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Aug 16, 2009

Monday, Aug 17, 2009: Venus, Crescent Moon, ISS flyby

This just in...

Space Weather News for Aug 16, 2009

MONDAY MORNING SKY SHOW: Set your alarm for dawn. On Monday morning, Aug 17, Venus and the Crescent Moon will gather beautifully close together in the eastern sky. For many observers in North America, the International Space Station (ISS) will make an appearance, too. It's a fantastic way to begin the day.

Check for a sky map and ISS flyby predictions.


And astrologically we check our software or ephemeris to see that Moon @ 13Cancer will be conjunct US natal Sun at sunrise on Aug 17, 2009, with Venus in Cancer, too - almost at critical degree, 20 Cancer. That's emphasizing Pluto's Heliocentric North Node '20Can'; and Venus/Pluto contacts can bring jealousies, transformative Art and/or Love, and bankruptcies, among other things.

Relationships of all kinds are being given a celestial heads-up.

August 17, 2009 in Washington, DC, sunrise edt:

Sun 24Leo39 rises in opposition to US natal Moon in Aquarius, Sun/Moon midpoint conjoins President Obama's natal Mercury 2Leo20 for this picture...

Sun/Moon = Mercury: thoughts about marriage and relationships in general; plans for fulfillment. (This picture is supported by the involvement of 2009 Inaugural Mercury Rx 00AQ+.)

And perhaps Mr. Obama's natal Jupiter in AQ (opposite his n Mercury) can join in for a big ole group hug:

Sun/Moon = Jupiter: enthusiasm for life; success; desire for joint endeavors; sound mental and emotional disposition; marriage; a happy relationship.

Well, Happy Monday, Everyone - even if you 'accidentally' sleep past dawn's lovely celestial show!

Stars Over US Presidencies

At leisure I have now re-read the Visual Astrology Newsletter's issue concerning Fixed Star parans to US presidents' natal charts and the portents of US Inaugurations from the perspective of their dates and locations being changed at key times in US history.

First it was George Washington on Wall Street, then Philadelphia, then on to Washington...scenarios of crimes and crescendos of political power. And of the people's power, such as we, at any given time, realize it and its usefulness.

Why fuss about stars? Because our inaugural reschedulings and locational adjustments have brought new star parans into play for our nation while morphing the character of the Office of the Presidency and its idealisms into different kettles of fish being forced onto America's menu.

And We-the-People have been choking on hidden fishbones ever since!

So because the US presidency and its Oath of Office symbolize, on one level, our system of government (a republic masquerading as a democracy), the evidence of this transformation is clearly displayed in star lore of mythic proportions, so check out - or review - this issue of Brady's and Gunzberg's excellent Visual Astrology Newsletter as it lays out for you a broader picture of history's underpinnings.

Plus, with a mere 'click,' you'll discover that some US Inauguration charts are displayed including the one for Jan 20, 2009, noon est, Washington, DC, held for former Senator Barack Obama, whose Presidential Oath was so nice, he's taken it twice.

Hopefully, this mooted the opportunity for Horatio's Oath to be taken as well.

But I wouldn't bank on it.

And speaking of US Inaugurations, here's my most basic pet peeve about how we do them: the Bible says not to swear oaths on it. Personally, I'm inclined to take its advice on this matter very seriously. But then I'm not a politician swaggering around imagining myself to be above the laws of God. Or of men.

Aug 15, 2009

Edgar Allan Poe natal chart Jan 19, 1809

On the occasion of upcoming Halloween celebrations, and with Oct 7, 2009 being the 160th anniversary of Poe's sad, mysterious death, here's a newspaper account of the Poe Toaster's ritual from Jan 21, 1999 which has witnesses saying the mysterious visitor arrived at the brick-walled cemetery "just before 3 am."

For astrologers, it's tiresome how times given are always "just before" or "shortly after" in most news reports, for you'd think no one ever had an accurate sun dial in their gardens or watch in their pockets, to hear some reporters (almost) tell it. Guess the journalism I studied back in the olden days with its Who-What-When-Where-How? model counts for little anymore. Or, nevermore, considering our subject here.

