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Aug 29, 2009

Wayne Madsen video on Mandatory flu vaccine H1N1

Here's journalist Wayne Madsen speaking on TV recently concerning the side effects and doubts about the H1N1 flu vaccine. This 'prevention' sounds too risky to me, how about you? And why did they use components that contain Mercury? If autism or paralysis are possibilities, you can have my share, because even scientists are saying 'No Way' to their families' being vaccinated!

If they institute mandatory vaccinations across the nation, the US government will have a mess on its hands, right next to its da*n spot of guilt. Yet if any of the New World Order theories are correct, revolution is just what the power elites want for thinly veiled 'justification' for the extreme control they want to wield over us.

Will revolt against submitting to H1N1 vaccinations be the catalyst for conflict?


Update 3:40 pm edt, Athens, GA: Here at the University of Georgia (UGA) some dorm students have contracted flu and have been sent home which I hope isn't what spreads the virus.

Update2 @ 5:00 pm edt: this just in - Australian insurance companies are said to be denying coverage to doctors who immunize against H1N1. And this is a mess caused in part from government in the last few years becoming completely unworthy of the people's trust, with more difficult issues to come.

Who really runs Britain?

Who runs Britain? The UK parliament? The Queen? Both in partnership? Or some old bald-headed freak cackling away in a bank vault in London or Edinburgh?

Funny story.

Turns out that a company named Serco, headed by a South African fellow, actually runs the UK, its railways, and quite a bit more besides.

Oh what this blogging gnat would give for one particular name of the a*s who runs America. He'd have a lot of 'splainin' to do, wouldn't he?

Aug 26, 2009

Sen. Ted Kennedy passes, North Node to his natal Saturn

The sad news about Senator Ted Kennedy's passing late last evening after his year-long battle with brain cancer was expected but sobering. Flags fly at half mast in Washington, DC, and I, the reluctant astrologer, feel compelled to see what transits were in effect to his natal chart. So far I've only found "late last night" rather than an exact time of death.

Blogging time is brief again today (tomorrow will be better), but there is the senator's Saturn in his first house @ 29Cap49, with the transiting NN 29Cap43, pointing and saying that Saturn the Timekeeper has run out the clock. Venus 29Can22 opposes at the tr South Node, and conjunct the current Solar Eclipse degree of 29Can27.

His was the system that failed (7.21.09 Solar Ecl = 'systems fail.')

Sen. Kennedy's natal North Node 26Pis15 in n 2nd house has a planetary visitor as well: Uranus 25Pis30; Sun 2 - 3 Virgo approaches his problematic Moon 6Vir25 and Neptune 6Vir44 conjunction in 8th house.

Last last night (using 11:30 pm edt), Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, at the family compound, Moon 17Sco32 was in the senator's natal 10th house and opposing his n Chiron 18Tau58, and the transiting Mars 00Can16/Pluto 00Cap44 opposition falls across his natal 6/12 axis of Health and Hospitals.

And with natal Sun representing 'vitality' there are several transits to his natal Sun 2Pis32 (2nd house), most of which hare separating: Sun, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. All are oppositions or minor squaring aspects.

Last night's Mercury 00Lib16 is in the senator's n 8th house conjuncts America's natal Midheaven ('Sibly'); Saturn 22Vir12 conjuncts US n Neptune (in Virgo, sign of Work - he was quite a 'workhorse') indicating loss; tr Mercury/Saturn midpoint = natal SN 26Pis15.

The Mars/Pluto opposition upon World Points of Prominence square his natal Nodal axis, so perhaps we have what the senator will be remembered for...

Tr Mars/Pluto = n NN: working with others to change the world.

May you RIP, Senator Kennedy.

Aug 25, 2009

Astrology of Bernanke renomination 8.25.09

Here is the text of President Obama's in-the-bag renomination of Ben Bernanke to remain at the helm of NY's Federal Reserve Bank.

Taking a break from vacationing with the family unit, the president began speaking at 8:55 am edt (Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts); he and Mr. Bernanke completed their mission at 9:01 am edt.

Wish I had time to post the start/end charts of today's announcement, but I don't.

The charts have a few critical 29th degree planets, plus North Node 29Cap45, with South Node at the degree of the July 21/22, 2009 Solar Eclipse which I've mentioned many times before (29Can27 'systems fail; new methods are needed', etc etc.) Wonder what's really going on?

Mercury 29Vir44 has just arisen (8:55 am edt: ASC 5Lib36 with Sun/Moon midpoint upon it - 'friendship'); chart-ruler Venus 28Can39 is *oriental and nearing a 29th degr and conjunct SN and the July Eclipse degree along with transiting Hygeia, Apollo, and Vesta.

