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May 23, 2012

Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse June 4, 2012

June 2011 and June 2012: Lunar Eclipses in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker

On June 15, 2011 there occurred a Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag and on June 4, 2012 we'll have another Lunar Eclipse, this time @ 14Sag13 which falls in 6th House when the horoscope is set for Washington DC. Spotlighted are any and all 6th H matters such as Military, Police and other types of Service, Work, Health, and our Daily Rounds. Occurring on schedule (two weeks later), this Lunar Eclipse adds Jupiterian vibes to the Mercurial energies of the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem21 (horoscope shown.)

As you know, this eclipse of the Moon (the people; the public; the mood in Mundane Astrology) occurs a day prior to the rare Venus Transit of June 5 or 6, 2012, depending on where you sit upon the globe. Already on her Transit degree, Venus conjoins Fixed Star Rigel (to bring knowledge; to teach.) If you wish, type 'Venus Transit' into this blog's Search Bar for a list of recent posts on the topic.

Below you see the June 4, 2012 Lunar Eclipse horoscope with a few basic chart details penned in; US natal planets are notated around the outside of the chart--it's as if you're reading my notes, and welcome to them! In Washington DC, the eclipse perfects at 7:11:33 am edt with both US natal Venus and Jupiter rising (Venus/Jupiter = ASC: confidence; sociability)--ASC in Cancer (4:10) makes the Jupiter's Sagittarian Moon the chart ruler; Luna's applying aspects are noted below the chart:

Hour of cautious Saturn 23Lib07 Rx in 5th H of Gambling; Mercury is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane and up to who-knows-what while sojourning its Mercurial sign of Gemini, sign of reporters, bloggers, travel, transport, and trade: Mercury, Venus 16Gem44 Rx (but now in bounds), Sun 14Gem13, South Node (a Saturnian, separative point indicating the past, or a talent to fall back upon) is @ 5Gem05; the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse from whence this Lunar Eclipse issues is in 12th H as well making 12th H (The Unconscious, Politics, Behind-the-Scenes maneuvers, Karma--reaping what was sown--and Self-Undoing) vital for this Lunar Eclipse map. And of course, Lunar Eclipses tend to work on unconscious/inner levels as hidden matters and secrets are revealed, positively or negatively. With the above-linked May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse also falling in 12th H of the Lunar Eclipse horoscope--how many secrets can we appreciate at once as these 'wild cards of the Universe' shuffle all decks?

Well, the Moon's applying aspects as chart-ruler provide hints about how things will proceed concerning activities involved with the Lunar Eclipse ruled by Jupiter; both aspects are noted on the chart, lower left, but here they are for you with brief analyses:

1. Moon square Mars (1A55) with Mars 16Vir09 in 4th H of Real Estate, Domestic Scene, and Homeland: people are frustrated by delays, traffic jams or transport difficulties; anger and protests in the US and DC; premature actions may be taken by some (Mars/MC = Moon); someone forces his will on others, potentially in regard to women's issues (Mars/MC = Sun: strong will; the urge to be important; procuring the power to give orders; overcoming resistance--Ebertin.)

2. Moon conjunct Venus 16Gem44 Rx (2A30) indicates that someone's popularity increases with the public, possibly a woman--and/or, the much-touted Venus Transit tops the news!; assistance may be easier to find or gain; domestic scenes may be beautified; entertainment and parties are pleasant; instincts and intuition may be relied upon as cold, hard facts are temporarily ignored.

The energies of this horoscope are Mutable (changes, fluctuations, instability, restlessness) and through retrogradation delays are attached to evaluating Venus (rules 5th H of Risk-Taking and 12th H as mentioned above), controlling Saturn (ruler of the 8th H of Big Business, Credit, Debt, Transformation, the Occult, etc); meanwhile, wealthy, powerful Pluto Rx @ 8Cap52 sets at Descendant (Partnerships) and conjoins Fixed Star Facies (penetrating stare of a lethal weapon; focus; ruthlessness--Brady.) Prominence is given, however, to Mars at IC for being closest planet to an Angle of the horoscope--excepting Chiron at MC. Mars at '17Vir' = "A Volcano in Eruption"--hopefully a real-world volcano won't occur yet tantrums and physical force are indicated along with wildfires.