Anyway, the annual visit of respect from the 'Poe Toaster' occurs on the author's birthday, Jan 19, each year which gives a Sun position in the 28 to 29 degree range of Capricorn. Poe's natal Mercury @ 28Cap+ 'under the beams' of the Sun made objective thinking a bit difficult and doubly Saturnian bwo Cap. Why, the Sun burned his hairline right back from his addled and anxious pate! Yet the Sun/Mercury conjunction indicates a brilliant intellect for Mr. Poe. Emotionally, his was a different tale through suffering, despair, and loss.

Physically the poet and short-story author - the Father of the Modern Detective Novel - was known for his prominent brow or forehead, so check with Wikipedia for photos of The Raven's macabre inventor-writer Mr. E. A. Poe.

Yes, it's tempting to spend all night as I'm doing now perusing the website of the E. A. Poe Society of Baltimore where conflicting accounts of his life and death are well detailed with a chronology, portraits of his gentlemanly self with its broad "Moon-like" brow, as well as pictures of other family members, friends, and colleagues. There are 13 known portraits of the poet as far as is known, and several daguerreotypes do seem to have been spirited away from libraries through the years into mysterious realms of collectors' (undeserving) vaults.

Combing the E. A. Poe Society's site finally gave up what I wanted - Poe's time of death, but as with All Things Poe, a mystery remains due to two conflicting sources: one says '3:00 am' and the other one, '5:00 am' (Oct 7, 1849, aged 40.) Yet dying in a hospital, even in 1849, you'd think there would be an official time. As an astrologer, naturally this doubles the effort and time as two charts for Poe's passing must be set up and studied.

(If the 3:00 am Poe Toaster mentioned above was 'on time' he could have been marking Poe's time of death - or arriving near a 2:00 or 3:38 am birth time - argghh!)

The '5:00 am' death chart (displayed below) has the most angular contacts - and a 'biggie' conjunction exactly on the 8th cusp - so it is the chart I prefer.

And here is a non-Wiki biographical account of his life which mentions his chronic alcoholism as do all sources, an addiction not unusual in the 1800s. He and his two siblings were left orphaned when both their parents died in 1811; Edgar was only two years old. His brother William died young, and his sister Rosalie went mad - being destitute can do that for you.

Poe himself was adopted by a tobacco merchant and his wife and was over-indulged as he grew up which led him to expect a large inheritance which didn't pan out due to a falling out with his foster father...Poe dropped out of West Point against the older man's wishes, for one thing. His adoptive family is where the middle name of 'Allan' comes from though for much of his life he was known, and signed his name as, Edgar Poe.

Astrology of Edgar Allan Poe's Life and Death

In my old astro-databank files, I had a version of his birth chart for 1:00 am with a Rodden Rating of C; other verified times are given as possibilities and vary from 1:30 am, 2:00 am, 3:38 am, and 7:57 am. That's hours of work to check them all out for best results, but some strong factors stand out that have to do with loss, depression, and alcoholism (demon alcohol only makes depression worse, for as they say, "troubles can swim.")

If family records do state that he was born "3 hours after mother left the theater" as one source cites, then I have doubts about the 7:57 am chart; thus, the other birth times seem more feasible. Plus, the Poe Toaster's middle-of-the-night visits would synchronize more closely with any of the earlier times.

Note: if a reference is made to 'drugs,' I am always including alcohol.

Edgar Allan Poe, born on Jan 19, 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts...the '1:00 pm LMT' natal chart produces a Secondary Progressed chart for his date of death (using '5:00 am' for death) showing Saturn/Neptune = ASC 4Sag06: oppressive family circumstances; an emotionally depressing environment; emotional suffering caused by others; limitation of freedom (such as couping?); feeling confined (in hospital?); sense of being out of the group (Ebertin; Tyl.)

But which natal ASC to use?