Out-of-bounds Mars 29Gem53 is within range of opposing Pluto 00Cap44 Rx; Mr. Bernanke has a natal midpoint that arose from 8:55 to 9:01 am edt @ 6Lib44...

Sun/Uranus = ASC: sudden experiences; new contacts; an excitable person.

This morning's Sun 2Vir28; Moon 9Sco41/45, with Moon triggering Mr. Bernanke's natal Pluto/NN midpoint ('powerful connections') in a very interesting and apt way...

Plu/NN = Moon: reaching for the big picture; making the big scene emotionally; ambition is magnified, or there is too much fear for any action.

The desire to increasing Fed authority comes to mind with this one.

At Midheaven for the 6 minutes of the announcement are America's Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer; Midas 8Gem43.

There are a few T-Square patterns, too...

Mars/Pluto = ASC: the fighter who dares the impossible; showing the hero image (they did. - jc)

Mars/Plu = Mercury: seeing is achieving; tenacious pursuit of plans (yep - jc); publicity; effective salesmanship; the desire to realize plans fanatically; nervous irritation.

Pluto/Mc = ASC: procurement of an important position and of recognition; a person of fame; being out in front of everyone

Plu/Mc = Mercury: a person with great powers of suggestion; a great mind; thinking big; recognition of intelligence; planning.

Transiting Saturn 22Vir08 is on-degree for US natal Neptune and Mr. Obama's natal Mars, so let's smoosh together the three planets and see what we get - in no special order, and remembering that things may act in an any-all-none fashion...

Mars/Neptune = Saturn: being taken advantage of; misdirected energy; reticence; persevering in spite of fear; a sense of futility; instability; unfortunate consequences as a result of a weak will; toxins; an epidemic.

Mars/Saturn = Neptune: insufficient power to tackle resistance or obstacles; weakening efforts; weak vitality; undermining through poison, gas, or an epidemic; loss; a mysterious death.

Saturn/Neptune = Mars: inactivity; lack of energy; preoccupations that can't be explained. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Yes, I figured that would cheer ya up. An epidemic could certainly put a damper on the recovery we're supposed to be feeling any day now.

Or how about a natal asteroid of Mr. Bernanke's that was also rising this morning at 8:55 am edt?

That would be Persephone, keyword: transition; other levels of meaning include: separation anxiety; Lee Lehman says Persephone may indicate 'where skills are undeveloped' (hope not!), and we know who Persephone was forced to hang around with: Pluto of the Underworld, the same Pluto that guards the richest treasures.

Now as you may know, I tend to occasionally lapse into the use of degree symbols as collected by Adriano Carelli in his book, 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (published by the AFA 1977; my copy 1982), so I can't resist adding his symbols' word pictures for 5, 6, and 7 Libra, the rising degrees from 8:55 am to 9:01 am edt.

No explanations now, I'll just give you the symbols themselves for the ASC which is the WHAT? Point of a chart:

'5Lib' - "An albatross with glaring red beak and claws";
'6Lib' - "An old sapper busy digging";
'7Lib' - "Mary Magdalene at Christ's feet in the house of Pharisee Simon, who is scandalized by the sight." Wherefore I say unto thee, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much." Luke 7:47.


*Venus oriental: in Astrology, an 'oriental' planet is the last planet to rise before the Sun, here Venus. This indicates a career where one works with things of value, the work function is personalized somehow, and work evaluation is a welcome substitute for direct evaluation of one's person which might be hard to accept or believe. (Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, Noel Tyl.)

Aug 24, 2009

Poll: President Obama and the New World Order

There's plenty of time left to vote and 43 people have voted so far.

The poll question: Is President Obama a New World Order shill?

To answer (and I hope you do), scroll to the bottom of this very page and check it out - unless you're one of the 43.

Actually you may first want to refresh your memory on what Henry Kissinger said about Mr. Obama's term in the Oval Office. Scroll down a smidge and you'll find his comment in the sidebar column on your right under 'Quotes to Note'.

Then you might mosey on down to answer the Obama/NWO poll...and leave a Comment on the subject here, if you like.

Aug 23, 2009

Horoscope of the 1929 Crash: 'Black Tuesday'

A chart set for Noon in NYC on the day of the 1929 stock market crash - 'Black Tuesday' - is being published here because the image will no longer 'click-to-enlarge' on my WordPress blog where the chart's details are published, so I'm linking this post to the chart detail text there and vice versa. (Just tryin' to disseminate some info within the bounds of online tech quirkiness!)

In 1929, the 'little guy' working man (woman) who had been snookered into investing his life savings with Wall Street, was wiped out along with middle men who may just as well have jumped out of The Windows Of Wall Street for fear of prosecution for fraud and racketeering than for the loss of wealth which accompanied the exposure of their weaknesses, warts and all.

