new systems are required to deal with the events that come up; as a result, new ways of handling issues are needed and any blocks may be tragically or violently removed. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

*It was during the 11 South Eclipse Series that the murder of writer and journalist Danny Casolaro took place - he was in the final stages of readying a book for publication outing what he and others called the Octopus, a worldwide organization of thugs for which PROMIS software has proven very useful over the years.

In its original form, the software had been stolen from the Inslaw Corporation, modified (with a 'backdoor' for surveillance), expanded, and sold for big bucks to many countries including Canada and Israel - and, some say, to Osama bin Laden (who was never intended to be "caught" by Bush-Cheney, btw.)

The weekend that Casolaro was murdered, there was a New Moon (a lady - Moon - meets a man - Sun...?) at 17Leo00. Casolaro had had meetings at his motel in Martinsburg, WV, and was last seen walking back to the motel from a convenience store where he'd gone to get a cup of coffee around the time of the New Moon on the dark night of Aug 9, 1991.

As you see, this New Moon in Leo was a month after the Solar Eclipse of July 11, and Casolaro had his notes for the book with him plus other information which he had gone to Martinsburg to receive. As you would expect, none of his notes were found after his mysterious death (he supposedly slit his own wrists while lounging in a tub of water.)

The July 11 Eclipse degree, '19Can' is conjunct Fixed Star Castor, to write or create - and is conjunct Danny Casolaro's natal Mercury, the writer; the messenger; the reporter.

The weekend of his death, transiting Sigma, the scribe, was conjunct activist Mars 15Vir54, and tr South Node 18Can47 was triggering the July Eclipse degree.

If you use the Googly Web you can find info on this strange case but I want to give you the midpoint pictures for the New Moon of Aug 9, 1991...Danny Casolaro was trying to warn the world about what was up and I believe we've been seeing the world crime syndicate having its way these last several years in countries all over the globe, so the least I can do is give you the planetary pictures. The first one concerns Pluto, the saboteur or assassin...

Mars/NN = Pluto 17Sc36: others must 'get on the train' or get left behind; a violent or forced separation in a partnership; joint achievements.

Saturn/MC 6Cap28 = NN: people in mourning; a major stroke of fate may affect all development.

Neptune/Mc = Uranus 10Cap28 Rx (Uranus out-of-bounds): self-righteousness; intense impatience; a desire to bring ideas to realization at all costs; confusion; sudden inner experiences. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

~All, none, or some combination of factors may apply.~

One more thing - the wound, Chiron, was in early Leo in July, 1991. Chiron in Leo is **easily overwhelmed by Uranus, which is the only OOBs planet in the chart and in process of approaching its Great Conjunction with Neptune at '18Cap' which is the NWO degree...smug and strong-armed paternalism...'SUPERVISION' in the Marc Edmund Jones version of the Sabian Symbols, but in the Dane Rudhyar version?

POLITICAL POWER - which is quite well-consolidated now.


** Chiron in Leo info from Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron.

Palin to break Washington's 'old boy network'

On The View just now, John McCain, when pressed by Barbara Walters, says that Sarah Palin will "break the old boy network in Washington."

But honestly, if McCain isn't an 'old boy,' show me someone who is.

Actually, forget it. He's old enough for anyone.

Besides, if the old boy network was broken, the place would fall apart without all that brethren stuff knitting it together from Founding Father days.

Did you know that the Sibly version of the US natal chart has Hermes rising..'12Sag' = "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows."

Hermes is one of the Mercurial trickster elements in Mythology and Astrology, and partakes of Mercury's Messenger to the gods duties - actually Hermes is Mercury. The ancient works of Hermes Trismegistus are the basis of astrological teachings even today - and certainly during the founding of America as well-known by our Masonic Founders.

Lynda Hill gives The Caution for '12Sag' as:

"Assuming one is right only because of might or power or because one can say it the loudest; propaganda; lording it over others; seeing other 'nations' as being lesser; loud voices; bullying."

"Might makes right" seems to be all our leaders live by these days, with massive amounts of hubris complimentary. And Pluto's discovery in 1930, which ushered in atomic research and its resulting destruction of life, only made things worse because it made hubris and bullying easier.

Yes, America is 'exceptional' says the old boys' network...but hasn't our exceptionalism has gone astray?


Visit Lynda at her Sabian Symbols site.

Sep 11, 2008

Black Tuesday Oct 29, 1929: the chart

'Black Tuesday' Oct 29, 1929 marks the massive stock market crash and this is the horoscope for Sun-to-Midheaven on that day.

Appropriately enough, the Sabian Symbol for the Sun/Midheaven degree, '6 Scorpio' is: "A Gold Rush."

We can be certain - just as in 2007/08, that the folks with 'real money' did not and are not losing their shirts, and to my way of thinking, are behind the shell games they play with other people's lives and fortunes.

That other forces are in league with - and opposing - them complicates the picture but suffice it to say, it's not you, me, the baker, or candlestick maker who are at fault. It's the 'experts.'