Using his '3:38 am LMT' birth chart gives you Saturn/Neptune = ASC 4Sag17 in the natal chart which could relate to his sad orphaned situation, loss of both parents, illnesses, etc. 'Loss (Saturn) through drugs (Neptune)' springs to mind, too.

The '3:38 am' natal chart when progressed to day/time of death gives 7Cap23 rising conj Fixed Star, Facies (ruthlessness, or the victim); this Sec chart has a very interesting and possibly pertinent Sec midpoint at Mc, too...

Mars/Uranus = Mc: putting a pistol to someone's head; taking violent or drastic measures; injury, accident, or surgery. (I think again of couping. And the Part of Death in this version of Poe's Sec chart is 00Cap33, a point conjunct the IC (Endings; The Drain) in his death chart for 5:00 am.)

Click the chart to enlarge and you'll also see in 4th house the transiting Sun/Saturn midpoint which is conjunct his Sec ASC (using '3:38 am' as his natal chart) so we have...

Sun/Saturn = ASC: possible health threat; separation.

Yet there's a lot to be said for the '1:00 pm' chart which has 3Sco34 rising, and a Scorpio ASC indicates grievous loss at some point in the early life (plus, he was only 40 at death); but a Sag ASC is ruled by Jupiter indicating publishing, idealism, and over-indulgence...take your pick!

One point in favor of Sco rising, however, is his oft-remarked-upon eyes...a Scorpio ASC trait, especially if they're penetrating; Poe's were said to be remarkable, arresting, intelligent, and beautiful, so again it's somewhat inconclusive. His nose looks a bit on the beaky side, too, another point scored for Sco rising. Guess I may ultimately go with the 1:00 am chart (or 1:30 am) for its Sco ASC, yet it's obvious that conjectures on Poe's birth time are abundant.

In his natal chart, Poe has a conjunction of Uranus/North Node which can indicate political reformist groups, or transformative politics in general. In his Sec chart for date of death, Uranus had already turned Rx by progession and was conj natal NN 9Sco28/33 in 11th house of Groups, Associations, and Friends...'sudden and/or disruptive (Uranus) meetings or encounters (NN.)'

At death, transiting Mercury 8Sco20 was in the midst of the Uran/NN conj, so we have this midpoint picture:

Uran/NN = Mercury: impetuousness; excited thoughts shared; being united in thoughts with others; criticism of others; fast-traveling news; speedy comprehensions.

At the 'champagne supper' his old West Point friends invited him to (before he disappeared from public view) did literary critic Poe critique a certain Whig candidate who used 'couping' to kidnap and beat up people until they aggreed to vote for him? Was Poe 'coup'd' from the street after he left their boozy company?

Natally, Poe's Sun 28Cap+ and Pisces Moon in the midst of a Venus, Pluto, Jupiter line-up in Watery, Creative Pisces) give him a Sun Cap/Moon Pisces blend whose 'Images for Integration' are: A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate success...Bilbo in Tolkein's Lord of the Rings...A child builds a sandcastle of reinforced concrete...Bathers in a Landscape by Cezanne (who shares this blend natally, as do I.)

And now here is Poe's death chart for 5:00 am LMT, Oct 7, 1849, Baltimore, MD. As you see, the '5 am' chart gives the usual suspects - at the time of death - on chart angles: Mars 29Gem41 at Mc, Saturn Rx 3Ari48 on Descendant, the setting position of the chart. Moon is just beyond angularity as previously mentioend, and World Points are on each angle relating to Poe's enduring fame and prominence.

8th cusp of Transformation and Death have the Uranus/Pluto pair snugged around it; the brittle, separative Saturn/Uranus and cruel Saturn/Pluto midpoints in Aries both oppose SunLib01 in 1st house of Physical Body...

Sat/Uran = Sun: separation; exposure to severe tests of strength.

Sat/Pluto = Sun: ill health; loss.

As you know Mars' sign of Gemini is related to lungs (air) and nerves or nervous diseases; Libra (ASC and Sun) relates to lungs and kidneys.