Compassionate Neptune 3Pis09 is Stationary in 9th H and will turn Rx in 9 hours, 52 minutes at the same degree and minute so here a strengthened Neptune conjoins Fixed Star Fomalhaut (humanitarianism) and I'd say the needy of the world (and those who have higher standards than to exploit others for personal gain) can use all the Fomalhaut they can get with cold-heartedness on the rise as it is. Yet with the Royal Stars of Persia, there's always a caution to be successfully managed and here it's to maintain the purity of one's dreams and ideals.

Lunar Eclipse ruler, Jupiter @ 28Tau19, conjuncts 12th cusp, a sensitive point in any chart, and is ruled by about-to-Transit Venus: two difficult stars are contacted, both of which indicate rage yet a 12th H Jupiter prefers his solitude--perhaps here he describes a guru, economics professor, or religious leader of some kind though Jupiter's expansive, abundant reputation for money, growth, investment, promise, banking, ideals, and such is obvious. In the sensual money sign of Taurus, Mr. Moneybags can overindulge himself and dissipate riches even while attracting wealth!Other people's legitimate needs are then neglected by a negatively aspected Jupiter in Taurus which is what Republican budget proposals intend to do against the American people--let them eat pavement! Actually, this greedy, stubborn Jupiter in Taurus sounds much like the Pentagon and Washington politicians in general, doesn't he?

Negatively Aspected? Jupiter Square Neptune

The Jolly One's applying square to fraudulent Neptune is out-of-sign (dissociate) but shows something secretive (12th H) occurring behind-the-scenes with Jupiter ruling 10th H of Public Status and Career; 6th H of Military and Police Service intercepts or hides the sign of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, so expression of Jupiterian energies are put on hold in early June. And of course, you know that murky Pisces at Midheaven (MC = The Goal) is ruled and sub-ruled by the speculator-wastrel-grand-schemer pair of Jupiter and Neptune. The Jup-Nep square indicates potentials for: overblown or false religious ideals, impractical political ideologies, smooth talking wheeler-dealers blabbering their scripts, making promising hard to keep, and/or just plain old fraud and corruption like Wall Street banksters regularly enjoy committing at the expense of others.

And of course, we are promised another 'debt ceiling-default' political fight on Capitol Hill which never had to happen the first time around in Summer 2011--and voila! besides another credit downgrade, we have the specter of government shutdown looming by or before the end of the year. Yippee. So certain Capitol Hill politicians feel they must, in this election year, re-make their dumb, overblown point and we're all supposed to cower before their inability to govern--and then vote for them on November 6th. Puh! Let's ship out the ones who refuse to do their jobs and find reps who will actually do the people's business--on our behalf--for the ridiculous ideologues of Capitol Hill have earned We-The-People's contempt.

Perhaps the Grand Cross (Moon, Chiron, MC, Sun, Venus) symbolizes the crisis of a re-staged debt stalemate in Washington with the MC angle its place of expression on the world stage as their scripted squabbles threaten to again wound (Chiron) America's financial reputation. Will subversive, invisible puppet master Pluto step in? (Uranus/ASC = Pluto: the use of force; the desire to attain success even under the most diffcult conditions--Ebertin.)

10th House Uranus in Aries May Bring Sudden Disruption of Reputation

Quirky genius Uranus in Aries is posited in the very visible 10th H and may, along with the Saturn/Uranus quindecile (obsession-compulsion aspect, 165 degr) denote disruption in governing systems and a reputation for unpredicatability or isolationism; protesters will continue to be in the news since Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries describes Utopians, radicals, political reformers, activists, and revolutionaries, some of whom may come from abroad--or be directed from abroad-- since the 9th H of Foreign Lands is ruled and sub-ruled here by Saturn and Uranus.