Some interesting midpoint pictures are repeating now in 2008 and I've marked them on the chart (click to enlarge):

Chiron and North Node (the public; the path or destiny) are conjunct then as of late (but in AQ) and the midpoint of Jupiter/Uranus is upon them.

Who are the Jupiter/Uranus crowd? Fortune-hunters; adventurers; inventors; organizers (Ebertin.)

Another interesting correlation between the meltdown of 1929 and today is that moneybags Jupiter (15Gem26 and Rx here) has two midpoints of power and wealth upon him - Pluto/NN and Pluto/Chiron.

Pluto/NN represents large masses of people and their common destiny; large business concerns; mass meetings; and exercising influence upon the public. I would add, powerful connections and associations.

Transit Jupiter will 'catch up' with Pluto/NN in Dec 2008, so we have then as now...

Pluto/NN = Jupiter: the desire to obtain position and power by force through the help of other people; the attainment of great gains through others; forcing oneself into a power position; self-promotion; attaining success through others (November elections esp the presidential election?)

And you know the Pluto/Chiron midpoint signifies plutocracy, oppression; corporatism; fascism, racism, primal violence, etc.

Time grows short and I must mosey...hope to complete this post later on...

Sep 10, 2008

Cindy Sheehan on America and 9/11

Reflections on 9-11

By Cindy Sheehan

Our famous "freedoms" that the terrorists "hated" have been eroded due to the PATRIOT ACT, the Military Commissions Act, and the violent response to protest from our robo-clad police state.

Sept 2008 transits to US natal chart

With the 7th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11/01 being tomorrow, here's America's natal chart (Sibly version, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia; 5:10 pm LMT) and I've added a few transits triggering our nation's natal Saturn, Mercury, Sun, and Pluto this month.

Around the outside of the chart you see highlighted in yellow transit Mars in natal 10th house of Public Status, and transit Jupiter in natal 7th house of Partnerships, Legal Affairs, and Open Enemies.

Here's the list - the Sept 8 transit is past but I'm including it because it's part of our September atmosphere:

Sept 8 Mars square Sun: willpower and physical actions are frustrated; feelings are touchy as others encroach on one's territory, yet the desire for personal accomplishment is strong; tensions between male colleagues or co-workers; hastiness can delay success; patience is needed.

Sept 11 Mars conjunct Saturn: constant obstacles in the path slow things down even as we're required to hurry - blockages may be self-created; positively we become more focused, organized, and efficient; someone with maturity and experience is given more credence; careful plans are made; imposed rules may be difficult to accept or live by.

~Because 9/11's Mercury is conjunct US natal Saturn in Libra, this transit of Mars-to-natal-Saturn also conjuncts 9/11's Mercury rising, so we have Mercury/ASC = Mars: negotiations, discussions; emphasizing one's own ideas; realizing one's plans; deciding on the best course of action with advisers; quarrels; and...

Sept 11 - Mars to 9/11's Mercury: thoughts turn easily into actions; energized thinking; life's pace quickens, communications increase and may become chaotic; verbal combat within the environment; meetings, discussions; sales and commercial transactions pick up; people drive too fast!~

Back to the US chart:

Sept 19 Mars opposite Chiron: the sacred warrior archetype in the collective is spiritualized, activated; we may hear injustices mentioned and America's warrior energy is stimulated. (Campaign-wise this more than likely relates to John McCain and/or to the US military, and possibly to missionary churches.)

Also natal Chiron is conjunct natal Sun/Pluto midpoint so we have...

Sun/Pluto = Mars: a desire to perform record achievements; overtaxing one's powers; ruthlessness; fanaticism; enormous drive; carving new perspectives (all midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin.)

Sept 25 Mars square Mercury: tempers flare; arguments with males; new work methods result in frustration or delay; wrong directions given; bad weather interrupts.

Sept 30 Mars square Pluto: revenge and jealousy may be motivations behind actions; power struggles; past obstacles and mistakes must be overcome before progress can be made; anger present but if transformed positively much can be accomplished.

Sept 30 Jupiter opposite Sun: this one I've blurbed about before but with Jupiter's cycle being 12 years, this is thankfully the last pass for a while...

material assets are depleted by circumstances; generosity benefits the wrong people or is wasted in worthless endeavors; those who want to help are rendered powerless; those with grandiose ideas or promises of success are not able to deliver; victories, if there are any, compromise principles; only a conservative and constructive way of working around issues will succeed.

Mars square Pluto (the power principle - including nuclear weapons -but Pluto also signifies publishers and the massively wealthy), plus, the last pass of Jupiter-opposite natal-Sun makes Sept 30 stand out, IMHO.

So! has the Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac bailout/seizure/take-over been conservative enough or is it a case of worthless endeavor, grandiose ideas, and generosity benefiting the wrong people as Jupiter-opposite-Sun describes?

What do you think?

Sara Palin VP acceptance speech: video


Here are highlights from Gov Sara Palin's VP acceptance speech at the 2008 RNC. YouTube's videos of this speech seem to be in four parts so I'm posting this highlighted version.

Joe Biden, John McCain, and Barack Obama videos are posted just below...