Moon 22Gem43 has just crossed MC, too and thus may be considered angular as well; Moon is apex of the Jupiter/Saturn combo which relates to liver and gall functions, chronic illnesses, and to lung diseases such as TB; generally, infections may be indicated (Ebertin.)

Yes, Poe's years of emotional shocks, undermining of his health through drugs, chronic or other illnesses, etc, only made it more difficult for him to fight whatever ailed him, whether being kidnapped and beaten or not, during his last physical crisis.

As you know, a YOD pattern ('Finger of God' - sextile aspect at base, both planets inconjunct a third; in this case, there are two YODs superimposed...Moon/Uranus and Mars/Pluto both point to Chiron 25Sco18) - is often present in death charts. Poe's Pre-Natal Eclipse from the 9 North Series is being triggered by wounded Chiron in Scorpio and by the health-related YODs.

9N = accidents, violence, or sudden physical events. This is also the PE of Abraham Lincoln (Feb 12, 1809), Tony Blair, John Edwards, and Bobby Jindall; plus, 9N is the PE of President Garfield's Inauguration March 4, 1881 and you know of his violent end.

Poe's death occurred during a 14 North Solar Eclipse Series with the Eclipse manifesting @ 25Leo07 and Poe's Sec Moon triggering it at death.

14N = an acute time of confusion in personal relationships, unrequited love and despiar (he'd just had a broken engagement), and unexpected financial events (money troubles had he), a draining of energy, and an odd turn of events; there is too much delusion to make clear judgments (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

(14N next occurs on Nov 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37, just so ya know.)

At Mc (the Goal Point of any chart) is the Pluto/NN (powerful or political connections or encounters) with the 29th crisis degree Mars, so we have...

Pluto/NN = Mars: tyranny; exhibition of personal power; demonstrating violence or brutality in the presence of others; a desire to make others amenable to one's wishes; the misfortune to be placed in someone else's hand or power.

Plu/NN = Mc: associations influence one's objectives and cause setbacks in one's vocation.

(Drunken champagne suppers and brutal couping tactics must once again come to mind.)

Also you see there's a T-Square pattern formed by angular Saturn Rx...

Saturn/ASC = Mars: feeling like the victim; being placed in turbulent circumstances; self-willedness; separation; mourning or bereavement.

Saturn/ASC = Mc: oppression; depression; inhibited by others; hindered in the fulfilment of one's objectives; struggling with controls.

Well, there are many more factors to mention about Edgar Allan Poe's life, death, and the Astrology thereof, but my typing finger is falling off so I must close for now and hope that you may click some links, view the chart for more notations, and have yourself a very safe Halloween!

And in remembrance of Edgar...perhaps a group reading of The Raven would be in order?


As always 'any, all, or none' may apply with midpoint pictures, and Progressed and/or transiting planets will trigger events to manifest most reliably.

Aug 13, 2009

Jupiter Direct Station 17AQ10 10.13.09

Before you in black and white, you see a map showing the 1st minute and second of Jupiter's Direct Station 17AQ10 on Oct 13, 2009, 00:34:18 am edt, Washington, DC USA. The precise moment depends, of course, on the exactitude of one's software, which is quite naturally tossed off slightly by Moon Wobbles and other Quirks of the Universe.

How constantly grateful am I not to be even remotely responsible as the one who keeps our solar system's planets in their courses!

~Click image to enlarge/read notations and scribbles~

There is the grouchy Mars/South Node rising with North Node, the Dragon's Head, conjunct US natal Pluto. The look of the chart is disturbing and I prefer not mentioning it in too fine a detail for now. Perhaps you might study it for yourself and let me know what you decide. For now, let's discuss Jupiter's new condition as of Oct 13 as a planet (seemingly) moving ahead in the zodiac...

So imagine you're in DC (aka, the District of Columbia) during the wee hour of 12:34 am edt on Tuesday, Oct 13, 2009, and the Jolly Giant~Rotund Monk~Major General~Professor-the Banker of Means, performs a symbolic about-face resulting in things of a Jupiterian nature beginning - slowly at first, he's a big'un - to move forward where for months they'd been stalled, delayed, or grudgingly offered.