Actually, Julian Assange and/or Bradley Manning may be described by the 10th H Uranus in Aries and one or both may be spotlighted in the news again as more details of their legal battles and government secrets are uncovered by the Lunar Eclipse; Saturn in 5th H points toward the stock market and other investments with restrictive Saturn ruling 8th H, as noted above. Yet with conservative, staid Saturn there is always a potential for status quo to be maintained and a resulting stability as well.

And then we have the gaggle of Uranian revolutionaries play-acting as US politicians in the Masonic building on Capitol Hill so perhaps they will be the ones to be revealed as actors at center stage under the rays of the June 4, 2012 Lunar Eclipse which will manifest upon America's natal Ascendant.

May 21, 2012

The Ascent of Money: Niall Ferguson (video)

The following video presentation by Niall Ferguson is 4 hours long and covers the history of money, Financial Collapse 2007-2008, trust in paper money, and more. If you watch all of the video, you may 'never get back' your 4 hours but you will be better informed:


My thanks to the excellent Forbidden Knowledge TV for alerting me to Mr. Ferguson's enlightening presentation.

May 19, 2012

Chris Hedges: Colonized by Corporations (NYSE = Jupiter-Neptune)

On the topic of who really runs America, on May 14, 2012 TruthDig published a not-to-be-missed article by Chris Hedges, Colonized by Corporations, which makes the point that it's the declasse among us--the educated now left by the power elite with no position and few prospects--that the corporate class fears most. I provide the article link in case you missed it.

Here's a brief excerpt from Mr. Hedges' article:

"--those who hold power, real power, are not the elected mandarins in Washington but the criminal class on Wall Street."

Jupiter-Neptune Describes New York Stock Exchange

The quote from Chris Hedges 'outs' a concept that is one of the main reasons I created Stars Over Washington in 2005 (to vent frustrations!) so putting on my Political Astrology hat, I'll say that the birth horoscope of the *New York Stock Exchange shows just what Capricornian cynics like me might expect: a frothy Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, with both planets retrograde in late Libra (22:57/27:42.)

This means that the Buttonwood Tree agreement in NY was formed under such influences as speculation, waste, grand schemes (including 'bubbles'), idealism, over-extension, over-promotion, and fraud. Sad to say that the Obama administration is imprinted by a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction as well with their three exact conjunctions occurring on May 27, July 10, and December 21 of inaugural year 2009. There are no Great Conjunctions in 2013 to imprint the next presidency with different energies so unfortunately the Jupiter-Neptune themes are to be continued--plus, Neptune now resides in its own murky sign of Pisces which indicates the heights or the depths, and contagion of all sorts.

(Next up will be Jupiter conjunct Saturn once on December 21, 2020 @ 00AQ29--prominent at Winter Solstice--which hits the January 20th US inaugural Sun.)

As you remember, in 2009 all three conjunctions directly hit US natal Moon 27AQ10 (the public) which provided We the People such delights as: instability, becoming involved in speculation, losing oneself in plans, dreaminess (oh Barack!), little sense of reality, and uncertainty. Some people have experienced great loss through floods and gas damages to water tables (fracking chemicals), all provinces of Neptune with Jupiter expanding the negative effects and the size of the fraud and loss. Naturally much disappointment has resulted since inflated Jupiter-Neptune bubbles must pop eventually.

Now they say that how a person, event, or entity begins shows how things will end...the end is in the beginning. If so, We the People (and other disenfranchised populations across the globe) have already suffered grievously and lossed unfairly from the predictable actions of the weak characters of current and past Wall Street titans and traders whose natal Jupiter, planet of banks, large amounts of money, growth, gurus, and ideals, has been undermined from the start by gaseous Neptune which, according to astrological principles, wouldn't know how to provide stability if it tried. Unless it's in the spiritual realm and I think we can safely rule that out when it comes to those who worship gold, love money, and lust for power.