Now they've done it all again, this time with expanded worldwide implications for the 'global economy' they've always said they wanted (so the collapse may be complete and total, the better to rule the entire world, my dear.)

We now know that the Crash of 1929 netted a select few elites unimaginable amounts of profit and was something of a test - a major heist, yet simultaneously a sort of toe-in-the-chaos-water ploy. And what powers arose after 1929? Hitler and nazis in Germany, FDR in America. Flip sides of the same coin? Everyone knows the two men were born with very similar natal charts, so you decide.

But this time, the power elite are ready to finally fold 'em. They'll walk away, but we're the ones who must run from the results of their big Chess Game with Important Consequences.

And btw, if you do enlarge the chart for reading, you'll see that the Speculator Pair's midpoint, Jupiter/Neptune, was visiting US natal Mercury Rx '25Can' in 1929; on that day, if fact, so we see a picture formed...

Jup/Neptune = Mercury: communicating fancifully; changing character; the raising of hopes; tendency to put on an act, or to talk a lot.

(A chart-notation correction: marked in 7th house, you see the current Solar Eclipse as 'July 22, 2009' which should be 'July 21, 2009' for Eastern Time; notation should be on the other side of 'Jupiter/Neptune'/'US natal Mercury' because 29 comes after 24 or 25 every time. Post continues here...)

The Crash of 1929 was the raising and dashing of a multitude of hopes: for a funded retirement, college monies for a child, a first house - you name it, Wall Street gentry and their buds dashed it and walked away more flush than before.

Yes, you know it, you love it: it's an international Octopus with its life-squelching tentacles around the throat of humanity. Just say, No! to its further encroachments today.

Oh dear. I just ideologically joined some of the town hall protesters with their righteous questions shouted to a shove-it-through congressional team of on-the-take heisters and shysters. Well, that's just great.

See what bad and dishonest government can cause? The Act our deceivers are putting on for our edification is changing the character of our nation. And it's definitely not for the better.

Did you hear that sound? That clunk may have been the muted decibels of yet another US newspaper shutting down its presses - or being sold on the sly to shadowy foreign investors...

Ollie North asked about Rex 84 during Iran Contra hearings - video

This video from the Iran Contra 'hearings' shows Oliver North bristling and - pardon my French - clamming up his pie hole as Rep. Jack Brooks, a Democrat from Texas, questions him about his NSC work on the martial law provisions of FEMA to suspend the US Constitution and round up troublemakers during domestic emergencies of any kind which the government deems declarable as such.

The problem is these jolly days, we don't know the difference between emergencies and trumped up, sexed up emergencies! What they call 'false flag ops' are perpetrated only abroad, never here in hallowed America...or are they?

With Reagan on the lofty perch, came the auspiciously Orwellian year of 1984 when there appeared a plan named Rex 84. Almost as soon as Reagan was sworn in, he appointed Louis Giuffrida as head of FEMA. You'll hear the rest in the video, if you don't know it already. (And it was at 12:05 pm est on Jan 20, 1981 that Jimmy Carter says a secret agent whispered in his ear that the Iranian hostages had been released. Quite a busy few minutes, what?)

Anyway, view the video and check out Giuffrida's crazy syndicate eyes and the other-worldly expression on his gob. He could be a poster boy for the national Never Meet This Man in a Dark Alley campaign.

And So, Enter Dubya, stage right

Together with former and so-recent CEO/prez Bush's implementation of Directive 51, a number that conjures the karmic or fated septile aspect of chaos to my mind, the US government is preparing and alert, in order to protect itself from the American people who, forced into dire straits, may be lemming'd into behaving most any way FEMA officals, or their surrogates or bosses, deem conducive for successfully staging a military coup upon the United States of America.

Twisted justifications will follow, if there's anyone left to fool or impress.

Yucky to Think About, I Know

Just consider the number of military bases the US has established around the globe. Harken thee back to America's Progressed Mars (military; males; energy; action; initiative; drive), so recently turned retrograde 'by progression' - and thus we have developed (progressions) a tendency to turn inward (Rx) with the might and zeal of our nation's collective Mars. And we've become even sneakier than before!

Wonder if one day you'll remember reading these cautionary words when they are no longer available for anyone's perusal, or after you are no longer able to read them?

Yes, the zionists are closing the trap, m'peops. And this time, they intend to remain in control of earthly power for the duration.

Or until the trumpet blows. Whichever comes first.


From The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones:

'8 Pisces' = "A Girl Blowing a Bugle" = SUMMONS.

Positive expression: an eagerness for self-expression and an alertness to every opportunity for self-justification;

Neg/unconscious/shadow side: officiousness and a delight in regimentation. #

Yes. It's the shadow side of the 'official' US government (with its regimented soldiers) that I fret about.