Well! That may be a wisp of fresh air!

This particular Direct Station of Jupiter closely conjuncts my daughter's natal Mars, so we'll see...perhaps sales will pick up even more in her Etsy Shop of Handspun and Dyed Yarns, or hubby will receive a bounty of some sort. Actually, a Direct Jupiter may benefit a lot of people (in Aquarius, sign of groups. Hey! What about Health Care Reform? Not a novel ideal, but...)

2009 Jupiter conj Neptune 3x = The Speculators, Gamblers, and Spendthrifts Among Us

Yes, hyper-inflation, inflation, and the over-printing of US monies fall under sway of 2009's year-long festival of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, a bubbly affair. Increased spirituality? For those receptive, yes. Lovely!

But financially speaking, these big guys are the Speculator Pair when scamming together. Fraud is often a partner when Neptune's deceptive tendencies meld with Jupiter's promises which can turn out to be over-estimations or pie-in-the-sky flights of whimsical fancy - not necessarily or consciously meant to deceive, yet deceive they may.

Jupiter's position at any time indicates where over-optimism may snuggle deep while over-reach creeps into the foundations and cornerstones...the first big wind swoops it all out to sea like a chilly mist over the cape...Neptune's waters are stronger than Saturn's stone or Jupiter's mantra.

Chill with Saturn

To counterbalance an over-abundant Jupiter, we need Saturnian stability and, rein in our exuberance, else it will grow irrational if left unattended. In a word, wild.

But things in Life and Astrology are always mixtures of +-, of yin and yang, male-fem, dark and light. So when Jupiter relates to others in an egomaniacal and unbalanced way, we often see a difficult personality that has necessarily developed many facets (masks) in the past for hiding the holes of the traits he doesn't possess. Parts of a human psyche go...missing and distorted. Ex: your average anti-social criminal types are 'missing' consciences for one reason or another.

Those of an I'm-on-the-world-stage-look-at-me mentality are simply ruthless to a much higher - make that, deeper - level, and their actions can affect larger numbers of people. They're hard to miss, so you probably know their names of the big ponzi scheme the world is saddled with. Think 'usury interest rates' and 'war profiteers' and you'll have most of them squirming in a giant pile already.

Astrologically, one signature for such a bigger-than-life egotist is a birth (natal) chart with all planets posited on one side (hemisphere) of a the 360 degree chart (circle.)

One clear example of this one-sided phenomena is George W. Bush of New Haven, CT.

You must have moxy, use of a good hynotist, and you must hold high a major goal to strive for, in order to reach the presidency and "catapult the propaganda" for the backers; yes, that's the job description someone gave W when he signed on to robot for the cause. He thoughtlessly passed the phrase on while on camera. To be crude, why should he have cared who knew? It's in the bag!

(Now other countries' presidencies and ministerships are much the same, of course. But it's America of which I speak - where Rs saluted and praised Bush after 9/11, almost as if he'd accomplished a feat which, for other men, would have been impossible. He stayed out of the way while Washington, DC, New York City, and __?__ (Pennsylvania) were attacked. Rotund monk Dick Cheney was behind a curtain with control panel in hand and button at elbow.)

So next time you spy a president or VP in your neighborhood, on TV, radio, iPhone, online, or wherever, please ask - of no one in particular - "What wealthy shadows back this nag?"

Then follow the whiff of money as it leads you by the nose like a cartoon cat or a mouse after cheese.

And let the world know what you find! At least that's what I'd do.

Is Health Care Reform in the US really necessary?

You decide if Health Care Reform in the US is really necessary.

Cheney's influence on Bush waned

Turns out, from all the squawkin' Dick Cheney is now doing, we learn that he's admitting that his ifluence on George Bush waned during the 2nd term of the Bush-Cheney regime, aka 'administration' the Dick is miffed.