*NYSE birth data: May 17, 1792 NYC; I tend to use the '7:52 am LMT' time which appears in various places online though I've seen some who favor 10:00 am LMT as does Celeste Teal in her book, Eclipses, in which she cites Maggie Hyde for her rectifcation work on the chart which gives ASC 9Leo38 with Uranus 15Leo09 rising in 1st H, and MC 27Ari59 conjunct Saturn 26:23 in 9th house which places Neptune Rx on the IC (Endings; The Drain) but on the 3rd H side with Jupiter Rx. Neptune conj IC is descriptive of what I groused about, above, with its unstable roots and shady beginnings. A Saturn-Neptune opposition indicates trust issues, lack of confidence, and exploitation; Jupiter opposite Saturn shows fluctuations in values and worth, and a need for 'yes-men' for any criticism is deemed unmerited, the titans think.

Yet looking at a '7:52 am LMT' birth hour, ASC 13Can51 conjoins US natal Sun with 1792's Chiron 15Can25 rising and MC 23Pis21--so that NYSE's Career and Public Standing are ruled and sub-ruled by Jupiter and Neptune! In both natal charts a midpoint picture emerges: Jup-Nep = Saturn: feeling abandoned by one's luck (as you will if you gamble in the rigged casino on Wall Street); false hopes; plans that come to nothing; losses; disappointments; self-delusion; pessimism; combining the real with the unreal in one's activities. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.) Plus, by transit, Saturn in late Libra has catapulted off-and-on this difficult midpoint picture into 2012 for present-day expression!

A Message to the American People from Anonymous (video)

Does the behavior of the members of the US Senate and House of Representatives ever make you wonder whose influence and on whose behalf they act under? Votes like this show their main influence cannot possibly be We the People:

Forget December 2012: earliest Mayan Calendar found!

Fabulous news! An older than dirt Mayan Calendar has been found in the deepest jungle and its moon cycles and other calculations do not support the hype over the alleged Mayan 'prophecy' of the end of the world occurring at Winter Solstice 2012, the Galactic Center Alignment we've all been waiting for. No seriously, we have.

And curiously (for astrologers!), one of the archaeologists involved in the amazing discovery (click link above for smashing photos) is William Saturno. How's that for being aptly named since Saturn rules rocks, stones, dirt, old relics, and the study of Archaeology itself? Wonder if he knows of this synchronicity...

My thanks for the article link to the excellent Crystal Pomeroy who writes a regular and meditative column for Daykeeper Journal, as you probably already know!

May 17, 2012

Will Greece leave EU as Venus Transits Sun?

Of Venus Transits and Unions with Feet of Iron and Clay

by Jude Cowell

When Venus transits or occults (like a little black speck) our solar system's Sun, associations and alliances which aren't quite normal or usual tend to be formed as has been noted since Venus Transits were recorded. Thirty-one years ago, on January 1, 1981, Greece joined the EU and Constantine Karamanlis stated that Greeks were being "called to build the new Europe."

He believed, or propagandized that he believed, that "the unification of Europe will be the greatest political event in the history of our continent. For it will stabilise relations between the powers of the world, it will guarantee Europe's independence and contribute to the strengthening of world order and peace." (My italics.)

Wow! There was a lot riding on Greece's entry into the EU though the part about "world order" kind of gives the game away, doesn't it? Tsk on these eternal Utopians and their Great Plan for Global Domination! The EU has been a 'new world order' experiment on a grand scale but cracks are showing.

Plus, if you believe in Bible prophecy such as that found in Daniel and Revelation, you may remember King Nebuchadezzar's dream which Daniel, through God's inspiration, interpreted for him as being "a great image" with a head of fine gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and feet part of iron and of clay. (Daniel 2:31-33.)