I chose this Symbol because of my last comment about the trumpet blowing. But I just thought of something about the US natal chart...natal Ceres and the Chiron/Pluto midpoint are both positioned at '8Pis' in 1776, and you know about the oppressive, fascist racism, enslavement, and disenfranchisement of Chiron/Pluto, one of the primary significators of primal violence and plutocracy come to oppress.

Chiron/Pluto = Ceres Rx. (In Astrology, any retrograde body isn't necessarily weaker because of its Rx condition, it's deeper because it acts on inner levels.)

Plus, in national charts (Mundane Astrology), asteroid Ceres represents security needs, concerns, and issues. So I'd even wondered if the recent outbursts, the reputed gun concealment, and shoutings-down at townhall meetings are part of a set-up to rile the citizenry more quickly so that martial law may be imposed on schedule.

If so, it tells me that the GOP and others retain their ability to sway large numbers of the populace through emotions while not leaving so much as a claw print upon their hearts.

Warpaths and a Joyride to Hades

And in front of military veterans, too!

President Barack Obama sounds predictably Bush-like as he stumps on behalf of war to an allegedly willing audience, while evoking 9/11 to justify US imperialism against the whole world - but most especially against the Middle East where the oil lies.

Never mind the true and lasting consequences.

Did I hear you whisper, hope, change...or...audacity?

Once again I assert that changing presidents in honor of the Oval Office is a baton-passing exercise. It has nothing to do with deserting a previous agenda. It has everything to do with continuing an agenda, though perhaps under a different guise...this time, a suave one.

You know the old saw: would you buy a new or used car from this man? Well, it seems you and I already have, but unbeknownst to many, George and Dick were huddled together in the rumble seat, grinning like satanists on a joyride to Hades.

Mr. Obama steps on the gas...

Aug 22, 2009

Financial Astrology 2009 - 2010: Saturn, Jupiter-Neptune

Master Financial Astrologer Ray Merriman has an article on Saturn's Realities and Jupiter/Neptune Hopes that takes us from 2009 into 2010.

Since financial cycles and astrological cycles may be understood in tandem and one used as a magnifying glass to read the other, I recommend Mr. Merriman's article to you, especially since the current media attention seems focused more on Jupiter/Neptune's dreams and grand schemes than on Saturnian practicalities and realism.

2009, year of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune. This speculating and possibly religious pair's third and final conjunction will be on Dec 21, 2009 @ 24AQ18, conj US natal Moon (the people.) Shall I type out the midpoint picture this forms one more time? Okay.

Jup/Nep = US n Moon: an emotional swoon; going with the wind; dreaminess deceives; becoming involved in speculation (I know - we've been doing that for years, that's a big part of the problem - sheeple to the slaughter); little sense of reality (engrossing new films and TV shows help divert us; plus, power politics played in front of the cameras); losing oneself in plans; instability; wastefulness. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

2009 is also the year of transiting Saturn's late August-early September visit to America's Neptune in Virgo, sign of Health, Work, and Service (which includes our police and military forces.) This is the 'grim reality' transit - but everything Saturn *changes, for change he does, is necessary for owning up to truth, and for lessoning us into compliance with the way things really are.

"All good things must come to an end," was undoubtedly dictated by Saturn, old Cronos Mercury, **The Scribe.

But Washington, Wall Street and the gold-encrusted world banks are fighting having their culpabilities and weaknesses exposed, as Saturn always insists upon. Destructuring, transformative Pluto the saboteur is Rx again and in the first degree of Saturn-ruled Capricorn which adds to a general sense of doom, and that fated, karmic reaping-what-we-sow vibe.

Thing is, it was mainly the uppercrust who sowed sorriness, and the common folk are doing the reaping of the power elite's frauds and faulty thinking.

The good news is that Saturn-to-Neptune has the magical ability to bring dreams (Neptune) into Saturnian reality and form, so my wish is that it's Saturn the Grizzly Wizard coming along to create new jobs and opportunities which are more stable and long lasting than any dream we have previously imagined.

Our American character's Neptunian dreams and ideals are of a practical Virgoan nature, after all.

I don't think a decent job (Saturn) is too much to expect (Neptune)!


*One of the caps Saturn wears is The Time Keeper. He doesn't wear it jauntily either, but he does keep a stopwatch in his hand.

**Mercury/Saturn is 'the signature of the professional writer' as Noel Tyl informed me when consulting on my natal chart a few years back. jc

'Capitalism: A Love Story' by Michael Moore - video

This trailer about Michael Moore's new film, which debuts on Oct 2, hints that the movie looks promisingly informative and more than a little annoying for Bush, Cheney, Paulson, Bernanke, Congress, Wall Street gentry, and the rest of the heisters who've ruined a world economy so they can build it back to their liking.

Wonder if seeing Mr. Moore's film will change my opinion.