Aug 12, 2009

Napoleon Bonaparte on Banks and Government

"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes...Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."

Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815


You were a megalomaniacal freak, Sir, but here you speak truth.

Fake US unemployment numbers - Max Weiser video

Max Keiser has much to say about fake unemployment numbers from the US government as the propaganda relates to the US/World econo-crisis.

This video is a worthwhile 9mins+, so please see what you think. It does seem that metals are the thing to grasp and hold!

Yes, the USA is in the crapper thanks to neocon cons and their enabling shills...and the secret society robots who shilled before.

Where's some of that goo-o-o-d old "compassionate conservatism" when you need an effective -ism to ruin your family and economic life?

Oh yeah. We tried that.

And now the American War Machine is stuck like glue in the Middle East where our boots on the sand are decidedly unwelcome, no matter what we do or say. But hey, the 5-pointed Pentagon is the US' main employer, and when millions are out of jobs for long enough, they must 'join up' at some point - if they're young enough and are breathing. And thus the ruse passes on to another generation of Americans who can't believe that their government would manipulate a noble sense of patriotism into being used to make patriotic citizens into war fodder and oil protectors.

So will all GOP-ers please hush now?

Keep your wacked-out crazy on the down low, okay? Stop telling lies, period (you too, Democrats.) It's way too late in any game to skid by on half-truths, provarications, and callously thought up talking points on behalf of narrow factions.

Now this is only another Flower Power Generation-er speaking: They did it to us and the world despised us. Now it's your turn and you've fallen for the same tired rhetorical devices promoted by political thespians with prominent thumbs pointing at us.

Please...Awaken and Get Up!

Perseid meteors hide from a Lightening-Lit Moon - Aug 12, 2009

In evening, then the early morning of August 12, 2009, the Perseid meteor shower peaked but we were prevented from seeing nary a glimmer of them. What we did see near Atlanta, Georgia, was a powerful display of cloud-to-ground lightening which occasionally lit up an edge of the Moon and gave the near-night sky a hyper-real quality of great beauty.

The photgrapher's use of black and white captures the almost-eery effect more closely than color would have done, I think. Any thoughts?

Plus, this celestial event of grandeur was the true kind of awesome, not the stage-crafted kind we hear so much about over and over until the term is meaningless and opinion-numbing.

Checking the Astrology chart to see where the Moon glowed in the zodiac when this photo was taken, Earth's lantern glowed at '29Aries'..."A Celestial Choir Singing."

And was Luna reflecting an archetype of the asteroid persuasion during her photo op, by chance?


Minerva, whose bird is the wise Owl; keywords: the urge to be accomplished.


Photo by Maya. All rights reserved.

Aug 11, 2009

Perseids peak 8.12.09 and warriors abound

Space Weather News for August 11, 2009

The Perseid meteor shower is about to peak. The show begins after sunset on Tuesday, August 11, and continues until the sun rises on Wednesday, August 12. A time of particular interest is 0800-0900 GMT (1-2 am PDT) on the 12. That's when Earth is expected to pass through a denser-than-usual filament of dust from Perseid parent Comet Swift-Tuttle.

Forecasters are unsure what will happen, but some have speculated that meteor rates could surge as high as 200 per hour. Bright moonlight will blot out many of those Perseids, but even a fraction of 200 is a good show.

Visit for full coverage of the Perseids.


And see my previous post for another other celestial event on August 12: America's Mars Return 2009.

As you remember, the constellation Perseus is called, The Prince. The brightest star in Perseus is Mirfak (Alpha Perseus); keywords: young male energy. Perseus is the young warrior proud of his strength. Listening to the wisdom of others or being cautious isn't part of the script for Perseus who may overestimate his physical prowess.

Beta Perseus is none other than the raging star, Algol; keywords: intense female passion. Algol isn't always a negative influence, but an unconscious compulsion to take revenge is mankind's usual application of its energy when connected to planets in a chart.