My studies indicate that the image's feet of iron and clay represent the kingdoms of the European continent after the break-up of the Roman Empire, and to the King Daniel declared, "They shall not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

Yet for centuries powerful men such as Charlemagne, Charles V, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler--and the EU boys--have attempted to overthrow Daniel's prophecy by uniting Europe. And in recent decades they've pretended--or convinced themselves--that the feat had been accomplished.

We who now live may not see the break-up of iron and clay--the European Union--or, Greece and perhaps other member nations may fall away right before our very eyes as an expectable result of the current 'European debt crisis' and the vexing, cruel austerity measures which powerful men, who lack for nothing but consciences and compasssion, have now put in place to weed out the populations of Europe.

So this reluctant astrologer is keeping a close watch on the June 5/6, 2012 Venus Transit as a timing mechanism relating to an unusual forming or break-up of association since the 2012 Transit is the 8-years-later companion to that of June 2004, a Venus Transit which also occurred during a much-touted world-leader summit (Sea Island, Georgia) as will this one. And since astrological Venus relates to valuations, money, relationship, and the attraction principle, we shall see if Greece stays in or leaves the EU, their mutual attraction dissolved.

There may be hope for the EU, however, later in the year since the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse has a "joy through commitment" flavor which may portend the above-mentioned "strengthening" of the Union, a temporary circumstance at best, no matter how gloriously their and our politicians choose to spin it for their own world order purposes.

Default Theater returns and the Eclipses of 2012

Reuters reports on the "fiscal cliff" that Washington 'lawmakers' are in process of setting up for January 1, 2013, a re-run of Summer 2011's dramatic debt limit-default theater that caused the US credit rating to be downgraded thanks primarily to Tea Party members of Congress and those who bankroll them.

Yes, these are basically the same tax and budget matters left over from 2011, a summer with two Solar Eclipses one month apart (June 1 and July 1. The issues must be re-negotiated in November and December 2011--just in time for Election Day November 6, 2012 and the Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 (more on that later including its horoscope set for Capitol Hill; see 2012 Eclipse list below.)

For shopping and the US economy (assuming America has an economy by then once these play-acting jokers get done scoring what they hope are points on November 6), we may find Christmas 2012 to be a casualty of Washington along with the paychecks of the working class, plus there's Winter Solstice 2012 and the Galactic Center Alignment to be concerned about, if you pay attention to such things.

Well, I do declare! How easy to type scathingly when you're in a major snit of miffdom over a most sorry US Congress and the super-corrupt system of government that certain operatives and agents have engineered to fail on purpose!

A Total of Four Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2012

1. 14 South Solar Eclipse May 20 @00Gem21 conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone (potentials: mystical but judgmental; exiled; unlucky; something to cry about); (has a Mercury influence)

2. Lunar Eclipse June 4 (intros the rare Venus Transit June 5/6 in mid-Gemini) @14Sag conjunct US natal Ascendant (Sibly); Moon = We the People; (has a Jupiter influence)

3. 15 North Solar Eclipse November 13 @ 22Sco (sign of Big Business; Corporations; the Underworld; Endings; Regeneration and Healing (has a Mars-Pluto influence); conjoins two Fixed Stars: Unukalhai (Alpha Serpentis; potentials: achievement, then a fall; legal problems; accidents; success in Politics, war, writing; shipwrecks; forgeries; and Agena (potentials: honors; success with the masses; high status; scandal and gossip)--A. Louis;

4. Lunar Eclipse November 28 @7Gem conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55, and transiting Midas and Pan; Sun/Moon = Uranus: unusual twists of fate; sudden developments or conflicts; acting independently; the urge for freedom--Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin; (a Mercury influence aqain which may affect communications, planning, trade, commerce, and vote counts and re-counts);

Well, 2012 is turning into an eventful year both below and above, isn't it?Hope you and yours are faring well.

May 16, 2012

Robert Reich on Public v Private Morality (video)

As usual, Professor Reich explains it very clearly and in barely over 2 minutes:

Plus, here's a brief consideration of the natal planets of Robert Reich along with an interesting quote of his from 2009 concerning the 'top tier' and their antics.