Algol has a partner, another difficult star - a cluster actually - in Perseus, Capulus; keywords: male kundalini energy. Ruthlessness and savagery are often seen with this faint fellow who nevertheless is very action-oriented.

(On one level, these currently emphasized energies bring to mind townhall shouters and rioters across America!)

Yes, all three stars can make for a destructive team, yet their energies may be used positively, too, for clear and focused action. For as it often is, it's motivation that makes all the difference.

Star details: Brady's Fixed Stars.

Aug 10, 2009

Horoscope of US Mars Return: Aug 12, 2009

US Mars Return: August 12, 2009, 3:15:40 am edt, Philadelphia, PA; Hour of Jupiter; Disseminating phase (the 'getting out the info' stage.)

Details are published at Jude's Threshold, if you're interested in the whys and wherefores.

Aug 9, 2009

FlashForward: Solar Eclipse of Jan 15, 2010

Solar Eclipse Jan 15, 2010 at 25Cap01, 12 North Series, Washington, DC; 2:11:18 am est; Moon Hour; Ecl in 3rd house; YOD = Sun/Uranus = Moon/Uranus = Venus/Uranus = Mc = Hygeia Rx = Health.

Sun/Moon = Venus 25Cap50 = Dark Moon W'Mat2 (something occult, hidden, veiled, and/or depressive.) This Eclipse opposes US natal Mercury Rx '25Cancer'...

"A Will-full Man Is Overshadowed by a Descent of Superior Power"...

'We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing life's problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the "mantle of power," the grace (baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

(This is) a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT.

Keynote: The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive will-full endeavors.'

You will, of course, note 'baraka' and its close similarity to Barack (Obama); it sounds to me as if the president isn't top dog in the power department - unless the Eclipse' energy is used on a spiritual level! And 'overshadowed' reminds me of Sun, Moon, and Venus being overshadowed by Dark Moon W'mat2, a point that's difficult to find details on. I believe it stands for astronomer Walter Matthews, but I can't locate again the website with this info. Perhaps you can sleuth it out and let me know if you find anything.

As you see, there are more things happening in the Northern Hemisphere of the chart, thus in private, with only Mars and Saturn in the public sector.

ASC 14Sco22:

Chart-ruler Mars 15Leo17 Rx in 9th house; co-ruler Pluto 3Cap49 conjunct Mercury 5Cap34 Rx in 2nd house of Values, Money, Earning Ability. Mercury and Pluto work well as a pair especially if you're fond of propaganda and persuasive speaking and writing - here on money matters and values (2nd house), and the spirit of opposition (politics.) This is the 'deep thoughts' combo, too, which can be cruel in its perceptions and in speech.

Affecting Mercury and Pluto is a transiting midpoint particular to this chart and Eclipse, a midpoint indicating instability and high receptivity: Neptune/ASC.

Nep/ASC = Mercury: deceiving oneself about other people's character; exploiting the weaknesses of others; taking the wrong path; malicious scheming; guided by wrong impressions; special perceptions; open to deception.

Nep/ASC = Pluto: an oppressive environment; difficulty tuning in; harm through deceit, libel, or malice coming from others. (All midpt pics from Tyl and Ebertin.)

And we can't forget Mercury's love of transport, trade, and commerce, or Pluto's links to wealth and manipulation - even 'transformative agreements' such as NAFTA may be on the menu with Mercury/Pluto, but Neptune will add confusion, deception, and possible loss from mergers (financial and otherwise) as 'free trade' agreements and secret deals affect the masses (Neptune.)

$$ Also in 2nd house:

Anti-Vertex = Saturn/Uranus 29Sag05...'30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful"; VX in 8th house conjunct Hades 28Gem14 Rx...'28Gem' = "Bankruptcy." The VX/Anti-VX axis relates to encounters with fated/karmic conditions (which in my book means reaping what one sows, or with collective fates over which individuals have no control.)

Eclipse's Sabian Symbol (Rudhyar) = '26Cap' = "A Nature Spirit Dancing in the Iridescent Mist of a Waterfall."

' a magical substance, and modern chemists are rediscovering in their study of its unusual behavior in certain situations what old Alchemists in their own way no doubt understood. ~~~ The consciousness here becomes sensitized to the downward flow of OCCULT ENERGY in its bountiful natural aspect.

Keynote: The ability to perceive the hidden and creative spirit of natural phenomena."

And paraphrasing from Brady's Predictive Astrology...

12N brings sudden opportunities to accept greater responsibilities and new commitments as a result of another person's inability to carry on; opportunities are heralded by difficult events but the outcomes are positive for self-esteem and harmony. (Last manifestation: Jan 4, 1992 at 13Cap51 opposite US natal Sun. And Bill Clinton took over the helm in place of his pal, Poppy Bush.)

A Solar Eclipse in Capricorn implicates the sign's connections to law, government, business, and authority. And given the above flavor of the 12N Series blended with the chart's YOD pattern with Mc (Career; Public Status) as the area of manifestation - with asteroid Hygeia Rx there, too - I suspect a public figure may be felled by ill health, or possibly death. 'Rx' indicates to me that it's an ongoing medical condition which may get the best of someone.

Plus, Scorpio rising indicates medical or surgical concerns on the rise. Health Care Reform (or Medical Insurance Reform, whatever) is an obvious potential for the 12N Eclipse season of 2010 - and we may look back to its previous manifestation in 1992 and to the Clintons' attempts at reform!

~I also thought of Judge Sonia Sotomayor as she joins the SCOTUS in place of Justice David Souter, who couldn't or didn't want to 'carry on' - and yet that situation may pre-date the Eclipse by too long a time, even though one of the events brought by this Eclipse may be of a ceremonial nature. (I think Sotomayor's SC investment is set for Oct 8, 2009.)~

Yes, Capricorn is related to court systems, yet perhaps one of our ailing Capitol Hill politicians will give up an exalted position due to ill health (or med problems of a loved one.) Plus, YOD patterns can describe health crises...and there's health-related Hygeia at Mc being 'pointed to' by the YOD's base. The first midpoint to rise is difficult Saturn/Pluto, so we have...

Sat/Plu = ASC: sadness and mourning; placed in cumbersome circumstances.

A person of science and research (Cap's Saturn) may be described here as well; plus, Chiron (the wounded healer) is at Ic, opposing Hygeia. Ic is the Foundation of the chart and of the Eclipse, as you see; Ic is aka The Drain.

Speculators Jupiter and Neptune are in 4th house of Domestic Scene, with moneybags Jupiter at a crisis-ridden 29th degree (AQ.) How to pay for Health Care Reform? A 4th house disruptive rebel Uranus in contagious Pisces has no idea. But he might wish to interrupt someone's career all the same.

Then with Venus and Saturn ruling the Eclipse, a royal personage may become engaged or may marry, or otherwise take part in a public ceremony; Mars Rx is in royal Leo in the 9th house of Foreign Lands. Whatever occurs, the American public will hear much of it with the Eclipse falling in the 3rd house of Communications (in Washington, DC.)

Let's Close on a Somewhat Lighter Note:

The TV industry may be getting into the cosmic act with FlashForward, a new ABC series premiering on Thursday, Sept 24.

FlashForward's script involves a prophetic date as part of the storyline: April 29, 2010. You see, almost everyone on the planet loses consciousness and shares a collective 'glimpse of the future'...April 29, 2010, which makes 12N the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of this imaginary prophetic date.

The production values of the program are said to be fabulous, and execs say they're making a commitment to perhaps 3 years' worth or more of episodes. Plus, having Joseph Fiennes in the cast won't hurt a bit, along with Dominic Monaghan and John Cho.

And though I don't think any of us need more Hollywood-esque 'end time disaster scenarios' to haunt our dreams, it will be interesting to see if the influence of 12N turns up in FlashForward's futuristic plot, weaving its spell as it digitally broadcasts in subliminal high-def.

As they say on TV: stay tuned!


You'll find more Eclipse details posted here and here.